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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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in the city itself along dniprovsky avenue is occupied by the enemy, in rural settlements downstream of the dnipro, dnipryana, the practically non-existent korsenka, which was flooded with three meters of water, there is no light, no communication, well, actually, the enemy is located in residential houses on those streets that are next to the dnieper, well, this is from the point of view, and there are quite a lot of them, i mean. of manpower in the city, on the territory of the community, the equipment is located further from the dnipro, 5-7-10 km away, well , strictly speaking, this is the situation with the military as for the people, what are they doing now, you know, to live a day in that territory is already a feat to some extent, and what are people worried about? the fact is that in june, as far as i know, from the so-called resolution, the so-called occupation. the opportunity to live with
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a ukrainian passport ends, and there are still quite a large number of residents who have not received a russian passport, but since june, if you do not have a russian passport, then you acquire the status of a foreign citizen, this worries many residents with whom i talk, and they are thinking about it, how to get out of the situation, the so-called inventory process of small business property is currently taking place in the place. they find out whether there are owners or not, whether they are on the territory, it is necessary to come and take a so-called inventory, well, actually, practically most of these premises will remain so that the enemy bti disposes of their profit, as they calculate, because most entrepreneurs left, there is still a problem, well, one therapist for the whole city to make an appointment with him, it has to be done. queues, but that's the situation, it's difficult
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even imagine, mr. volodymyr, and you actually said that a little about the military began to talk about the fact that it is constantly loud in the city, if we look at the map, we understand that everything is much louder and more serious, after all, it is further south, so the markets and a little about the surroundings, the new camps, the sand dunes, do you have russian military personnel in the newest kakhovka, or actually somewhere in the city, maybe in the surroundings? are concentrating, they have equipment, but actually speaking, the sandy, new village of korsonka is scraps, maslivka is a village of the novokakhovka community, there really concentrated equipment, in the city itself there is quite a large number of the military themselves, they seem to be mostly hiding, representatives of their command appeared, they are dressed in civilian clothes, walking, well, watching... for everything for their own, because there are
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rare cases of desertion, and equipment, well, novakakhovka is located in such a way that the industrial zone is primarily residential, if the district, several districts near the dnipro, to the south there is an industrial zone, so behind the industrial zone on the five seven-kilometer territory, the equipment is located in the very place, it is rarely possible to see, mainly these are observation points. on the upper floors of residential buildings, we understand that the situation with work and with the opportunity to earn money is not easy, are the russians taking advantage of it, i am now referring to the information that young people are being recruited to factories for the production of shakhed, in this direction, or already has this trend reached new tiles? and no, the facts of the conscription into the russian army of occupation and the invitation to... the work of novuk khuvka have not been touched yet for
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one simple reason, because this is the front line, and most likely the enemy has two thoughts, well, first of all, the front line is not risked by those who are engaged in it, but the so-called government in novaya kokhovka, it remains there alone, everyone else leaves for shadovsk, and they are practically not in the city, and it seems to me that everything - after all, the enemy uses those people who are there to be a human shield, on the one hand, and on the other hand. i want to say that there are mostly people of such an age that they will be able to be useful in some enterprises, although i know cases of those who took certificates and went there to krasnodar region, i have such information, they work in factories, because the city of novakokhovka was quite industrial, well, in the southern electric machine alone , 12,500 people worked, these are technical people, so to speak, and from the very... such agitation and
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invitation in the new kokhovka, this process is not taking place with a draft yet, mr. volodymyr, and the rest of the population, these people have moved somewhere in the vicinity to the villages or to the depths. occupied territories, you have already said about those who left for the krasnodar territory, because it is interesting where the youth went and where the employees of this enterprise also shared, we understand that these are people who know how to do certain important technical work that is needed precisely in wartime, you know, well, even before the war this enterprise was much smaller, because due to the so-called privatization processes of these voucher vouchers, the enterprise was there, well, that’s not the point, a large number, the absolute majority of young, able-bodied people either left for the territory of ukraine, well, of the 65,000 residents of the novokakhov community in the city, somewhere in the territory, 1015 remained, all the rest left,
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there is a part that went, including to skadovsk, to genichivsk, to crimea, a small number there to their relatives, but the absolute majority is in the under the control of ukraine or in european countries, because the departure from the new shack, which was occupied in the first on the day of the war, at 10:50 a.m. the possibility of leaving the city was already closed, as they say, so he mainly went through those points that were working, then through the crimea, and therefore a very large number, significant, small, significant in european countries. this is the situation, so there is none in the city. and young people, well, people, as a rule, are far past 40-50, they are mostly pensioners who once built this city, when they came back to this city 40, 50, 60 years ago. mr. volodymyr, thank you for the analysis of the situation, for the clarification and the story about how
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nova kakhovka lives today and who remains there, volodymyr kovalenko, the mayor of nova kakhovka was with us, then, as promised, there will be kharkiv region, but more on that later short break, stay with us. fm galicia. listen to yours. allergy is not a lion, it will overcome it3. citring neo protects against the most common allergens. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. an evening of boxing that will go down in history. the battle for the title of absolute
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nation. tchaikovsky's name in the name of the kyiv conservatory, ominously hanging over the symbolic cemetery on the maidan, mocks over the memory of the dead and haunts the living, we will return, vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company favorite presenters, presenters who... have become like family, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick-up bc, pick-up
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guys, atv is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chas ivya. we return, most experts agree that these russian offensive operations in the north of the kharkiv region, along the border with ukraine, are intended simply to divert attention, to bind ukrainian forces in a certain direction, and in fact do not play a major role they win back, because there is no great effort there. now we will talk about kharkiv oblast with oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council. mr. oleksandr, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, christ is risen. he is truly risen. mr. alexander. thank you
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for joining, and actually, please tell us a little bit about how the population, how people reacted to yesterday's russian attack. we understand that they are shelling everything, and not only the city, the vovchansky district, the border, front-line zones, that is, they simply threw all their efforts there to essentially intimidate people how do people react? people are holding on, well, the people of kharkiv expected, the residents of the region expected that there would be an offensive, the format of the offensive, the offensive that they started yesterday, er , it is, in fact, and in my opinion, in the opinion of our military experts, this is the main his, his main purpose of restraining our forces and distracting from something... special, well , again, in the opinion of our military, it is , after all, the area of ​​the temporal ravine and the area
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of ​​the donetsk region, where they conduct intensive, intensive, intensive battles, and thus they, today fetter ours forces, in order for us to transfer from those directions, our, our armed forces, today the situation has stabilized, at midnight they stopped their so-called so-called offensive and our defense forces began to knock them out of the gray zone that they practically occupied yesterday , this is the village of streleche, pylna, borysivka, krasne, lypetskyi, lypetskyi district, lypka district, lipetsk united territorial community, agatyshchi plytenivka - these are the settlements that are located. in vovchanska, the vovchanska territorial community announced the evacuation of the city itself
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vovchansk, because they are constantly being hit there, almost a whole day they are being hit with anti-aircraft guns, with hail, tornadoes, with mortars, with artillery, and there are practically no buildings left undamaged in the city, it is almost impossible to live there, yesterday, by the way, in kharkiv oblast there was one of the longest alarms, lasting 13... hours and 18 minutes from 9 in the morning and there was an alarm almost until the evening. in conditions of 13-hour alert, everyone understands that it is practically impossible to be in a bomb shelter. tonight there were two flights at 2:47 a.m. all kharkiv residents heard. and at 3 o'clock they were rake, the rockets were in the city, we still don't know the details of the details, where they hit, where they hit, but we clearly, clearly. er heard these explosions, and constantly, constant explosions and alarms due to
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the akabs, with which they hit the territory of the same lipetsk association of the territorial community of vovchanska, and right from the city of kharkiv we can see the smoke rising, and at night they saw these explosions of cabs, there are a lot of them and they are constantly in the news, they are cabs, cabs take off. they are constantly beating, beating, very intensively, very powerfully, in large numbers, ours the guys who defend this area here report from different sides that the situation is under control, that they have everything under control and are now engaged in breaking out of this gray zone, by the way, there is a gray zone that is right next to these populated points are located right next to the border line, and in order to
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occupy them so, well, so that they do not make much effort there, they went in and designated themselves there as a territory that, if, allegedly, they captured, in fact it is a gray area, now it's just that our military there will deal with the forces that entered there, we are convinced of that, mr. oleksandr, and we... directly trust our armed forces, it's not the first year, but i want to ask you, look, the russians obviously, well, they didn't start anywhere to attack, and i want to ask you specifically about the lypians, what is the significance of this na... settlement, why did they start moving there, what do they differ on? one of the versions is that this particular territory is the closest to belgorod, the closest from the point of view of geography, this is the first, and you you know that they are the last one there, recently at the level from the president to everyone else
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they are talking about the sanitary zone, and one of the options is to make some kind of... wet zone to reduce the distance of shelling to belgorod, this is the first, and the second, precisely in in that place, from the point of view of propaganda, it was easier to occupy those small villages that were already in the gray zone, we did not have a line of defense there, the main one, this village, which was in the gray zone, our line of defense was not breached in any way , so it's... it's in terms of propaganda, yesterday they reported to all the public that they liberated, as they call it, some ukrainian settlements, in fact they just occupied a village of the gray zone, from where they will be in the near future, i think one hundred percent knocked out, so this is a question for them, as for propaganda, and we literally have minutes
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left, the so-called sanitary zone, it has not been implemented. they will have mr. oleksandr, i still want to ask about vovchansk, there was information that the evacuation is starting from these villages from the outskirts of this settlement and neighboring ones, or whether there are actually masses of people they leave, because we understand, as you say, 13 hours, air anxiety, it's just morally even difficult to endure, not that physically. well, it is almost impossible to be there, because there is intense fighting, it looks like it is there today. the usual active front line, that is why people are being evacuated en masse, especially from vavchansk, from villages located on the border. evacuation has been announced, i believe that it is very necessary, because it is impossible to expose people to such danger. in vovchanka, by the way, there are people
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who were there yesterday, for example, they they tell that the city is practically destroyed. and it looks the same as avtiyivka, mariupol and so on, everything is destroyed, therefore it makes no sense to live under shelling and expose yourself to danger, evacuation must be carried out actively so that people, people remain alive, frankly speaking , so this is the right, correct action, i believe, i urge everyone to actively evacuate. of this entire village. thank you mr. alexander, hang in there, we hope this all ends soon, actually in the kharkiv region, and they will not visit us again. oleksandr skoryk was with us, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council. we continue our conversation and yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the akhiles shock air defense battalion, joins our broadcast. mr. yury,
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glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. you know, i want to start, after we talked about kharkiv region with... a little more positive, more positive information, we know that you organized a special greeting to akhilasivka in the temporarily occupied donetsk to the russians , please tell me the details: with each day by day, technologies within our country are developing, accordingly, our unit also receives better and better means, which are able to perform tasks on more distant truths, flying into the depths of the operational space of the controlled territory against. accordingly, donetsk is the zone that can be reached, and accordingly, in donetsk, those targets are struck that ensure the grouping of troops or the training of troops participating in the war against ukraine, in particular on the front line, and this is one of the elements of the work, which is symbolic , according to mine conviction, because the occupier must remember
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that wherever he is and whatever he is doing, he is being watched, and at any moment he will surely be li'. that is why the work continues, it is systematic, and i am sure that ukraine has every chance to win this war. thank you for the optimism and for what you are doing so that this optimism is not groundless and actually has some basis on the battlefield as well. when you say watch, you mean watch from the sky, from a height, from drones, right? i will tell you. so that the armed forces ukraine, the defense forces, in general have many eyes, in particular those that are in the air, uh, and actually, regarding these means that are in the air. we have talked with you more than once about the fact that we are constantly moving forward, what are the newest, most interesting developments that you would like to note now, which help
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to be effective in the air? i will tell you this way, shock wings have appeared in ukraine , this is a very, very significant shift, because at the beginning of the 23rd year, even there in the middle of the year, there were almost no shock wings, there were several companies that manufacture... multiple uses of shock wings and kamikaji wings, but these were very small batches, and individual units in the defense forces had them. to date, there are a number of factories that produce a large number of strike drones capable, excuse me, strike wings, capable of flying further than fivicopters, carrying sufficiently powerful ammunition in order to make a sufficiently serious impact on the enemy in his depth. tive space, so shock wings are the first, second, modernization that drone control systems have undergone, and also
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it is worth noting that the modernization of night bombers, if you compare the means of a night bomber type, baba yaga, as the enemy calls it, at the beginning of the 23rd year, by the same company that produces it, and at the beginning of the 24th, these are two completely different means, meaning from a point of view. therefore, ukraine has become dynamically developing in this direction, i would not like to idealize the processes, but if i say that we will definitely win, i mean that the number one task, that for us is victory, not to lose what belongs to us, that , which we control, task number two is to get rid of of the enemy's shock-assault capabilities, this means heating up his calves, heating up enterprises that process petroleum products at the expense of the oil dollar that fill the russian economy. to wage war so that the enemy group that is in ukraine loses its shock assault capabilities, and also this is the return of key
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positions, heights, territories that are important for us, so that in the future, with the forces and means that we accumulate, train, we are getting international partners who could implement work on the de-occupation of our territories. i'm not talking about that it will be easy, or the victory will already come tomorrow, but we have to... every day is to believe that we will win and work every day at our place for 100% of the hundred possible, then there will be a result. you mentioned the baba yaga, mr. yury, but we know that now that baba yaga not only flies and terrifies, but also began to carry ammunition, certain such very important cargoes, not on the ground now, not below, in the sky to the advanced positions of our defenders . how does it work, how effective is this method now? with the advent of drones, they mirror the enemy is displayed, with the exception of night bombers , the enemy currently
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does not have these means. the line of direct contact from zero and there to 10 km, so it turned into a zone of not just constant attention, i will try to explain, we are from an infantry unit, what i mean, even when the enemy has a lot of artillery, still artillery... still fire, when you pull yourself up to advanced positions, the first arrival has gone, and then you look for a place to hide, because well, it should not lead very much, you know, so that from the first the enemy shot directly at you, you waited for the shelling of the car there or on foot and moved on, when the unmanned systems appeared, they hunt for every infantryman, it's like drones, which are dropped in half buckets, and thus moving from the area concentration there to the forward position, it became as dangerous as possible, these are 5-6 km, so every shift is difficult, every approach to the position is difficult, evacuation
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of the wounded is difficult, delivery of the necessary supply of ammunition to the position is difficult and dangerous, in connection with this , we are currently delivering it at the expense of night bombers, that is, ammunition and... . water, and food, and medicine, and sometimes the guys order something sweet, the commander of one or another unit in which the guys are in a forward position submits a conditional application that he needs, and the delivery service is always happy to work, so in this way we really we ensure the grouping of our forces on the front line, in the zone of responsibility and also do not additionally expose our personnel to danger, this... task in the future will be almost completely taken over by robotic technology, which is also developing in ukraine, this is a task primarily of robotic equipment, delivery of provisions and
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necessary ammunition to... the front line of evacuating the seriously wounded in order not to risk personnel to the evacuation point, as well as demining, demining and also installing various combat modules for the car, so that it can go to hard-to-reach places and hit the enemy, quite effectively, a lot, yes, i'm sorry, please, that the tasks you just announced are just such a list for... the tribute was announced, another plus is that the commanders send a request, this means that the requests are large, we need a lot of drones, please tell us what volumes we are talking about and what else you need, what else is needed? drones, drones, drones, drones, and of course the personnel who pilot the drones, if in terms of personnel i am pleasantly surprised, we are equipped enough successfully, as far as drones are concerned, their expenses
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are very high. we now have a card number on the screen, this is just right if you want to support mr. yuri's unit and donate to drones. drones are exactly what mr. yuriy says, this is what is needed, drones, drones and drones again, please write it down for yourself, this is important and necessary information, and donate, donate, please, mr. yuriy, we know, what else... new troops are appearing, and in fact, now there is a new concept of creating a force of unmanned systems of the armed forces of ukraine, or will it make a difference on the battlefield or is it an important innovation in our military? what are unmanned systems? let's start from the beginning, everyone is used to that it is what is in the air, the reconnaissance means are shock, but in fact it is everything that is in the water and above the water, where
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ukraine is the absolute leader in... attack boats that destroyed about 25 % of the russian-black sea fleet, this is everything that travels on land, on tracks or on wheels, i told the tasks that robotic equipment should perform, and this is everything that is in the air. now what is necessary for in order for all this to work synchronously and successfully on the battlefield, a single control system is needed, unmanned troops this opportunity... to do further, we need to train people, that is, the devalued architecture of educational institutions that will train people, but they will also blow into a single control system new types of troops, and of course this is a necessary need to provide, finally we will have a clear structure and understanding of how much and what is needed, in this way we get a trained personnel, b) a clear synchronized execution of combat
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tasks, and the last point, which is important to say, we will get the opportunity to understand where we have system gaps and quickly correct them, both from the point of view of communication equipment with manufacturers, and from the point of view of preparatory methods. so, who didn't have time to record, who can't see from the screen, maybe i 'll dictate the card number, actually the fee for drones for achilles, it's 5375 4 1 1 2 0772840 to arm the achilles. please, you just saw how the guys work, help. mr. yuri, thank you for participating in our broadcast. yuriy fedorenko was with us. commander of the akhiles bpak shock battalion. thank you for your service and good luck. it is now approaching 9:00, the time when every day all of ukraine honors the memory of those who died in this
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war. honors and remembers those who died because of the russians who came to our independent land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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