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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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fleas in this war, honors and remembers those who died because of the russians who came to our independent land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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9th on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna porobiy is working in the studio. explosions are heard in kharkiv, reports the public. already in the second day, russian terrorists are intensively shelling the region. at night, the village of odnorobivka was hit, three private houses were damaged. and late in the evening , two locals, a 53-year-old woman and a 38-year-old man, were wounded by the shelling of the lypians , oleg senigubov, the head of the region, announced. meanwhile
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, defensive battles continue on the northern border of the kharkiv region. in the area of ​​vovchansk and lyptsiv. our defenders are trying to restrain the enemy who broke through the border the day before. the heaviest battles continue for settlements that were a gray zone: strelecha, pylna and borysivka, as well as in the area of ​​oliynykovo and ohirtsevo, the general staff reported. our soldiers assured us operate on prepared defensive lines. about us too. so that the armed forces know and prepare in advance, said the deputy commander of the third assault brigade maksym zhorin. at the moment, the actions of the russians are more like probing our defense line, and the enemy has not yet used the main forces. ukraine is transferring additional forces to kharkiv , president volodymyr zelenskyi said in his evening address. he added that he listened to the report of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. and he assured that the armed
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forces of ukraine provide everything necessary for defense of our positions. we understand the scope of the occupier's forces, we see his plan, our soldiers, our artillery, our drones respond to the occupier. i am grateful to each of our soldiers, each sergeant, each officer who defends our positions in this way. as required, we will invariably destroy the occupier in just such a way, just so as to thwart any russian offensive intentions. four people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. during the day, the occupiers attacked almost one and a half dozen settlements in the region, informed the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. muscovites targeted residential areas, damaged three private homes and an administration building. building, russian shells also
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destroyed a warehouse and private cars. russians killed a man and a woman in the pokrovsky district of donetsk region. according to the regional prosecutor's office, residents of the village of yelyzavetivka came under enemy attack. the enemy covered the settlement with barrel artillery, in a temporary ravine , a 65-year-old woman and her son were wounded as a result of shelling. residential buildings were also damaged in the city. more four enemy shaheds attacked nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region late in the evening. two private houses and an infrastructure object were damaged in the city. fortunately, people were not injured - reported the head of the region, serhii lysak. he also noted that the night in the region passed without shelling. as many as 1,320
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occupiers were destroyed in a day by ukrainian defenders, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russian army has already lost 481,000 of its terrorists. also... our defenders eliminated 15 tanks, 40 armored fighting vehicles, 55 enemy artists and aimed at the air defense system. the data added by the general staff are indicative. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 104 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. nine attacks were repulsed by our soldiers in the north of kharkiv oblast, near the villages of strelecha, krasne, morokhovets, and oliinikove. lukyantsi, 13 more attacks in the kupianske direction. despite this, the most difficult situation is in donetsk region: 45 times the russians tried to advance in the avdiyiv, bakhmut and novopavliv directions. the enemy is also restless in zaporizhzhia, in the orichov region 14 times
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attacked our positions. the occupiers also tried to push back the defense forces on the left bank of the kherson region without success. during the day , our aviation and missile forces struck one after the other. control post, fuel and bridging materials warehouse, anti-aircraft missile complex, radar station and 18 areas of concentration of enemy personnel. belarus, near the ukrainian border, is building a base where nuclear weapons can be stored. this is stated in the material of the new york times. construction was launched in the village of osypovychy, 190 km from of ukraine. the work started back in march. that year, the structures created are similar to other former nuclear storage facilities, the publication writes. according to satellite images, the facility has an air defense system, a security checkpoint, and a triple fence. such security measures may indicate the construction of warehouses for
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the storage of nuclear warheads. it was loud in the temporarily occupied rivneka in luhansk region. late in the evening there was a sound. explosions and a powerful fire broke out at the local oil depot. the information was confirmed by the occupation power. according to their data, three people died and seven were injured as a result of the impact. the oil base, according to the occupiers, was attacked with long-range missiles, atacoms. residents of the kursk and bilhorod regions of erefia did not sleep at night either. the local authorities complained about the mass drone attack. near. the cities allegedly shot down several air targets, reported eight casualties, several dozen damaged houses, as well as destroyed cars and gas supply lines. two more drones were apparently intercepted by russian air defense in kursk, however, one of them fell next to an outbuilding and damaged a
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nearby house. meanwhile , the aggressors reported to the ministry of defense of the country about 17 downed rocket launchers, five guided aerial bombs and drones. and in the rostov region, the russians did not deliver fuel tankers, all because of a nighttime accident at the kuberle railway station, - reports the local ministry of emergency situations. immediately, several wagons of the freight train came together for unknown reasons, and then caught fire. the movement of trains there had to be stopped, the fire was extinguished until the morning. usa urgently sells for ukraine. three hymars systems the us state department approved the sale to finance the purchase of almost $30 million to the german government, the associated press reported. according to their data, state secretary antony blinken noted that the emergency situation in ukraine requires an immediate sale. the systems
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will come from us army stocks. the day before , washington also announced a new arms package for ukraine worth 400 million dollars. they take him to him. missiles for patriot nasams, anti-aircraft missile launcher, ammunition for haimars and artillery and equipment. and we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers , day and night. therefore, for the emergency recovery and... return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular bmp tanks, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for operational repair of foreign equipment. our goal is
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uah 630,000. join the collection, your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. two months of arrest or bail of almost uah 250,000. the court chose this preventive measure for a previously convicted 50-year-old man who threatened police officers in breweries with a weapon. it is about the incident that happened on may 8. an inebriated resident of the breweries behaved aggressively in one of the establishments, and when the police arrived at the call, he began to rush at the law enforcement officers and threatened them with a weapon. as the locals wrote public, the attacker is a brewery criminal authority. the attacker faces up to 5 years in prison. 11,000 ukrainian men have illegally crossed the ukrainian border with romania through forests, mountains and rivers since
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the beginning of the full-scale war. this was announced by a representative of the border police of romania. according to him, most of the refugees asked for temporary protection, referring to their reluctance to go to the front. 19 ukrainians died fleeing the country, 11 drowned in the tisza river, the rest froze to death in the mountains. however, there could be victims much more, - says the law enforcement officer. over the past two years. in only one of the four border provinces. romanians saved 108 of our citizens from death. we will see you at 10 o'clock. read more news on our website espresso. tv, also in our social networks, join, put your preferences. my colleague oksana vysochanska will continue the discussion. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. thank you
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khrystyna, we are continuing our etr regarding kharkiv oblast, so the situation at the moment is as follows: the russians have occupied several villages, which are ridiculous the borders are actually located, and they are very difficult for the russians to be able to stay there, to hold these settlements, they did not break through our defense line, it is important to record, to note, so that there is not... have subsided and the situation is said by our military to be completely stabilized, we will inquire about the details and analyze this situation with our next guest dmytro snigerev, a military expert, a singer of the giva-sprava joins our air, mr. dmytro, we welcome you, congratulations, so about kharkiv oblast, let's start what... this is their walk, we hope, yes this is an attempt to enter, and
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we hope that they will immediately come out in the north, well , in the plans of the russians, the so-called armed forces of ukraine from the borders with russia at a reasonable distance, we can clearly see you , but it's very bad to hear, let's try now. to dial you again, to reconnect, so that it would be better, because you talk about important things, and not quite hear everything and cannot fully understand. let me remind you, we are talking about the kharkiv region, the very north of our country. for several weeks there were reports from various sources that the russians were massing a certain number of troops there, it was about 30 to 50 thousand personnel, there were also reports that they were... wandering in the forests, bringing some equipment, but all the experts and the military noted that this was not enough
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to launch such a massive offensive, that they said that they would not reach kharkiv with such forces, that it would definitely not be possible to surround kharkiv, they chose such a time, now is the month of may, why, because first of all, already everything is green, it is much easier to hide the same equipment, on the other hand, this brief period, when there were still weapons... but not all of the help from the west came, that's why this is the moment. so, mr. dmytro, let's go back to our conversation, why did they choose these locations, near lybtsi, near vovchansk, why are they moving in that direction, and what could this mean further? yes, let's talk about the advance of the shooters, it was, accordingly, even before the invasion, that's why it spread. directly in the kharkiv region is quite understandable, they
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expanded their presence due to the introduction of suitable subdivisions of the settlements with armored vehicles, but the main task of the occupiers is to distract the attention of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine at the moment of the redeployment of operational reserves and to cover possible breakthroughs of russian troops, and we are talking about... the possibility of similar provocations not only on the border with the kharkiv region, i do not exclude the possibility of provocations on borders of the sumy region. the task of the occupiers is to stretch the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine and prevent the redeployment of operational reserves directly to the donetsk direction, to the direction where concentrated the main blow of the russian invaders. did they manage to achieve their goal, because it seems that not so much. yeah, totally agree with you, not really. it is worth
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saying that even the tactical level of success of the russian invaders has not been achieved. the fact that... currently, a so-called gray zone has been created, but the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports that the battles for strecheka, pilna, borysivka, oliinikov and ohirtsev are ongoing, and accordingly, that the scale of this gray zone as a result of the successful counterattacks of the armed forces of ukraine will be reduced, but the main thing is to understand ukrainians, the line of defense of the armed forces of ukraine, the engineering and fortification defenses that were built during... the last six months, they have not been breached, the occupiers have not even reached the lines of engineering and fortification structures, that is why at the moment the veteris are coming out and crying about what how the occupiers managed to achieve tactical success and break through the ukrainian defense line, i repeat once again, the defense line has not been broken, it was built
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taking into account similar scenarios from the russian federation, and what is currently happening in... kharkiv region is local operation of the russian occupation forces. currently, talking about a large-scale invasion, moreover, as the occupiers reported yesterday about the fighting in the vovchanskyi district, almost fighting on the outskirts of kharkiv, is an outright senseless delusion. well , we are told about the distances depending on which side, but from the front it is 70 km, from vovchansk - it is 30 km, that is, it is still a long way, but... mr. dmytro, regarding the lypians, why is it so important for them to go there to move, which might mean if they did try a few more times carry out similar actions and get to liptsi somewhere, is this scenario at all possible? let's talk about the fact that, according to the russian side,
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attacks on the military infrastructure of the russian troops in the belgorod region seem to be carried out from the liptsi region, so they believe that control over this settlement will prevent further attacks on the territory of the russian federation. i repeat once again, we are talking about the possibility of creating a so-called sanitary zone. according to the information of the russian side, apparently from liptsiv, accordingly, the launch of unmanned aerial vehicles is underway, and it seems that the positions of the rczv of the ukrainian troops are located there, which is why such a concentrated attack is directed precisely in the direction of this settlement, but, as we can see, the situation is currently being stabilized by the efforts of the armed forces of ukraine. the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reported that operational reserves are being transferred to the kharkiv direction, and the situation is being analyzed and monitored accordingly. are they in a position to hold
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a blitzkrieg in this direction right now, as it was 2 years ago, on february 24, 2022. or the fact that they stopped at these four settlements, and in fact they cannot even hold them, means that, well, there is no chance, the operation is poorly planned and we can really be calm for kharkiv oblast, well, let's talk about the fact that currently the border areas with kharkiv region refers to the territory of the russian federation, according to various estimates , 30,000 to 35,000 personnel of the russian occupation forces are concentrated, according to this... gent is not enough to be classified as an invasion contingent, moreover, ukrainian society, namely the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense did not record the redeployment of the operational reserves of the russian occupation forces, the creation of field depots from bc and the main deployment of field hospitals, these three
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signs indicate the possibility of forming a shock contingent, an invasion contingent. there is no information yet, and accordingly there is a reaction from the pentagon and official representatives of the united states, who stated that the operations of russian troops in the kharkiv region will have local nature, that is, the situation is also analyzed by our strategic partners, but i emphasize the possible nature of provocations also in the border region with the sumy region, it is not by chance that the kadyriv battalions are concentrated there, but it is worth saying that here the russian federation will solve several issues for itself. the first is the escalation of tension, and the second is disposal. kadyrov battalions, it is not by chance that they were transferred to the command of colonel-general lapin. lapin has a personal conflict with kadyrov. i will remind you, the last one criticized
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lapin's activities, and accordingly expressed critical remarks about his military abilities. therefore, i do not rule out that this is a special operation of the russian special services with the aim of eliminating ramzan's personal guard. interesting version, mr. dmytro, but we want to ask you about something else: general general pavlyuk reported that now the reserves will also be brought to the kyiv region in order to be able to defend kyiv in case of an emergency. after the situation in kharkiv region, this should be an alarming or, on the contrary, a positive signal, i.e. it should scare people that there is some information about that they can also move to kyiv, or , on the contrary, reassure them that everything is under our control? "reassure, this is evidence that the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine fully controls the situation, moreover, enough operational
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reserves of the general staff are concentrated in this direction to cover this direction, that is, on the contrary, it is reassuring and should make it clear, first of all, to the people of kyiv, well, in general, to the citizens of ukraine, the possibilities of the armed forces of ukraine to prevent the scenario of february 22nd, which concerns the kyiv direction as well the republic of belarus has not recorded the deployment of units of the armed forces of the russian federation, which would indicate the preparation of an offensive in the direction of kyiv, but less, i emphasize once again, is better, as they say, act on prejudice. additional engineering and fortification works are currently being carried out on the kyiv, sumy, and kharkiv directions, and the terrain is being mined in the direction of a possible tank breakthrough from russia. of the federation, so these are preventive measures that, on the contrary, should calm down the ukrainians, huh, but that's one thing, and another thing that can still alarm us is that
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on the eve of the attack on kharkiv oblast from the russian side, we had information that they were preparing, preparing, preparing, but kyiv officially denied it, they said there is nothing like that, they can't do anything, nobody can go , everything will not be under control, and that this is all russian ipso, it turned out that no, not ipso. is that why, why do we constantly deny that they will go somewhere, that they will move somewhere, why we don't say how it is, and how two years ago they told us about kebabs, well let's talk about the fact that the information was, if only the evidence that the information was in the presence of the intelligence service, the agency staff of the armed forces of ukraine, is evidenced by the fact that on the eve of the invasion on the territory of the russian federation, namely the belgorod region, a large-scale strike was launched using bp. and, accordingly, the means of defeat, i.e. they played in advance. most likely, the blow was struck just at the moment of the operational deployment of the russian occupation forces. this is for critics regarding, well,
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remarks from the side of information policy, well this should be done respectively by the counter-disinformation centers under the ministry of culture and the national security and defense council, but they are taking care of the rear, let's call a spade a spade. all the more, i don't understand, you know, the situation. when 10 brigades are currently being formed to protect kyiv, instead a decision was made to strengthen the border troops in the amount of 15,000, these are four full-fledged brigades that could have been used in the donetsk direction as well, because we repeatedly hear statements that there is a lack of people and cover that accordingly the very kyiv or kharkiv direction, instead they will cover... the borders with poland and romania, we have a threat with poland and romania. we understand your position. thank you, thank you for the analysis, for the answers, dmytro snigerov was with us, a military expert and co-chairman
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of the public initiative on the right to do business. we have a short pause. next, about the zaporozhye direction. we will talk, wait. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution, garden three recors unpack the tv, hurry order at a special price, only from uah 999. kors dreamers are compact, light and very powerful. mowing the lawn in the most difficult to reach places, near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trimming bushes and even branches, is simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. light and comfortable. they can be used. even women, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds, and at the same time, they are practically silent,
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22:00. studio. sahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch saturday's political club. every saturday at espresso. from the zaporozhye region, the spokesman of the legion of freedom, kostyantyn denisov. mr. kostyantyn is in touch with us. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. greetings to you and kanalus viewers. please tell us briefly what you can share, what is the current situation in the zaporizhzhia
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region, because we often forget about... zaporizhzhia, actually, because of what is happening near chasivyar, in ochereteny, in the north, and in aren't you just everything too? of course, not simply, the enemy does not stop trying to recapture the positions he lost during the offensive and liberation operations of our brothers in the second half of the 23rd year, but if you analyze, then they lost the most in the zaporozhye direction, they lost control over two settlements, huts and rabotin, they lost a large, large piece of territory near the settlement of verbove, accordingly, now they are chasing their infantrymen under the cover of artillery and aviation, well with different levels of intensity, rush to attack and try to first establish fire control over those and other areas, move the gray zone in our direction, well, in the future, enter and
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close... swim, but they manage to enter, but not to be established, but to double-hundred, they succeed in all five and a plus. judging by the fact that there are so many russian corpses lying around and their burned equipment, but at once , let's say that they are also doing us a lot of damage, because their artillery is working non-stop, even if compared to the intensity of a year ago, when... well, almost a year ago, when the offensive actions of our brothers in the zaporizhia region began, there were more than 100-10 shelling of the zaporizhia region, it was already some nonsense from a number of other good, by now we are already used to the fact that 250 plus artillery fire per day takes place from the side of the russian occupiers right here against our guys, that is, we can...


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