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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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as little as possible, and i think that, well, let me go to this pseudo-inaugural festival of yours, i will send my ambassador, let him stand there in the 25th row, but everyone will celebrate it, and you will think that i still not as aggressive as i really am, and the fact that macron's position has not changed, but you are right, mr. vitaliy, when you say that he actually repeated the same position today, he does not want to fight, but, well, we know that everything that is said before but does not make any sense, the second part of this phrase is read, so i think that it is purely technological, tactical things, which in fact, well, can only be so-so, well, exchange'. coin, if
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you will, so that at this moment, until the end of the olympic games, the russian special services, preserved agents, agents of influence and so on, sit quietly and do not spoil, well, the olympic holiday. mr. volodymyr, well , in addition to france, hungary, slovakia, greece, malta and cyprus were also there, why do the countries of europe... still want to be present at such an inauguration, is it possible, to keep everything under control, is it possible that they want save channels communication with the kremlin, well, regarding the first two, hungary and slovakia, i think we have no doubts as to why this is happening, i think we have already discussed it several times and understand the political, so to speak, underpinning of this. this position, in relation to the three
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mediterranean countries, i think that each of them has its own reasons, but the reasons are mainly economic, and for greece it is, er, er, it is a merchant fleet that continues to make money by carrying russian cargo , and this, no, is not a secret for anyone , no, neither in the eu, nor outside the eu, er, for malta with with her golden visas, the same, most of which they sell to the russians, by the way, this is also not, a big secret, although the trend there now is to stop this golden business, but at least until this moment , malta was making money on this visa business a lot, relatively. cyprus, it also seems to me that there
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are mainly, on the one hand, economic, and on the other hand, political aspects, because look, i do not know whether you have been to cyprus and whether you have seen what is happening there, i sometimes think that there , once for the ussr they said that there was such a thing, don't quote politically correct proverbs. it is a great pity, but here is the feeling that at some point there are more russians than local residents, that is, on the influences... and there are a lot of political and,
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unfortunately, also economic ones, because russia entered there quite intensively, so every in such a situation, the government is trying to find a middle ground somewhere, all the more concealing the fact that each european country can make a sovereign decision in this regard, it is not necessary to unite and to look brussels in the mouth, so i think it's... either unpleasant, but not strategic. vladimir putin will go to beijing this month, and it is interesting that on the eve of this visit, the people's republic of china has published another such peace plan, which is actually a plan to freeze russia's war with ukraine. perhaps it is even a joint initiative. how can ukrainian diplomacy counter this, because we can imagine that during the negotiations with sidzimpin and putin, both will try to present themselves as peacemakers. i think you are right in
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because this is far from a chinese plan, well , let's think out loud, you and i are ideological allies, but i'm... i'm in a very bad situation, when, well, i'm surrounded from all sides, i'm isolated, but you want me help, what do i do in such a situation, i am simply asking you , mr. vitali, please, on my behalf, on your behalf, but please start my plan, well, maybe there are a couple more flowers there to add your own for for for beauty, but let's push it, but because of you, you are big, you are beautiful, you can influence the neighbors and so on, i am very grateful for your compliment, but what will i get if i present your plan, yes, and we get mutual support and help, because we, we
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are clearly weaker without each other than we are together, and this, by the way, it seems to me, is the deep interest of beijing in ensuring that... russia does not lose, and any kind of russia is needed, but it is half alive, half, sorry, dead, with a completely china-oriented economy, which is very, very good for him, because he begins to dictate his conditions, and putin has nowhere to go, because the only, the only source of income of the yuan is china, well, what kind of foreign currency is there, and that's all, that is. so that's why it's a mutual interest in keeping this message of evil, and the main line runs right between beijing and moscow, so i think that during the visit to beijing
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it will be made public, or rather it will be said there, that russia is very supportive of this plan , well, how can we support our plans, and what are our interests in starting peace negotiations, in order to achieve that, so that no one suffers anymore, well, and all these conversations, which we have known and heard about for a long time, and why it is beneficial, ee china, well , the key issue of security is removed from the agenda, ibid. , which is made public. there is not a single word about territorial integrity, about international law, about the fact that it cannot be violated and so on and so forth, that is, in fact, it is to take the matter in a completely different direction, and pretend to be peacekeepers, i think that
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we need , we really need to keep in touch with our strategic partners line, eh, because this is the most important moment. well , now many people are starting to talk about the fact that we need to drop everything now and go to the countries of the south and convince them, well, we will convince them, they will vote at the next session of the general assembly on another resolution, which, unfortunately, must there is no binding force. i think that this is not what we need to spend time and effort on now, to keep joint... with our western partners to receive as many weapons and financial assistance as possible and only in this way shape the agenda of any at the next peace conference, everything is different, and yet
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why china first after the inauguration, why putin will go to the leader of the head of china, this is such a challenge to the carpet , it is possible to say whether the head of the people's republic of china wants to share what he returned from europe with? well, you know, the suzerain does not communicate with the vassal in this way, i think that putin simply has nowhere else to go, but where can he go? can he go to the civilized world? well, fortunately not anymore, as actually his boyars have not been able to go for a long time. and and and and actually forever, me i think because the door to the civilized world is already closed to them, so china remains, north korea remains, iran remains, and with a few fighter jets
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on the sides, you can still fly somewhere to one of the arab countries, but you know, considering that our drones now fly 1,500 km. then this story can be quite dangerous. thank you, thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr hrytska, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, head of the russian research center, was with us. let's continue this topic, by the way, connected with china, from a conversation with maria alekseya, a journalist, graduate editor on one of the french television channels, congratulations ms. maria, congratulations, well, let's be able to summarize these results of sidzempin's visit to france, it was such an important visit were preparing for it, macron even invited sidzempin to the house of his grandparents, so in the pyrenees, it was clear that it was important. for the president of france, for the president of the people's republic of china, and what is the result?
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the result is very half-hearted and i think that macron simply still over-relies on his personal ability to convince someone with his own charm, or with some of these personal details, like for example the invitation to the pyrenees, which was very surreal, where yodzimpin was even given a blanket made of pyrenean wool and many other gifts, and before that , let me remind you that the elysian... at this official dinner there was sophie marceau, a very famous actress in china, there was luc besson, there was even salmahaek, with her husband, who owns a number of luxury brands in france, that is, this red carpet they spread it out to the maximum and it looked a little surreal, and it reminded me, you know, that as macron received putin in breganson in august 2019, this is the official summer residence of the french presidents, where a very narrow circle of friends, politicians, it was in august, during macron’s vacation, and
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this visit by sidin pin reminded me very much of some such déjà vu, absolutely unhealthy, this visit of putin, and there was another one, by the way, in 2017 in versailles, when macron showed putin paintings, there a few pictures where they go these corridors, and macron still believes that he can somehow charm, convince with these personal details, a personal approach. people like putin, and history repeats itself again with xi jinping. it is as if macron does not learn from his mistakes and thinks that by applying the same technique, the same methods, he can achieve some result, but he does not understand that it does not work that way with these leaders of these world poles, maybe it works with european or american leaders. with the chinese leader, no, and we have a very good result half-hearted promises, we have a truce in time. the olympic games that will be held in paris this summer, again, how this will be controlled, how concretely in practice
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this truce will take place, no one is saying, and very, very disappointing was the statement that china refused to help russia because of dual-use goods, very disappointed, because first these words were not even said by sijin ping himself, it was already at the press conference that macron thanked him for taking on himself. commitment not to help russia, but in practice it is absolutely unrealistic, because we know that if russia were to import high-precision machines, optics, well, that is, the import figures there have increased, it seems, by 70% in the last two years, these are simply, well, surreal figures, and macron has essentially achieved nothing with this visit, and what can we say about the leader's tour? the people's republic of china, not only to france, with which he went there with the mood, because we saw that in some
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countries, for example, in serbia , he was received very well, that they interrupted the broadcasts on all televisions and broadcast only, how did the leader of china arrive, and what goals does the leader of the prc pursue? you know, the goal is very simple, it's about what the states did after the second world war, it's increasing influence in europe, it's about... economic ties, which are already very, very strong, and it's basically friendship with countries that, first of all, already demonstrate a desire to renounce american dominance in the world. this is hungary, this is serbia, and this is france, because macron, for his part, has also repeatedly said that europe should be autonomous, europe should not depend on the united states and build your own strategy. unlike hungary and sterbia, france, it is true... that in this process it can take the lead and act as, well,
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let's say, a very important pole on a par with china, the states or russia, which is unclear or realistic, given , that europe, and france in particular, does not have its own military production, this country is not autonomous in terms of energy resources, that is, what kind of autonomy and what strong position can we talk about, but france is added to this, to this number of countries, and china ... a leader he just uses it, of course, he chose the date, by the way, not by chance, this year marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations with france, 75 years of diplomatic relations with hungary. and also the 25th anniversary of the nato bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade, that is, you see, very symbolic moments are chosen, and this trip is absolutely strategic, it is building and increasing influence in europe, it is economic ties, it is strengthening the infrastructure process, also one belt, one road, to which hungary has already joined,
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and, for example, china has invested 2 billion euros in order to connect... the capitals of hungary and serbia with a high-speed train, that is, there are economic interests from all sides, in fact, and well, somewhere china is pulling the covers over itself, let's say so, and it's not a fact that it even plays into its hands russia, or does it, well, if, let's say, in some such tandem together with russia, these are purely chinese interests, absolutely economic interests of the country for which this is a priority of the economic rock. development, and tell me, madame maria, this conversation is constantly about the chances that the french troops can get into ukraine, macron continues this conversation, we already talked about it in our program today, he said it today, explaining to ordinary internet users in such direct answers that we certainly do not want to fight, but we have to intervene if
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ukrainian sovereignty can be threatened the danger, how much politics there is and how much... a lot of real intentions of a security nature, a lot of politics, because in the same interview at the end he said, "i sincerely hope we don't have to go to war." well, that is, the president, like always, it’s like a swing, from right to left, a roller coaster, it’s already something like that, well , the french media are already used to it, it’s already the fourth month of these conversations that lead to nothing, this statement of fake news from bukim made a little noise there an american official, too. that french troops are already in ukraine, although later they denied it all, i think macron is partly confused, i have such a theory, you know, because he returns to these words too often and they sound too often in absolutely in the opposite key, he says, we must be ready for everything, for everything, and
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if, for example, the front line or some defense lines of ukraine move there. then we will have to go, and then in the same interview he says: i hope we never have to do this, and we have to understand exactly the context, when this red line does come, again we go back to the red lines, that is somehow he is swayed, you know, in different directions, and i do not see it in this sequence yet, i think he clearly has this opinion, but there is no support, and he does not can go along this well-trodden path, because he has no support for it. and how does french society feel about sending troops to the territory of ukraine, what do ordinary people think, what do they say? they have a negative attitude, they have a negative attitude, the last polls, it seems, there were no fresh polls, the last polls i saw were about a month ago, and there two/thirds of the french said that no, we
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are not at war with russia, until things, this phrase is very often returned in the discourse, we are not at war with russia, eh, although they are talking about cyber war, here interestingly, they admit that russia and france are in a state of such a cyber war, because there are a lot of attacks on french servers and official websites, and the war is already going on, but physically, there should not be a physical war on the ground against russia, against the russians, and france is of no use here, so sending troops in general does not suit the french at all, well, according to the latest polls, at least this idea was not supported in the same way as it was not supported... by other political forces, except perhaps the conservative right and centrists, who are now it's just, well, let's say, they follow macron in almost everything, because they have built such a political consensus, but there is no consensus at all on the sending of troops, neither on the left nor on the more radical right, although we will have to watch now
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what if it is happening in kharkiv oblast, then right here it will surely be a test just for... because he already said about a certain offensive or breakthrough of some lines, if it happens, it will be worth following his reaction. as far as in principle, now we can talk about that france is really taking such leadership in europe when we talk about supporting ukraine, do you see signs of this? you know, these signs are probably in words, because it is, after all. he is one of those leaders who talks about ukraine in almost every speech, it is very, very symbolic, after all, because france, french presidents. usually, when they appeal to their people, if you trace it like that, and sarkozy, hollande and so on, very rarely in these appeals does any information appear, about which appeared historically, about
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international politics. of course, here the context has completely changed, er, there is a war on european soil, and macron cannot ignore it, but the issue of ukraine is present in france in such a way, as if it is a purely french matter, to settle this... situation, to solve this war, to resolve it, somehow to bring ukraine to victory, this is still relevant, it is not about a truce, although with regard to the olympics, of course it is, and it is still about victory, and france in this regard adheres to the same lines, if we talk about any concrete, specific support and so on, according to the numbers, germany is ahead so far, at least according to the data of kyiv university, it is germany. in terms of money, more is invested in military aid, here, of course, you can count that a large amount of ammunition is more important there, or there is one caesar gun, and what
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is more strategic for this, it is important on the front, but according to the numbers, germany seemed to take the lead, at least there according to the calculations of the latter year, maybe it will somehow change this year, because france still goes to new scales, it is scaling its military industry at a very slow pace, unfortunately, but it is still happening. at that time, of course, other countries don't even have nearly as much potential as france, so yes, this leadership is happening, since great britain is no longer part of the eu, then of course it remains france and germany, because if anyone else, and by the way , regarding the olympics, this is an important point, after all, there is hope that macron will play on this and manage to organize some kind of olympic during this pause, because it will be his first small a complete victory, if indeed it is possible, for all eyes will be on france at that moment, it will be a moment of sport, of peace, and so on, but again by what methods
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he will achieve it is absolutely unclear. mrs. maria, i want to return to the sending of french troops to the territory of ukraine, the kremlin has already managed, i don't know, to drop the threat, maria zakharova said that they will become the targets of the russian federation, she is talking about the french who will be sent. to ukraine, how will he react, or is it possible, how has the french president already reacted to this? well, because they denied the presence of french troops in ukraine, by the way, it all started, well, with a banal fake news, it's just a former american official who was still working, it seems, during the reagan era, that is, a person who is retired there, stephen breen, stephen brian, i think yes, he said that already on the territory of ukraine there are these... there are these french troops, there are 100 of them, there will be 1,500 of them, he is even a name, a well-known russian propagandist, he works with russian resources, absolutely he works with washington
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times, what kind of pro-trump contrarian washington post, he borrowed his information from a sputnik tweet, and then in a conversation with french journalists who were able to reach him, liberason journalists conducted such a check, check news investigation, and he told them that his source was a satellite, very reliable, beautiful the source, he found this information on twitter, cited a specific infantry regiment, french, the third, which is generally in french guiana now, that is, it is not clear how far this information is, where he got it, well, if it is clear where he got it, but there even everything it got to the point of absurdity, because he quoted the satellite, it seems on the third day, and then a few days later the satellite already quoted him, that is , this circle, you know, it is toxic... of information online, which, of course, is immediately picked up by the russian propaganda machine, immediately reacts, that is, she fabricated some information herself, she herself responds to it with threats,
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and to take it seriously from the point of view, well , it would be completely illogical on the part of france, and they do not do it, that is, there was no reaction, i will tell you this, because i really even looked, or there will be some reaction, there is none, everything was refuted and ignored, in fact, but tell me, mr. maria... but in such a situation, we know that there was a lot of talk about the foreign legion, that there were ukrainians from the foreign legion, it seems to me that even at the beginning war really returned to ukraine to fight on the side of the defense forces of ukraine, there were comments from the command of the foreign legion, maybe all this is also used now, absolutely it is used, and ukrainians really are there, and individually maybe there were those who who... terminated their contract there or deserted, went to ukraine, it's like a military secret, they, well, it won't be disclosed, but it's not about some kind of mass phenomenon there, that all ukrainians there
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resigned, went to ukraine and... the legion needs to react somehow, they say about the operations in estonia, about the operations in romania, that is, the entire eastern flank of france, and that they could be involved in these territories, but there is no concrete intervention on the ukrainian territory, and this is also inflated, you are absolutely right, that is inflated, because every small hint that in some way it is possible to undermine trust, let's say in the office... of the statements of the french presidents, ministries and so on, it is all used, why? because these are two completely different paradigms, european diplomacy, european statements - these are responsible politicians who check their words 3 million times before saying them, most of them, of course, there are cases of corruption, and there are also manipulations and so on, and a completely different paradigm is fabrication of reality, when some fact is simply released into the air, which becomes suddenly
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the truth and to which someone must react, these are different dogmas, different worlds, and they somehow coexist now, and well, it is quite difficult, in fact, to fight against the fake, but there are methods, tools for this, and at least french journalists are actively engaged in this , as well as ukrainian. but if we ask ruba's question, will emmanuel macron's party lose to marine le pen's party in the elections to the european parliament? and of course he loses, of course, even if there is none options, i think, now macron has absolutely appealed to the voters on twitter, he is adamant, although today, when he is the european one, if he had prepared such a speech, but i am not very optimistic, maybe there will be a surprise, but still, it seems to me, yes, the extreme right, they are breaking through very actively, i think the general majority in the european parliament, and this has been confirmed to us repeatedly, all specialists, will still remain
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centrist, eh, but the breakthrough of the extreme, far-right forces this time, this year will be simply phenomenal, and on the example of the specific country of france, here already, well, it may remain there, how much, a month remains, a lot can change, however, on the example of france, yes, it is still the extreme right that is leading for now, but it seems to me, let's explain to our viewers that marine le pen always had excellent results precisely in the elections to the european parliament, and then when it came to... the elections to the national assembly of france, it all looked completely different, because absolutely different electoral systems, so completely different electoral systems, it is ironic, by the way, that a eurosceptic party is leading in the elections to the european parliament, it still speaks somewhere about the eurosceptic sentiments of the europeans themselves, in france, yes, a completely different system, a different level of calculations , but lupen also got ahead, they have 80, it seems , deputies, although in the previous elections there were still
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somewhere... nine or 12, that is, her record in the last parliamentary elections is actually phenomenal, too, and if they were talking about it all the news, it did not become the largest opposition party, it still remained mélenchon with the extreme left, because they organized alliances and so on, but it is the second largest opposition party in france, and this cannot be ignored, especially in the perspective of 2027 and the presidential elections pending elections. to france, which will be, i think, a very important moment for all of europe, in fact. let's put an end to this. thank you, ms. maria oleksa, you were on our air, a journalist, graduate editor on french television. sir vitaliy, i suggest now to move on to the topics that i want to talk about with you, and this week there were new personnel changes in the government, the minister of agrarian policy was dismissed, well
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, at least that is understandable, and also vice prime minister kubrakov, although he was for i am not an obvious figure for his release, but why did kubrakov's release happen in your opinion, maybe what, or who is behind it, you know, i don't even think about it for 30 seconds for one simple reason, it matters personality of the prime minister, vice prime minister, the minister, the head of the power unit, when they have their own field. tic, i would say, a figure when there is, say, a coalition, when the ministers are representatives of various coalition forces, when they enter the government in order to perform not just their official duties, but to represent certain positions parties that are nominated.


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