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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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we invite everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv ya . 5 p.m. in ukraine. for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all viewers and now i will tell you about the most important events at this time. the armed forces of ukraine stopped the russians 2.5 km from the border in the kharkiv region. currently, the ukrainian defense works effectively against the enemy - informed journalist yuriy butusov. fighting continues in the area of ​​settlements that were in the gray zone. it's about...
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streleche borysivka and oliynykovo district. also, the ukrainian military command plans to strengthen our brigades in the kharkiv region with reserves, - noted the group's spokesman khortytsia voloshyn. the locality of pylne, the locality of streleche, respectively, borysivka - these are the localities on the territory of which active hostilities are currently taking place . the enemy is there, the enemy is destroyed there. in these populated areas, i.e. points, i.e. there are active, tough combat operations, such as senkivka, yes, in the corresponding kupyan direction, i.e. it is actually gray zone. and the enemy attacked the gas distribution station in the stanislavsk community of the kherson region. more than 200 consumers were left without gas in stanislav, shiroka balka, oleksandrivka and sofiivka, - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. soon the specialists of
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restoration work will begin. cotton in occupied donetsk. local publications write that flew into the paradise restaurant. the participants of the aero-auto run before the day of the national people's republic were gathering there. five people died, six were injured. there are two in belgorod, russia passenger car collided with an ambulance . in the latter, wounded occupiers were being transported from shebekino, according to reports. in local telegram channels, according to the propaganda media , eight people died as a result of the accident, among them a minor. mutual protection of information. the president authorized the first deputy head of the sbu to sign such an agreement with canada. the corresponding order was published on the website of the head of state. let me remind you that ukraine has already signed agreements on cooperation in the field of information security with great britain.
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germany, france and denmark. illegally stored ammunition and weapons. the police kidnapped a resident of the city of snovsk in chernihiv oblast. during a search of a 47-year-old man's home, law enforcement officers found an assault rifle, an ak-47, 329 rounds of ammunition, more than 20 kg of artillery powder, grenades and mortar mines. investigators opened criminal proceedings against the suspect. faces up to seven years in prison. they were looking for a new way to escape. border guards detained six evaders in transcarpathia. five of them tried to conquer the mountain peaks the ukrainian-romanian border. another man was detained by the semi-department to romania. each fugitive had to pay from four to eight thousand dollars for the organization of their trips. law enforcement officers filed administrative reports on the detainees. strengthening the defense. poland
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started building fortifications on the border with belarus. prime minister donald tusk said that fortifications will be built along the entire polish border from the east. and the european union can join in additional financing. the head of the polish government also suggested that defense structures can be built all over the country europe. the year of reconstruction. during the existence of the national rehabilitation program, about 60,000 ukrainian families received funds for the repair or purchase of housing. the total amount of payments exceeded uah 11 billion. the ministry of infrastructure adds that most applications come from residents of kharkiv, kyiv and donetsk regions. currently, the developers are working on a compensation program for rebuilding on their own land and compensation for those who lost their homes. in
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the temporarily occupied territories, all this it happened without queues, without corruption, as quickly and conveniently as possible, fairly. and these were the main principles of the program that we laid down when we planned it. we expect that our ukrainians, who currently have destroyed housing in the temporarily occupied territories, will definitely get their own homes this year. we expect that justice will finally come, and those people who have already made repairs at their own expense, they will also be able to receive appropriate compensation. we created the legislative framework, the ministry of reconstruction created everything corresponding algorithms, and the ministry of digital transformation provided the digital service. treatment of childhood trauma, fight against addictions and neuropsychological rehabilitation of military personnel. in the walls of the first medical association of lviv, doctors from all over ukraine, as well as austria and france
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, exchanged their experience in helping patients with mental wounds. kateryna oliynyk will tell you more. nine-year-old mykhailik from kherson. six months ago, the boy was injured by mortar shelling by the occupiers. a fragment of ammunition pierced his skull and entered the brain. doctors were able to save the child's life. mykhailo was lucky to stay alive. the first two operations took us to mykolaiv, but the fragment remained in my head. and only the third operation was performed in lviv, it was removed. fragment and collected his skull, placed a titanium-metal plate on top of the missing bones. after the experience, the child developed anxiety. mykhailik is afraid to leave his mother and does not speak much, to cure the mental wound of the war. lviv specialists from
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the unbroken kids center help the boy. for now, while it is still in condition such active rehabilitation, he and i do not get injured. which he experienced, although he was conscious and remembered everything that happened to him, we do not talk about it, we concentrate more on game activities, on resource activities, in order to better explore the mental wounds of the war, in adults and children, in the third international conference on mental health was held in lviv, both clinical psychologists and educators took part in the discussion, and foreign specialists from france also joined the conversation. and austria, they discussed the specifics of treating children injuries, diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder, art therapy techniques and neuropsychological rehabilitation of military personnel. trauma always stops, trauma always isolates, and when it stops, isolates a mature person
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, in principle there is damage, but this damage can somehow be processed with the existing value systems in the head. the child is on the march of development. and when an injury stops her in the march of development, there is not enough resource to fix it and help herself. air alarms, explosions, forced relocations and other factors have a negative effect on the psyche of children, this is manifested in mood swings, irritability, high anxiety levels, sensitivity to loud sounds and sleep problems. school psychologists can recognize signs of trauma and help deal with stress properly. in fact, it is very important here to teach children relaxation and self-soothing techniques, and this is probably what we are working on the most, yes, because we live in a state of war, and accordingly, children need to be able to cope with this, and the first thing that we we do, well, what i personally do is teach different breathing techniques, grounding techniques,
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when the children work on it in a normal , everyday way, and when they, for example, have this moment of a stressful situation. so they already know how to deal with it. according to the statistics of the international organization unicef, as of february this year, 36% of young ukrainians suffered psychological trauma from the war. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. and we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the zone military operations in the soledar and zaporozhye directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly. on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, including tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair teams to the combat zone and equipment, as well as
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pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. join the gathering. you have all the details now. you see on the screen, this was the news at that time, we will see you at 6 p.m., you can find more on our website espresso tv, also subscribe: be sure to follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube . good health, ladies and gentlemen. my name is mykola veresen and you and i will sit for almost two hours, or rather i will sit, you will do whatever you want, you can
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lie, sit, walk, drink tea, as i do, or not drink, as i do not. well, let's start our program with what is happening on the fronts. vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff from 14 to 17 years, will now appear before you, here he is, thank you, mr. vladyslav, for finding time for us on saturday, er. so, watch , i have such a question that begins with the strange words nafiga, excuse the words, russia breaks through to kharkiv, and then i have this question, and what, there is a weak point, there, well, what ideas will he go to poltava after kharkiv, or what, if what idea, attempt to break through to the kharkiv, mr. vladyslav, putin, it seems to me that sometimes with his own... behavior , he tries to transform such a thesis into reality, you know, as girls say, we, women,
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yes, we are weak creatures, we don't need much, we need everything, yes and putin is also trying to transform his desire to seize all of ukraine, and of course he is interested not only in the occupied territories, he seeks to gain control over those territories that the russian constitution has already contributed to the contribution of the russian federation, it seems all of donetsk and luhansk regions, respectively. the entire territory zaporizhzhia and kherson regions, well , we see, now he is starting to become active in the territory of kharkiv region, and the fact that the enemy is now attacking our borders in the north of kharkiv region is due to the fact that the enemy is trying to stretch our strategic reserves, because he understands that we , the further it is, the more it acquires appropriate opportunities to repel enemy attacks, which means that it is extremely important for the enemy that we direct our time... to our resources, either to the south of the zaporizhzhia region, or to the north of the kharkiv region, but definitely not to the district
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chasara or west of avdiivka. okay, now one more question, mr. syrsky reported to mr. zelenskyi, the president, heavy fighting, well, if such an aggravation, then that, all these aggravations happen from time to time, then i have a question for you, this is an ordinary aggravation, how to say , regular. flare-up, or is it some kind of specific, sharper-than-usual flare-up? and yes, in fact, the process is taking place somewhere quite atypical, because usually large-scale operational-level military operations, any side of the conflict is able to implement during for three, four, or a maximum of five months, for example, the ukrainian defense forces in the summer and autumn of last year actually continuously advanced for 5 months, what did we gain? the world knows that the enemy's army is currently showing certain records, because in fact for seven months in a row it
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has the initiative, it is advancing on different parts of the front, and it would seem that all its resources should have been exhausted long ago, but the resources are there and the enemy has the initiative on the battlefield, and not only in the south of our country in the region of raboytiny or staromorsky, or whatever in the north, in the north of the kharkiv region, and the enemy also has the initiative on the eastern face of the russian-ukrainian front, the situation is... atypical, because more than that, a key military official, as well as our president, volodymyr zelenskyi, notes that at the end of may, at the beginning summer, the enemy somewhere there will gather some more resources there and will be forward again in order to transform his numerical and material and technical advantage and some territorial gains there. once again, i hope that within the next two weeks we will finally get enough the amount of artillery, the fear of adding to that artillery, so that all the enemy's plans turned into such a large air one. a ball, a bubble that will peel off, and nothing will be left of it, because in reality the situation
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is not very stable yet, although again it is the north of the kharkiv region, here we now hear a lot on the internet about treachery, but in reality the enemy has not arrived yet to our first frontiers of defense sports, because as you know, the first well -prepared, carefully created engineering fortification is somewhere at a distance from 10 km from the state border line, the enemy is now down somewhere in the wet zone, in our border area, and therefore it is not worth talking about any large-scale territorial gains of his, besides, he is constantly flying over the enemy, because as they say, our...armashes, recently they have a little the situation with ammunition has improved, and the same ammunition is already being sent to the heads of the russian occupiers. you used the word initiative several times, and i would ask when their efforts to get somewhere will end, he says, you are quoting the president and mr. syrskyi, so yes
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i imagine that this is the end of may, the beginning of june, then, well, the end of... june, the beginning of july, there will be a situation when it is possible , a situation about which i think that ukraine may take the initiative, so, so i have a question, whether it is possible, considering that the western partners say that there will be planes in the 16th, the americans can deliver what they promised to deliver, and if the situation could change, what do you say, mr. vladyslav, i think that in order for us prospects not to be disappointed, today we do not need to be disappointed, because the other day i had a conversation with specialists who worked overseas communicated with the expert environment, and from there they brought the following opinions of the american political community, it is ready to give us enough weapons so that we do not lose in this confrontation with the russian
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army, but they are not ready to give us a sufficient number weapons and ammunition, in addition to weapons and armored vehicles, so that we can win in this... with the russian army, and therefore, most likely ours in the near future, and this year, at least, i expect strategic defense, we will accumulate little by little resources, to reduce the combat potential of putin's army, but do you dream that we will be able to take the initiative into our own hands and set the pace and rhythm of the conduct of hostilities, it is probably not worth it, we physically lack the same resources to implement these missions, i will say separately about the f-16, we still don't know when we... received different dates , but we remember that we once heard from mr. kuleba, our minister of foreign affairs, that in march, the first batches were destroyed in 16 already will take part in hostilities, march has passed, april is over flashed by, may is already stealing through our spaces in full swing, but they are still all that is not there, and when we will receive them
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is unknown, so once again, so that we are not disappointed with you tomorrow, we should not be enchanted today. it follows from your words that there cannot be new napoleons, well, in the world, that is, we must wait for the material side, and the intellectual side should not be waited for, that is , whether it is possible to win with intelligence in a modern war, the same sirsky will turn out to be more intellectual than that gerasimov, and will find some clever trick that will allow ukraine needs to significantly improve its own situation. on the battlefield, is it already the 18th century, it is already the napoleonic wars, when intelligence played a big role, please, and nowadays the intelligence of leaders plays a significant role and we must give credit, general gerasimov, the chief of the general staff of the russian army, is not the most stupid among others, with the help of other russian generals, so he knows
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the subject, he is the author of the concept of hybrid war, which is currently being implemented not only on the territory of our country, but many around the world such hybrid wars are taking place, and therefore we have to understand that there should be a certain priority in opposing, uh, the skills of our and the russian general corps, but in terms of technologies, i hope that we will definitely have at least parity, because when we often ask the question, but there is some wonder weapon in this war, a weapon capable of fundamentally changing the situation on the battlefield, then i am more and more inclined. the opinion that it is uavs, and not only unmanned aerial platforms , but also ground, surface and submarine, can actually become the weapon, the game changer, that can so fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield, regardless of who has the initiative, and this is really important, because the availability of resources, the availability
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of technology, the availability of opportunity, including the light of bright minds , it actually affects the intensity and... effectiveness of warfare. i hope that we will not lose in this confrontation with putin's russia. the armed forces of ukraine announced that they will form 10 new brigades for the defense of kyiv. as for us in kyiv, we moved and kanal partially came, well, i personally, and many presenters came from lviv to kyiv, and now we are definitely interested in how serious the threat is to kyiv, in your opinion? well, first of all, with the return, in our country, there is kyiv. the most protected city, and this, it is fair, because there are command posts, control, communications, decision-making center, i.e. kyiv is reliably protected, that is, the enemy will look for opportunities to push towards our capital, because it is one of its key missions and desire, it is obvious, but once the enemy dreamed
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of taking kyiv in three days, capturing the entire territory of ukraine in three weeks, what happened from that, active hostilities continue for the third year in a row , and in general, the term of this russian-ukrainian war has already exceeded the 10-year mark, and therefore putin can dream about something there, dream about it, but the key question is, combat is possible... it’s actually not so much, it’s a serious strengthening of our defense forces, but there can be, well, if in total, maybe 25-30 thousand personnel a plus to our defense forces, and that's not even a question here so much in personnel, this, by the way, was emphasized by general pavlyuk, the question is in the recipient's book. armored vehicles, other types of automotive and special equipment, armament of ammunition of anti-tank weapons, because this is actually an important component, and other
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issues, they are not so important in the current war, depend precisely on the number of personnel, skill, training, technical support and availability resources, it is these elements that determine the combat capabilities and effectiveness of one or another army of the world. the last or maybe the penultimate the question, i imagine what it is, this is what putin said, and then lukashenko also said about checking the carriers of tactical edible weapons, as i understand it, this means that at the base they take a warhead, quickly screw it onto the missile , watch how it screws , and that's it, that's all, that is , there are no dangers, it's quite routine, customary, ordinary. the task of any army is to check how it functions, how many people are needed, how much transport, how much gasoline, to transfer the warhead from point a to
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point b, and see how it is there it is screwed, relatively speaking, i am not a great specialist, what do you say, mr. vladislav, no, unfortunately, not so, and here i would not be so - optimistic, why, because we still do not know in which the method will take place those... the same training that vladimir putin announced, setting the appropriate task to his minister of defense sergey shaig, what we know, the training will take place on the territory of the southern military district, its headquarters is in rostov, precisely there is a headquarters that takes care of it the so-called special military operation, which means that not only our country ukraine is at risk, but also the countries in front of the black sea, romania, bulgaria, turkey, georgia. because it is not clear what nonsense our neighbors will indulge in, because the fact is that, according to many experts, it seems that since 1991, the russian
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federation has never conducted exercises of this format, but the key marker that will indicate how much these trainings and exercises are dangerous, it is a question of whether the same will be removed from long-term storage warheads of missiles, whether of aerial bombs or god knows what nations. the same nuclear components, directly, whether it will be removed from the bases of arsenals and warehouses and installed on the same nations, if such a process begins, then it is actually dangerous, because a slightly different algorithm begins to work, corresponding reactions, because it just begins to suck all that , which is related specifically to the warhead of nuclear warheads, it means that other countries, members of the club of nuclear states, must do... do the same things, to be ready, and although, although the power of tactical, tactical nuclear weapons is an order of magnitude less and weaker than strategic
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missiles with the same nuclear warhead, nevertheless there is a certain algorithm that can create a rather dangerous precedent, so for now we have the opportunity is only to observe, because the planning process is ongoing, the appropriate forces and means that will be involved in these trainings are determined, it was announced there... to aggravate the situation, but in any case , the key marker is what the enemy will start to howl, the same stories are related to nuclear warheads, if so, then we will have all the problems, if it will be purely an imitation and, as they say, we are writing it on foot mechanically, the situation is not so much threatening, that is, certain things will be worked out. algorithms, but the world, i think, refrains from nuclear escalation this time, if not, then all of us are waiting for quite so much, among the colonel
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of the armed forces, the spokesman of the general staff from 14 for 17 years. thank you very much, now there will be advertising, then we will talk about russia. a while ago we talked about the russian-ukrainian war, it's time to talk with oleksandr shulga, doctor of sociological sciences, head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia. and now advertising. respect traditions and be proud of your culture with. unpack tv. we present a collection of modern embroidery. unique ukrainian embroidery combined with the comfort of your favorite t-shirts at an incredibly pleasant price. only from uah 299. men's and women's options - current trendy colors, doubled sizes from 44 to 62. embroidered jackets are always fashionable and always presentable. every day, in any situation, you will look amazing and feel
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of the memory. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect ours tomorrow, see saturday's political club. every saturday at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts,
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inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. so, our part of the marathon continues, my name is. all also mykola veresen, as i promised, oleksandr shulga, doctor of sociological sciences, head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of the russian federation, he will appear now, he has appeared, thank you, mr. oleksandr, i have a few questions for you, but please excuse me, so that no matter who i ask, any questions constantly deviate from history, from sociology, from political science to
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psychiatry, pardon the pun. it is necessary when we are talking about russia.


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