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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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what i call army people is what we have in common with the russian army, it confuses me a lot, well, in aydar, i was 22, 23, 24 years old at the time, and these were exactly the years that i lived without my parents , the first ones, well, that's where, accordingly, a worldview was formed, certain life attitudes were broken. i understand that it is necessary to kill the enemy, but on the other hand, this is murder, how so, well , i had an argument, and today i believe that it is even, well, as preventive medicine, in fact, in the 15th i returned last year physically to civilian... life, morally this
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path was much harder and longer, i am very sensitive to smells, like my mother, and for a while i worked with perfumes, i really liked it, i can distinguish these notes and so on, i would really like to open a perfume shop, i was waiting for the money from the sale of the land, the business plan is ready, only i... for the money and we start, and the money was supposed to come on february 25, of course, it came much later and went to the wrong people the plans i wanted, and for the ammunition there and other important things things, in principle, veterans are those people who were called here you are sick, you are waiting there, they want war, but we are the first who did not want war, but we... knew that it would happen, well,
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that is, i was waiting full scale, i was in lutsk in my apartment, that is , the rocket attacks began, i exhaled, went to bed, well, i was not allowed to sleep much, because i still had to make decisions there, i was helping my cousin, who was in melitopol, to leave, that is, in phone mode, after that i went to bed and i did not sleep so well for several years, later, when there was an opportunity... uh, i left for kyiv, i waited until there was training for drones, got a certificate and, good afternoon , special forces. then the woman was mobilized in the first brigade of special forces, was a shooter, participated in combat missions in the east of ukraine. after returning to civilian life, after many years of psychotherapy, i carved myself without the influence of the war. in order
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to become more gentle, more feminine, a person who loves this world, and in donetsk under the shepherd, i just sat down, said goodbye, the hands of psychotherapy, we we're coming back, i'm comfortable if the very bitch that's being talked about on all the tv channels, on all the media, here i am. what was the difference in intensity? well, such intensity as we had there, it was just the day before debaltsev, when the truce was announced, right before the start of the minsk-2 operations, i heard statistics that at that time we had, according to our positions, somewhere around 1,500 shells flew a day,
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i was lying in the house, not far away, something heavy fell, uh, well, i was sleeping, i woke up to the fact that i had a bed jumped together with the house and with me, what struck me is a phrase that was born in my head, but was voiced by my comrade, the commander, something is not fun this time, in may 2022, i got the wounded... after treatment and rehabilitation returned to the war again, was initially in sumy oblast, then transferred to the 47th separate mechanized brigade. this is not the 14th year, in fact, it is not the work of classical intelligence, because in essence we are doing the work of everything that we can. well, that is why i feel comfortable now, because this similar to aidar, in the sense that, no matter what unit you were in, you're basically a...
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universal soldier, you have to do what you're told, no matter what position you hold, no matter what unit you're in, in the summer we... lived in a plantation, it's like in the song, that while the patron dog keeps the district, the boys and i keep the plantation, then it got very cold and uncomfortable, because the plantation was at a height, it was, it's zaporizhzhya area, ugh, there is water nearby, very, very, very, very many mice, mice... everything, we even gnawed bandages, blood thinners, well, i was i was surprised when the bandage was almost half chewed off, how it affected me, i have a lot of illnesses, both physical and mental,
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i hate our neighbors as much as possible, and this is not the kind of anger that is emotional. no, this is the ultimate abomination. they were not responsible for actions in the last century, nor in this one, nor in the previous one. that is, well, this is not the first time that it happened there in the 1930s, 20s, this, it was not the first time when, er, neighbors committed genocide on our, er, territory. for me, victory is the disappearance of the russian federation as a state, and isolation. that what will remain of her, they must bear responsibility for their actions, for their inaction, these are biological persons who
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must be isolated, i do not know how civilian life will come for me, well, we do not rule out the moment when i am in general. .. will lie at the level of -2 m, or it will be some kind of mutilation, or it will be a direct experience of victory. recently, the vitamin girl was injured, now in donetsk region, she is currently being treated in a hospital in dnipro. have you never seen the classics in tsyki or something? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? tractor in the field dir-dir, then why are we for peace? in the latest
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edition of the magazine ukraine. bill 5655 reform or corruption trap, investigation of the country. when and how crimea. will return to ukraine, an interview with the chairman of the mejlis ryfat chubarov. how the defense of kyiv actually took place, colonel oleksandr vdovichenko of the ukrainian armed forces, memories of the brilliant ukrainian translator mykola lukash and many other stories and analytics. with the country in the center of the main. ask for country magazine at points of sale. there are discounts, coco offers may discounts on eden. 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and saving exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle
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east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes changing the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to do quarrel, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for... caring and thinking politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your
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time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. that many have become like relatives, as well as respectable guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. congratulations, this is the beraber program together with the crimean-tatar language, it is hosted by gulsum khalilova, my colleague from the crimean tatar tv channel atr, and i, andriy yanitsky from the espresso tv channel, we are here together today, because this is a joint project about the main news from crimea. yes, this is a joint project of the first crimean. of the tatar tv channel and tv channel, we are happy to welcome all the viewers
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of our tv channels, hello once again, and while we now we are connecting our guest to our broadcast, with whom we will talk about what happened this week in the temporarily occupied crimea, and not only i want to say that for the sake of the deoccupation of the crimean peninsula for... our guys are in the south and are doing everything, to defeat the russian occupier, to defeat the enemy, this is the crimean tatar battalion named after noman chilibikhan, the 48th oshb, so support our guys, you can by the qr code that you will now see on your screens, they now need drones on the fpf and announced this gathering, so everyone... who can support, please support our guys who are on the southern front by the qr code
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that you see now, and we're during this hour with military experts and other experts who will connect to our broadcast, we will talk about crimea and talk about the latest events that happened during this week on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, and even now we are ready to pre... military-political columnist of the information resistance group, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, congratulations, good day , mr. alexander, how did you remember this week, how did the occupiers remember this week on the temporarily occupied peninsula, what operative news do we currently have, well, in principle, of course, it is destruction. a ship of the fourth rank, a fast ship, which took place this week, a rather successful
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destruction of another combat unit, which reminds the russians that there is no calm place for them there, that is, it is a dangerous place for them, and besides everything else , it should be noted that russians, they are trying to pay more attention lately. on strengthening the defense of the kerch bridge, to create such conditions for its protection, both in the air and along sea lines, but they do not succeed, and therefore every time we see either the effective action of our naval drones or the air component and the complete complete inactivity of the ineffectiveness of their anti-aircraft defense this is what we can pay attention to, i think, in the following weeks, we will see, according to... the operation of objects of the corresponding functionality, mr. oleksandr, i think i
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read that there were innovations this time applied by our defense forces, and as if a missile was installed on the drone, which can shoot down air targets, is it just a scarecrow for the occupiers, and in fact there was no such thing, or something like that was observed, i don't think it's just a scarecrow. .. because this is an experimental element, some time ago we saw how also on our naval drones we installed bumblebee-type flamethrower systems , and on the one hand, at long distances they are not effective, they have low accuracy , quite low such accuracy, but if we we're talking about practice during the landing, before the landing on the coast, it can be ... the effect of such intimidation, such firepower, if we 're talking about the approach of approaching a large
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object, such as a large landing ship or a frigate or a corvette, and also, these systems can be effective at a distance of less than 500 m, and therefore, in principle, it made sense if we are talking about the use of an appropriate means of destruction, a missile means of destruction, that is, the destruction of aerial targets. it may also be in the future effective, if the algorithm is worked out, the test itself is very important here, that is, what can be used in such a complex. yes, theoretically quite, but there should be tests in order to emphasize all the pros, all the cons, see what the efficiency is, and after that really every such naval drone, if it is an effective concept, it can use
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these means of destruction, not only in order to strike some blows there, no, not so much struck blows. how much for protection because it's the air component, like the mi-28 helicopter strike, as an option, and the mi-8, the k-52, that's the main element that the russians are using to intercept our naval drones, they're trying to hide them precisely with helicopters, attack helicopters, attack helicopter destruction , after the attack helicopter is destroyed, also the destruction of some surface object, ah,... there, for example, the same corvette or missile boat, well, it's a bonus in general, full house, let's call it that , hope so that our defense forces can implement this one experiment and it will no longer be an experiment, but an ordinary practice of application, how
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to ask a question, i just have a lot of questions for you, but i read in the news that the kerch bridge is no longer... used by the occupiers to transport military equipment, that they, well, either they seriously already believe that it is very vulnerable, or they have started using the land route that they were building, but what happens now, there is no point in hitting the kerch bridge, or it still remains our desired target, well, i will say yes, well, let's get someone on tomorrow cartilage there is a house on the crossroad, right on the road, to block the road, some kind of high-rise building with 16 floors, well, it will be a legal building, an illegal building, it is an illegal building, really, so is the kevchen bridge, it is an illegal building, and so on otherwise
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it must be destroyed, this is the first moment, the very fact, legality, its absence, it is absent. and the second point, very important, i don't know where all these osind groups came from, they drew conclusions from the fact that the kerch bridge is not used for transportation military cargo, equipment, ammunition, everything else. there is such a concept as material and technical support, what is material and technical support, it is a set of material means that are used for support. troops, it can be, starting with mechanized components, tanks, bbm, artillery, ammunition, of course, starting from the 152 caliber projectile and powder charge, and ending with the banal cartridge for small arms of various calibers,
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elementary vodka and stew , if they are already driving, then it is already like that, just like that, you know, civilian cargo, this does not mean that it is civilian cargo, in the same way, if we see that some passenger car arrives there and so on, it does not mean that there are civilians there, and not personnel for rotation and so on, fuel and lubricants, which are transported across the kerch bridge in large quantities by tankers, it is not for the purpose of delivering milk to consumers throughout the crimea next month, yes on trucks, no. this is not for milk, it is fuel and lubricants for refueling russian tanks and combat armored cars, that's why the kerch bridge, it remained an important logistical artery, and it remains, and another very interesting point, for some reason all these autumn groups, they use
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satellite images, from a long distance, to prove their vision of the situation . called, but for some reason they do not turn to the crimean monitoring groups, which operate specifically in the crimea, and which constantly record how to kerch, or directly through the kerch bridge itself, they transport not only there, but also fuel and lubricating materials, namely equipment, howitzers, towed howitzers, equipment, bmb, armored combat vehicles, t-62 tanks, for example, and so on, for some reason they do not record this and in their reports do not show such an impression that they are allegedly trying to somehow distort reality, which is happening now with the supply of material and technical support. to the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, which, as it was, and remains the main logistical and transit hub for the provision of the russian southern
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occupation group of troops. well, it's more, you know, mr. oleksandr, it looks like such a propagandist throw, and if we talk about other ways, logistical ways of the russian occupiers, as far as i know, they still haven't diversified this artery. through rostov nadanu, mariupol, berdyansk and so on. yes, it is not fully working yet, that's true. there is no full possibility of providing those volumes of supply, ah, which they would try to fully compensate, in case the kerch bridge is non-functional. and, therefore, yes, the kerch bridge, it continues to be the main logistical artery, through which the main ones go. cargoes of material and technical support of the russian occupying forces, everything else is already on the mainland, this is as an addition, as
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a kind of plus that can more or less satisfy the needs of this large amount of forces and means, i would like to remind you that only in the south the russians have almost 200,000 personnel, 200,000 russian occupation troops, in kherson za... partly donetsk regions, as well as the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula. and all this mass, as well as all this iron, which added to them, it is necessary to provide something 24x. and what are we waiting for then, what conditions are the armed forces of ukraine waiting for today to strike the kerch bridge? unfortunately, the crimean peninsula is temporarily occupied for air defense. anti- aircraft component, it is the second most powerful after the moscow region, besides everything else, the kevchen bridge itself is protected not only from
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the territory of the crimea in the air component, but also from the territory of the mainland russian federation, and therefore it has a double coverage of the shalinov air defense, in order to have effective influence from the air, it is necessary not to command this component, and with regard to... such borders, there are constant patrols, by the way, these are the ships of the fourth rank, that is, high-speed patrol boats, which were recently destroyed, and they constantly patrol the kerpchen bridge, to counter any threats of sea drones, they created boom barriers, they sunk several bays to complicate the process of sailing the very achievement itself. of the kepchen bridge with our surface drones, and also, if it were not pouring, but they still and on the side of azov mine, it is from this part that they also conduct patrols, that is
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, the kerch bridge, it is quite seriously guarded now, and it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions so that the strike is as effective as possible, because there must be only one strike, and this strike must completely destroy the kerch bridge bridge. so that it could not be restored, both the road and railway parts, not just there for a week or a month, a year, and this will affect, catastrophically affect the capabilities of the russian occupation group in the south, this week, one cannot help but remember this pobedobesiya festival, which took place in russia, and of course, in the occupied territory, they also tried to bring this... their somewhat sectarian vibe, we know that there were no such large-scale military parades, but there were various car races with
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flags, free porridge, portraits of the immortal regiment, and various other such propaganda actions, which the russians try to replace common sense in the inhabitants of the occupied territories, why... people uncritically perceive all this propaganda, why they still, even after the 14th year and after the 22nd year, do not understand that in fact russia is what fascist nazi germany was in the same 41st year, but perceive it as a continuation of, i don’t know, the forces of good, yes , and not the forces of evil. well, let's put it this way, in any region, in any region, in any city, there is a category of people who are in the third year
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of a full-scale invasion of ukraine. she believes that russia has nothing to do with it, it was all provoked by the west, it’s all nato, it’s all done by biden, but putin, he’s so an angel who is trying to somehow correct this situation and save ukrainians from being absorbed by europe, they are, yes they really are, these are people who have... a completely different worldview, a destructive worldview, i would even say so, degrading, and the degradation of the worldview a person, and it does not evolve, it degrades, and they are everywhere, especially in those regions where there was quite a serious influence for years and even decades, the influence of pro-russian political
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forces, narratives, and so on and so forth, unfortunately, we we can fix it not only on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, this is recorded constantly even on the territory of ukraine, even in those regions that, it would seem, are maximally pro-ukrainian, this includes western ukraine, this is central ukraine, there are quite a lot of people who continue, well , we also saw in kyiv the provocations were different, specifically on may 9 by local crazy people, but it's not... just local crazy people, these are people who know what they 're doing, they get paid for it, why weren't they arrested, even though what they are 70 years old there, although they have nothing to do with the second world war, they wear exactly this uniform of that time and somehow try to play the role of such a liberator and veteran, no, we don't
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know, maybe they are in the nkvd of the kgb. worked there and in general it is possible that way, maybe they and their parents worked in the nkvd later, and if we talk about crimea, then we know that from 2014 to the present day russia has brought colonizers to the territory of crimea, and that is more than a million people who came from the territory of russia and now live on the territory of the crimea, and they take part in these victory actions, and if we talk, for example, about the crimean ones. tatars, for the crimean tatars this day even has a different meaning, because after 10 days, all crimean tatars were simply deported by order of stalin, crimean tatar soldiers who fought during the second world war, when they came home to crimea, simply did not see their relatives, did not saw their children, and among them there were also heroes of the soviet union,
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by the way, yes. this is the most dissonant moments, this is exactly what we see now in mariupol, we go into the temporarily occupied mariupol, and we see there not the majority of local people who came from the russian federation, sometimes banal migrants, who are brought in so that they become the dominant component as much as possible, in this occupied city , temporarily occupied peninsula. in the crimea, it was influenced from the 14th year precisely in this format, how many areas outside the boundaries, the arrangement of cities, outside the general plans of cities, they were raided for them, raiding took place, raiding took place captures were also built there where there were red princely forests, they were simply produced
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there too... families, representatives of the fsb, others who fled from the russian federation and so on and so on, that is, temporarily occupied crimea since 2014 has been populated by immigrants on a large scale from the russian federation, this is a purposeful action, it will be a very big problem for us. after the liberation of crimea, because these people have no right to live there, but if they are evicted from there by force, then this can be a problem, for example, with our european partners who will pay attention, oh here is a violation of human rights and freedoms, what rights, we have to go to advertising, thank you for your information oleksandr kovalenko, military and political observer of the group.


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