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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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together, this is a joint project of the apr and espresso, well , we have a short break before the meeting, wait, each of us, the country must get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's get out, help us understand the present and predict the future, for the world. the hands of trump's presidency will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, that ship district, kherson. the inclusion is live,
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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat...
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10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovskii at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow? see the saturday politclub, every saturday on espresso. bereber program together with crimean tatar, joint broadcast of the crimean tatar channel atr and the espresso tv channel. andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilov are in the studio. and today
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, in the second part of the program, valentina potapova, head of the national advocacy department of the almenda center for civic education, is with us. mrs valentine, greetings, congratulations. salam aleikum, i congratulate you. this week it became known that the russian occupiers sent additional fsb units to the temporarily occupied crimea. can we talk about that, and could this indicate that... against the citizens of ukraine, against the crimean tatars on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula will increase? it is very difficult for me to understand the logic of the fsb, but i can make an assumption that in the future the repression will increase, the pressure will increase, and any manifestation of a position of support. or
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regarding the definition of the ukrainian civil identity, it will be, well, it will be emphasized... strengthened by repressions by the occupiers? yes, we also connect this with the fact that on may 18, we remember the date of the deportation of the crimean tatars, and now the fsb officers are visiting the crimean activists and warning them that under no circumstances should they go to rallies and organize any actions, this is their traditional preventive measure work, but this time we see that it is... somehow strengthened extremely, maybe it is connected with the fact that the period of admission to ukrainian educational institutions, and we know that many crimean schoolchildren are actually considering the possibility of studying in the free ukrainian territory,
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how does it happen physically, are there still crimeans who can physically leave crimea and come to ukrainian educational institutions or do they ... study somehow online , or is it mainly for those who had already managed to leave earlier before the administrative border with crimea turned into a virtual battlefield? and here you are, actually two questions, well the first question is that this year is the anniversary of the deportation crimean tatars, this is a very sad date, and indeed an increase. we can observe pressure and intimidation from the russian federation. back in 14-15 years, our public organization drew attention to the fact that the occupiers forbid
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the crimean tatars to determine this tragic commemorative date, and then we held. a competition among teachers of ukraine for the development of lessons, and the subject of this competition was memorable, and thousands of teachers of ukraine took part in this competition, in order to draw the attention of ukrainian schoolchildren to this event, which took place on may 18, 1944, in the fourth year, so this is one question that is related to the previous question, and the second question you asked is about whether it is possible to enter
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ukrainian educational institutions from crimea, and yes, such there is an opportunity, moreover, now there are very few... but there are many specific actions by the state to improve the situation of admission to ukrainian educational institutions from the temporarily occupied territories, in particular from crimea, and indeed the opportunity that was provided during covid, after a full-scale invasion. it has been improved, this is the introduction with the help of video communication, video conference, this is taking exams via video conference, when you do not need to leave the occupied
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peninsula, this is a certain simplification of taking exams. and this year, public organizations in partnership with the office of the commissioner for human rights conducted monitoring of educational centers that provide such an opportunity for simplified admission and conducted surveys of students from the temporarily occupied territories who enrolled after the start of a full-scale invasion, and also... the results of these studies, they will presented on may 22, but i can make such a certain spoiler about the challenges that exist and the challenges that the state needs to take, well
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, the actions that the state needs to take to overcome these challenges, well, first of all, it is the problem of emigration and it is necessary... to improve the system of video admission and distance education, these are challenges that are connected with... with social support of children who decide to leave anyway, because unlike their peers, they cannot get support from their parents, because you know , which is from crimea now parents can't send money, they can't send any help in the form of food, some goodies or something like that, and let's see... well, most of the children live on a very
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small budget and according to their answers, they don't have the opportunity even if they have the ability to only buy food and clothes, and therefore , in our opinion, the state needs to pay attention to this problem, these children are going in one direction. and these and other challenges that we have identified, and which we hope will be heard by the state, not only by the ministry of education, but also the ministry of social policy, and the ministry of youth and sports, the ministry of reintegration and other state authorities. ms. valentina, are there currently any statistics of crimean applicants who have entered ukrainian... higher education institutions since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, if compared to 2022, is this number
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increasing or vice versa? unfortunately, this figure, why was this monitoring done in the first place, and this survey, because we saw that the entry of 2023, gave us shockingly low figures, and even. admission in the 22nd year enrolled 137 children from the temporarily occupied territory of crimea, in 2023 only 86 children enrolled. well, almost half, although the conditions were the same, yes, that in 22, that in 23 there was already a full-scale war. and such a technical question. excuse me, please, i just have friends who want to enter ukrainian universities, but the question is whether
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they will be able to return later, for example, if they leave, return to crimea and work there with this diploma, or whether the russian occupiers will not accept them, and i can tell you that with for its part, the russian federation has not yet taken certain steps regarding the non-acceptance of ukrainian diplomas... the russian federation recognizes ukrainian diplomas and theoretically they can return. in fact, i understand that a person who receives an education in ukraine, well, he will not be favorably hired there with a ukrainian diploma, which was ot'. during a full-scale war, this is my assumption, this is
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my personal opinion, but we all understand that a ukrainian diploma is a prestigious diploma, because russian diplomas, for example, and diplomas that issue in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, they simply do not nicate, and they do not have space anywhere, that is exactly what i wanted to continue, but when we did this survey of students... and there was a question, what is your motivation, why are you enrolling in of ukrainian higher education institutions, and there you can say that you can determine, well, there are three such motivations, which have more than 70% of the answers that were given, and you know, it was very nice that for the majority the motivation is... a sense of civic identity , this is 71% of the answers, in second place is this
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perspective, well, employment, life perspective, yes, life path, the opportunity to enter higher education institutions abroad, and this is another 71%, so, well, that is why they choose to... ukrainian education, and this is really true, because for students from temporary occupied territories, and in particular from crimea, from... now there are a lot of international study programs abroad at very well-known universities with grant support, and we collected such information at the request of those with whom we communicate from crimea, we passed this
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information on in order for them to spread among crimeans. and why, in my opinion , you should, yes, still choose to study at ukrainian universities, it’s because you see that now we will have a very strong lack of personnel reserves after the deoccupation, very much, and valentina potapova, head of the department almen national advocacy center for civil appeals. let me remind you, for our viewers, we continue to communicate, but i would like to ask all viewers who are currently watching this broadcast to subscribe to the espresso youtube channels, the atp youtube channel and comment on this video, that's how it works youtube, that if you do not do this, then no one will see us, and this important information about admission to ukrainian universities will also be seen by fewer people than they could, also you
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can copy the link to this video and send it to your friends in crimea, only use safe. messengers, we don't recommend telegram, we don't recommend viber, some other messengers, well, you better know which ones are safe, ms. valentina, are you still with us, yes with us, yes i'm with you, great, let's move on to another topic, eh , i understand about the numbers you mentioned show that the number of people, schoolchildren, who choose ukrainian higher education is decreasing, for objective reasons, because it is more difficult to leave, but there is another reason. this is a huge russian propaganda machine that is unfolding in the crimea, and here we have a video of how the occupiers forced 35 children to march in the artek in the so-called immortal regiment for this week, these children, this march was led by artek veterans, participants in the war against ukraine
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of occupy representatives of the investigative committee of russia, school teams from different regions, cadets black sea high military. of the nakhimov naval school, well, we remember, in fact, how the people of nakhimov sang the national anthem of ukraine when the russians invaded crimea in 2014, and then these guys continued their service in the naval forces of ukraine. well, that is, ms. valentina, we see that this is simply the militarization of the children's consciousness, but what should we do about it, what will we do with it further, when it already happens. deoccupation of the peninsula, you know, unlike you, i am a person who, being the same age as the one we now we saw it on video, ah, i was in the soviet union, yes, we also had a lot
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of events, and when we were taken out there, something. tried to put it into our heads, ah, but, actually, uh, children, uh, perceive it as such, you know, a very strong compulsion, and when they are teenagers, the reaction can be the other way around, uh, but no you can underestimate the propaganda machine that is now aimed at children. in crimea and other occupied territories, and what to do about it, in order to somehow overcome it, we need to develop programs already today, well let's call them programs of rehabilitation, programs of restoration
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of civic identity, but it is necessary to prepare for this today. and it is necessary to take certain steps for the state so that we already have ready teachers who will understand that the children who were in the temporarily occupied territory are actually victims of the occupation, and that what they can tell the teacher about the fact that ukraine - it's a nazi state, and something that's just... well, you know, a manifestation of a certain infection, i don't know how to say, because i'm very i want to say the word disease, very much. to be a teenage protest, we know that in fact children at such a young age can say very unpleasant things to their parents and teachers,
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and it is not necessarily related to the war, and to behave defiantly, everything is understandable here, but i really i am inspired by what you said that in the soviet union, the children who wore these red handkerchiefs and who were taught that... marxism, leninism, did not really believe in it, i hope that in the century of the free internet, crimean children also have critical thinking and understand that is actually happening. another thing is that sometimes they can't say about it publicly, simply because there will be problems both at school and with their parents, and in the future there may be problems with their careers, we understand all this if... communicate, we, well, it so happened that we communicated with students who were in the temporarily occupied territory for almost nine years, ah, and,
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you know, what is inspiring is that these students, who are now already in ukraine, are in we had a meeting with lviv, ah, what, well, they are very smart people, they are very responsible towards their missions they understand that they need to go home, that they need to change, and they say that in reality everything is not as bad as it is depicted, but we need to take certain actions on the part of the state and at the international level in order to stop russia, well, you have seen the decision regarding the prohibition of teaching in the ukrainian language. unfortunately, unfortunately, the decision regarding the crimean tatar language was not so, well , unambiguous, and it seems to me that we need
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to return to this issue, because, well, in fact, we see that if the occupiers show certain figures regarding access to the native crimean-tatar language, they are almost unchanged. in fact, we understand that this is such a big potomkin village, yes, i don’t know, this is a very important topic that deserves a separate broadcast, and i hope that in our other broadcasts of the tv channel and espresso, we will discuss this topic in more detail, the topic of the crimean tatar language and the ukrainian language, the suppression of these languages ​​on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, thank you very much, mr. valentin, for taking the time and to our air, on the air with us was the head of the national advocacy department of the almenda center for civic education, we talked about education in crimea, more precisely about ukrainian education for
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residents of crimea, it is still available, still possible, and we believe that the best crimean schoolchildren actually come to ukrainian schools they study higher, only the ukrainian state helped them. stay with us, see you next week. korosh kenja. goodbye, gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, but you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there are solutions, gardeners kors trimmers from unpack tv, order in time at a special price, only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact and light. and very powerful mow the lawn in the most difficult places near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simply and easily, leave big heavy
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12:01 pm
we summarize the informative morning.


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