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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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these are boys who never cry. lemberk, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. have you never seen the classics in tsy? i wrote a children's poem here, listen to it, the tractor in the field is dir-dir, so why did we freeze, there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on eurofaast softcaps, 20% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. an evening of boxing that will go down in history, a fight for the title the absolute champion in super-heavyweight, between zhusyk and fury, and also the title fight in lightweight between berinchyk and... on varet, turn it on
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on may 18, exclusively on mego, there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on fenstyl 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. news time, on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, and now to the most important events. therefore, the enemy continues to use infantry and equipment in in the direction of the villages of liptsi and vovchansk, said the spokesman of the khortytsy military group. and nazar
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voloshyn, according to him, fighting is currently going on in the area of ​​settlements that were in the gray zone, it is about active shooting, borysivka and oliynykovo district. also, the ukrainian military command plans to strengthen our brigades in the kharkiv region with reserves, voloshyn noted. evacuation from vovchansk and the border area of ​​kharkiv region continues. 250 people left in the last day, they said. coordination center, people leave under airstrikes, at night airplanes were dropping bombs on the city, a lot of them directly in the sky, the sky was falling, it seemed that it was very scary, loud, they could not make significant progress in the direction of kharkiv, the situation. in the north of the region
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, the representative of the us white house, john kirby, assessed. he noted that the invaders may have minor territorial gains in the coming days, but the influx of aid from the united states of america will allow the ukrainian army to withstand the attacks. kirby also believes that the invaders will increase the intensity of the attacks and bring in additional troops to create the so-called buffer zone along the border. due to the activation of the russian army in ukraine, the un security council will hold an extraordinary meeting today, the secretariat of the agency reported. they emphasized that special attention will be paid to shelling of ukrainian civilian infrastructure. the meeting will begin at 10 p.m. kyiv time. cotton in occupied donetsk, local publications write that it flew to the paradiz restaurant, where participants of the car test were gathering. until
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the day of dpr. five people died, six were injured. strengthening the defense. poland began to build fortifications on the border with belarus. prime minister donald tusk said that fortifications will be built along the entire polish border from the east. and the european union can join the financing. the head of the polish government also suggested that defense structures can. and throughout europe. they were looking for a new way to escape. border guards detained six evaders in transcarpathia. five of them tried to conquer the mountain tops of the ukrainian-romanian border. another man was detained halfway to romania. for the organization of their trips, each fugitive had to pay up to four, from four to eight thousand dollars. law enforcement officers filed administrative reports on the detainees. they have been waiting
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for the return for 33 years, the religious community of the roman catholic church has not received legal ownership of the church of st. nicholas. the ministry of culture and information policy of ukraine was supposed to hand it over by may 1 this year, but the church still does not belong to the parish. our journalists know what the problem is. there are keys, but no rights. on may 1, the roman catholic religious community the church was to receive ownership of the church of st. nicholas. ever since the declaration of independence of ukraine, just in front of the door of the church, believers have been promised that... as soon as it will be returned to the parish, the president also promised, president kuchma personally promised st. john paul ii, who was in this church, that the church will already be handed over, even our president in 2020, zelensky personally wrote a letter
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to pope francis that the church is already being returned, but we see, unfortunately, this has not happened yet, the official name of the church. the house of organ music, because of this the institution is subordinated the ministry of culture and information policy. in june 2022, the ministry of culture and the parish signed a memorandum, according to which the church was to be handed over to the religious community, however, on may 1 , representatives of the ministry of culture did not appear at the liturgy for the return of the church. a month ago, they sent a request to the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, which... obliged the ministry of culture to return the church to the parish no later than may 1, 2024, with a request to identify responsible persons for the preparation of this event, but we have not received an answer yet: september 3, 2021 in
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a fire broke out in the church of st. nicholas, then the organ suffered the most. the fire forced the house of organ music and the parish into the street, but the faithful continued to celebrate. outdoor services under the temple. after the full-scale russian invasion, the parishioners were eventually given the keys to the building, albeit without documents. from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, when many people left kyiv, we stayed in this building, and the keys remained with us after 84 years, when they were somewhere else in the state, there was an archive here, here there was a warehouse, and during... the last 40 years , a music house, an organ hall, er, and we still have only the keys and no document. due to the fire, the general condition of the building deteriorated significantly, the parishioners cleaned the walls from fungus by their own efforts. according to the abbot
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, the repair crews, in order to report on emergency work, simply hid it with slabs. believers have already developed a plan for restoration works, in order to make it real. a formal transfer of the building is required. more than 600,000 liters were poured on the walls of the church water we can also see the consequences of this in the cracked columns and walls of the temple, but first of all there was a terrible flu here, because these 6,000 liters of water penetrated into the basement, where the ventilation did not work. year the church of st. nicholas was built by roman catholics. we are fighting for justice, and this is the justice that is already being promised for the first time, and simply so that what was built, what was built as a church, should be a church. on august 24, ukraine will celebrate its 33rd
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independence day. roman catholic religious the community hopes that by this time the church will already belong to the parish. tetyana golonova, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. and i want to remind you about our collection, which we announced in order to collect funds for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone of the open air, in all weathers, day and night. so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of the damaged. heavy equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, is needed a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. i encourage you to join
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our gathering, because help is very important. you can now see all the details on the screen. and about another scandal at this year's eurovision, the organizers disqualified the representative of the netherlands, joost klein. swedish police are investigating a complaint from a female participant. of the competition group. the incident happened between her and klein after the performance of the netherlands in the semi-finals. it seems that yost threatened the woman. so while the legal process is ongoing, the organizers suspended the participant. jost klein also became famous for his commitment to russia and cooperation with the russians. such was the news at that time. our team is working to ensure that you see the updated issue already at 5 p.m. you can read more news on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks, there
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you will find a summary of the main points, and also watch our unique content on youtube, and my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika continue the broadcast. congratulations to the viewers of espresso, thank you to everyone who hears us from the very beginning and donates, because this is the most important answer, to the most important investment that we can make these days, in particular, with the rather alarming information of the eastern, northern, southern fronts , the best answer is our donations . and we are collecting, now we are collecting 4 million for atvs. you know, if you sometimes hear that there is
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a collection there, a collection here and you think that everyone will donate, and somehow they collect there, and collect, but there are so many gatherings that everyone really needs to get involved, so please don't neglect, don't ignore, don't be lazy, pick up your phones now, scan the qr codes, literally right this moment, don't delay now, and do yours donate, contribute. in our victory, because that will not happen. yes, well, we will, in the meantime, talk about how the world reacts to rather alarming, dramatic news coming from ukraine, and we will talk with people's deputy oleksandr mereshko. he is the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs of the verkhovna rada of politics and interparliamentary cooperation. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. good day. well, what is the reaction, shall we say, from our partners? first of all. from the united states, because this long, long history, when their electoral games between
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democrats, republicans, trumpists, delayed the aid, and now, when the enemy understands that he has a very small window of opportunity, while this aid in the first package will arrive, strikes with everything possible, with all of all types of weapons in the depths of the country and even on the northern front, how is the layer, for example, now reacting, did you have any contacts, for example, with politicians who at least expressed something to you about this , in particular from the news that is now coming from the ukrainian front? and there were no contacts with politicians on this topic, but there were contacts, i spoke with american journalists who are interested in the russian war against ukraine, who write materials, are published on this topic, and they turned to me for... comments, for example, with about that, especially yesterday i talked to them, well, we see that in the united states
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civil society, the political establishment, they are concerned about what is happening, they understand that, unfortunately, we have lost six months, that is, the aid is coming, but i would like it to happen sooner, that is, many observers see that it has opened up for putin the window of opportunity, until the moment... when ukraine gets all the help it needs, and he 's trying to take advantage of this window of opportunity, he's also trying to realize his political goals, that is, this escalation, it's not accidental, it's is taking place against the background of the fact that the global peace summit will be held soon, the nato summit will be held in july, that is, putin is trying to take advantage of this, but what we see is that american aid is going, first of all ... for example, artillery, artillery ammunition is starting in the necessary quantities
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already entering ukraine, other types of weapons, that is, there are very such, well, necessary actions on the part of the united states. mr. oleksandr, but again this is from the white house, from the united states, that the russians may try such a buffer zone to create in kharkiv oblast, the military is also telling us about this today. what do they want to provide for that gray area, or does it actually correspond, or do you have information about it? well, from what i see, i... closely follow the western media, the bbc and dochaveli reported that the intention of the russians is to create, as they call it, a buffer zone or a sanitary border, that is, they are in this way they are trying to create such a buffer zone between ukraine and
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the belgorod region, and about that, by the way, well carefully, such an important source is what is written by... the institute for the study of war, and many journalists and politicians follow information from this source of information, well , of course, everyone understands this, but as far as i am not a military person, i am only following based on what is available in open sources of information, i understand that russia is trying to divert attention from other areas of the front in the kharkiv area. that is , most likely, it is about such an operation to divert the attention of our military from other places. what we are already this morning learned that they actually need to create this buffer zone, because they think that belgorod will be shelled from the lipetsk, in particular, and if we, if they start creating this gray zone like this, they think that maybe it will be
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a little easier for them, that's it what we heard this morning, 400 million for such a... amount , another aid package the united states of america has already announced, do you have any information on what that package should include? well , i don't have such information, i'm me again, what i know is basically there artillery shells, we are talking about this, because this is the number one priority for us, we are talking about other modern types of weapons, that is , soon we will ... feel the result of the provision of this urgent package of military aid , and of course, for reasons of national security and state secrets, some details are not are revealed, but we are talking about very significant military and technical assistance that will help us level the situation at the front. you say
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it is urgent, or is it possible to announce when this help will already be there at the front? she already is proceeds that is, well, it is, as i said, about shells, and for other aid, in order for it to reach, let's say, the front line, it takes weeks, but the americans, they understand how urgent the problem is, they are doing everything possible and it's impossible for that to happen as soon as possible because they understand that for us it's about the lives of our military, i want to go back to your point, you're saying that ... the window of opportunity and now these larger-scale actions by the enemy, they not only related to what they understand, that sooner or later in certain volumes all this will come to zero for our guys, but also in addition to the fact that the global peace summit is ahead, mr. oleksandr, what, and why do you think that they generally disagree with this peace summit, will
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they sign there some desire for peace and the world legal order of 80 countries, or 100 there will be no russia, they never once putin said that he needed some peace formula? well, actually, this summit, he, putin is afraid of him, and russia is afraid of him, why? because they understand that this will be a demonstration of what we will mostly hope, the vast majority of countries in the world, it advocates a just peace based on the charter. the un, which is based on opposing the state of the aggressor, which condemns the russian aggressor, that is, this peace summit can become the voice of world society, but for putin, it does not matter what voice it will be, the un charter, they have long rubbed their feet on it, an impotent organization, in which in the security council, russia itself as an aggressor can
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block any resolution, this is another spit in this new league of nations, putin does not care... how many countries will toast to peace worldwide? well, after all, the fact is that putin is trying to pretend that he is allegedly against the west, but at the same time the global south is on his side, and that is why it is so important to involve, by the way, representatives of the countries of the global south to participate in this peace summit , and this will already be such a moral and political blow to putin, and in addition, we hope that in... the process of this summit it will be possible to work out some plan, a real plan, to restore the international legal order and global security, this is already dangerous for putin , he... it is after all isolation, he even, interestingly, even violating international law, you know, in such an audacious way, the russians still try to appeal to international law, to the
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un charter, and therefore it is very important to show that international law and the un charter are on the side of ukraine and on the side of the international legal order, and not on the side of the aggressor. but you see, look, you, it turns out that it does not work out for us or for the enemy, because... that the great red shit jian pin has done the right tour, and now on his side, for example, that orbán himself, who signed the strategic agreement and already declares that we, as a democratic hungary, members of nato and the european union, support the communist plan, the peace plan of china, oops, and already the whole mess is lying around, and it has crumbled, because the chinese peace plan, well, no way coincides with the peace plan. from zelensky, except for one point regarding the borders, they are the global south, and we are not promised anything that they will come to geneva.
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india has it too, they just stole everything they paid with rupees, they had to pay the russians for oil and are sitting quietly, china plays his game, our game on the shores of lake geneva will not affect this chinese formula in any way? well, the chinese plan that was presented at... recently, well, it's very strange, to be honest, i read it very carefully, it's not a peace plan at all, it's a truce plan, a kind of secefire, as they say, and in it says, this is a, you know, disguised, in my opinion, russian plan, because there, for example, it mentions the need to ensure the safety of the refinery, that is , the interests of russia are very clearly traced here, at the same time there are certain interests of china, if it is about non-proliferation. nuclear weapons, and this plan, it is not specific, that, interestingly, there are things missing that were in the previous chinese plan, that is, at least
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a reference to international law and the un charter, and to such principles as territorial integrity and sovereignty, unfortunately, this is not at all in this latest version of the chinese plan, and this plan was not discussed with the countries of the global rooster, for example, india did not participate, although. it is the most numerous country, and such countries occupy rather pro-russian position, i.e. these are, you know, a hidden pro-russian plan, well, mr. oleksandr, we are still here on the whole list, because we have already come to terms with the fact that there are a lot of peacekeepers appearing on the world stage, if not the pope, then brazil, not brazil, then someone else, and everyone with their own peace, with their own options, slovakia has drawn here, and they say, let's hold negotiations in our country. between ukraine and russia, that is, we are still saying that we are not ready to communicate with russia, we have a completely different vision, we must get some victories on
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battlefield, well, because we have to come up with something at the negotiations, the slovaks are already pushing, what is this pushing for, why is it happening, from whose submission and what is slovakia, in my opinion, these are such efforts to... for example, well, it is about the fact that the new head of slovakia, he recently made very strange, to put it mildly, statements of such an anti-ukrainian character, and the issue of continuing aid arose, unfortunately, the new leadership of slovakia, it, well, is slightly backing away from the line of aid to ukraine that was before, there was a president, for example, slovaks very actively supported ukraine, and in order to, you know, create such a good one. in case of a bad game, such an idea is put forward, let's propose that there be territories on which negotiations will take place, but first of all and now there is no talk of
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any negotiations at all, why is it unclear to run ahead of the train like that, and secondly, it is better if you are really for peace, then the best way to prove that you are real peacekeepers is to provide weapons to ukraine, this is the only way to protect peace. including peace in slovakia, ugh, well, it sounds wild in general, after the elections, when his tame prime minister also joined the fissure, they are competing to see who is more in the lie of the russian story, in a word, it's not even about international politics and diplomacy, it's just a propaganda lie and nothing more, and in this case i wanted to ask you about our countermeasures, i would just really like to... we heard how ukraine is actively playing on the external field, for example, demanding to convene the un so that the un votes, considered sending peacekeeping forces to
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we understand ukraine on a huge scale, it won't work, but there will be an initiative, well, for example, for ukraine to come forward to our allies, and soon all debts of around 30 billion must be paid off in our loans, what about debt restructuring, or about , to be canceled due to force majeure and war, we don't do any big external actions, except this swiss peace conference, and many people who think strategically always say, why are we silent. well, we are not silent, including in the organization of the united nations, our representative, he makes relevant statements, but we see that today the security council, which bears the main responsibility under the un charter for maintaining international peace and security, which must fight acts of aggression, is completely paralyzed, it is incapacitated and unable to fight aggression, because russia has the right of veto, and our attempts, well, for example... for example,
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if we are talking about a peacekeeping operation, the so -called peacekeeping, then we need the consent of both sides of the conflict, we are already talking about the stage when there is no war, when it is necessary to keep some some kind of balance, strength or peace after military actions, that is, it is not real, but here it seems to me that the matter is different, the matter is that russia takes the place of the ussr in conflict and violation. of the un charter and we must make a statement that we do not recognize russia as a member of the un, that it is a usurper, and call on other un member states not to recognize russia in this capacity and simply, perhaps, even ignore its presence in mr. oleksandr, but without reform , which they themselves do not want to carry out, it will all be impossible, there is such a dead end here, but it would be enough be at least an appeal, we shouldn't
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keep them up and say every day, let's... peacekeepers, let's peacekeepers, there is no, do you think that would be inappropriate in view of the fact that we have just shown incapacity un in all other aspects? i believe that we should use all the international venues and all the opportunities, even regardless of whether there is a big chance or not, because we never know, maybe a small chance, but then it may turn out that in this way we can effectively implement our goal and strategy water-stone grinds, such an option. definitely, definitely, it is necessary to talk about it, it is necessary to declare, so that the world can see what is happening. mr. oleksandr, thank you for the conversation, thank you for participating in our broadcast. oleksandr mereshko was with us, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. and catching up with international news, we have good news from macron. he says that in the coming weeks, the european union...
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will increase aid to ukraine, and it is said that they will deliver us a little more equipment, we are waiting, always happy, willing to accept. we are going to take a short break, then we will come back and talk about the award, which is awarded once a year, this is the award named after georgy gongadze, this year, one of the laureates will be with us, wait. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then dust. just for you, they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order simply now, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you
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