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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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and then they hit the peaceful participants of the run, in fact, there was a fireworks display, it was a salute to their honor, in fact, what is already known and seen there, who was taken away, ambulances and so on, it was there, it was there that all the collaborators and russians were gathering, so they write a big kipish of fast ones, well, how can you see one and the same cotton in different ways, meanwhile we will communicate live with a guest of our studio, we visited... poet and spokesman, spokesman of the ministry of defense, dmytro lazutkin, i am glad to welcome you, dmitry, my congratulations, dmitry, glory to ukraine, and let let's start, we already talked about a lot of things today, we won't ask you about kharkiv, but we will ask about what is needed at the front, we will talk about mobilization, about people, because we collect fpv, quad bikes, we can buy them, we cannot buy people we can, and we need to clarify what will happen from
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may 18, what is changing, maybe we will start with the officials, with the reservation, well, because it is sensitive, well, in fact, i think that the reservation of officials is still an important topic, but if speaking globally, first of all , the approach to this war is changing, because it history, when part of the people is at war, is constantly at the front, and part of the people lives their peaceful, calm lives, well, obviously , this story is somehow already coming to an end and this... a striking difference that caught the eye every time, for example, you return from donbas to kyiv, to lviv, to peaceful cities, it is not normal, because it would be normal if we had a weak enemy, currently the enemy is such that the whole country, the whole society needs to mobilize, and from on the 18th, at least, all men are 18 to 60 years should clarify their data in the tcc and sp.
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there will be an opportunity to do this also in the electronic cabinet, which will launch its first versions, should launch, let's say so, and also in the tsnapa, the tsnapa are also actively preparing for this, they understand the responsibility, and now the tasks are set before them, that is , the country, the state must understand , how many people are healthy at this age, what kind of people do they have... military accounting specialties and so on, who, on the other hand, has already had a third child, has the right to reservation, postponement, etc. then, who may have moved, changed their place of residence, and specifically for this caste, to the officials, how will i work, because this was a very sensitive request, well, according to the officials, is there some other formula, or is it standard, like for everyone, as you just told me, well, now officials of categories b and b... will be
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reserved only for 50%, and not for 100%, as before, it should also be noted that many, many will now leave, well, they can be mobilized, say that they will go to serve , it is probably too early, but it can be mobilized from the officials, will remain, will remain reserved, officials of category a, people who, well... administrations, some units in state structures, they can be mobilized, including, or from these units, 50% of people can be mobilized, in addition, pensioners of power structures, yes called, they are also registered, this was also a sensitive topic, and a lot was said about it, i think that this also corresponds to a certain extent to the request of justice, mr. dmytro, from childhood, soviet childhood. queues, i look
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at these long queues, and i want to understand when in fact, it will be possible to do it without queuing, well , that is, we were told remotely about this application, which allows you to update everything online, as they say, from a smartphone, yes, the application is really a convenient service, and in fact, if you don’t like to stand in line or in general you do not like visiting government structures, then you will have the opportunity to update your data, phone number, place of residence, and email anywhere in the world, wherever you are, for 60 days, from may 18, from may 18 , including abroad, this is the most convenient way for ukrainians who are outside our country, because there was a version and it is currently under development, in which it will be possible to update data in consular institutions, but for now the main resource for updating is still considered this electronic application, it will be convenient in the future . as with many applications,
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in fact, that we use every day, there will be other options, they will be added, but the basic, basic minimum that will need to be updated, it should be coming soon this month. we already see queues to the shopping center, but there will always be those who will say, i didn't have time, it was two months, two more months, there was time until may 18, i didn't have time, what will happen to those, what responsibility is foreseen for those who will not update his data in the relevant structures at the specified time, well , administrative responsibility is provided for, there are already figures for the amount of fines, yes, that is, wartime uah 17, 25, well, in this range, again, again, this one of the methods, so to speak, will also be if a person first she gets a summons, for example, then if a summons comes, or she hasn't updated, yes,
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then a summons, then a demand, and if the person continues to ignore it, then it can get to the point where they will be banned from driving. until she clarifies her data, this, this is still a milder measure than was planned in the bill that was voted at the time in the first reading, because there was still card blocking, other, other measures, now well, that's a compromise version voted by the deputies, that is, from, so the person, if he does not have time, does not update the data, he will be held accountable, but everything is the same in any case, the data must be updated. beat and everything must be accounted for, absolutely yes, well, the law says about it, another interpretation of the law, it will not work out somewhere there to supposedly redeem yourself, but you paid the fine and you walk free, all the same , you need to update all these data in the tsc, in the sp, yes, of course, of course, well, that is, i paid the fine and
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left, well, there is one more moment, yesterday i was watching bulk on my phone, and it opened in your city recruiting center, well, accordingly. these recruiting centers, what will change in them after the updated law comes into effect, summonses can also be applied there after i came, talked, clarified everything, and then or what? well, they won't serve summonses there, it's primarily a service, again, it's a place where you can choose a military vacancy, where you can find a place in the defense forces, depending on your civilian specialty, civilian experience, including what are you really a pro at, that is it’s convenient and it’s cool, i used to go from kyiv to zaporizhzhia in order to mobilize to the 47th brigade, now service centers are opening in almost all regions, recently two have opened in transcarpathia, in uzhhorod and in mukachevo, yes, recruiting
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centers, you have i mean, not service, but recruiting, recruiting centers, i'm sorry, and there is already an information center at the kyiv railway station, so to speak, also a recruitment center, but what are the most vacancies now? do you need these now? a huge range is certainly in demand, and many very people are interested, and they are such vacancies that are related to work with unmanned aircraft and not only aerial ones, because let's not forget that there are also marine drones and so on, there are many units, now it is also being developed by domestic manufacturers, eh, therefore, to the recruiting center is a good opportunity, in my opinion, and a plus attitude. relationship, that is, if a person already understands in which part he is going to serve, for which position, they will work, there is a corresponding order, and there is, there is a directive of the general staff, which it regulates, that is, it will not be the case that a person
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has already decided that he is going to one brigade for some position, comes to the tsk and they say, no, no, no, there are infantrymen needed in another brigade and you go there after training, that is, this this option in... is practically excluded, and this is precisely one of the points that sociological studies showed that many people were interested in, whether this person will be promised at least two months of real preparation, training, so that he can learn as much as is necessary to but it was all high-quality, so that a person was already ready to go, this the two-month preparation is being carried out, because we had this monster that the russians were spreading, so here you are today in tsk, and tomorrow you will already be... somewhere behind kramatorsk already on the front line, well, you can’t, it seems to me, after all so absolutely trust telegram channels, especially anonymous ones, which are distributed by the russian psoo. two-month training is a norm that is already being implemented in the defense forces, and accordingly
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, people will be trained to go closer to the battle line, this is, above all, extremely important in order to save these. which are currently very valuable for the state, very valuable for the state, because we have now received western weapons, and they are already arriving in units, and there must be people who will use them, so to speak. with this weapon and work for victory, prevent the occupiers from advancing, and accordingly win back the territories over time. we are all different and we all know how to do different things. when people are sent to study, we understand that there is a certain base that everyone must be able to perform, but everyone is inclined more towards one or the other. is there opportunity now, are we working on the fact that such specific, special skills of people, to be able to beat, apply. exactly where it will be most effective at the front, we do not give this example, yes, when
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they send some super cool drone, stormtroopers, yes, this is such a banal very example, but there are some such very special skills, and of course, actually in other words, the easiest and the most convenient and the most effective and the most efficient way to find a job in this way is to go to the recruiting center and see what the brigade... what are the positions in it, if you know someone personally, you have friends, acquaintances, who are serving there, you can learn all the details and nuances directly from them firsthand. the commander is also very important, because an adequate professional commander is also, well , such a magnet, you can say, people want to serve under the leadership of a really professional commander who cares about the life and training of his subordinates, so there is such an opportunity in the recruiting center. ugh, there are two other processes that are important, when cooking, or
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units are being formed or are being completed, this is coherence, and the second point, which we are talking about with many very different military personnel, you yourself mentioned that one unit may have one type of weapon from our partners, others others, these are different types of troops, they can be scattered in different areas and even like a checkerboard, that is, there must be communication between the branches of the army, how much will this work out now? and at the tactical level, coordination of platoons is also taking place at the national level battalion level, brigade level, this is an indispensable part of training, that is, it is part of training, i understand correctly, if we talk about western weapons, then we know that several thousand, we will not name numbers,
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ukrainians are being trained from abroad, including the use of this technique , and this and there it also happens with the help of, let's say, foreign instructors from nato countries, who understand well how to use this technique as effectively as possible, yes, nato instructors, it's good, but we are talking about foreign bases where they train. but i have to mind you, don't our soldiers now have much more experience and understanding of what is happening there at the front, they communicate with each other exactly in any case, we often hear from the guys whom we include in our broadcasts, we, we know who is on the right, we know who is on the left, we communicate with them, eh, we still need instructors, why? it is clear that a war of such intensity, which is going on now, it... well, it is the best training, obviously, at the same time, we will also receive new equipment, so
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that we must learn to use it, and precisely, this is exactly how it happens with the help, with the help of people who already know it well and know how to use it, that's why somewhere, and we read the news correctly yesterday that ukraine received a real simulator for f-16 pilots, and are we right realized that first... we prepared with the help of our partners in different countries, but they will continue their training on this simulator, we will no longer have to send pilots in large numbers to teach them english, until there or french and only then began training, that is, this preparation is speeding up here, well, that is, one of the phases of preparation can be accelerated thanks to this, but again, i don’t want to talk much about the f-16, i want to talk a lot, but i want to even hear from ... from the russians from their news that our f-16s bombed one of their convoys or destroyed their planes, this usually
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happens with the use of some new weapon, do you also remember neptune, how wonderfully it exploded in their information field and not only in informative, so we will be to wait and there are indeed hopes, it's just also important not to overestimate them, because the war, once again, is happening in our country now. but there will be changes to the law on the 8th , the order of reservation of conscripts has changed, and we don't understand that. because this is actually regulated by a cabinet resolution, the lists of reserved persons are approved, and now it will not be the general staff, but the ministry of defense that changes it, because i read this news three times, i did not understand what it changes, wait, we need to understand this here nuances, and here i am the ministry of economy reserves, as far as we are talking about various
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documents, and the ministry of economy in the cabinet of ministers yes, but it is simply meant that these approved lists will not be approved... the lists themselves will not be approved by the general staff, but by the ministry of defense. that's how the news sounded, and that's why we couldn't understand, but what does it change? well, let's wait for some bylaws and an algorithm, how it will happen, because i am in favor of working with reality, and not with fantasies and versions, as is often the case, no, this is what the resolution says, we just didn't understand her, i therefore thought, maybe you will explain to us, well, during the war , the ministry of defense, it seems to me that it is normal when it regulates certain things and... and there is nothing strange here, so i think it will only be beneficial. mr. dmitry, thank you, thank you for answering all the questions. dmytro lazutkin, spokesman for the ministry of defense of ukraine, was with us. unfortunately, we did not get to the poetry today, but we hope that we will have such an opportunity next time. while we were talking, zmi was informed about explosions in sumy, there is also
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a setback in the south, threats of use ballistic weapons, a moving target. on odesa ceased to exist, we will try to find out a little later what it was, what the heck, literally in these seconds information appears suggesting that it was an aerial bomb attack, so do not ignore the air alarm signal, stay in shelter if there is a missile threat in your area, and in the meantime we have a story for you that everyone needs to know and see, with three young children, this man ... went to the front, and when his health failed, he became a military chaplain . this is about priest volodymyr. he is also at the front, but without a weapon, because he does not have the health to fight. he supports the defenders, supports their relatives, the path to god, the man told our journalists. let's watch together. god must always be trusted. god does
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not help the strong, god helps those whom he chooses. and we see from this war, because it is resourceful. physically, russia is much stronger than us, but it can't do anything with us, it is and is just god's help, god's providence in this. according to volodymyr, service pushed him to god. after participating in ato, he says he began to change, the man turned to a psychologist, sought solace in a drink, and finally found peace of mind in the word of god. at that time, i worked for ingulska at the mine. machinists. i was mobilized in the 15th year, in the month of february, at some point i decided that, well, let's say, god called me, i had my first repentance in my life, as i later read in the bible, this there is just the foundation of the foundations. subsequently , volodymyr served in the church and studied at the theological academy, and from the beginning
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of the great war he returned to the front again. there received a concussion, and the miner's diseases worsened. when he was in... treatment, he received an offer to become a chaplain, he agreed without thinking, because he knew from his own experience the need for spiritual support. when you communicate with them, when a person comes, he does not see anything, you explain such simple religious and church things, how to continue living, a person finds himself, and here are these eyes, when they begin to glow, when life ignites in them again, you you understand that you are doing what you need to do, the mission... pelana spiritual support of the soldiers, relatives of military personnel also turn to the priest, mostly those who have survived the loss. when it so happens that that person dies, and relatives and relatives lose him, then we all go there so that our relatives and relatives live, it is not
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necessary to die together with the soldiers, but we must take from them the courage that they had to go defending his state. and to live, even if there is no strength to live there, then to live for that person who has gone and is already looking at us from heaven. while in tyla, volodymyr does not leave work, with the participation of the chaplain in volunteer work spacious started circles of support, they are held for the families of the defenders and the soldiers themselves. he is a fighter, a chaplain who has fought before, so he can freely communicate with returning fighters. on a variety of topics and they will not have this barrier that a person has not fought and therefore does not understand it, that is, at our support circles we pass and we discuss various topics, from some. household, to religious issues. in war, says the chaplain, people turn to god more often than in peaceful life. volodymyr explains to the military that they are defending their
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therefore, the destruction of the enemy is not a sin, but the will of god. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. well, in the meantime, we're going back to see how dynamic the alarm map looks today, don't ignore these messages. a shelter, because the enemy is very cunning here, in fact the south, partly centrovograd, sumy and kharkiv, but look at how they are acting now, for example, we tracked a cruise missile heading towards odessa, and then it turned out that it was a false target, this is done with the help of the rebs, but now another rocket is going, just on a different route, pish tak na mykolaiv oblast is moving further north, but again, we cannot target or a real missile, just like that. so, the air alarm signals to go to the shelter, roman and i clearly insist on that, we are also always on alarms, we conduct our ethers from the shelter.
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that's all we have to say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow morning, espresso remains. be sure to subscribe and subscribe to our youtube channel. and then the ether will be continued by our colleagues, because they still have a lot of interesting and important information, so stay with us and take care himself. before meeting. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, but if you want to have a beautiful, well -kept plot, there is a solution. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful, bevel. lawn in the most difficult places, near fences, along path lines, next to the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simple and easy, leave big heavy mowers in
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there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict from rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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greetings, friends, this week the film house is the word of the endless novel was finally released, it is one of the biggest long-shots of ukrainian cinema, let me remind you that long-shots are usually films that are filmed for a very long time, and then they cannot be released for a very long time, and here they are are available for rent and very often this is the expectation factor. works very positive, and people warmed up for years by this anticipation, go to see the film. this is what happened, for example, with the mavka, another long-suffering. dovbuzh is such a semi-longevity, and the house is a word, an endless novel, which, well, from the idea to the realization, as many as 10 years have passed, and the attitude to the subject of this film has changed significantly from practically indifferent to something
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fanatical. and i'm talking about the shot renaissance, or about our twenties, each person prefers to call this period in his own way, and now there is just an extraordinary amount of discussion around these writers, writers, artists, artists who lived in this legendary house slovo in kharkiv, which was built especially for these artists, so that they could live there, there was a solarium in particular, and so that they glorified the soviet government with their works, that period will be successful. .. years was marked by ukrainization, but ukrainization, as we all know, was quite deceptive and quickly turned into mass shootings and the destruction of our creative elite. now we see an excerpt from the documentary house of the word, i will tell you all about it, because many people got confused because the director taras tomenko and the screenwriter lyubov yakymchuk, they made 200.
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rivers about the slovo house. first, they made a documentary, which was released in 2017, then it received quite a lot of positive reviews, but it remained mainly a film for cinephiles, for people who are basically interested in either shot revival or ukrainian cinema. and then, by the way, let 's watch an excerpt, because this film stood out, it became one of the first to be shown. perhaps the greatest of all writers, however, he never had money, everything went to parties, to friends, who were not in short supply, there were frequent bouts of madness, with which saussure ended up in the insane cathedral dacha, usually before the party purge. well
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, after this film, there were also many discussions in these narrow circles, and people began to wait for the already feature film of taras tomenko and lyubov yakemchuk, and here this film was released for a very long time, its premiere took place in poland, in general on one from festivals, but the ukrainian premiere was at the festival mykolaychuk open in chernivtsi, by the way, here it is overnight... another day will start again, and it was shown there in 2022, and there were also many different positive reviews, and then everything, two years, the film cannot be released , and finally there was, there was a very bright opening in the house of the ukrainian house, so it was such a pre-premiere screening, i think everyone was invited, i saw politicians, and journalist colleagues, and various artists too,
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really very, very many people, and i now see exceptionally positive ones on social networks reviews, but you know, after the premiere there are often positive reviews, because you know, people who are invited to the premiere, they often write something good about this tape as a token of thanks, but you know, i think that this is just not the right option, because the film is, first of all, for the audience, that is, it is not an author's film, it is a film that is understandable. well, just in a wide audience, and also it is very interesting visually, and it is dynamic, it is interesting to watch, and the most important thing is what people who are already writing the first reviews about house slovo note an endless novel is something that, after viewing , you really want to re-read various works of our writers and novelists and...


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