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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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shmyhal and i did not discuss this decision, he was not invited to the meeting of the faction and the profile committee. the day before , the servants of the people faction talked about the need to divide the ministry of community development, territories and infrastructure into two separate departments, but the most interesting thing is that it was the representatives of the servants of the people who molded this great ministry, now they say, listen, there is no kubrakov, we don’t need such a great ministry, watching it, kateryna. what conclusion do you come to what is in principle some decision-making center, sometimes those who believe that they are also part of this decision-making center find themselves outside this center, that is, these five or six managers, about whom zelensky once spoke at the final press conference on 23 year, it turns out that those who even think that they are included in these five or six managers, well, like kubrako, for example, they are simply... dismissed and
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not even warned if there is no prior conversation with the prime minister minister, how to perceive it? well, this is perceived very badly, it is very strange it seems that the center of decision-making is at the bank, well, we hear about it from everywhere, somewhere from our own sources, somewhere from the sources of journalists who specialize in these topics there, behind the scenes from deputies and you can hear, well, it is visible, it it's like a fact. but i simply cannot understand why it is not possible to at least publicly conduct these processes more clearly, and for the minister who is dismissed to actually speak in the verkhovna rada so that the deputies can ask questions or express their dissatisfaction some decisions, processes that took place in the ministry when it was headed by mr. kurbakov, so that the society at least saw that there was a dialogue. and what
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is happening in general, we understand that we do not, in principle, have the citizens of ukraine know the faces of all ministers and such important top officials, well, that is also true, that is , there are faces that are familiar, that are recognizable, but there are people whose activities are unrecognizable, in the midst of what can be said to be a person who is not talked about in such a bad way, exactly who it presents ukraine well enough there, it has its own... connections with western partners, the team is strong there, i don't know anyone there personally, but there from a professional point of view , you see that the people there are worthy, for example, and that is, there is no such impression here , that the person didn't do well there at all, so we won't even say goodbye to her normally, well , in any situation, a normal office, she will probably call the person, hr there will at least tell what the issue is, what the problem is, what is the reason for the dismissal , communication, as always. not really, it's not worthy because
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it would be worthwhile to explain to the ukrainians in general what the activities of the ministry are, what is changing there now, and so on, this is not enough and not for the first time. oleksiy goncharenko from european solidarity says that the history of kubrakov's dismissal and plans to split his ministry indicate the absence of a systematic personnel policy in the state. let's listen to what honcharenko said. all this looks strange, the result is the same, there is no subjectivity either in the government or in the parliaments, all decisions are made in the president's office, the team is leading, this team is quickly implemented, there is no systematicity in this, it is some kind of kindergartens, the ministry was united, the ministry was united, just so that you understand, it is not such a simple process, it is millions of hryvnias, it is months of time, it is the fate of hundreds of thousands of people, and this is lost... time for
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work, and this is during the war, i am frightened by such personnel policy, its complete lack of systemic policy, such government policy, because where there is no actual government, that is , andrii, there is no government as such, there is a parliament , but it works in manual mode, five or six managers run the state, this is all during the war, what is the danger of such state management, shall we say... monopower, as it is customary to say, but well, when we talk about monopower, i guess we should talk about monoresponsibility, because yes, i would argue, of course, it is the only decision-making center that is concentrated in the president's office, but to legitimize these decisions, parliament is needed, no matter how obedient it is, there are still people with their own point of view sitting there, very often they need to be convinced, or well somehow incentives
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to force a vote, that's why kuberkov's dismissal was known long ago, the truth was that such a disinformation fake was spread that the ministry would be divided and he would be appointed with... to re-manage the ministry of infrastructure, but the part that deals with development and restoration will be in the hands of another minister , and another person, this did not happen, as far as i know, there are no votes for his appointment, so the office of the president does not really want to appoint him to ministers again, and what is it about that in the hands of this the minister had the money, or at least the tools to... spend multibillion-dollar tranches on recovery, there were probably hopes that the recovery would be quick, that it would be completed quickly, and that these billions would already be in the country, we see that the situation is dragging on , that perhaps this money will not be available for a long time, and in the meantime, the minister
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gained weight and, as my sources say, began to communicate very openly with nabu, with the american embassy, ​​and of course this did not... the president's office did not like it, we generally have a double such a management system state for a long time, simply all the time this is the share of formal power structures and informal power structures, it took place in different proportions, if before zelensky, formal authorities still played a role and ministers had their own political weight, then already now, under zelenskyi, we see that... the government has actually turned into a decoration, and informal methods of managing the country are flourishing and all kinds of advisers, well, now there, for example, they say about the ministry of defense of ukraine that there is an information policy is managed by advisers, not officially appointed persons, and about the other ministry,
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i think you can also say the same, but kateryna, in this story with kubrakov and in general with other appointments and resignations , it is obvious. but all the same, the political responsibility lies with the leader of the state, because he has a monomajority in the verkhovna rada, he has a government that is appointed by a monomajority, he has his own managers who manage the state, but in all these stories, let's say, where volodymyr zelenskyi bears political responsibility, president, we don't often see this direct political one. responsibility, because the same mykola solsky, who was the minister of agrarian policy, who is accused of flooding state land for 291 million uah and attempting to seize land for another 190 million uah, well, that is, there is no such sign
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of equality, or is there such a sign of equality, that what happened with solsky is a sign of zelenskyi's team or zelenskyi directly, president zelenskyi. er, like ukrainians, they understand that these are one and the same thing, and that political responsibility is for the leader who actually, well, brought all these people to power, that is, it's not some big majority there, which consists of different political groups, it's not, it's not some foreign people, because they're all their own people, anyway - after all, 5 years in power, and it is not a government of national unity, which can also be distributed there. for example, there would be this responsibility, but because such ideas also exist, but here it is such a difficult issue, because on the one hand, yes, everyone understands who is the president, who has the majority, and there are all opportunities, yes, but with on the other hand, yes the president himself, he cannot be responsible for
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everyone's actions, and he does not directly appoint, that is, where he directly appoints ministers, yes, that is one story, where it does not happen directly, in fact, i am legally and technically completely different there, then. .. what is the responsibility here, the law must work, the investigation must work, the court must work, and in this way it will happen there, so that the society sees what the officials saw, the powerful saw that something will be done against the law, there will be corruption , well, there will certainly be responsibility, too globally, the responsibility for this rests with the leader of the state, one can say for individual actions of individual officials, well, this is a debatable issue, no one can control to that extent and guarantee everyone. that a person who is cool there today, who you trust, tomorrow will not do, well, some such illegal thing, and on the other hand, the question here in general , again, i return to the attitude towards the ministers, because there is a story about how there is a personnel famine, what do we know, we have a number of ministries there without heads,
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for a long time, there is also a ministry, for example, culture, information policy, and it is very surprising that at the moment when for some reason it is impossible to find people to put in this place. it's just convenient for departments to be without a head, well, i don't know what the logic is, but at the same time saying goodbye to people who did their work for a certain time, well, it means that the next applicants. who will want, or who will be offered to occupy certain positions, then they may think for a long time, think a lot and maybe even refuse one precisely because, well obviously, for some reason, they can say goodbye very badly there, and their rating there and all their work, it will simply be reduced, not even a rating, but simply the work of people, it will simply be reduced to nothing precisely because of such and such public communication and such public well, this kind of public communication, by the way, i, my colleagues, will remind you that it was also in
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march of the 20th year, in fact, when the government of oleksiy honcharuk was dismissed, because one way or another we see that, in principle, the longest in the prime minister's chair for times of zelenskyi it is denys shmyhal who is sitting there, and that government was changed quite quickly, and they were looking for these ministers very quickly, in political circles they told that some... people who were called, they simply did not pick up the phone, because they saw what the first ministers, regarding the absence of some ministers, well, the question, including the ministry of culture, is more true to the question about the ministry of culture and information, the absence of a minister, well, the ministry is working, of course, there are acting ministers, but during the war information politics is a sufficient component such an important culture component in the war against the russian federation. but no, tkachenko was fired, this minister is gone, regarding
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the future of andrii, regarding these restorations, regarding the prospects for the restoration of ukraine, obviously we will see such stories many times, because big money requires a lot of control both from the western countries and from from the side of the donors, and from the side of our anti-corruption bodies, what do you think, in this... history, will we have a narrowing of this entourage of zelensky there to three or four already managers, because they want a control center of some kind of government or whatever it’s called there, i.e. to carry out some reforms there so that, in principle, the ministers fulfill the role of heads of departments, relatively speaking, but no more, that is, they are not too independent figures, by the way, as it were. kubrakov and , in fact, if we remember the government of hancharyuk, no matter
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how strange, sometimes outrageous it was, and all these scooters around the cabinet of ministers and pathetic speeches, which sometimes promised us some miracles, but that government was such a government of the naive romantics, they followed procedures, maybe not all procedures, but they... at least declared that they wanted turbo changes, quick reforms, set ambitious goals, and well, it was something alive, yes, well, it was possibly something from the category of a tv show, but it was alive, emotional, interesting, and the government that replaced it, the government of obedient technocrats, yes, former top managers who worked for ukrainian oligarchs, it looks quite good in the information, such an emotional... field gray, so indistinct, and
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on this indistinct background, of course, the representatives of the president's office look better, and the president himself looks better, there is no political competition, as soon as a person appears who more or less draws attention to himself, well, let's remember the hard worker, let's remember how many budanov interviews there were before and how their is not available now, let's remember... which became very popular at one time and how it is not on the air, on the air, and well, you can simply analyze the telethon, which is completely controlled despite the fact that there is no minister of information policy and culture there, but it is clear that he is guided by others offices, but simply the content analysis of the telethon will give us an understanding of who is in favor today and who is not. thank you. andriy yanitskyi and kateryna nekrecha were guests of our program and our
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journalism club today. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. let me remind you that during this broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you, friends, whether you agree that democracy is more important for ukraine than a strong leader. so, let's look at the results of the poll: 89% yes, 11: no, these are the results of a television poll. it was the program "verdict of sergei ruden". i 'll say goodbye to you until monday at 8:00 p.m., at 8:00 p.m. , yuriy lutsenko, the former prosecutor general of ukraine, will be on the air, we'll talk about everything, everything, everything, everything, about foreign and domestic politics. about zelenskyi's team, wait, and for now rest, have a good weekend, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye, goodbye, congratulations, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of combat operations, and
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we at espresso ask you to join the... collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in solodarsk and zaporizhzhya directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in any weather, day, night, and for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, tanks, bmps, battleships, a minibus is needed, which will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as... a pneumatic hydraulic jack for operational repairs, well, in particular , foreign military equipment, and this is very important, because there will be equipment, there will be something to fight on, so please join , see, there is collection number, this is such an important thing, well, in principle, the direction of such
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assistance to our soldiers at the front is also important, it also largely depends on that. to be whole, healthy and able to fight and beat the enemy, so please join. well, now let's quickly look at the battle map , what happened on the front in recent days, and then we will discuss it. map of military operations for the period may 1-8, 2024, the armed forces of the russian federation lost a victory on may 9. despite what the russians are doing assaults along the entire front line with the hope of gaining at least some victory by may 9, and the armed forces still did not receive enough ammunition, but the situation at the front was mostly stabilized. luhansk region - offensive on kupyansk. having captured kesrivka at the end of april, this week the rashists unexpectedly developed their offensive to the west and
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south. therefore, they occupied the village of kotlyarivka and advanced along the highway to kupyansk, until which they remained the same. 20 km. in addition, the zsu withdrew from a small section of the highway between krokhmalny and novoserivskyi and established themselves near berestovo. unexpectedly, near kopyansk itself, our soldiers recaptured several positions north of senkivka, which the russians have not been able to take for more than a year. meanwhile, both the russian and ukrainian military leaders are actively talking about a possible offensive from the belgorod and kursk regions to kharkiv and sumy. however, their grouping of troops in this direction has increased up to... this is clearly not enough for a full-scale offensive, and therefore we are most likely talking about raids deep into ukraine to distract our reserves. russians are banal copied the tactics implemented by the rdk a few months ago. during the yar period, he prepares for victorious assaults. until may 9, as putin commanded, the russians not only failed to take the time
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of the war and did not even prepare the battlefield for a decisive attack on the city. in particular, near their advance was very insignificant, and the armed forces even managed to recapture one position south of the village from the enemy. defense forces continue to hold positions on the edge of ivanivskyi, which makes it impossible for the russians to carry out their favorite evasive maneuver. in klishchivka and andriivka our defense is also holding strong. since nobody canceled putin's order, it is likely that the occupiers will try to attack yar head-on without preparing the flanks, which may... end in a total disaster for them. this is indicated by a series of events, in particular, small reconnaissance groups of the occupiers have already begun to cross the channel, despite the fact that the armed forces assure that they have eliminated all of them, but in some areas there are still battles for access to the outskirts of the city, but they definitely have not been able to gain a foothold here. in addition, the enemy carried out powerful aerial bombardments and destroyed the city
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through the channel that connected the main part of the temporal ravine with the kanal district. another bridge in... was blown up in ivanovsky to complicate logistics for our troops, who are receiving part of this village. pokrovsky turkish front. on the postavdiyiv front, the situation finally began to resemble a certain stabilization of the front. this mostly concerns the southern section near umansky. here the enemy advanced almost 100 m in the non-tail and a couple of hundred meters in the direction of yasnobrodivka. in addition, the russians occupied a gray area south of pervomaiskyi, it will strengthen them. pressure on the village of nevelske, in which the armed forces of ukraine have been defending for over a year and a half. after the occupation of semenivka and berdychi, the defense forces managed to completely stop the movement on that part of the front. enemy to the west. the village of sokil, in which defensive positions were previously built, became an important area of ​​defense, so the occupiers did not manage to move far from the previously captured solov'ovo. in addition,
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it was in this area that the armed forces managed to prevent the expansion of the enemy-controlled zone around the already completely occupied ochereteny. therefore, they are trying to bypass the village of sokil from the south and made their way for a kilometer in the direction of novopokrovsky. instead, north of ocheretyn. the russians, albeit slowly, are still advancing. in the western direction, they approached a kilometer from the outskirts of novooleksandrivka, and from the north, after capturing the ceramics of the zsu, they were forced to leave arkhangelsk as well, due to the fact that it was cut off from logistical routes, and the topography of the area did not allow to maintain defense here. the russians still have the choice of an offensive vector to the west on pokrovsk or to the north on toretsk and kostyantynivka. however, certain events indicate that the armed forces are in control of the situation. in particular , the 110th brigade returned to the avdiiv direction, which replenished its ammunition and immediately shot down the su-25. instead, the third
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assault brigade and the 47th brigade went on rest, and therefore they had such an opportunity. krasnohorivka five months after the complete occupation of maryanka, the rashists still cannot leave the borders of this destroyed city. their advance to the west. direction to georgiivka completely failed, as well as the offensive to the south, where their the maximum success was the capture of the village of pobeda, which had several dozen houses. therefore, the occupiers concentrated their efforts on storming the city of krasnohorivka, which is north of maryanka. they are advancing from two sides, from the east and the south, if the defense forces did not allow the enemy to enter the city from the eastern flank, then the russians managed to gain a foothold in several quarters and attack regularly in the south. the central regions of krasnohorivka, while the armed forces of ukraine regularly knock out the enemy from there and push them back to the outskirts. after after the occupation of novomykhalivka, the russians retreated
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to paraskoviivka and their westward movement stopped. in addition, their preparation for a new assault on the coal miner is obvious. currently , our soldiers repel all attacks, but the armed forces of the russian federation are preparing new reserves to capture this strategic city for the defense of donetsk region. southern front - revision of the results of the counteroffensive of the armed forces. the russians carried out a large-scale offensive in the berdyansk direction, where they stormed the fertile and staromai areas for a week. in a few days, they were able to occupy both villages several of our positions and come a kilometer closer to their surroundings. however, it cost them very dearly, at least 23 units of armored vehicles, tanks, bmps and armored personnel carriers. despite the expansion of the gray zone in the central streets of the village of robotyne and... the enemy's attempts to break through to the northern streets of the village, the defense forces continue to control most of it, including the western and eastern parts of the settlement. on this part of the front
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, the enemy's armed forces also had the task of achieving victory by may 9, having audited the results of the summer counteroffensive armed forces of ukraine, but to no avail. we defeat death to our enemies every day. well , now we have petro chernyk with us. military expert, colonel of the armed forces, congratulations, mr. peter, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and you know, let's start with what actually happened last night, it was such a combined missile attack on ukraine, er, 55 missiles, 21 attack drones , 39 missiles and 20 uavs shot down our defense forces, and the target... in particular, well, it looks like it is mostly energy targets, that is, energy, an attempt to knock out energy, and what do you think, is this psychological pressure, or
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it has some practical meaning for the russians, that is, this, you know, concentration on energy, and concentration, well, unexpectedly in the summer, not in the winter, but objectively nothing new, the enemy has been hitting our infrastructure, and will continue to do so. ask why he switched to power generating systems just now, because before that, as a rule, he drank transformer systems, there is actually a certain strategic sign here, if it did not sound strangely positive, what is it, the enemy comes to the conclusion that returning ukraine back to himself, he won't be able to, and rightly so the most striking destruction of the infrastructure is that they are trying to attack the underground gas storages in stryshna, why it is one of the largest storages in general in eastern europe , there are such gas reserves as countries like the czech republic and slovakia. and hungary together can live on them for several years, in the long run europe will definitely refuse european gas, but in general, neither the production nor
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the household sector will ever recover from it. it is like a fuel, because it is the best fuel in terms of energy release and practically does not have, or rather has very low coefficient of combustion products, and given the fact that the production of very large volumes of gas begins in the northern shelves of norway, as well as liquefied gas is delivered from america, we could be a very serious player in the market for its storage, but russia is trying to us to harm, in the part that generally concerns rockets in... there is no novelty for last night, i emphasize that they have already made no such waves and, in my opinion, will make them in the shelter until the last day of this war. ugh, mr. peter, actually about what is happening there in the sumy and kharkiv regions, well, the enemy continues to accumulate his forces in the border zone, now according to the latest available data, as in the belgorod region, it is about 30. 3-35
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russians have accumulated, in kursk region 13-14, well, there the total number is calculated as about 50 thousand soldiers, well, as if this is not enough for an attack on kharkiv or there on sumy or somewhere there, as they constantly try to scare, but after all, it is them will allow some actions to be taken as you can you predict what it might be? that is, what can we expect? it is possible to enter-exit operations, what is entry-exit? they have really encroached on our territory for several kilometers, we will be forced to engage in battles with them, and therefore divert some forces and means that could be useful directly along the battle line, in order to conditionally storm kharkiv, we need at least 100 sya, kres at least, less it can't be, why is it 40 km, which must be covered with battles,
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everything is at the border itself. mined, fortified, they are a small widow 10 years passed, this is five, it is no more than 8 km in diameter, they really took bakhmut, but bakhmut did not advance further, the strategic heights, as they belonged to us, still belong to us, have certain tactical successes in advancing several hundred meters, no speaking of a few kilometers, how can you go 40 km with such forces at 3500, well, in my opinion, this is nonsense, at the same time, you can expect anything from crazy people, and they can strike, let's recall the series in chornobayivka, where on were located in one place more than 20 times forces and means, we destroyed them, and they redeployed them, and so on ad infinitum, until the brilliant kherson operation was launched, i do not neglect the enemy in any way, they can really surrender to anything, but claim that everything is sums and kharkiv will end up being attacked, which is also incorrect, because
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it is necessary to at least give a hundred thousand corps in one direction, not along the entire border line, these are the three regions of kyiv, sumy and kharkiv, in one direction, and if all three directions, then it is necessary plus 300 more 00, where should they get them now? well, why do they really have them, you tell them where to get them, and whether they can bring them there somewhere from the depths of russia, it’s interesting, well, once again, all the units are full-time, which are actually involved, they announced about the creation of 14 new mechanized divisions, 16 new mechanized brigades and two combined armies, how much is it in numerical potential, just somewhere up to 3000, but there are several nuances, the first nuance is the so -called replacement, in april we destroyed 26 thousand of them , and these indicators are 26 -3000 it's just the states, since last fall, that's how we exterminate them, they have to be replaced, these are also people who have to be drafted, if they
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could so quickly... create these units, then they wouldn't be shooting from the far east a full-fledged brigade of marines and would not send it to ukraine, realizing that they will never be able to return it back, or in a strategic sense do they still have a margin of safety in terms of human resources , they have up to 3 million people on their mobilization resource kalashnikov assault rifles the previous empire produced more than 100 million, of course there are no 100 million warehouses, but atomata kolachno... are still being produced, this production does not stop, there are still thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of tons of cartridges in warehouses, and cartridge and projectile factories are fully loaded strength, that is, infantry ramparts are quite likely, and they will form them, but i do not share the point of view that the strongest and heaviest blows should take place in ...


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