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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. so, our part of the marathon continues, i am still called mykola veresen, as i promised, oleksandr. shulga, doctor of sociological sciences, head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of the russian federation. now he will appear, he has appeared. thank you, mr. oleksandr. i have a few questions for you, but excuse me in advance, because no matter who i ask, all the time, any questions deviate from history, from sociology, from political science, to psychiatry, sorry, the word has to be used when we talk about russia. about putin constantly
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going here and there, but look, not once did mr. putin utter the word ukraine during the parade on red square. once upon a time, he did not say the word navalny, one of the leaders of the russian opposition, and so on, he did not say many things. is it his internal revulsion, or is it the technology, how do you think he just hates it so much ukraine, that he understands that if he says ukraine, his heart will stop, or he will have a stroke, or his liver or kidneys will fail, well, in short, there will be some kind of trouble, why is this happening, do you have any speculations on this topic, please, congratulations, thank you for inviting me to the broadcast, i am always glad, in relation to navalny, the analogy is bad, well, i mean it is unsuccessful, from the point of view, i would not like to compare ukraine, because he began to pronounce... navalny’s last name after his
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death, and before that, having kept him in prison, and before that, trying to kill him in the end having done this, therefore, we will not be like navalny, and we will not even be like other russian oppositionists, we will be like ukraine, i think that in general the main idea there was to tie the current war against ukraine to the ethos of such a war. 41-45 years, and accordingly for this there were columns, boxes of current interveners, which went, well, separately, separately, and they were also paid attention to, this is such a know-how, besides, the present and the current needs of putin were reflected in such, well, very interesting... soot, where he began
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to talk about the heroic struggle during the second world war the world war of the chinese people, somehow before this the chinese people were not mentioned, as far as i remember, it was mentioned here, so i do not think that there is a psychiatric reason here, the task was to tie this war to that, this, and such in this way, we must conclude that we will also win in this war, well, because... because if you call ukraine, ukraine, against which the war is being waged, and pass mimastel with the inscriptions kyiv, odessa, kharkiv, well, somehow it doesn't fit. so, next year, may 9 will be about, i understand, about burkin, an outstanding role burkina faso or sierra leone in world war ii. laos, guinea. yes, yes, i think that there are some such and such countries, i should mention them, because they are known to everyone.
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the outstanding role of the republic of china in the battle against the japanese militarists, there were no americans, englishmen there, there were only chinese, okay, look, here, and now about your profession directly, i would ask you, you know what, er, i am i listen to the so-called good russians, who are discussing the speech on may 9 and the appointment of a new one. of the old prime minister, and if for i myself see the discussion in which direction, in the direction of the fact that, on the one hand, something needs to be changed, well, because it is so, well, you are in management, if you are a manager, and the manager of a large country of 140 million people, you need to reboot from time to time, be it what manager will tell you, and on the other hand, all the people say, this is a so-called good russian, that he is such a conservative, that he will not change anything, and the first... of the russian federation, which
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was and still is, and has already been approved , and everything is fine, and no one is talking about some kind of power reset, and... it spoils prospects of russia, as far as i understand, because if these people were a year ago, two years ago, 10 years ago and so on, then they are nothing new in the new conditions of the two-year, three-year confrontation with the whole world, not only with ukraine, they are nothing they won't be able to produce anything new, what do you say about the dos and don'ts, this moment, which the russian government, led by mr. putin, is now facing. well, first of all, everyone expected mishustin to stay, he meets all the necessary criteria that are necessary for to be prime minister in russia, well, he more or less showed his diligence, and at least he
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didn't interfere with those who worked in the economic bloc, and really, let's face it, everyone expected that the russian economy would be pretty... bad and the economic ministers of the economic bloc will not be able to cope with these challenges, secondly, he is very inconspicuous, he does not play his game, thirdly, well, he is not charismatic at all, he is even less charismatic in appearance than putin, he is completely loyal, and he plays such a technocrat, inconspicuous, cabinet, and absolutely, according to all these criteria, he corresponds to putin's rider to the prime minister, that is, if you know, superficially politically, if more deeply, he fits into the general concept that
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is currently being offered to russian society and the world, is russia beginning or is demodernization in full swing , that is, if the soviet union was about modernization. forward to the future, now forward to the past, and in this demodernization, if you want to return the whole country to the 19th century, to the best days, then why change anything, even in this plan, despite the fact that this team has absolutely confirmed its loyalty, putin is already talking about the country and civilization, he is talking about , well, his own way of russia, although this was said before, nevertheless, putin presents himself as such an orthodox russian nationality, at the same time very
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it is interesting that in 1993, samuel hunting, who even knew, i think, who putin is, he already predicted this in his book of the clash. having just said that western, western liberals could, could debate with soviet, for example, soviet scientists, soviet politicians, with a russian orthodox nationalist, they will not be able to do this, and please, please, after almost 30 years, just such a russian orthodox nationalist appears to us, and it is not for nothing that gundyaev anointed him so... so to speak, after after his this inauguration, therefore this demodernization, it is in full swing, even in such, even in such trifles. mr. oleksandr, look, this is also a question, whether
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the truth will break through, i will read now, through historical enlightenment, because among others of the measures you spoke about, there is still... the decree of the president of the russian federation on historical enlightenment, that is, in fact, such a lie that passes for the truth, for the historical truth, for the truth of the history of russia, although in fact it is absolutely obvious that it is a lie , then if there is no putin tomorrow, some part of russians may still want to find out what happened, what... what is the truth in russian history, the real truth, not pretended, will we now know for decades what is in russia , which means the great october socialist one revolution is bad, stalin is good, lenin is dubious, and so on, well, these are all
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the narratives that, by the way, despite huntingen, this story is being raised again in russia now, what, what, what often... of those narratives , after all, soviet, some are really nationalistic, not internationalist, as it was under lenin and under the communists, how about two? two activities in which russia is very good, three very, in which it has very, well, age-old traditions, it carries them out very well, the first is simply a complete replacement of the population, starting from the moscow principality, in we see it in the modern form in crimea, simply physically, hundreds of thousands of new residents were rushed there. the second is a complete rewriting of history, absolutely simply alternative, with the destruction of alternative
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points of view, physical and metaphysical, and the third is the production of myths about oneself, so the answer, if we are talking about russians, the further, the more, the more difficult it will be to work against it , there is an absolute complete indoctrination of russian society, the russian new... generation, already the second generation is starting to grow up under putin, therefore given the current conditions, i don't see any reason why russians and russians could later come to some point of view that, well, friends, you annexed the territory, you captured it, it was a war of aggression, the further it will be, the more difficult it will be , that's a fact , and this is actually, i understood your answer, i sometimes have such dreams, you know, very simple. such a very simple solution to a very complex problem, now we were shown the kremlin and this
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kremlin wall, and i constantly think, and i even dream sometimes, that if we remove the mausoleum and make such a 100-meter hole, in this this is just a huge fence, just so that there is a physical reach of the hand of the russian to the russian authorities, and to the buildings that are in the kremlin. because now there are simply, well, they are separated physically, so this can somehow change, because any ukrainian can come to the bank and tap on the wall where zelensky is sitting, where poroshenko was sitting, where yanukovych was sitting and many ukrainians presidents, but the russian can take it away, he cannot do it, it seems to me that this is some kind of metaphysical story that maybe russia can... they will see that is happening in the kremlin, what do you think, well, i
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think that then it would not be russia, then it would be, well, there would be no power at this moment, it would be a vacuum of power, and well then it really was something, then whether it was ukraine or poland or some other state of the european union, it is precisely this discontinuity of russian... culture, when it tried, as it were, to build relations with the west, after several centuries of efforts, it still remained this asian despotism, at the same time she tried to take e-technologies, technology, means of production, that is, this part of european civilization, without taking political institutions, that is exactly the openness, there is the accountability of the authorities, which you are now... talking about, and this is precisely why this constant conflict with russia and measures that are very difficult to resolve,
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russia takes part, the technological part of culture, civilization, but does not take political institutions, practices, thanks a lot oleksand shulga, doctor of sociological sciences, head of the institute of conflict studies and analysis of russia, i just remembered that i touched on white home and 10 downing street and headquarters apartment. nato could, at least, yes, and i can hardly imagine that i can touch the ministry of the wall of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, now we will look at advertising with you, and then we will look at china-world relations, because we will talk about china, and china so big that it is not equal, but commensurate with the rest of the planet earth, but still... first, advertising is a must. when you sleep on
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winter's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to... talk about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters , which many have become like relatives, as well as respectable guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. so, our broadcast continues, and as i promised, now we will talk about china, that's why dmytro yefremov, expert of the ukrainian association of china studies, associate professor of the department of international relations of the kyiv-myhylian academy, good
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health, mr. dmytro, thank you for finding us time on saturday, good afternoon and. and my first question is simple and complex at the same time, for the hell of it, i have a lot of trouble today, why is mr. xi jinping coming to europe? in china has its own long-standing interests, europe is the most important place for china to sell goods that china produces, especially now europe is interesting for china, because economic growth is lagging in china, the traditional model is not working well, for a new model focused on... consumption in china have not moved yet, therefore they are solving the task of accelerating growth by traditional extensive methods, and this involves increasing , including the volume of exports of industrial goods , wherever possible. the most interesting market is, of course, europe, because there are many in europe solvent population, they can be sold final consumption goods in
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large quantities, this leads to a large trade imbalance in trade relations between. china and europe, and in europe there is disgust and concern, they want to limit the access of the chinese to european markets, especially in those sectors that europe has chosen as key to ensuring this green transition and building a carbon-free economy, and china is now dominating there, these are panels , solar panels, it's wind generation, it's electric cars and... european manufacturers feel very uncomfortable, that's why in europe they are thinking more and more about protectionism, but in order to avoid all this or to find some compromises, i think... sijin ping arrived in europe at the invitation of the french president. but, but, but, mr. dmytro, but not hungary and not serbia, france, i understand, what you said is from my point of view, i
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am completely ignorant here compared to you, i would understand germany, i understand france, i understand britain, these countries, i understand, indeed, yes, it is very important for such countries to understand what the people's republic of china is thinking, but in... hungary and serbia are certainly not in the first places in terms of trade, what do you say? hungary is the so-called, let's say, the gate, the entrance, yes, of chinese goods to the european market. many chinese companies built their factories in hungary with these electric cars, and orben's government created extremely attractive conditions for them. hungary is a very attractive partner also from the point of view that it is in... the entrance to the schengen area, which is controlled by orbán's government, but other european countries they can't control, and spies can also be let in there, and, let's say, there, i don't know, some
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technical specialists who will monitor someone and the like, to whom the hungarians issue visas from china, it is quite difficult for other countries to check, i think, and these factories that are being built by the chinese business in hungary. extremely attractive conditions for them, they become elements or segments in this chain of value creation of electric cars, become , so to speak, the final point of collection of ready-made chinese cars, which are then presented on european markets not as chinese, like hungarian, hungarian, and therefore hungary is a very attractive partner for china. as for serbia, china is filling the vacuum that was created there. that russia is no longer able to play the role it used to play in the balkans, it 's losing influence, it's losing the ability, uh, it's losing the ability to sell weapons there,
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and funds, investments that used to be able to flow to serbia from russia, now this flow stopped, and another obvious alternative for serbia is china itself. well, i would said that it destroys my imagination about the foresight of the chinese. not the communist party, the chinese in general, because i was told that both the chinese and the communist party of china plan often 50 years ahead, and if they think that 50 years ahead orbán will remain in power in the magyars, and serbia will not enter the european union and won't start obeying european rules, i think it's a little wrong, but here's about macron: so, bloomberg informs us that mr. sidzinpin's visit disappointed mr. macron, because mr. sidzinpin tried to upset everyone,
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you can comment on it in some way, you , then, what was the purpose then, if you come to visit and say that, well, ivanov, that petrov is guilty, petrov, that ivanov is guilty, well, everyone around is also guilty, to upset everyone and so on, well, it's me. understood in the yard, i was also a schoolboy once, and i met such people on my life's path, but in international politics it all immediately becomes open and clear, and the face of the chinese people's republic is lost. what do you say, mr. dmytro, about your first a line that refers to what the chinese are planning there a century or 50 years ahead, this is such a myth that the chinese themselves have created about themselves, they very often... behave quite reactively and adapt to the situation, rather than trying to construct something in the future. as for the fact that xi came to quarrel with everyone, i
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am very skeptical. the fact is that all these three countries, and serbia, hungary and france communicated with china very intensively, and before that. advisers of their presidents constantly went there, delegations from china came back, and so on. this communication lasted a very long time. if everyone wanted to match... them among themselves, he had to go to brussels, not to budapest, because the heart of europe is in brussels, all the connections are made there, and, let's say, building some specific relations with with the european commission, for example, yes, or with the belgian government, contrasting it with france or germany, then it would really be possible to try to provoke someone, and since xi was satisfied with what he visited and so ready for his visit to... hungary and so ready for his vizda from serbia, shows that china is not pursues some such strategic goals, and takes what is achievable for him at the
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moment. mr. dmitry, and this is a general theoretical, philosophical, historical question, are there people or organizations who understand the politics of the people's republic of china in the world, well , because when my colleagues there start complaining about china, it is friends with russia, i say, well, it is friends with russia, it is true, in words, not in words, but chinese banks do not serve russian bonds, but chinese production does not... what you just said about hungary is hidden on the ground of the russian federation, buy cars, joint, sorry, we will not build factories with you, and we will buy such gas there at low prices, but we will build huge gas pipelines with you, we will think hard here, or not at all, there with putin has been using this for 10 years, if not more, to build and sell something there, that is
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, such an absolute... such ambiguity, we don't really like europe, but we really like to trade with europe, we really don't like the united states, in general that our main competitor, but in our country it is second only to europe, or maybe in front of europe, a trading partner and so on and so forth, so huge, there are some centers that understand what china wants, or only the chinese can understand the chinese, about the fact that the chinese understand... only the chinese, one of of the central messengers that sydzenpin has recently been sending into the public space during his top-level visits is that both the united states, when he addressed biden during his visit and france, now when he spoke with macron, need to change their attitude towards china and understand chinese position, that is, china says that you misunderstand and interpret us, and
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started. this is very often the case, but if we stay within the framework of our european logic, which does not involve eastern ambiguity, but is clear and linear, then we see that in most cases china always serves its national interests, 1.4 billion people live there , which must be fed, provided for and their well-being improved, and therefore precisely based on this reasoning, as well as on what the communist party of china has taken on self-obligation to constantly improve the well-being of one's own citizens, and accordingly, to implement policy on the international arena, it is necessary to analyze china, and its relations with russia, which you said, are quite pragmatic, despite the fact that they constantly meet there, and declare partnership and so on, their relationship is not an alliance like the european
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union is, for example, it's... a coalition built against the united states, and maybe its allies, in order to change the existing world order, but even in terms of how to build a world order after this change, their positions do not coincide. the russians would like to destroy the entire existing world order and create something new on it based on force. the chinese would like to leave the existing order and simply push the united states out of its core and take their place. thank you. thank you very much, dmytro efremov, expert of the ukrainian association of chinese studies, associate professor of the department of international relations, kyiv kyiv-mohyla academy, gentlemen, these are all the consequences of staying in galicia, i forgot names of native kyiv educational institutions. thank you all for your attention, and we are interrupting for the news, after the news we will meet with you again and talk about the situation in the united states
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of america of igor eisenbe. a professor of new york university, will be in touch with us, i hope, and we will ask him, and what we will ask about, you will find out after the news. news time on express tv channel. in the studio , iryna koval welcomes all the viewers, and now to the most important events. the united states will urgently sell three installations to ukraine hymars. the relevant decision was adopted by the state parliament of the country. the german government plans to finance the acquisition of missile systems. the country will spend about 30 million dollars on this. according to the us secretary of state anthony blinken, ukraine needs haimarts right now.


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