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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on tv in the iryna koval studio, greetings to all viewers, and now to the most important events. the enemy continues to use infantry and equipment in the direction of the villages of liptsi and vovchansk, said nazar voloshyn, the spokesman of the khortytsia military group. according to him, fighting continues in the area of ​​settlements that were in the gray zone. it is about pilna, streleche, borysivka and oliynykovo district. also ukrainian the military command plans to strengthen our brigades in the kharkiv region with reserves. -
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noted voloshyn. the representative of the us white house, john kirby, assessed the situation in the north of the region as not being able to make significant progress in the direction of kharkiv. he noted that the occupiers may have minor territorial gains in the coming days, but the influx of aid from the us will allow the ukrainian army to resist the attacks. kirby also believes that the zagardniks will increase the intensity of the attacks. and will bring in additional troops to create a so-called buffer zone along border due to the activation of the russian army in ukraine, the un security council will hold an extraordinary meeting today, the secretariat of the agency reported, emphasizing that special attention will be paid to shelling of ukrainian civilian infrastructure. the meeting will begin at 10 p.m. kyiv time. "cotton in occupied
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donetsk, local media write that it flew into a restaurant where participants of the car rally were gathering until dnr day, there is no information about victims and victims yet. evacuation from vovchansk and surrounding areas is ongoing. 250 people left kharkiv region in the last day, as the city administration said, most of them leave their homes in their own vehicles. those who do not have a car were taken away by the police, volunteers and the coordination center, people leave under airstrikes. at night, airplanes dropped bombs on the city, a lot of sky, the sky was falling, it seemed, it was very scary, loud. name list:
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the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine has identified the identities of russian war criminals who are shelling our cities and villages dagger missiles. 29 terrorists have been identified, they are military personnel of the 44th separate long-range aviation regiment of the russian army. they are stationed at savasliyka airfield, nizhny novgorod region. the regiment has 24 fighters, long-range mig-31k. operates, aircraft are dagger carriers that can hit targets up to 200 km, and also carry nuclear charges. belarus, near the ukrainian border, is building a base where nuclear weapons can be stored. this is stated in the material of the new york times. construction was launched in the village of osypovychy, 190 km from of ukraine. work began in march of that year, the structures were created. similar to other
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former nuclear repositories, the publication writes. according to satellite images, the facility has an air defense system, a security checkpoint, and a triple fence. such security measures may indicate the construction of warehouses for the storage of nuclear warheads. makhno drones. soldiers of the 108th tru brigade conducted a successful test on... terrestrial drones, including mine-mining, demining, logistics, evacuation and stormtroopers, the southern defense forces reported. such drones make it possible to secure the lives of servicemen and perform combat missions. all drones were completely created by ukrainian defenders, and soon they will be used on the battlefield. illegally stored ammunition and weapons. the police kidnapped a resident of the city of sno. in
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chernihiv region. during the search of the house of a 47-year-old man, law enforcement officers found an ak-47 machine gun, 329 cartridges and more than 20 kg of artillery powder. grenades and mortar mines. investigators opened a criminal case proceedings, the suspect faces up to seven years in prison. a fatal car accident occurred in kirovohrad oblast. one man died. the tragedy happened near the village of novoarchangelsk. there, a car collided with a truck, after which a fire broke out. rescuers arrived at the scene of the accident and unblocked the body of one of the drivers. law enforcement officers. the circumstances of the car wreck are being investigated. they will not limit the supply of light to the population at the moment. the ukrenergo company reported that they are still implementing electricity transmission schedules for industry and business only. restrictions
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are applied mainly during peak hours, when there is a shortage of voltage in the network. our country is now heavily dependent on imports of electricity and emergency aid from other countries. said the head of ukrenergo, volodymyr kudrytskyi. the year of reconstruction. in may 2023 , the national recovery program was launched. our correspondent kateryna galko knows about the results of the first year of work, and she is now live with us. katya, i congratulate you, and tell me, please, how many ukrainian families have already been helped and which ones future plans for the program? greetings iro, greetings to the viewers of the tv channel, so on may 10, 2023 , the national restoration program started its work, which makes it possible to receive compensation for damaged or destroyed homes of ukrainians, so thousands of ukrainian families, one can
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even say for sure, it is about 60 thousand, even more ukrainians families, now they have already received help and were able to either return to... their nest, or get a certificate and move into a new residence, so in the first stage, initially it was possible to receive compensation only for the damaged housing, the second stage was compensation for what was destroyed, i.e. people, ukrainians could receive housing certificates for the purchase of new housing. the third stage was the stage that allows us to help those ukrainians who did not wait and did the repairs themselves. the actual application submission for this stage is the recovery, which started on january 1 this year, but ukrainians receive payments a little later, several more new initiatives are also expected and about them, about future plans, let's hear in the comments below,
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we have created a legislative framework , the ministry recovery created all the relevant algorithms and the ministry of cypriot transformation ensured the implementation. services, that is why we believe that together large teams and local self-government bodies, central government bodies, and parliamentarians will help hundreds of thousands of ukrainian families. so, actually, it's not for nothing that i'm currently in irpen, behind. i have a house that was also successfully restored, the process of its restoration continues, irpin is a leader in restoration, in the use of certificates and assistance offered by restoration, that is why today there is also a forum where irpin’s achievements and plans for the future were discussed in kyiv region, kyiv region is also
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a leader among the regions of ukraine that are recovering, more about that, let’s hear in the comments, it is a leader precisely... because we started from the very beginning to actively use, we created commissions in each community that inspected, that helped people implement this program, receive funds, inspect their destroyed, damaged property, and why we created it in each community, because unfortunately, the enemy continues to shell and every community in the kyiv region is damaged, 92% of everything has already been processed according to various pro... programs, programs, certificates , 82% has been processed, of course there is, because people return and of course they are added, because every day one, two, three appeals are added to us, and so, in fact, the amount of payments, in general, for reconstruction, has already reached and
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exceeded 15 billion hryvnias, and , as i said, more than 60,000 ukrainian families received help, this work will continue. and so on, so we expect that more and more ukrainians will be able to get, move in, move into new homes and live a quiet, relatively quiet life. this is all the information i have time to tell as of now. it was our journalist kateryna galko, who talked about the national program of eu-recovery, so it works, and therefore, if you were going to use it, but did not do it, be sure to do it. and that's all the news for now, you can read more news on our website espresso tv, also a short overview of the main ones on our social networks and watch unique content on youtube.
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as a prime minister, the woman spent three years in the captivity of the fascists, did not break, bent under the occupiers, helps to save others, she dreams, she will be able to raise the pra in her native novoazov. gasoline loud and not a beautiful well-kept plot of land is the solution to the garden three records , order in time to order at a price of only 900 cors streamers compact and very powerful in accessible places near the fences from the line of paths near the sidewalk. trimming bushes and even branches is simple and easy. leave heavy mowers a thing of
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as for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and on the basis of facts they give. evaluation and forecast of events, you want to understand, today will affect ours, see saturdays, every saturday on espress. our viewers.
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lyudmila huseyno, an activist from donetsk region. in 2014 , a security worker at a poultry farm in no.
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was released from captivity on october 17, 2000, after 3 long years and another 107 kremlin guards. mrs. lyudmila, i welcome you to our studio, for taking the time to talk about what will happen before we start, i would like to ask what kind of thing you have? two badges and one me badge in new york this year when we went agation, spoke in and talked about what they were talking about happening in the occupied territories, and asked everyone to support our
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women, who are still being tortured in these prisons and demanded. the whole world to demand their release, and this is the second badge - it was an event together with the public association the family of prisoners, and we support this public organization, and there was a rally in support of the prisoners, and i already received this second badge from this unity mrs. lyudmila, i understand that you are now very actively involved... with the issue of our prisoners, yes, because i know how many people are left there, how many women are left there, and for me this is a very painful topic, because i know some of these women, because i know in what terrible, inhumane conditions they are kept there, and therefore, that i know what kind of terrible,
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cruel torture they go through, and for me this is a very painful topic, and i can honestly say that... when a miracle happened to us a year and a half ago, we no longer expected that we would be released , but it happened, and i had a very high hope that this is such a first step, and we we will already release our civilian prisoners and military prisoners, but you see, one and a half years have passed, not a single civilian woman has been released since then, and for me it is a very big trouble, a personal trouble, but... that together we can achieve their release , we will wait for them. you work for sam ukraine, right? yes, tell us a little about what kind of organization this is? this is a unique organization in ukraine, and an organization that unites women who have survived sexual violence, related to
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conflict, any types of violence, we we know that there are a lot of them, and... we know that at least 80%, maybe even 90% of the people who were captured, they were tortured, they experienced sexual violence, etc. these women were united by iryna dovgan, and her name became known back in the distant 14th year, she became the first such famous person, and saved her. photo, when the photo was taken, she was tied to a pillar in the center of donetsk, and she is still afraid to remember what happened in those days, but she did not immediately, after several years, found the strength in herself and united near women themselves, who also survived captivity, since
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the beginning of the full-scale invasion, these are very scary numbers, but there are very many ... women who have suffered sexual violence from the de-occupied territories, and we know how many there are actually very many now. can you share with us what the numbers are? i can say that our organization now unites almost 50 women, these are women who are no longer afraid to talk about it, at least in our circle, but we know that there are a lot of women who... look closely at our organization, who turn to others public organizations, to psychologists for support and help. and these are very large numbers, i cannot say the exact number, it is impossible to say it now, i know for sure that there are those who are still silent, i know for sure that
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there are such women, men and a terrible story with children, but maybe they will be able talk, will find the strength to talk about it in 10 years or 20 years, and such an example is in the balkan countries, i know for sure... that what is happening now in the occupied territories, territories, and we do not know the exact numbers, we don't know the exact names, but what is happening, these crimes reach us, about some we know exactly where and with whom it happened, but these people still remain in the occupation, they do not have any support or psychological , no medical, of course not. but the time will come, our territories will be occupied, the time will come, our people will be released from captivity, and i really hope that they
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will have the strength not to remain silent, but to demand the punishment of those criminals, those russian soldiers who did this to them. is there a systematic government work with help in ukraine rehabilitation of people who suffered from... the violent actions of the russian occupiers, you know, this work, it is now being created together with us, and it is very, it is very right that it is being created together with us, together with those people who survived , who found the strength to fight, who found the strength to help and grow in the post-traumatic, to make the post-traumatic growth happen, and there is the strength to help. to others, the unique story is that right now this
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pilot project to support people is already starting to work victims of sexual violence related to the conflict, there was no such thing in the world at all, until the hostilities have ended , the war has not ended, there is already targeted to targeted help for people who have experienced it. this is not only some kind of material aid, not only psychological support, not only medical support, it is the recognition of such people, it means that the state knows about them, the state understands the problem, a terrible problem, and i would like this crime to be included in our criminal code separated and that these executioners should be condemned. not just for violations of the rules of war, it turns out, there are such violations of the rules of war, and they were
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convicted precisely for sexual violence during military operations, against the civilian population. tell me, please, are we talking about women or about men and children as well? it is about women, and about men, and about children, and so it became. that women were the first to find the strength to speak, to fight and help each other, to help others, but i know that now men are also finding strength in themselves, and i want to support them, and i want to turn to society, so that there is no such relation to what happened to these people, to what happened to all of us, in our... society has the idea that a sexual crime is just rape, no, i already said that , that at least 80% of people who
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survived captivity are subjected to terrible torture there, they are stripped there, they are abused, they are beaten, they are tortured with electric current, including through the genitals, all these kinds of things that i tell you ... now pere said, this is conflict-related sexual violence, if a person was stripped , groomed, touched while crossing checkpoints, enemy checkpoints, this is also conflict-related sexual violence. mrs. lyudmila, you spent three terrible years in the hell of russian captivity, if i understand correctly? that the activity you are doing now is, in a certain sense , rehabilitation and finding yourself in this life after what happened. maybe yes, maybe
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yes, you know, all these three years and 13 days, it's really, it's a terrible ordeal, and my only dream was, except that someday to see my relatives and still one day be a free person, i really wanted to hold out, i really wanted not to be... broken, and during the terrible torture i thought that yes, my body is not free, they can do anything whatever, but my thoughts are my thoughts, my thoughts are free, and i thought about, i dreamed about how i would be free, what i would do, it gave me strength, it gave me confidence, but at the time.. .... when
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the doors opened, i still didn't know it was an exchange, they just told me to get together and 20 minutes to the meeting to take everything necessary with her, one woman who stayed there, she is still there, she felt in her heart that it was an exchange, and she just cried and asked me not to forget about those who now stayed there in the middle of nowhere, because this oblivion, it gives me strength. this is the desire to see these women free, i can't say that i will see them healthy, because i know what they are doing there, but i want to see them alive, and this gives strength, and this is the understanding that i, if it wasn't hard here, but i do everything i can to make sure they are released, our viewers have just been treated to footage from a terrifying place, this...
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level called isolation. mrs. ludmila, i know that you had to visit there, i want to talk to you about this period now. it is my duty as a journalist to ask sometimes difficult and difficult questions, but if you decide that you do not want to answer, then i think our viewers will understand you. please tell me how you ended up in isolation, and what to do with you there. i was brought there on the first evening of my detention and was taken even then on the way they put a bag on my head, handcuffs on my hands, i didn't see anything anymore, i didn't know where they were taking me, before that i saw asiyev's story on the internet, and he had already been released by that time, and i... i've already
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read about what kind of city this is, it's the scariest, probably 50 days of my life, and the longest, you don't have any rights there, the guards are only men, on the second floor... above the cells where they kept hostages, prisoners, on the second floor there were barracks for militants, and these militants came after not very often, not every day, but after these, as they said, hostilities, they came there to these barracks, drank there, fought, they were raised there, for entertainment,
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for beatings. prisoners and women and men, you constantly hear terrible screams, and the first few days these screams simply make your heart stop, in the cell you are under 24-hour video surveillance, you have to stand from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., you are not allowed to sit down , you have to wear that bag. on your head, as soon as someone knocks on the door, or just knocks, knocks on the door, you don't see the sun, you don't you can see the sky, because the windows are painted with white paint, they beat you if you do something wrong, or stood in a corner under this camera, or one day
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i just didn't... i resisted, it was impossible.


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