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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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ukroboron and prominoboron did not actually contribute to the fact that these enterprises were pre-based in safe places. meanwhile , the need for the plant's products at the front did not disappear anywhere. volunteers are looking for military vehicles abroad in order to convert them and give them to the soldiers on the front lines. therefore, the capacity of the plant is not being used enough today, and the domestic military industry has room to grow. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news release on a tv channel for your attention. espresso in iryna
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koval's studio. greetings to all the viewers and just now i will tell you about the most important events for this one time. therefore, the situation in four areas has become worse. hot battles continue. this was announced by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. according to him, the attempts of the russians to break through the defense have been stopped. the situation in kharkiv oblast is difficult, but the defense forces are holding the lines and inflicting damage on the enemy. the situation in the kupyansk, siversk-lymansk and pokrovsky directions. dynamically changes. in some areas, the enemy has partial success, in others the defense forces are pushing out the russians. chasiv yar: the russian army does not stop trying to capture the city and presses on the eastern flank and unsuccessfully tries to regain what was lost in the area of ​​klishchiivka. despite this, the rotation of our military and the restoration of combat capability of the brigades are being carried out - syrsky noted. up to 400 residents still remain in vovchansk in
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the kharkiv region, reports the public. the russians are trying to capture the city and have intensified their attacks on it. according to the head of the city police department, maksym stetsyna, most often locals refuse to leave because they don't want to leave their livestock behind. however, when the military administration offers evacuation, along with animals still agree, not everyone. according to the law enforcement officer, there are no children in the city, they were taken away last year. in 2024 , the situation in minsk has worsened, the city is almost destroyed, there are almost no people left, we are cultivating the remnants, look, the center, if there is an opportunity, people, leave the public.
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there are places at home and there will be outfits passing by to pick you up, please dial 102. are you being used as meat? fighters of the syrian and siberian battalion recorded an address to the russian soldiers. noted that now repel the offensive of the russian army in the direction of kharkiv and called to join them, and not be occupiers. surrender to captivity. go into captivity, join the lava-siberian battalion of the russian volunteer corps and the legion of freedom of russia to fight together for the freedom and free future of russia, without putin and his gang. many of those who serve with you have already made the right choice and surrendered, saving their lives and dignity. in the south, the defense forces are firmly on the defensive. in the orichiv direction, the occupiers carried out 17 assaults, 13 of them in the staromayorsky district, two near the work area. and
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one each in the districts of novodanilivka and verbovoy, reports the press center of the southern defense forces. on the left bank of the dnieper, in the kherson region, the enemy unsuccessfully stormed five times, but suffered losses and retreated. over the past day , the enemy's personnel has decreased by 140 people. the enemy also lost 54 units of weapons and military equipment. our defenders destroyed two field points: combat supply, fuel storage and observation point. in the russian belgorod, a whole was destroyed entrance of a high-rise building, they say that a russian air defense missile hit, local media reports. however, propaganda channels claim that this is the result of a ukrainian missile being hit. a huge sinkhole formed in the building, at least three residents died, 10 were injured , and fifteen more may be under the rubble.
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three successful attacks on strategic russian enterprises overnight. drones hit the volgograd oil refinery, the kaluga-naftoprodukt plant. it was a successful operation the main intelligence department. information about the fire at the volgograd oil refinery was also confirmed by the local governor. after the impact , a fire broke out, although the occupiers claim that they allegedly repelled the attack with rap means, and the ignition was caused by falling debris. it was traditionally reported that there were no consequences. also, russia is being flooded again by large water, this time the dam in the omsk region has burst, and hundreds of houses have already gone under water, the local ministry of emergency situations reports. the locals were first moved to the school, but later flooded her too. rescuers had to
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evacuate more than 400 people. according to local authorities, the water level in the ishim and irtysh rivers continues to rise. roads are already cut off. 20 settlements. a large shopping center burned down in warsaw. it broke out in the middle of the night. the fire alarm in the building did not work. so when the fire brigades arrived on the scene, the flames had already covered almost 80% of the premises. in total, about 1,500 shops burned down. so far, the fire has been contained. the city authorities urged residents not to open the windows in their apartments. explained to that... that there could be harmful substances in the air, because household chemicals, furniture and rubber were burning. treatment of childhood trauma, fight against addictions and neuropsychological
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rehabilitation of military personnel. in the walls of the first medical association of lviv, doctors from all over ukraine, as well as austria and france , exchanged their experience in helping patients with mental wounds. our kateryna oliynyk will tell you more. nine-year-old mykhailo from kherson. six months ago, the boy was injured by mortar shelling by the occupiers. a fragment of ammunition pierced his skull and entered the brain. doctors were able to save the child's life. mykhailo was lucky to stay alive. the first two operations took us to mykolaiv, but... the fragment remained in the head, and only the third operation was performed in lviv, we removed the fragment and assembled his skull, placed a titanium-metal plate in place of the missing bones. after the experience, the child developed anxiety. mykhailo is afraid
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to leave his mother and does not speak much, to heal the mental wound of the war. lviv specialists from the unbroken kids center help the boy. for now, while he is still. is in condition such active rehabilitation, he and i do not touch the trauma that he experienced, although he was conscious and remembered everything that happened to him, we do not talk about it, we concentrate more on game activities, on resource activities, in order to better to investigate the mental wounds of war in adults and children, the third international conference on mental health was held in lviv, the discussion was attended by me... clinical psychologists and educators, foreign specialists from france and austria also joined the conversation, they discussed the specifics of the treatment of children injuries, diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder, art therapy techniques and neuropsychological rehabilitation of military personnel.
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trauma always stops, trauma always isolates, and when it stops, isolates a person of mature age, in principle there is harm, but this harm is possible. to somehow work with already existing value systems that are in the head. the child is on the march of development, and when an injury stops him on the march of development, he does not have enough resources to process it and help himself. aerial, alarms, explosions, forced moving and other factors have a negative impact on children's psyche. this manifests itself in mood swings, irritability, high levels of anxiety, sensitivity to loud sounds, and trouble sleeping. school psychologists can recognize signs of trauma and help deal with stress properly. in fact , it is very important here to teach children relaxation and self-soothing techniques, and this is probably what we work on the most, yes, because we live in a state of war, and accordingly, children should be
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able to cope with this, and the first thing that we we do, well, what i do personally is that i teach different breathing techniques, grounding techniques, when the children work on it... in a normal everyday way, and when they, for example, have this moment of a stressful situation, they already know accordingly , how to deal with it. according to the statistics of the international organization unicef, as of february this year, 36% of young ukrainians suffered psychological trauma from the war. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. and i am asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone solidarsky and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers, day and night. therefore, in order to ... restore and return to the battlefield damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers,
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a minibus is needed, which will deliver mobile repair groups and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. with your help, we have already collected more than uah 140,000. so let's not we will delay and close this collection. your. help is very important, you can see all the details on the screen now, this was the news at that time, wait for the next episode already at 17 o'clock, you can read more on our website espresso tv, a summary of the main ones on our social networks, and of course watch our unique content on youtube, well, my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika continue the broadcast.
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comfort and a well-kept area, order lightweight and reliable kors trimmers from just uah 999, call c3 lev overcomes allergies, c3 lev neo protects against the most common allergens. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change
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the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's win. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club, what not... the rules in our studio remain unchanged until... you know, we ask our informed guests to we all knew and understood much more. we include oleksiy koshel in the conversation, he is the head of the committee of voters of ukraine. mr. oleksiy, we congratulate you. good day. well, let's start, of course, we will sum up, as les poderevyansky said,
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intermediate, intermediate summaries. who is there? minus kubrakov? minister solsky, after that there is an intrigue, well, we need to somehow make informational white noise, which the two kubrakovs will come up with for us, because kubrakov was the first at the start to be the coolest manager on planet earth, at the finish line all telegrams covered him with mud channels affiliated with one of the streets in kyiv. and so they poured it hard enough, they don't regret it, they don't... regretting the bad paints, well, if you evaluate kubarkov objectively, then of course there are questions for him, for example, as far as i know, the construction, the construction of shelters in schools, is in part, at least his area of ​​responsibility, there we can, say, continue this rather serious
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series of what was done and not done, i remember the large-scale construction of 2022, well , at least he... dutifully followed the instructions, instead, i could take a clear political position, regarding the fact that such extravagance during the war is inadmissible, but it is necessary to give credit to the pros, for example, i trust expert organizations, in particular transparency international, the publication of our money, which pointed out a number of kubrakov's serious advantages in the fight against corruption, we will also mention his role in the creation and function. primarily the black sea grain corridor, many other things, that is, somewhere he did not finalize, but in general, i think that against the background of other members of the government, we have reason to talk about him as a sufficiently effective leader, that is why the motives for his removal, and in this strange way, first we announce, i mean, the government announces a reduction
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in the number of ministries, and now we divide them into two and we start multiplying the number of ministries, well, i think... we just need to explain the usual healthy logic, and of course, any personnel resignation should be at least a public explanation of what the matter is, that is, he did not carry out his action plan as a candidate for the position a member of the government, he i made mistakes, well, i’m sorry, we need to forgive these post-soviet traditions, when we shoot without any explanations, we appoint them to the position of honorary adviser, huh, mr. oleksiy, actually you already... touched on the topic that there were originally two ministries, their united, now they are divided again, and well , it is quite understandable, there are experiments, the experiment failed, we return to the original position, okay, but what a situation we have, now there are several candidates for the part of kubrakov, that is, for the head of the ministry of the region, instead, in order to lead ministry of infrastructure, we have not heard about who
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is applying for this seat, accordingly, how appropriate is it to fire a person, he... it used to be, one person was fired, one head was fired, then the vacancy remains empty, and here it is about whether the department will be to work effectively all this time, then it will take time for the new person to understand, find out and so on, you can even longer, you can put, and this is not just performing duties, you will be even more stupid, and this is not just a ministry , which can afford to wait during the war, these are the ministries, which must work 24x7, well, first of all... regarding the division of ministries, this is a normal practice, absolutely, i have met the positions of local self-government experts who, on the contrary , say that in this case it would be correct to divide, because we are now dominated by theses about the fact that now we will honor officials as much as possible, we will divide all ministries in two, reduce the number of ministries and many others. i understand that these are
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popular theses, but the logic of one's actions must be explained, and this is a normal practice. well, me too i'll say yes. attention to the fact that if the government announces a reduction in the number of ministries, then it should also reduce the number of parliamentary committees, i.e. unify them, or parallelize them, and this is a normal practice when experiments are carried out there, or they are united, or on the contrary, they are divided, for each period of time, for each issue, for each priority, the government chooses the most favorable format of work for itself, let's say, i have a question whether it is expedient in the conditions of war and post-war reconstruction, obviously we are talking about many years, preservation ministry of family, youth and sports. as far as i'm concerned, it could be completely connected to another department at the management level, to another ministry, here is a separate discussion, and it is quite broad, but the key thing is that the logic
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of the government's actions must be explained, at least at the level of the verkhovna rada, while what do you know, these are soviet directors, today we will do it this way, tomorrow differently, without any explanation, oleksiy, what we are paying attention to is that this practice is gaining... we remember, for example, when we filmed the minister of defense tarana, not a word was said there, where some things went, where the weapons went , when, where the bc disappeared, who, where, who and how stopped the missile and other defense orders , the state defense order, nothing happened, just forward to slovenia as an ambassador, here now it was even cooler, here they actually voted for resignation, and without a report, they would have voted for resignation. even, well, one should give credit for the fact that such a practice has taken place before, but at least the explanation was at least at the level of the media, at the level of
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information sources, here it is too frank, i.e. we are not satisfied with the candidate, he failed the job, relatively speaking, and we are sending him as an ambassador, there they removed the secretary of the national security council danilov, well, i apologize, this is a serious enough resignation in the conditions of war, there is another matter, the national security service of ukraine. now, in recent years, it has been turned into a complete zero, well, that’s another story, but if the authorities are not satisfied with danilov’s work, it should be said frankly, that’s how we appoint him as an ambassador, such a certain, certain honorable veil, well, i’m sorry, if he was not ineffective manager in the circle of the president, it is unlikely to be effective diplomat, well, i’m not personally for him, i’m in general for the approach itself, well, as for danilov here too... of course there is a question, as far as i know, he does not have sufficient quality of the english language to be an ambassador, and there, here already it doesn't matter whether it's a small or a big country,
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russia's influence is strong enough there, and in moldova you have to work clearly enough, and that's why i generally don't accept this practice, when like this we just chop with checkers, assign it there, don't assign it there, and everything else , we have already appointed, there was already a decree... about the appointment of zaluzhne as an ambassador, when we first played against ourselves, because in the conditions of war, to scatter military personnel, professional personnel, and combat generals, is simply unrealistic, inadmissible, that is, zaluzhne could work for any position in ukraine and work, work for your country, and secondly, i think we have received, we will continue to receive a wave of publications in the western media, in which... there will be quite serious reputational blows, where western politicians or journalists will comment on this appointment, absolutely illogical, ugh, sir
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oleksiy, we have one more question, look, there is a minister, there is actually a person who deals with information policy in the ministry of defense, there is a wife of this person, and there is a video that was shot by a company that belongs to this wife, who manages... this company , i am now talking about a video about the ukrainian military, which is identical, in fact, it completely copies a similar american video, and for this , of course, certain funds go, why does this happen in our country, that money is spent on things that should not cost so much, that duplicate something which so now we actually show both videos for comparison, so you can see that the idea is really the same. and in fact , even the footage is very, very similar, but maybe our viewers just need a couple of details, because they may not have known the media detector just as you are writing about, it was filmed by the company of the wife, as you
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said, the wife of kyril tymoshenko, they write. kyrylo tymoshenko, we remember this efficient manager in the president's office who got rid of him, the name of alyona tymoshenko's company good media, and here it is re-voiced, re-recorded. and for that someone i paid and said where is the control, where is the control over all that we literally have a minute to spare. well , there are two positions here: kyrylo tymoshenko renounces his baptism, says nothing of the sort, but there is a position of detektor media, an authoritative publication, which for me is precisely this position that is decisive, and there can be only one thing here, if the version of detektor media is confirmed, it is called, in one word, criminal , crime, corruption. squandering public funds, there should be responsibility for this, it cannot be tolerated, and by the way, you are television people, here you are tell me better, these videos are very
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expensive. and it is expensive, so, i understand that you can do it very quickly in risk, but i think that scriptwriters, and directors, and focus groups, and various other extremely expensive videos take place there according to estimates. i won't be surprised if such a video can cost tens of thousands of dollars, well, at least i know that before, well, i see professional handwriting, i know that before the amounts were about this. well, here, to understand more, you just need to look at the estimate, such as, for example, the state. the parliamentary channel rada orders products from the production company and how much is allocated for this production in the budget, and these numbers are even more than what you announced, mr. oleksiy. oleksiy koshel, head of the committee of voters of ukraine, was with us. thank you, mr. oleksiy, see you soon. then there is espresso, because after a short break, the real front project with taras berezovets, let 's go to this project without a break. see
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congratulations, the real front program is on the air and i, taras berizovets, am with you. today in ours program the situation around the time gap worries ukrainian intelligence. xi jing ping's european tour. peace summit. ukraine plans to discuss three issues. and also the latest weapons for the armed forces. what surprises await the russian invaders on the battlefield? on monday , may 6, the ministry of foreign affairs of the czech republic
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summoned the russian ambassador. federation of aleksandr zmievsky through cyber attacks on czech institutions and objects of critical infrastructure. before that, germany reported on russian cyberattacks. this week, the british edition of the financial times published an extensive material in which it is claimed that russia is allegedly preparing sabotage in europe. since it took a course for permanent conflict with the west. according to the intelligence representatives referred to. journalists moscow actively prepares explosions, arson and damage to infrastructure, both independently and through intermediaries. for more details about russian sabotage in europe, see our story. european special services warn that russia is planning sabotage throughout europe. kremlin agents prepare hidden explosions, arson and attacks
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on infrastructure. about it... the financial times reports. russia has already begun to more actively prepare hidden explosions, arson and damage to infrastructure on european territory. directly and through intermediaries, without any obvious concern about the death of the civilian population, - believe intelligence representatives. the british newspaper also writes that one senior european government official said that information about the obvious is being spread through nato security services. and russia's persuasive malevolence, which is coordinated and scaled. ukrainian expert and former deputy head of the sbu viktor yagun says that in fact the russian federation has been using such methods of fighting the civilized world for a long time in order to divide europe. in fact, the russian federation is already conducting what is called a hot war phase, not a hybrid one. this was recently confirmed by the investigation of the czech
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republic. the parity of russian saboteurs to explosions, explosions in bulgaria, this, the detention of saboteurs in poland who tried to blow up the railway, this, the cases of the attack on the family of skripals in great britain, this is murder the chechen-povska commander in berlin, this is an attempt to triple the owner of the arms company. and in bulgaria, i'm not talking about cyberterrorism, which is actually everywhere in europe, and the involvement of the russian federation in it is also proven. opportunities for sabotage in europe in the russian federation are quite powerful, says viktor yagon.


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