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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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a telethon for your own. public. one of the six producers of the national marathon of single news this week found itself between two lights. colleagues announced their intention to take away prime-time slots from him, which are watched by the largest number of viewers. and people's deputy from servant of the people maryana bezugla published several posts on social networks accusing the broadcaster. experts immediately connected these two events. and they remembered the story of the dismissal of the head of the armed forces valery zaluzhny, which resembled a special information operation, and maryana also started it cornerless this time, the deputy blamed the public for the seemingly small reach of the audience, for the high salaries of the management and even the organization of employment schemes for men with the aim of their reservation, but the main message was a call to reduce the state funding of the broadcaster. so, currently
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we have defacto a6 state channels, public with all ramifications, rada, dom, freedom, telethon, army media holding. i believe that the six state broadcasters should be made one, and the funds should be redirected to the creation of information and cyber armies of ukraine, to create information and cyber forces of ukraine. but the public is no longer state, thanks to the support of western countries after the revolution. once a truly state-owned channel was reformed and became public, the president's office, the cabinet of ministers, and even the verkhovna rada do not have direct mechanisms of influence on its editorial policy. monitoring shows that the public is the only participant in the telethon that allows itself to give different points of view, for example, to invite people's deputies from different factions, in particular from the european solidarity maybe there are some stoppages for other channels or something else. as he says
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, the opposition is often forwarded and established, they agree on specific speakers in the marathon, we don't have such a thing, and maybe this worries the representatives of the authorities that they cannot interfere in our editorial policy. the single news telethon was launched on february 24 , 2022, and leading media groups and tv channels united to participate in it. at the beginning of a full-scale second. the telethon fulfilled its function: to prevent panic and promptly inform ukrainians about the progress of the war. but now, according to many media experts, it has become an informational relic. confidence in him continues to fall. according to the kmis survey conducted in february 2024, only 36% of ukrainians trusted the marathon, while 47% did not. the telethon is also mentioned in... the recent
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report of the us state department on the violation of human rights in ukraine in 2023, as an example of the restriction of freedom of speech. however, the authorities do not plan to abandon the format under their control. about this, in particular, on the air of the same telethon, said serhii leshchenko, adviser to the head of the president's office andriy yarmak. part of the russian information war is being waged against ukraine by discrediting the marathon, realizing that if there is no marathon. it is extremely easy to create provocations that split society and weaken ukraine in the internal period of russian aggression. the telethon is not the only example of the authorities' desire to completely control the information space, introducing not only military, but also political censorship. still on april 4 in 2022, an unprecedented event took place in the ukrainian media field, without any formal decisions or even explanations...
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the authorities illegally removed three nationwide tv channels from digital broadcasting at once: espresso, direct and the fifth channel, this decision has not yet been reversed. it is obvious not to talk about what these three channels have done, to say: "no, you will leave public affairs", well, we will quietly forget about them, because we are ashamed, we understand that we will not convince them, because this is the government, well that hypocrisy, ours is social and all else, where is the truth then? the truth is that the public needs to be absolutely protected. definitely the telethon should be closed. instead, even before the war, from the first days of the full-scale invasion, the authorities helped ukrainians get hooked on the information needle of the telegram messenger, which was launched by the russian pavlo durov, who, as many experts assume, may be connected to the russian special services. in particular , representatives of anonymous telegram channels were invited to president zelensky's press conference. now it even looks like...
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banks realized that this was a threat. head of gur kyrylo budanov directly called messenger with russian roots a problem of national security. and the bill has already been registered in the verkhovna rada. regarding the regulation of this and other social networks in the part related to information activities. large-scale air alert in ukraine, we are working from shelter and we ask you to stay in a safe city in etherispress news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. russian
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special services were preparing terrorist attacks in kyiv on may 9, and arrested the perpetrators in the act security service of ukraine. they also collected an evidence base there, which is without'. rechno confirms the russian trail, - noted sbu spokesman artem dikhtyarenko. he promised to inform about the details of the special operation later. a list of russian war criminals who attack our cities and villages with kenjal missiles was established in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. gur operatives and analysts identified 29 terrorists. these are military personnel of the 44th separate long-range special aviation regiment. army of the russian federation. they are stationed at savasleika airfield nizhny novgorod region. the regiment has 24 mig 31ka fighters. the planes are carriers of daggers that can hit targets up to 200 km away, as well as carry nuclear charges. due to
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the activation of the russian army in ukraine, the un security council will meet today for an extraordinary meeting, the secretariat of the agency reported. they emphasized that especially. attention will be drawn to shelling of ukrainian civil infrastructure. the meeting will begin at 10 p.m. kyiv time. the russians did not break through the defense line in the kharkiv region - the soldiers of the unit wrote sharp cartouches from the warehouse national guard. at the same time, the occupiers occupied several border forces in the gray zone, which were difficult to defend. our military also noted that now the fighting in this direction is less active than. yesterday , the expansion of the military base is also evidenced by the data of the deepstate map. and according to the information of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, fighting continues in the district settlements of strelecha, pylne, and borysivka, as well as in the oliynykovo and ohirtsevo areas. the armed forces knew about this offensive in advance and were preparing - said the deputy commander
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maxim zhorin of the third assault brigade. at the moment, the actions of the russians are more like probing our defense line, and the enemy has not yet deployed the main forces. they will not be able to advance significantly in the kharkiv direction, the situation in the north of the region was assessed by the representative of the us white house, john kirby. he noted that the occupiers may have minor territorial gains in the coming days, but the influx of aid from the us will allow the ukrainian army to resist the attacks. kirby also believes that the invaders will increase the intensity of the attacks and bring in more troops to create a so-called buffer zone along the border. russian terrorists have been intensively shelling kharkiv oblast for the second day, at night they struck the village of odnorobivka. an 18-year-old boy was injured, three private houses were damaged, and two local people were injured late in the evening due to shelling by the lypians.
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a 53-year-old woman and a 38-year-old man, reported the head of the region oleg seniguv. we 'll wrap up the morning at 12:00 p.m., stay tuned. congratulations, this is the beraber program together with the crimean-tatar language, it is hosted by gulsum khalilova, my colleague from crimean tatar of the atr tv channel, and i, andriy yanitskyi. from espresso tv channel. we are here together today because this is a joint project about the main news from crimea. yes, this is a joint project of the first crimean tatar tv channel of the atp selyam aleykum and the tv channel. we are happy to welcome all viewers of our tv channels. selamalikum once
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again. and while we're now putting our guest on the air, we're going to talk about what? happened this week in the temporarily occupied crimea and not only, i want to say that for the sake of the deoccupation of crimea peninsula, now our guys are in... the south and are doing everything to defeat the russian occupier, to defeat the enemy, this is the crimean tatar battalion named after noman chilibikhan, 48th oshb, so support our guys, you can by the qr code that now you will see on your screens, they are now in need of drones for the fpf and have announced this levy, so everyone who can support please. support our guys who are on the southern front by the qr code
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you see now, and we during this hour with military experts and others experts who will connect to our broadcast, we will talk about crimea and talk about the latest events that happened during this week on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, and even now we are already ready to introduce our guest, right? this is mr. oleksandr, oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group. mr. alexander, congratulations. congratulations sila moriyko. good day. mr. oleksandr, how did you remember this week, how did the occupiers remember this week on the temporarily occupied peninsula, what operational news do we already have? well, in principle, of course, it is the destruction of the fourth-rank ship, the ... the speed ship that took place this week, a fairly successful
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destruction of another combat unit, which reminds the russians that there is no peaceful place for them there, that is, it is dangerous there is a place for them, and besides everything else, it should be noted that the russians, they are trying to pay more attention to strengthening the defense of kerch recently. bridge, to create such conditions for its protection as in the air, as well as along the sea lines, but they do not succeed, and therefore every time we see either the effective action of our naval drones, or the air component and the complete inaction and ineffectiveness of their air defense. this is exactly what we can pay attention to, i think, in the following weeks, we will see the development of objects as well. of the relevant functionality, mr. alexander, i think i read that this time there were innovations
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applied by our defense forces, and as if a missile was installed on the drone, which can to shoot down air targets, is it that simple, well, the scarecrow is still for the occupiers, and in fact this did not happen, or was something like that observed? i don't think it's just a scarecrow because it's an experimental element. ah, some time ago we saw how bumblebee-type flamethrower systems were also installed on our naval drones. and on the one hand, at long distances they are ineffective, they have a low point, quite low such accuracy, but if we are talking about practice during the landing before landing on the coast, it can be the effect of such intimidation, such fiery influence. if we're talking about approaching a large object like
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a large amphibious ship or a frigate or a corvet, also these systems can be effective at a distance of less than 500m, so in principle it made sense if we 're talking about using the appropriate means of destruction, missile means of destruction, then the destruction of air targets, this can also be effective in the long term, if the algorithm is worked out, the test itself is very important here, that is, what to use it is it possible in such a complex? yes, theoretically quite, but there should be tests in order to emphasize all the pluses, all the minuses, and see what the coefficient of effectiveness is, and after that, really every such sea drone, if it is an effective concept, it can use these means of destruction not just er for striking there
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, no, no, not so much striking, but for defense, because it is the air component that is like the mi-28 helicopter strike, as an option, and the mi-8, k- 52, this is the main one the element that the russians are using to intercept our naval drones, they are trying to hide them with helicopters or... attack helicopters, the destruction of the attack helicopter, after the attack helicopter is destroyed, there is the destruction of some surface object, ah, there, for example, the same corvette or. will be able to implement this experiment and it will no longer be an experiment but a common practice of application. i have a question. i just have a lot of questions for you. i read in the news that
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the kerch bridge seems to be no longer in use. by the occupants for transportation. of military equipment that they, well, either they seriously already believe that it is very vulnerable, or they started using the land route that they were building, but what happens now, there is no point in hitting the kerch bridge, or it still remains ours desired goal? well, i 'll say this, well, let's say tomorrow someone will build a house on the godfather, that's on the godfather. right on the road part, in order to block the passage, some kind of high-rise building with 16 floors, well, that will be a legal building, an illegal building the building is an illegal building, indeed, the same is true of the kerch bridge, it is an illegal building and it must be destroyed one way or another, this is the first point, precisely the fact, legality, and
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its absence, it is absent, and the second point is very important: i don’t know , where all these groups came from, they concluded from the fact that the kerch bridge is not used for the transportation of military cargo, equipment, ammunition, everything else, there is such a thing as logistical support, what is logistical support, it a complex of material means used to provide troops, it can be starting... with mechanized components, tanks, bbm, artillery, ammunition, of course, starting from the 152-caliber projectile, yes, and powder charge, and ending with banal cartridges for small arms of various calibers, elementary vodka and stew, if they are already
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being transported, then it is already that way, that is, if we perceive vodka as civilian cargo, then this does not mean that... it is civilian cargo, the same way if we we see that someone is coming there is a passenger car and so on, this does not mean that there are civilians, and not personnel for rotation and so on. fuel and lubricants, which are transported across the kerch bridge in large quantities by tankers, are not for the purpose of delivering milk to consumers throughout the crimea next month, yes, on trucks, no, it is not for milk, it is... exactly fuel and lubricants materials for refueling russian tanks and armored fighting vehicles, so the kerch bridge remained an important logistical artery, it remains so, and one more very interesting point, for some reason all these autumn groups, they use, as proof of their vision
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of the situation, satellite images, from a long distance, they are not detailed, but for some reason they are not animals. go to the crimean monitoring groups, which operate specifically in the crimea and which constantly record how to kerch, or directly through the kerch bridge itself , fuel and bridging materials are transported not only there, namely equipment, howitzers, towed howitzers, equipment, bmp, combat armored vehicles cars, tanks te 62, for example, and so on, for some reason they are not record this in their reports. do not show the impression that they are allegedly trying to somehow distort the reality that is happening now with the supply of material and technical support to the temporarily occupied crimea peninsula, which, as it was, remains the main logistical transit hub for the provision of the russian southern occupation group of troops. well,
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you know, mr. oleksandr, it looks more like a propagandistic throw-in, and if... we talk about other ways, logistical ways of the russian occupiers, then as far as i am concerned it is known, they still haven't diversified this artery through rostov-nadana, mariupol, berdyansk and so on. yes, it is not fully working yet, that's true. there is no full possibility of ensuring those volumes of supply, which they would try to fully compensate in the event that the kershchen bridge. will be non-functional, so yes, the kershchen bridge, it continues to be the main logistical artery through which the main cargoes of material and technical support go. russian occupation troops, everything else is already on the mainland, that's how addition, as a kind of plus that can
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more or less satisfy the needs of this large amount of forces and means. i will remind you that only in the south the russians have almost 200,000 personnel, 200,000 russian occupation troops, in kherson, zaporizhzhia, and partly in donetsk. regions, as well as the crimean peninsula is temporarily occupied, and all this mass, as well as all the iron that has been brought to them, must be provided with something 24x7, and what are we waiting for then, what conditions are the armed forces of ukraine waiting for today to strike at kerch bridge? unfortunately, the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula is protected from the air, with its anti-aircraft component... it is the second most powerful after the moscow region, besides everything else, the kevchen bridge itself is protected not only from the territory of the crimea in the air component, but also from the territory of the mainland
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russian federation, that's why it has a double cover with crazy air defense, in order to have an effective impact from the air, it is necessary to control this component, and as for the sea borders, there is constantly... patrolling, by the way, exactly these ships of the fourth rank, that is, high-speed patrol boats, which was recently destroyed, and they are constantly patrolling the kerch bridge to counter any threats from sea drones, they created boom barriers, they sunk several barges to complicate the process of just sailing, just reaching the kerch bridge with our surface drones and also, if it wasn’t strange, but they are also from the side of the sea of ​​azov, from this very part, they also conduct patrols, that is, the kerch bridge, it is quite
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seriously guarded now, and it is necessary to create appropriate conditions, so that the strike was as effective as possible, because the strike must be one, and this strike must completely destroy the kerpchen bridge so that it cannot be hit like a car. the mobile and railway parts will not just be restored there for a week or a month, a year, and this will have an impact, a catastrophic impact on the capabilities of the russian occupation group in the south. this week, one cannot help but remember this pobedobesia festival, which took place in russia, and of course, in the occupied territory, they also tried to bring a little of their own sectarian such. we know that there were no such large-scale military parades, but there were various car races with flags, free porridge, portraits of the immortal
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regiment, and various other such agitation actions, which the russians are trying to use to replace common sense in the inhabitants of the occupied territories, why people do not ... tically perceive all this propaganda, why do they still, even after the 14th year and after the 22nd year, not understand that in fact russia is what fascist nazi germany was in the same 41st year, but accept it as a sequel, no i know, the forces of good, yes, and not the forces of evil, well, let's say this... in any region, in any region, in any city, there is a category of people who, in the third year of the full-scale invasion of ukraine, she believes that
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russia has nothing to do here, it was all provoked by the west, that's all, that's nato, that's all biden did, but here is putin, he is some kind of angel who is trying to somehow correct this... situation and save ukrainians from absorption by geyropa. they are? yes, they really are. these are people who have a completely different worldview. the outlook is destructive. i would even say yes, degrading. degradation of a person's worldview. and it does not evolve, it degrades. and they are everywhere. especially in those regions, ah... where there was quite a serious influence for years and even decades, the influence of precisely pro-russian political forces, narratives and so
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on and so forth. unfortunately, we can record this not only on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea peninsula, it is recorded constantly even on the territory of ukraine, even in those regions that, it would seem, are maximally pro-ukrainian, this is western ukraine, this is central ukraine, there is enough many people who continue, well, in kyiv we also saw different provocations, specifically on may 9 by local madmen, but these are not just local madmen, these are people who... what they do, they get paid for it, why they were not arrested, despite the fact that they are 70 years old, although they have nothing to do with the second world war, they wear this uniform of that time and somehow try to play the role of such a liberator and veteran, no , we don't know, maybe they are in the nkvd, the kgb
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worked there in general. maybe they and their parents in the nkvd, if we talk about crimea, then we know that from 2014 to the present day, russia has brought colonizers to the territory of crimea, and this is more than a million people who came from the territory of russia and now live in the territory of crimea , and they take part in all the victory actions of the day, and if we talk, for example, about the crimean tatars, then for the crimean tatars this... day even has other meanings, because after 10 days, all the crimean tatars were simply deported by order of stalin, the crimean tatar soldiers who fought during the second world war, when they came home to crimea, they simply did not see their relatives, did not see their children, and among them were also heroes of the soviet union, by the way, these are the most resonant moments.
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this is exactly what we see in mariupol now, we go to the temporarily occupied mariupol and we see there not the majority of locals who have come from the russian federation, sometimes banal migrants, who are brought in so that they can become the dominant component as much as possible in this occupied city, but- a, the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, on it is affected. since the 14th year exactly in this format, how many plots are outside the borders of urban development outside the general plans of cities, they were raided for them , raiding took place, raider capture took place and there were built where -e were red-princely e-e forests, they were simply produced and multi-storey buildings were built there.
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houses, new residential complexes, where representatives, families, representatives of the fsb, others who have moved from the russian federation and so on and so on live, i.e. temporarily since 2014, the occupied crimea has been inhabited on a large scale by people from the russian federation, this is a purposeful action, it will be a very big problem for us after the liberation of crimea, because... these people have no right to live there, but if they are forcibly evicted, then this may be a problem , for example, with our european partners, who will pay attention, oh, here is a violation of human rights and freedoms, mr. oleksandr, we must, we must go to advertising, thank you for your information, oleksandr kovalenko, military-political observer of the group informational resistance, was on the air of the brb program together, this is a joint project of the apr and... the press,
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well, we have a short break until the meeting, wait for each of us, the country must get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible, the project... for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 8:10 p.m. espresso.


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