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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as respected guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanic. armed forces protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land.
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join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. we 're back, reminding you that you can support our defenders on the front lines with your donations, so when the qr codes appear, use them as intended, and we let's talk about sumy oblast, neighboring kharkiv oblast. vadim akperov, deputy of the sumy city council, is in touch with us. mr. vadim, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, the first question is, how? did you spend the night, did you manage to get some sleep, or was it reasonably quiet? the sumy community is more or less quiet tonight, yesterday, however, the enemy launched a rocket attack on the sumy suburbs on civilian infrastructure, unfortunately, an 87-year-old woman died, during the night the enemy fired about 10 attacks on the border areas.
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these are about 56 explosions, well, in principle, this is a continuation of yesterday’s shelling, because yesterday about 100 explosions rang out in khatyn , yunakiv, myropil, bilopol, krasnopil, velikopysariv, osman, sholygin and izbud communities, that is, almost throughout the entire border area, the enemy did not stops talking about fpv drones, barrel artillery, anti-aircraft missile systems and so on. we just spoke with your kharkiv neighbors and. and this is exactly the moment when the first group to attack ukraine from the north was formed in kurtshchyna, and the there to belgorod oblast, what do the military say, what do your defenders, the border guards, say, they will all go that way to the north of kharkiv oblast, is there a threat to sumy oblast as well of similar border actions? i think that absolutely no one can.
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today to say and predict the actions of the enemy, but what can be said is, well, that today the situation remains under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, yes, there is indeed a certain concentration of troops, but it does not pose a threat today, and today the armed forces of ukraine are ready to give to the mother or give her constantly 24 hours a day at the border of the sumy region. will the population of the border areas be removed? to what is happening in kharkiv oblast, i mean, do those who did not evacuate still remain there, or do they make any conclusions about possible movements, and let's remember that there is a part of people who come home for the day, do something there near the housekeeper , at night they still go several or several dozen kilometers away, realizing that there may be shelling, but what about civilians, the evacuation of the population from the border areas continues. if only
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help and offers to evacuate are provided, yes indeed, not everyone wants to leave, but those communities that are most exposed today in the border areas, let's say, shelling and where the situation remains the most dangerous and tense, then their sums are accepted today and are ready every day in the principle of accepting, taking away this population, the most... now the situation, let's say so, with regard to evacuation, is serious in bilopolsk community, also, well, but, as i already said, in principle this process is organized, and forced evacuation is currently not occurs, but voluntary full assistance is provided. whether the sums can accept all that number of people to provide them with housing, payments, at least those who cannot work. who cannot organize themselves
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in a new city, we understand that we are all different, some can find their way around, while others have a harder time and need help, this process is very dynamic. to date, the sums are managed, but we have already talked at the level of the city council about the fact that the sums today themselves are in the zone of possible hostilities, they have already been made by the government, so sumi cannot be considered as a completely safe place in which these people could stay, because the situation can develop differently, but for today, under the circumstances that exist, sumi copes and remains such a support for border people. territory, many people have already arrived, we accommodate someone, as, well, let's say this, to those who need help, today is a local order, we help them, most have certain relatives,
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certain friends in the sumy, and they do it independently, so well on today yes sums are able to help, provide, where, where, if not in sums, where to go next, what is the plan, where to evict? people, if there were, god forbid, something. the fact is that within the framework of sumy and sumy oblast, we can discuss these plans at the city and oblast level, everything else is already the prerogative of the government, as far as i know, the regional military administration has a certain plan in this regard, but decisions about evacuation are beyond the borders oblasts are already accepted directly at the level of the cabinet of ministers. we ask all our guests about one very important thing. and very carefully with oksana, let's see how people respond and with what facial expressions, because this tells more than the information itself, so i will ask you if you saw with your own eyes our defense lines, which, by order of the supreme commander, began to be deployed in various areas further from the front line, but
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to have a second and third line of defense, and so we ask everyone, have you seen and are you satisfied with how it is done, is it really good ob'. venerable meinerheim line in ukrainian? the fact is that this process is ongoing, i will tell you more, i have seen them, no i just saw that we are joining this process, by the way, recently together with the poroshenko foundation, more than uah 60 million in assistance was received to sumy oblast and transferred, more precisely by the sumy oblast fund, these are large tractors, and saws, and certain, certain specific equipment, so literally last week. together with the people's deputies were at these positions that are being set up and saw with their own eyes how they work, what can i say, the work, a lot of work has already been done, the work is ongoing, in principle, well, not everything possible was
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started on time, but now these the pace is increasing, and thanks to such organizations, including, and this is our joint task, i think that there is no need to talk about the fact that there... the government should have, or the regional government, here today, i believe, everyone who can do it to join, then it is necessary to do it, because it is our security, yes, but the military says that it is very good to, well, as they say, take into account the opinion of the military itself, because in principle, all arrangements have certain, well, scientifically based standards, that is, where the concrete should be, where there should be an overlap of what thickness, to withstand a certain conjuncture of projectiles, so if there after all... comas consult, at least, then it is already very good. thank you for this story, but you are one point that cannot be controlled with boards or concrete. when viktor bobarenko and i talked, he told us that, unfortunately, in sumy, the russian ipso worked like this quite normally, and
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part of the population began to panic, because it was the same ipso, everyone, everyone, run away, the government has already fled from kharkiv, run away from kharkiv, everyone run away from the sums, because the authorities are preparing and fleeing the sums. that's how it was ipso, if it is done, now in sums as with such moods? they calmed down, there was, there were such moods literally there, maybe for a day or two, i don’t know what caused them, but they talked with the community and at the level of deputies, at the level of the leadership, everyone who could in principle, a certain part left, but i personally also on this topic from the community... talked publicly, well, nothing new came out, everyone knows that the enemy is nearby, everyone knows that there are 26 km from sumy to the non-border, and that the enemy constantly wants to destroy us, that's why we can't talk that the situation there is 100% safe, no,
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sumy is not a 100% safe city, but there is no reason to panic, and they talked about it, perhaps the best illustration was that, well, let's say this, families, leaders, children remain ... on the spot, walking, trying to go to school amid worries about kindergartens, and it remains to show by your own example that you need to work and not panic in this situation, mr. vadimyr, thank you. yes, vadym akperov, deputy of the sumy city council, was with us about kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast, but also donetsk region, odesa region, kherson region, generally about other regions, our next material. on may 12, 70 years ago, ukraine became a member of the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization. from the first days of the full-scale war , we have been watching russian troops destroy all of this, all of our culture and heritage. architectural monuments, unique old houses. temples, palaces, these are all now the targets of enemy shelling in the temporarily occupied territories and
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beyond. according to unesco's calculations as of march 24, russia damaged 346 valuable cultural objects in ukraine. will unesco be able to protect our cultural objects and bring russia to justice? in our next material. the unesco organization has repeatedly condemned russian attacks on the world and national. cultural heritage in ukraine, because under international law the deliberate destruction of cultural objects is considered a war crime. at the end of february 2022, the invaders destroyed the ivankiv history and local history museum in the kyiv region with an artillery shell. there 410 exhibits were kept, among them dishes, ancient implements of work and money, cossack weapons, icons. the pride of the museum was the collection of works of the ukrainian artist. maria priymachenko, some of them managed to be saved by the museum workers.
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at least uah 35 million will be spent on reconstruction. the mariupol drama theater is a monument of architecture, history and monumental art. the russians destroyed it with aerial bombs on march 16, 2022. hundreds of mariupol residents died under the ruins. now the remains of the theater were covered by russian gauleiter banners with portraits of the imperialists writers to hide behind them the traces of their own crimes. as a result of a direct hit by a russian missile in may 2023 , the national literary and memorial museum of grigory skovoroda in the village of skovorodinivka in kharkiv oblast caught fire. the museum kept the works and personal belongings of the philosopher, as well as books of ancient, medieval and modern poets. the most valuable exhibits of the collection survived because they were moved to a safe place in advance. restoration. the museum was valued at uah 112 million.
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november 23, 2023 due to a missile attack the unesco cultural heritage site, transfiguration cathedral in odesa, suffered significant destruction. the terrorists' rocket hit the central altar of the cathedral. even belonging to the moscow patriarchate did not save him. in the same month , the russians fired a rocket at a historic residential building. in lviv, it is located in the unesco world heritage buffer zone. the russians have been destroying ukrainian cultural heritage since the annexation of crimea, defaced with pseudo-restorations, the khan's palace in bakchesorada, a unique landmark crimean tatar culture, a unesco world heritage site, looted the architectural ensemble of the ancient city of chersonese tavriysky, which is also under the auspices of unesco. the squatters illegally conducted so-called archaeological excavations there, the artifacts and findings were taken to
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russia, and some were sold on the black market. any notes of protest from unesco's cultural heritage committee, russia voted, and only in 2023, for the first time in history, it was expelled from the executive board of the un agency for education, science and culture. actually the status of world heritage is not an assumption. part of the mechanism for the protection of cultural values ​​during an armed conflict, but including the object in this list increases the significance and recognition of the monument, in case of damage or destruction of the object, it will be easier to bring the perpetrators to international criminal responsibility. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, the committee for the protection of cultural heritage of unesco adopted a special declaration and developed a plan for the preservation of cultural objects and art, also in 2023 in 2015, the foundation of the organization allocated 1.5
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million dollars to the ministry of culture for the digitization of our heritage. unesco is actively monitoring the loss and damage to our cultural objects as a result of russian shelling. these documents are of great importance for legal processes and restoration of the monument in the future. in general, the pre-cultural heritage of unesco belongs to the shrine of kyiv, the ensemble of the old city of lviv, the historical center of ode. 17 more objects are candidates for inclusion in this list, among them the historical center of chernihiv, kharkivskyi, derzhprom and khmaroch, kamyan historical and archaeological reserve. in the zaporizhzhia region, and all of them suffered from the russian invasion. the statistics of the losses of the ukrainian cultural fund will change more than once, because shelling of ukrainian cities does not stop, and some monuments are located in temporarily occupied territories, and it is impossible to determine their current state. natalya stareprava, volodymyr studenny,
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espresso tv channel. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not lack of fear bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our bottom. the children were born in the era of independence. defenders of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, these are boys who never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing
8:47 am
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means to save his life, a ride bc, a ride boys, a quad bike is the way. from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, a quad bike is the best solution for evacuating wounded soldiers. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. 150. five combat clashes on the front line, on pokrovsk too, they are pounding, and kharkiv oblast was added, not simply, but i mean that this is what the operational situation looks like, although we also have to remember that belgorod was also very fond of putin's svo last night, in volgograd
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a ukrainian combat drone was seriously destroyed with the help of hit by the volgograd oil refinery, but volgograd is actually not so far from kharkov itself, why are they still surprised that something can fly somewhere there, they are surprised, and why do they say, for example, in lipetsk, because there is an industrial infrastructure there zone also shot down our drones, successfully shot down, but with the infrastructure, and 1,260 eliminated occupiers in the last day, and that’s enough not the first day already... several days in a row 1200, 1300 and more from negative russians, we know that this is evidence that it is very, very difficult at the front, here is such an analysis, now we will talk about zaporozhye, there is also no simply, alisa sysoeva is with us, deputy of the zaporizhia district council, mrs. alisa, good morning, glory to ukraine,
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glory to the heroes, congratulations, how the night passed and how the morning, a significant number of shelling, 542 shellings per day, zaporizhia region, this is for the last time , well, probably the largest number, well, for the last one a month exactly, fortunately there were no casualties or deaths... in zaporizhzhia itself, i apologize, it was quiet, it was calm, at night the monitoring groups did not report that there was any movement of mopeds or shakheds, so the night passed in the very center of the region quiet, but as for the situation at the front, they inform us that the enemy is still trying to attack the robots, today we were informed that there were two attacks, but our armed forces repelled them, is this the situation we have? which shellings were intense, where were the most flights, and what can this indicate? you surely you analyze and know that if there is a large number of shelling, then what can happen? this is the zaporizhia region, these
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are cities such as gulyaipol, orikhiv, these are the adjacent ones, along the line mostly there, just like that, just like that, constantly these cities, they are under constant fire, at the same time they are losing everything they have, this rszv, artops. arrows, this is also a uav attack, and you know, we did not have such a day that there were fewer, not even 100, well, less than 150-200 attacks per day, the last few days it is about 250, there were 300, but today there are 542, but why the number has increased, i don't know, we were asked the same question by the military administrations, well, it is probably connected with the fact that, after all, such intensified battles are going on. at the front, and the fact that the zaporizhia region is suffering is an indisputable fact, you know, the fact that there are no victims of the dead, probably, well, it is connected with the fact that, after all, they are roaming around
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these cities, there is a population left not so much, but people still stay and live there, some have left, and you know, for most of the day these people, they are forced to spend in basements because the shelling does not stop. you know, just a day ago the magate experts were on the alert, they said that they heard explosions and shooting near the captured zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, it was actually the day before yesterday, yesterday, as of now, there is more information, unfortunately, there is no more information , also read this message, as always, it is very vague, heard explosions, they... always say who exactly could have fired, but we remember that in the mountain it was reported that the occupiers, not only did they militarize the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, but they also
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deployed a training ground for drone pilots there, so we understand that the situation there will always remain difficult as long as armed russian soldiers are there, uh, you know, ours on our former a politician, he is now in the armed forces together with his comrades, i am talking about yura syrotyuk, because he... writes very interesting reflections today, as of this morning, about the events at the front, whether in the kharkiv region, or in the donetsk region, or in the south in zaporozhye, that's all a distracting moment, because in fact putin has developed such a complex operation, a perfect storm, and all this should peak around may 21, for this they will shake up the situation in the rear. saying that it is not necessary to carry out any military orders, because the government is illegitimate, this is how they will work, and for
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this purpose all canned goods will be raised, all useful and useless idiots, expensive and cheap, the fifth column in the russian orthodox church of the order lenin, which is what we in the pc-mp are called, in zaporizhzhia there were quite a few such agents, we saw the recent just. is the work of the security service of ukraine and other things, how is it felt in the city, is there any mobilization of the fifth column of the police and agents? well, you know, we expected that if there is one, it will pop up on may 9, but that day passed peacefully for us, after all, the fact that there has been a full-scale invasion in place for two years, it was very reflected, and therefore if somewhere they if there is, then at least they are already so openly... instead of not speaking out, as it was before, remember, even after the 14th year in zaporizhzhia , they tried to hold actions of this
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of the immortal regiment and there were all kinds of provocations, in particular on may 9 and also when the monument to lenin was removed in zaporizhzhia, but after two years of full-scale invasion, there are still no such open provocations. it is very good that our security service of ukraine is working. here is one of the recent high-profile events - it is that they brought suspicion to the main moscow pope luka, and just a few days ago he announced that the court limited his right to... posts in the telegram channel, he announced that there will be no new posts there , if you read, then it really was such, well, if not openly about the russian channel, then at least very much, you know, in such a church these messages were still hidden, and therefore we still see that the security service works, unfortunately, due to the immediate proximity of the front, such the cases are still hidden, that there are people who are still
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working for russia, but we are very... that all of them will suffer their punishment, will be exposed. regarding the temporarily occupied territories, we observe that in donetsk region, in luhansk region, where the occupier has been in power for 10 years, young people especially children are trying to be involved in various organizations. now we have heard that young people from the occupied territories are invited to the meeting of the shaheds, they invite it in quotation marks, of course, they try to involve children in various organizations, whether this applies to the zaporizhzhya ransom. are they still exactly. the first thing they did when they occupied the zaporizhzhia region was to wash children's bridges. these lessons of opportunity, which they call, they are compulsory in schools. moreover, schools start a new academic week with that the children listen to the anthems of the refia, already from the very beginning, from the elementary grades , russian soldiers come to the children, who tell them russian propaganda, the children.
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they make them write letters, do some crafts, but the students are already in higher grades, they really have this kind of extracurricular education, and you know, photos from these schools periodically appear, well, you just can't look at them calmly, for example, when there are high school students in the seventh, eighth, ninth grade, for some reason they sit in classes in russian uniforms, these are their years patriotic upbringing, and we understand that the russians, they do not see our children as the future generation, which must do something there, study, build, even there and in russian to the extent, as they claim, and this is , first of all, a living force for them , these are future conscripts whom they are preparing in order to grow up so that they eventually go to fight for putin, protest, is it possible to refuse some of these options, or is it all necessarily a program? unfortunately, before the beginning of the school year, the pressure on parents increases, and there are such...
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who simply did not want their children to go to russian schools, this is still in the first year of the full-scale invasion, who wanted their children to study online in ukrainian schools, and the occupiers, they conducted a real such campaign of intimidation, when they even went to the houses of parents and threatened them up to the point of depriving them of their parental rights, that is , the occupiers are monitoring this very strongly to ensure that no child... does not bypass this russian propaganda, unfortunately. ms. aliso, thank you for the information, thank you for this on sunday morning, alisa sysoeva, deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council, was with us on the espresso tv channel. in fact, this is happening everywhere in kherson region, zaporozhye region, and donetsk region. while you were talking to ms. alisa, i did read what was written at the institute of war studies, they want to get behind our
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defenders in... the kupina direction, that's why such idiocy is happening on the border of kharkiv oblast. now 9:00 a.m. is approaching, it's time to observe a moment of silence for all those who died because of the russian invaders on our land. let's honor the memory with a moment of silence ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that... it was unleashed by russia.


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