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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, look at saturdays. politclub every saturday
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for espresso.
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congratulations, friends , dmytro dzidorov and vitaly portnikov are on the air of the saturday interview on the espresso tv channel, today we are analyzing the most important events of this. of the week that passes, of course, we talk with ours guests, and our first guest today is vasyl bodan, a veteran of the foreign intelligence service, lieutenant general, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, congratulations, mr. vasyl, so let's start with this offensive in the kharkiv direction, this is an offensive in general, a diversionary operation, an attempt to seize some localities in the immediate border vicinity of russia, how do you assess what is happening, well, first of all , it is necessary to note the situation. that in his book
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the art of war, the famous strategist of ancient china, sunzi, said that the art of war is based on tricks and on the rational calculation of the commanders on the basis of reliable and objective intelligence data, and you and i have observed over the past few months and reports. bodies, and the command of the ground forces, and the commander-in-chief that it is not excluded that the enemy may launch an attack on kharkiv and try again, a second time, to step towards the capital of our country, the hero city of kyiv, and what happened yesterday, it demonstrated . in my opinion, firstly, that
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ukrainian intelligence and special services are working, they have relevant information, both tactical and strategic, and this is what the supreme high command uses in its activities, the fact that the enemy did not manage to make a breakthrough in the defense of the ukrainian armed forces on this part of the front, just... proves that the ukrainian side used appropriate measures were taken to prevent such a tragic, strategic breakthrough by the russian armed forces, and appropriate measures and defense structures and everything else were carried out, well, of course, now, as we observe, the situation has improved, it was possible stabilize the situation. there and localize it
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directly in the gray zone, although the fighting continues, appropriate reserves have been drawn up there, and the course of events. both according to the data of the general staff and the data of the regional military-civilian administration, it says that there is no direct or indirect threat to the occupation of the city of kharkiv, that is, the contingent of ukrainian troops that is there, it skillfully conducts relevant combat operations, hits the enemy and his armored vehicles. and personnel and creates the conditions for, uh, temporary the occupation contingent of the russian federation on this part of the front did not have the opportunity to advance deep into
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the territory controlled by ukraine. of course, there are still problems, and the enemy clearly aimed to stretch his forces along the entire large front. of the ukrainian armed forces, first of all try to pull them away from the eastern direction, that is donetsk and luhansk regions, but even there, because the enemy will lose there too, it is not possible, and obviously, it will not be possible to capture the same chasiv yar, such a strategic settlement , which leads to the agglomeration of sloviansk and kramatorsk, and these... attempts to act in different areas and with different forces prove that, despite the fact that the enemy is trying to change tactics, a certain strategy, he is unable to do so. the reasons are, in my opinion, and not only the fact that there are problems in
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russia with armored vehicles, there are certain problems with the corresponding weapons, first of all with its quality, it is for... back in the soviet era, and despite the superiority of number of personnel, this personnel is insufficiently motivated, insufficiently combat-ready, and we know the facts and desertions and various other orders of military discipline directly at the front and on the front line. mr. vasyl, what is the current intensity of fighting in kharkiv oblast? and we, as you have already noted, president zelenskyi said that they sent reserve defense forces there, what can we expect from the fact that the russians made this offensive, will they succeed in seizing the territories? i have already spoken about this briefly, but
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i will emphasize once again that this counteroffensive or attempt to break through a large area of ​​the of ukraine, it failed, and the plans to capture a large part of the kharkiv region and occupy the city of kharkiv, they also failed, what our military commanders are using now, it brings its results, those battles that are being fought in the gray zone, around those four or five populated areas, where it seems that the enemy... has partially or completely mastered them, and there is reason to say that these settlements will also be liberated from the enemy later, and the fact that the enemy there is suffering very serious losses of manpower and armored vehicles, and it proves that the plans and intentions
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in this regard of putin and his military leaders, they will not implemented and... what you emphasized in the application the president, it also gives us certain reasons for optimism, and given the fact that e-munitions, armored vehicles, other military equipment, including air defense equipment and missiles, and another tranche of 400 million dollars have finally begun to arrive in the united states, for 500 million pounds sterling in great britain, a whole... number of countries, the same france, germany, the countries of northern europe, are actively involved in providing ukraine with the appropriate armament of military equipment and ammunition, although of course we have questions and problems regarding the speed and
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quantity of this weapons, but what already the flow has gone, and part of this weaponry and ammunition is already in ukraine, this gives good grounds for... ism and for us to look into the future more clearly, transparently, and with confidence that our armed forces will withstand all this. strikes in different directions of the front, and later they will stabilize the front and move to counteroffensive actions, and the fact that 10 brigades are additionally being formed, as reported by the commander of the ground forces, general pavlyuk, this is also powerful support, and he also pays attention to his words about , what with we don't have a problem with people right now, we have a problem with weapons, with military equipment and ammunition, and if we get all this, the nation should be sure that
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the armed forces of ukraine will fulfill their duty to the country. and tell me, mr. vasyl, can we outline the tactical goals of the russian army for the coming months, what does putin really want? putin, given the way the situation in ukraine is developing, in the geopolitical dimension. and with the aim of all the same to incline ukraine to some kind of peace negotiations, by freezing the conflict, what xiji ping, the chinese leader, is trying to help him with, he wants to secure for himself the occupied territories that have already been occupied by the temporary occupying russian contingent, and finally release them to the administration. the borders of luhansk and donetsk regions, as well as create conditions
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to prevent ukraine from moving towards crimea, liberating all temporarily occupied territories and crimea. this strategy is clear, as i understand it, our military commanders see it, and of course, of course, they take appropriate measures. putin is being intimidated very, very frightening, as far as i'm concerned. those diplomatic steps that ukraine is taking now in the international space and the peace forum, the global peace forum that will be held soon in switzerland, and where the leaders of the leading countries of the world intend to come, and despite the fact that it will not be there, the final decisions have been adopted so far solutions but from the very fact that the world perceives the peace formula
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of president zelensky, that all these positions, they correspond to both the un charter and international law, and this is the step that, in the end, it seems to me, after all will force our partners to act decisively, and most importantly, to act in the direction of forcing putin to peace through release. all temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. mr. vasyl, i would like to move to other areas of the front, from the kherson region, but the head of the strategic communications center of the southern defense forces , dmytro pletenchuk, says that there is such a threat, fighting continues around the island of nestryga in the kherson region. what can the russians do there, what do they want by seizing this island, or not... does it pose a threat to kherson now? well, you know that bridgehead,
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which was created by the armed forces of ukraine on the left bank of the dnieper, and what recently brought this nestryga island back under its control, is mr. putin's rolling pin in one place, because the command of the russian armed forces is well aware that what ukraine manages to do in this area . it creates the prerequisites for increasing the ukrainian contingent, moreover, we already know that it was possible to cross and deliver the appropriate armored vehicles and small artillery to the left bank, and this strengthens the position of our contingent, of course, that putin would like to switch again. the dnipro river and reoccupy kherson and thereby raise the stakes in future trades and
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future peace negotiations, which he hopes will be in his favor. therefore, of course, there are certain risks there, but what we have been observing for the past three or four months is that the armed forces of ukraine are not only able to stay there near the edges, corners and rows. but also to increase its presence there, to expand n bridgehead, to win back a part of strategic, strategic territory, like the same core. it is not necessary to reduce the capabilities of the armed forces of the russian federation for maneuver, and most importantly, to do everything to stop the terrorist shelling of russian troops in the city of kherson. in principle, how much do you think about the situation, now this military situation,
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are you optimistic about the next months, or are there certain fears? well, in view of what general pavlyuk spoke about, and what the president of ukraine spoke about, and syrskyi reported that the situation, the activity of the russian federation, has actually worsened along the entire front line, and in view of after all, for the understanding of our partners and , above all, the global partner of the united states of america. that in the case, god forbid, of the defeat of ukraine, or the active advance of russian troops on the territory of ukraine towards the western borders, this will cause serious problems, first of all for europe, for nato, for the european union, and even for the entire
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global democracy, therefore, these are all statements and assessments in... they boil down to one thing, which i said above, that it is necessary to provide ukraine with the necessary means of impression as soon as possible in order for ukrainian the armed forces withstood these counter-offensive operations, stabilized the front and soon switched to an active counter-offensive, the goal of which is the gradual or rapid liberation of all the occupied territories. of course, it is not easy, of course it is difficult. it is necessary to carry out many measures in the direction of strengthening combat readiness, and strengthening personnel and corresponding rotations in certain areas of the most difficult,
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to allow people to respond, but the main thing is, of course, weapons and military equipment. ukraine, which is three or four times less in of the population of the russian federation, there are 140 million, in our country, i don’t know how many, 30, 35, 30, yes, somewhere like that, then of course, we cannot restrain this enemy with human, only human resources, with impudence, thank you, thank you, with help, with the help of modern. similar weapons, this is a veteran of the foreign intelligence service, a very important clarification, vasyl bohdan, the lieutenant general, we were on the phone, we will break in just a few minutes, but stay with us and we will continue shortly, laughter, physical activity, sneeze, even during such a small load , urinary incontinence can make itself felt,
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politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. what
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to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol, with care and respect for the liver and bile. we continue the saturday political club on the espresso tv channel with dmytro dzidora and vitaly portnikov. already with us. is in touch, our next guest is volodymyr hryzko, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009, head of the russian research center. mr. volodymyr, good evening, glory to ukraine. mr. vladimir, well, you know, all the colleagues with whom i spoke in the last few days after the inauguration of vladimir putin, they keep asking how putin can be different after - these, this putin from the previous one, this term from the previous one, but it seems to me that the political periodization of russia does not depend on elections, agree.
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er, well, mr. vitaly, first, i think that to call it an inauguration is a creative exaggeration. i, i call it for myself, a wedding to the kingdom, to another, well, self, self, self re-coupling, well, if you can go that far, because actually, uh,... well, they inaugurate those who wins and becomes a legitimate leader, well, there is no way to approach this, this cannot even be approached, lonely, unhappy, abandoned by everyone, to be honest, frankly speaking, when i looked at these ceremonies, this and then the victory . to be honest, i'm even somewhat sorry, well, as much as possible to live an interesting political life and remain in history, as much as it was possible to really
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fall into this history and remain an outcast, even among his own, look, even his boyars and those who are fenced off from him, they cannot approach him, but look what happened on this at this prayer meeting, when one... kagibist pel asanna to the second kagibist. very sad. regarding your question, mr. vitaly, will anything change? well, you know, in order for something to change, some factors are needed that would affect the possibility of these changes. and we in fact, we do not see this. inside, everything is preserved, there are no movements so far that would require changes. externally too, unfortunately, well, it’s like that, you know, tianit alkai, that is, on the one hand, support,
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on the other hand, so that russia does not lose, that’s why there is such a shaky balance, and it seems to me that under such circumstances, putin needs to change in principle and there is no need, well, so far everything that is around, well, no... there are no extremely serious movements from him either in one direction or the other. mr. volodymyr, can we? can we predict in putin's new term what will happen to his relations with the west, how they might change, were there any messages to the west in his inauguration? well, the only thing that would have been possible was to hear such a thing, well, from... a relatively new one, during this speech of saint pobedobesia, he somehow raised such a thought that he said. well, we also remember
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our, well, not ours, but, allies of the ussr in the anti-hitler coalition, we were together, although the truth is that he did not name any country, and we would of course be glad if, well, everything they say, they turned back, but at the same time, he is already talking about what we are for cooperation and negotiations, but we will not be intimidated and the like, and he is already starting to talk about... nuclear weapons, that is it's like, you know, the feeling that he's not sure and doesn't really know what to bet on, whether to continue this, as they once said, agaltel course against the west, or to try to somehow find ways to reconcile, but i'll tell you frankly my
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opinion, and not only mine... he has little time really, not physically there survival, its there, i think, all this public, which around can still keep afloat for a certain period of time, no, no, i mean the possibilities of the russian economy, which even according to the estimates of some economists of russia itself. speaking of those who fled from there a long time ago, he says that in the current situation, and if the sanctions will be strengthened even a little bit, then there is actually very little margin of safety, 2-2 years, and then it will be time for putin to choose, or the country flies,
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vtarars and accordingly change and not only e economy, but also politics, or well will have to to make a very difficult and very unpopular decision regarding how to get out of this adventure, how it will happen, of course, we cannot predict now, but the trend in this context seems to me to be clear, clearly not positive for putin, but tell me, mr. volodymyr, do you understand why the president of france decided, decided that the country in moscow should be present at this inauguration, because i see even in the french press a certain surprise, and such questions, well, let's decide anyway, or we send signals, that we can send troops to ukraine, by the way, emmanuel macron even today talked about this with internet users, or we
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are sending. plans for the inauguration, well, it's impossible to do all this at the same time, well, you know, sliveona, it was also a certain paradox for me, i thought, well, again, for this you need to sit in the position of the one who does it, i thought, well what is for me now, as the president of france, what is most important for the image of france, for my own image, and i have come to the general opinion that for me, as a french it would be very nice for the president now if the olympic games, which are scheduled for the month of july, were to go off without a hitch, that is , so that, at the very least, on the russian side, there would be no dirt at all, or there would be as little of it as possible , and i think that, well , i'll give you to this
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pseudo-inaugural festival of yours, i'll send my ambassador, let him stand there in the 25th row, but everyone will celebrate it, and you'll think that i'm all- not as aggressive as i really am, and the fact that macron's position has not changed, you are absolutely right, mr. vitaly, when you say that he actually repeated the same position today, he doesn't want to fight, but... well, we know that everything that is said before but makes no sense. the second part of this phrase is read. therefore , i think that there are purely such technological, tactical things, which in fact, well, can only be so-so, well, exchangeable.


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