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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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there will be some katsaps in kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers and just now i'll tell you about the most important events at this time. consequently, the situation on four fronts has escalated, fierce fighting continues, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr tsirskyi, announced. according to him, attempts by the russians to break through the defenses are stopped. the situation in kharkiv oblast is difficult, but there is strength.
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defenses hold the lines and deal damage to the enemy. the situation is changing dynamically in the kupyan, siversko-lyman and pokrovsky directions. in some areas, the enemy has partial success, in others, the defense forces push out the russians. in the times of yar. the russian army does not give up its attempts to capture the city and presses on the eastern flank and unsuccessfully tries to return what it lost in the area of ​​klyshcheivka. despite this , our military is being rotated and restored. combat capability of the brigades, - noted sirskyi. president volodymyr zelenskyi also commented on the situation in kharkiv oblast. according to him, yesterday the occupiers attacked the village of hlyboke, which is of strategic importance - informed the unit of sharp cartouches from a separate detachment of the national guard. the military added that the defense forces were forced to leave some positions. the russians suffer heavy losses, but... they still
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attack our defenders and succeed in some places , our defensive operations continue in the kharkiv region in the area of ​​the villages: strelecha, krasne, morukhovets, oliinikova, lukyantsi, matishche, pletenivka are border villages, our troops have been conducting counterattacks there for the second day , protecting ukrainian territory. in the south, the defense forces are firmly on the defensive. the occupiers carried out 17 assaults in the orihiv direction, 13 of them in the staromayorsky district, two near robotyny, and one each in the novodanilivka and verbovoy districts. the press center of the southern defense forces reports. on the left bank of the dnieper, in the kherson region, the enemy stormed unsuccessfully five times, but suffered losses and retreated. personal for the last day the composition of the enemy decreased by 140 people.
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the enemy also lost 54 units of weapons and military equipment. our defenders destroyed two field supply points, a fuel storage place and an observation post. in the russian belgorod, the entire entrance of a high-rise building was destroyed. they say that it was hit by a russian air defense missile. this is reported by local media. however, propaganda channels claim that this is the result of the ukrainian hit. rocket , a huge sinkhole was formed in the building, at least three residents died, and another 10 damaged, and 15 may be under rubble. three successful attacks on strategic russian enterprises overnight. the drones hit the volgograd oil refinery, the kaluga naftoprodukt plant and the novolypetsk metallurgical plant. as reported by a number of media. according to its own sources, it was a successful
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operation of the main intelligence agency. information about the fire at the volgograd oil refinery was confirmed by the local governor. after the impact, a fire broke out, however, the occupiers claim that they allegedly repelled the attack with rap means, and the ignition was caused by a fall debris it was traditionally reported that there were no consequences. they are using you... meat, the fighters of the siberian battalion recorded an appeal to russian soldiers, noted that they themselves are now repelling the offensive of the russian army in the direction of kharkiv and call to join them, and not be occupiers. surrender, surrender, join the lava siberian battalion of the russian volunteer corps and the legion of freedom of russia to fight together for the freedom and free future of russia, without putin and his gang. many who serve. together with you
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have already made the right choice and surrendered, preserving their lives and dignity. a large shopping center burned down in warsaw, it caught fire in the middle of the night. the fire alarm in the building did not work, so when the fire brigades arrived, the flames had already covered almost 80% of the premises. in total, about 1,500 shops were burned. so far, the fire has been contained. the city authorities urged residents not to open the windows in their apartments. they explained that there could be harmful substances in the air, because household chemicals, furniture and rubber were burning. in the future, over 1,200 patients annually receive state-of-the-art prostheses here. ukraine's largest prosthetics and orthotics center has opened in lviv. in it , military and civilian ukrainians will receive prosthetics free of charge, and new specialists will also be trained.
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kateryna oliynyk will tell you more. a month and a half ago, nine-year-old mykhailik was given a protest. now the boy is learning to... not walk with a new limb. at the hospital, they discovered that i had a hook, bones, and had to take away my leg. maybe you can walk freely and you won't have any hands are busy mykhailik is one of the first patients of the new prosthetics and orthotics center, which opened in lviv. the facility was opened on the basis of the nezlamni rehabilitation center. prostheses of the lower and upper limbs will be installed here free of charge. for military and civilian ukrainians. more than 50 people engaged in prosthetics in ukraine have already been studied, and tens of thousands of people need to be prosthetics, so this will be the largest educational hub that will share knowledge throughout ukraine and produce the best specialists. a unique center for ukraine from the point of view
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speed of construction and from the point of view of the function it will perform. the center has rooms for taking measurements, fabrication, installation and fitting. comfortable limbs, they also equipped a walking laboratory, an auditorium for specialist training and a courtyard for patient relaxation, all of which were built in just four months. the area of ​​this center is 100 m2, the center itself is built in a circular manner, that is, we have a building like the one we have, which goes into a circle, and each, every room has its own function, and is divided in such a way that the prosthetist can comfortably to use exactly a workshop for the manufacture of prostheses, that is, all processes in us originate gradually and all processes take place in different rooms, according to the head of the center vladyslav sikhovsky, 10 prosthetists will be able to work in the workshop at the same time, there is a catastrophic lack of such specialists in ukraine, that is why
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new specialists will be regularly trained here . foreign colleagues will come, well, as far as i know, from the 20th of may this month, training will begin here, but it will be for the second category. this is our german school, german teachers are coming, well, at the moment i am studying for the third category in human studies schools, so we are waiting for the teachers, we will study. the opening of such a center was financed by the german government and the german society for international cooperation. over a thousand prostheses are planned to be manufactured and installed here in a year. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. and i want to remind you about... our collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhia directions, the repair and restoration regiment works in mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military
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equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver to the combat zone , mobile repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumo-hydraulic cranes. for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. with your help, we have already collected over uah 140,000. so please don't delay, your help is very important. in you can now see sirk visits on the screen. that was the news for now, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also a summary of the highlights on our social networks, and of course, watch. we have it on youtube. my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika continue the broadcast. we will see you at 3 p.m.
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thank you colleagues for your work. oksana and i even felt a slight déjà vu when the russian-fascist invaders shot down a malaysian boeing, then also within the shortest time about 30 different versions up to the point that a ukrainian fighter jet, which we did not have in our arsenal, flew up and shot down a plane in which corpses had already been packed straight from the morgue and sent under the guise of passengers, this was my favorite option, now which favorite is your choice in in connection with the terrorist attack and the explosion that took place in belgorod, as of this moment, the press of alkashe lavrov, maria zakharova , between the first and the third bottle, managed to say that it was a terrorist, another terrorist... attack on residential areas of the fascist regime from kyiv , there is nothing here
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expected right? but now we are starting to cross our fingers, it means that it has arrived, it means that the point was flown by the armed forces of ukraine, the first version, the second vilha, the third atakams, the fourth - guided french aerial bombs, we will cross our fingers more than once, because the manual is not visible managed to release, not everyone was informed. but let's look at two points together: the moment of explosion is interesting, because any arrival and explosion, it is accompanied by fire, that is, there is an epicenter of the explosion, the moment of explosion, in this case on the video is different, and now look, this is a photo, if you think it's from belgorod, no, it's magnitogorsk, december 31, 2018, an explosion, and now look at the real thing that happened in belgorod. this entrance collapsed after the black smoke that fell in the area of ​​the basement,
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just like that, this is the result one by one, as when they blew up the house in magnitogorsk, to those who want to plunge into the terrorism carried out by rusnia, we recommend the book fsb blow up russia, once they could write russian, as of this moment it is good russian, which are financed in europe. they are called liberals, this is what they look like to medusa, this is in belgorod after the shelling of the armed forces , the entrance to the only community that has not discredited itself as an insider collapsed, it sounds like this: in belgrade, as a result of the explosion , the entrance collapsed, this is the first, the first and the last the adequate signature that we have at the moment is for the moskw times, which is sitting in europe and making a flight, that they are a good russian, that means everything. but worse, the entrance to the multi-storey building in belgorod was destroyed by the russian pukrainskaya. both yours and ours. here
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yes. meanwhile, on the other side of the border in ukraine, in the kharkiv region, evacuation is underway, and i inform you that already more than 400 residents of those settlements, those small villages, where there is the greatest threat to people's lives due to constant russian shelling, have been evacuated, and those who want to leave further, call for it do. we will now talk about another. stepan barna, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, is in touch with us from the donetsk direction. mr. stepan, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. there are several hot spots in donetsk region. we ask you about the operational situation there to tell well, our situation is stable, that is, the enemy does not stop trying to carry out assault actions. assault actions are applied with the use of artillery and aviation. rocket artillery, in some places there are assaults by infantry, small groups, he is looking for
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weak points in the line of defense, i.e. a stable situation, in some places, at least in our direction, there are no radical changes, uh, of course, but how are they the same, the same their tactics, small to overwhelm aviation in groups from the sky. and movement on some quadricycles, or even bicycles, motorcycles, are they still racing on motorcycles, the same strategies and tactics, have they come up with something new, can you notice something new? well, this is creativity, which sometimes takes place, that is, it is not of such a mass nature, such ideas sometimes come to the minds of the occupiers, but they do not have such a mass nature, they mainly use bmps that approach. there to a position there at a distance of a few kilometers, then
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only infantry, well-dressed infantry, in cable trousers, uniforms, that is, they are all well, feeling well, are moving in our direction across the fields, with good weapons, but nevertheless, they mainly carry out assault operations with the help of infantry in our direction, they are well equipped, as much as they are specialized in... well, first of all, there have always been sufficiently specialized units in our direction, this includes the airborne, airborne - assault brigades, of course, and... some of them fall to us, they are mobilized, they are people from luhansk, from the donetsk region, which is occupied today and was already occupied directly there seven or eight years ago, that is, it is a usual situation that the enemy
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is now carries out civilian mobilization the population of the occupied territories. after it opened... the front line was still in the north in the kharkiv region, did you feel something in the changes in your area of ​​the front, or did the fighting in the north somehow affect the change in the picture of the battle in your area? well, it is obvious that this is happening, the enemy probably concentrated more on the kharkiv direction today, if we take the number of shellings, they fell significantly in our direction. positions, we faced a situation when during the day, for example, it was exclusively on the positions of the 10th separate more than 200 shots were fired by the delves mountain assault brigade, that is, it is quite a serious barrage of shelling, and now it has decreased somewhat, but this does not mean that it will not happen, for example, another assault
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tomorrow or in a few days, so we need to prepare, dig in, strengthen their positions. and once again prepare, keep your direction. mr. stepan, we know that now it is very difficult, in particular for military personnel, and officers and soldiers to comment on the events at the front. this is caused precisely by the need to and the enemy did not hear too much. but here already what happened, then happened, then i am you, since you are our only defender, a military man, then, if possible, comment today on the facebook page, the commander of the intelligence unit dryly. yaroslavskyi wrote about how the troops of the armed forces of ukraine, denys , are repulsed in vovchansk, this is in the kharkiv region, they are repulsed, storm z. brigadier arta says it worked perfectly, and then finished off the zet company together with their fire support equipment, he reports on his work , but then it is very interesting, he yaroslavskyi says that on this one
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area of ​​the front, near vovchansk there was no first line of fortification and no mines. in two, i quote verbatim: in two years , there should have been concrete fortifications minus three stories high on the ukrainian border, and there were not even mines, we come to the opinion that this is either a rampant theft or deliberate sabotage, end of quote, here is your comment on for the thoughts of my comrade in arms, mr. roman, i will tell you this way that the 10th separate mountain assault brigade entered its position... the ones we are in now, somewhere in september of the 22nd year, from the 22nd th year, in the month of september, we retreated by a maximum of 4 km, believe me, it is quite difficult to hold the direction we have today, it is the northern direction, and at the same time it restrains the efforts, and all
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the trenches, all the mini barriers, engineering... structures, they were not built for with the help of civilian equipment or anyone there, and it was built exclusively by the means, the forces of the armed forces of ukraine, so if the position is fortified directly by the unit, then it is obvious that there is an opportunity to hold it, this does not mean that construction is not taking place now fortifications deep. kovtel, they are happening, but where the ukrainian infantry is located, no equipment will go there and will not even try and will not be able to try to start the construction of these fortifications, will be destroyed very quickly, you are talking about the defenders with your own hands, who dug in under fire and it was built, but
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mr. yaroslavskyi, officer yaroslavskyi says so, here is another quote, you know that 125 tro. who left the positions, this is probovchansk, already gives the schedule that they were forced to sign acts of acceptance of the transfer of fortifications, which even 30% were not ready, as the completed construction, mr. roman, if such facts take place, then this issue should already be dealt with by law enforcement structures, the state security bureau, and those, the military, who supervise this area should deal with it. work, that is, this is a complex issue and without the intervention of the authorities in this situation, well, obviously it cannot be resolved, so it is obvious that it is necessary to address today not only. society, but to contact law enforcement agencies directly. and according to practice and experience, in one word only tell me, when something like this comes out unexpectedly, it doesn’t happen often, when such information
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comes out, they will beat the officer who made it public, or the law enforcement officers will beat those who did the extortion, look, i can’t say, but if i’m with you talking, there are probably certain opportunities, i have the opportunity to express my opinion, yes, but as for other directions, other brigades, i... the situation, i also do not know what is happening there, who built the fortifications there, when i started build, who was responsible for it, the point is that if we take our unit and our brigade, we obviously , thanks to the fact that we have been in this position for the last almost two years, have the opportunity to directly prepare the first, second and third lines of defense ourselves, and this is happening. it is the use of forces and means directly of the 10th brigade, who was standing in the vovchansk direction or the kupyansk direction, before the other
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units entered, i do not own this issue, and it is obvious that these problems take place when the brigades take place , exits of brigades, and this is precisely the most difficult period, because then any unit of the armed forces of ukraine loses the most. mr. stepan, the spokesman... of the khortytsia group, nazar voloshyn, says that they concentrated, if we are talking about the north, in two locations, libtsii and vovchansk, but not as we had hoped, that they came, destabilized the situation and that's it. that they are trying to expand their bridgeheads there, or are you observing something similar in your directions in donetsk region, that is , can we talk about the fact that they will now try bigger push and expand by force. that is, to go in more directions at the same time. it is obvious that they will do it, we clearly observe that there are now
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attempts to stretch the front somewhere, and the fact that certain actions are taking place there with the participation of aviation, drg in sumy oblast, assault actions with the participation of the regular armed forces of the russian federation, occupiers in kharkiv oblast, well, it is obvious that it is somewhere about... stretching the front, stretching the forces and means, forces, defense forces, and where it can be, well, we feel that this is a priority direction, just not kharkiv region, but it will be donbas, for some reason, it is obvious that they aim to solve the problem of donbas for themselves both politically and militarily, do you receive reinforcements according to your feelings, i am talking about the people now. and about weapons, and about equipment, about all the things you need, if we take directly my division, this is the barney division, yes, we
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specialize in fpv drones, camicadza drones, i want to note that 90% of the drones are drones that comes to us, it is volunteer support, support of people, local self-government bodies, and all that too. kills the enemy on ukrainian land, we directly make, tinker, in laboratories, solder, that is, it is our work directly, as regards the provision of other means, for example, vitamins, shells for artillery, i cannot tell you, because in different directions we face in different ways is the use of artillery, but i will tell you for sure that it is never enough. the more artillery, the more active aviation, the easier it is for the infantry. mr. stepan, thank you for your service, thank you for the information, glory to the heroes,
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those who had ears heard, 90% are volunteers, so such a ratio, nine to one, if we talk about volunteers, then i will just take the opportunity, because volunteers are not only about drones, not only about slaves, although it is probably the most popular, it is also about cars and also about atvs, and now. you can't charge atvs for cold ravine, they need this vehicle, qr codes, card numbers, you see, to take out the wounded, bring ammunition, and most importantly to move around the battlefield, that's exactly what such a vehicle is intended for, and not at all in order to wander around the carpathians somewhere and rest. i am listening to our guest with my ears, and with my eyes i have been watching the video that the locals in the belgorod people's republic posted on their telegram channel. all russian lies about the fact that it was a fragment
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of a missile shot down by air defense. they just took it apart in terms of personnel, the vengeful ones themselves took apart this video, slowed it down, nothing falls there, nothing falls there, but there is an explosion, in a word , like this, so you will see how interesting the informational and psychological attack will continue to develop to ukraine in the world with this undermining of this entrance, this is only the beginning, we are taking a short break, stay, after this break, stay with us too, because we will talk about protection. property rights, free elections and other rights in ukraine, it will be interesting, be with espresso! if you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saws from razpak tv are just for you, they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 990.9 uah. choose
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competent opinions. in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv, and beyond it, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analysts, even more. important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. where
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did my mother get her strength. say: to do everything, to hide fatigue, to stay awake to teach, to sympathize with me, so young, as you managed day after day, despite work, affairs, school, to find our friendship is time, i will never forget it, now i know it's love, you don't call, and i'm already scared, you're the closest in the world, mom, and i 'm terribly grateful for everything, well, we're coming back. as promised, we are talking about the protection of the right to property, free choice and other rights in our country. to this end, we are adding radyslav tkachenko, a lawyer, to our broadcast. and mr. radislav, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good day. we have a few questions for you, specifically on this topic, and we know that ukraine, as a member state of the council of europe, is obliged to comply with the norms of compliance human rights that it provides.


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