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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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russia immediately. the loss of china is a chain, isolation, and it is the end of the war with a loss. they understand it perfectly. therefore, these threats are now not being reacted to in the same way as before. but what is important for all of us to understand, and maybe for us ukrainians, because i remember when everyone was looking for some mirrors there, something else, and now they react more calmly and quite correctly. so, until the first test, the test of nuclear weapons, and they haven't happened in 30 years, we can talk about the fact that it will be used somewhere, even in exercises will they try, it will not happen, that is, the first sign will be a test, russia has now withdrawn, as far as i understand , the ratification or signature already under this test ban project, that is, this will be the moment from which... it will be possible to talk about some
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complex intentions, while that for the time being, as kirbyv derzhde said in the white house, he said something like this, that when he solves this issue, withdraw the troops from ukraine and there will be no more threats from you, that's all, but where is mr. valery, this is the limit, that the russians are bluffing and and the limit where they can do it, because before the beginning is big war in ukraine, we too... it was perceived as the 21st year and the training, remember, in april, when zelensky flew to qatar, and in general no one even suspected that this could happen, i from the amount of information that is i have it now, and in the 22nd year i immediately said it back in march, if you remember, also on the air of ispressa, that russia will not use strategic nuclear weapons, that is, well, you can explain there. arguments why with smaller
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charges, that is what is called tactical nuclear weapons, well, they are different, they can be quite powerful, but, for example, it can be a depth bomb, a depth mine, or it can be 155 mm or, well, rather 203 mm, the father of the pion howitzer, which we have, by the way, they were in the soviet union precisely for that purpose and are used how is it you' it was an absolutely real military plan, that is, it is attacked with nuclear charges, and the troops enter there two hours later. so imagine what will happen if russia does this, well, i can’t rule it out, the charge is small in power, russia detonates it somewhere, yes, on its territory, on territory of belarus, by the way, lukashenko can play with this too. or over the black sea
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somewhere, what will happen in the world after that? the first shock, yes, that nuclear weapons, because no one has them since the days of japan, the heros of nagasaki, no one has seen this, and then the second shock will come, the world is left, yes, that is, everyone is in a panic there in ukraine, in rostov, in russia, or then, even in moscow, in america, in washington, everything is calm, or there... even in madrid, and then it will simply be a disaster, a whole cascade of statements about nuclear weapons will immediately follow, this is a race, it will be 20 plus countries with nuclear weapons, they will legalize right away, i think israel will legalize, name what it has and so on, then pakistan, india, and the middle east, and germany, by the way, will start talking about it as will already be discussed, that is, it is such a scenario that, well... for no one, in principle, if you think about
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its benefit, then it is not suitable for anyone, well , no one, and the paradox is that, i am sure, if he goes to this absolutely, well, a terrible story, but a stupid act from the point of view, as you say, i do not rule it out, because the person is sick, it's just, well, how ill, there are such, well, in russia, 30%, according to data that... even before the war, 30% of the population have psychological disorders to one degree or another, and therefore this is definitely one of them, well we also have it, let's be honest, especially now under stress, it's a practice, but this disease, we clearly see its elements, eh, but there is a chain, even tactical nuclear weapons, i asked those who used them on training at the time in the soviet union, so they say that... according to those rules, it was five
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people, on strategic weapons, and four can be four or five chains of commands on, well, there, if it's a howitzer, yes, or eh... they use it in the fleet, or it's a missile from an airplane, it's not just like that, it's not just yes, there will be specific people who will do it, there will be intermediate people who will directly give orders to putin or shaigu, it is theoretically possible, theoretically, therefore, i simply claim that, if you analyze it like this, it will be an attempt to use weapons of mass destruction, well, nuclear in in this case according to the chemical of russia is already trying to use it, it will immediately raise a surge of escalation, well , the confrontation is a discussion and will end the war immediately, because then everyone will be scared, and what will happen next, there will be no further immediately , the b-2 bombers will fly in,
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they will smash everyone to pieces russian positions, to hell, because no one wants to let a fool go with a club later, that is, they are the way they are now, while ukraine holds back, and god forbid a nuclear explosion, you will see. there will be nothing left of all these formations, putin knows this very well, therefore , after all, the probability of such a scenario, it small why did he start doing this now, as if he had some advantages on the front, yes, that is, now these months, it's an interesting story, it probably synchronizes with some ideas in this year sometime in the fall , there is pressure from all sides to achieve a surrender, that is. and so now the chinese envoy is traveling with such ideas, he will freeze and stop everything, that is , apparently this plan was drawn up, where all this must be coordinated, and plus, plus there are also threats not to provide weapons, for example, they say that the f6 can carry a nuclear weapons, i
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already said that peons can also use nuclear weapons, even from the tem-110 of the american old lady, well, i'm not an expert in this, but that's not a question, they manipulate. by this, therefore, i think, we will always hear all these words about the nuclear component, it is not addressed to us, not to the ukrainians, it is addressed to those who provide us with weapons, and we will always hear it when russia becomes worse, when they see, that their other resource is running out, another resource is large and china has influence in the world, and of course, china has nuclear potential, and xi jinping now... is finishing his tour of europe, for the first time in 5 years he came, whether in france, today or yesterday he met with orbán, and here orbán said during a joint press conference with xi jinping that china is one of
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the pillars of the new world order , and hungary supports china's peace plan. let's listen now to what orban actually said. europe. europe today. on the side of war. hungary is the only exception because it calls for an immediate ceasefire and peace talks and supports all international efforts to achieve peace. we we also support the chinese peace initiative presented by xi jinping. what peace initiative is orbán talking about, it is about the 12 points that were in the 23rd year in february, i wanted to read to you yes, well... you remembered correctly, because now we have the impression that something new, in fact, if if you look at the message from the ministry of foreign affairs of china today, this is another tour of the envoy lihui, who, you remember, first went to
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kyiv-moscow, brussels, then he had another tour, and now he has a tour of the middle east, brazil, egypt, saudi arabia if i i'm not mistaken, the so-called countries. well, this is the name, yes, globally south, well, countries where he can get an alternative, there is a european position, or there is a us position, or the peace formula of the president of ukraine, what is the essence of these 12 points, they are not new, it is february 24 , 23 year, absolutely not new, but what i don't hear from 12 points, now it sounds less. this is the lifting of sanctions, but something has quieted down a little, but i think that this point has also remained, although we hear it less now during the discussion, but everything else remains, in what the idea, the idea is that it will simply stop and freeze the war at the point where
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the troops have advanced, what is its basic problem, it does not answer the question, what happens next, when international law... is rejected, in the same way china agrees with the russian position that international law is destroyed, but unlike the russian approach, there is a written recognition in the chinese position. the sovereignty of ukraine, well, that is, it is completely inconsistent, that is, the recognition of the same position of ukraine and russia, completely ignoring who started all this, that is, simply with from the point of view of danger for the whole world, and this is a very, very dangerous position, because it does not lead to anything, whether it is agreed with moscow, i am sure it is agreed, it, china has spoken about it, now you will see what will happen. putin will go to give a report in beijing, that is the next period, there he will have this trip
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to assala planned, and he will say that such a plan will be presented again, and maybe putin will say, i and we accept this plan, it is only ukraine that does not want to decide anything, and we even agree to your plan, which is absolutely beneficial for russia, which is in the same the very key, that is, russia understands that the peak of its conquests and opportunities. now they are coming there, well, not right now, but depending on the situation, of course, we want it to be completely different, but they think that they can still advance in another two or three months, yes, and here they are entrenched, captured and give it to us, without sanctions, without consequences, without compensation, just give it back and that's it, you know, it's something like well, well, let's do this... there is a house that robbers entered, entered,
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sitting there, neighbors they look around, they are afraid of this situation, people are armed, they still closed somehow, but it will be expensive, i know the situation when the ships, i remember, there were situations when our sailors closed, remember the pirates, when they were captured, and they were also armed, well, there is a situation with automatic machines, that the whole world wanted to solve the problem? so that the money was given to the owner there, so that everything was fair to everyone, like, they stopped, the hostages were released, and this is how they played with this story, by the way, an example that i did not give before, but it fits, every time they played with this, every time there, let's pay off these terrorists, pirates with money, until the moment, you know, which moment, when they decided and allowed to hire with large-caliber machine guns. you mention this whole story about somalia, yes , as soon as they took large-caliber machine guns
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, they put them on them, well, they were hired by private companies, black rock, there others, all piracy ended, and this is an example of how you are such a large-caliber set against russia, about 30 economies of the world that would simply destroy them for two for years, there would be a million shells, yes, they would be divided if they wanted to, not by shells and throughout the economy. immediately, gazprom went down by 500, but it would have gone down completely, shares were all taken out, all countries or funds were taken out from rosatom, from gazprom, by the way, they were all taken out, so you know, this is such a story, if all of this were to be reacted at once , as it is done in conditions where the second article of the un charter is violated, this is an embargo, all countries must apply an embargo, no one wants to. they want to play these games, we get this story as a result, so until
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there is such decisive action, unfortunately, this whole history is spinning, putin understands it, he sees it, that is why he china, unfortunately, plays along with him, and i will tell you frankly, it is not worth expecting that china will suddenly become different, because china is benefiting from such a situation so far, although they are losing economically , but here's a visit to sydney. to europe, the geography of this visit clearly sets everything, everyone, well, you mean that he is not only to macron, but also to orbán, well, me too, not that to macron, to europe, to europe when they go there are, visitor, who have not been for 5 years, they are going to brussels, they they communicate, well, after all, europe has brussels, that is, it is the eu, yes, well, one country, there is france, well, but not with such a ... visit, where such a crumpled something is unclear, cognac was presented by macron for $ 300, such
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good, very good cognac, but a hint that give us brandy, not brandy, but cognac, which means french, so that we can enter china without those additional duties, well, this one said no, well, we also want electric cars there came in, well, what is this about, this is in the conditions when such a war is going on, that is, further... demonstratively bombed in serbia for 25 years back our building here, a gesture, well, an anti-gesture is like that and hungary, here is an example of how to work. and just lie down with us, we will pump you a loan under state guarantees, then we will take you away, how china is expanding all over the world, i saw it even myself as the ambassador of these small caribbean countries antigua barbuda, trennidat tebago antigabor will be, the airport is chinese investment, yes, there is a chinese port, a chinese main road, for
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chinese money under chinese control, what embassies are there in the country, chinese, american, russian. well, there are still four or 5% of neighboring countries, that’s how they work, why don’t they continue to do so, there is economy, potential, they are this one belt, one road and what hungary accepted, well, before europe, from china to europe, the so-called silk road, only in a slightly different way, no, one belt - one road - it's not even about geography, it's more about expansion, by economic methods, well, you were right. everything was successful, after all, you gradually gained influence, which now attracted such in fact, well, such power, yes in competition by the united states, i don't know, to me, it seems to me that this is falstal in china, and if, well, we are so on the side, they know the situation inside, or maybe the time has come
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when china has a middle class and this upper middle, you see what they did, they dispersed their... business that did not fall under the communist party, but these are all the campaigns and everything, which has been working for 12 years or how many, but it has already fled to japan, everyone ran away, those who did not obey, shot and imprisoned these businessmen, i.e. they have concentration camps, they have concentration camps on part of the territory of china, let's call things our own, it pisses them off, because it's a reality, they're just doing genocide there, nationality. part of the population, and they want to live in their own world, well, i'm sorry, if you already lived like that and you didn't like that it was seen as a violation of human rights from the side, then why do you then impose the otaku model and use russia as a torpedo for that , so that the usa will reduce its influence in the world, and you yourself impose a model that is not unattractive for the whole
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world, who wants to go to work in china, except for some... stubborn mask, who thought something, but nothing was done, in the end, and thinks there is a stubborn one in terms of ideas that it is possible to get results in china with capitalist methods, so they don't want to, productions from china move first on the territory of free economic zones, hong kong is there in taiwan, then they flee to india, the chinese see it all, that on the one hand they want the same as mazedun, and on the other hand they need everything. this is developed as capitalism, someone from the americans once said, well, this kind of socialism is capitalist, it will not take off, well, they somehow dragged on until today, then it seems to me that these people rose up and they began to pose a threat to this regime in the way it was developing, and now they have come up with nothing else but to set the task of taking the first roles in education,
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sharing with america, the world is divided into two parts, to show forceful methods in taiwan is not very good. scenario, and you have to understand it, so counting on the chinese that they will change something and it will work is very difficult, there you can only influence with the americans, what do we it is necessary to calculate, then i will say, and i am sure of this, we need to make a response to this war, to threats adequate to the level of these threats, what does this mean, it means that self-defense cannot be adequate against... when you are attacked by a nuclear state with the help of iranian weapons, north korean weapons, chinese equipment, pictures of chinese space campaigns, it is impossible, it must be a collective defense, as long as the countries of our partners lack the courage to enter this war, and such a moment
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will come, if, if of course they won't give it away of russia continue to impose their model in europe, this is the end of europe, if they do not surrender, then we will have to enter the war, not only with supplies of heimers, which are three, now the germans will also buy from the usa, three heimers systems, 30 tanks, well, what are we talking about , on the kharkiv direction , 600 armored vehicles and 600 vehicles were transferred there today, that is, there are numbers, i don't know how reliable they are, there are such numbers. 600 tanks, 800 cars, well, something like several hundred. we have 30 abroms. three installations of additional airos, what are we talking about, a package of 400 million. now new the package is american. it sounds powerful 400 million missiles to patriot and bradley. bradley costs, well, i don't know at what price they include the package, but somewhere in the order of 3-200 million.
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this is a rocket for three. count, 40 rockets, there are 50 bradleys. well, it's not that. therefore, putin will threaten until he receives an understanding of the readiness of a collective, forceful response. and is it possible like this? there should be some kind of unity or, well , at least drawing the contours of this unity at the global peace summit in switzerland, because there is a lot of talk about it, and zelenskyi says that this forum can become a chance to guarantee a just peace for ukraine and all of europe, and named the topics of the upcoming summit, now we will hear what president zelensky said. putin is really afraid of the peace summit, he is afraid that the world majority. will begin to force russia to make peace, that is why we need an absolutely clear position of every state, every leader, every international organization, regarding
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participation in the peace summit, regarding support for our joint peace-building efforts, there are also first steps regarding the humanitarian aspect, the exchange of all everyone, the return of our children home, deported ukrainians, women from other countries. and the important point of nuclear safety for the whole world is also important food security. mr. valery, if these are the main topics on which the ukrainian side and president zelensky are betting, will not be worked out and discussed at this global peace summit, will it not be such a disappointment for official kyiv, because it seems that for the majority participants of the global... summit, well, it will be an exchange of opinions about something, and zelenskyi says that this could be a chance to guarantee a just peace, well, don't
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we have such exaggerated expectations, as it was at the july nato summit in vilnius, when we thought that we would receive an invitation there, or at least a guarantee of an invitation to the north atlantic alliance? well, it seems to me that now there are no inflated expectations that it should have been, kind of. next, it is clear, there should have been an international forum, conference, peace summit, whatever, which would reformat the international system, i.e. liquidate the un, well, as it happened at the time with the war, the league of nations, no you, did not fulfill its function, was dissolved, and then after the war the un was created, that is , now it is obvious to everyone that the un does not work, why do we need to gather such large global and summits, because the un does not work, not retbes does not work, not the un does not work, the statute does not work. in the basic issue it doesn't work, that's why it had to be, well , russia is the aggressor, there are countries that don't recognize
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this system of international rules and international norms, syria is partly iran, well, iran declared it, north korea is obvious, that is, well, cuba, which is poor and unknown where there, although i always treated cuba normally, but it is there somewhere... you treated the country normally, and you treated the people normally, but it just so happened that it is constantly spinning somewhere in this list, and without these countries, everything else is going and they are forming, that means a new organization with new rules, without the place in the un security council, which has been occupied by russia since soviet times, but for such a model , china is needed, india is needed, well, brazil , south africa, well, that's all, and that's why... in principle, everything other things will be discussions, but even the very fact of support of a large number of countries in the conditions when russia initially tried to torpedo this story,
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well, they did not come there, and now i see that together with china, they are trying to blur the discussion there in order to offer their own peace formula, the chinese peace formula, and if understands this story, show me, you have your own. formula, ukraine is the western countries, and the global south has a different formula, to fulfill the russian role, yes, which is not invited to this site, this is what they want, what will it lead to, well, from the point of view of this year's introduction active hostilities do not lead to anything, everything will remain as it is, well, i see no reason, from the point of view of impact on the future, we will see, i, well , i do not have inflated expectations. i think that if it is possible to at least have some new countries there, yes, who would say, well, we are on the side of ukraine and we will vote in
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the un, yes. this would already be a very good signal, but if it succeeds, say, or is drawn into a conversation about some lower-level plan, where to freeze the war, if others take advantage of it, it will be our failure, if we, we, him, if this summit was planned, as a result, it was used by china to torture these initiatives there, well, china has not yet agreed to participate, but then again, there is hungary, which can fulfill this... role, and there will be something announced about such a plan, so i it seems that it, you know, it did not coincide in time, the delay in weapons, that is, in the large-scale supply to ukraine, the delay that was created, how to put it neatly diplomatically, for some reason everything coincided so that it lay in wait for putin, yes, that in he will be in six months, 7-8
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possibility... and for some reason it coincided with with many materials that i found in analytical centers, including american ones, that putin will still take donetsk-luhansk and something must be given to him, because he will not calm down, and he did not manage to take the donetsk-luhansk region in these 6-7 months, i didn't make it, but even after that, if it turned out that there was no way out. everyone understands where it can go next, and the process has moved on. the summit fell on time, it was planned in a completely different context. think about it like if he was six months earlier, developmentally events, then the backstage conversation developed, there is a second, third track, whatever, the month of december, the americans discussed with the russians, the russians asked a lot, and they really wanted
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to record it, it was december, the month of the mine. and they probably planned that the circumstances would turn out like this now, well, they won't turn out like this, because everything has changed, everything has moved forward for another six months, even more, six months, plus another two or three months of logistics, at least, that's nine months, count nine months from this summit and this would be the date of the possible summit, according to her expectations that were then, then before, so the result is already for us. diplomatically, it will be positive if we maintain attention to russian aggression, you see what is happening, russia has already removed the issue, they are hitting the objects of our civilians, all this is no longer discussed, as if, well, well hit and hit, yes, this is a disaster, as soon as this is translated in everyone's mind into an ordinary conflict between two countries that hit. those hit those,
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listen, but where, but where is the fact that russia has been violating such a deep international right, the chinese turn a blind eye to this, well, they tell their theory there, which is not worth a penny, everyone understands the image of china very well, then in those countries that want chinese influence, it will grow there, in countries that understand the situation, well, i i think that after this the attitude towards china in ukraine will be clear, right? after such a position, although we still have a strategic partnership with whom in the document? with those who are now helping to kill ukrainians, who turn a blind eye to violations of international law, do not call russia an aggressor? well what are we talking about we say, that's why, of course, china will no longer build, invest money in ukraine, and maybe, thank god, on their terms, but will try to invest in hungary, but not invest money, if it were, they would give a loan, and then
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take everything away. therefore, we must understand, we will not sit on the fence, we must work now with those who help us, well, everything is very simple, who are helping us now in the war, really and in large volumes, these are our partners, as it turned out, who have what interests, but in fact you have to look at real actions, well, that is , the united states of america, great britain, france, germany, who are we, well, neighbors, all neighbors, all neighbors, including the northern ones. i will say that i was surprised this time, i was very surprised by the netherlands, denmark, denmark, yes, yes, what kind of danes are they in general, are they passing the netherlands, do you remember how they were skeptical about our european path there, and now this is the approach, everyone understood that this is a small europe, security is european, it...


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