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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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to do this, since he continued to do so, the judge found him in contempt of court, so he was fined $10,000, a thousand for each violation, and the judge warned that as a judge it would not be unpleasant, since he is a former the president, and possibly the future president, but he can jail him for 30 days for repeated violations of this resolution. court, that is, whether it will happen or not, i think it will not happen, but trump has become more careful, i must say, eulogy, the last question, the last question, look, it's very important, but biden doesn't look like trump anymore, although trump is not a young man either, but he's somehow more cheerful, and biden is a little weak, i would even say, and now i'm asking you how... how
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serious is this , to what extent it can affect when a person moves very slowly so slowly, somehow somehow it is difficult for him, on this, against this background, trump looks better, how can it affect the mood of the voters in general, well , if you look at the photos of trump in court, i would did not say why he looks so good, after all, he is 77 years old, well, let him be healthy, i wish everyone health, cry. besides, besides putin and his henchmen, well, biden, biden has a problem with his spine for a very long time, for many years, and he walks like that, he was younger, by 10 years, he walked the same way, well , i think that this story there with biden's alleged ill health, she's getting a lot of propaganda, and actually, well, both of them, both of them, look, as i said before,
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old, although i think our ideas about age, they're changing a little bit, so that people are much more active, medicine is different now, people can simply be active for a much larger part of their lives, that is, from, for example, like biden, what he does, if you look at his schedule, who he meets, where he speaks, then he has such a work schedule and he differs from the schedule of any president, that is, he works very... actively, speaks a lot, but just the other day he made a speech specifically about anti-semitism, the very next day he was in the state of wisconsin, where he opened the construction of a new large enterprise there , which will be financed there, in part, from the law on the development of the microelectronics industry in america, he is actively involved, thank you very much, you will calm down the supporters. calmed down the supporters
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of the democratic party in ukraine, i thank you for that, ihor eisenberg, professor at new york university, where there are no great signs of anti-semitism, and now we are doing advertising and we will just talk, then we will go with you from the united states to israel, we will talk about is happening in israel, and as always something is happening there, and instead of an american flag, an israeli one will appear behind my back flag, i hope behind me. and now advertising, what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what he says, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. who are they? there are many of them, and they are
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strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are boys who never cry. lemberk, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to protect ukraine, and went missing. in the wide expanses of donbas. sleep, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminost uuro - urination under control. an evening of boxing that will go down in history. the battle for the title of the absolute champion in the heavyweight division between usyk and fury, and ... the four-title fight in the lightweight division between
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the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life. gave a lift to bc, gave a lift to the boys. atv is a way from zero to... our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yat. again good health, as i promised, behind me is the israeli flag and... in front of me appears, as i hope, in front of you is vadim polishchuk, historian, political commentator just from israel, good health, mr. vadim, thank you , what have you found for us, sir , look, what is happening there in the rafah area and why is it so important, why is the whole world talking about this rafah, what is it like there,
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israeli tanks have entered, some people have left, why is everything around so acutely perceived cities small, as i understand it, the town of rafah in the gaza sector, yes, exactly the town, it is nothing, it is not worth anything, but its, first of all, its strategic importance, because it is precisely located on the philadelphia corridor that connects the gas sector with egypt, and through which the supply of all these weapons, explosives and everything else that allowed hamas to continue. actions and, secondly , the capture of rafah in fact, or rafig, as they call him in israel, it will make it possible to destroy hamas as a structure, as a kind of integrity, and all this can simply turn into finishing off some remnants that will be there
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wander through these tunnels, and which will be doomed simply in time, if israel maintains its presence in this sector, then in fact the war will turn to a... police operation, that is, this, mr. vadim, is the last bastion of hamas, in fact, as i i understand from your words, that is, if it heals there, heals this wound, this, this nightmare, then what you said will really happen next, the police operation, everything, hamas is gone after rafah, yes, well, the idea of ​​hamas will really survive , some people will be saved, there are warehouses of weapons there for more with... they still find some rockets buried in the ground, yesterday and today they were fired at the territory of israel from the gaza sector, that is, they understand that there is no need to keep these rockets, they can be found soon, so they simply release them anywhere, but they flew to bersheva, fortunately
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no one was seriously injured, but this is the situation, and we hope that it will not stop with the operations, because you see various reports. they seem to say that this is a limited operation, but the forces gathered there are so powerful, and the blows are so very serious, and evacuation is underway, and in this way, well, i don't see the point in stopping, because there are all these conversations that there will be some kind of agreement on the release of hostages, well, hamas, even after such serious strikes, does not show a desire to come to some conditions and stop hostilities . look i read this once an analysis of israel's economy related to war so to speak and it said that israel has always tended to have very short wars because the economy is suffering quite severely, now
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the war is on, it's the longest one i understand there or not in the 48th year, it is the most time, and it continues and... and to what extent do you feel, how much the israelis feel the influence, did the increase in prices begin, did the shortage begin, or something, something is missing. what do analysts write, or how long will israel be able to hold out in general, for example, ukraine obviously, as all economists say, we need from three to five billion a month just to maintain the way of life that ukrainians are used to, in israel as, well, israel is more economical, well, a powerful country, taking into account. by quantity population, and therefore its margin of safety is really
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greater than that of ukraine, and its stockpiles of weapons, in principle, israel has always been preparing for war, although we see that on october 7 they somehow managed to surprise it, and from an economic point of view, well, it is really difficult , in principle , the budget deficit is quite significant, which, in principle , is so uncharacteristic for israel in the last 20 years, that is... literally a few years ago there was a surplus, that is, a very powerful economy, although on the other hand, now a lot of israeli startups have been acquired for very a lot of money, and in principle the economy is moving, and the military economy has now started additional production of military equipment, ammunition, there i even heard, saw ads, people are being recruited for military factories, some positions began to be produced by those that were not produced before. and well, from the point of view of the road industry, yes, the price has risen somewhat, some people
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took advantage of this war to raise prices, but it’s all 10%, 5%, a few percent there, well, that is, people are more or less holding on, well , there is a shortage of workers, primarily arabs from the gas sector worked in those and from the west bank, that is, judea shumron. it is primarily in construction, there in agriculture, there in some other industries, but somehow, somehow, they are getting out of this situation, india has now invited wage earners, moldovans, i see a lot of workers in israel, that is, how is this situation resolved, yet one question, what are they saying, what are the main now fashionable word narratives in israel regarding anti-israeli, anti-semitic... speeches all over the world, we know american universities, there is currently such a rally in malmö, where the european vision
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goes, and there seem to be a lot of people, and i am constantly told in my ear that something very active is happening there, what is it, what is this, what kind of surge is this new, this is such deep-rooted anti-semitism, is it specific anti-israelism, is it specific pro. .. listinism, what is it anyway, why again, we just spoke with mr. professor of new york university, mr. igor eisenberg, he says, yes, it’s just that they forgot the holocaust, the world forgot the holocaust, and the new generation just continues something like that, when he was there yesterday or the day before yesterday or 20 years ago therefore, no one dared to be anti-semitic, and now they dare to say, well, you are right, mr. professor, indeed, i heard such an opinion that... in principle, anti-zionism is such a modern form of anti-semitism, when you
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say that you you don't like jews, that's still enough comilfo, in european circles, at least not in islamic circles, where you can express it freely, and no one will punish or condemn for it, but to say that i am against israel is somehow takes place both in the academic circles of these leftists and in others, and that is why they are now, taking advantage of it... with this war, they turn the situation upside down, make victims of the aggressor, that is , they show the opposite, and we see that not only anti-israeli slogans are heard, but also anti-american, anti-european ones, that is , under the flags of isil and hizballah and so on , these protesters take to the streets, they they are already demanding in germany, i think... there was a rally, they were demanding to establish a caliphate there or something like that, and already
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yesterday these extreme leftists tried to seize the tesla factory in germany, that is, very serious processes are unfolding, and israel is just the reason is this, you know, and what do you think, sir, excuse me for interrupting, but why the left exactly, why the left led this anti-israel, anti-semitic in fact movement, is the right. the left is already biden, who is definitely not left, but more left, let's say, than trump, says it's dangerous, he pays attention to it, why, why suddenly ... the left has sided with anti-semites, and i would even what you said , and things and so on, it also looks kind of strange, because they are on the left, as it were, for justice, here it is obvious that when hamas attacks israel, there is no support from hamas no justice, well, look, we have now seen, after these atrocities on october 7,
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how this whole feminist left there, let's say, the so-called mitu, who was in america, who condemned even when someone there smiled at someone in the office and people were persecuted in this regard, they have not said a single word about these rapes, abuses, when women and children were brutally killed there, that is, for them, they have such a narrative, you understand that there are disabled people, and they can do anything as long as because of, that they are in consequence, there is such a column. the letters in which all the whites are recorded, let's say those , well, who were designated as whites, yes, maybe some israelis, they have a darker skin color than those arabs, but here they are such conditional whites, who are guilty in the whole world, so that they, they can't even somehow
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defend themselves, because they, that's how they are, they because they are some kind of colonial or some other... they took measures there at one time and because of that they don't even have the opportunity there defend themselves, but these can do it whatever, what we saw when this is yes, but you know what i will say, it may not be to everyone's liking, to put it mildly, i think that sooner or later this fate will befall all russians, when it is said now that not all russians are bad, there are good ones, and i think the time will come when humanity will be, well... ukrainians, it will be obvious, i remember such an older person that i remember that people , the jews who studied with me in the class, they were germans for them, well, terrible people, they could not even, even children who did not remember war, like me, for example, or me, for example, when i was in vienna for the first time, got on the subway, and in
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vienna, after watching soviet films, there was a metro. akhtung, akhtung, i sat down, because for me it was something very hostile and very dangerous, because i saw in the movies, when they say akhtung, it means that now the german will shoot and kill someone, i think that's how it will be with russia, what do you say that this is simply the nature of humanity, you know, mr. mykola, but it can be the other way around, because we see now how russia is trying to get into the conventional south. how anti-colonial there is and everything else, how they play on this anti-colonial rhetoric, although they themselves are such colonialists as they say, and yet they say that you see, we are there against the americans, the europeans, we are resisting there, we there for you, they are rummaging around in africa and squeezing even those
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french people out of there, that's why for that for this leftist circle. who has such very strange constructions constantly replaying in his head, they can over time say that the russians are also the victims, they attacked ukraine because they are so evil and sinister, and they are malicious there, and because they suffered from american imperialism in some way, how they suffered, although the americans constantly fed them there, without them they would have forgotten their existence a long time ago those russians but they can screw it up, you see how many billions are invested in this russian propaganda, and they say black in white, black and white in black and white, well, this is generally in the traditions of this leftist propaganda, and in principle, the communist government of its time, it invested in this propaganda both in europe and america, there were such famous names who were engaged in this, and
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that is why they can fit into this narrative very powerfully, because we see even in... in poland the right-wing forces, they somehow, well, on the one hand, accept russia, and on the other hand extreme libya, the russian federation works with them in the same way, and in the same way it presents itself as a kind of victim in front of them. a few words, please, mr. vadim, what about domestic politics, is prime minister netanyahu sitting firmly, whom they say is weak, some say he is weak, and others say the opposite. in order, how stable is the domestic political situation in the state of israel? well, you see, israel is not... a presidential republic, where the president was elected, and he has been in office for 5 years, if there is no real impeachment, he will serve himself. israel is a parliamentary republic, here everything depends on the coalition,
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if there is a coalition, then the leader, the leader, someone created that coalition, he is in power, if the coalition falls apart, then he immediately ceases to be the leader, and we see that this is exactly the situation around rosyoh, around how to end this war, it affects precisely... this coalition, because these people who recently joined the coalition, they are ganz and azinkot, they are more left-wing, more, let's say, moderate, you can say, and they speak out for some, well, first of all , hostages, come on, let's come to an agreement somehow, they are very focused on what they say from washington, and the other part of the coalition, more so radical, believes that the war should be ended and not be concerned about that, what does washington say, because such are the situations in... the history of israel was and somehow steered this situation, but it is netanyahu who is trying to somehow be in the middle, well, to regulate
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these thoughts. thank you very much, thank you very much to vadym polishchuk, the historian of the political viewer from israel, he just informed us about what is happening in israel, we are here, you know, in the programs there is more and more about the war, and meanwhile we are at home, that is, in ukraine, that is, even in there are many, many interesting things happening in the capital of ukraine. strange, diverse, on may 9, the verkhovna rada dismissed two officials, and both have a position, had the position of ministers, minister of agrarian policy, mykola solskyi and vice prime minister for the restoration of the minister of community development of territories and infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov. now you and i will listen to an analysis from our program, from our tv channel, about what... what is actually happening in the politics of domestic ukrainian politics, and we will say goodbye, so after me the plot, for eight minutes, and then
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the news, as far as i understand, dear colleagues, the personnel carousel, the verkhovna rada this week dismissed the minister of agrarian policy mykola solsky and deputy prime minister for reconstruction oleksandr kubrakov. everything is generally clear, nabu suspects him of organizing fraudulent land acquisition schemes. no one explained why kubrakov was fired, neither to the deputies nor to society. we see simply a release without any vision of what will happen next. it's all frivolous, it's all an absolute mockery of managing the country and an absolutely frivolous approach that is impossible in peacetime, and certainly not the one that the country needs at this time. war during staffing neither the prime minister nor kubrakov were voted in the parliament. he did not report on his work, limiting himself to a comment on
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facebook. the leadership of the faction and the head of the government, denys shmyhal, did not discuss this decision with me. he was not invited to the faction and profile committee meetings. everyone makes decisions according to their beliefs and is responsible for it. oleksandr kubrakov has worked in zelenskyi's team since his first days in power. at first, he was headed by ukraavtodor and took care of the so -called large construction. full scale met the invasion in the position of minister of infrastructure. in the conditions of a complete blockade of the ports, the department managed to reorient the trade flows of ukraine. the grain agreement, which played an important role in stabilizing the ukrainian economy, can also be considered kubrakov's achievement. in december 2022 , kubrakov was promoted to deputy prime minister. his field... the urban planning law, in which they saw
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serious corruption risks, but the reason for his resignation was probably not that, as the media, in particular the publication, wrote, kubrakov lost the trust of the bank, where in fact the decision was made to dismissal of the vice-prime minister, they say, he failed. direction of regional policy and communicated too actively with western embassies, in particular the us ambassador. apparently, andriy yermak didn't like it very much. kubrakov's removal was a serious personnel victory for the head of zelenskyi's office, - says editor-in-chief yurii butusov. zelensky's dependence on yermak has already taken the form of a psychological illness. the president fulfills literally all the whims. his all-powerful head of office and gets rid of everyone who has independent admission to the president bypassing the fair. after kubrakov's removal, yarmak will start intrigues to remove him from the post
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of vice-prime minister. fedorov and the head of the sbu, malyuk. how true is such a categorical statement? andriy yermak, a personal friend of the president, met him 10 years before zelensky entered politics. after the victory of volodymyr zelenskyi in the presidential elections, yarmak became his assistant. carried out special assignments, in particular, led negotiations on a large-scale exchange of detainees between ukraine and the russian federation, which took place. in september 2019, in february 2020, zelensky appointed yermak as the head of his office. since then, its influence has only increased. it was yermak who conducted negotiations with the deputy of putin's administration, dmitry kozak, within the framework of the norman format. currently , during a full-scale invasion , yermak's role in foreign policy is significantly greater than that of the ministry of foreign affairs. he
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represents ukraine at many international events. people's playgrounds instead of minister kuleba. the influence of yermak is evidenced by the fact that he the only ukrainian who was included in the ranking of the most influential world leaders according to the version of the american magazine. president zelensky himself did not make it to the rating. here is what former nato secretary general anders fogh rasmussen wrote about yermak for the publication. after a full-scale invasion, he took zelensky's message to the world, creating a powerful a network of friends of ukraine from the west to the global south, uniting them around issues, from sanctions to the environment. at a great moment for ukraine and democracy, andriy yermak not only became a decisive leader, but also proved that he is. public activists also have complaints against the personnel of the office, in particular yermak's deputies, for example oleg tatarov, who worked in the ministry of internal affairs during the events of the revolution of dignity, and... then
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he was involved in the investigation of the anti-corruption bureau, another deputy, rostyslav shurma, got into a scandal around payments for electricity received by his brother's solar power plants located in the occupied territories. volodymyr zelenskyi has been asked more than once about yermak and his deputies, the president defends his team. as for my team, if i get rid of my team, i have a small team, five. managers, then we become weaker with you, there will be less air defense, there will be less aid, with all due respect to your rhetoric, i can't pose, i just can't afford it. the problem of yermak - the gray cardinal under the president is not new in ukrainian politics. under president kuchma , dmytro tabachnyk and viktor medvedchuk were considered the all-powerful heads of the administration. under president yushchenko , he concentrated great powers in his hands
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the head of the secretariat viktor. baloga, but for the first time in the history of ukraine such a situation arose during a full-scale invasion and an existential threat to the ukrainian state. limiting access to the president, lack of access to various sources of information, create prerequisites for serious political and military mistakes by the head of state, the price of which for ukraine may turn out to be prohibitive.
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaliy portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give based on facts his assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, look at saturdays.


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