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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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of time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day for two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. in the city of vovchansk and liptsi, kharkiv region. is located near
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the border with russia, the situation is difficult. all points of the northern border are under fire almost 24 hours a day. there are dead and wounded, oleg sinigubov, the head of the regional military administration, said. according to him, the evacuation of the civilian population does not stop. about half a thousand people remain in the city, and the data is constantly updated. more than 4,000 people were saved in two days.
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despite the heroic resistance of our defenders, the enemy is already attacking the outskirts of vovchansk, fighting rolling in the suburbs. the command transfers reserves to strengthen our group in the north of kharkiv region. the fighting was going on, they pressed us, they pressed us hard, a dance party came to break it up, the russians began to attack, our boys got a little bit surrounded, we fought them off, they came out and occupied the street. hold on, inflict significant losses on the enemy's manpower, my brother and i personally took out two of them, and for that our guys were able to get out, in the very place on its outskirts, on its outskirts, not in the very depths, our city, the outskirts are biting, we bite and will bite for every meter. in kharkiv, a trial school day was held in the first underground school, 620 children will start studying there from monday. ihor terekhov, the mayor of the city, will tell you about it. currently,
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the recruitment of students for the new school year is underway. terekhov very much hopes to have time to build at least three more schools in other areas of the city, because the number of people who want to study face-to-face already far exceeds the number of available places. rescuers and psychologists of the state emergency service told the students about the rules of the mine safety and fire safety. and today. two elect the president for the post of head of state , eight candidates are competing, including the current president, getanas nauseda. he is running for a second term, the country's prime minister and former chairman of the constitutional court are also on the electoral list. opinion polls predict that the incumbent president will win the house of commons. the winner will be the one who gets more than 50% of the votes. if none of the candidates manages to achieve a majority, ukraine will be organized. the second tour detection.
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exceeded forecasts. at the song contest eurovision. ukraine took third place, although the bookmakers predicted us only sixth place. the duet of alona alona and jerry hale received 453 points. nemo, the representative of switzerland, has already become the winner. the history of the song contest and ukraine's participation in it. dmytro didora will tell. for the first time, the eurovision took place in 1956 in switzerland. the competition was created to unite europe destroyed by the second world war. at that time , only seven countries participated in the song contest. let's come back in 20. 24. ukraine has been
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participating in the song contest since 2003, and so far we remain the only country to always make it through the semi-finals, a eurovision record. oleksandr ponomaryov was the first to represent ukraine. astalevist's competition song was written for the singer by the israeli composer zvika peak. with this track, we took the 14th place. a year later, in 2004 , the singer ruslana went to the competition with her wild dances. a combination of an incendiary performance and ukrainian motifs. gave first place at the song contest with a record sum of points at that time (280) so in 2005 ukraine for the first time hosted 50-
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jubilee eurovision, and the representatives were chosen by the group grendjolo with the composition together we are many, which took the 19th place. many modern stars represented our country at the beginning. his career. thus, in 2006 , tina karol was sent to the competition, where she won sixth place. in 2007 , verka serdyuchka was sent to the eurovision song contest with the composition denby. for the first time , a scandal broke out at the competition between ukraine and russia, as representatives of the aggressor state claimed that serdyuchka was singing rasha goodbye. this did not prevent ukraine from speaking out and take silver, and verka serdyuchka still remains the so-called icon of eurobata. helsinki! is ukraine cool? cool! is ukraine cool? in subsequent hands , ukraine lacked stars from the sky. after
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the occupation of crimea and the start of the war in the east, ukraine is definitely not up to the european vision. in 2015, we refused to participate for the first time due to russian aggression. ukraine returned to... the competition for the year, at the same time a decision was made to change the format of the participant's selection. it is in 2016 that the national selection that we are used to seeing appears. then jamala goes to the competition the song 1944, about the deportation of the crimean tatars. of course, russia tried to disqualify the representative of ukraine. like, the song has a political undertone, but that didn't stop the singer from telling her story to the whole world and winning a second victory for ukraine. music competition under the slogan celebrating diversity in 2017 is taking place for the second time in kyiv, our country is represented by the band otorvelt with the song chas, the musicians took 24th
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place. suddenly ukraine refuses to participate in the 2019 national selection with the song siren song won by the pro-russian singer maruf. due to public pressure , the singer did not go to eurovision. after the coronavirus year, ukraine returns to eurovision. representatives have already been elected. the band goei with the song shum took fifth place. in the 22nd, russia starts a great war, but the participant in eurovision has already been chosen. the kalush orchestra represented ukraine at a competition in turin, italy. this is ukraine's third victory with a record number of points from the audience, 439. due to russian aggression
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, our country could not accept the competition, and britain was engaged in the eurovision. but on behalf of ukraine. in 2023, our country will be represented by the band tvorche with the song heart of steel. this year, the bronze step of the eurovision song contest is behind us. the song tereza and maria conquered the audience of the song contest. we came third in televoting and fifth in jury scores. eurovision has long been more image-oriented. than a song contest, it is also another step for ukraine to remind on the world stage that we continue to fight for our independence. dmytro didora and oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. dearest shana, ukraine and the world celebrate mother's day. special
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thanks today to the women whose sons and daughters defend our land. prayers of mothers protect soldiers at the front, every family and child, their own mothers. i want to thank you for your patience, for your courage , for always waiting and believing. my dear and dear mother, i want to congratulate you on your day, thank you for giving me life, love, care and upbringing, for you and for you i am here now, i defend our family, thank you mom, for that , that i am, for the fact that you raised me like this, thank you for growing up in the most difficult period, when it was needed the most, and you were alone, but still... i was able to raise all the women,
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all of us and in the army, and had a very cool, joyful childhood , and in our body, everyone who helps us so that you are happy with your holiday, well, if you have not yet congratulated your mother on mother's day, be sure to do it, you still have time, for example, me too i congratulated my... this morning and i want to do it again mom, happy mother's day to you, that was all the news for this time, you can read more news on our site espresso tv, also read the most important news on our social networks and unique content, watch on youtube, have a quiet evening!
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, we will communicate with you until 20:00, not only we with you, but also with you, and someone else will come to visit us, you know, i am not on social networks , but i know that i often write why he dresses like that. at one moment, and then at another, and today he even put on a white shirt with a jacket well, first of all, we will have a surprise at the end of the program, connected with modern ukrainian music, basically, it's my wife's birthday, so i decided that she should look at me like this, how beautiful i look, congratulations definitely ms. lesya. well, that's it, the unofficial part is over, now it will be official. oleksiy hetman, reserve major. of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, appeared on our screens, on yours and on my screens, good
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health, mr. oleksiy, thank you for finding for it's time for us, right behind me is vovchansk, you see, that's where we'll start, and what the russians want from vovchansk, to seize, is already there, and what, it's just so stupid, does it, does it have any prospects, is it just for grabs or is that it? has far-reaching plans of some kind, well, their plans are far-reaching, to destroy our country, but in that direction, well, advance, a small advance in the north of kharkiv region, kharkiv region, well , kharkiv region, they already said that they plan to create a sanitary zone, that was said by the minister of foreign affairs russian federation lovrov, about the fact that it should be at least hundreds and etc. kilometers from the line from the border and... sumy and kharkiv also fall there, therefore, and besides, they began
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to tell on their propaganda channels that they already are attacking, that they are planning to attack the first capital of ukraine, the city of kharkiv, well , the first word is the quietly quiet capital, they say loudly, many russians already believe that it will be kyiv that will be attacked, well, the capital and the capital, and at the same time they continue to launch this narrative about , that kharkiv is the first capital of ukraine, well... well, i understand that not the subject of the transfer, but he was never in the first capital of ukraine, kharkiv, well, that ’s it, yes, well, but will this offensive be successful, well, because the experts i spoke with and my colleagues said that if the offensive is not has development for 12 minutes, then it means that the attack is choked, and then already, well, that is, you do it now or never, how true is this? logic, well, you can argue here, the attack, looking at which one, on which section and
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at what distance, in 12 minutes you can, well , cover kilometers and that’s all, if, well, if you run fast, of course, then you can run there 3 km, but i don't understand what it is, well, in the context it was meant if, but the question is different, we stand there, there, because the president says, we deliver there. there are additional forces, something is happening there, reinforcements are coming, how serious is this reinforcement, how calm can we be regarding kharkiv, because for many months they said that... kharkiv will remain ukrainian under all conditions, and these are still the impossible dreams of the russian federation . well, in order to capture such a city as kharkiv, the russians need more armed forces than what they currently have direction, so to say that they can capture, no, at least with those forces and means, if they strengthen themselves, then they can try, now it is this grouping,
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if you count both sumy and kharkiv direction, then it is about 70. people, and they can take such small offensive actions, advance somewhere, but there is no question of kharkiv, why are they doing it, returning to this question again, well, it is quite possible that they want to create a certain bridgehead so that later they are already planning mobilization, already mobilized more than 120 thousand, which can be added there, and you know quite well, it can be assumed that they will try to attack kharkiv, well, not suddenly, because if they... more, well, with approximately the same number of people, bakhmut tried for more than one month to take avdiivka there , well , kharkiv is a little more difficult, and they can try to surround it in a certain way to create such a blockade, well, because in another way, the fighting in kharkiv can last several years, street fighting, that is to say, in relation to,
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mr. oleksiy, in relation to fortification, as far as ukrainian army prepared. before, to repel the russians, because well, for a very long time in the winter, at least there were various rumors and gossip about the fact that the fortifications in ukraine are not very good, unlike, i do not believe in this, but many say that, unlike russia, there are such powerful fortifications, and we don't have them, so what do you say about this, no, well, they really built these lazy surovikina lines, well, there is a very good fortification in the south, we just don't have such opportunities. there was such a time that, well, there was time, okay, then you can now move to another plane, well, we didn't have the possibilities to build are so dense, although there, you know, this information about how, in which, in what quality these fortifications, it has become almost secret, because only one person is driving, bloggers, deputies, well, there are
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journalists telling that everything is bad , show some videos and photos, evidence, others... how good, that is, we will definitely not calculate how they are built in the entire area, we will believe in the best, but what is happening in kharkiv oblast, well, there are two, two questions , the first question is why it is not mined there, and in 2:1, not the third question, not the second question, in the second of the first, firstly, one or two questions, that there is information, if it is true, then it is simply frightening. i'll be honest, demining took place already during the full-scale invasion, there was an agreement with some swiss, well, there are companies that do it, that demining in those areas already took place after the full-scale invasion, well, i think it was a lie, but such information is walking around, maybe a dog, and the second question, where are the russian
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volunteer legions, well, where are the russian volunteers of the rdk, who are in that very place. went there and they saw everything there and had to tell us everything, maybe they demined there themselves, i don't know what you believe, well, the question is different, why aren't they there, they are their fellow citizens, they will be able to very quickly will be able to find a common language with them, they told us that many people both within the armed forces of the russian federation and among the civilian population in the border areas actually support them. well, they're just afraid of putin, and you support them morally, so let them come there and let them enter into a dialogue with them and let these russian groups who are fighting there, let them deploy their weapons against the real enemy, against putinism, that is why there are many questions on the map of this vovchansk - this is all the border, as far as i understand, also
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very close and therefore very easy ammunition, food, water, gasoline, and all that should be supplied there, because... it is literally on the border with the russian federation, you see, you, you, you said several times, we talked with you, that you are not a military person, you say very smart stuff military indeed when you have good logistics from the point of view of supplying everything that is necessary for the combatants and for the combatant units, then the hostilities are conducted more or less successfully, when there is a long logistical, long logistical path, well, it can be completed in two, two or three hours, let’s say, or everything that is needed in an hour, or in two or three days, well, we understand that in two or three days it may not be necessary. one more question, two more remain, the first question is about the fact that the occupiers hit the dam in the kharkiv region, what kind of dam is it, we are now scared when on... in the dnieper, the dams were neutralized, so what kind of dam is there, what is its purpose, is it worth paying attention to or not,
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any small rivers will be blocked behind the dams and such a dam can be destroyed by a missile, even a not very powerful one, well, depending on which one, so there is no need to pay attention to it here, those dams that are located at hydroelectric power stations on the dnieper, all of our hydroelectric power stations, those dams should be destroyed, they even pulled them out. from which warehouses of stalin's time the fab-3000 bomb, and even such a bomb will not be able to destroy the dam, if it has exactly will hit, so it would be difficult to destroy here and there, here is a question, no need to worry. now the last question or group of questions, the verkhovna rada allowed some convicts to fight, how do you feel about it, because when the russian president gave permission, well, in our country, thank god, it was the parliament that did it. in russia , no one did it at all, it was just such a secret operation, then there was a lot of criticism that you were convicted, they are bad, they are
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bad soldiers and so on and so on, but in ukraine they are better soldiers than in russia, what do you say, well, there they differentiated convicts, i.e. there are convicts who have been convicted of intentional murder, well, there is also a list of those articles in the criminal code... if people are serving sentences under these articles, then of course no one will take them into the army, it will be dangerous for us more than for the enemy, and those people who, let's say, for example, a person, well, some small theft, well , for example, it's not good, i won't justify it, or unintentional, well, some kind of road accident there, not in a drunken stupor, but just that's a mistake and there are many such articles for which, well, it's from... these are not long terms and not very serious crimes, many are not well, there are certain mistakes, people may have committed a crime, they don’t even think without understanding that it was
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a crime, i know many such cases, so i am quite positive about it, if a person really wants to fight for the country and he is convicted, well again - it is still necessary to distinguish what the convicted person is for. well, before concluding an agreement with him, you need to talk to the head of this correctional measure so that he gives a description of the quote, in short, let 's not help here, everyone knows how to do it, those who will deal with it, just for this, for that, for this, it is necessary to approach it more or less carefully, not all of them in a row, but if a person is there, well, as you know, and people are sometimes given early release, that is, he did not serve the term, then he did something... normally and there are no comments on him, he is released, well, we are not afraid that a person has resigned before 40, they gave him for, for example, 5 years, he is in two years, well, for example, in three years, he
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is fired, because he , well, he got better, as they say, so what, and this does not cure us, but the fact that such a person wants to go to defend homeland, it can be a patriot, and well, no god, it has to be a person with a patriotic attitude, for some reason it is a cure for us, i think that here we just need to carefully study who, whom we want. to add, well , ukraine is not russia, we do not have such a number, thank god, of convicts in the russian federation, so if a brigade or two of everything is possible conditionally, i understand that it will be dispersed among different units, then this it's good. thank you very much, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian wars, i would even said, not wars, but wars. thanks a lot, now. we will have an advertisement in just a few seconds, 3-4-5 minutes at the most, and then mr. taras zagorodnyi, political technologist, managing
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come on, move freely. there are discounts presented by coco may discounts on valeriana bulgarian tablets 10% in psyllium, bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities in russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: help
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to understand the present and predict the future for the world, the second presidency of trump will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, what about bile? does alohol protect the liver and bile? allo-hol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. good health once again, 18:00 29 minutes and 53 seconds. and taras the suburban political technologist, the managing partner of the national anti-crisis group will be in touch with us now,
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at least i will. i really, really hope for that , because we have something to talk about, and we will definitely talk about it, mr. taras has already appeared, as far as i can see, thank you for finding time for us, good health, good the other day, look, there was such a vice-prime minister, kubrakov, so somehow some information is circulating on the networks that he was a favorite of the president, and now the president fired him, and do you know what... happened there and whether he really somehow behaved very badly, or on the contrary , the president made a mistake, we are all human, we can make mistakes, your point of view, well, we did not see the reasons for the resignation, and we did not see the report that any minister should make, solsky, for example, when he was leaving , he is there, at least he gave some kind of report, so...


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