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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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give, because he will not calm down, and he did not manage to take the donetsk-luhansk region in these 6-7 months, he did not manage, but even after that if it turned out that there was no way out, everyone understands where it can go next, and it went then the process, the summit fell on time, it was planned in a completely different context, think about it, if it was six months earlier from the point of view of the development of events, then the backstage conversation developed, there is a second, third track, whatever, the month of december, the americans discussed with the russians, the russians asked a lot, they really wanted to record, it was december last year, and they probably planned that the circumstances would turn out like this now, well, they won't turn out like this, because everything has changed, everything has moved forward for another six months, even more, six months, plus another month before... . two or three
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logistics, at least, that's nine months, so count 9 months from this summit, and that would be the date of a possible summit, but according to the expectations that were then, then, that's why the result is already diplomatic for us it will be positive if we maintain attention to russian aggression, you see is happening, russia has already removed the issue, they are hitting objects. to our civilians, all this is no longer discussed, as if, well, well , they hit and hit, yes, this is a disaster, as soon as this is translated in everyone's mind into an ordinary conflict between two countries, which, well, hit those, hit those , listen, but where, but where is the fact that russia has been violating international law so profoundly for a year now, the chinese turn a blind eye to it, well, they are telling their theory there, which is false. is not worth it, the image of china
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is well understood by everyone, but in those countries who want chinese influence, it will grow there, in countries that understand the situation, well , i think that after this the attitude towards china in ukraine will be clear, and after such a position, although we still have a strategic partnership in the document, with by whom with those who are now helping to kill ukrainians, who turn a blind eye to violations of international law, do not call russia an aggressor, so what? we say, that's why, of course, china will no longer build, invest money in ukraine, and maybe, thank god, on their terms, but will go to hungary try to invest, yes, well, don’t invest money, if it were, they give a loan and then take everything, so we have to understand, we will not sit on the fence, we must work now with those who help us, well, everything is very simple, who helps us now in the war, realistically and in large volumes, these are our partners, as it turned out, who has which? interests, but in fact we need
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to look at real actions, well, that is , the united states of america, great britain, france, germany, who is in us, well, all the neighbors, yes, and the northern countries are also european, they are also very active, absolutely, the scandinavian countries, i will say that they surprised me this time, i was very surprised by the netherlands, denmark, denmark, yes, yes, what kind of denmark, dacians generally take part. transmitted by the netherlands, do you remember how they were skeptical about the european path, but now this is the approach, everyone understood that this is a small europe, european security, it must be protected all together, woke up gradually europe is waking up, i would like more to see, of course, something italy faltered a little, although it was at the inauguration, i understand that they, they must have been there or you, the minister
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of defense, made me a little wary of italy, because he was such a supporter of ours, well , seriously, and there it got to the point that the russians compromised him and tried to do whatever they wanted, but he had everything politically in history, but now he says that well it's difficult, it's difficult to win, it's difficult, but if we change this history, which is difficult, it's very difficult now, for the ukrainians first of all, but they also have this, you know, pause, it seems that a decision is already being made. let's build up already, we understand, we're not going anywhere, we have to weapons must be produced, everything must be done, it must be done, but there is still such a hope, and maybe this stage is like this, you know, when, when the decisive action comes, it comes before when everyone begins to get tired and expect the end, and then there is a conclusion that does not suit anyone from the point of view. development, but ending, or
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something like that is happening so that it is simply brought to a logical end, so everyone focused on the elections in the united states, november 5. yes, well, count november 5 plus several months, for some reason until february, i understand until the inauguration before the swearing-in of the new president, well, on january 20, but the question is not that, i think that this is an exaggeration, just in the heads of people, already people, presidents, this date of november 5th is the election in the usa, and anything can happen, the situation can change like this, we didn't expect an attack on israel there, but there, for example, it affected the situation. the same can happen here, so we have to hold on, unfortunately, the situation now is such that we cannot expect it the summit of radical changes is our side, but it also lays certain foundations for maybe. another short topic,
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the president of the european parliament roberta metzola visited ukraine just these days, and at a press conference in kyiv on europe day, she announced that official negotiations on ukraine's accession to... the eu should begin by the end of the first half of 24 2018, let's hear what she said: accession negotiations should start as soon as possible, i am optimistic that the non-negotiable framework will be accepted by the eu member states. in june the european parliament will help ukraine in all possible ways to move forward on the european path, and we, i promise, will remain and continue to loudly declare our support for ukraine, as evidenced by my visit today. mr. valery, what determines the speed of ukraine's progress towards the european union? the pace depends on the date of ukraine's accession to nato.
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that is, if the date of accession to nato is determined, the pace of accession to the european union will also be determined. of course, because in principle, my position is that without security, with security fixations in europe it is impossible to continue to talk about the investment of large sums in terms of investments, economic development, it will go, it will go now, well, if at a short stage, it depends on what , well, it depends on the essence of our specific actions to achieve the requirements that were set there now, and well, but... technically speaking, i think that european integration is where we will have a lot of disputes with our neighbors, with poles, romanians, slovaks there over the agricultural sector, and it would be wrong if we thought that the introduction the eu will solve the security issue for us, no, it won't, that's why
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logically, this is security, well, now nato, maybe another scenario, and then the acceleration of the pace of accession, that is, that is, very briefly, completion. wars, ukraine's accession to nato and the eu, well, roughly so, despite what mitzola says, that by the end of the first half of the year we will start 24 there, this does not take away the moment of negotiations, they are going on 60 in turkey, some year, yes , yes, well, it’s been there for more than 5-10 years, so it shouldn’t be faster in our country, of course, but i stand my ground, the key thing for ukraine is security, nato or another model, and the eu is already a derivative thing, thank you, sir friends, i want to say and thank valery chalam for participating in the program, the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine, the former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, and a person who knows about ukrainian diplomacy, not only about ukrainian diplomacy, but also about educational diplomacy.
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glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will traditionally analyze the most important events of this week. our guests today are glen grant and mark fagin. our first guest, a retired british army colonel, military expert glen grant. glory to ukraine, dear mr. colonel. well, first of all , i would like to. we analyzed the big russian offensive, may-june, yes, many analysts talked about it, and we are of course complex bloody battles, we are talking not only about the donetsk region, but in general about the front line, if we analyze the preparation of the enemy for large-scale operations, which they
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will be, in your opinion and in the opinion of military experts of various western countries. in fact, it is quite difficult to judge now and i will try to explain, firstly, the situation on the ukrainian front was not the best in the last 2-3 months. there were failures in many places, but if you look at the map on a large scale , the number of lost territories, compared to the size of ukraine, is actually quite small, but of course, nobody likes to lose villages. so, the russians managed to advance, but in the south , the ukrainian troops on the east bank seem to be holding up quite well, despite the loss, they manage to hold their positions and this is impressive, there are even rumors that there are quite a few in the south on the other hand, the russian side is not as strong as we
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imagine. at the moment, the biggest concern is the talk that russia may launch an attack and dynamically develop it. my contacts say that russia is indeed massing troops for a potential attack somewhere probably east or south of bakhmut. however, we should wait and make sure whether the russians have enough. forces for such an offensive, given the significant number of casualties and the loss of weapons and equipment they suffered. a possible offensive with north, specifically to kharkiv or sumy, but again, i have not seen any intelligence from the us or uk that would indicate significant troop movements in the area. it seems that these rumors originate mainly from the ukrainian. headquarters, not from the international community, which likely has access to
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satellite intelligence. for now, the key question is how much aid will flow to ukraine over the next few months, and where it will be used. analysts cannot predict this because the government and the general staff does not reveal their strategic plans for where and how they intend to pressure russia. however. they must operate in the center, as continuing to retreat is unacceptable, both politically and militarily. it is necessary to put pressure on russia, whether through a counteroffensive or in some other way. perhaps it would be worthwhile to pay more attention to the south, in particular to the kherson region. as for zaporizhzhia, it is now a special region with a strong defense and a rather static situation. it is unclear whether russia will try to do anything there. we we know that russia will continue to press,
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it is not known what and where. we also do not know where ukraine will direct the aid it will receive from the united states and europe. so there's a lot to predict, but we're likely to see some dynamic developments over the next few months as both sides make moves. pressure on each other, possibly in current or other places. hopefully, over the next three to four weeks, we'll start to get more information and understanding of what's really going on. well, we are we understand that the classic russian scheme is an offensive until the end of the offensive impulse, that is, in simple language, when the personnel ends, so we understand that the russians have now prepared a certain. the number of reservists trained them, and here is the key story, in your opinion, mr. colonel, will they be ready to open
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additional hot lines of the front, yes, those lines that could, well, until a certain time, they were as if asleep, in particular, for example, whether it will apply to kharkiv and kharkiv region, yes, except for the kupinsky direction, they may apply some or other areas of the front, there is also the issue of the sumy region, it is in the north, and of course, already mentioned... the zaporizhia direction, but the key story, if we operate with the number of russian interveners, prepared and already present on the front line, which it is there, will they have enough strength, and at the same time we are also aware of that, so most likely russia is not just entering the may-june offensive campaign, most likely we are entering a new phase of the war. good question. we know they have been mobilizing and you mentioned training. but if they haven't had time to train people properly, and in principle, we haven't seen
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any evidence of quality training from the russian side in the recent period, then have they managed to conduct vocational training now? i mean, the crews of tanks and armored personnel carriers are obviously not oriented in their work, it can be seen in the videos where the soldiers are not acting in a coordinated way, so the russian tactics at the moment are... to use their artillery and guided air bombs, to destroy the front as much as possible, to make it impossible for ukrainian soldiers to stay in the trenches, and therefore attack as much as possible. the amount of cannon fodder, i don't think any of this will change, what could change is the ability of the ukrainian side to use artillery and counter-battery fire to destroy the enemy's artillery potential, but where they are going to attack, i have no idea, maybe they they don't even know yet, but you can be sure that if
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they have enough strength, they will continue their attack where they think... will be the weakest position. such is the russian policy: they push through, probe, and then secure success. it is difficult to say now, because we, analysts, do not have enough information, in particular, regarding how many soldiers ukraine has in different directions, there are certainly weak points. we know this because soldiers are reporting it on facebook and elsewhere. but do the russians understand where these weak points are? i don't know, we will only know when they will attack and where they will direct their energy, until then i don't think we should make empty predictions. is there already understanding, for example, that the enemy has artillery barrels with artillery systems, so it is possible, there is also an understanding that the enemy has heavy armored vehicles,
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so we understand that the offensive impulse is not only about manpower, but also about equipment, so we understand from... how many enemy armored vehicles and enemy artillery systems were destroyed by our fighters. this is a very good question. my answer is this: if you take into account the current way of fighting, then yes, they lack armored vehicles. they are not use their cars in the way we usually imagine in the west. they operate with ones and twos, which indicates their scarcity. now they produce more, but it remains open. the question is whether they will continue to disperse them along the entire front line or, on the contrary, concentrate them to carry out concentrated armored attacks. however, to carry out such attacks requires properly trained personnel, which they clearly lack, and it is not just a lack of armored vehicles, since there is probably still enough of them, in
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shortage of trained crews who could manage it. the loss of experienced tank crews, in particular due to injuries, led to a reduction in their number. does russia make significant efforts to covertly train personnel? perhaps, since there is no satellite evidence to indicate such an effort. previously, american intelligence effectively monitored activities in russia, but since 2021, no such reports have been received. this suggests that they are possible. canning their armored vehicles while will not be able to gather enough personnel to make a breakthrough. in the coming months, they will likely deploy all the assets at their disposal on the front lines. however, the mobilization of a large number of vehicles is associated with certain difficulties, as there is a high risk that
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ukrainian intelligence can detect and neutralize such a concentrated deployment. thus their advancement. the task ahead is not easy. the key story is the goals of war, so in order to plan and deploy certain military capabilities. a couple of days therefore, in a conversation with me, matthew bryza, the former director of european and eurasian affairs at the national security council of the united states , said that the russians will advance throughout this year, next year, on the 25th, we can expect a counteroffensive from the armed forces of ukraine. later this information literally. jake sullivan, president joseph biden's national security adviser, confirmed there in a couple of days, and the russians have already voiced their threats in case of supplying ukraine with f-16s. they somehow even compared it to perspective application or use of nuclear weapons, that is, it is a much more serious story for them, and
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they are afraid of it. what difference does it make who has the plan? ukraine was and remains a priority. it is not about london, berlin or anyone else, it is about ukraine. i don't see anyone going to use nukes because of the f-16. russia didn't use nukes when tanks came out and didn't use them when atakams or hymars or anything else came out. therefore, i do not see that this will change anything, nor do i think that the f-16 in will bring victory to the ukrainian sky. they are definitely important, but not that much. as everyone expects, and yet we have to be very careful when we talk about counter-offensives, in order to counter-attack effectively, you have to have a surplus of resources, that means you have... you have to have more resources than the enemy, and that you must have trained people, and we still haven't gotten to the point where we can say that ukrainian fighters
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have passed the proper training for a counterattack. so, in order to have enough people for a counteroffensive in 2025, we must mobilize and recruit they already have them, but currently almost all mobilized go directly to the front, because the front line is thin. therefore, if we want to carry out... a counteroffensive, we must talk about a very different state of affairs from the one we have now. 2025 is still far away. we have to survive 2024 first, but i don't see a nuclear threat. there is no such coordinated plan in the event of the use of nuclear weapons. it is obvious that there are action plans in the event of a russian attack on a nato country. these plans are being implemented now. for example, in the baltic countries and finland are held intensive training to be ready in case russia continues to advance. i
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do not take putin's threats lightly, especially considering that they are preparing to conduct exercises of non-strategic tactical nuclear weapons, and the so -called southern russian military district will be in charge of that. the southern military district is actively involved in aggression against ukraine. we hear a lot of different ones. mystical scenarios about how, i don't know, the mausoleum will ignite in response. mr. colonel, you have the floor. like i said, i don't i think that putin will use nuclear weapons, because i think that it would be unreasonable. he has no trained troops to deal with the consequences, so this would create as much, if not more, problems for him than for the ukrainian side. the first thing that will happen in response is a massive counterattack by the county. forces along the russian front line, because in this case it makes no sense to drive the west out with a wedge, it has a lot of ground and air opportunities to react, so such
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things are practiced, and they know that they do. in this regard, i believe that we pay too much attention to putin's rhetoric. since our last conversation , several important events have taken place. macron said he would be ready to deploy ground troops under...certain circumstances. it is not clear what the circumstances are, but at least he made such a commitment. in addition, poland will probably agree to such actions. great britain has stated that it will be with ukraine as long as necessary, offering contractual obligations, financial assistance and support. president of lithuania announced plans to deploy military personnel to ukraine for training support. this means positive steps on the western front. i think we should spend more time on the coherence of the west's response and less time on what putin says.
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because putin often talks nonsense when pressured. now he is clearly under pressure, despite his mobilization and increase in personnel. he is clearly concerned about the situation and i'm sure he will be in the coming months. we will see more signs internal problems within russia. i don't know how seriously and to the end the president of france, the british king, president biden or his successor will be ready to go to the end together with ukraine. this brings us back to what i mentioned earlier: the situation boils down to two potential factors. the first, if there is a significant breakthrough in russia, then in all of them. capitals will face difficult questions, but there is no fixed solution on this matter yet, and this is obvious because some countries, such as italy,
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show weakness in this matter, as they do not feel a direct threat. so, the first factor is if there will be a major russian breakthrough, the second factor is whether there will be a russian attack on nato. now in zmi , the intelligence services of many european countries are suggesting that ... that russia is planning a powerful hybrid attack on a european capital, and not a march on europe, and this may be a separate issue, since article five has always been about responding to ground invasions. however, putin seems to be focusing more on other tactics such as missiles, disruption of communications, intense cyber warfare and anything that could undermine the ability of european countries to support ukraine. it. it hasn't yet led to article five or even article four being negotiated, so we're not sure how strong the collective european responsibility will be if
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the war turns in... russia's favor, and yet i'm sure the common denominator is the plan will succeed, because poland, germany, france and great britain will fear that the situation will worsen and affect on them there are no concrete plans or solutions at this time, there is an acknowledgment that we may have to take more serious action. however, i believe that there is not only recognition, but also readiness for such actions. recently, the president of the united states signed a macroeconomic aid for ukraine of more than 61 billion dollars, the amount is huge. on the other hand, we are also aware that the russians also throw a lot of money into their defense industry, and actually, if we try to compare these proportions now, it is not about money, but about specific military equipment. i don't think the russian side is getting any sort of balance, they can only keep
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doing what they're... doing now, so for now we just have to assume that whatever russia manages to do, it's going to be something close to what they're doing now, because in order to implement something radically different and complex, it is necessary to have completely different training and equipment systems, so russia will continue to act in its spirit and pace, especially if the new sanctions from the european union and the united states really strengthen pressure on iran, the northern korea and all those countries that support russia. the list of these countries includes switzerland, austria and china. so i think that in the coming months we will see changes, namely an increase in sanctions pressure to try and reduce and stop russia's ability to do anything different than what it is doing now on the territory of ukraine. personally , i would really like to see a lot more
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attention paid to supporting soldiers. on the front line because we are still losing too much because they are not equipped properly. i constantly communicate with people at the front who simply have no one and nothing to fight for. in my opinion, we spend too much time constantly focusing on one big thing. how much did we talk about tanks, how much do we talk about f-16 fighter jets, how much money did we spend on unknown what? let's not forget about construction. ships for ukraine in turkey, it turns out that we wasted time and money, although in fact, if we immediately started to manufacture grenades, grenade launchers, mortars, mortar ammunition, that is, basic things, we wouldn't be where we are now because russia wouldn't be able to break through the defense lines, the ukrainian soldiers would have something to stop them, so while we're worrying about f-16s and other big things, i'd like 3 -4 months... was
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devoted to providing the front with the ammunition and weapons necessary to gain ground, fight and at the same time preserve the lives of soldiers, because without good soldiers there can be no successful counteroffensive. professionally trained soldiers are worth their weight in gold, they are the ones who form the locomotive, which it will be possible to break through the enemy's defense. it is almost impossible to do this with those who lack education. thank you very much. mr. colonel, for this extensive and extremely deep analysis , i would like to remind our viewers that the retired british army colonel glen grant, a military expert, was currently working on spresso. and glory to ukraine. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine.
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