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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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russian girls, russian kittens, wars, well , just some, you know, devils have gathered, but i can’t call it anything else, it’s just such devilry, there are some familiar faces, that’s all, that’s all that can be said about this, and in the end these knowing faces, what are they fighting for, why are they killing people again, why are they burying everything around them again? to myself for the fact that they are not considered like other countries, that they are somehow not like that, well, we know, they are not like that, they are much worse, they simply do not have such an impression anymore despicable than russia and the russians themselves, with such opinions that they express that they are somehow exceptional, that is what nazism is, to actually think that you have... some
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special rights and have to dictate something to someone, that is real so true nazism, that 's how it is, for example, you know, i don't want russia to have equal rights with the current lithuania, well , i don't want it, as a citizen, i perfectly understand what you described, it's an ideal world system that is written in the un charter, when there are non-permanent members of the genas in the security council... i i answer your question very simply, little lithuania will never be able to ensure its security, others can ensure it, for example, russia, china, the usa, france, great britain, nuclear powers, for this they must have the dialogue that will allow lithuania to be safe today, she is not safe. "i want lithuania to remain,
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let it remain on the map of world-2. you are good, i am not good, i am absolutely not interested in the fate of lithuania globally, yes, whether it is safe, not safe, at this stage. and the fate of belarus , this is our ally, of course. belarus is not a very big country. i am interested in lithuania not seriously threatening the citizens of russia, conditional lithuania there. let luxembourg, germany, the united states". it does not matter that they do not pose a threat to the citizens of russia. we achieve this by force, by force, we achieve a guarantee of security. everything is true, true, today we do it by force, there is simply no other way. but we we do not seek equality. through force, we seek a guarantee of security for our citizens, and then we will decide which ones we will have rights are equal with lithuania, or will they sit quietly and remain silent? well, that is, lithuania is already in danger. to the citizens of russia, well, that is
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, everyone threatens the citizens of russia, you understand, well, it’s just as disgusting as possible these conversations about how everyone threatens the citizens of russia with something there, well, you know, what else is interesting about all this, let’s remember, how lying they are in general all these talks about the fact that nuclear countries can guarantee someone some kind of security, you know, they have already guaranteed it in ukraine. nuclear countries security when ukraine surrendered nuclear weapons, and between them was russia, such a coincidence, yes, a nuclear power that guaranteed the security of ukraine because ukraine got rid of nuclear weapons, decided to live peacefully, not to touch anyone, not to attack anyone, and how did it end , by the fact that we were attacked, unfortunately, no one can guarantee the security of countries that do not have the opportunity to defend themselves, that's what i will say, and
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that's why, all these, know, especially when it comes to the russians, all these false stories that they are striving for some other world order there, no, they are not striving for another world system, they strive to simply be able to dictate to other countries, which is what they say, that we don't want equality, but for someone to sit there and just listen to what we tell them, and in the end... now you know, well, i think that this is a big turning point in general, but this year, well , firstly, the mass ignoring of this victory by other countries, and secondly, the fact that it was simply started to be banned in europe, to be banned so that people do not go, because everyone now understands, grandfathers on sticks come first, all of them immortal sticks, after that they come there to fight, so don't let russia in in any... form, neither their propaganda, nor their
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ballet, nor all these grandfathers on sticks, that's all, see you. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may for fen 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours. of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, now just about we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk
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about money during the war, oleksandr morchenko is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postakhova, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much to elinia chechenii for the information. about the news of the culture of the presenters that to many people, they have become similar. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. greetings, this is svoboda live on... we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully there is no political season.
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exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom to like, openly and impartially. conclusions, verdict. the same verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 for espresso. congratulations, this is the beraber program together with the crimean tatar language, it is hosted by gulsun khalilova, my colleague from the crimean tatar
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tv channel atr, and i, andriy yanitsky from the espresso tv channel, we are here together today, because this is a joint project about the main news from... yes, this is a joint project of the first crimean tatar tv channel by silyam oliik and the tv channel, we are happy to welcome all viewers of our tv channels, selyam aleykum once, and while we are now connecting our guest to our broadcast, with whom we will talk about what happened this week in the temporarily occupied crimea and not only, i want to say that for the sake of... deoccupation of the crimean peninsula, now our guys are in the south and are doing everything to defeat the russian occupier, to defeat the enemy, this is the crimean tatar battalion named after noman chilibikhan, the 48th oshb, so
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you can support our guys by using the qr code that you can see on your screens now, they need on fpf drones and announced this collection, so everyone who can support, please support our guys who are on the southern front by the qr code that you see now, and we during this hour with military experts and other experts who will connect to our air, we will talk about crimea and talk about the latest events that happened during this week on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula and... and even now we are ready to introduce our guest, and this is mr. oleksandr, oleksandr kovalenko, the group's military and political observer information resistance, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, congratulations, vasylalika, good day, mr. oleksandr, how did you remember this week,
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how did the occupiers remember this week on the temporarily occupied peninsula, what operational news do we already have? well, in principle, of course, this is the destruction of a fourth-rank ship, a high-speed ship, which took place this week, a fairly successful destruction of another battleship. oditsa, which reminds russians that there is no peaceful place for them there, that is, it is a dangerous place for them, and besides everything else, it should be noted on the fact that the russians, they have recently been trying to pay more attention to strengthening the defense of the kerch bridge, to create such conditions for its protection, both by air and by sea. but they fail to do it, and that is why every time we see either the effective action of our naval drones,
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or the air components and the complete inactivity of their air defense, this is exactly what we can pay attention to, i think, in the following weeks, we will see the corresponding exercise also objects of the corresponding function mr. alexander, i think i read that there were innovations this time. by our defense forces, and as if a missile was installed on the drone that can shoot down air targets, is it that simple, well, a scarecrow so far for the occupiers, and in fact there was no such thing, or something like that was observed, i don't think it's just a scarecrow, because it is an experimental element, some time ago we saw flamethrowers being installed on our naval drones as well. bumblebee type systems and on the one hand at long distances
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they are not effective, they have a low point quite low such accuracy, but if we are talking about training during landings by landing on the coast, this can be the effect of such an intimidation, such a fire effect, if we are talking about approaching a close approach with a large object, such as a large landing ship or.. . e.e. frigate or corvet, as well as these systems can be effective at a distance of less than 500 m, and therefore, in principle, it made sense if we are talking about the use of a suitable means of destruction, a missile means of destruction, that is, the destruction of air goals, it can also be effective in the long run, if the algorithm is worked out, the test itself is very important here, i.e. that... can it be used in such a complex? yes, theoretically quite, but
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there should be tests to highlight all the pros, all the cons, ah, see what the efficiency is, and after that really every such marine drone, if it's going to be an effective concept, it can use a given means of damage not only to apply there. some punches no no not so much punching how much for defense, because it is the air component, such as the mi-28 helicopter strike, as an option, and the mi-8, the k-52, this is the main element that the russians use to intercept our naval drones, they are trying to intercept them with helicopters , attack helicopters, attack helicopter destruction, after the attack helicopter is destroyed, also destruction. some surface object, there, for example, the same corvette or missile boat, well, it's
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a bonus in general, a full house, let's call it that, therefore, hope that our defense forces will be able to implement this experiment, and it will no longer be an experiment, but an ordinary practice of application, and as such, i can ask a question, i just have a lot of questions for you, as i read in the news. that the kerch bridge is no longer used by the occupiers for the transportation of military equipment, that they, well, either they seriously believe that it is very vulnerable, or they have started using the land route that they were building, but what is happening now, there is no point in beating kerch bridge, is that all still remains our desired goal, well, i will say this, well, let's go for it... someone will build a house on the khreschatyk, right on the khreschatyk,
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right on the car part, to block the traffic, some kind of high-rise building with 16 floors, well, that's what will happen legal construction is self-construction, illegal construction is illegal construction, indeed, so is the karchyn bridge, it is illegal construction and one way or another it must be destroyed, this is the first point, the fact, the legality. she is absent, she is absent, the second point is very important, i don't know where all these autumns come from groups, they made you... inferences that the kerch bridge is not used for the transportation of military cargo, equipment, ammunition, and everything else. there is such a concept as material and technical support. what is material and technical support? it is a complex of material means used to support the troops. it can be, starting from mechanized
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components, tanks, bbm, artillery, ammunition, of course, starting from... from the ban of the 152-caliber projectile, as well as the powder charge, and ending with the banal cartridge for small arms of various calibers, well elementary, elementary, vodka and stew, if they are already being transported, then it is so, exactly so, that is, if we perceive vodka as civilian cargo, then this does not mean that it is civilian cargo, the same way if we we see that a passenger car arrives there and so on, this does not mean that there are civilians, not personnel for rotation and so on. fuel and lubricants, which are transported across the kerch bridge in large quantities by tankers, are not meant to be delivered to the entire crimea next month milk to consumers, yes on trucks, no, it's not for milk, it's exactly fuel and
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lubricants for refueling russian tanks and armored combat vehicles. therefore , the kerch bridge remained an important logistical artery, and it remains, and another very interesting point, for some reason all these autumn groups, they use satellite images, from a long distance, not in detail, as proof of their vision of the situation, but for some reason they they do not contact the crimean monitoring groups that operate specifically in crimea and which constantly fix. as to kerch, or directly through the kerch bridge itself , they transport not only there, but also fuel and lubricating materials, namely machinery, howitzers, towed howitzers, machinery, bmps, armored fighting vehicles, t-62 tanks, for example, and so on, for some reason they do not record this and do not show it in their reports,
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it seems that they are trying to somehow distort the reality that is happening now with the supply. material and technical support for the temporarily occupied crimea peninsula, which, as it was, and remains the main logistics and transit hub for the provision of the russian southern occupation group of troops. well, you know, mr. oleksandr, it looks more like a propagandistic throw-in, and if we talk about other ways, logistical ways of the russian occupiers, as far as i know, they are the same. still haven't diversified this artery through rostov-nadanu, mariupol, berdyansk and so on. yes, it is not fully working yet, that's true. there is no full possibility of providing the volumes of supply that they would try in full to compensate in case the kerch bridge
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is not functional. therefore, yes, kerch bridge, it continues to remain the main logistical point. the artery through which the main loads of material and technical support of the russian occupying forces go, everything else is already on the mainland, it is like an addition, like a kind of plus, which can more or less satisfy the needs of this large number of forces and means. let me remind you that in the south alone, the russians have almost 200,000 personnel, 200,000 russian occupation troops in kherson, zaporizhzhia, partly donetsk regions, as well as the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula. and all this mass, as well as all the iron added to them, must be provided with something 24x7. and what are we waiting for then, what conditions are the armed forces of ukraine waiting for today to
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strike the kerch bridge? unfortunately, the peninsula is temporarily occupied. crimea, in terms of air defense, anti-aircraft component, it is the second most powerful after the moscow region. in addition to everything else, the kerch bridge itself is protected not only from the territory of crimea in the air component, but also from the territory of the mainland russian federation, so it has double coverage of the member air defense. in order to have an effective influence from the air, it is necessary not to command. this component, in relation to the sea borders, there are constant patrols, by the way, these are the ships of the fourth rank, that is , high-speed patrol boats, which were recently destroyed, and they are constantly patrolling the kerpchen bridge to counter any threats of naval drones, they created
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boom barriers, they flooded several sometimes, to complicate the process , the kerch bridge was reached by our surface drones, and also, if it wasn't strange , they were also from the side of the sea of ​​azov, from this part. they also conduct patrols, that is, the kerch bridge, it is guarded quite seriously now, and it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions so that the strike is as effective as possible, because the strike must be one, and this strike must completely destroy the kerch bridge so that it cannot be hit as a car, and it is not easy to restore the railway part there a week or a month, a year and... and this will have an impact, a catastrophic impact on the capabilities of the russian occupation group in the south. this week, one cannot
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help but remember this pobedobesia festival, which took place in russia, and of course they also tried to bring their somewhat sectarian vibe to the occupied territories. we know that there were no such large-scale military parades, but there were different ones. runs with flags, free porridge, portraits of the immortal regiment, and various other such campaign actions, which the russians are trying to change the common sense of the residents of the occupied territories, why do people uncritically perceive this propaganda, why do they still, even after the 14th year, and after... the 22nd year, do not understand that in fact russia is what the fascist nazi germany in the same 41st year, but they perceive it as
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a continuation, i don't know, of the forces of good, yes, and not of the forces of evil. well, let's say this, in any region, in any region, in any city, there is a category of people, as in the third year of the full-scale invasion in ukraine, it believes that russia has nothing to do with it, it was all provoked by the west, it’s all nato, it’s all done by biden, but putin, he is some kind of angel who is trying to somehow correct this situation and save ukrainians from being absorbed by europe, they yes, indeed. they exist, these are people who have a completely different worldview, a destructive worldview, i would even say so, degrading, the degradation of
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a person's worldview, and it does not evolve, it degrades, and they are everywhere, especially in those regions where it was quite serious influence for years, and even for decades, the influence of russian political forces, narratives, and so on and so on, unfortunately, we can record this not only on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea peninsula, it is recorded constantly even on the territory of ukraine, even in those regions that it would seem that they are maximally pro-ukrainian, this is also western ukraine, this is central ukraine, there are quite a lot of people who continue, well, in kyiv we also saw provocations that were different precisely on may 9. from local madmen, but it's not easy local crazies, they are people who know what they are doing, they get paid for it, why haven't they been arrested, even though
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they are in their 70s, even though they have nothing to do with ww2, they wear exactly this form of that time and something trying to play the role of just such a liberator and veteran, no. we don't know, maybe they worked in the nkvd, the kgb, and there in general, maybe just like that, maybe they and their parents in the nkvd later, if we talk about crimea, then we know that since 2014 from 2010 to today, russia has been importing colonizers to the territory of crimea, and these are more than a million people who came from the territory of russia and now live in the territory of crimea, and they take part in these killing actions. and if we talk, for example, about the crimean tatars, then for the crimean tatars this day even has other meanings, because in 10 days all the crimean tatars will be ordered. stalin was simply
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deported, the crimean tatar soldiers who fought during the second world war, when they came home to crimea, simply did not see their relatives, did not see their children. and among them there were also heroes of the soviet union, by the way, yes. and this, these are the most resonant moments, this is exactly what we are seeing in mariupol now. we go to the temporarily occupied mariupol and see there not... the majority of local people who came from the russian federation, sometimes banal migrants, who are brought in so that they become the dominant component as much as possible, exactly in this occupied city, ah, temporarily occupied peninsula crimea, it has been influenced since the 14th year precisely in in this format, how many plots are outside
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the arrangement. cities outside the general plans of the cities, they were raided for them, a raid took place, a raider seizure took place and there were built where there were forests of the princely princes, they were simply produced and high-rise buildings were built there, and new residential complexes, where representatives of the family live, representatives the fsb, others who came from the russian federation and so on and so forth, that is, the temporarily occupied crimea has been populated on a large scale since 2014 by people from the russian federation, this is a purposeful action, this will be a very big problem for us after the liberation of crimea, because these people have no right to live there, but if they are forcibly removed from there. ryat, then this may be
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a problem, for example, with our european partners, who will pay attention, oh, here is a violation of human rights and freedoms, we must, we must go to advertising, thank you for your information, oleksandr kovalenko, military-political observer of the group informational resistance, was on the air of the brb program together, this is a joint project of atp and espresso, we have a short break, see you soon, wait there are discounts representing coco may discounts on voltaren forte 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on estefin 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshkad. an unusual look at the news. hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and
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competent opinions. in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv, and beyond it, what the world dreams of, pa norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to...
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know about the war and how the world lives two hours to be aware of economic news and of sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the bereber program together with crimean tatarskyi, a joint broadcast of crimean tatar channel atp and espresso tv channel, andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova are in the studio, and today with us in the second part of the program valentina potapova, head of the national advocacy department of the almenda civic education center. mrs valentine, greetings, congratulations. i congratulate you. this week it became known that the russian occupiers have additional units of the fsb.
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sent to the temporarily occupied


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