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tv   [untitled]    May 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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who is this and why is he pulling us back to moscow? this is a struggle between a high, civilized urban culture, at a high level, at the level of the ability to develop, and a shabby rural one, which simply brings with it civilizational destruction and humiliation. moscow spared no expense to promote its culture, but today the chinese already pay for tchaikovsky's music. the kyiv conservatory knows how it is done. many people say that tchaikovsky was ukrainian because he was of cossack descent, and the french also have the same right to say that tchaikovsky a french composer, not a russian one, but the french don't say that. pushkin and shevchenko, how did two poets fight with each other in kharkiv and why did their conflict end with the mysterious murder of a ukrainian millionaire? pushkin was never popular among the people. the most popular poet. of russia as of the 37th
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year of 1937 was serhii esen. has russian culture won in ukraine? what do ukrainians themselves think about it? no one disputes that bolgakov is a talented writer. just as it seems to me, there is no need to argue about whether he was talented tchaikovsky. fresh graves are always made of sand, they cannot yet be covered with granite, they are still bleeding, there are already several tens of thousands of them, there is always a big flag above them, there is no dancing or singing on the maidan in kyiv for a long time, here is a spontaneous memorial, small flags from every ukrainian. tchaikovsky's name in
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the name of the kyiv conservatory ominously hangs over the symbolic cemetery on the maidan and over real fresh graves throughout ukraine. he mocks the memory of the dead and warns the living. we will be back. its graduate ilya is heading to the kyiv conservatory smart he is the same. composer, like tchaikovsky, in whose honor the educational institution is named. this is the second time that ilya has come out with a picket to change the name of his alma mater. he meets his teacher, who thinks completely differently. i don't know all the circumstances why so. we need to know all the circumstances so that we know the circumstances. russia is killing ukrainians. and he also uses culture, well, i think, if tchaikovsky was alive, maybe he would be... on this
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side, so he died and viktor tsoi died, well, we are alive, we have to do something about it, well, yes, yes, he is a russian composer, but i am saying, at the moment it is unprincipled, i had acquaintances from russia, from other countries who support russia as well, i began to think more about how they think, how i think, together with the pedestal should be transferred to the so-called chocolate house, which is located in the official quarter. from the museums of the city of kyiv, because he volunteered to take it for storage in his courtyard, when i will bring friends here who are also foreigners, i will be ashamed to say in the background or which institution is located - this zone of memory, a very strange, terrible situation, that the national academy of music is preserved on the independence square for the 10th year of the russian war and for the second year of the full-scale invasion. named after petravych
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tchaikovsky. tchaikovsky, like pushkin, is a marker of imperialism. russian culture was imposed on us as the culture of a superior nation, in order to understand that ukrainians are a second-class nation that does not have such cultural achievements, and therefore ukrainians must russify in order to be part of a single russian cultural space or the spread of the russian world. russian culture became a tool. we have this tool from our former colonizers, who now want to destroy us, just take it away. on october 10 , 2022, the first massive missile attack on energy facilities of ukraine took place. more than 100 rockets were fired at once, and kyiv was the main target. the russian measure aimed at the energy infrastructure, but... hit
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culturally, then the red building of the shevchenko university, the khanenko museum, which is in the depth of the park, and the shevchenko museum. on the morning of october 11, the people of kyiv began to clean their city, they threw out the dustbin and the monument to pushkin, but why? this monument stood near the university of transport, at the beginning of mazepa street, which pushkin mercilessly mocked in his poem poltava, by the way, now instead of pushkin there is a small shevchenko. pushkin is not just some ordinary poet, he is a propagandist, that is, he absolutely despised and opposed any ukrainian independence. oleg slabospytskyi knows in in detail, how pushkin fell, but does not admit whether he helped him slip, and
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in general, no one admits this publicly. immediately after the act of civil decolonization, criminal proceedings were initiated against the activists. yes, yes, even after a hundred. flying cannons in the kyiv sky, pushkin still had lawyers in kyiv, and it seems that they were very influential. one version of the subpoena statement, that is, the statement itself to the police, came precisely from the rector of this university. then the case was closed, due to public publicity and indignation at the actions of the police, guys avoided the trial, they wanted to commit vandalism to them, because the armor was destroyed by them. ve pogrudya is the first mushki monument in kyiv. it was staged in 1899 for the century of the poet, which was celebrated throughout the empire by the highest command. and it was from this time that pushkin became a state genius, an imperial preacher, in a
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word, their everything, or as i said, one good russian dmitry bykov, the christ of russian culture. and you want to know how stalin introduced pushkin into the soviet iconography and made him lenin in culture. see further. we are not debating whether pushkin is a great poet. obviously so. but this is of no importance to us, because pushkin is the antithesis of shevchenko. and if the ukrainian people placed shevchenko under icons, under embroidered towels, pushkin was forced into our space. these are the big boards with his face that the occupiers hung up after the capture of kherson, but there are still ukrainians who say, well, pushkin
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is not guilty, but he taught to kill or torture, that's not true. pushkin is not just an emperor, he is a singer of genocides. pushkin. about the polish uprising, after all, poles are needed suffocate, and our slowness is painful, pushkin about the conquest of the caucasus, and kotlyarevsky's hero, who destroyed the tribes as if with the black plague of the caucasus. glory to ukraine, glory to ukraine, healthy, glory, and glory to you, blue mountains covered with ice, and to you. knights, not forgotten by god, fight, overcome, god helps you, truth is for you, strength is for you, and the will is holy. taras hryhorovych shevchenko. and how, for chinese money
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, russian peace is cultivated for us simply on the maidan of independence. what do the chinese and the nutcracker have in common. passionate. i love russian people, russian language, russian mindset, russian beauty of faces, russian customs, pyotr tchaikovsky, there are his letters where he says: i am a russian person, у меня руская душа, i.e. just him, this is not the case of such an apolitical artist who does not know where he lives, no, he is russian, we have a music academy on the maidan, it is still named after tchaikovsky, a russian composer, and inside there is such a russian peace, both morally and...
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just besides, there are quite a lot of aggressive grandmothers like that talking about it. about the fact that they should study russian music, because otherwise they will be uneducated cattle, ukrainian and so on. we are all militarists and imperialists. exhibitions at the beginning of the special operation in ukraine. museums were everywhere, this was our, if you like, special operation, a big cultural offensive. mykhail piotrovsky, director of the hermitage. the russians, despite the fact that these ukrainians speak russian and listen to russian music, want to destroy them just as much as they want to destroy those who speak ukrainian, and this war showed it. kharkiv is showing it now. two months before the big invasion of the national
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the opera of ukraine had 50% of the russian repertoire, there is no such thing in any european theater, there is no such effort of russian music, so you cannot carry out this de-russification quickly, it also requires efforts that are very difficult to give, for example, the team of the tchaikovsky academy. 100 years ago, the same dramatic war of symbols took place in kharkiv, first... the ukrainians, and then they killed our millionaire, how was it and what did pushkin do next? naming of museums and conservatories, busts and monuments, names of streets and cities, all this as a christmas garland that reproduces the silhouette of a christmas tree, even if it is in the dark. but here are the bright toys that decorate it, fill it with meaning, these are exhibitions
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and movies, these are cartoons and songs, at the very top, like a star pushkin, it was his empire that chose itself as an apostle of culture to convert conquered peoples to its faith. in 1899 , a monument to pushkin appeared not only in kyiv, but also in kharkiv. but there was a problem. first, shevchenko had to be demolished. it was the first bust in ukraine and the world. it was placed in his yard by a patron, philanthropist and visionary oleksiy alchevskyi, a millionaire in his own backyard, because he was not allowed anywhere else. the imperials did not give him such a trick. alchevsky was brought to bankruptcy, taking advantage of the dire circumstances of the financial crisis, and this special op'tion was personally managed by the minister of finance vita, under the control of tsar nicholas ii. in the end
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, the millionaire seems to have committed suicide, but historians are convinced that alchevsky was killed. after that, the monument was demolished and pushkin was put in its place. only he did not last very long. mykola miknovskyi blew it up the kyiv monument survived the kharkiv monument by almost 100 years. but under the communists, he somewhat faded into the shadows, because they built their pushkin, a pathetic, large park opposite the polytechnic. the small bust that we had in kyiv is different from that of pushkin, the monument to whom was in the park, because it is pushkin, if you like, from 1937, with the image of which we are familiar with you, it is not the pushkin of the times of the russian empire, this is stalin's pushkin. if in 1899 the romanovs celebrated the centenary of pushkin's birth, then in
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in 1937, with the same state scale, stalin celebrated the centenary of his death. you can even say that he re -canonized him. at the same time , terrible repressions are taking place, people are dying in the npvd casemates, and at the same time monuments to pushkin are being erected. the myth of pushkin actually stands on our feet, on the feet of our ancestors, who in 37, for example, my great-grandfather died in 37 under the fanfare of this pushkinism, and when you ask me today whether pushkinists are equal to putinists, i will answer that yes, almost 70 years later, the poet, dissident and brodsky, the opponent of the communists , canonized pushkin for the third time. it turns out that this imperial poet suits liberal russia very well, which we now call
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good russian. eagles, cossacks, hetmans, vertukhai. only when it comes to your death, bugai, you will wheeze, scratching the edge of the mattress, lines from oleksandr, and not the lies of taras. someone will say that pushkin is already gray antiquity, and there is nothing in ukraine... but this is not true, because pushkin is a base, it is such a black imperial t-shirt that smells very unpleasant, which, depending on the fashion, can be worn be which jacket, well, here is bulgakov, here is vysotsko, here is the time of paval's forest, here is kirkorov. but why, after the declaration of independence, ukraine did not dare to get rid of pushkin, throw him out of its public space, from its school programs, from its tv channels. you know, when pushkin was demolished, for example, in ternopil, already after the invasion, on
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the tv channel inter, there was a stupid story with an advertisement for pushkin. came out just a few days before the invasion, 15 minutes before his death, he dozed off, it seemed to him that he was going to heaven books alexander pushkin's heart stopped at 2:45 p.m. the hands of all the clocks in the museum's exposition stopped at this exact time. i 've been trying to fight the imperial consciousness bearers all the time. these were different tv channels, it was a group of medvedchuk channels, it was the firtash inter channel. all of them promoted russian holidays, the russian language, russian authors throughout the country, and in fact were instruments of russification, russian experts who worked on these channels came here, this happened even after the maidan, so of course i was engaged in a thankless job, because many politicians believe that there is no need to quarrel with them, it is better to come to them sometimes, you can also switch to russian, say something, it was obvious to me that leaving this
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situation as it is is dangerous for our future, so i fought against this, the legislation, like 9 in the sixth year and only today, continues to contain the ban on the creation of television broadcasting by foreign legal entities, and we know that it is a foreign legal entity that is the founder of the inter channel, it used to be in rt, today it is the first channel. in 2015, the head of the parliamentary mykola knyazhytskyi of the committee on culture demanded that the prosecutor general reveal the financing of inter, explain to society what share ort and the pushkin bicentennial fund have there, and demanded from the parliament to create an investigative commission and in general ska. illegally issued licenses to then transfer the channel to the public broadcaster. there is a question about extending the license of one of the tv channels, the owners of which are all hidden behind offshore companies and are not transparent, and according to our information, is directly controlled by the leadership of the russian federation, which leads now war with us. after such a commotion , ort, which
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previously held 29% of the shares, disappeared from the channel's shareholder list. and why only pushkin is mentioned to you, remember about a more recent time, when a monument to anna akhmatova appeared in mariinsky park in kyiv, this is a new monument, it was also built with donations from people who worked for the inter tv channel. i have no, if you will, cultural position for anna akhmata, she was a great russian poetess, just as pushkin is a great russian poet, the famous coined nose profile with gorbinka - straight bangs, royal posture. this is how anna akhmatova returned to the city of her childhood. akhmatova was destined to live in a tragic time. two world wars, revolutions, repressions. she could have left the country, but she stayed and survived all the trials that befell her homeland and people. the bottom line is that anna akhmatova's work has nothing to do with the ukrainian context, she was simply born in kyiv. in an imperial
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place she had nothing to do with. we can... too, understand russian culture as a certain cement that binds all the elements of the system of the russian empire together. we see examples of what the russians are doing in the east and in the south of ukraine, we see the immediate consequences, so to speak, of this culture, the culture of destruction. mariupol became the same symbol of russian savagery as buch, a 500-kilogram bomb was dropped on the drama theater, and even a large inscription in the language of pushkin did not stop the dekuns,
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children, on march 16, 2022, according to ... according to the prosecutor's office, six hundred people died there, and this is already 10 september 22, just passed six months, and now the russians are playing their great composer, pyotr tchaikovsky, right next to the mass grave, next to the same drama theater, good afternoon, and you work at tchaikovsky, yes, silence. русский человек is small, he doesn’t solve anything, he goes to play music here, already the kyiv city council, and the ministry of culture, should the conservatives change the name, the institute of national memory directly called tchaikovsky a part of imperial propaganda, activists picketed the institution more than once, and there finally gave in , gathered
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a learned council and kept tchaikovsky, you you have the right to have your point of view, you are a professional person, but the teaching audience has gathered and the students have gathered. this is a shame, well, a national shame, good afternoon, seeing the cameras, most of the employees of the conservatory try to bypass the protest of their graduate, who on... last year, the conservatory in honor of the russian composer received 168 million ukrainian money. and before the very invasion in january
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22nd, for 350 million, the facade of the conservatory, the facade of the russian world, was reconstructed. friends, our dear conservative family, we heartily congratulate you on the historic event. now rector maksym tymoshenko is not so public and avoids comments. i would like to ask you. about a short interview about the history of the renaming of the national music academy of ukraine, not interesting, not interesting, everything has already been said and so much was already not interesting, please look at our websites, there is all the information there, we really should not give ours to the enemy somewhere, there is nothing wrong here, i apologize, that is, we should not, we should not give the name of tchaikovsky to the enemy, do i understand you correctly? well, it's ukrainian roots, it's the cossacks seagulls, it's the same there are examinations, there are other things, everything belongs to the ukrainian people. byron was the first to write the famous poem about mazepa, and there was
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a romantic image of such a rebel, to kill him pushkin's poem was created and then tchaikovsky's opera fully plays this myth of the terrible mazepa, which then bandera is so terrible for russians, and tchaikovsky wrote this opera, opera mazepa is anti-ukrainian. you're a torturer here... it's scary, why is it night lately, mazepa still worries me, the interrogation is going on, answer me, many say that tchaikovsky was said to be ukrainian, because he is from the cossack family, but his entire cossack family is one great-grandfather. and he had many great-grandfathers, and all of them were representatives of russians or frenchmen, and the french also have the same right to say that tchaikovsky is a french composer, not a russian one, but the french do not say this,
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because he was a representative of russian culture, he wrote music, associating himself with this culture, he wrote works based on words or other artistic works of russian writers, very often anti-ukrainian or imperial, although certainly talented, well... pushkin's mazepa is certainly a beautiful and talented work, but it is anti-ukrainian, and the fact that tchaikovsky wrote music for this work does not mean that tchaikovsky is a great ukrainian, we do not say that stanislav lem a ukrainian writer, although his solaris is known all over the world, only because he grew up, was born, grew up, graduated from school, lived a significant part of his life in lviv, but this did not make him a ukrainian writer, i honestly still wonder, what are we discussing about this, again tchaikovsky is a great... russian composer, one of the greatest composers of his time, one of the greatest phenomena in the history of world music, there is no need to doubt it for a single minute, just what is the point
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of a ukrainian institution, why a ukrainian institution cannot bear the name of a ukrainian composer, because this is a name, it is also a promotion of ukrainian culture for others, well, imagine that you are coming to some german cultural institution. good afternoon girls, we are studying at tchaikovsky, can you tell mr. the situation, they say, the teacher from the muzlit just left, said that all the teachers, students of zachaipovsky should be there. you like it, i don't like it, you say. the team unanimously supported it, i have a little different information, just students, there the members of the student council admit that they were simply put under pressure, students.
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they are talking about it, some students even openly talked about it, well, i have not heard such a thing, i am hearing from you for the first time that students, graduates, there are really mentally ill people there, some graduates who show from morning to night, a lot of students and teachers are against the conservatory being named after tchaikovsky, but personally i think it is wrong that the music academy in the middle of kyiv, near independence square, is named after him. composer, i heard that if the academy is left without this name, china chinese, they they, they will stop, they will lose it for them, prestige, they will stop going here, and the professor, they will remain without there 15% of the salary, it seems that we found the key that opens the door to everyone informational, cultural,
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propaganda... this is money, this is very big money, which the kremlin has been investing for centuries in everything called strategic culture, in this soft power that clears the operational space for tanks, and here is the name of tchaikovsky as well very, very capitalized, and that is why the chinese go here to the tchaikovsky conservatory for ponts, glory to ukraine, we are for mother ukraine. are not ready to fight, that’s right, well, it turned out to be a kind of cursing, but what the professor of cultural studies has on his mind is in the language of many ordinary ukrainians, well can we get rid of the imperial legacy, what will we be left with then, there is such an opinion now, yes, that it is necessary to cancel russian culture in ukraine, how do you feel about it, how do you understand it, and what will be ukrainian then.
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that you died then, near kiev, so the war, well, it seems that the russian classic has fulfilled its mission, even the russian rockets are powerless in front of it, but did the russian bandits, fsb officers and producers fulfill their task when they liquidated our show business, how children grew up who had never heard anything about pushkin,
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see in the second part. we live in the world of streaming services, we live in the world of social networks, if we do not make efforts to develop a cultural information product in these areas, we will still face inevitable defeat. after gaining ukrainian independence, ukrainian culture began to blossom, ukrainians began to discover themselves. we had ukrainian performers who gathered full halls, this had never happened before, there were a lot of them. and scriabin, and gadyukin, and ponomarov, and bilyk, and artists of territory a. if we analyze, for example, youtube, uh, russian, ukrainian, ukrainian segment of youtube, we will be horrified by what the first hundred, for example, uh, uh, the most popular songs, among our people, gangsters were engaged in show business in terms
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of money. from the point of view of some certain things, the special services were engaged, of course, i want to turn now to those who, following the call of the heart, participate in the course of the immortal regiment, i was born a russian, what should i do now? my great-grandfathers also fought with the turks here, it's a pity that we have found a whole series. people, these managers and owners, who played along with all this, the same performers who switched to the russian language and understood that the russian market is very large, there you can earn more. in the life of every person, there are moments when he entered the wrong door?


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