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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EEST

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we are starting an information day on the spresso tv channel, khrystyna porubiy is working on the news broadcast in the studio. defensive battles continue on... the northern border of kharkiv oblast. in the districts of vovchansk and lyptsi, our defenders are trying to contain the enemy who broke through the border the day before. the heaviest battles continue for the settlements that were a gray zone, streche, pylne and borysivka, as well as in the area of ​​oliynykovo and ohirtsevo, the general staff reported. they assured us that our soldiers are operating on prepared defensive lines. the armed forces knew about this offensive in advance. and
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were preparing, - said deputy commander of the third assault brigade maksym zhorin. at the moment, the actions of the russians are more like probing our defense line, and the enemy has not yet deployed the main forces. ukraine is sending additional forces to kharkiv , president volodymyr zelenskyi said in his evening address. he added that he listened to the report of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. and he assured that the armed forces provide everything necessary to protect our positions. we understand the scope of the occupier's forces, we see his plan, our soldiers, ours artillery, our drones respond to the occupier. i am grateful to every one of our soldiers, every sergeant, every officer who defends our positions exactly as they should. we
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will invariably destroy the occupier in just such a way, precisely in such a way as to thwart any russian offensive intentions. russians killed a man and a woman in the pokrovsky district of donetsk region. according to the regional prosecutor's office. residents of the village of elizavetivka came under enemy attack. the enemy covered the settlement with barrel artillery. and in temporary yar , a 65-year-old woman was injured as a result of shelling. and her son. residential buildings were also damaged in the city. it was loud in the temporarily occupied rovanka in luhansk region. late in the evening there were explosions and a powerful fire broke out at the local oil depot. the information was confirmed by the occupation authorities. according to their data, three people died and seven were injured as a result of the impact. according to the occupiers, the oil base was attacked with long-range missiles . residents of the kursk and
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bilhorod oblasts of erefia did not sleep at night either, as the local authorities complained about a mass attack by drones. several aerial targets were allegedly shot down near belgorod, eight victims were reported, several dozen houses were damaged, as well as destroyed cars and gas supply lines. two more drones were apparently intercepted by russian air defense in kursk, but one of them fell. next to the farm building and damaged nearby houses. meanwhile, the ministry of defense of the aggressorka country reported 17 downed rocket launchers, five guided air bombs and drones. the usa urgently sells three hymars systems to ukraine. the us state department approved the sale, the german government has to finance the purchase for almost 30 million dollars - the associated press reported. according to their data
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, state secretary antony blinken noted that the emergency situation in ukraine requires an immediate sale. the systems will come from the reserves of the us army. the day before, washington also announced a new arms package for ukraine worth 400 million dollars. it will include missiles for patriot nasams, stinger anti-aircraft missiles, ammunition for haimars and artillery and equipment. and we announce a new one. we ask you to join the collection for the repair of the heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray area of ​​the open sky in all weathers, day and night. therefore, for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular, tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus that will deliver to the combat zone , mobile repair groups, etc. is needed. as well as
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pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. join the gathering, your help is great important you can see all the details on the screen. volunteers of the birds of victory project have delivered more than 800 semi-drones to the front to help destroy the enemy. the next batch of quadrocopters was purchased with the funds of partners and communities of the lviv region, which they collected within the framework of charity auctions. during the year of work , volunteers have already sent more than 7,000 drones for military units. for their constant assistance to the army, they were awarded special awards. orders from general valery zaluzhnyi. we carry these drones personally with our team. the following week they will be in the east. about this will also be a short report. they will be personally delivered from hand to hand to our
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soldiers. more than 150 million hryvnias were collected in a little more than a year. more than 7,300 drones were purchased. people who invest in their own future and help the armed forces of ukraine are gathered here. a huge thank you to the defenders, our future depends on them. two months of arrest or bail of almost uah 250,000. such a preventive measure was chosen by the court before the courts. a 50-year-old man who threatened policemen with a weapon in breweries. it is about the incident that happened on may 8. an inebriated resident of the breweries behaved aggressively in one of the establishments, and when the police arrived at the call, he began to rush at the law enforcement officers and threatened them with a weapon. as
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local publications wrote, the attacker is a brewery criminal authority. the attacker faces up to 5 years in prison. through forests, mountains and across the river. 1,100 ukrainian men have illegally crossed the ukrainian border with romania since the beginning of the war. this was stated by the representative of the border police of romania, florin coman. according to him , most of the refugees asked for temporary protection, referring to reluctance to go to the front. 19 ukrainians died fleeing the country. 11 drowned in the tisza river, the rest froze to death in the mountains. however, there could have been much more victims - says the law enforcement officer. over the past two years , romanians saved 108 of our citizens from death in only one of the four border provinces of maramures. from humanitarian aid to infrastructure
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projects, more than 600 communities across the country have international partners - reported the deputy minister of development of communities, territories and infrastructure of ukraine. oleksandr azarkhin. according to her, 1,600 million dollars were raised last year for reconstruction at the local and regional levels. at night basically, the seized russian assets that were in ukraine were used to restore critical social infrastructure on the ground. the other half is the loan funds of the european constitutional bank. most of these projects will be implemented and completed this year. then it is very difficult. we understand that our priority is first of all defense, and yet we are we understand that without restoring the local infrastructure, it is most difficult for us to restore the economy. spiritual support. patriarch bartholomew will take part in the global peace summit. he stated this in a conversation with
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the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. on social media, the head of state said that he thanked the ecumenical patriarch for supporting our country with prayers and... emphasized that his participation in the event will be symbolic for kyiv. pope francis also confirmed his intention to come to the summit earlier. the global peace summit will be held on 15-16 june in switzerland. an unusual sight for our latitudes. ukrainians watched the northern lights at night. at first it was seen by the residents of the east and south, and later... it also appeared over the western and central regions. the network was flooded with photos of a bright pink sky. the northern lights are extremely rare in our country, and experts explained it as a strong geomagnetic storm caused by solar flares. more information can be found on our website.
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youtube channels, there are live broadcasts of ether, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shvorce section. subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, and i will end the issue with this, further in the wind, welcome my colleague oksana vysochanska, do not switch, stay with the espresso team.
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we continue our broadcast and will start with the gathering, because starting the weekend, a time when we can rest a little, is worth something that can help there on the front. because they have no saturday, no sunday, no day off, no holiday. so now we are collecting uah 4 million for atvs, it is actually a very versatile tool, because it helps to move very quickly, very often even drones do not catch up with atvs, that is why they are needed, they deliver ammunition quickly and efficiently to where it is needed, where other types cannot vehicles to get there, and the very important mission of these atvs is actually the evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield, we have already asked more than once and heard from our combat
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medics that the first two hours after a wound, after an injury are very important, and in fact, if there is a means by which you can transport and pull the wounded from the battlefield, then this increases the chances not only of saving life, saving limbs, leaving the person in a much better condition, accordingly , rehabilitation will be much faster and more effective, so please, every time, when you see... the qr code and the card number are on our screen, this is actually a collection, from zero to life is the name of this project, and 4 million must be collected for quad bikes, the cold ravine will report back to the russians, the boys and girls will say, thank you, and we will continue to collect for some other purposes, because you know that there are always meetings on the espresso tv channel, we always support those who are at the very front, who are at the very front, now... we will talk about the situation in the country, we will start from the south, but with temporarily occupied
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territories, it has been hot there for the last few days and several nights in different regions, they are complaining about atakamsy, then about something else, we will ask our first guest dmytro zabavin, a deputy of the mariupol city council , to contact us for details, mr. dmytro, glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, good morning to you, we understand that the most extreme explosions, at least known to us, were luhansk region. but we know that it was not quiet in mariuppol the day before, please tell us the details. well, the occupiers wanted to celebrate something there on may 9, and they received a certain gift, but instead of a salute , ukrainian cotton, and the ukrainian cotton hit the cluster where the occupiers are kept, they like to use former parking lots to park their equipment for... military purposes, actually saying, there, and this is not the first time he flies, that is, in
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the last week there have been two and two such swamps, recently in the center of the city, and before that in the left bank district, also in the parking lot, and accordingly, er, i must emphasize that these were such jewelry strikes, and they exclusively hit military targets. occupiers, well, we heard that ambulances also drove, about 10 officially russian soldiers, wounded, it is known how good the situation is for us with this, or who, what rank these soldiers were, well, what is there in general, how few russians are alive , the more living ukrainians there are, and that is, the more there will be... affected even with such accurate strikes on military equipment
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and personnel, the better for ukraine, and what concerns those there, it is usually the guards who guard certain objects or certain equipment there, well, that is, when it comes to high ranks there, usually they are eliminated. one by one, a car will explode somewhere, there will be a certain explosion somewhere, well, that is, we can see it all, but what i would like to emphasize is that... the occupiers and collaborators understand more and more every day that, accordingly, they can next to be exactly them, and therefore they cannot help themselves to feel confident and calm in the temporarily occupied territory, and we can see this by the nervousness, by the actions that they
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actually take in the occupied territory, that is, they do not feel... at ease, they cannot be sure of their safety, and strictly speaking, i think that each of them, in principle, will have a certain time, in principle, at a certain time, they will receive according to their merits, and let's say , there will be enough ukrainian cotton for each of them. after atakams began to fly more often, what is the reaction, is there panic among occupiers? mariupol, well, also on the other side, in the rostov region today it was not very calm and not very quiet, is there any specific feeling that the occupiers have tensed up a little more, that they no longer feel so safe in mariupol, or do they still think that is this their home they did not feel themselves, they felt themselves only in 2022, when they occupied
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mariupol, they thought that everything would be fine for them already. although they will now have what they wished for, but the wish did not coincide with the reality that they received, firstly, from taking into account the amount of ukrainian pampering, which since the 23rd year has been very actively and accurately hitting the occupiers, and strictly speaking, this process continues, that is why many, even from er ukrainian... citizens, let's say, who betrayed , that is, the collaborators, they want, they dream of moving somewhere there to the hinterland of the russian federation, because they understand that they cannot be safe in the temporarily occupied mariupol, and we see that the opportunities of ukrainian cotton
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are, in principle, the entire territory temporarily occupied, and if even... me as an example i am pointing to the village of sedovo, it is right next to the border of the terrorist country, and there was also a bomb there, that is, for the ukrainian armed forces , there is no point on the map where the ukrainian barovna could not fly, ugh, and we understand that one of the elements, one from the reactions of the occupiers, there is always mistrust of the local population, i.e.... always what they want to do: evict, take away the locals, so that there is as little as possible of the population of the conquered country and they can settle there. we remember that this method was used very intensively in mariupol, even now we know that such registers are formed, who still needs to be resettled, who cannot return to mariupol, we understand that they have
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ways to actually control it, how to do it, who gets on such lists? you see, this can generally be characterized as a continuation of the genocide of the ukrainian people, that is, which they started, as a matter of fact, from the 14th year, and scaled it up in the year 2022, and what does it show, apart from the fact that they killed thousands of people with guns, it turns out that people are temporarily occupied the territories continue to die from... even some chronic diseases, lack of food and general living conditions, and this winter also a lot of people died, mostly old people, but from the fact that the living conditions were unbearable, how do they replace the indigenous population, what are they
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doing for this, well, first of all, they are in mariupol and will leave it that way. about 20% of the indigenous population is from ukrainians, i.e. the majority of mariupol residents left, not accepting the russian occupation, and what happens next, they are the ones who do not receive russian passports, that is, they are very, let's say, suspicious, they constantly emphasize that if these people do not get these shameful russian uh... uh toilet paper called the passport of the russian federation, then they will have big problems, they don't get a job, there will be no medical insurance, etc. the people of mariupol, who were frightened by the fact that the occupiers made a statement that if you do not provide proof of ownership of the surviving property, there will be a commission that
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will simply take away this derelict, as they call it, derelict property, they they will take it and then resell it through black realtors, such a scheme is very popular in mariupol, the second element is the bringing, as you said, you understood their ships, these are citizens of various nationalities of the russian federation, of whom 70 thousand have already been brought, that is, there are 100,00 native mariupol residents, they brought more than 70,000, i.e. the goal of changing the indigenous population in mariupol, it is fully implemented by the russian aggressor, and in order to keep those 70,000... to interest them, they offer them housing on a 30-year mortgage , how can you keep a slave in this territory, to give
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real estate as a mortgage, so that later it will be paid off for years, that is, this is how they change the native composition of the population, and what, please, tell me briefly, mr. dmytro, did they bring, did they bring from russia or from central asia, from where residents there, promising them happiness in mariupol, they came, saw what the situation really looks like, what kind of apartments are destroyed, are these people somehow trying to return later, do they have the opportunity to leave mariupol, if they have already agreed somewhere and brought them here, i'm talking about russians, well, we understand the conditions in which russians are used to living in the remote areas of the russian federation, and it's not really an element of humor when, well... such elements are surprised by a toilet in an apartment or in a house, well, this is reality, and well, we must understand that
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they come, strictly speaking, precisely from those regions where they are used, excuse me, to the toilet on the street, and accordingly, when they, well, as an example, for example, they built three-story buildings on the outskirts of the central district houses, but imagine... a three-story one the house is not connected to the general sewage system, well, that is, everything is as the russians are used to, and they resettle mariupol residents there, who had houses in the very center of the city, in order to then build housing in their place under a mortgage, but the mariupol residents say, you are generally on your own you understand, well , they built such barracks there, which is simply terrifying and... actually speaking, but russians are not afraid of such living conditions, so they agree in principle even to buy such barracks. mr. dmitry,
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thank you for the conversation, thank you for the answers. dmytro zabavin was with us, a deputy of the mariupol city council, now we are going on a short break, we ask you to stay with us and report, we will return in a few minutes, and there will be an interesting conversation. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of traditions and... these are boys who never cry. lemberg, mom, don't cry. a book by the writer olena
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cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium. normalizes heart rate, increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may for relief, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, it would be even better.
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we will have a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10 , sunday 18:15 at espresso. events, happenings just now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes
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taking place. in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday's political club. every saturday at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics. even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. and we are returning to our broadcast, now we will talk about the south of our country, about...
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nova kakhovka, volodymyr kovalenko, the mayor of nova kakhovka, is now joining our broadcast, we ask you to stay with us, donate, of course, every time you see qr code and card number, and also in a few minutes we will add oleksandr skoryk from kharkiv region to our conversation, we will ask about the situation there, and now, as promised by nova hahopka, i welcome you, mr. volodymyr, to our meter, good morning, thank you join in and briefly ask for a start. actually, how are the last days passing in novaya kakhovka, what is the situation in the city now? the fact is that nova kakhovka and the community have been under occupation and on the front line for quite a long time, well, the entire period of the war, well , actually speaking, this is what determines the existence, not life, existence in this territory, there is practically no such thing, that time or those hours.
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so that the city is quiet and on the territory of the community, because shelling is coming from the territory of the city and from the community to the southwest, this is to the side of the well, which is located on the border of novokakhovska community and oleshkivska, and the right bank in the de-occupied territory is also being shelled, it is clear that in this way, if constantly, as the residents say loudly, but... due to the fact that the city is practically plundered, because the entire coastal territory, it has been transformed, if , in the opinion of the occupying forces, if the zone, er, the zone of countering the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine, which sooner or later will take place, the park is ransacked, there are some reinforced concrete structures, everything is mined, adjacent residential buildings in the city itself along the avenue
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dniprovskyi. and the enemy in the rural settlements downstream of the dnipro, the dnipriana, the practically non-existent korsunka, which was flooded with three meters of water, there is no light, there is no communication, as a matter of fact, the enemy is located in residential buildings in those streets that are next to dnipro, well, this is from the point of view, and its quite a large number, i mean the manpower in the city, on the territory of the community. the equipment is located 5-7-10 km further from the dnipro, well, actually speaking, this is the situation with the military, regarding people, what are they now, you know, to live a day in that territory is already a feat to some extent, and what are people worried about? the fact is that in june, as far as i know.


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