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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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a situation in which, in addition to china and north korea, other players in southeast asia will have nuclear weapons. japan, it can very easily get nuclear weapons, they have their own nuclear materials, laboratory tests , not to mention technology. taiwan may have nuclear weapons, why not? it may appear in north korea, but not in taiwan . could nuclear weapons appear in south korea? why is it for beijing? how will this help in his plans to integrate taiwan into... mainland china will hurt very much, therefore, in beijing, this issue causes a terrible pain in relation to moscow. most likely, these two issues will be discussed. the first is to stop the nuclear rhetoric. moscow must be a responsible partner. a member of the un security council with the right of veto cannot behave in this way, because he is the guarantor of international security, the non- use of nuclear weapons, and non-violation of conventions that oblige, for example, not to conduct nuclear tests. not
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to transfer weapons to third countries, the convention on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which, however, is happening in relation to belarus, etc. and the second issue is the timing of the end of the war. we will decide on a deadline, how long you still want to fight. if you cannot conquer ukraine and advance beyond 20% of the occupied territories, increase them to 30, 40, 50, 100%. then it is necessary to end the war and accept conditions on which the west is ready to somehow influence. to kyiv and come to some kind of peace plan acceptable to all sides, not just moscow. if beijing's scales tip to the west, then moscow may have virtually no significant allies left on this issue, and then something may shift. thank you very much, mark, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, i want to remind our viewers that mark fegen, a figure of the russian opposition in emigration, a former member of the state duma, and a well-known video blogger, was currently working on espress. thank you mark, thank you
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anton, thank you to all viewers. the time of our program has run out, stay with the spresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. 15-year-old dmytro. batikov, 12-year-old georgy chupir and 17-year-old vasyl lebedenko. all these boys disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, and no one knows where they are now. so i really hope for your help. of course, first of all i am addressing the residents of the temporarily occupied left bank of the kherson region. i know that not everyone has the opportunity to watch ukrainian tv channels, but i hope that... maybe you
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are watching this program on social networks, so please look carefully at the faces of the children. dmytro batikov turned one in early april 15 years old, he looks his age, has dark blond hair and cariochi. the boy lived in the city of bare pier, and information about the child's disappearance came even on the first day of the full-scale war. georgy chupir looks about 12 years old, he is of medium build. has light blond hair and gray-green eyes. the boy also disappeared on the first day of the full-scale invasion of the village of abrikosivka. and this is vasyl lebedenko. he is 17 years old. the guy is thin, has dark blond hair and brown eyes. looks maybe a little older than his age. vasyl was last seen too in february 2022 in the city of gola prystan. this is the skadovsky district of the kherson region, which has remained occupied since the first days of the full-scale war. if suddenly someone has information
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about the possible whereabouts of dmitry, george or vasyl, or maybe just saw these guys somewhere, please let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important. you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly you are on a temporary basis. occupied territory and do not have the opportunity to call, write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war , we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and everything is fine with them now, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown and
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anyone can help find them, believe me, it only takes a minute of your time can be crucial. go to the magnolia children's tracing service website in the missing section. poor children of ukraine. here you can see all the photos of the missing. perhaps it is you who will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. at the same time , children are also disappearing in territories controlled by ukraine. as the experience of the magnolia children's search service shows. the vast majority of them are teenagers. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is importance. take an interest in the interests of the child, take an interest in the interests of your child, invite his friends to visit, even if it is very noisy, even if the house is a terrible mess afterwards, it is still useful, it is still good, why? because firstly, the child will be in front of you, he will be
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next to you, secondly, you will know what he is interested in, who he communicates with, who to turn to in case of what, thirdly, you will be able to simply share interest and get pleasure, because sometimes... what, what your children are interested, it can be genuinely interesting for you too. and lastly, even if it is not your child who needs help, but one of his friends, maybe because you will be the only adult who can provide this help, and maybe you will save someone from fatal decisions. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcam ua. there are
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discounts representing coco discounts in may on estazifin 15% in pharmacies podorozhnyk, ban. have you never seen the classics in underwear, or what? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? tractor in the field dir-dir, then why are we for peace? exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations, friends, the political club on the espresso tv channel is on the air, the most relevant topics of the week: war: russia against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on
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moscow and other russian cities. analysis of processes, that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guest. of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second trump presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think, politklub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours. of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to be informed economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. marx , engels and lenin - stalin's trinity, which hung on a pole, but in 1937 stalin canonized the fourth, who we still cannot get rid of, who is he and why is he pulling us back to moscow. this is the struggle of urban culture, high, civilized, at a high level, at the level of the ability to develop, and
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rural shabby, which simply brings with it the destruction and humiliation of civilization. moscow spared no expense for promotion their culture. but today the chinese already pay for tchaikovsky's music. the kyiv conservatory knows how it is done. many say that tchaikovsky was ukrainian. because he is of cossack descent, and the french also have the same right to say that tchaikovsky is a french composer, not a russian one, but the french do not say that. pushkin and shevchenko, how two poets fought with each other in kharkiv and why their conflict ended with the mysterious murder of a ukrainian millionaire. pushkin was never popular among the people. the most popular poet of russia, as of the 37th, 1937 was. has russian culture won in ukraine? what do ukrainians themselves think about it? no one disputes
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that bolgakov is a talented writer, just as it seems to me that there is no need to debate whether tchaikovsky was talented. fresh graves are always made of sand, they are not yet... you can cover them with granite, they are still bleeding, there are already several tens of thousands of them, there is always a big flag above them, there is no dancing or singing on the maidan in kyiv for a long time, here is a spontaneous memorial, small flags with every ukrainian cemetery. name tchaikovsky. in the name of the kyiv conservatory ominously looms over the symbolic cemetery
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on the maidan and over actual fresh graves throughout ukraine. he mocks the memory of the dead and warns the living. we will be back. its graduate ilya rozumeyku is heading to the kyiv conservatory. he is as much a composer as tchaikovsky, after whom the educational institution is named. this is the second time ilya has come out with a picket to have his alma mater renamed. he meets his teacher, who thinks completely differently. i do not know all the circumstances, why so? you have to to know all the circumstances so that, well, we know the circumstances. russia is killing ukrainians. this is horrifying and uses culture too, well, i think if tchaikovsky was alive, maybe he would be on our side, so he died and viktor tsoi died, but we are alive, we have to. well, yes, yes, this is a russian composer, but i
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’m saying, at the moment it’s unprincipled, i had acquaintances from russia, from other countries who support russia too, i began to think more about how they think, how i think, together with with a pedestal should be transferred to the so-called chocolate house, which one of the museums of the city of kyiv is located in the oridomo quarter, because he volunteered to take it for collection'. bones, russian culture was imposed on us as the culture of a superior nation, in order to
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understand that ukrainians are a second- class nation that does not have such cultural achievements, and therefore ukrainians must russify in order to be part of a single russian cultural space or the spread of the russian world. russian culture has become a tool, we have this tool from our former colonizers, who now want to destroy us, just pick up on october 10, 2022 , the first massive missile attack on ukraine's energy facilities took place, more than 100 missiles were launched at the same time, and kyiv was the main target. the russian measure aimed at the energy infrastructure, but bombed the cultural one. then the red building of the university was damaged. the khanenko museum, which is in the depths of the park, and the shevchenko museum. on the morning of october 11, the people of kyiv began
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to clean their city, they threw out the dustbin and the monument to pushkin, but why? this monument stood near the university of transport, at the beginning of mazepa street, which pushkin mercilessly. laughed in his poem poltava, by the way, now instead of pushkin there is already a small shevchenko. pushkin is not just some average poet, but... he is a propagandist, that is, he absolutely despised and opposed any ukrainian independence, oleg slabospytskyi knows in detail how pushkin fell, but he does not admit whether he helped him slip, and in general, no one admits this publicly, immediately after the act of civil decolonization , criminal
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proceedings were initiated against the activists. yes, yes, even after a hundred flying cannons in the kyiv sky, in pushkin in kyiv, which... remained lawyers, and it seems, very influential. one version of the subpoena statement, that is, the statement itself to the police, came precisely from the rector of this university. then the case was closed. due to public publicity and outrage at the actions of the police, the boys avoided trial. they wanted to vandalize them, because the bronze bust they demolished is the first cannon monument in kyiv. it was staged in 1899 for the century of the poet, which was celebrated throughout the empire at the highest command, and it was from this time that pushkin state genius, imperial preacher, in a word, their everything, or i said one good russian dmitriy bykov, the christ of russian
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culture, that in russian in soviet culture i figure christological, which is equal in scale to christ. and you want to know how stalin introduced pushkin into the soviet iconostasis and made him lenin in culture. see further. we are not debating whether pushkin is a great poet. obviously so. but this has no meaning for us, because pushkin is the antithesis of shevchenko. and if shevchenko, the ukrainian people, placed under the icons raise trespassers, pushkin was forced into our space. these are the big boards with his face that the occupiers hung up after the capture of kherson, but there are still ukrainians who say, well, pushkin is not guilty, but he taught to kill or torture, that's not true. pushkin is not just an emperor, he is a singer of genocides. pushkin about the polish
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uprising, after all, the poles must be strangled, and our... freedom is painful, pushkin about the conquest of the caucasus and kotlyarevsky's hero, who destroyed the tribes as if with the black plague of the caucasus. glory to ukraine, glory to ukraine! glory to heroes! and glory to you, blue mountains, covered with ice. ivannu rysari the great. unforgettable by god. fight fight, god help you, truth is for you, strength is for you, and the will is holy, taras hryhorovych shevchenko, and how about chinese money just on the maidan of independence, we are growing a russian measure, what do the chinese and luskunchyk have in common? i passionately love the russian
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people, the russian language, and the russian mindset. pyotr tchaikovsky speaks of russian beauty, russian customs, where he says: i am a russian person, i have a russian soul, that is, just him, this is not a case of such a an apolitical artist who does not know where he lives, no, he is russian, we have a music academy on the maidan, it is still named after tchaikovsky, a russian composer, and inside there is such a russian peace, morally and tchaikovsky of ukraine, no, this is not true, he is a native of dmurtia. it's just that besides that, there are quite a lot of aggressive
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grandmothers like that, telling students that they should study russian music, because otherwise they will be uneducated. ukrainian cattle and so on. we are all militarists and the imperials at the beginning of the special operation in ukraine , exhibitions of russian museums were everywhere. this was our special operation, if you will, a great cultural offensive. mykhail piotrovsky, director of the hermitage. the russians, despite the fact that these ukrainians speak russian and listen to russian music, want to destroy them just as much as they want to destroy those who speak ukrainian. and this war is a show. kharkiv is now showing everything. two months before the great invasion , the national opera of ukraine had 50% of the russian repertoire, this is not the case in no european theater, no, does not have such an effort of russian music, so
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you cannot quickly carry out this de-russification, it also requires efforts that are very difficult to give, for example, to the team of the tchaikovsky academy. 100 years ago, the same dramatic war of symbols took place in kharkiv, first the ukrainians won, and then they killed our millionaire. i... it was and what did pushkin do next? naming museum conservatories, busts and monuments, names of streets and cities, all this is like a new year's garland that reproduces the silhouette of a christmas tree, even if it is in the dark, but here are bright toys that decorate it, fill it with meaning, these are exhibitions and movies, these are cartoons and songs, at the very top, like a star pushkin, it was his empire that chose itself as an apostle of culture to
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convert conquered peoples to its faith. in 1899, a monument to pushkin appeared not only in kyiv, but also in kharkiv. but there was a problem. first it had to be demolished. shevchenko, it was the first bust in ukraine and the world, it was placed in his yard by a philanthropist, philanthropist and visionary, oleksiy alchevskyi, a millionaire in his yard, because not allowed anywhere else. the imperials did not give him such a trick. alchevskyi was brought to bankruptcy, taking advantage of the gross circumstances of the financial crisis, and this special operation was personally managed by the minister of finance vyta. under the control of tsar nicholas ii. in the end, the millionaire seems to have committed suicide, but historians are convinced that alchevsky
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was killed. after that, the monument was demolished and pushkin was put in its place. only he did not last very long. mykola miknovsky blew it up. the kyiv monument survived the kharkiv monument by almost 100 years. but for he somewhat overshadowed the communists, because they built. of his pushkin, pathetic, big, in the park opposite the polytechnic, the small bust we had in kyiv is different from that pushkin, the monument to whom was in the park, because it is pushkin, if you like, from 1937, with the image of which we you know, this is not pushkin of the times of the russian empire, this is stalin's pushkin, if in 1899 romanov. celebrated the centenary of pushkin's birth, then in 1937, with the same state scale, stalin celebrated the centenary of his
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death, one can even say that he re-canonized, at the same time terrible repressions are taking place, people are dying in the casemates of the npvd and at the same time monuments to pushkin are being erected, the myth of pushkin actually... stands on our feet, on the feet of our ancestors, who in the 37th year, for example, my great-grandfather died in the 37th year, under the fanfare of this pushkinism, and when you ask me today whether pushkinists are equal to putinists, i will answer that yes, almost 70 years later, the poet, dissident and opponent of the communists brotsky the third canonized pushkin, it turns out that this the imperial poet fits in very well with the liberal. russia, which we now call good russia. hetmans, vertuhais, only
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when it comes to your death, bugai, you will wheeze, scratching the edge of the mattress, lines from alexander, not a liar. someone will say that pushkin is already gray antiquity and nothing threatens ukraine, but this is not true, because pushkin is a base. it is such a black imperial tank top that smells very unpleasantly, on which, depending on the fashion, you can wear any jacket, well, here bulgakov, here vysotsky, here it is the time of paval's forest, here kirkorov. but why after? declaration of independence, ukraine never dared to get rid of pushkin, to throw him out of its public space, from its school programs, from its tv channels. you know, when pushkin was demolished in... in ternopil already after the invasion, on the inter tv channel there was a story based on pushkin's advertisement, which was released just a few days before the invasion. 15 minutes before
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his death, he dozed off, it seemed to him that he was going to heaven on books. alexander pushkin's heart stopped at 2:45 p.m. the hands of all the clocks in the museum's exposition stopped exactly at this time i've been trying to fight the imperial consciousness bearers all the time. these were different tv channels, it was a group of medvedchuk channels, it was the firtash inter channel, all of them promoted russian holidays, the russian language, and russian to the whole country. and in fact, they were instruments of russification, russian specialists who worked on these channels came here, this happened even after the maidan. therefore, of course, i was engaged in a thankless job, because many politicians believe that it is not necessary to quarrel with them, it is better to come to them sometimes, you can switch to russian and say something. it was obvious to me that leaving this situation as it is is dangerous for our future. so i struggled with it. legislation, both in 1996 and today, continues to prohibit
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the creation of teleradiization by foreigners. legal entities, and we know that it is a foreign legal entity that is the founder of the inter channel, once it was in rt, today it is the first channel. in 2015, the head of the parliamentary committee on culture, mykola knyazhytskyi, demanded a general the prosecutor to disclose the financing of inter, to explain to society what share ort and the pushkin bicentennial fund have there, and demanded from the parliament to create an investigative commission and to cancel the illegally issued licenses in general, in order to then transfer the channel "to the public broadcaster , there is a question about extending the license to one of the tv channels, the owners of which all hidden behind offshore companies are opaque and according to our information are directly controlled by the leadership of the russian federation , which is currently at war with us ort, which previously held 29% of the shares, disappeared. well,
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why only pushkin? is mentioned, remember about a later time, when a monument to anna akhmatova appeared in mariinsky park in kyiv, this is a new monument, it was also built with donations from people who worked on the inter tv channel, i don’t have any, if you want, the cultural position for anna akhmatova, she was a great russian poet, just as pushkin is a great russian poet, the famous carved profile, the humped nose, the straight bangs, the royal posture, this is anna akhmatova i will return... to the city of her childhood, akhmatova was destined to live in a tragic time, two world wars, revolutions, repressions, she could have left the country, but she stayed and survived all the trials that befell her homeland and people. the bottom line is that anna akhmatova's work has nothing to do with the ukrainian context, she was simply born in kyiv, in an imperial place with which she had nothing to do, we can also understand russian culture as.
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certain cement which, all elements of the system the russian empire is scrapped, scrapped, we see examples of what the russians are doing in the east and south of ukraine, we see precisely the direct consequences, characteristically speaking, of this culture, the culture of destruction. mariupol became the same symbol of russian savagery as bucha, a 500-kilogram bomb was dropped on the drama theater, and even a large inscription in the language of pushkin, children, did not stop the dekuns. on march 16, 2022, according to the prosecutor's office, six hundred people died there.
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and this is already september 10, 22, only six months have passed, and now the russians are right next to the graves, next to the same drama theater they are playing their great composer, pyotr tchaikovsky, good afternoon, you work at tchaikovsky, yes silence, yes, русский человек меличный, he does not solve anything, he walks... both the kyiv city council and the ministry of culture have already recommended conservatory to change name. the institute of national memory directly called tchaikovsky part of imperial propaganda. activists picketed the institution more than once, and there they finally gave in, gathered a learned council and kept tchaikovsky. and


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