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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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the monster in kharkiv was russian, russian-speaking, ukrainian was treated with disdain, it was such a common language, and it was considered a sign of some wrong origin, like, as it seemed at the time, some idiot from the village, and it really was, you shouldn’t make it up , that we were nationalists from...
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birth, this is such a process, but some sensor said that it was cool, the history of artists recognizable to us, brave, funny and ukrainian-speaking, began in 1997 , precisely with participation in the red route in halki , the style in which the band works, the guys on... they call rap & roll, what it is, it's hard to imagine and convey it in words, well, it's something like doomed hip-hop, or somewhat broken rock. so, get ready for upbeat music and dance your dance on maidan congo. on the maidan, on freedom square, in kharkiv, crowds of people gathered, more than 100 thousand and for several days in a row, they really did it on a grand scale and did it correctly, you know, they somehow showed kharkiv.
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who could not believe that a ukrainian-speaking ukrainian, exclusively ukrainian festival could beat being so bright, powerful, with such a scene that no one there, you know, the northern monster could not allow such a thing, mind you, we just have in kharkov, you know, an exclusively ukrainian-language fest, they are handsome. thanks to this career breakthrough, musicians began to rethink their identity, but not everyone understood them.
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as it is for me in the context, it is a protest, you understand, and that's all, and she rushed, and she just hopped, joined. after the russian economic crisis of 1998, during the period of the birth of show business in russia, local musicians began to actively travel to ukraine and to dump, i.e. take lower fees than ukrainian performers. and ukrainian-speakers found themselves in a situation where, in order to become successful in ukraine, they had to... i will explain, if your song came from moscow from mykhailo kozyrev's mailing list, it automatically became here , there were many radio stations two houses away from us, and she automatically became angry, she came, they could call you to inquire, and oh, what do you know, milorama could invite you.
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realizing this, you understood that you had to go to the festival in moscow, everyone there, you know, and then they will start talking about you here, at the same time there was a fashion in russia for ukrainian, as for provincial exoticism, so to speak, now you and i will have the most fun of all... because we are visiting with you the unique atmosphere of the ukrainian language, this is not a leningrad or moscow team for the entire history of the anthropology program . thanks, here it is. i'm glad
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i see you all the time, i watch this program all the time, and i also want to thank this khokhlyat team, for the fact that it is here . say, yes, good luck, you can see it in their difficult, difficult life, so, guys, good luck to you, here, oleg, when spring comes, thank you, katya, that at the end of the program, while the violin was speaking in gibberish, in in barban? you know, maybe not even the first time they even caught a wave of that fashion, you already know, so on the second wave they went in, went for a ride, you know there was a bubble, something was reflected somewhere, and then you know, well, immediately the offer was dark, but the first offer, everything is fine with them, we don't have analogues,
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you don't have analogues, you're just some special guys, give us a new album, a contract, it's clear that everything is in russian, they're like no, yes no, give us a contract. well, these, well, you know, some sensors told us that we were communicating with each other in russian, anyway, no, no, no, there were some attempts, well, firstly, we didn't want to, and, secondly, it didn't sound good to us. the success of the ukrainian-language festival chervona ruta somewhat annoyed the pro-russian forces, who already at that time began to artificially inflame the language problem in ukraine.
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under the name of territory a. i congratulate you today , wednesday, on the air national video parade territory a, i am anzhelika rudnytska. and although there were no special requirements, clips for songs in ukrainian entered the hit-parade without a queue, unlike foreign-language ones. and it motivated
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musicians of ukraine. and now everything is different, different, simply, simply, simply the opposite. these are isolated cultural phenomena that existed against the background of the government's indifference to the ukrainian language. leonid kuchma, the newly elected president of ukraine in 1994, practically did not know the ukrainian language. together with the communists, he sought to give russia the status of the second state. the then verkhovna rada did not allow this. but the pro-russian forces only intensified and continued. to speculate cynically on the language issue. marichka, i have to go out. no. speak in the national language. russian language - second
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state natalya vytrenko's block is the people's opposition. at that time, the ukrainian television and radio space was full of russian-speaking ones. the ukrainian language was popularized by interested cultural figures with content, for example, they held music festivals and dubbed films, a proud panel, a chatty dog ​​wants to chat with you, no no no no, she doesn't need to see me, i just want to click her, go, go. hello pabumont, i hope my presence does not frighten you. look, i don't know what you are or who you are, but i don't care, so watch it anyway getting out the door didn't hit you on your hairy ass. who does she consider herself
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to be, ruzanna pysanker. in the 1990s, the entertainment tv channel ictv was one of the first to take up translation. dubbing of foreign series and films in ukrainian, voluntarily, because there were no language quotas at that time. this became the period of birth of the beloved and recognizable. ukrainian dubbing. oleksangrebetskyi, who translated alpha, explained that it was necessary to adapt the jokes to ukrainian reality, because western contexts would be unclear, even words like hotdog, burrito, or muffin. after a long political confrontation, he came to power for the first time in 2004. the president, who was distinguished by a bright pro-ukrainian position, everyone would like
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changes to take place immediately, and tomorrow everyone would speak ukrainian, yushchenko, president yushchenko was once criticized for not doing much to spread the ukrainian language, since he came to power under such a patriotic slogan , but yushchenko is not harry potter, he does not have a magic wand, to wave, and on the second day in the morning everyone spoke ukrainian, this is a difficult, painful process... a number of political decisions were made that contributed to the development of the ukrainian language and consolidation of its status. in particular , government regulations came out that required distributors to dub or subtitle all foreign films in ukrainian. this is how the audience got to know the taste of ukrainian dubbing. in the summer of 2006, the first dubbed cartoon cars appeared in the box office. cheesecake, you know who you're talking to, i'm lightning mcqueen. "i can't be scared, cheese man, i probably can't i will go, oh, well, it will be nice, tractors are looking for
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luxury, this is just stupidity. in fact, cars were dubbed in two languages, ukrainian and russian, but the results of the ukrainian rental showed that viewers liked the version in their native language more, but russia..." continued to involve ukrainians in its contexts and began to use humor for this. at that time , there were practically no quality programs on ukrainian television domestic comedy shows, but there were enough russian ones, such as anshlag, kvk and comamedy club. in 2006 , ukrainian comedy appeared on television club. but only a third of the komi in the project spoke ukrainian. good evening, ladies and gentlemen, good evening, dear gentlemen, welcome to commonny club ua.
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however, things did not calm down in the kremlin. in 2009, the then president of russia, dmytro medvedev , sent an open letter to the president of ukraine accusing him of wanting to supplant the russian language, already in 2010 . in his pre-election program he promised to give the russian language the status of the second state language. the same yanukovych, who in 2004, filling out the candidate's questionnaire for the post of the president of ukraine, made 12 gross errors in a text of 90 words. what language will he learn after kindergarten?
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after the party of regions came to power , rapid russification began in the country. the then minister of education and science of ukraine, known today as a collaborator and state councilor. dmytro tabachnyk, sought to cancel the mandatory dubbing of films in ukrainian. at that time , the kremlin authorities had already tested humor as a propaganda tool and actively financed the russian entertainment tv channel tnt. and it was watched in ukraine. then domestic channels often broadcast tv products of russian production. locals also started to promote propaganda messages in ukraine. russian comedians beat everyone, and why? because we were together
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, i was drumming, and then , come on, come on, because every time i sit in a movie theater and see how bruce willis pulls out such a gun, approaches the main bandit, puts his head down and says: chair you fool! for me, this serious film immediately turns into a comedy. now there are more global examples, take a look on our prime minister, but listen better, you see how difficult it is for a person. well, let's collect the whole ukrainian referendum and let him speak in russian, please, people, we're interfering ourselves, it's clear that a person comes out, wants to say something important, and somehow it turns out with some joke, somehow with humor, and the president, guys, stop making fun of
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the president, well, it's so hard for him to work, well , you can imagine how a person has to work every day... and literature, he can only in order to convey the great sadness of the ukrainian people, that longing and insurmountable desire for freedom. and already in 2012, pro-russian forces in the verkhovna rada adopted a scandalous language law with numerous violations. it is popularly known by
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the authors' surnames, that is, as the law of the wheelbarrow . this law allowed for the free introduction of regional languages, in particular russian, in the work of local government bodies, educational institutions and other spheres of public life, i.e., it actually equated this language with ukrainian in the region, under the guise of such a phrase as a regional language, they wanted to raise the official state. of the russian language and thereby supplant the state language in the relevant regions, in fact throughout ukraine. six years later, the constitutional court recognized kivalov kolesnychenko's law as unconstitutional and invalid. and in 2019 , a new law was adopted on ensuring the functioning of the ukrainian language as the state language.
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after the 24th, the ukrainian issue became acute again. february 2022, when , under the guise of the language issue in particular, putin began to conquer new territories of ukraine. for many ukrainians, this was the final push to give up russian, as giving up the enemy. if you look at the situation cynically, not from the ukrainian position, but from a detached one, then to strengthen the authority of the ukrainian language. the president of the russian federation made a colossal contribution to strengthening the prestige, strength, power, desire to switch to the ukrainian language, if you look at it cynically, you have to pay dearly for it, we too were once ukrainians,
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what do you say, and now who have we become, and now we ourselves don't know who is russian or ukrainian or what? will change, and i don't know, but why is this the case here, i think, this is how it went for that, for an independent kuban, you understand, when these red people were expelled in the 18th, then the pazaks began to fight for the fact that this is your russia, now you defend yourself, and we ourselves, we drove out, and we will not fight for you, and that's how it went. "we came back, how, how red, yes, you can do it on your own kuban, the battle in luza, the red viburnum, bowed down, our glorious ukraine is upset about something, and i am washing my gut. well
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, we will raise the viburnum, and we will cheer up our glorious ukraine, someone gave up on the russian completely, someone in social networks playlist or in communication at work, if even two years ago there were single songs in ukrainian in the ukrainian music charts, then in 2022, on the contrary, tracks in russian became single. in 2022, we started a new trend: we started to remember old songs
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in ukrainian and make them popular again. ukrainian musicians began to willingly translate their russian-language hits into ukrainian. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 sometimes the songs are translated and re-sung by the listeners themselves. and how are these nights in the crimea, now to whom? you are not alone, and you belong to the press. russia for decades she convinced us in every possible way that ukrainian is a funny language of uneducated peasants. and popular ukrainian comedians, who were once formed under the influence of the russian kavyk, have been around for a long time. reinforced these stereotypes, and it seems strange, something completely illogical, that ukrainians themselves go out on stage and make fun of this certain godfather, make jokes, support this
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stereotype of this poor uncle, but, as it seems to me and as i see it, this discriminatory practice , it leads to this, it's as if, it's as if it even is a marker of discrimination. group, that is, this is a confirmation, because we are a discriminated group, which, well, there is a kind of internal rejection of ourselves, relatively speaking, but after the full-scale invasion, the humor has changed, today in ukrainian stand-up clubs you cannot find a successful famous comedian who would spoke in russian, allergies... it's like a lion will overcome ci3v. ci3 lev neo protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may for
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relief. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get. the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's win. they help understand the present and predict
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svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. well. the full understanding that ukrainian is the top came to me personally after the 24th, when my ukrainianization became, well , large-scale, that is, in all aspects, and then it became clear that ukrainian is the top and ukraine is top, it was already some rethinking of not just language as a tool, but such a full-scale acquaintance with ours with such layers of culture. a stand-up comedian today... known as nastya zukhvala, grew up in the transdnieper region, in an environment where they spoke mostly surzhyk, it is sewn somewhere in the subcortex, that yes, the feeling
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of inferiority of ukrainian is... it was from a young age, well, this is a banal example , that your barbies speak russian, because your barbies are from the city, so when nastya started doing stand-up, she switched to russian and took a russian pseudonym, that's when i started speaking russian, because everyone absolutely, absolutely everyone spoke russian, firstly, secondly, i decided for myself which language i would start speaking in, that was the moment of fatal mistakes and... i considered ukrainian and russian, but what a stereotype i had, i decided that i would not be to take ukrainian seriously, i will explain how i came to such a deep conclusion, and because at that time there were not many comedians who performed in ukrainian, but they seemed to have ridden this horse that was a little universal or i don’t know, so it
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was somehow surzhi and... then it still seemed to me that it was somewhat inferior surzh, i am now the ambassador of surzh, and the mound aggregate are my idols, and i had some other stereotypes that the ukrainian language is alive, it is like speaking as an announcer or a tv presenter, well, that is, this is such a layering of cognitive distortions, now i think that i just wanted not to be different and to somehow be accepted, and well... i guess it seemed that i would be better accepted in the environment. nastya began performing in ukrainian on stage even before the full-scale invasion, after it she decided to finally break the symbolic connection with russia, ukrainianized the pseudonym and completely switched to ukrainian in a sweat. and once this realization has come, then there is no way back, you cannot dispel it. so, i understood that, well, this, this is the enemy, and i am.
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i don't want to have anything in common, and i understood that no, i definitely won't speak russian anymore, i definitely won't make any content in russian anymore, i definitely won't work with any russians anymore, goodbye, did i have one the argument is that how am i going to write jokes in ukrainian, because this is a different logic of the language and one more thing, it’s wild game, it’s great when i’m a whore, it’s great i performed in ukrainian and there weren’t, well, in principle, all my s... stereotypes, well, not like that, all my fears, which i saw as a problem, none of them i didn’t justify myself, it’s a very exciting evening for me, you see, i’m trying to speak in ukrainian, but i’m afraid that this shooting will smoothly turn into the revival of azarivka in ukraine, reunification, you see, it follows me like a shadow, it’s a peace initiative, a corridor, that’s all, one factor - this is what began
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to attract attention to this in the legislative sphere level was already the first some regulations about it, and i can't say that i had any kind of rejection, well, that is, it was actually very important just to draw people's attention to it, to the fact that at some point you are like, yeah, wait , i'm in ukraine, i'm speaking in russian, it's somehow, well, somehow, well, that is , i didn't find, i didn't find, how i should appeal fairly there, what is this kind of wildness, well... i'm like that, well, everything converges, everything converges . the first ukrainian underground stand-up comedians who switched to the ukrainian u serhiy cherkov, yehor shatailo and serhiy lipko were among the speakers. when serhiy decided that he would now perform only in ukrainian. it was even a little bit of a surprise for me, he, well, no, he didn't tell me how something was evolving there, but when i questioned him, when i questioned him, and said: "well, explain
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to me, well, well, well , well, well, share." he says, it's like your own way, and the day will come when you won't be able to speak russian, the day will come when you, well, and like, well, that day has come. these comedians were the first to show how it is possible to use the modern living ukrainian language in performances and at the same time remain yourself. my favorite schizoid fantasy is that it was done for the money, because they give you everything at once. ukrainian comedians were faced with a choice, either to try to please the russian audience, which constantly compared them with russians, or to form their own culture and audience, which, like lipko , switched to ukrainian, because he realized that there was no longer any sense in him competing with russian comedians,
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here he lost completely . this weakness, mr i realized that i had moved to the market.


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