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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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only the sanctions from biden, and when the sanctions from budanov were added to the sanctions from biden, the situation began to change very sharply, the sanctions regime of budanov, it somehow turned out to be much more effective, and in fact the same campaign to destroy their oil refining industry, the same company is now in ignited, it is far from over, so today in volgograd our drones were shot down by an oil refinery, and you understand, and this is the only source of currency for russia, that's all. what they do with those crooked hands is not the whole world buys because there, mother, mother, make me a snowball, but they only buy the gifts of nature from them, not carcasses and gas, but there were problems with that, so even with money it is not a fact, but the main thing is that their weak the place turned out not to be money, not cannon fodder, that's what turned out to be in abundance so that everyone was surprised, but the fact is the fact, they are going, they are going calmly, but they will continue to go. yes, but
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with iron, but with iron there is a real problem, in fact, they have a resource for armored vehicles, a resource for artillery systems and even for artillery ammunition, for a maximum of two years of such a war, and i insist on the word maximum, but two years in fact, this is with such calculations, where we bet very much that they will fight to the last tank and the last projectile, and that all these tanks, which are standing in warehouses, everyone can potentially... go to war, in fact, this is not true, and this is not true, in reality they have more resources for somewhere for a year, well, but it is better even to bet in their favor, then in any case no more than two . yes, the situation can to change radically, if the position of china changes, but if the finished product warehouses are opened to them, it will be a different story, so far, after all, this red line has not been crossed, this red line was drawn by the states, and apparently they made it clear ... that there really will be sanctions, and for
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the chinese economy, american sanctions are deadly simple. if it is very expensive for the states themselves, but it is deadly for china, that is why this red line is not crossed by all the comrades, they supply raw materials, supply machines, that is they help to blink themselves, but this is absolutely not the same as opening warehouses with ready-made products, unless they have access to china to ready-made chinese products. even though, unlike us, they mobilized their defense industry, it works there in three shifts, but now they have reached somewhere on the upper plateau, now they have reached the maximum of their capabilities, and with this maximum, they have less than two years of resources , in fact, that is, you have these shots to confirm your words, or is this just nonsense, i will now explain mine questions, a cringe-worthy story from a half-empty red. and accordingly everyone paid attention to the fact that
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as much as one t-34 tank ran across red square, and this kharkiv tank, a kharkiv product , was bought, bought back to laos, for which the laotians were even allowed to come, this is just the idiocy of their ministry of defense there and you, who prepared the parade or confirmation of your words? i think that it is more about the situation that has already developed in them. the fact is that we are already seeing t-54s and t-55s en masse at the front, and we all remember that in the soviet tank industry indexes with two digits are the year of adoption, that is, the disco of the 80s has already burned out , the 70s have burned out, the 60s are burning out, the 50s are going to be replaced, that’s actually what remains, what remains are actually isa and 34s , and well , laugh, but very... it seems that we
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will see them soon, because, and we are only talking about tanks, with other armored vehicles they are even worse, after i saw these, well, these absolutely shushpanzers, as fancy as these mataligos, well, mataligos in the army are called mtlb, it’s an army tractor, it’s not at all military equipment, this is a lightly armored army tractor, that's when i saw the eyes of motalyg, on which the cut-off skaters of naval cannons were welded on top. well , this kind of construction was once used during the blockade of leningrad, well, well, more than demonstrably, that is, in reality, iron is melting in their eyes, they absolutely cannot keep up with the pace at which our defenders burn it iron, and and in fact they understand it and feel it, they, they, they know it, precisely because when we have now resumed american supplies, they simultaneously started a very strong hysteria and at the same time... so diplomatic
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signals went out again on the topic: maybe let's freeze, pay attention, while trump was blocking our supplies, and they were sure that they were winning, no it was already, for about six months , there were no... their proposals about any freezing, and now they suddenly went through all channels again, that is, this is an indicator that they actually know what is in the bottomless dungeons of the dnyeshcha family. actually this year is decisive, the question is simply who will be enough for what, if we are strong enough to gather and mobilize, then together with american help we can turn the tide of the war and then it will roll in the right direction, but if we do not... well, then you understand, well, i , too, always show our viewers their battle sheds lined with slate and everything else and always draw attention to the fact that one element of this soldered decimeter antenna is missing, let's laugh at polish television
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and so on, you can, if you can, very briefly about one story, as if in russia the fighters of the aidarovs will be tried, who allegedly surrendered themselves as prisoners. if possible, just briefly tell me whether the circumstances under which they were captured were made up or seriously, unfortunately, i don’t know, but in reality i just don’t know, well, what they will actually try, and it will definitely be an exemplary demonstration process , well , you and i have already gone through this with the azov people, with the azov people, and azov and aidar are actually one of the key elements of their propaganda, the so-called nazi punitive battalions, we are all very proud of the fact that they... even believed that, in general, all ukrainians treated us exactly like that, that is, when they were incapable of resistance, but at the same time they singled out azov and aidar, did we are something like vafs, so, well, how come, we have earned such respect, so, mr. yevgeny,
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thank you for being with our viewers on sunday morning, yevhen dyky, veteran aydarevets analyzed both tactical and operational, and the strategic level, and we are grateful to him for that, spoke. with mr. eugene anton hrushetskyi, executive director of kmis, mr. anton, glory to ukraine, we welcome you, good morning, glory to the heroes, mr. anton, let's start with the statistical figures, 59%, i.e. more than half and even significantly more, ukrainians believe , that a democratic system is more important for our country at this stage than a strong leader, these are the results of sociological surveys, and on the other hand... well, we see that the russians are constantly trying to put pressure on the leader, that is, all ipso that launch, information about attempted assassinations for a leader, well, we have their attempts to discredit the month of may, to say that
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you don't have a legitimate leader, what do you think? you know, despite all the russian information attacks both in ukraine and abroad, the majority of us are completely against the holding of elections now, and i do not think that the fact that the elections are not being held now somehow delegitimizes the leader of ukraine, president volodymyr zelenskyi , that is, the majority of people, by the way, still continue to trust him, that is, in the eyes of ukrainians, he remains a legitimate leader, we had another question, and currently almost 60% of ukrainians there consider ukraine to be a democratic country, and only 14% consider ukraine to be rather a dictatorial country, that is, these epso currently do not work in the minds of citizens, but they are definitely included as a medium. country, because some people in a difficult situation can break down psychologically, and it is especially important that this still creates problems for us abroad, because the support of the public of democratic countries is also important to us, and many people abroad do not understand the details, they think that it would be easy enough to hold elections now, and why won't ukraine just do it,
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and if there are no elections, then ukraine is not a democracy, although in all our polls 90% of ukrainians say that they need a fully functioning democracy in ukraine, so that you show before. orders , most of us wanted to see a strong leader, first of all, than a democratic system, and now most want to see democracy in ukraine, mr. anton, you, you paid attention to what scientists, sociologists are paying attention to , actually, not so important numbers of the moment, how important a certain trend, trends and dynamics are, and this is what we have just shown, you said that this dynamic has reversed, the majority was in favor of the dictatorship, after the invasion, now there is a small majority, but still more. 59% are more in favor of democracy than in favor of some little putin. during that time, our people simply changed, one left, another moved in, or are they the same people? you know, when our majority of respondents say that they want a strong leader, they want both democracy and a strong leader, but
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they want, they believe that a strong leader will more important, i.e. authoritarianism in our country, in fact , people always did not want, as well as military dictatorship and other dictatorships, but it seemed that a strong leader could decide, but now... after all, several years pass and these are parallel processes, on the one hand it some disappointment in leadership as such, from a different understanding that a democratic country is the goal itself, the value is important, that is, to ukrainians. such a crucible of creating new values ​​is taking place, especially in the direction of movement towards europe, it is difficult to say what will happen next, especially in some difficult conditions, but while the trend, in fact, as sociologists, we can say in 30 years, is quite favorable for society, it can be overlooked, but still society is maturing and moving towards such a civilized west, and not such a despotic east, ugh, but what kind of democracy do ukrainians actually see now and are they ready to adhere to the rules of democracy? system, should there still be some, some very strict framework,
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supervision, because, well, because it is difficult sometimes, you know, with democracy, you know, this is a difficult question, because even democratic people now understand that under martial law, that whole democracy has its flaws, if we look at the united states, it might be a great system balanced in different ways, but we 've suffered a lot from it, so in some ways it's understandable a certain underfunctioning, ukrainians are for... democracy, but they still believe that there should be a certain order, a certain discipline, and they are not ready to give it up yet, and they still believe that we lack certain such strong action, but regarding the observance of laws, a very interesting point, if we are talking about ordinary citizens, then ukrainians believe that the law must be strictly observed, but in december we asked the question of how to deal with corrupt officials, and about half of the population in our country prefers, one might say, extrajudicial investigation, the main thing is that the investigation should be faster. these cases, and of course, it goes against democratic values, to put it mildly, but this issue, this is
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what really triggers the population, and at such moments the population becomes less democratic, obviously, you have just found that point u, and in the ukrainian population, you have just demonstrated it, because we live in this paradigm, according to which you have shown, yes, if, for example, we want a strong leader at the same time and democracy, that is, fish and everything else. or, if it is corruption, then the boss stole it, he is a corrupt person, and if i took the money, well, i need it, because it is not enough for the salary, that is, this cheerful folk shit, it is already disappearing, will it continue to live, what trend are you in you see, we see that this the trend is disappearing, because in fact such double thinking is a legacy of the soviet past and imperfect institutions, due to which there was a certain domestic corruption to solve these problems, but this is a question of changing generations, so ... really in the 90s, 2000s, 10 ’s and now the 20s, this, as you called the schiza, it is still decreasing, it is not
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decreasing as much as we would like, but it is definitely decreasing, it has especially accelerated after the revolution of dignity, but it must be understood that such issues are not resolved in a year or two, it is rather a question of how the younger generation will see the moments, we see all the jokes that many such young people do not even understand how it is possible to conditionally leave money to a doctor, because the mechanism itself is not well understood, that for older people there is more ... by such an understandable process, and tell me about one more trend, mr. anton, because a generation is changing and we see that even in civilized democratic stable organisms a new generation is coming that is infected with leftism as much as possible, that's all there very sometimes it looks caricatured almost like in the movie don't look up, we have the same tendency, we are also moving there towards the children of dining kruger with leftist ideas. we are of course moving towards it, but we are still far from it and for now our children live in a slightly different paradigm,
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because in order to reach what you mentioned, certain basic conditions must be provided in society, it must be physical safety from enemy, it must be the presence of some social support from the general welfare state, which generally allows people to focus on such higher matters. in ukraine, young people grow up in slightly different conditions, and by the way, in this issue of democracy, the most people in our country want to see democracy in ukraine, especially younger people. that is, our people are still younger, focused on preserving the sovereignty, independence of ukraine, development, but certainly, in the future, when we become a dream country, a member of the eu, with a developed economy, the same awaits us. ugh. when ukrainians vote, when ukrainians actually declare that a democratic system is needed, although some such control is also considered necessary, do they, or do you actually have this data, do they come from the point of view of what i need as a ukrainian, or do they... first analyze their environment, analyze others and think, yes, in order to maintain order, we need this, that, and
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that, which is the starting point in this vote itself, you know, when we ask which elements of democracy are most alive, people talk about fair justice for everyone, about freedom of speech and the possibility of holding fair elections, but you rightly pointed out earlier that when people speak, they are more focused on their own needs, when they are more... they feel injustice in something, they believe that this is a manifestation of undemocracy that needs to be addressed, so actually, unfortunately, many people do not really understand what is really possible at the level of society, but it is often rejected. from their personal needs, but you know, in many dimensions , personal needs coincide precisely with the needs of democracy at the level of society, and that is why , after all, in these 30 years we have demonstrated a movement in in the right direction, we must not forget that 20 years ago we could say an eternity, we had the orange revolution, a powerful movement, more than 10 years ago we had revolutions of dignity, that is, after all, the population is growing, growing and
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reaching a higher level outside of its own family and itself , a better understanding of society, mr. antony. thank you, it is very important, it is not so much the numbers as the explanation of what is behind them and what are the processes, anton hrushetskyi, executive director of kmisk kmist recently did a good study, you can google it, we let's take a little break, you'll look at the other numbers of that study, and stay with espress, because next we're going to talk about some very important things that our colleagues at investigative info have investigated. honor traditions and be proud of your culture with unpack tv. we present a collection of modern embroidery. unique ukrainian embroidery combined with the comfort of your favorite t-shirts at an incredibly pleasant price, only from uah 299. men's and women's options, current trend colors and double sizes from 44 to 62. vyshyvanka is always
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9:49 am
exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations friends, on the air the political club on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: the war between russia and ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that cause resonance in our society, the attack of drones on kyiv and others. cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's win. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for
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the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. in order to create alarm throughout ukraine, the russian-fascist occupier always has the option of blowing up a mig, which is what is happening right now. and now we are very grateful that ours joined us on sunday colleague, slidstvo-info journalist, nastya horpinchenko, because this story is enough'. it is said that it is not so easy for the russian-fascist occupier to import starlinks and activate them, especially since now elon musk , under pressure from the pentagon, blocked something there. in a word, and the connection is needed, the internet is satellite, and here is what was investigated by our colleagues investigative info, very interesting: transcarpathia, gillad sky edge,
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it turns out, they always produced it, but precisely in these years, after a full-scale invasion of the mass importation of these systems into the russian-fascist federation continued, and they then go to the army for the navy and return via moscow. and is already fighting against the armed forces of ukraine. mrs. nastya, can you share with us the details, in fact, what, what else did you manage to find out in the process of this high-profile investigation of yours and the scandal regarding the dillad sky edge, how is it, what is it? well, actually, the main and most important thing to remember from this investigation, you voiced, i am grateful to you for that, that you immediately recorded, and this moment, us i was most impressed by the robot. investigation, it is precisely the fact that the satellite systems used in the so-called svo, used at the front by the russian occupiers,
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fall, or rather, precisely those systems that are manufactured in ukraine fall, fall, fall into russia, and then into the zone itself, yes the so-called svo conducting zone, and in fact, we learned not only about these systems, a few months ago. that a few months ago we received customs declarations that list not only the systems you mentioned, not only satellite internet communication systems, there are also other types of products, which are actually officially listed in the customs declarations of the russian federation, as products of the country of origin, which is ukraine, and we stopped. precisely at the investigation of the gilatugi, because well, this story seemed to us the most staged, because it is quite
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obvious that the product is a dual-purpose product, since the manufacturers of the company are dealers of these systems in russia, they often include themselves in the description of this gilat, a satellite communication system connection indicate that it is suitable for the needs of the svo, and literally often... their politicians and volunteers communicate that it was trilki gelats that they delivered to the occupiers in the area of ​​the svo, and that is why we were very surprised that these gelats skyh systems continue to go to russia, and also in customs declarations, you know, we see that these goods are made in ukraine, actually at the factory in uzhgorod, my dear nastya, when there is silence, when no one knows anything, then it is such a kind of impulse, sometimes, let's ... continue, no one sees, you published your information, you spent investigation and now everyone has heard about it, was there a reaction, did anything change, how did the authorities react in the end, well
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, the company itself, uh, the company itself, except that we have his answer in our own investigation, where they say that they stopped work with russia and do not interact at all and try to control the chains as much as possible. movement of their product further so that sales to russia do not happen, but sales in russia obviously happen, i can assume that without the knowledge of this company, which is located in uzhgorod and which performs part of the work was outsourced from gilat, but after the fact, after the publication , we have not yet received the reaction of this company, but we have a certain reaction from the security service of ukraine, which it says... , if an official response from them. it is very important that the security service of ukraine reacted, because we also appeal to them,
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we also testify to certain points, we are very grateful to you for your work and for participating in our program nastya horpinchenko, a journalist of the information investigation, who is actually about all of this urby@ orby said. we say goodbye for a few hours, we will return at 14:10, but you stay with espresso, because in a few minutes khrystyna. parubiy will talk about the most important news. be with us. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zemai, we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? now about what in happened to the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with
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us, oleksandr, please welcome and news sport. review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about culture news. leaders who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can have your say on the badass of the day with a phone survey, plug and play, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. hello,
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this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause resonance in our society drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on
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moscow and others. cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. an unusual look at the news: good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv, and beyond it, what kind of world is he dreaming of, so norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at
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espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. the project, as for experienced fans, and simply for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football. football
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format. every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. to the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. project.


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