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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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the history of this competition, the history of ukraine's participation in the competition, will be told by our colleague dmytro didora. for the first time, the eurovision took place in 1956 in switzerland. the competition was created to unite europe destroyed by the second world war. then in... ukraine has been participating in the song contest since 2003, and so far we remain the only country that always passes the qualification of the semi-finals, and this is a eurovision record. oleksandr was the first to represent ukraine. the competition song
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of the astalavist for the singer was written by the israeli composer zvika peak. we sat down with this track 14 steps. a year later, in 2004 , the singer ruslana went to the competition with her wild dances. the combination of an incendiary performance and ukrainian motifs gave first place at the song contest with a record amount of points at that time (280). thus, in 2005, ukraine hosted the 50th anniversary eurovision song contest for the first time, and the representatives were chosen by the band grendjolo with the composition there are many of us, which took the 19th place. many modern stars represented our country at the beginning of their careers. thus, in 2006 , tina karol was sent to the competition, where she won sixth place place. in 2007 , verka serdyuchka was sent to the eurovision song contest with a composition by lasha tumbai.
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for the first time , a scandal broke out at the competition between ukraine and russia, as representatives of the aggressor state claimed that serdyuchka was singing rasha goodbye, this did not prevent ukraine from performing and taking silver, and verka serdyuchka still remains the so-called eurovision icon. geltsinks! ukraine is cool, and ukraine is cool! in the following hands , ukraine lacked stars from the sky, european listeners remembered anna lorak, who took second place, mika newton with the song angel on the fourth step, and zlata ognevich, who won bronze in 2013. after the occupation of crimea and the start of the war in the east, ukraine is definitely not up to the european vision. in 2015, we refused to participate for the first time due to russian aggression. ukraine returned to the competition for the year. at the same time, the decision to change
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the format of participant selection was praised. it is in 2016 that the national selection that we are used to seeing appears. then jamala goes to the competition with the song 1944, about the deportation of the crimean tatars. of course, russia tried to achieve disqualification of the representative of ukraine. like, the song has a political undertone, but that didn't stop the singer from telling her story to the whole world and winning a second victory for ukraine. music contest under the slogan of celebrating diversity in 2017 takes place for the second time in kyiv, our country is represented by the band otorvelt with the song chas, the musicians took 24th place. for the second time, ukraine refuses to...
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in 2019 , the pro-russian singer maruf won the national selection with the song sireren song; due to public pressure, the singer did not go to eurovision. after the coronavirus ukraine is returning to eurovision this year, the representatives have already been chosen. the band goei with the song shum took fifth place. russia starts in 2022. war, but the eurovision contestant had already been chosen. the kalush orchestra represented ukraine at a competition in turin, italy. this is the third victory of ukraine with a record number of points from the audience, 439. due to russian aggression, our country could not accept the contest, and the eurovision was held by britain, but on behalf of ukraine. in 2023, our
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country will be represented by the band "creative" with the song "heart". of steel. this year, the bronze step of the eurovision song contest is behind us. the song tereza and maria conquered the audience of the song. contest, we became third in televoting and fifth in jury scores. eurovision has long been more of an image contest than a song contest, also for ukraine it is another step to remind on the world stage that we continue to fight for our independence. dmytro didora and oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. contagion let's talk quickly, this is our own eurovision with a eurovision reviewer, a reviewer of the contest vitaliy joins our air, sir vitaliy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good day, as our colleague said, in fact, this is an image , and i would also say a little about politics, the points we received from different countries, what they can
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talk about, what is the geopolitical position of our country, we are talking about in general, that this year is generally the most political competition. which was for the entire history of eurovision, and this applies not only to ukraine, if we talk about our country, of course, the number surprised all europeans, because we can surprise every year with what we represent participant, and then we change the number completely before the competition itself, that is, in most countries, the way the production is performed at the selection, the same happens at the big eurovision, it was possible to trace where... not only our currently forcibly displaced ukrainians are in european countries, it is twelfths with the highest score according to the vote, that is, we were indeed third, but so was the jury, for example, the czech republic gave, preferred ukraine and
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moldova, in fact there were only two 12ths, but this is also a very good result, and the audience in many countries, by the way, were given either 12 or... 10 points each, these are the highest points, several countries were just outsiders, in fact we had a very crazy result, as for ukraine, which repeatedly claims that there is a war in ukraine, the third year, and this number, it really delivered the message that was planned, that these were not fireworks behind the girls, but that they were actually phosphorous bombs, and everyone understood this, it could be traced on ... the pages of eurofans, which is lively discussion, vitaly, we have literally two minutes, first of all, i am jealous of what you have such a strong nervous system, because eurovision has never seen such a large number of boys in skirts and naked oaks, we are proud of ours, that ours are still singing, this is
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a freak show, no one was in tights or stockings, in panties whether or not when in a skirt, it's a winner, that's why... suddenly the song contest, in which music and aba once won, turned into a freak show, moreover, with a huge amount of politics from outside, inside, which only greta thumberg and the hamasivites are worth the walls of the festival? in fact, by the way, there weren't many only in relation to the winner, or whatever he proposes to call himself, it is as if from switzerland, in relation to israel there was a lot. questions, but you know, the competition is already being held for the 68th time, and if you trace over the last 20 years, the winners either have a personal story or the history of their people, for example, like the victory of jimala, or starting from lords, we can
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watch some simple show, which europeans perceive simply coolly, and that's why you can watch this trend every year, either it wins, or... that's what, what tonight we all saw who became the winner, by the way, the ukrainian jury also preferred switzerland and the audience, i.e. 24 points from ukraine just right, in one word i understood, mr. vitaliy, hamerman must go to the next eurovision without a qualifying competition, he destroys viruses, and in its best form, and we will win again, although it would be cool to rename eurovision not... a music festival, but a festival, for example, a freak show cabaret, because there is such a genre, and then it would be cool that tigerlis goes there, and from us hammermans and everything becomes to their seats. vitaliy, thank you for the conversation, vitaliy dikhtyarov, eurovision reviewer, a person with an incredible nervous system. on this
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appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format, every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america too they say, let's make better roads , we will have even better roads. a special look at events. in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. greetings to our viewers. i am artem lagotenko on the air of the tv channel with you, today we will talk about a very difficult
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topic, about the captivity of the russian occupiers, about our children, who were kidnapped by these terrorists, and about what is happening now temporarily occupied territories, we will talk about this with a very unusual and extraordinary guest, and before introducing her to you, i suggest you watch a short story. lyudmila huseynova, activist and public figure from donetsk region. in 2014, she worked as a safety engineer at a poultry farm in novoazovsk. from the beginning of russia's war against ukraine, she took care of a children's orphanage in primorsk. in october 2019 , militants detained her at work. the reason was a pro-ukrainian position in social networks and denunciations of colleagues. russians receive. the woman was kept in solitary confinement in a secret prison, where she was brutally tortured. after 40 days, she was transferred
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to the donetsk sizo and accused of espionage. the occupiers illegally detained lyudmila huseynova for three long years, she and 107 other kremlin prisoners were released from captivity on october 17, 2022. mrs. lyudmila, i welcome you to our studio, thank you for finding time and energy. to come here and talk about what 's going to happen now, and before we start, i'd like to ask you what kind of icon you have, it has two meanings here. badges and one badge to me presented to new york this year, when we traveled with a delegation, spoke at the un, and talked about what is happening in ukraine, talked about what is happening in the occupied territories, and asked everyone to support our women, who are still being tortured in
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these prisons and demand. the whole world to demand their release, and this is the second badge - it was an event together with the public association family of prisoners, and we support this public organization, and there was a rally in support of the prisoners, and i already received this second badge from it association. ms. lyudmila, i understand that you are very active in issues. our prisoners, yes, because i know how many people are left there, how many women are left there, and for me this is a very painful topic, because i know some of these women, because i know in what terrible, inhumane conditions they are kept there, and because i know what kind of terrible, cruel torture they go through, and
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for me this is a very painful topic, and i will often, frankly say that when... a year and a half ago a miracle happened for us, we no longer hoped, that we would be released, but it happened, and i had very high hopes that this was the first step, and we would already release our civilian prisoners and prisoners of war, but you see, it's been a year and a half, not a single civilian woman since then was released, and for me it is a very big trouble, a personal trouble, but i believe that... together we will be able to achieve their release, we will wait for them. you work for sam ukraine, right? so. tell us a little about what kind of organization this is? this is a unique organization in ukraine, and an organization that unites women, survivors of sexual violence, related,
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conflict related, any kind of violence, we know that there are a lot of them, and we know. that at least 80%, and even 90% of people who were captured, they were tortured, they experienced sexual violence, etc. these women were united by iryna dovgan, and her name became known in the distant 14th year, she became the first such famous person, and saved her photo. when the photo was taken, she was tied to a post in the center of donetsk, and she is still afraid to remember what happened in those days, but she did not immediately, after a few years, she found strength and gathered around her women who also survived captivity, already from the beginning
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of the full-scale invasion, these are very scary numbers, but there were a lot of... women who suffered from sexual violence from the de-occupied territories , and we know how many of them are actually very many now. can you share with us what the numbers are? i can say that our organization now unites almost 50 women, these are women who are no longer afraid to talk about it, at least in our circle, but we know that a lot women who... pour into our organization, who turn to other public organizations, to psychologists, for support, for help, and these are very large numbers, i cannot say the exact number, it is impossible to say it now, i know for sure that there are those who
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are still silent, i know for sure that these are women, men, and a terrible story with children, but maybe they will be able to speak, will find the strength to speak about it in 10 years or 20 years, and such an example is in the balkan countries , i know exactly what is happening now in the occupied territories, and we don't know the exact numbers, we don't know the exact names, but what is happening is reaching us these crimes about... some we know exactly where and with whom it happened, but these people remain still under occupation, they do not have any psychological, medical or legal support. but the time will come, our territories will be occupied, the time will come, our people will be released from captivity, and i really hope that they
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will have the strength not to remain silent, but to demand the punishment of those criminals, those russian soldiers who did this to them. is there systematic state work in ukraine with the help of rehabilitation of people who suffered from... violent actions of the russian occupiers, you know, this work, it is now being created together with us, and it is very, it is very right that it is being created together with by us, together with those people who survived, who found the strength to fight, who found the strength to help and grow in post-traumatic doing, post-traumatic growth is happening, and there is strength to help others. the unique story is that directly now this
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pilot project to support people affected by sexual violence is already starting to work , this has never happened in the world before the hostilities have ended , the war has not ended, there is already targeted assistance to people who are survived this is not only some kind of material assistance, not only psychological support, not only medical support, it is the recognition of such people, it means that the state knows about them, the state understands the problem, a terrible problem, and i would like that in our criminal code, this crime was separated, and for these executioners, they were convicted precisely for... simply for violating the rules of war, it turns out that such, such are violations of the rules of war, and they were convicted precisely for sexual
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violence during military operations, relatively civilian population. tell me, please, are we talking about women, or about men and children in the same way, we are talking about both women, and men, and children, and so it happened that women were the first to find the strength to speak, fight and help alone one to help others, but i know that now men, they also find strength in themselves, and i want to support them, and i want to appeal to society so that there is no such attitude to what happened to these people, to what happened to all of us, in our society... there is an opinion that a sexual crime is just rape, no, i already said that at least 80% of people who survived captivity,
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they are subjected to terrible torture there, they are stripped there, they are abused, they are they are tortured with electric current, including through the genitals, all these kinds of things i told you... now again, this is sexual violence related to the conflict, if a person was undressed, cared for, touched while crossing roadblocks, enemy roadblocks, this is also sexual violence related to the conflict. ms. lyudmila, you spent three terrible years in the hell of russian captivity, do i understand correctly that... the activity you are doing now is in a certain sense rehabilitation and finding yourself in this life after what happened? maybe so, maybe
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so, you know, all those three years and 13 days, that indeed, this is a terrible ordeal, and my only dream was to see my ... relatives one day, and to be a free man one day, i really wanted to endure, i really wanted not to be broken, and during the terrible torture, i thought, well, my body is not free, they can do whatever they want, but my thoughts remain my thoughts, my thoughts remain free, and i thought about, i... dreamed about how i i will be free, what i will do, it gave me strength, it gave me confidence, but at the time when...
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the door opened, i still didn't know it was an exchange, i was just told to gather and for 20 minutes for the meeting, to take everything i needed with me, one woman who stayed there, she is still there, she felt in her heart that it was an exchange, and she just cried and asked me not to forget about those who are now left there in the moonlight, but not forgetting, it gives me strength, oh... that desire to see these women free, i can't say that i will see them healthy, because i i know what they are doing with them there, but i want to see them alive, and this gives me strength, and this is the understanding that i am if it weren't hard here, but i'm doing everything i can to get them released. our viewers have just had the opportunity to see footage from a terrible place, this is a torture chamber.
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which is called isolation. mrs. lyudmila, i know that you had to visit there, i want to talk to you about this period now, it is my duty as a journalist to ask sometimes difficult and difficult questions, but if you decide that you do not want to answer, then i i think our viewers will understand you. please tell me how you ended up in isolation and what exactly was done to you there. me they brought me there on the first evening of my detention and were taking me already then on the way they put a bag on my head, handcuffs on my hands, i didn't see anything anymore, i didn't know where i was being taken, before that i saw asiyev's story on the internet, and he already was released at that time,
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and i already... asked about what kind of city this is, it's the scariest, probably 50 days of my life, and the longest, you don't have any rights there, the guards are only men, on the second floor . above the cells where hostages, prisoners were kept, on the second floor there were barracks for militants, and these militants came after, not very often, not every day, but after these, as they said, hostilities, they came there to these barracks, they drank there, they fought, they were raised there, for entertainment,
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for beating . prisoners and women and men, you constantly hear terrible screams, and for the first few days these screams simply stop your heart, in the cell there is 24-hour video surveillance of you, you have to stand from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., you are not allowed to sit down, you have to wear that bag on your head. as soon as somewhere knock on the door, or just knock, knock on the door, you don't see the sun, you don't see the sky, or the windows are painted with white paint, they beat you if you're not right, or stood in the corner under this camera, or once i just can't
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stand it. it was impossible to stand, and i climbed onto this upper bunk and was simply thrown from there, the punishment can also be put in a glass, the so-called, it is a very tight corner like this, it is closed by an iron door, you cannot breathe, you cannot move and you can you're wasting time standing around like that. "your your body does not belong to you, they can do anything with you, everything, then you were brought to the donetsk prison, yes, then after 50 days i was transferred to the donetsk prison, and you know, when i went there, i was even happy, i thought , that there cannot be such conditions as..."


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