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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EEST

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greetings to all viewers of tv channel 17 on their watches, news time and in the studio of iryna koval, just now about the most important events. the situation in four directions has escalated, fierce fighting continues, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi reported. according to him, the attempts of the russians to break through the defense have been stopped. the situation in kharkiv oblast is difficult, but the defense forces are holding the lines and inflicting damage on the enemy. on kupyan. the situation is dynamic in the seversky-lyman and pokrovsky directions changes in some areas, the enemy has partial success, in others, the defense forces are pushing out the russians. during the yar period, the russian army does not stop trying to capture the city and presses on the eastern flank and unsuccessfully tries to return the lost in the area of ​​klishcheivka. however, the most difficult situation is in the vovchansk district and kharkiv region. battles are going on, podzhymal. they pressed
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us hard, a dance came to dismantle them, the russians began to attack, our boys were slightly encircled, we fought them off, they went out and took up defense along the street, held on, inflicting significant losses on the enemy alive strength, my brother and i personally shot two, because of that our boys were able to get out. in kharkiv, a trial school day was held in the first underground school, 620 children will start studying there from monday, it was announced. mayor ihor terekhov. currently, the recruitment of students for the new school year is underway. terekhov very much hopes to have time to build at least three more schools in other areas of the city, because the number of people who want to study face-to-face already far exceeds the number of available places. rescuers and psychologists from the state emergency service situations, students were told about the rules of mine safety and fire safety. a large-scale
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fire that broke out at night in a shopping center in warsaw completely destroyed the building and the hopes of the shop owners. the mall was one of the largest in warsaw. the capital city hall and the mazowiecki voivode have already offered help to the sellers. but for now, it is necessary to complete the extinguishing, to ensure the protection of the territory, already from monday's meeting. with businessmen, the authorities said. according to firefighters, the fire probably broke out in several places and quickly spread through flammable materials, mainly textiles. the roof also partially collapsed. almost 200 firefighters are involved in extinguishing the fire. ukrainian aeneid in the vietnamese way. the lviv puppet theater hosted two screenings of the ukrainian-language play "look wann".
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vietnamese poet nguyen dinh thiu. in this way, the community of lviv celebrates vietnam day. artists of kyiv theater "strange castle" presented a puppet show. they took place with the support of the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador to ukraine nguyen xuan tehan. and the heads of the international society petro adamyk of the ukrainian-unification friendship. first of all, i want to say that... this is a wonderful work by the vietnamese poet anguyen dinh thieu, who wrote it, in fact, it looks like our aeneid, that is, it is a heroic poem about a man of undying will, who simply reached victory, because of a very difficult life circumstances, and everything that happened in his life shows that it is necessary to hold on, therefore, for ukraine, this is probably the most important thing that exists now, and this play teaches children. endurance, will, love and
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all the best that can be. it is important that our children see how big the world is, how... cultures are diverse, and any broadening of horizons, this is a cultural view of the world, this is a view without war, this is a view when we learn to accept different cultures, accept diversity and learn how wide and big the world is. this week , ivano-frankivsk celebrated 362 years since its foundation. the townspeople entertained. were culturally enriched, and also collected funds for the army. our carpathian colleagues saw how it was. to the birthday of ivano-frankivsk in an interactive museum of weapons was opened in the spaces of the potocki palace. the lion's share of the presented exposition consists of
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digital animations, videos and photo slides. at the same time , various types of weapons and forms of military clothing can be seen in the museum. the exposition is divided into three periods. these are the first and second world wars. the third part will be a continuation, museum officials plan, and will show the weapons of the ukrainian victory over russia. there are certain sound and visual effects that are better perceived in a small company, that is, in a small group, when you can walk around soldiers of different eras and see, listen, hear, and also our museum is multilingual, if we have an exposition in english, romanian. also, since our project partners are romanian, since potocki is from poland, we hope to expand the language and create a polish language, we'll see how it goes, here, but there are many ideas, how we can continue to work with the exposition, the opening of such
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a museum - this is of course an opportunity for us to immerse ourselves in the past, to look at those samples of weapons that were used in different eras, to see mannequins, clothes, weapons. of various military units, yes, of course, this is an important component of our history, not only of ukraine, but of european countries in general, and of the whole world, because weapons also give us the opportunity to see, we can consider weapons as art, that is, the very ways of their manufacture, different materials, different developments in different eras, and of course, thanks to weapons, we can trace the history of various military events, the history of many countries of the world, during the week on the occasion of the city day in frankivsk , exhibitions, excursions, sports competitions and other artistic events. in particular , people's artist of ukraine bohdan benyuk visited the city with a charity performance based on the work of ivan karpenko karay 100 thousand. tickets were given for symbolic money - 200 hryvnias. proceeds will go toward drones for
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the national guard. it was impossible to get through the hall. i feel great love for ivano-frankivsk, for my alma mater, where i was born and where i am... the carpathians, where it always remains in my heart, because my umbilical cord is buried not far from frankivsk, and where the umbilical cord is buried, then it is clear that these are the most native places in the whole world, wherever we are, and the fact that we have a kind of exam, we are bringing a play that is very successful, and it has been going for many years, we recently lost 200 times, and this play is enjoying success in kyiv now. that the theatrical boom. hundreds of spectators came to the performance to enjoy the performance of professionals, and in particular, compatriot bohdan benyuk. i read statistics at school. to be honest, i was skeptical about this piece at first, but now i'm watching, me i really like it, well, the acting of the actors is as always at the top, because the kyiv
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theater, like the frankiv theater, they are extremely cool, you can't even argue with that, and i like it, because people are very willing. went to a performance with benyuk, he is already a big ukrainian star and it is very good that frankivsk has the opportunity to see this star live, he is already a star of both cinema and a native of prykarpattia, so there is a very positive mood and not the most important thing that our goal is to raise money for drones has a good mood, let's say yes, it is confirmed by a good mood, from prykarpattia, ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk, espresso tv channel. and i am asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers , day and night. therefore, for the emergency
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recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed, which will deliver a mobile repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. with your help, we have already collected. more than uah 140,000, so don't delay, your help is very much needed and you can see all the details on the screen now. that was the news for now, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. wait for the next news release already at 6 p.m.
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greetings, good evening, i'm myroslava barchuk and this is a self-titled program, it is a joint project of ukrainian foam and the espresso tv channel. today we will talk in this program about that. what it meant to be a ukrainian, a ukrainian, a ukrainian-speaking person, a ukrainian-speaking metz in soviet times. my guest today is serhiy trimbach. serhii trimbach, ukrainian film critic, film expert, screenwriter, chairman of the national union of cinematographers of ukraine in 2009-2016, laureate of the state prize of ukraine named after oleksandr druzhenk in 2008, author of many publications devoted to the history and modernity of ukrainian. cinema, congratulations mr. serhiy, good health, thank you for taking
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the time to talk with us. to be honest, serhii trimbach and i initially wanted to talk about ivan dzyuba, about this wonderful film ivan and marta by serhiy bukovsky, which was released, and now you can watch it in ukrainian cinemas, but then we realized that we will talk about the generation of the sixties, about poetic cinema, about what, in fact, it is to be ukrainian. in the soviet union, in the soviet state, and i want to start with this: literally a few days that's why we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the maidan, and our wonderful singer maria burmaka wrote a post on facebook about what it meant to be a ukrainian child, a ukrainian-speaking child in soviet kharkiv and not only in soviet kharkiv, even after the collapse of the soviet union. now let's show this post, marie. here she writes such a post, and she also talks about how difficult it was
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to preserve her identity, a person who used to come to her in the comments, i understand that this is the presenter, yes, this person used to work, and the comment is as follows: sorry, what banned in soviet ukraine, in the soviet union the copies had inscriptions in all the languages ​​of the republics, one ruble, one karbovanets, on the coat of arms of the state, the lytar slogan also in all languages, in bookstores, i reproduce this, in bookstores, a bunch of books in ukrainian, the ukrainian state tv channel ut1 and radiopromin, girls in crowns and men in trousers and embroidered jackets were at every holiday, then we lived amicably, - writes a person in 2023 about the soviet era. mr. serhiy, here you are as a witness, you and i are already speaking as witnesses of the era, what it meant in here you came to kyiv at the end of the 60s, at the beginning. 70's what did it mean to be a ukrainian-speaking person in kyiv at that time? what did it mean at
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that time to be a ukrainian-speaking, say, film critic? well, then i studied at the philly faculty, the ukrainian department. it was easier for me, because by definition i was focused on the sphere of ukrainianism, the ukrainian language, and therefore we existed in a certain, i would say, cultural niche. in bulbashka, and that is why i felt it to a lesser extent and less acutely, and then i married my wife, a fellow student, in 1972 i lived in roliti is in the house of writers, well, accordingly , it is also a ukrainian-speaking environment, roliti is actually a house of writers, which is now on khmelnytskyi boulevard, bohdana khmelnytskoy street, and that, and now, and then it was a boulevard. lenina street, lenina street, that's why, well, but it's clear that, let's say,
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we were watched when, because once you went to ukrainian philology, you mean that you are oriented, well, such a future bandera, yes, then they are following you you have to be careful, one of our military training teachers told you it is necessary to watch, that's how the audience of the kgb, like the kgb, well, to a certain extent we were proud of the fact that we are being watched, that we are, that means, the system is us, then be afraid, we are ukrainians, try us. well, at the turn of the 60s and 70s, it was not yet, well , it was the end of the era of this thaw of khrushchev, some liberals, all these were still uplifted, it felt like a movie, and we also watched parajanov, and at the end, i watched shadows of forgotten ancestors. such was
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the cultural aesthetic shock there and so on... poets were also read by vasyl symonenko, and drachi, lina kostenko and so on and so on, that is, we really existed in bulbashka, and then already towards the end of my studies, it was the 73rd year, and then we had already started and we, let’s say, vasyl ovsienko, whom i i knew very well who was a year older, with whom i lived in the same room in the dormitory, he was arrested. that is, we felt that we were being pushed out into this open space, and at the same time shcherbytskyi led ukraine and overt russification had already begun, ukrainian cinema as such is ukrainian-speaking, ukrainian-centric cinema, it was almost under the ban already
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in the fourth year of 73, and our idols, well , porodzhanovov was jailed, well, they don’t say... ivan dzyuba was already jailed, detained, and he was sitting on this volodymyrska street, by the way, i didn’t know , i thought that the kagabiysk prison was somewhere, then years later i learned from ivan mykhailovych that he was sitting there in a detention center , he also sat there, and we were walking past this one to the bus stop, one of my fellow students is a funny guy, he always dressed like that hat on... laid down deeper and said: they know me here, we, they, knew us, and we felt it, but already at the end we felt it as a threat, there was no such laughter here and there was no distance, yes, but this russian-speaking space that surrounded us , well, more and more often we
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stumbled on him and ran into him, because i was a student, it's this kind of environment. let's go, you have already started talking about dzyuba and about tinizabit ancestors, then we will start a little now with dzyuba, because just as you and i planned to talk about ivan mykhailovych dzyub, a wonderful film called ivan and marta by serhii bukovsky, a ukrainian director who has already received the vasyl stus award for this film, has been released. it is actually a film about a couple about ivan and marta dzyub, where serhii trimbach is the main character. was a consultant, and you were, you were on your last birthday, there is footage in this film where you are in the summer of 2021, on july 26, on july 26 you are celebrating the 90th birthday of ivan dzyuba, so i understand that you belonged to the circle the people who communicated had known ivan and marta dziub for a long time, let's go
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let's start with how you remember this person, we know him as... an intellectual, one of the best literary experts, cultural experts of ukraine, he is the author of more than 20 books about ukrainian culture and literature, one of the co-founders of the people's movement , and so on, a lot can be said about him, and as you remember ivan dzyuba, i met him at the end of the 80s during perestroika, when all this was already going somewhere, there was some cultural action, something cultural like that , well, how about that... virgins, it was still thundering, everything was noisy, reconstruction, and we were going somewhere, and i sat down with him, i knew him visually, of course, and it turned out that he also knows me, i say, i'm handsome, i know you, i read you, well, in the art of cinema, there, how, and then with it became clear, i still then, well, to be more precise, i already knew it before, that he was also in art cinema,
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once it was published, just about poetic cinema, that... then years later i was there remembering him and remembering one such malicious article by a moscow critic who tried to debunk ukrainian mythopoetic cinema, i use a more precise definition, ivan mykhailovych, he immediately began to tell me some things on this bus that surprised me, he says: now the class struggle has been canceled, but... it was, er, that is, he began to say that stories simplify, er, that is, they cancel some ideological taboos, but at the same time... history simplifies, no, they should be abolished, but at the same time it is not necessary to simplify and it is not necessary to say that there were no class differences at all, that everything was normal, the ukrainian
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village lived in general, that means without all these things there and so on, the fact is that ivan mykhailovych was a man of leftist views, and there is a mention of this in the film, by the way, he is from the donbass, er, and... he did not marry until he was 30 years old, yes, in those years it was not something like that, well popular, i already got married at 23, i became a father at 23, 21, 23, here he is up to 30 and unmarried, and he comes with ivan drach, mykola vingranovskyi lviv, well, on such poetry tours there will be performances by such and such. he sees marta, well, who is an order of magnitude younger, young, beautiful, well, she is still beautiful now, well, at 20 years old, the photos are simple, i am here, this is the one
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the case when you fall in love with this girl right away, and ivan mykhailovych, then just ivan, comes to visit on the same evening, an acquaintance, on the same day and evening, and he tells marta's mother that i am asking. the hands and heart of your daughter, well, the mother clearly reacted as it should, she says a year, in a year come, well, it is clear that on the very first day, well, 30-year-old boys, not some such young man brought, so also marta volodymyrivna very accurately describes everything, well , it describes and reproduces in this film, this difference that he is... a donbassian, and she is a galician, and so two ukrainian worlds, how they come together, it’s interesting, you know what’s interesting, how she talks about the fact that it was a party
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organized by iryna wilde, a writer, and she says that they talked a lot with wilde, and wilde, before things, arranged many marriages, she was the kind of person she was, she understood what boys and girls, yes, ukrainian, ukrainian of such character, should get together and... when iryna vilde, this is the story of mrs. marta dzyuba, when iryna wilde saw that someone was sad, that's it the girls sit sad, she came and said: "girls, why are you sad, and your united states of america will fall apart?" and this hall laughed when, when this zat was so double-minded, yes, that is, everyone understood what she was talking about, yes, but i am curious, you are talking about the leftist views of ivan dzyuba, then tell me this, here he is in... in the 55th year , internationalism or russification writes this great text, it is a book where, referring to lenin's quotes, he proves
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that in the soviet union there is no there is no internationalism, but there is russification, so this means that he, it was a sincere book, he sincerely believed in leninism and in national , national, as it were, views and the concept of communism in essence, so with... although at the same time marta dzyuba also notes , that ivan was a fearless, brave person, and she even emphasizes that i am a galician, well , traditionally, galicians are liberals, they are brave people, ukrainians, and well, donbas is clear, what can i say here, but, but here it turned out, who says that i was of two minds about this, that i knew that this was necessary in such a situation... speaks here, here it is possible in a different way, i say, this was not the case with ivan, what he believed, he thought as he thought, as he said, under any
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circumstances, and he was a brave person, that means, but at the same time he himself ivan mykhailovych said more than once, well, he was a naive person, er, and, but he believed in communism, yes, in communist leftist ideas, what are leftist ideas, this is for the majority. ukrainian writers were national communists, that is, they believed that ukraine could be built with the help, with the assistance, with the participation of leftist ideas, communist ideas. dovzhenko was like that, he believed until the last that it was possible. mykola khvylovy, before he shot himself, as is known, wrote a suicide note containing the following words, not verbatim, but the point is that... i was, we were correct communists, for which we are being killed now, and even he did not understand, not because he was a communist, but
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because he was a ukrainian communist. here's dzyuba, he's a ukrainian communist, and he's naively guilty, well, that's such snobbery, the 60s, they went to this fortress then stormed in, believing that, well, they didn't want an independent ukraine at that time or anything like that, they wanted everything to be properly organized in this ukraine, in the ukrainian soviet socialist republic, and he called... naively believing, what will this lead to, that they will listen to him, that you probably haven't read lenin for a long time, then you should read it, so the quote, look, he is for the development of national languages, he is for the development of national cultures, and you, and you, you are acting in the complete opposite direction, do you think it actually happened this is this, this naivety, was it
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due to the fact that these people, what... the tens , they did not understand enough what happened to the shot revival artists, that this information was closed, did they know this, no, they all they knew it, no, they knew all this, but they, you see, even in my family, well, i heard from childhood that lenin thought everything up correctly, it was just stalin, yes, and then stalin came, lenin, all the trouble in because lenin died early, stalin and this clique came and ruined everything. because it is necessary to return to the lenin foundations, a film by commissar mykola mashchenko in the 1970s, what does it mean that these commissars already then, there in the 21st year, they already discovered that the car went to the wrong place, and they heard the phrase that they should shoot again from the aurora cruiser, well, the aurora cruiser, who doesn't remember, it was already symbolic, that
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shot meant... that, therefore, the beginning of the revolution, that everything must be canceled, rewinded, that's why ivan mykhailovych also had a at that moment, in the mid-60s, there was such an illusion that it was necessary, it was necessary to remove these mistakes, and then everything will be fine if, if according to lenin, because lenin came up with everything correctly, well, the bolshevik jesus christ, everything is correct, read the bolshevik gospel, everything is written there. everything is fine, and then, and then there was a story with the premiere of those forgotten ancestors, i will ask about it later, but this is the 65th year, he is writing a work on internationalism or russification, it is published in many languages ​​in the west , and he was arrested in 1972, and he spent a year and a half in this sizo of the kgb,
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which, as we said on volodymyrivska... street is located in kyiv, and i want to ask you about his letter of repentance that he writes, it must be said that he wrote a letter of repentance ivan dzyuba, he had an open form of tuberculosis, he was very sick, and after one and a half years after, after he served his sentence, he wrote a letter, i will now quote a few... lines of this letter, he writes, he appeals, this is the 73rd year, so you understand, he appeals to the presidium of the verkhovna rada of the ukrainian ssr, from in particular, with a request for pardon, and he writes about a deeply mistaken, i quote, understanding of the series national problems, from everything that happened, writes dzyuba, i concluded that we cannot forget that we live in a world of brutal
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class ideological and political struggle. where there is no neutral territory, where you cannot be a little for the soviet government, a little for the communist party policy, a little against, but for us, for me it sounds terribly tragic now, because it is clear to me that this is written by a person who lives in a totalitarian society , and i think he also understood that then, sitting in this kgb office, what do you think about this letter of repentance, well, first of all, i think that ... uh, i would in his place, probably the same, i'm not such a strong person, but imagine, that is, well , it's one and a half years, to spend being a sick person, tuberculosis, it's not bad for you, isn't it something like that, toothache is not temporary, it is a serious disease, by the way,


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