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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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er, the occupiers show certain numbers ee regarding access to the native crimean-tatar language, they have hardly changed, in fact, we understand that this is such a large potomkin village, yes? you know, this is a very important topic that deserves a separate broadcast, and i hope that in our other broadcasts of the atp and espressa tv channels, we will discuss this topic in more detail. the crimean tatar language and the ukrainian language, the suppression of these languages ​​on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula. thank you very much, mr. valentin, for taking the time to join us ether the head of the national advocacy department of the almenda civic enlightenment center was with us on the air, we talked about education in crimea, more precisely about ukrainian education for the residents of crimea, it is still available, still possible, and we believe that the best crimean schoolchildren are in fact. they come to ukrainian
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universities and study, if only the ukrainian state would help them. stay with us, see you next week. korosh kenja, goodbye.
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as recently as six months ago , the movement of ukrainian trucks on the polish-ukrainian border was virtually non-existent was frozen polish protesters began blocking the border on november 6, 2023. year at the three main checkpoints: yagodin-dorogutsk, ravarutska-grebene, krakivets-korchova, and on november 23, the same action took place at the fourth checkpoint, sheghini medical center. the main demand of the polish protesters was as follows: ban the import of ukrainian agricultural products, cancel transport and visa-free travel for ukrainians, as well as cancel the so- called green course on the territory of poland, because, according to the poles, such conditions will be created for ukraine.
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unhealthy competition between parties. with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, kyiv received a temporary transport visa-free and cancellation of customs duties on ukrainian goods to the eu, in order to somehow save the state's economy, because the sea and air routes for ukraine were blocked. you are a huge competition for us. for you, ukrainians, all conditions of privilege have been created in poland. and you are not even a member of the european union. of polish carriers, it was headed by in the first months, the border was blocked by a small group of representatives of the confederation party, rafal meckler. it was this party that opposed ukraine's accession to the eu, and polish farmers joined the blockade later in the winter. the protesters promised to let them into ukraine. military and humanitarian cargo,
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however, already in early december, ukrainian volunteers began to strike. critically important goods for the armed forces were delayed at the border. thousands of ukrainian carriers actually became hostages at the border. queues of trucks stretched tens of kilometers. ukrainian drivers waited in front of the border for more than two weeks. stocks of food, fuel water were exhausted access to the toilet and shower was a bad situation. and while it lasted. the blockade has already arrived in winter, and in such conditions ukrainian drivers spent the night in their cars in khurdelytsia and the frost. at least three ukrainian carriers died during the border blockade. we have no leverage over them. but the only thing we can do is go to the police and talk to them, because there is no point in going to the protesters. they contact us there and then and that's it, i think it's paid for, there's nothing to talk to you about. the only thing is that it can block roads. and with
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the police, but the police see that if there are 20-30 people going there, two more crews of some kind of assistance will immediately arrive, and they will consult there and sort of let them go. that is, until we don't, if we don't walk, they won't put us, we walk, we achieve something, at least one car in the house. most of all, our fellow citizens were shocked by the shots with scattered ukrainian grain. the first such incident happened on february 11, near the yagodin dorogusk checkpoint. there are poles stopped a sealed ukrainian truck and deliberately dumped ukrainian grain. such cases happened several more times. usually these cargoes went in transit to other european countries. in general, more than 180 tons of ukrainian grain were scattered throughout the blockade. according to the all-ukrainian agrarian council, during the blockade, ukraine did not receive uah 8 billion in customs payments, and business lost more than eur 1.5 billion. meanwhile, the polish
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government could not do anything about the protests of its people. former prime minister of poland mateusz murawiecki even supported a return to the military system, which was more beneficial to the poles. when already the more pro-ukrainian donald tusk took the seat of polish prime minister, there were no successful steps towards unblocking the border, only in april of this year his words had a substantial impact. we cannot harm ukraine in any way in a situation where the fate of the war is being decided. i don't think that anyone decent in poland wants to weaken ukraine today, so for now i'm counting on prudence and refusal of this form of protest. so far, the peasants have not experienced no bad attitude from the police or public services, i would like it to continue. blockades of the border sometimes subsided, then gained new momentum. the protesters said that if the polish government does not listen to them, they will resume the blockade. meanwhile, from the first days of blocking
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the border, the ukrainian government called on the polish authorities to intervene in this situation, and also sought a compromise with their polish counterparts. border blockade from the side. in poland , the grain blockade has long been out of bounds. today, this blockade threatens the national the security of ukraine, threatens the supply of weapons and equipment for our security and defense sector and supplies of critically needed fuel. and the issue of blocking the border should be resolved much earlier than march 28, the date when a joint meeting of the governments of ukraine and poland was supposed to take place. from the end of march , the major negotiations of the agricultural association of ukraine and poland regarding the transit of products started. and unblocking the roads, respectively, it even stabilized the situation at the border. the parties agreed to exchange data monthly to monitor the situation and these associations were absolutely interested in unblocking the border, because everyone was losing, because it is people and the export
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of polish products, in particular, dairy products to ukraine, which far exceeds the import of ukrainian agricultural and agricultural products. in poland, protesters began to unblock checkpoints from april 20, already on april 25 it became known that the polish government approved the order that defines the plan to help polish farmers. on april 29, the poles unlocked the last checkpoint. when polish farmers started their blocking actions on february 9, and they covered six directions, six checkpoints, almost impossible at some. traffic at all, as it was in the direction of the yagodyn and ravoruska checkpoints, when they did not let a single truck through in the direction of poland, in other directions it could be several trucks per hour, and then we also saw an increase in queues, of course, and when unblocking last week, the largest infrastructural
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direction, this is the direction of the yahodyn checkpoint, in fact, in recent days we have seen a significant decrease in the queues, so... while we hope that the border is unblocked, we understand, at the same time, that this situation is shaky, given that the interests of farmers may be in the fall, as their prices are not will be responsible for their products, well, then they can block the border again, because this is the fastest way to knock out additional funds for their products, although the polish protesters have not officially confirmed whether they have reached a compromise with the local authorities and whether they will restore the border blockade and on... ukrainian trucks move unimpeded, but if polish farmers feel that the local authorities do not hear them, then they will be able to resume the blockade of the border again, and then everything depends on how radical the polish government will be, whether it will be ready to quickly open the blockade by force
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border, or will again seek long ways of understanding. natalya sterepravo, nazar mmelnyk, espresso tv channel. join the ranks in a hundred and one. mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, appreciate the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder. shoulder to shoulder with brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav, understands aita, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine , let's stick together. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand about... what is happening in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited
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experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. but who turned out to be the record holder for closing the cases of unscrupulous judges? the judicial mafia controls the entire judicial system. greetings, this is a program of judicial control, and as always we are talking about the main reform on which our european prospects how is the new judiciary formed in ukraine? why does the supreme council of justice keep bad people in positions? honest servants of themis, who sabotages the system cleanup and reboot? about all this
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today, but first traditionally, before the news. detectives of the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine conducted a search of the house of lyudmila kropyvna, the judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, who is suspected of illegal enrichment. at the end of 2021 , a house of 260 m2 appeared in the ownership of the servant of themis. in elite goatskin on kyiv region and 20 acres of valuable land under it. the market value of such an estate with a swimming pool, gazebo and sauna is from 1 million dollars, and according to the purchase and sale agreement, the nettle real estate cost eight times less. everything points to the fact that the judge hid the real amount of money she paid for the house, because she would never have been able to explain the purchase with official income. it should be noted that the acquisition of the estate coincides in time with the period when the nettle company began proceedings regarding the alienation of shares of the poltava gzk from an international company ferexpo in favor of kremlin businessmen
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babakov and ginner. in the end, the northern commercial court of appeal, and in particular lyudmila kropyvna, legalized the raider seizure of assets. this decision was later overturned by the grand chamber of the supreme court. at that time, they began to investigate where the judge had the funds for the house that was being sold for $1 million. and was there a bribe? kropyvna believes that during the search of her estate, the detectives discovered a violation and filed a corresponding complaint with the supreme council of justice. the third disciplinary chamber of the high council of justice finally dismissed the judge of the poltava district court, larisa bogomolova, who is suspected of treason due to alleged cooperation with the russian fsb. according to the law enforcement officers, she called on the employees of the berdyansk district court, where she used to work, to support the russian occupiers and cooperate with them, and those who refused, she handed over to the fsb. bogomolova passed. to the occupiers, information about the transfer of three azov fighters from mariupol to the mangusha district. the russians killed these
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servicemen. i heard today information that three people from azov got out of mariupol by some tricks. can you hear me yes, i hear you, yes. and they will go here so that you keep it in mind. law enforcement officers detained larisa bogomolova for another year in august. however, all this time she remained an active judge and continued to receive a considerable judge's remuneration. finally. the decision to release bogomolova must now be made by the entire composition of the supreme council of justice. the judicial system of ukraine is in the mode of a total reboot, there is a lot of work. the higher qualification commission works tirelessly to conduct competitions for positions and evaluate the suitability of the current servants of themis. it's so exhausting that lately the interviews are going on in 7 minutes, judges of dubious reputation. and fortunes of unknown origin remain in their seats. the supreme council of justice, which
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resumed its disciplinary function six months ago, still cannot process a significant volume of judges' complaints. therefore, those involved in criminal cases of corruption, treason and even murder are not released and for years receive millions from the state budget. what the supreme council of justice does not do is actually sabotage the important disciplinary proceedings. cases, and those that he examines, he amnesties a lot, actually exempting judges from responsibility, instead of dismissing them from office. yes, the supreme council of justice decided not to prosecute. and serhiy kovganych, judge of the tolchyn district court of the vinnytsia region. last year in march, the man was stopped by the patrol police because he exceeded the permissible speed twice. the judge argued with the policemen, denied everything, taught them and even threatened them. i did not violate anything, i tell you again. i, as a judge, you can pass anything today. you will send me this
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decision, i will appeal it to the court, and i will collect moral damages from you, personally. that i work as a judge? i told you i told you that i work as a judge, i showed you my id in the judge, despite this you detained me and used special means. despite the patrolmen's request to wait for the protocol to be drawn up, the judge got into the car and drove away from the scene, or even ran over a policeman on the leg instead, the vrp disciplinary chamber decided that there were no grounds to prosecute judge kovganych. as a result... the policeman is given 3 years probation for putting handcuffs on him not according to the procedure, the judge is considering a disciplinary complaint and the case is closed, they are not prosecuted at all, they are not even given a warning, that is, the supreme council of justice has been updated, shout to everyone society and all judges, wave police ids in front of them, tell them how
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to live, drive 60 km per hour faster than allowed traffic rules, and you won't get anything for it, it's an absolutely wild story. the updated supreme council of justice still does not consider disciplinary cases against judges of the liquidated most corrupt and scandalous court of the country, the district administrative court of kyiv. figures in criminal proceedings on grand corruption, the creation of a criminal group for the purpose of seizing power, and holders of russian passports are still considered acting judges. every month for their maintenance. matters for them , and they wrote it down in the regulations, are matters which have a high public resonance and cases that can end in the dismissal of a judge, there are such cases in relation to oask judges, for example, several dozen 65, at least those that
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we know about, very likely much more, only now they can... open disciplinary cases with regarding individual judges of the district administrative court of the city of kyiv, in fact not fulfilling their own regulations, in which it is written that such cases should be considered as a priority, instead , they prioritize complaints, allegedly those that are garbage, as they call them. at the same time, the term of prosecution in disciplinary cases is only three years, so hundreds of cases against maidan judges were closed due to the expiry of the time limit, there was not enough time. to the supreme council of justice to consider these complaints, now they themselves have determined that such complaints are a priority, so god forbid that this should not happen, because it has been going on for more than a year, for about six months complaints have been considered again by the supreme council of justice, which again did not there will be enough time to consider those complaints that are key for society, the same judges asku, the same
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princes, the same, well, absolutely obvious cases, but in addition to the super obvious ones, there are also very important ones, such as 130. on drunk driving, such as on many other things, on violations of the process, on violations of human rights that have considered by the supreme council of justice, he is a member of the supreme council of justice, a judge of the civil court of cassation, part of the supreme court , serhiy burlakov, and he plays one of the key roles in exonerating judges from responsibility, the record holder simply for , firstly, closing cases, and secondly, for non-prosecution of judges there, where they need to be held accountable. burlakov is closely associated with kharkiv millionaire and deputy of the ninth convocation oleksandr feldman, a former member of the already banned pro-russian party opzh. burlakov, most interestingly, traveled to the russian federation as a judge, had connections with the pro-russian deputy and businessman svyatash in kharkiv, and has a very colorful biography. in 2018, burlakov managed
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a bulgarian company and, according to the declaration , did not receive anything for it. this is very strange. history, therefore that in fact he agreed to provide serious services, to manage the company, but he did it for free, or he was only listed in the registers as a nominal manager, and this is also a question of his integrity, or he actually received some funds, but hid them. the fortunes of the burlakov family did not match the official income. for example, in 2018, the judge's mother was able to purchase an apartment with an area of ​​40 km in boryspil, kyiv region, having as of 2017 an income of uah 29 and another uah 217 in savings. serhii burlakov forgot to specify. the cost of this mother's apartment, however, we are sure that the real estate cost exactly 29 uah more expensive. he also does not declare the value of the land plot with an area of
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​​more than 100 m2 in the kharkiv region and more than 60 thousand square meters in the kirovohrad region, which his wife purchased earlier. huge questions about where the money came from to buy this property. burlakov was repeatedly spotted on alleged manipulations with... the value of his property. in the declaration for 2017, as a candidate for the post of judge of the supreme court, he indicated ownership of corporate rights of three enterprises. the cost of just one of them reached over one hundred thousand hryvnias. as required by law , burlakov got rid of them after his appointment. he assures for 500, 1000 and 500 hryvnias, that is, he gave it practically for nothing. it looks like another attempt to hide real wealth. according to experts, burlakov is considered a creature of borys gulko, the head of the cassation. of the civil court as part of the supreme court, one of the most influential judges and a member of the so-called judicial mafia, which destroyed the judicial system of ukraine all those years. hence,
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the only way to truly clean up the judiciary now is to finally stop this circular bailout. the ethics council and our international partners. see this week in the collaborators program. millions of hryvnias in state income. which of the traitors has already said goodbye to his property? i think that russian lands should go to russia. but how the war reduced the number of kremlin sellers. these people became much less. greetings, i am olena kononenko. and this is the collaborator program about those scoundrels who began to serve the occupiers at the call of their hearts and wallets. all our traitors states should remember. if you want to help russia, be ready not only to receive suspicion, but... to say goodbye to property. recently, the ministry of justice of ukraine published a list of movable and immovable property, which was confiscated from individual collaborators in accordance with the decision of the national security council.
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more on that in today's issue. for the third year now, ukraine is fighting the external aggressor russia every second. cleansing of enemies, accomplices, and occupiers continues both on the battlefield and in the deep rear. according to the president, although the war has become real a tragedy for ukraine, it helped to reduce the number of traitors, there are a lot of people, er, therefore, according to the current legislation, these people became much less, well, the war itself, honestly, the war is a great tragedy, but the war definitely helped reduce the number of traitors in ukraine , where it is a fact, traitors are discovered almost every day, some are arrested, others receive suspicions and sentences in absentia. our partisans set up ambushes on some of them, and then liquidation is inevitable. in parallel with this, the national security and defense council is constantly working on the list of those subject to sanctions
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persons who were indicted for collaborative activity. the property of these sellers is charged to the state income. volodymyr saldo, gauleiter of the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region, is the most famous among the collaborators, whose property the ministry of justice of ukraine has already confiscated, acquired through the hard work of treachery. fake the governor is known not only in ukraine, but also in the swamps, because of his own stupidity he became famous all over the world in the summer of 2023, when, after the russians blew up the kakhovskaya gez, the audience saw a tragicomic video where the balance stands against the background of a flooded new tiles with water, but says that there are no floods in the city. people are calmly moving through the streets, i just drove through the streets, people are calmly working gas stations, shops are working. saldo owned three plots of land in ukraine, three apartments, non-residential premises, parking spaces, a separate residential building and a granite quarry in the zhytomyr region, all this was confiscated by the ukrainian ministry of justice for the benefit
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of the state, the collaborator paid for the betrayal not only with reputation and property , but also to your own health. in the summer of 2022, he was poisoned. for a long time, saldo was in the intensive care unit of the toxicology department of one of the hospitals in crimea. explosives were also repeatedly detonated under the traitor's car. an improvised explosive device filled with nuts and bolts was detonated, and it was detonated just as the patrol car was leaving. in november 2023, the malinovsky district court of odesa announced the sentence to this collaborator and sentenced him in absentia to 15 years of imprisonment. whether he will lead them to the kraats depends only on who catches the traitor first throat, law enforcement officers of the special service. or partisans, the probability of not reaching the prison alive is very high. and this is another collaborator from the kherson region, albeit of a lower
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rank, the head of the occupied new cohort. here he is giving an interview to russian propagandists in march 2022. all authorities are working, the city is intact, the city is clean. we have to save everything, we have to work, this is the main task, and everyone is working on it. leontsiv voluntarily went over to the side of the enemy in the first days of the war, despite the fact that he lived in abundance in ukraine and had a lot of property. for treason the ministry of justice of ukraine confiscated his apartment in kyiv on podil, a private house. in new kakhovka, three avkivkas, a motor vessel, a trailer, an apartment in the luhansk region and 50% of the ukrtrans-nadra company. at the end of march of this year , leontiv was sentenced in absentia to 12 years of imprisonment. hello russia! the collaborators of donetsk region and luhansk region also said goodbye to their property. in particular, from this traitor, the ministry of justice confiscated apartments in the donetsk and
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kharkiv regions, namely... a plot of land, three residential private houses, seven non-residential buildings and corporate rights in seven enterprises. meet kateryna martyanova, a deputy of the so-called people's council of the terrorist dpr. they came to the conclusion that what is happening here is not an anti-terrorist operation, as ukraine claims, but a real civil war. kateryna martyanova has been promoting anti-ukrainian theses for 10 years since the first russian invasion of ukraine. the traitor actively appeared on the broadcasts of propagandists. not dozmi in the temporarily occupied territories, on the channels novorossiya tv, oplod tv, narodne tv of donbass, until the occupiers closed them due to lack of financing. in the donetsk people's republic , 68 deputies from the public movement, donetsk republic, entered the people's council. martyayanova has awards from pushilin and zakharchenko. since 2014, he has been actively involved in the creation of the occupation authorities in donetsk. in 2022, she is active.
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helped in the organization and holding of illegal referendums, so now all her property in donetsk, makiivka and kharkiv regions belongs to the state according to a court decision. and this is the so-called colleague of martyanova from the neighboring luhansk region, this is svitlana gizai, deputy of the fake people's council of the lpr. did we talk to the women's club about the life of the luhansk people's republic? father gizai, the ukrainian ministry of justice confiscated an apartment in luhansk and a plot of land in the kharkiv region, and she was left not only without land and housing, but also without her husband, historian and teacher oleksandr gizai. he died back in 2014 during an explosion in the luhansk administration building, when it was already captured by separatists. the so-called appalachians gave him a lavish funeral. no one thought that
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today they will bury him. the main task for today is to continue his business with the younger generation. here, who will definitely continue and finish their work, in particular in the occupied luhansk region, these are ukrainian patriots, sooner or later all traitors will end up either in prison or in the ground, both there and there, they will no longer need the property confiscated by ukraine . among the traitors who got rid of their real estate by the verdict of the ukrainian court, there are also those who until 2014 built a brilliant scientific career in the crimea free from the invaders, and then supported the annexation of the peninsula by russia this is andrii falaleev, doctor of technical sciences and head of the department. in 2020 , the occupiers appointed him rector of the local pseudo-university. the evening before , the prime minister of russia mykhailo mishustin signed an order on the appointment of andriy falaleev to the post of rector of the crimean federal university. here, falleev conducts a tour of...


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