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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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together we will try to find oleksiy, stela and bohdan. and at the very end, i once again ask you to take just a few minutes of your time and go to the website of the children's search service. here in the missing children of ukraine section you can see boys and girls who are currently wanted. look closely at their faces. i will be very grateful if you share the information about the missing children on... on facebook or instagram, because of course, the more people who see the ad about the wanted child, the more chances there will be to find him, and suddenly you find one of them recognized, immediately call our hotline 1630, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in
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any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. of course, i want to reach the kremlin, like all soldiers. calling vitamin. i serve in the 47th brigade of magura, in general, it started from the maidan, otherwise it is impossible, historically important events are taking place, how can i in they could not take part, it is strange, it all gradually increased, increased, that is, first the maidan, then everything went... it went like a crescendo, that is
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, everything increased, the tension increased, who took what job, i did that, and as much as i wanted, there were no responsibilities, so i took it upon myself. because i understood this at least a little, at first i lived in a tent, then i moved to the kmba, because there was a shower there, a separate chota sokil, then the battles were maidan, it was interesting, it was dangerous, at that time i did not want to kill, that is, i had an upbringing and... i wanted
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exclusively to do some essentially humanitarian things in the army, this changed a little on the maidan, i understood one of my peculiarities in some critical situation when someone had a super some have hysterics , some have other reactions, i'm very calm , i'll have some rest later. but directly at a critical moment, i am calm, i am not afraid of explosions, i can be useful. why vaidar, because at that time it was the only one welfare at the ministry of defense, that is , i did not want to go to the ministry of internal affairs. well, it seems to me that after the maidan it is very logical. aidar is, well... aidar of the 14th model, this is a typical
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cossack army, there was no army, this is what still triggers me a lot, because what i call army is what that we have something in common with the russian army, it confuses me a lot, well, in aydar, i was 22, 23, 24 years old at the time, and these were precisely the years that i lived without my parents, the first. er, here, accordingly, it was formed there, formed worldview, certain life attitudes were breaking down, i understand that it is necessary to kill the enemy, but on the other hand, this is murder, how so, well , i had an argument, but today, i believe that it is even, well, like preventive medicine . in fact, in the 15th year i
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physically returned to the civilian life of the sea. but this path was much more difficult and longer, i am very sensitive to smells, like my mother, and for some time i worked with perfumes, i liked it very much, i can distinguish these notes and so on, i would really like to discover perfume shop, i was waiting for money from the sale of land, the business plan is ready, only i was waiting for money and we are starting. the money was supposed to come on february 25, of course, it came much later, and it did not go to the plans i wanted, it went to the ammunition there and other important things, in principle, veterans are the
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people they called, here you are sick, you are waiting there, you want war, but we are the first who did not want war, but we knew that it would happen, well... then i was waiting for a full-scale one, i was in lutsk in my apartment, that is, it started rocket attacks, i breathed my last breath, went to bed, well, they didn’t let me sleep much, because there were still certain things to do there, i was helping two brothers who were in melitopol to leave, that is, on the phone, after that i went to bed and i didn’t feel so well slept for several years, then, when there was an opportunity, i left for kyiv. i waited until there was training for drones, received a certificate and a good special forces day, then the woman was mobilized in the first brigade of special forces, was a shooter, participated in combat missions in the east of ukraine. i'm after
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return to civilian life, many years of psychotherapy, i sculpted myself already without the influence of the war, that is, to become... gentle, more feminine, a person who loves this world, well, in donetsk, under danger, i just sat down, said , goodbye, the hands of psychotherapy, we're coming back, i'm comfortable, if that's the bitch that 's being talked about on all the tv channels, on all the media, here i am, what's the point? intensity, well , such intensity as we had there, it was just the day before debaltsev, when the truce was announced, until the moment at the beginning of the minsk-2 operations, i heard
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statistics that at that time we had around 1,500 shells per day at our positions. it happened to me that i was lying in the house, somewhere not far away, something heavy fell, that is , i was sleeping, and i woke up from the fact that my bed jumped together with the house and with me, which struck me, this is a phrase that, which was born in my head, but voiced by my comrade, the commander, something is not fun this time, in may 2022, she was wounded after treatment and rehabilitation. returned to the war again, at first she was on sumy region, later transferred to the 47th separate mechanized brigade. this is not the 14th year, in fact, it is not a classic intelligence job, because basically we are doing everything
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possible. well, that is why i feel comfortable now, because it is similar to aidar in that no matter what unit you were in, you are essentially a universal soldier. you must comply. what they tell you, it doesn't matter what position you hold, it doesn't matter what unit you're in, we lived in the boarding house during the summer, it's like in the song that the pespatron keeps district, the boys and i are holding a landing, then it became very cold and it was uncomfortable, because the landing was at... at a height, it was, this is the zaporizhzhia region, ugh, and there is water nearby, very, very, very, very many mice, mice gnawed everything, mice gnawed even bandages, blood-stopping, er, well, i was surprised when the bandage was somewhere
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on, well, almost half-gnawed, how it affected me, i have a lot of diseases, both physical and mental, er, i i hate our neighbors as much as possible, and this is not the kind of anger that is emotional, no, it is... disgust, they did not carry responsibility neither for actions in the last century, nor in this one, nor in the previous one, that is, well, this is not the first time that it happened there in the 30s, the 20s, this, it was not the first time that the neighbors committed genocide on our territory, for me victory is the disappearance of the russian federation as a state and the isolation of what remains of it. ugh, they should be held accountable for their actions, for their
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inaction, these are biological individuals who need to be isolated, i don't know how civilian life will come for me, well, we don't rule out the moment that i will be at all to lie at the level of... 2 m, or it will be some kind of mutilation, or it will be a direct experience of victory. recently, the vitamin girl was injured, now in donetsk region, she is currently being treated in a hospital in dnipro. there are discounts represented by coco discounts may
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nadolgit cream 150 g 20% ​​in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl, we are wintering, we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. many important topics, today we will discuss with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now about we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world is living, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news , time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for information about culture news, presenters, what to many... natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio,
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andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. moscow spared no expense to promote its culture. and the russian... culture was imposed on us as the culture of a superior nation, the name of tchaikovsky in the name of the kyiv conservatory ominously hangs over the symbolic cemetery on maidani mocks the memory of the dead and warns the living. we will be back. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from
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abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on air of the television channel, studio zahid program, we will traditionally analyze the most important events of this week. our guests today are glen grant and mark fagin. our first guest is retired british army colonel and military expert glen grant. glory to ukraine, dear mr. colonel. well, first of all , i would like us to analyze the great russian. may-june, this is how many analysts talked about it, and we are, of course
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, complex bloody battles, we are talking not only about the donetsk region, but in general about the front line, if we analyze the preparation the enemy of large-scale actions, which they will be, in your opinion and in the opinion of military experts of various western countries. in fact, it is quite difficult to judge now and i will try to explain why. first, the last two or three months. the situation on the ukrainian front was not the best. there were failures in many places, but if you look at the map on a large scale, the number of lost territories in... compared to the size of ukraine is actually quite small, but of course nobody likes to lose villages. so, the russians managed to advance, but in the south ukrainian troops on the eastern bank seem to be holding up pretty well. despite the loss, they manage to hold their ground, and it's impressive. there are even rumors that there are
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many russian deserters in the south. on the other hand. the russian side is not as strong as we imagine. at the moment, the biggest concern is the talk that russia may launch an attack and dynamically develop it. my contacts say that russia is indeed massing troops for a potential attack somewhere probably east or south of bakhmut. however, one should wait and make sure whether the russians have enough strength for such an offensive, they consider. the significant number of casualties and the loss of weapons and equipment they suffered. there is also talk of a possible attack from the north, particularly towards kharkiv or sumy, but again, i have not seen any us or uk intelligence to indicate significant troop movements in the area. it seems
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that these rumors originate mainly from the ukrainian general staff, and not from the international community. probably has access to satellite intelligence. now the key question is how much aid will come to ukraine over the next few months and where it will be used. analysts cannot predict this, as the government and general staff do not reveal their strategic plans for where and how they intend to pressure russia. however, they must operate in the central part because... it is unacceptable, both politically and militarily, to continue to retreat. it is necessary to put pressure on russia, whether through a counteroffensive or in some other way. perhaps it should be allocated more attention to the south, in particular to the kherson region. as for zaporizhzhia, it is now a special region with a strong defense and a rather
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static situation. it is not clear whether russia will try to... do something there, we know that russia will continue to press, it is not known what and it is not known where. we also do not know where ukraine will direct the aid it will receive from the united states and europe. so there's a lot to predict, but we're likely to see some dynamic developments over the next few months as both sides make pressure on each other. maybe in... exact or other places. hopefully, over the next three to four weeks, we'll start to get more information and understanding of what's really going on. well, we understand that the classic russian scheme is an offensive until the end of the offensive momentum, that is, in simple words, when the personnel
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ends, yes, we understand that the russians have now prepared a certain number of reservists, trained them, and so ... the key story, or in your opinion, mr. colonel, they will be ready to open additional frontline hotlines, yes, those lines that could, well, until a certain time, they were as if asleep, in particular, for example, will this apply to kharkiv and the kharkiv region, yes, in addition to the kupinsky direction, they can apply other areas front, there is also the question of the sumy region, it is midnight, and of course the zaporozhye direction you have already mentioned, but it is key... the story, if we operate with the number of russian interveners, prepared and already present on the front line, as it is, will they have enough strength . well, at the same time, we are also aware that so that most likely russia is not just entering the may-june offensive campaign. rather, we are entering a new phase of the war. good question. we know they've been
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mobilizing, and you mentioned training, but if they haven't had time to train... people properly, and in principle, we haven't seen any evidence of quality training from the russian side in the last period, then has it been should they conduct vocational training now? i mean that the crews of tanks and armored personnel carriers are obviously not oriented in to his business this can be seen in the videos where the soldiers do not act in a coordinated manner. so, the russian tactic at the moment is to use its artillery. and guided air bombs to destroy the front as much as possible, to make it impossible for ukrainian soldiers to stay in the trenches, and therefore to attack with as much cannon fodder as possible, i don't think that... that anything from this will change , what can change is the ability of the ukrainian side to use artillery and counter-battery fire to destroy
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the enemy's artillery potential, but where are they going to attack? i have no idea, maybe they don't even know yet, but you can be sure that if they have enough strength, they will continue to attack where they think the weakest position is, that's...politics, they push through, probe, and then secure success. it is difficult to say now, because we analysts do not have enough information, in particular, regarding how many soldiers ukraine has in different directions, there are definitely weak points. we know this because soldiers are reporting it on facebook and elsewhere. but i don't know if the russians understand where these weak points are. we will only know at that time. when they will attack and where they will direct their energy, until then, i don't think we should make empty predictions. is there already an understanding, for example, that the enemy has
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artillery barrels and artillery systems, it is possible, there is also an understanding that the enemy has heavy armored vehicles, so we understand that the offensive impulse is not only about manpower, but also about equipment, that's how we understand how much our fighters destroyed hostile that's a very good question, my answer is that if you take into account the current way of fighting, yes, they lack armored vehicles, they don't use their vehicles in the way we normally imagine in the west, they operate in ones and twos that indicates their deficiency. they are currently producing more, but it remains an open question whether they will continue to diversify. they will be concentrated along the entire front line or vice versa for concentrated armored attacks. however, such attacks require properly trained personnel,
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which they clearly lack, and it's not just a lack of armored vehicles, as there is probably still plenty of them, but a shortage of trained crews to operate them. the loss of experienced tank crews, in particular. due to injuries led to a reduction in their number. is russia making a significant effort to covertly train personnel, perhaps, as there is no satellite evidence to indicate such an effort. formerly american intelligence effectively monitored activities in russia, but since 2021 no such reports have been received. this suggests that they may be preserving their armor until they can. can gather enough personnel to make a breakthrough. in the coming months, they will likely deploy all
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the assets at their disposal on the front lines. however, the mobilization of a large number of vehicles is associated with certain difficulties, as there is a high risk that ukrainian intelligence can detect and neutralize such a concentrated deployment. thus, their advancement is not an easy task. the key story is the goals of the war, so in order to plan and deploy certain military capabilities, matthew bryza, former director of european and eurasian affairs at the united states national security council, said to me a couple of days ago that the russians will advance during this year, next year on the 25th, we can expect a counteroffensive from the armed forces of ukraine. later, this information was literally confirmed by the president's advisor in a couple of days. josefana of national security jake sullivan. and the russians have already voiced their threats in case of supplying ukraine with f-16s. they somehow
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compared it even to the prospect of using or using nuclear weapons, that is, it is a much more serious story for them, and they are afraid of it. what difference does it make, which, whose plan, the priority was and remains the ukrainian plan. it is not about london-berlin. or anyone else, we are talking about ukraine. i don't see anyone going to use nukes because of the f-16. russia did not use nuclear weapons, when tanks appeared and did not use it when atakams, hymars or something else appeared. therefore, i do not see that this will change anything, nor do i think that f-16s in ukrainian skies will bring victory. they are definitely important, but not as much as everyone expects. and yet we have to be... be very careful when we talk about counter-offensives, to have an effective counter-offensive you have to have an excess of resources. this means that you must have more resources than your opponent. and that
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you should have trained people, and we still don't did not go so far as to say that the ukrainian fighters had passed the proper counterattack training. so, in order to have enough people for a counteroffensive in 2025, we must mobilize and recruit them now. but at the moment, almost all the mobilized go directly to the front, because the front line is thin. therefore, if we want to carry out a counterattack, it must be a very different one. the state of affairs from the one we have now. 2025 is still a long way off, we have to survive 2024 first , but i don't see a nuclear threat. there is no such coordinated contingency plan use of nuclear weapons. it is obvious that there are action plans in the event of a russian attack on a nato country. these plans are being implemented, and now, for example, in the baltic countries and finland.
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undergoing intensive training to be ready in case russia continues to advance. i do not take putin's threats lightly, especially considering that they are preparing to conduct exercises of non-strategic tactical nuclear weapons, which will be overseen by the so -called southern russian military district. the southern military district is actively involved in aggression against ukraine. we hear a lot of different optimistic scenarios about how i don't know for... mausoleum in response. mr. colonel, you have the floor. as i said, i don't think putin will use nuclear weapons, because i think that would be unwise. he has no trained troops to deal with the consequences, so this would create as much, if not more, problems for him than for the ukrainian side. the first thing that will happen in response is a massive air force counterattack on the russian front line. after all
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it makes no sense to wedge the west in this case, it has a lot of ground and air opportunities to react, so such things are practiced, and they know what to do. in this regard, i believe that we pay too much attention to putin's rhetoric. since our last conversation , several important events have taken place. macron said he would be ready to deploy ground troops under certain circumstances. it is not clear what the circumstances are, but at least he made such a commitment. in addition, poland will probably agree to similar actions. great britain has stated that it will be with ukraine as long as necessary, offering contractual obligations, financial assistance and support. the president of lithuania announced plans to deploy military personnel to ukraine for training support. these are significant positive steps on
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the western front. i think we should spend more time on the coherence of the west's response and less time on what putin says. because putin often talks nonsense when pressured. now he is clearly under pressure, despite its mobilization and increase in the number of personnel. he's clearly worried about the situation and i'm sure we'll see more internal signs in the coming months. how seriously and to the end will the president of france, the british king, i don't know, president biden or possibly his successor, be ready to go to the end together with ukraine. this brings us back to what i mentioned earlier. the situation boils down to two potential factors. the first, if there is a significant breakthrough in russia, then in all european capitals they will face heavy
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questions however , there is still no fixed solution on this matter, and this is obvious because some countries, such as italy, show weakness in this matter, because they do not feel a direct threat. so, the first factor is if there will be a major russian breakthrough, the second factor is whether there will be a russian attack on nato. now in zmi, the intelligence services of many european countries assume that russia is planning powerful hybrid attacks. in a european capital, not a trip to europe, and that may be a separate issue, since article five has always been about response to a ground invasion, however, putin appears to be focusing more on other tactics, such as missiles, disruption of communications, intense cyber warfare, and anything that could undermine the ability of european countries to support ukraine. it's not yet...


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