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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. we summarize the informative morning. in ukraine
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, khrystyna porobiy works in the studio on spress news. the russians did not break through the defense line in the kharkiv region - soldiers of the unit wrote sharp cartouches from the national guard. at the same time, the occupiers occupied several border forces in the gray zone, which were difficult to defend. our military also noted that now the fighting in this direction is less active than yesterday. the expansion of the military base is also evidenced by the data of the deepstate map. and according to the information... of the headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine, fighting continues in the area of ​​the settlements of strelecha, pylne and borysivka, as well as in the area of ​​oliinikovo and ohirtsevo. the armed forces knew about this offensive in advance and were preparing, - said the deputy commander of the third assault brigade maksym zhorin. currently, the actions of the russians are more like probing our defense line, and the enemy has not yet used the main forces. will not be able significantly advance on kharkiv.
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the situation in the north of the region was assessed by the representative of the us white house, john kirby. he noted that the occupiers may have minor territorial gains in the coming days. but the influx of aid from the us will allow the ukrainian army to withstand the attacks. kirby also believes that the invaders will increase the intensity of shelling and bring in additional troops to create a so-called buffer zone along the border. due to the activation of the russian army in ukraine, the un security council will hold an extraordinary meeting today. reported to the secretariats of the department. they emphasized that special attention will be paid to shelling of ukrainian civil infrastructure. the meeting will begin at 10 p.m. kyiv time. russian terrorists have been intensively shelling kharkiv oblast for the second day. at night, they hit the village of odnorobiv. an 18-year-old
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boy was wounded in the hand, four houses were damaged, the power and gas networks were damaged, two local people, a 53-year-old woman and a 38-year-old man, were injured late in the evening due to the shelling of the lypians, oleg synigubov, the oblast's chief, reported. evacuation from vovchansk and the border area of ​​kharkiv region continues. 250 people left in the last day. as the administration said. the city, the majority leave their homes in their own transport, those who do not have a car were taken away by the police, volunteers and the coordination center, they left under airstrikes, at night planes dropped bombs on the city, there was a lot of direct sky, the sky was falling, it seemed that it was very scary, loud , the russians killed a man and a woman. in
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yelyzavetivka in donetsk region, another local was wounded. the occupiers fired at the village from barrel artillery, - reported the prosecutor's office of the region. a 65-year-old woman and her son were also injured in temporary yar as a result of shelling. damaged residential buildings. four people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. over the course of the day, the occupiers... forged almost a dozen and a half settlements in the region , informed the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. muscovites targeted residential areas, damaged three private homes and an administrative building. russian shells also destroyed a warehouse and private cars. russian special services were preparing terrorist attacks in kyiv on may 9. detained by the
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security service of ukraine. they also collected an evidence base there, which indisputably confirms the russian trail - noted sbu spokesman artem dykhtirenko. details. special operations promised to inform later. name list of russian war criminals who shell our cities and villages. kinzhal missiles were installed in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. gur operatives and analysts identified 29 terrorists. these are soldiers of the 44th separate aviation regiment of special purpose long-range aviation of the army. in the russian federation, they are stationed at the sevasleyk airfield, nizhny novgorod region. the regiment has 24 mig-31k long-range fighters. the planes are carriers of daggers that can hit targets up to 200 km away, as well as carry nuclear charges.
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they will not limit the supply of light to the population at the moment. ukrenergo company. reported that electricity supply schedules are currently being introduced only for industry and business, restrictions are applied mainly during peak hours, when there is a shortage of voltage in the network. our country is now heavily dependent on imports electricity and emergency aid from other countries, - said the head of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. and we... we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers , day and night. therefore, for the emergency
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recovery and return to the battlefield, damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus that will deliver is needed. to the war zone, mobile, repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. join the collection, because your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. belarus, near the ukrainian border, is building a base where nuclear weapons can be stored. this is stated in... the material of the new york times. construction began in the village of osypovychy, 190 km from ukraine. the work started in march last year. the created structures are similar to other former nuclear ones storage, - writes the publication. according to satellite images, the facility has
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an air defense system, a security checkpoint, and a triple fence. such security measures may indicate the construction of warehouses for the storage of nuclear warheads. until the siren sounds, 11th-graders gathered at dawn in kharkiv to hold a rehearsal for the school graduation. photojournalist yan dobronosov posted the moving video online. schoolchildren prepared a waltz on one of the central streets of the city, gathered at 5 in the morning, while there were no cars and russian shelling yesterday in kharkiv oblast , it lasted more than 13 hours. air alarm, and it was the longest in the entire period of full-scale war. and finally, one more touching story: in zaporizhzhia, a five-year-old animal rights activist used her own savings to buy food for a dog
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shelter that came under a russian missile attack on may 8. the girl is the youngest actress of the local theater of the young audience, and also actively helps animals. my name is sofia, i am 5 years old, i work in the theater, and i am still a defender, i brought medicine to to heal the dogs that suffered from the arrival, if they have neither porridge nor feed, it has run out, then we can buy it and give it to them. this was the morning in ukraine, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, set your favorites. i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us.
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today in the program. verdict with serhii rudenko, wants to learn to shoot. lukashenko confirmed that belarus will take part in russian training exercises non-strategic nuclear weapons. why did putin pull out his nuclear stick again? one of the pillars of the new world order. xi jinping met with the full support of the so-called chinese peace plan for ukraine from hungarian prime minister viktor orbán. results of the european tour leader of the prc. guarantees of a just peace. zelenskyi told what he was collecting for. world leaders to a global forum in switzerland, is putin really afraid of
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the upcoming peace summit? glory to ukraine. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, our victory, as well as what actually happened during the last week abroad. politics, well , first of all what happened in moscow, the so -called inauguration of the so-called president, the so-called putin, sidney pini with the first european tour in the last five years, and the role of china during the upcoming global peace summit, which is to be held in switzerland june 15-16. we will talk about all this during our program, and we will have two programs, the first... the program is with the diplomat and extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine valery chaly, and the second part is
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the journalism club, which will include kateryna nekrecha and andriy yanitskyi, my colleagues, and it will start at 9:15 p.m. however, before starting our conversation, let's watch another enchanting video of how our troops try to destroy the russian invaders with american grenades. let's see right now.
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well, by the way, the m67 grenade, which our fighters dropped from a drone, led to such an enchanting... result: glory to the armed forces of ukraine, and death to the russian occupiers. friends, during this broadcast, we are working not only on the live broadcast of the tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages on these platforms and take part in our survey. today we ask you the following: do you agree that democracy is more important for ukraine than a strong leader. i 'll explain a little bit later, actually, what we meant by asking you about this, because there's a survey
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of the kyiv international institute of sociology, now and four years ago, and there are certain numbers, we are interested to see what you think now about whether democracy is more important for ukraine than a strong leader, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, you can leave it in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that democracy is more important for ukraine than a strong leader, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will tally up the results of this vote, it will be interesting to see the ratio of votes, yes, no, i want to introduce today's guest, who will live in the kyiv studio, this is valery chaly, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine in the united states of america, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center. greetings
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, mr. valery. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start our conversation with the so-called inauguration of the so-called president putin. on the seventh of may 24, for another six years, putin enters the position of the leader of russia, and, well, the most impressive thing in this whole story is that he is the first time. it is the fifth time he becomes president, but for the first time he becomes the holder of an international criminal court warrant, for the first time, a person accused of war crimes and a person who held elections in the occupied territories of the ukrainian state, becomes the president of the russian federation, and the majority of the world agrees with the fact that he is the president, why no one asks the question, except for the european parliament officially in the resolution it was decided, why is no one talking about the fact that putin, from now on we will call him, like
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lukashenko, the self-proclaimed president of russia, there is... the side of the question, what happened, well, the inauguration is not necessarily a democratic regime, yes , that is, it can be an authoritarian regime, historically, you know, this is the transmission of some kind of divine anointing for the official, for the one who rules, exactly rules, exactly with the subjects, so what is different about this period of power, putin now, as he believes, and his surroundings forever, it is not about six years. it about the kingdom already, if it were not set within a certain framework, that is why we have two situations of two parallel worlds, one is fixed, as it were , on paper, and some formal events are held there, called elections, and the other is real, in which, of course, there are no reliable elections, all they know about it, and the fact that they
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are held in a cordoned-off territory is also a reason to consider them invalid, therefore... in principle, there is currently a complete lack of recognition that the elections were held as legitimate, there is no such thing, yes, and then there is an absolutely correct question, if not real elections, then who is this person, well, he is recognized in his country, such people, as a rule, are tsars, a tsar who comes by divine will or there not through elections, not through democracy, by inheritance, or , for example, there in the kgb in some fifth group of blood flows from them. there is patrushev, there is putin and sechin and everyone else, well, they come according to this principle, that is why it is strange, of course, that is why there is a question, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine reacted correctly about not recognizing his legitimacy in general, the same was done by european politicians, correctly from my point of view , legally speaking, with from the point of view of the international community, it is correct to call
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him self-proclaimed, well, i don’t know if it’s a president, maybe a president... if they consider such a word to be correct, the self-proclaimed leader himself is not a leader, i’ve been calling him a leader for a long time, i’ve been calling leaders i don’t call it by other epithets, that is, a person who is under, well, a person who is just a criminal and there is a warrant for him, this is such a story, everything is the same in this situation, everything is called the same, well, citizen, yes there, but in this case he is already the leader for a long time, because... his status, he does not comply with any procedures, he could be called a tsar if zherinovsky carried out this idea of ​​an emperor to the end, they wanted to make putin already, so that putin would come to dominate a large space, they planned that it would be both russia and ukraine, and belarus, and he will come to the restored
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soviet union, possibly without the baltic states, and then move to kazakhstan. well, it didn’t work out, that is, we broke down in ukraine, that’s why now he is such a bad king, well, let’s be the head of such a, well, essentially, racist regime, i think that the term should be invented, by the way, it is very important that this terminology, even not only from the point of view of international law, but from the point of view of the use of historical analogies, that it should somehow be clearly spelled out, because it turns out very strange, someone for... calls for correct grammar, or there to write with a capital letter, well, okay, there are no questions, you can write, but even this will not make a criminal a righteous person, this will not make a fascist or his follower of goebbels a brainiac, will not suddenly become a diplomat, you understand, that is, the problem is how the world looked at it, now political, those
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who want a fair solution, western countries, ukraine, they still... well , the self-proclaimed president uses this terminology, and those who think that it is possible to live somehow so that it will pass somehow and imperceptibly, well, they try to continue to behave as if nothing seems to be happening, but the fact that mr. valery does not put a full stop on legitimacy means that the world has legitimized putin, right, no, if the world had fully legitimized putin, he would not have been so ashamed during the celebration. is victory on may 9, we can repeat it, it ’s not easy, it’s not easy as for ukrainians, yes, victory over nazism, but tragic with huge losses, with huge... tragedies, how many people died, we can’t do it anyway to submit, that is why we have this day on the eighth, well, which is fair from a historical point of view, but now the second, who
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came to him, well, it’s a shame, just look, he sent eurasias there, this and that four presidents, kirizia, uzbekistan, tajikistan and kazakhstan, and the otaku had a meeting there, and he needed someone. maximum i found a guinea somewhere in one of the poorest countries in the world, tambo imbolo, you know, i looked at them, none of the presidents lived to the five-year term physically or politically, and this one is just holding on, and they cost him 26 million dollars of some money there, this is for they were given a huge amount of fertilizer now after the moscow visit. that is, it is for survival and for the preservation of power, so guinea bessau, yes, maybe i am saying so theoretically, maybe they were talking about a naval base,
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because russia once wanted to make this base and they didn't manage to twist the story there, and laos, and belarus, and you know that belarus was kind of strange this time, what happened to lukashenka, i don't know, they didn't take him to dinner. well, there was a formal dinner, he wasn’t there, they say that his shaygu was bothering him at that time, that come on, what are we going to do there in military terms, well, once again, but he didn’t have time to run after the other participants, because he had there is such an electric car, now , well, he is no longer in such good health that he can talk so beautifully on camera, but in fact, we know that he is seriously ill, so to say that lukashenko and... there was an agreement once again, i don't know, because you know, even this bilateral meeting was not pathetic, well, there was also a cuban, well, a cuban , we know, that is, all of them
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had nothing to do with it. i am already talking about victories, because victory day is, in principle, you correctly said that it is the day of victory, when they say we can repeat, well, what kind of people, who lost many people in the second world war, can repeat, can repeat, ukrainians never do this they can say, because the german fascists lost a lot, destroyed a lot of cities, forces, and say, we can repeat now, when the ground is burning under our feet from the russian occupiers, well, that is , only people who do not know that this can be said and supported this is war, or they have forgotten what war is. lukashenko says that he remembers something, well , it seems to me that he absolutely does not, well , he assesses it inadequately now, although it is possible from the point of view of his regime. it is adequate from the point of view of its interests, because just like african countries, he is sitting on russian loans and , of course, he has nowhere to turn, well , he is afraid, he is afraid, because it is clear that he
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is afraid, he understands that since ukraine he will not be able to, and he never planned, that is why he is building something there for himself near sochi, the palace is smaller than putin's, but i can already see that he has the impression that lukashenko no longer has a place... where to go in the world, remember, he went there looking for something for himself, where to hide, he is talking about china, and now there is an impression that only in russia, well, that is, he is already everything, he has already taken him very seriously guardianship, and he will not be released, but i think that putin will be forever, well, until his death, until his physical, i do not think that in such a situation it is possible to leave politically without consequences, no, it is either physically. such a story, or a gag, i.e. already here, they drag him on as much as possible, and the paradox is that, well, the paradox is not a paradox, but a real situation that is not very
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favorable, that the longer the war goes on, on the one hand, it is more difficult for him to keep the country, i mean the population, because it is like that, you know, i made an agreement, we are big, as long as they feed us, there they give us something to eat and at least some package. but if this does not happen, we will immediately, well , what a king, a king can only be good, good, successful, boyars can change there, tsarnia, and that’s the only thing the agreement between the people and the king disappears, then a pickaxe flies to your head, that is, either a revolutionary situation, it will not end peacefully in russia, we are suffering from their stupidity, excuse me for this undiplomatic word, well, this top, well, they will cover them so that... when it will be, i don't know, , that will cover them hard, this sad, that is, the black swan will still fly, there is no black swan, there will be, there will be, if this continues, then
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the scenario that seemed... unlikely, becomes more and more, well, at least possible for discussion, defragmentation russia, although putin and his entourage believe that they will , will not repeat the mistakes of the soviet union, they will already repeat them, the military budget, when the soviet union collapsed, there was 14.5% for military purposes, now it is already somewhere, well, they say six , and really count eight. 8%, that is what it means, this from the gross domestic product, this means 30 percent of the budget, the minimum, this is only the open part, we also have, as we know, 50% plus, yes, we understand, the war, well, they hide it from their citizens, and this is necessary it will be taken from somewhere, someone has to work in some professional high-tech factories there, that's it, it will all end,
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this... forever and russia shows itself much , but outwardly, much stronger than it really is. there is a very important thing here, so that we are not mistaken, because this is their approach, they will to lie to the last, about greatness, do you remember buran, when it was launched, yes, yes, when everything was already falling apart, no, buran flew, countering the strategic defense of the usa, and the usa was bluffing a bit, did not spend such money, the 20 billion that spoke, that is, they think. that we won't get into this whole story now, but they drag themselves there themselves, if it wasn't our war with them, if it was somewhere, and russia behaved like that, that, well, we probably sat, if we were honest and watched, well, on this decline and where it will all lead, if all this did not concern us here. see this is what putin has been doing regularly for the past two years, he is constantly pulling out the nuclear map from the day before. of the great
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invasion, macron flew to moscow and putin said: well, we will be there literally in a week or two. pleased that macron looked at him with horror then. now again putin takes out this nuclear map and again says that we will now conduct training of nuclear non-strategic forces, i.e. tactical. of nuclear weapons, lukashenko, mentioned by you, obviously discussed these exercises that should take place on the territory of belarus, and what the belarusian dictator said, let's listen now, because he is already ready to join this nuclear hysteria, he joined partly by providing some places for the presence of these tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus, and now he is ready to conduct training. let's listen to what lukashenko said.
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to do something else, and to be able to use it and the third training, in order for the machine gun to shoot, in order to in order for the machine gun to shoot, it must be kept in good condition, checked, lubricated and shot accurately, it must be trained, i already said this today, the russians have no idea why we did it publicly, you see what the situation is, it continues escalation of tension, first of all... from ukraine, lukashenko says something like he wants to practice how to use a pitchfork or how to work with a scythe. with weapons, is this from a lack of understanding of what is happening, or is he also bluffing, like putin, only in this bluff, he is, let's say, trying to look more sincere and say,
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well, it's like a car, you just have to take it, reload it and see, whether it works there or not, well, for the sake of fairness, it must be said that such exercises are conducted regularly, and the component, including the nuclear component, that’s for sure, and if it wasn’t a war now, then there wouldn’t be such attention to this, there is a problem in the fact that now it is all less controlled, because russia was leaving from the regime of control, it is necessary to give... to say that the usa also at one time, well, they tore up, tore up a bunch of treaties, and now the entire system of international law in the context of non-proliferation, which was joined when the treaty on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, when ukraine was forced, their hands were twisted, well, so were we, well, that's how the circumstances turned out, and we joined there as a non-nuclear state, that's when everything breaks down and...


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