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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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wars, not hybrid, these are recently confirmed by the investigation of the czech republic, the involvement of russian saboteurs in explosions, explosions in bulgaria, this is the detention of saboteurs in poland who tried to blow up the railway, these are the cases of the attack on the family of skrapals in great britain, this is murder. the chechen-povska commander in berlin, this is an attempt to triple the owner of an arms company in bulgaria, i am not talking about cyberterrorism, which is actually everywhere in europe, and also proven, proven involvement in it russian federation. opportunities for sabotage in europe in the russian federation are quite powerful, says viktor yagon. perhaps it will not be the direct,
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direct participation of representatives of the special services of the russian federation there, as in the czech republic or in bulgaria, for example, like the arson of the garden house in germany, the head of refined metal, which was carried out by some left-wing structure there, and accusing them of they are helping ukraine with armored vehicles there, this is at full strength... we can seriously state that russia may be involved in this, through its special services, using proxies that they may not even understand who is playing for them and who is ordering music for them, to carry out such actions, such opportunities are quite powerful in russia, they use both the livatist structures and the extreme right, they turn each other against themselves, they... discredit the current government, they
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are trying through the leader of public opinion, who are bribing through third parties, to change the opinion in order to strengthen isolationism, they are already confirmed information about the attempt to influence the elections to the european parliament, which will be held in june, that is, this all elements of one chain, which is called a hybrid. war, but it has actually turned into a hot phase. viktor yagun says that the main task of the russian federation is to divide europe, to question unity and security issues in nato structures. however, european special services are informed and are preparing for possible sabotage or to prevent it. in this way, the arf once again demonstrates its true intentions for peace. because a united europe is much easier to be influenced, possibly to some kind of attacks, than united structures. ago
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they will do everything, they will look for an opportunity to pay someone there, they will directly do something there using some military technology, they are now actively working on the possibility of discrediting the olympics in paris, they want to disrupt the summit in switzerland, because how will they do it to do, what they will do, well, it is clear that... it is difficult to predict now, but the fact that the european special services are already informed and are preparing for this is already a plus, because whoever is informed is actually armed, no matter how much russia pressed, it only in this way confirms our narratives that they, they do not want peace, they do not want to live in peace, they do not want to achieve any ends'. and they have a very
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simple idea that everyone should be, chaos should reign, and in this chaos russia should, well, if not reign, then at the very least be one of those concentrated concentrated centers that influences all this and catches it there in that muddy water your fish. may 7. putin was sworn in as president of russia on the fifth day. most western countries boycotted this ceremony because of the war in ukraine. experts warn that after the so-called inauguration , the hands of the head of the kremlin will be finally untied. vladimir putin will now be able to conduct a new wave of mobilization without hindrance and redirect money from social programs to the manufacture and purchase of weapons. according to the patron.
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head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, vadym skibitskyi, the russian occupying forces are preparing for a new offensive operation in the kharkiv and sumy regions. he said this in an interview with a british publication the economist. according to a ukrainian scout, chasiv, who is the key to the further advancement of russian troops, is the most worrying thing at the moment. according to skibitskyi, it is only a matter of time before chasivyar falls like avdiivka. more details on this in our next story. the troops of the russian federation are preparing offensive actions. in kharkiv and sumy regions. the corresponding statement was made by the deputy head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, vadym skibitsky , in an interview for the economist at the beginning of may. skibitsky predicts that first the russian federation will try to continue to implement its plan from 2022, the complete liberation of donetsk
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and luhansk regions. he says that for the celebration of victory day in moscow on may 9, the occupiers were ordered to take something, and if it doesn't work, then at least until the visit of the dictator putin in... which should take place in may. according to the intelligence officer, the speed and success of the advance will determine when and where the russians strike next, but ukraine remains a problem with the lack of weapons. our problem is very simple. we don't have weapons, they always have them knew that april and may would be a difficult time for us. the biggest concern is chasivyar, which is the key to the further advance of russian troops to the last major cities of donetsk. region, the publication says. it is probably only a matter of time before this city falls just like avdiyivka, which was bombed to death by the russians in february, says the general. of course, not today or tomorrow, but still depends on our reserves. around
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the temporal ravine, intense fighting continues day and night, but the armed forces control the situation in this direction and the occupiers in there is no city. the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of troops said about it. nazar voloshyn on the air of the telethon, glavkom writes. over the past week and today , the situation around the city has not changed. active hostilities continue day and night. the enemy has not made any territorial gains there in recent days. there is no russian army in the city. serhii chaus, the head of the chasoyavorsk city military administration , said in may that civilians still have the opportunity to leave the city. however, due to human drone activity, it is difficult. evacuate, willing leaving the city is also not much, - reports the correspondent. for the last three weeks , the situation in the community has been on the verge of danger and shelling. currently, 680 residents remain in chasovoy yar, they did not provide assistance in may, but there are plans to do so. russia has tactical success in the village
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of ocheretyn, in donetsk region, where the rotation of ukrainian troops was disrupted. zakonmist writes that the russian troops managed to break through the first line of defense and... a 25 km area salient. ukraine is far from stabilizing the situation, russia is throwing everything it has to achieve greater benefits. they say that the russian army is not like that clear as it was at the start of the full-scale invasion in 2022, and now operates as a single body with a clear plan and under a single command. russia's main push will begin in late may or early june. according to information from the kibiian russian federation , more than half a million ground troops were active in the war with ukraine. at the same time , the aggressor country gathered 35,000 military personnel for the attack on kharkiv region and intends to expand their number to 50,000-70,000. in addition, russia is forming a reserve division, from 15
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up to 20 thousand people, which can be added to the main forces. according to deputy chief gur, this is not enough for operations to capture the great city. such a judgment. singled out by western military officials, but may be sufficient for a smaller task. the fifth inauguration of the russian dictator putin was not much different from the previous ones. western journalists scrutinized the video of putin's last fourth inauguration and found literally some detailed differences. first of all, last time putin the inauguration sat in his office without a jacket and pretended that he was checking some documents. this time the exact same thing happened with the only difference: putin was wearing a jacket. in addition, usually putin, when he moves to the kremlin throne room, where anxious guests are already waiting for him,
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always just moves along the corridor without stopping. and this time, aging putin decided to stop for some reason and even look at some paintings. which are located in the corridors leading to the kremlin hall. no one explained why this was done. another novelty of this inauguration is that putin has arrived for special work for him, the model of the aurus senat machine, which is presented as an exclusive russian development. however, journalists of the british bbc even earlier unearthed the comic fact that in fact this so-called russian car consists exclusively of chinese or western spare parts, so there is nothing russian in it, not even the name aurus senat. agree, clearly not about russian origin. another funny fact of this. old stars of soviet films, such as the actress
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talyzyna, who is already said to have gone through the roof, and a former hero hollywood action movies of steven seagal, you remember, the same movie hero from famous films, marked by death in assad and patriot. what is interesting is the list of these films, this is actually the filmography of this actor steven seagal. resembles certain stages of the biography of vladimir putin, one of them was called the super-law, which is very good to agree, illustrates the period of his presidency from the very beginning, and the fighters in assad and in assad-2 best illustrate the state of russia today, exactly as it is perceived by the russian dictator. in addition, another comedic detail of this inauguration, which also drew attention, including russian observers, was... there was the use of cannons, the so-called celebratory cannonade, a salute of
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30 cannons was supposed to indicate, first of all, that putin is going to rule at least until 2030 , but in i had a completely different analogy here with the number 30. 30 pieces of silver, judas iscariot, a former disciple of jesus from nazareth, who betrayed him. agree, this analogy suits putin even more. and the most important thing. these cannons fired a celebratory salute not into the moscow sky, but directly at the trees that were there are located nearby. so, what was the purpose of organizing this action, no one finally understood. well, the list of guests of the so- called inauguration is a separate story of putin's propaganda trash. instead of world leaders, let's remember the same sizin pinya, who had the opportunity to actually come to putin's inauguration, but instead. preferred a trip to france and such insignificant countries from putin's point of view as
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serbia and hungary. so sizenpin was not there, who was there, the leaders of cuba were there, the leaders of burkina faso, as well as a number of other third-rate countries. well, the european union was represented, however, by six countries, which also sent their representatives for obvious reasons. it was france, hungary, serbia. malta, cyprus and greece, each with its own historical or economic issues, have some connection with the current criminal kremlin regime. however , putin never got real satisfaction, because on that very day the security service of ukraine announced the arrest of two agents of the russian special services who were preparing an assassination attempt on the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi, as well as the heads of the ukrainian special services, vasyl malyuk and kyryll budanov. we currently do not know whether this attempt took place on the day of putin's inauguration, but we know about another sinister tradition
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of the russian dictator. on his birthday, he usually tries to kill someone from the russian opposition, this was already the case with the famous russian journalist politkovskaya, who was shot on the birthday of the dictator putin. on may 5, for the first time in 5 years, the leader is communist. xi jinping of china went on a european tour, visiting france, serbia and hungary. according to the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs of china , lin jiang, this visit should give a new impetus to the peaceful development of the world. however, according to the experts of the financial times, the stops chosen by the chinese leader are quite understandable from beijing's point of view. you are convinced that, for strategic and economic reasons, china wants very much to... disrupt the unity of both nato and the european union. each of the three countries
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visited by xi is seen by him as a potential lever to shake up the situation in the west. more details about this european tour of the chinese leader in our next story. xijin ping went on a tour of europe. the chinese leader planned to visit france, serbia and hungary. started my own. not the head of the people's republic of china from france on may 5. he visited there for two days. the day before, in a column for la figueroa, xijin ping said that china intends to work with france and the entire international community. searching for ways to solve the ukrainian crisis, as the new york times writes, he resolutely opposed criticism of his country for close relations with russia under during the war in ukraine. we are against the fact that the crisis is used to shift responsibility to a third country, blacken its image and ignite a new cold war. in turn, french president
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emmanuel macron said that without security for ukraine, there can be no security for ukraine. , but he noted that france was not at war with russia and did not seek to overthrow putin's regime. regarding the war, macron added that france and china should maintain a close dialogue. at a separate french-chinese business summit , the chinese leader said that between the two there is neither geopolitical tension nor fundamental conflict between the countries. the presidents jointly called for an olympic truce, the suspension of all hostilities worldwide for the duration of the olympics in paris, from july 26 to august 11. a number of agreements between french and chinese companies were also announced, including several deals related to production of batteries, transport and ecological energy. after france , on the evening of may 7, the chinese leader went to serbia. the date of his arrival fell on the 25th anniversary the bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade by nato. this is reported by the associated
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press. referring to the explosion in an article in the serbian newspaper politika, xi said the following. we must not forget that 25 years ago today , nato brazenly bombed the chinese embassy in yugoslavia. the chinese people value peace, but will never allow a repeat of historical tragedies. during the visit to belgrade , the presidents of china and serbia signed an agreement, which declared the desire of both countries to create a community with a common future. dana writes about this with a link to a joint declaration vuchicha and sydzen pina. according to this declaration. the leaders of the countries agreed on deepening and expanding the comprehensive strategic partnership and building a community of serbia and china with a common future in the new era. china also supported serbia in its non-recognition of kosovo and expressed its understanding of the country's rapprochement with the european union. china understands serbia's efforts to become
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a member of the european union and welcomes serbia's policy of developing friendly relations with all countries. and her determination. improve cooperation in the region. also the chinese side declared its readiness to increase the import of quality agricultural and other products of serbia and to speed up the approval of permits for their inspection. both sides expressed their desire to increase the use of freight trains between china and europe. later, the head of the people's republic of china arrived in hungary on may 9. sidzin pine's visit to hungary will last two days, where he will meet with the country's president, tamas solyok, and the prime minister. by minister viktor orban, as reported by reuters, the war in ukraine and infrastructure are on the agenda projects between countries. hungary and china, which are celebrating 75 years of diplomatic relations, are expected to sign 16 to 18 new cooperation agreements, one of which could be a large-scale infrastructure project as
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part of china's massive one belt one road project. also, according to cgtn, the parties plan to jointly outline a new cooperation and development plan to raise sino-hungarian relations to new heights. the european tour of the leader of communist china xijin ping should have caused a serious internal split of the european union, however, we can already state that this visit did not achieve at least this goal. olaf. who visited china a few months ago with the aim of persuading xijin ping to put pressure on putin and stop the war in ukraine. instead of meeting with the chinese leader, he preferred another. he said that it is more important for him to visit the baltic countries. well, the french leader emmanuel macron gallantly refused another proposal from
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the communist leader of china, who proposed to lift restrictions on the sale of french perfumes, as well. other goods to china. macron said: it is fundamentally different for us that china should make efforts to end the war in ukraine, and that it is sydzenpin who should put pressure on the russian dictator putin and organize the so-called olympic truce, which should begin in accordance with the start of the paris olympic games this summer year 15-16th. a global peace summit will be held in switzerland in june. according to the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, ukraine plans to raise three main issues. the exchange of captives of all for all, and. and energy and nuclear safety. the president noted that if all the countries present at the summit support these first three issues, then there will be detailed work-out and
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their solution with the russian side. german federal chancellor olaf scholl called on countries with developing economies to take part in the event. according to the head of the german government, if such countries as china, brazil and india call on russia to withdraw. troops from ukraine, the chances of a quick peace will increase. the chinese leader, in turn, replied that he would support a peace conference regarding ukraine, but, under one condition, if both moscow and kyiv will advocate for its holding at the same time. in the war against ukraine, russia uses a huge amount of equipment and ammunition left over from soviet times. ukraine. tries to rely on modern technologies and non-standard solutions, resisting the russian tactics of fire and meat assaults.
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see our story about modern ukrainian weapons that will soon appear on the battlefield. this year, the german company rain metal will supply ukraine with projectiles with a range of 100 km. general director nimetskyi armin paperger of the arms concern rhein metal stated. that already this year the company will deliver hundreds of thousands of projectiles to ukraine, among which will be prototypes of artillery projectiles with a range of 100 km, the german newspaper handle's blood writes about this. now the concern is focused, among other things, on the production of artillery ammunition. artillery changes the rules - says rain metal boss, referring to the war in ukraine. this year , the dusseldorf company will deliver hundreds of thousands of ammunition to ukraine. among. another prototype of artillery shells with with a range of 100 km. in the war against ukraine, russia uses a large amount of artillery ammunition. due to the lack of ammunition, ukraine
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cannot give a strong response to the invaders. according to paporaz, the western world is not ready for a conventional war. both in europe and in the usa , the capacity for the production of artillery ammunition has been gradually reduced in recent years. before the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, the power of rain metal was about 70,000 shells per year, this year the company will produce 700,000. in the medium term, 1.1 million per year is planned. with this one purpose rain metal is building a new artillery factory in unterluss. a new production facility is also being built in lithuania. in ukraine, the company also plans to build an artillery plant together with a local joint venture partner. according to papergar, the us and india have already asked about... investments in the artillery sector. the german company rain metal also plans to transfer 20 additional marder infantry fighting vehicles to ukraine.
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this is reported on the company's website. the german government instructed rhein-metal to supply ukraine with 20 additional infantry fighting vehicles marter. the order was placed in march 2024 and has an average double-digit value in millions of euros. delivery of this new. planned for 2024. help should also be expected from the united states. the american company fellony airo announced the launch of a new line of uavs designed to strengthen ukraine's defense capabilities. we are talking about the felon 1.0 drone with a 5.56 mm weapon system and the felon x, which is armed with a spike missile. defense industry europe wrote about it. our mission is fellony aeropol. in empowering countries with aid advanced defense technologies that ensure security in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape.
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it is noted that such a drone is armed with a 5.56 mm cannon and has a loaded spike anti-tank missile. this ammunition is a fairly effective israeli-made anti-tank weapon that competes with the american javelin. armed uav fel'. aeros are designed to meet the diverse needs of military operations, offering customized configurations to meet specific mission requirements, from reconnaissance and surveillance to current strikes and capturing targets. these drones provide unmatched performance and reliability in the field. it is also reported that the production of uavs for the armed forces became possible thanks to the adopted bill on providing additional aid to ukraine. but it is not yet known when exactly ukraine will receive the drones. this program was conducted for you by me, major of the armed forces of ukraine taras berezovyts. glory to ukraine,
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5650. 5. reform or corruption trap, investigation of the country. when and how will crimea return to ukraine. interview with the chairman of the mejlis ryfat chubarov. how did the defense of kyiv actually take place? colonel oleksandr vdovichenko of the zsu. memories of the brilliant ukrainian translator mykola lukash and many other stories and analytics. with the country in the center of the main ask for country magazine at points of sale. there are discounts, they represent coco discounts in may for relief, 10% in the week. traveller, bam and savings. where did you get the strength, mom, tell me to do everything, to hide in it, to stay awake, to teach, to sympathize with me, who is still so small. how did you manage to find time for our friendship day after day, despite work, affairs, school? i will never forget it. now i know it's love. you don't call, and i'm already scared. you are the closest in
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the world. mom and i am terribly grateful for everything. we are coming back. and how, how quickly they change public sentiment? until yesterday, all of facebook and other social networks were buzzing with eurovision, and today they are buzzing with scandals and scandals. but we will still make it to the last carriage of this eurotrain. we haven't talked about that yet, so it's about time. and what? we all already know that in fact , the ukrainian performers at the song contest exceeded expectations, third place, although the bookmakers said that it would be sixth. alyona olona and jerry hale received a total of 453 points, the winner from switzerland, the history of the song contest, switzerland is called nemo, yes nemo, so is the costume there, by the way, it also corresponds, let's discuss the history of this competition.
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our colleague dmytro didora will tell the story of ukraine's participation in the competition. for the first time, the eurovision took place in 1956 in switzerland. the competition was created to unite europe destroyed by the second world war. then whole families took part in the song competition. let's go back to 2024. ukraine has been participating in the song contest since 2003, and so far we remain the only country that has always qualified for the semi-finals, and this is a record eurovision. oleksandr ponomarov was the first to represent ukraine, the competition song
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of astalevista. the singer was written by the israeli composer zvik.


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