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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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first place went to the best song, anyway, dmytro. thank you, mr. vitaly, for a thorough conversation. thank you, dmytro, dmytro dzidorov, vitaly portnikov, see you soon. all the best. a large-scale mood. or withdrawal of forces, about why the ministers were fired and about the cooperation of the european union with china, see today in the issue: i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, and this is the news, the results of the week. and i will start with the situation at the front: there is no large-scale offensive by the russians in the north of kharkiv oblast. the gray zone does not expand there, the armed forces do not allow it the russians to advance deep into the region. the enemy continues to use infantry and equipment in the direction of lyptsi. vovchansk, said
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nazar voloshyn, the spokesman of the khortytsia military group. according to him, fighting is currently going on in the area of ​​settlements that were in the gray zone, namely strelecha, pylne and borysivka, as well as in the oliynikove and ohirtseve areas. voloshyn noted that the attempted offensive of the occupiers on the border of the kharkiv region is aimed at pulling the forces and reserves of the ukrainian troops to a new direction of the front line. in order to the armed forces of ukraine could not strengthen their own resources, the ukrainian military command plans to strengthen our brigades in the kharkiv region with reserves, voloshyn emphasized. record flight. on the night of may 9, a drone attacked a russian oil refinery in the city of salavat in bashkiria. a fire broke out on the territory of the enterprise. it is located about 1,500 km from the ukrainian border. this is the first time ukraine has struck. rf at such a distance. the local
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authorities have acknowledged the fact of the attack. due to the impact of an unmanned literal vehicle, there canceled the victory concert. regular personnel rotations in the cabinet of ministers. on may 9, the verkhovna rada dismissed two officials. as for the minister of agrarian policy , mykola solsky, everything was clear as early as april 23, when nabu announced his resignation. in the case of taking over state land, the situation is different with the deputy prime minister for reconstruction, minister of community development, territory and infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov. there were many accusations against him, including corruption. however, the reason for removal from positions are formally called the possible division of the ministry headed by him. meanwhile , experts directly say that the head of the office is behind kubrakov's resignation. of the president
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andriy yarmak, about how the vice-prime minister from the president's favorite became an exile, further in a detailed review. dear colleagues, personnel carousel. this week, the verkhovna rada dismissed minister of agrarian policy mykola solsky and deputy prime minister for reconstruction oleksandr kubrakov. and if everything is generally clear with solsky, nabu suspects him of being an organization fraudulent schemes to acquire land. why kubrakov was released neither to the deputies nor to society, no one explained. we see simply a release without any vision of what will happen next. it's all frivolous, it's all an absolute mockery of managing the country, and an absolutely frivolous approach that is impossible in peacetime, and certainly not the one that the country needs in wartime. during personnel votes, neither the prime minister nor kubrakov was present in the parliament, he did not
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report on his... work, limiting himself to a comment in facebook the leadership of the faction and the head of the government, denys shmyhal, did not discuss this decision with me, i was not invited to the meeting of the faction and the specialized committee. everyone makes decisions according to their beliefs and is responsible for it. oleksandr kubrakov has worked in zelenskyi's team since his first days in power. at first, ukraavtodor was in charge and took care of the so -called large construction. full scale. met the invasion in the position of minister of infrastructure. in the conditions of a complete blockade of the ports, the department managed to reorient trade flows of ukraine. the grain agreement, which played an important role in stabilizing the ukrainian economy, can also be considered kubrakov's achievement. in december 2022 , kubrakov was promoted to deputy prime minister. the scope of his responsibility has significantly expanded. infrastructure, reconstruction of ukraine, regional policy and housing and communal services.
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kubrakov's critics accused him of the scandalous urban planning law, which they saw as serious corruption risks, but this was probably not the reason for his resignation, as the media reported. in particular , kubrakov lost trust in nvua bank, where in fact the decision to dismiss the vice-prime minister was made. like, he failed the direction of regional policy and communicated too actively with western embassies, in particular the us ambassador. apparently, andriy yermak didn't like it very much. kubrakov's removal was a serious personnel victory for the head of zelenskyi's office, he claims. zelensky's dependence on yarmak has already taken the form of a psychological illness. the president fulfills literally all the whims of his almighty head of office and gets rid of everyone who has independent access to the president bypassing yarmak. after the removal
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of kubrakov, yarmak will start intrigues to remove from the positions of deputy prime minister fedorov and the head of the sbu malyuk. how true is such a categorical statement. andrii yeermak is a personal friend of the president, he met him 10 years before zelenskyi entered politics. after the victory of volodymyr zelenskyi in the presidential elections, yermak became his assistant, carried out special assignments, in particular, led negotiations on a large-scale exchange of detainees between ukraine and the russian federation, which took place in september 2019. in february 2020 , zelensky appointed yermak as the head of his office since then, its influence has only increased. it was yermak who conducted negotiations with the deputy of putin's administration, dmitry kozak, within the framework of the norman format. currently, during a full-scale invasion, yermak's role in foreign policy is significantly greater than that of
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the ministry of foreign affairs. he represents ukraine at many international platforms instead of minister kuleba. yermak's influence is also evidenced by the fact that he... is the only ukrainian who made it to the rating the most influential world leaders according to the american journal. president zelensky himself did not make it to the rating. here is what former nato secretary general anders fogh rasmussen wrote about yermak for the publication. after the full-scale invasion, he took zelenskyi's message to the whole world, creating a powerful network of friends of ukraine, from the west to the global south, uniting them around issues from the sun. these to the environment. at a great moment for ukraine and democracy, andriy yermak not only became a decisive leader, but also proved that he is one. public activists have claims also to the personnel of the office, in particular to yermak's deputies, for example,
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oleg tatarov, who worked in the mia system during the events of the revolution of dignity, and then was involved in the investigation of the anti-corruption bureau. another deputy, rostyslav shurma, was caught. in the scandal surrounding the payments for electricity received by his brother's solar power plants located in the occupied territories. volodymyr zelenskyi has been asked more than once about yermak and his deputies, the president defends his team. as for my team if i get rid of it my team, i have a small one, five or six managers, then we become weaker with you, there will be less air defense, there will be less help, with all due respect to you. i can't use rhetoric, i just can't afford it. the problem of yermak - the gray cardinal under the president is not new in ukrainian politics. under president kuchma , dmytro tabachnyk and viktor medvedchuk were considered the all-powerful heads of the administration. under president yushchenko
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, the head of the secretariat viktor baloga concentrated great powers in his hands. but this is the first time in the history of ukraine that this is the case arose during a full-scale invasion. and existential threat to the ukrainian state, restrictions on access to the president, lack of access to various sources of information, create prerequisites for serious political and military mistakes by the head of state, the price of which for ukraine may turn out to be prohibitive. on may 9 , the president of the european parliament, roberta mytsola, made an unannounced visit to ukraine. joint press conference with the president. volodymyr zelensky was interrupted by the sounds of the siren. after the completion of the air alert, the leader of the european parliament spoke in the verkhovna rada. the politician assured that ukraine will be in the eu and added that the members of the association are working on the 14th package of sanctions against putin and his
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allies. the next day, friday , the leader of slovakia suzana chaputova came to kyiv. she remarked that she had come with good news of help. country from slovakia. according to the ukrainian media, it is about more than 4 million euros collected by the slovaks, which will be used to purchase artillery pieces for our army. volodymyr. informed the president of slovakia about needs for weapons and emphasized that not all partners promptly fulfill agreements on the supply of weapons. as a woman from one of those ten countries, who clearly remembers all the painful reforms and the long process of integration. i can tell you that... it will not be easy, but i am sure that with the commitment you are showing and the record pace you
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are showing, i know that we will celebrate this milestone anniversary of full eu membership in ukraine together . this tragedy must be stopped, and it and the entire civilized world must take part in it. to ukraine we see as a sovereign, sovereign state that will choose. and after a five-year break , chinese leader xi jinping visited europe. on sunday, he arrived in paris for a two-day visit at the invitation of french president emmanuel macron. they discussed bilateral relations, as well as cooperation between china and the european union. after all , there is ongoing trade tension between western countries and the chinese state. on monday , the president of the european commission joined the meeting. she stated that the parties discussed the russian-ukrainian war and ways
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restoration of trade and economic relations. xijin ping emphasized that he understands the problems that the war in ukraine creates for europeans, but china will not take part in it and added that official beijing will join the peaceful settlement. we call on the parties to resume interaction and dialogue. gradually build mutual trust and support an international peace conference at the appropriate time, with equal participation of all parties and honest discussion of all peace plans. we will support the development of a balanced, efficient and sustainable system european security. we agree that europe and china have a common interest in peace and security. we expect that china will use all its influence on russia to put an end to aggression. i am sure that he will continue to do so against the background of constant
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nuclear threats from russia. 70 years ago, on may 12, ukraine became a member of the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization. from the first days of the full-scale war, russian troops. cynically destroy ukrainian cultural heritage. architectural monuments, unique old houses, temples and palaces became targets of enemy shelling. most of all in kharkiv, donetsk, odesa and kherson regions. according to unesco's calculations, as of march 2024, the russian federation damaged 346 valuable cultural objects in ukraine. will unesco be able to protect our cultural heritage and bring russia to justice? our correspondents. the unesco organization has repeatedly condemned russian attacks on
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the world and national cultural heritage in ukraine, because under international law the deliberate destruction of cultural objects is considered as war crime at the end of february 2022 , the invaders destroyed the ivankiv history and local history museum in the kyiv region with an artillery shell. 410 exhibits were stored there. among them are dishes. ancient tools of labor and money, cossack weapons, icons. the pride of the museum was the collection of works of the ukrainian artist maria pryimachenko. museum workers managed to save some of them. at least uah 35 million will be spent on reconstruction. the mariupol drama theater is a monument of architecture, history and monumental art. the russians destroyed with his aerial bombs on march 16, 2022. under the ruins behind. killed hundreds of mariupol residents, now russian gauleiter covered the remains of the theater
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with banners with portraits of imperial writers in order to hide behind them the traces of their own crimes. as a result of a direct hit by a russian missile in may 2023 , the national literary and memorial museum of grigory skovoroda caught fire in the village of skovorodinivka in kharkiv oblast. the museum kept the works and personal belongings of the philosopher, as well as books from the ancient middle ages. and modern poets. the most valuable exhibits of the collection survived because of them moved to a safe place in advance. the restoration of the museum was estimated at uah 112 million. on november 23, 2023 , the unesco cultural heritage site, the transfiguration cathedral in odesa, suffered significant destruction due to a rocket attack. the terrorists' rocket hit the central altar of the cathedral. even belonging to the moscow patriarchate did not save him. in the same month , the russians fired a rocket at a historic
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residential building in lviv. it is located in the buffer zone of the universe. unesco heritage. russians are destroying ukrainian cultural heritage since the annexation of crimea. defaced by pseudo-restorations. the khan's palace in bakchesarad, a unique monument of crimean tatar culture, a unesco world heritage site. the architectural ensemble of the ancient city of chersonese tavriysky, which is also under the auspices of unesco, was looted. the invaders illegally conducted so-called archaeological excavations there. excavations, artifacts and finds were taken to russia, some were sold on the black market. any notes of protest from unesco's cultural heritage committee, russia voted, and only in 2023, for the first time in history, it was excluded from the executive board of the un agency for education, science and culture. in fact,
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the status of world heritage does not provide a mechanism for the protection of cultural values ​​during armed conflict. but the inclusion of the object in this list increases the importance and recognizability of the monument, in case of damage or destruction of the object, it will be easier to bring the culprits to international criminal responsibility. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, the committee for the protection of cultural heritage of unesco adopted a special declaration and developed a plan for the preservation of cultural objects and works of art. also , in 2023, the foundation of the organization allocated 1.5 million dollars to the ministry of culture for the digitization of our heritage. unesco is actively monitoring the loss and damage to our cultural objects as a result of russian shelling. these documents are of great importance for legal processes and restoration of the monument in the future. in general, the unesco cultural heritage includes the shrines of kyiv, the ensemble
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of the old city of lviv, and the historical center of odessa. another 17 objects are candidates for inclusion in this list. among them, the historic center of chernihiv, kharkiv derzhprom and khmaroch, the historical and archaeological reserve of the stone tomb in the zaporizhia region, and all of them suffered from the russian invasion. the statistics of the losses of the ukrainian cultural fund will change more than once, because shelling of ukrainian cities does not stop, and some monuments are located in temporarily occupied territories, and it is impossible to determine their current state. on... old law, volodymyr studeny, tv channel espresso. in future more than 100 patients annually receive state-of-the-art prostheses here. ukraine's largest prosthetics and orthotics center has opened in lviv. it will provide prosthetics for military and civilian ukrainians free of charge and train new specialists.
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kateryna oliynyk will tell you more. a month and a half ago. five-year-old mykhailik was fitted with a prosthesis, now the boy is learning to walk confidently with a new limb. at the regen they discovered that i had cancer, bones, and had to remove my leg. maybe you can walk freely and you won't have any hands are busy mykhailik is one of the first patients of the new prosthetics and orthotics center, which opened in lviv. the facility was opened on the basis of the nezlamni rehabilitation center. prostheses of the lower and upper limbs will be installed here for military and civilian ukrainians free of charge. more than 50 people engaged in prosthetics in ukraine have already been studied, and tens of thousands of people need to be prosthetics, so this will be the largest educational hub that will share knowledge throughout ukraine and produce the best specialists. a unique center for ukraine, from the point of view
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speed of construction and from the point of view of this function that it will perform. the center has rooms for taking measurements, manufacturing, installing and trying on artificial limbs, a walking laboratory, an auditorium for training specialists and a courtyard for patients to relax. all this was built in just four months. the area of ​​this center is 1,000 m2, the center itself is built in a circular manner, that is, we have a building that we have that goes into a circle, and each room has its own function and is divided like this. so that the prosthetist can conveniently to use this particular workshop for the manufacture of prostheses, that is, all the processes in us originate gradually and all processes take place in different rooms. according to the head... of the center, vladyslav sikhovskyi. 10 prosthetists will be able to work at the same time in the workshop. there is a catastrophic lack of such specialists in ukraine. that is why new specialists will be regularly trained here.
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foreign colleagues will come, well, as far as i know, from the 20th of may this month, training will begin here, but it will be for the second category. this is our german school, german teachers are coming. well, at the moment i am studying for the third category in human study schools. so let's wait for the teachers, let's study. the opening of such a center was financed by the german government and the german society for international cooperation. over a thousand prostheses are planned to be manufactured and installed here in a year. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. united by music. it is under this slogan that the 68th eurovision song contest takes place. in less than an hour, the final will begin in malmö, sweden. this year's competition. ukraine presents the duet of jerry hale and alona alona with the song teresa and maria. bookmakers predict us a place in the top ten.
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dmytro didora will tell about the history of the competition and this year's favorites. the first eurovision took place. in 1956 in switzerland. the competition was created to unite europe destroyed by the second world war. at that time , only seven countries participated in the song contest. let's go back to 2024. today, 26 countries will compete in the grand final. and the winning country will get the right to host the next eurovision. so, who can win this year. according to bookmakers, the main favorites are croatia, israel, switzerland, and france. and ireland. the latter literally broke into the top five after a performance that shocked the fans of the contest, while the band from croatia - baby lasagna remains the leader.
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the winner's cup can also be received by the representative of switzerland - nemo. however, favorites change rapidly. traditionally, every european vision is accompanied by scandals. since the beginning of the great war , ukrainians are more particular about contestants. any connection with russia is a red flag for our viewers. for example, a representative of germany. declared that russia should be returned to the competition, because, they say, this is a competition of musicians, not politicians. later, these words were removed from the interview, the singer had to apologize. but the representative of the netherlands cooperated with musicians from the aggressor country. in march 2022, he released a song with a russian about love for russian women, and israel has been involved in two scandals this year. the european broadcasting union found the song political. subtext, as the song was titled october rain, which directly implied to the attack by hamas, now the name has been changed to hurricane, the song has acquired a romantic character.
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in addition, the representative of israel lived in russia for some time and even performed in the occupied crimea. israel became one of the favorites of the competition after the second semi-final. at the same time, a certain part of fans suggests boycotting the country. during the song contest in malmö, big parades are planned. protests, that is why the streets of the swedish city are guarded by an increased number of policemen, the audience also expressed dissatisfaction during the performance of the contestant from israel, in slogans about free palestine were heard in the halls, and the singer was also booed throughout the performance. and what about ukraine, follow the predictions of the bookmaker? it's difficult, this year they often change, but the top ten is actually guaranteed to us. the western audience was impressed by the production of our number, directed by tanya
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moinho, known for her collaboration with world stars. however, the producers of the show decided that ukraine should perform in the grand final second, and usually the contestants who perform at the beginning are less memorable to the audience and have low places in the tournament tables. eurovision has long been more of an image contest than a song contest, also for ukraine it is another step to remind on the world stage that we continue to fight for our independence. dmytro didora and oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. no matter who or what predicts, we will believe in the victory of our girls at the competition. good vision, fingers crossed, and if you are currently abroad, be sure to vote. this is what our team saw this week, and i, iryna koval, was with you. keep yourselves!
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both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine. there will be some katsaps in kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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congratulations, the real front program is on the air, and i, taras bryzovets, am with you. today in our program. the situation around the time gap worries ukrainian intelligence. european tour sidzen pinja. peace summit. ukraine plans to discuss three issues, as well as the latest weapons for the armed forces, what surprises await the russian occupiers on the battlefield? on monday, may 6, the ministry of foreign affairs of the czech republic summoned the ambassador of the russian federation oleksandr zmievsky cyber attacks on czech institutions and objects of critical infrastructure. before that
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, germany reported on russian cyberattacks. this same week, the british edition of the financial times published an extensive article in which it is claimed that russia is allegedly preparing sabotage in europe, as it has set a course for permanent conflict with the west. according to intelligence officials cited by journalists, moscow is actively preparing explosions, arson, and damage to infrastructure as if on its own. and through intermediaries. more details on russian sabotage in europe, see in our story. european special services warn that russia is planning sabotage throughout europe. kremlin agents prepare hidden explosions, arson and attacks on infrastructure. this is reported by the financial times. russia has already begun to more
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actively prepare hidden explosions. burnt and damaged infrastructures on european ones


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