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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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this is a simple wish, they will come to switzerland to a fashionable resort, make serious speeches, unite the world around justice, because what the president of ukraine says in his peace formula are ideas of justice, international law, responsibility of the aggressor, restoration of borders, there is nothing to argue with, the only question is how to implement it, and china says, a country of the global south, how to implement it, and no way. so he says it, these are beautiful speeches, so what? how about you? will you do and we have another plan, let's just stop the fire. and what's next, that's all, first we'll stop the fire, then we'll talk, women and children won't die, infrastructure won't be destroyed, ukrainians won't mobilize and die at the front, russians won't mobilize and die at the front, what's wrong with you, why you have to maintain an illusory formula that will never be implemented. and thus, instead of
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the beautiful speech of the president of ukraine and, by the way, the beautiful speech of the president of the united states states, a completely different discussion begins, the question begins, how do you implement it, how are you going to force russia to agree to this option, a great option, maybe you first stop the wagon, and then present this option, and when later, and ever , or maybe in 25 years, and what difference does it make to you, the leaders won’t shoot, and by the way, it doesn’t have ukrainians yet... ukrainians are simply told that rockets and drones will stop flying at you from tomorrow, your children will not will die at the front, your cities will not be destroyed, in winter you will be warm and not cold, what else do you need, you can return abroad, and you can go abroad, you will start a normal life, what else do you need, and of course, oh, listen, it turns out, such a wise person, as a result , if you happen, this is what i
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reminded you about south vietnam. in 1973 , there was just such a peace agreement on south vietnam, there was more than syd dengpin wanted, it was said that the parties respect the sovereignty of south vietnam, the right of its people to statehood and freedom elections all over the world, and the vietnamese communists happily signed up for it, and how long did south vietnam exist for two years after that. as much as two years, and of course, some people took advantage of this two-year situation, that is, if you want to escape and you can’t, then between this peace agreement and , let’s say, the death of kyiv, you will be there for a year and a half, have you packed your coins, withdrawn your money from these accounts and quietly left here, but there are so many people, my god, there are some people who want to live here, you see, that’s right, we have to think about them too, here are these people who wanted to live in south vietnam, what happened to them with... from saigon in the first years
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after its occupation by communist vietnam , 15 million people were expelled, so let's extrapolate to kyiv, and 300-4,000 there were forced into camps for hopeless persons, and the majority died there, well , you can simply calculate the proportions, that those who will , oh, finally, they will all live somewhere in the village, will live in kyiv, as they say in lviv, will be freed. and you, who generally have other political views, just shoot them don't worry, the russians won't create any camps like the vietnamese, they don't spend money, that's it, the whole history of ukraine will end there, that is, if we have a chance now to defend something of ukraine, then after this freeze, a chance it will be easy for those who have the opportunity to leave here, well , that's the whole political story, and by and large china is offering it. this agreement, some
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can escape, he gives a chance, others can simply accept the occupiers, then. we'll pretend it's peace. but if we are talking about ukraine, then there will be no peace here, because peace is when there is a priority of international law, i am not saying that we can physically liberate the territory, but at least we have to fix where the real recognized border of ukraine passes in international agreements, and china does not do any of this offers it is exclusively about the humanitarian component, and we should demand security guarantees, and there is nothing there either, china does not even want to guarantee, china could not say, listen, we have such a great plan, but we guarantee security if ukraine will agree to this cease-fire, if ukraine agrees that this is the status quo, we ourselves will be there, from the ukrainian side, the people's liberation army of china, come on, well... they don't say that, because they
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know very well what will happen next, they are not stupid, they just want to hand us over to russia under, i would say, under anesthesia. this plan is for anesthesia, you wake up, the anthem of the russian federation is already playing here, this is the whole chinese plan, you can put it to music, such a chinese plan is very scary, our homeland is free, somehow i am no longer i remember these words, but i remember that they were written by serhii mikhalkov, which is good, because serhii mikhalkov writes the text there all the time, even in a dead form, this is a peculiarity of russia, and i will ask dmitry. i don’t even want to imagine it, unfortunately, i don’t know what the homeland is famous for, well, i don’t hope so, i want to return to ukraine, this week zelensky fired the head of his state security, because the security service
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reports that they discovered agents, an agent network of the russian fsb, well, the security service explained that they had caught an agent network f'. sat, who planned the assassination of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, why is it that we are already in the third year of the war and we have traitors from the fsb of russia surrounded by the state security? well, i don't think that given the infiltration of ukrainian state structures by russian agents, starting from the moment ukraine was declared, when our special services were simply part of the soviet union's special services, these people will be nearby. this president of ukraine on the foot presidents of ukraine for another 25 years, don't even doubt it, because not only was it all part of the kgb or the ministry of internal affairs, of the soviet union, and we just simply renamed it, so they
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had a free hand here for the next ten years after the declaration of ukrainian independence, they were at home here, no one touched them, not that no one touched them, they had offices in the security service of ukraine. the period of the rule of pro-russian presidents, well, first of all viktor yanukovych, of course. what did you, in general, what kind of agency did you want to see, when our leaders of the presidential administration were openly working for russia. dmytro tabachenko is currently being tried there, something it is confiscated. he was the head of the administration of the president of ukraine. viktor medvedchuk has been exchanged like a traitor. he was the head of the administration of the president of ukraine. can you find out when these people were leaders? administration, they had not yet been recruited, they were certainly recruited as students, and we have thousands of such people in all structures, i think, well, maybe i am exaggerating, and there are still sleeping agents who will be activated when
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the war is over, they are not themselves now will not manifest, but will manifest when needed to establish control over post-war ukraine, to see everything, i would say in openwork, so it doesn’t surprise me, i don’t know... the circumstances of this attempt, but i think i ’ve been saying since the first day of the war that volodymyr zelenskyi will be tried with one for a simple reason, because the legitimacy of the institutions of the ukrainian government must be undermined, because russia now considers ukraine as a rebellious province, zelenskyi as the leader of the regime that must be eliminated, and the fact that he has been leading the country for 2.5 years and is alive is a huge merit of our special services, it is not known how much they will be able to save... life, and this must be understood, i know that many people in our country treat this sarcastically, and strangely enough, the essence of this attitude is their personal attitude towards volodymyr zelenskyi as a person, they cannot find out the simple fact that the question is not whether they like zelenskyi or not,
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whether zelenskyi is effective from their point of view or not, the question is that this person is the bearer of the powers of the president of ukraine, i.e. from the point of view of a country that wants liquidation... has those who like or dislike zelensky to be physically destroyed, and i, if each of you put yourself in the place of vladimir putin, simply sit in his chair, then he is the first order that will give to eliminate zelenskyi himself, will even think for 120 seconds, because if zelenskyi is eliminated, the head of the verkhovna rada becomes acting president, who can also be killed, then the carousel begins, you know? the weight of power does not become so obvious anymore, it is possible to chaos the situation, mistrust of the acting chairman of the verkhovna rada may be greater than that of the president, because no one elected him president, that's clear, we saw it all in the 14th year, viktor yanukovych,
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who exactly did not lead, did not enjoy the popularity of the patriotic part of the population, fled. russia received unprecedented opportunities to destabilize our state, up to the appointment of a russian agent as the head of ministers of the autonomous republic of crimea. at the request of another russian agent of yanukovych, who was no longer there the legitimate president of ukraine, but from the point of view of the verkhovna rada of the autonomous republic of crimea, he was, because there was a legal contradiction whether to recognize the decision of the ukrainian parliament to remove his powers or not, well, he would not be on the territory of ukraine, he writes such a submission, and when he did he write it at all before the elimination or after, how can it even be understood from the registration number, well, that is, of course , he played it all again... but it all worked, and it was then, you understand, that is when you
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put people in front of the dilemma of the oath, why them it was so easy to activate your agency in donbas and everything else, well, as if there is no legitimate government in kyiv, who are you protecting? it is clear that people are not fighting for zelenskyi, shmyhal, or stefanchuk, but they are fighting for a state with stable institutions. therefore, i assure you that in the following months... these years, we will constantly receive messages about attempts to destroy the president of ukraine, because from the point of view of russia, the capitulation of ukraine, if it happens, is better to write to an illegitimate master, in order not to have any obligations on your part, and with whom you signed, god knows with whom you signed, who was it in general, the khasamyurtsy peace agreement with chechnya, the russians signed only after they killed. dzhokhar dudayeva, president of the chechen republic of chikari, they had been planning for a long time, they wanted to stop, but the first thing they wanted
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to do before that was to leave dudayeva, and why? because they didn't like him personally. he was also, you know, a man, not sugar, he dissolved the parliament, he was quite a tough, authoritarian leader, but he was legitimately elected by the chechen people, the head of the republic, he was guided by high public trust, was a symbol of this movement for independence, and his successor, zilimkhan yandarbiev, had such authority, he was respected in these circles. nationally patriotic, but he was not elected president, and therefore his decisions were in any case questioned here and there, and all this, let's say, facilitates, facilitates the task of those who want to destroy the ukrainian state, those who the ultimate goal of the russian federation is the self-destruction of the state, it seems to me that now even the us secretary of state is speaking, two years ago i was the only one talking about it, now everyone is talking about it, so let's hope that common sense comes here. waves, i was led to think that the murder of zelensky is like plan b, it was not possible to implement the company regarding
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illegitimacy, let's try to remove it, no, it can be at the same time, if he is not legitimate, then we are not even removing the president of ukraine, but some citizen zelensky of ukraine, who usurped power, that you tell us that we killed the president ukraine, no, sorry, we did not kill the president of ukraine, there is a legitimate president of ukraine, yanukovych, viktor fyodorovych, but look, this is some person who was there. in office, i understood how i got into it, but even from the point of view of those who elected him, his powers have disappeared, he sits there and continues, he does not hold elections, the usurper, well , they killed the usurper and what, in general, we have nothing to do with it, it is honest ukrainian patriots, they will do this at the same time as a propaganda campaign that will explain to the citizens of ukraine, that they no longer have legitimate power, that the powers of the president and parliament have ended, and at the same time trying to kill zelenskyi, it is absolutely logical, they will intensify. attempts, therefore , the president must be protected, because he really can now be one of the important
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targets of physical actions by the russian federation, i am sure that they will do everything possible to implement this program, well , i want an addendum to this, all - after all , the ministry of justice said a lot about malyuska, that zelenskyi remains legitimate, and confirmation of this does not need a constitutional court, but russia continues to spread these narratives about the expiration of the term, well, it continues, because it is its propaganda campaign, i just think that the constitutional court could have a say, i do not understand why they was not submitted to the constitutional court in time, i think that the clarification of the constitutional court would be additional proof that the president is legitimate, because the constitution has all the articles that can be interpreted by the constitutional court, but there there are certain things that russia and its followers can use as a contradiction. and in order to clarify these contradictions, the constitutional court exists, it is to
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clarify the contradictions of the constitution, so this is the position of the minister of justice, it is political, it is not legal, but i think that there could have been a legal position, because the minister of justice is a politician, not a lawyer, and lawyers are judges of the constitutional court of ukraine, and why they don't do it, i don't know, but you know that, this is another story, this is the story with which we started our dialogue, this is the story of efficiency . state management, when you form an apparatus in which no one is responsible for anything and everyone depends on one person with a surname that everyone knows, then it is not effective, it cannot be effective, well, it is simply by... definition yes, yes in general, organized power in a country where people depend on their political forces, on their political perspectives, on their own image, and there is political power, there is power that depends on one person, the second option is ineffective, the first option is effective, there is nothing in between it happens, well, we we live in the situation of the existing government, i repeat once again that this was the choice
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of the ukrainian people, they wanted such a model, they have it, they live and will live, thank you for such an explanation. er, short break. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are packets of collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on health. i stretch the joints and facilitate motor functions dolgit joints move freely allergy meet lev overcomes citrelev citylev neo protects against the most common allergens lakalot fix reliably fixes me my dentist advised me so and reduces inflammation of the gums and the price is good -
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the symbolic cemetery on the maidan, mocks the memory of the dead and warns. big vasyl zima's broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters that many ... but like relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp serve facts and competent opinions. and in america they also
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say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at... actions in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. ormen, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick up bc, pick up boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on a quad bike for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv. we return to our ether. mr. vitaly, i would like
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to talk about the cultural events that will become less, or rather, a little more. this year's eurovision will take place in less than an hour, we wish our girls success, that's for sure, they have a chance of success, but after the second semi-final , unexpectedly for everyone, the second in the top three was the representative of israel, but now on competition, in the arena itself there is such booing of the representative, calls for a free palestine, some participants do not want to go to... well, after she made it to the finals, we confirm this by the fact that eurovision is still a political competition, of course a political competition , all this talk about the fact that this is not a political contest always surprises me, because i... as a rule, in all these votes and in what happens before eurovision and after eurovision, there are always obvious political sensations, and by the way, you you know that ukraine won the eurovision song
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contest in 2022, and because there was great sympathy for our country, which was a victim of russian aggression, and our successes were always one way or another connected with the fact that europe paid attention to us. and when europe drew our attention, it was always a kind of harbinger of changes, when ruslan was defeated, this event was actually before the second maidan, so it is also worth mentioning, the victory of jamala, this was after the occupation of crimea, and in fact this song, it was not politicized, but everyone perfectly understood about that she, and russia, tried to make it fly... eurovision precisely because it was a song about the crimean tatars, about their genocide, also seems to me to be a rather telling story,
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so in this regard, you and i remembered these ukrainian victories , three, and each of them is related to the political process, what else needs to be proven in order to understand what the european vision is? it's just that it's closer to us, and that's why we understand it, when a representative of some other european country wins, it seems to us that it's pure music, but it is not quite so, it may be so, it may just be a year when there is nothing obvious that worries the public, but when something comes to the surface, like the current middle east crisis, we immediately see such a situation, it is absolutely obvious. and it's a shame, of course, that all these political passions, it's on the eurovision stage that they look like this,
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because i remember when singers of jewish arab origin participated together at eurovision, it was a famous stage, they performed one of the best numbers in history competition, so it can also be and by and large it is necessary to... fight for this to be the case, so that a singer of jewish origin, a singer of arab origin can take the stage, so that they can represent the state of israel together, let's say, is it possible, when an arab singer appears in some perspective a state in the territory of the palestinian authority, and it can be like that there too, a jewish singer and a singer of jewish origin and a singer of arab origin will come together and represent this state, but it somehow looks... fantastic, really, but when a jewish woman and an arab woman represent israel, it is somehow normal, but when a jewish woman and an arab woman will represent the palestinian state, it is not normal, because most likely there will not be such
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support from those who will vote in the jury, which means that then we have to come to the conclusion, that in order for this to be the case, it is necessary to destroy the terrorist organization hamas, it is necessary to knock out its electoral base, it is necessary that no one prevents israel from achieving ... success in this operation that it is conducting after october 7, and what is now voices that are calling for an end to this operation, this is actually a joint effort to endorse terrorism, which is carried out by a huge number of people, politicians in the united states, in european countries, participants in these demonstrations, it does not surprise me, why, i am generally philosophical about it, i think that after three generations the sense of responsibility for one's crimes is lost. great-grandfather, and the memory is historical as such, but we , people of my generation, still remember how our grandparents accepted everything
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in the soviet regime, even with words there was a war, then suddenly at some point, when i had long said goodbye to my grandparents, to relatives of the older generation, i heard this slogan in russia, we can repeat it, and it was not strange for me, i... perfectly understood that the war would take place, i just did not know exactly where, i understood that ukraine is one of the victims of this war, one of the future victims of this war, it was absolutely obvious to me, precisely because now there is a generation that does not know what a real war, even putin doesn't know, seriously, and khrushchev is sloppy, as you understand, they knew it completely, they were at the front, there were all explosions, people nearby were dying, they saw cripples, they saw their friends and relatives there who lost their husbands'. and brothers, and they had families with victims, even if you are the general secretary of the party central committee, you remember this, it is not possible, you are still a person, you are not a robot, and this generation, it died, that is
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this appeared. the same applies to the holocaust, i keep reminding myself of a simple thing: practically all european nations are accomplices of the holocaust, this is, i would say, a joint action, one might say, from the pyrenees mountains, let’s leave in spain, portugal, they participated in this 300 years earlier, and in the soviet union, where even after the second world war, the persecution of jews was still a state policy in stalin's time. someone betrayed, someone killed, someone was on duty, watched so that they did not escape, someone did not let them in, that someone did not take any real measures to help, all countries, both of the anti-hitler coalition and of hitler, and the peoples of those occupied countries , those countries that fought and those countries that destroyed these countries, all took part, it is possible
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that's easy to say, that's the continent. cats, and this is such an absolutely obvious thing, there is not even anything to talk about, everyone knows this , but how many generations of people came, it was all there with your ancestors, relatively speaking, some of your ancestors could save jews, some could kill, and this is also so historical, no one knows where you are, what situation you got into, these people who are now going to the demonstrations, they do not feel their responsibility at all, because no one told them about it, they could be families those who saved. they may have killed, but they do not feel their involvement, which means that anti-semitism, which generally defined the history of europe, has been revived, since the jews, fortunately for those who leave, managed to be destroyed in europe, so it is possible to displace these anti-semitic sentiments on the state of israel , and this is done absolutely, that is, cynically, because i, let's say, look at the suffering of the civilian population of the gas sector with absolute horror, i will never agree with some right-wing
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councils there. in israel, who want to expel there people who do not allow them to live in peace, i have been to all these places, i have gone to palestinian settlements, i have been to the cities of the palestinian authority, these are not abstract things for me, but i wonder why these people do not talk about october 7, who are at the demonstrations, why for them, as for their aryan predecessors, the tear of a jewish child, here is this baby, who was stolen by hamas and given to some civilian residents, who are now burying him. and may have already killed their own, so to speak, by the very fact of this hiding, why not them this baby it confuses, and it only confuses the palestinian, i know why, because my friends from nessev, they also cried because the german baby fell there and just fainted, my god, the child was injured, and they have somewhere nearby on the next street, and jewish children of the same age were processed into soap, oh well. well we
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know it all so we don't pay attention and this is just what we see in sweden now, this is an illustration of this wonderful story, it's strange that this is what we discuss when there is a song contest, but this is a big lesson of what is happening by five generations in a row, that's why you can't forget, you can't forget about the holocaust, you can't forget about the holodomor, you can't ever the peoples who are historically involved in the crime. of this magnitude, to give opportunities to forget about these crimes, even if these peoples may at some point act as victims, and this is the main conclusion that we see from what we are observing today, will it help israel, for example, today to get the first place, and it depends on how many europeans look with horror at all these demonstrations, we'll see, but i would like the best song to win the first place, anyway, dmitry, thank you, mr. vitaly, for a thorough conversation, thank you, dmitry, dmitry dzhidora,
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see you, all the best, a large-scale offensive or a withdrawal of forces, about why the ministers were fired and about the cooperation of the european union with china, see today in the issue: greetings to the viewers of the espresso channel, in the studio of iryna koval, and this is the news, the results of the week. and i will start with the situation at the front, there is no large-scale russian offensive in the north of kharkiv oblast. there is no gray area expands, the armed forces prevent the russians from advancing deep into the region. the enemy continues to use infantry and equipment in the direction of liptsi and.


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