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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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we are starting an information day on the tv channel. khrystyna parobiy works in the studio for espresso on the air of the news. the offensive of the occupiers in the kharkiv region, heavy fighting for the border villages continues in the north of the region, president volodymyr zelenskyi said in his evening address. yesterday, the occupiers launched an attack on the strategically important village of hlyboke. the unit was informed by sharp cartouches from a separate detachment of the national guard. the military added that the defense forces were forced to leave some positions. the russians
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suffer heavy losses, but still attack our defenders are also succeeding in places. our defense operations continue in kharkiv oblast in the area of ​​villages. strelecha, krasnee, morukhovets, oliinikova, lukyantsi. magatyshche, pletenivka are border villages. our troops have been conducting counterattacks there for the second day, defending. ukrainian territory. up to 400 residents still remain in vovchansk in the kharkiv region, reports the public. the russians are trying to capture the city and have intensified their attacks on it. according to the head of the city police department maksym stetsyna. mostly local they refuse to leave because they don't want to leave their livestock. however, when the military administration offers to evacuate with the animals, not everyone agrees. according to children. the guard was taken out of the city
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last year. a woman was injured in the dnipropetrovsk region, the head of the region, serhii lysak, said. during the day, the russians attacked the area with nine drones and shelled three times with artillery. nikopol, myrivska, marganetska and pokrovsk communities came under fire. seven private houses, several farm buildings and greenhouses, a car garage and power lines. infrastructural object is also renovated. in russia, an oil refinery caught fire again. at night, drones attacked a refinery in the volgograd region. the information was confirmed by the local governor. however, the occupiers claim that they allegedly repelled the attack with the means of reb. however, falling debris and detonation caused ignition. it was traditionally reported that there were no consequences. two people
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were injured due to a grenade explosion in breweries in the kyiv region, a law enforcement officer was among the injured, the regional police reported, the explosion went off in the city center yesterday around 9 pm, the police patrol received a call about the hooliganism of an unknown man, when they arrived at the scene, the offender ran away, and when he saw that he was being chased by a law enforcement officer, threw a grenade at him, both were injured. and we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers, day and night. so for emergency recovery and the return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, requires a minibus that will deliver to the zone. of combat
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operations, mobile repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. with your help, we have already collected uah 13,000. so don't delay, your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. in the future, more than 1,200 patients receive state-of-the-art prostheses here annually. the largest center of prosthetics in ukraine and got a job in orthotics in lviv. during the day , military and civilian ukrainians will be fitted with prosthetics free of charge, and new specialists will be trained. kateryna oliynyk will tell you more. a month and a half ago, nine-year-old mykhailik was given a protest. now the boy is learning to walk confidently with a new limb. the doctors found out that i had bone cancer and i had musil.
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take away a leg, you can already walk freely and your hands will not be busy. mykhailo is one of the first patients of the new prosthetics and orthotics center, which will open... in lviv. the facility was opened on the basis of the nezlamni rehabilitation center. prostheses of the lower and upper limbs will be installed here for military and civilian ukrainians free of charge. more than 50 people engaged in prosthetics in ukraine have already been studied. tens of thousands of people need prosthetics. therefore, it will be the largest educational hub that will share knowledge throughout ukraine and produce the best specialists. a unique center for ukraine in terms of speed of construction. the center has rooms for taking measurements, manufacturing, installing and trying on artificial limbs, they also equipped a walking laboratory, an auditorium for specialist training, and a courtyard for patients to relax. all this was built in just four months.
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the area of ​​this center is 1,000 m2, the center itself is built in a circulation way, that is, we have, as it were , such a building as we have a west. in a circle and each, each room has its own function and is divided in such a way that the prosthetist can conveniently use this particular workshop for the manufacture of prostheses, that is, all the processes in us originate gradually and all processes take place in different rooms. according to the words head of the center, vladyslav sikhovsky, 10 prosthetists will be able to work at the same time in the workshop. there is a catastrophic lack of such specialists in ukraine, which is why new specialists will be regularly trained here. they will come. foreign colleagues, well, as i know, from the 20th of may this month, we start studying, but it will be for the second category, it is a german school, german teachers are coming, well, at the moment i am studying for the third category in humanstadi schools, so we are waiting for teachers, we will
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study, the opening of such a center financed by the german government and the german society for international cooperation, they plan to manufacture and install it here in a year. over a thousand prostheses. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. exceeded forecasts. ukraine took third place at the eurovision song contest 2024. the duet alyon alyona and jerry hale with the song maria tereza scored a total of 453 points. and the winner of the competition, which took place yesterday in malmö, sweden, was the representative of switzerland, nemo. at the party, the singer even accidentally crushed his own. kind of crystal microphone, however, the organizers gave him a new one. second place in croatia. canada will participate in the first global peace summit in june. this was confirmed by the prime minister of the country, justin
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trudeau. he looks forward to the opportunity to join other world leaders to achieve the common goal of a just and lasting peace for ukraine. let me remind you that the first global peace summit will take place. june 16 in the swiss resort town of burgenstock. it is expected that 80 to 100 countries will take part in it. protests in georgia, several hundred thousand georgians came out on the street of tbilisi. thus, in turn, they expressed their disagreement with the scandalous draft law on foreign agents. they began to gather for the european march in the evening in three different places and marched to... europe square with the flags of georgia and the eu. on the way, they also stopped by the office of the leading georgian dream party, where dozens of police officers were on duty. on monday , the draft law should be considered in the third reading, and finally adopted the next day.
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the heroes of the golden foundation of the nation book were honored in lviv. everything will be - ukraine. these are military, medical, and political stories. and public figures who create the future of our country every day with their actions. the public leader was presented with awards and orders, the highest honor, the order of the people's hero of ukraine, was awarded to military serviceman mykola kobilnyk. from the beginning of the full-scale war , he took part in the defense of kyiv and in battles on hot areas. in 2022, i was seriously injured and lost my leg. in just four months. after prosthetics and rehabilitation.
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that russian hydra, which came to destroy not only the ukrainian people, but also to destroy and burn ukrainian land, and come, destroy all of europe, to me, as a deputy. of the lviv city council, it is very nice that i am recognized and found in this book, but first of all we pay respect and honor to those of our infamous heroes who died during this war of ours with the moskals, and i want all of us to take an example of them, you can find more information on our youtube channel, there are live broadcasts of ether, all program releases and special programs. like what you can only see from us, also short videos on hot topics in the section shorts, subscribe, comment
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, your opinions are important to us, and also read more news on our website espresso tv, also in our social networks, join, put your favorites, and i will end the issue with this, further on the air, welcome my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and romana chaiko, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. good morning, we welcome you to spresso, we will be with you, here we watched the news together, oksano, who writes, for example, a fighter and a singer two in one, the soloist of the yurke group. yurko yurchenko, who is fighting with kholodnoyarivtsy, this too he says, he looked at what i thought about
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the european relationship, it seems that ukraine needs to be heard and sympathized in the world, and the whole tape is in this, in this, something, i did not see a single post of soldiers, comrades, commanders, and even zelenskyi with quarters, what do they need, oh, it’s necessary, and they are in the trenches, then they look and worry about whose panties will win, i saw that we need drones, cars, people, and what are you shouting about all this, the meaning of which, asks our defender and musician , that’s how he is groups, cars, guys and atvs, please add two on quad bikes, we collect uah 4 million, every time a qr code and card number appear on the screen, you know, this is actually a direct way to buy what is needed at the front, you yourself just heard what a military man and a musician said , by the way, if we are talking about what is needed at the front and what our country needs now, then 2 and a half years of full-scale war had not passed before the germans proposed
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to close the sky, although only over part of ukraine, but this idea by some miracle it finally matured in europe, and probably in time, but this means that they have already started to think about it out loud, so that they are no longer afraid to say it, well done, germans, thank you, and this is probably really very, very important if they see it. then this can really be very important and very important for our country. the hottest, the most difficult, now it turns out to be the northern part of the front, this is a new front being added, that’s right, that is, in addition to the eastern-southern part, now the kharkiv direction is also the front line, and from this front line yesterday, under all massive fire, we had to take our people deeper into kharkiv region, about the situation in kharkiv. we will talk with kharkiv city council deputy artem ravchuk in connection with our studio, mr. artem,
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congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations to ukraine, congratulations studio, we know that it is not easy to talk about this, because it is according to the laws of wartime, it is impossible to inform promptly, you can only make an analysis based on those news that the general staff and the supreme council consider necessary, but it has already happened, that is, we see two. we can rely on those data that have been published, ie in fact, the deepstate map, in particular, where you can see exactly these two bridgeheads and they are expanding, because as of yesterday morning, for example, one of them near livtsi, it was about 30 km2, now it is already 54, even a little more square kilometers, and here, sir artem, i wanted to ask what the military tells you, how dangerous this group is, how many of them there are? well, first of all, i want to tell everyone that
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we should stop, as they say, going down in history and saying that six villages were captured over how many square kilometers, this is actually a war, to be honest, some of the population relaxed a little, thought that it had already flowed there, but it did not go anywhere, and it was expected that sooner or later they would want to open some new front there, they did something in kharkiv region, well, it does not directly threaten kharkiv . in principle, the situation was expected, our military prepared in advance, what i saw was calm, quiet, they occupied the lines, uh, there are enough powerful brigades , eh. i say clearly to kharkov again, nothing is in danger, of course most likely the villages, the border ones that are there are located, they will be wiped off the face of the earth, well, gradually, we will not do anything about it, but i want to point out that we, that this is a war, that there is no need to think in terms of some kind of property there, in no case should we exchange the lives of our
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servicemen for some there on the property, i think that... we will definitely rely on the information that i received directly from my brothers there, acquaintances, those who are there on the front line, the situation is under control, there are some wastes, but purely such on more good points guys are holding on, i think that a new front line will soon be formed there, of course, what is not very good is that the forces are being diverted from, let's say, the same donbas. here, i think that this is the goal of the russians, they understand that with these forces and means they are unlikely to create something threatening for khaikov himself, but still along the border, most likely, some kind of new front line will be formed, which will distract our troops, well, i see that even yesterday, more than 20 cabs arrived in vovchansk, and this
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despite other attacks, that is, the logic is the same as in the hordes. simply raze cities to the ground, burn them down, then call it liberation, what is alarming is actually, we are now watching how he communicates, says the head of the regional military administration sinygubo, he says that the moscow-fascist occupiers blew up some kind of dam, you can tell in the framework of that , what is possible? well, to be honest, i won't say anything, because i have various information about what was blown up.
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unfortunately, until we have an effective one against, effective opposition to these planes, we will suffer and all our border and fort cities will suffer from these murderous bombs. as of yesterday, we had information that this is still a gray area, and today these territories are already red, some of them are red, do ukrainian civilians remain there, did they succeed, did they manage to leave, evacuate, we remember that vovchansk is about vovchansk ... evacuation was announced, but what about those other smaller settlements? well, if, well, in my opinion, no one should live there at all, because it is impossible to live under shelling, unfortunately, as we see from the mass media, we hear from the mouths of eyewitnesses that there are people, mostly elderly, who
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categorically refuse to go to a safer place. places, well, they say, we were born here, we lived here, we will die here, unfortunately, such a situation exists, you saw there from vovchansk, there are also shots there, i will tell you that before the counteroffensive, it was in 22 balaklia lived, we too, in the same way , old people lived there, they categorically refused to leave their homes, despite the fact that every day there was chaotic shelling, and the shelling i will say that... well , one thing is that a rocket will fly there, and if it changes, it can be poured, well, very powerful, and people all went down to the basement or in the grave, sat down, got out and go about their business, well, as far as i'm concerned, it's such a strange situation, but, well , that's probably how the human brain is arranged, well, these
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people and well, we're not surprised by that, even from the crews in... angels were told that this is a typical situation, it was like that in bakhmut, it was the same in avdiivka, some logic or lack of it is absolutely identical, but just looking at the map of hostilities on the northern borders of kharkiv oblast, we remember that in the neighborhood of sumy oblast there was a different practice, there they said in advance that the ten-kilometer border zone should be depopulated, they such they did, but people stayed there too, some left, but some, in kharkiv oblast , actually practiced such a practice in order to create a ten-kilometer zone along the russian-ukrainian border, such a decision was not made, do i understand correctly? well, as far as i heard, they didn’t approve either, but , well, as you can see from the footage, it definitely didn’t approve, because a whole bunch of people
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stayed, you know, everyone was talking about the russians’ attack, they were shaking, afraid, and it’s not clear why people didn’t was taken out, this is a very strange situation for me, to be honest, i think that this is some kind of trick of the military-civilian administration, because, well, i say that along all the lines... there should be no civilian population, because it is a direct threat to the civilian population, we must first of all think and i say once again, not about the villages that were lost, because when there are people, we will rebuild it all, and when there are no people, how will such beautiful buildings, you know, stand in the cemetery, and we will have no one to live with, that is our task first of all, to save people, so that when we win, we can rebuild a new one with these people'. and it will definitely happen, but also to the local administration, i don't know at what level, but there must be an organized process, because many people who refuse to leave say
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that they simply cannot afford it financially to allow this, but the payments that idps receive, well, unfortunately, they cannot cover the costs of accommodation, food, and what people are used to having at home, because they also have housing and some plots, so the situation here , which must be solved jointly, that is, it is not only from the same residents. it depends, mr. artem, another question, yesterday there were several explosions in kharkiv, terikhov reported, then our colleagues from the public sector also talked about repeated explosions, is there already information about what it was and what the consequences were, well , as far as i, as far as i understood, that the explosions there were, and it was not in the place itself, but somewhere in front of the city, but is it known what it was, the consequences, whether there are, whether everything went well, whether there are no victims, still detailed information. no, what was it, well, in principle, if you compare, it is not directly before for kharkov, for kharkov, well, despite all the tension that
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exists with the russian offensive, which there is, well , such destruction for sure in these two days it is recorded that before this, if you know, there was a great destruction there, it was on easter, there on the saturday before easter, there on good friday, these are so powerful. there were strikes on purpose before the holidays, but today i definitely didn’t hear anything this morning, yesterday, well , that something specifically flew over kharkiv, it’s good if kharkiv can at least breathe a little, and in the end we see it even on certain videos, we remember last week, but last week you remember, there was a video where children are playing football, this is not about shelling when there are injured children. at the stadium during the shelling, when school after school was hit, and previous ones, children play, lie down, hide and continue game, and now we see, the children are not just
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playing, we see shots of graduates, clothes, girls in dresses, boys in such white pressed shirts, in white shoes, 5 in the morning in kharkiv practicing to dance, well, everything looks like some kind of waltz to... the prom, here are these shots, they argue, there is no shelling, there are no cars at that hour, and this is an ideal place, on the one hand, and it is very scary to watch, because we understand that shelling happens very often in kharkiv , on the other hand, it touches and fascinates, how often it happens that children, young people come out, they are not afraid, they demonstrate that life goes on, well... on the one hand, well, you can look at it differently here, well, on the one hand, i would, for example, well , i would like these children, which you see in the footage that you show, were, did it in
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a safer place, because unfortunately there are a lot of people for whom, well, such touching events cause, as they say , envy, irritation, and they can cause some kind of there is no missile strike on these. children, but regardless, life goes on, and we, well, we have to understand, well kharkiv for sure, i have already partially understood, and all of ukraine must understand that ah, well, we must learn to live in war conditions, make our plans based on today's realities, eh, not put our lives on hold and think that victory tomorrow, and well, i did something later, because well...unfortunately, our age has been subjected to such and such trials that we have to overcome them and still live a normal,
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more or less normal life. life, based on the existing security situation, well, this enemy will not go anywhere, that is, we must simply take this fact into account and, well, live on, but in no case ignore the basic safety rules, so i think, well, i still think that it was not necessary to take the children out like that, but it could have been done in principle in a protected place, there are already such places in kharkov, musical events are already held there, that's why... it was safer to do all this, because there is no guarantee that no scumbag will direct a rocket at these children. you are right, mr. artem, but on the other hand, well, for me personally, this is evidence that life continues that neither these children nor their parents can be intimidated, and they want to show the whole world that they want to live, and the paner there says that he takes care of both of them, and that's
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the philosophy for the time of the war. course of action is probably more rational, but mr. artem, thank you, keep in artem revchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council about the realities, both in the north of kharkiv and in the city itself, a short pause, and we will continue to collect information for you from the nearby sumyshchyna, and you will continue to collect help for us during that time guys for atvs, atvs will go where the jeep can't pass, bring the bc, take out the wounded, so... you see the qr code and the map number, donate, and we thank you for it, it's the best investment in our future, see you soon in a few minutes already with news from sumy oblast. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera. victory over heartburn. an evening of boxing that will go down in history. for
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the title of the absolute champion in super-heavyweight between zhusyk and fury, and also a title fight in lightweight between berinchik and navarete, turn on may 18 exclusively on megago, have you never seen the classics in underwear or what? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen, the tractor in the field dir-dir, so why do we have peace? there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may for... 15% in pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. there will be a special look at events in ukraine, at the border of kyiv.
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some katsaps and beyond, what a world dreams of, pa norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and vice versa. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two
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hours to... stay up to date with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who care, in the evening for espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect them your own! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved it. that everyone can be a warrior, the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, we will hold.


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