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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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will be in touch with us now, i at least very, very much hope so, because, because we have something to talk about, and we will definitely talk about it, he has already appeared, as far as i can see, mr. taras, thank you , who found time for us, good health, good day, look, there was such a vice-prime minister, kubrakov, so somehow some information is circulating on the networks that he was a favorite of the president, and now the president fired him, and... . and you know what happened there and whether he really behaved very badly, or vice versa made a mistake, all of us people can make mistakes, your point of view, well, we didn't see the reasons for the resignation and we didn't see the report that any minister should make, solsky, for example, when he left, he gave at least some kind of report, so... regarding this, well
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, we have not heard any official motivations, what is the issue, well, apparently, it was an energy issue, when the ministry of infrastructure told everyone that we have all energy facilities protected, and then found out , that they are unprotected, and then found out that it was not their parish and so on, well, theoretically, this could be so, one of the reasons why he was dismissed, i.e.... no yes, you do not see such a huge scandal here, mr. taras, a scandal like, no, you don't, i don't see it either , i'm just clarifying for you, maybe i don't see what you see, and you're not what i see, well , it happens already, no, well, if, if they have , well, if he performed a function that corresponded to the vision of the president full-time for a certain time, and then he does not see a function in him, well here he decides, it is his fate. actually
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responsibility, because we have a monocollision in the parliament, which is also responsible for this, so here he can actually shuffle the deck, as in this case, well, it corresponds to his vision. okay, let's go, let's go, fly to europe, ah, there will be elections, we know in the european parliament, what do you think it will be, what forces will be represented. well, there are a lot of gossips and rumors that right-wing pro-russian forces can increase their presence as much as necessary, can you believe that sociologists they say that the ratings of right-wing political forces are growing, well, the right-wing parties are different, sometimes the leader of italy is also right-wing, but she is very anti-putin and pro-ukrainian, so somehow it will remain approximately in the state in which it is now, please. well
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, look, well, the russians have an old tactic of supporting extreme points of view in any country in the world, including in europe, where they play both on the far right and on the far left, because it is the task of the politician to make them quarrel as much as possible in order to , so that they paralyze the work of any countries, well in germany, for example, the untreated secret is the extreme right... in the alternative of germany and until recently there were extreme left factions, that is, the left, which in one way or another in principle defended the interests of russia, if you carefully look at what agenda they promoted and creating maximum chaos in these countries, and they will choose the same tactics in the european parliament, in reality , different political forces will be represented, which in
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different ways will say what is interesting, probably to the kremlin, but this you know, it's us too must understand that what is what, they can say a lot, but they will not cross red lines, understanding that it is not necessary to show off like that, well, for example, lipin in france, yes, well, she often pushed the agenda , who is close to putin, but when it started that... a large-scale invasion, well, we didn't hear from her, you know, the kind of support for russia that they might like very much, well, at least publicly, she didn't say that much and didn't says, in contrast to, for example, orban and fitz, and therefore, we must understand what it is, such investments, they may work at a certain moment, and they may not work, here everything is equal, we must understand that the dependence of ukraine's support depends only on...
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ukraine, the bigger ukraine is, the formula that is, the more often ukraine will strike on the territory of russia, including first of all with its own weapons, the more we will be supported, because any... they support the strong, they support those who are able to solve problems. now from europe there east to the caucasus. i have a couple of questions for you, well, according to your point of view, will the georgians defeat their government, will the government defeat the georgians, will the georgians be able to, well, they say that it is already obvious, because they started some kind of voting today, or at least some preparatory processes started today , that... this so-called russian law, that is, the law that has already been adopted in russia, which does not give the opportunity to work to russians who do not agree with mr. putin, they want to adopt such a similar law in georgia, georgians are again taking to the streets , past once they won, now will the street win over
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the official offices, or will the offices win over the street from your point of view, mr. taras, i think that after all... hear me, yes, i think that after all it will not be the people who will win, yes, from an objective point of view, there is no one to protect georgia, if there are such disturbances that will lead to the overthrow of the russian government, well, such as we consider to be pro-russian, although the elites of georgia, what are they afraid of in the first place, they clearly understand that there is no one to protect them, they are afraid of a new invasion. if it does not go according to this plan, i do not rule out that there may be a special operation or something like that in georgia, especially since there are many russians currently on the territory of georgia, because georgia is in a very
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vulnerable position, it is like there in uzbekistan , in fact, there are no close allies who would be ready to stand up for it first of all with weapons, and therefore... well, unfortunately, i think that there will be processes of absorption by georgia, and georgia will have enough, and something will be quite difficult to do, even if the people are against it, since russia needs victories, they have actually already been thrown out, you have already seen the last ones already, thrown out of nagorno-karabakh, they were forced to withdraw their troops, armenia realized that she, that russia is not their ally, they also. now they are drifting to the west, they are trying to build relations with them, georgia remains, the same issue in georgia is that they are building a new naval base on the territory of abkhazia, and they do not want any
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protests, so that the authorities somehow counteracted this, and well, georgian, and is also afraid of possible, possible instability from their point of view. vision, that is why i do not exclude at all, again , a military operation on the territory of georgia and, by the way, on the territory of kazakhstan, because the situation there too, it has not gone anywhere, the russians are putting pressure on kazakhstan for various reasons, but recently they actually forced kazakhstan to transit gas to china, effectively stifling their own gas gas production, they are under pressure. i think it's true that i'm pressing for the oil refining enterprises of kazakhstan to meet the needs of the first it's russia's turn, er, there were rumors that ultimatums were already being presented to the representatives of kazakhstan, regarding the fact that they
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should not develop the kazakh language as much as the russians would like, many other, other issues and all these reproaches towards kazakhstan regarding the fact that they guilty in these floods that happened in orsk or in orenburg, i think that this is a part of one lynchusk, that is, here both georgia and kazakhstan are in the zone of great risk, and one should not think that the russians will not have enough strength to carry out there interventions, if, mr. taras, you would have asked some georgian leaders, whether the authorities or the opposition, that is, i understood the logic that you broadcast. i understand that this is the logic of the georgians, that since we are weak and alone on the map, we should somehow try not to make the kremlin nervous, but what would you advise if someone called you from belilisi, what to do, what to accept this
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law, then europe will start, if it drifts from georgia, not to adopt this law, then russia can ... come up with some kind of special operation there, well, some kind of difficult situation, what do you say, mr. taras, well, it is difficult for me that to give some advice, because we have to... remember the history of georgia, in fact , since the collapse of the soviet union, georgia has been fighting one-on-one with russia for years, remember, there were already wars in south ossetia, in abkhazia, the pressure was constant on georgia, in nekhajar, which was actually, well, the country was broken up by russia in principle, as it wanted, and because, of course, after including the war in 2008 , they have been beaten. who will protect them, because if we take the year 2008, at least there
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was a completely different president and georgia was treated differently, so at least then its troops are sent there in the port-potty and all that and there was a strong enough reaction, and now, judging by the rather unsuccessful policy that mr. selivan is practicing, as far as i'm concerned, all over the world. mr. biden's adviser, they have no confidence that who will enter them, well , theoretically, the only force that could protect it with weapons could protect it not with words, concerns and all the rest, it's only turkey, will turkey be ready to protect georgia, too a big question, because you are talking about the fact that they will not be accepted in europe and everything else, well, europe is you know, far away and unknown. here the question is a base, for example, the french will be able, for example, to organize their own base on
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the territory of georgia or the british, for example, are there concrete agreements signed security guarantees, including georgia, there is nothing like that in georgia, and therefore i cannot give anyone here advice, because, unfortunately, the situation is like this, i understood, mr. taras, armenia is next to georgia, armenia is there, and there are also anti-government rallies. against pashinyan, the prime minister, and some people who already deeply believe in the faith are joining, let's say some archbishops, how firmly is prime minister pashinyan in his position, well, look, if they couldn't demolish him after the operation, when they still took six districts, well, the truth is that armenia occupied, let's be honest, six districts... of azerbaijan , because karabakh, when this separatist
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entity was created there in the 80s, vinjan was laid, and in order to have access to it, they bought six more regions of azerbaijan, as well as karabakh, which was and is part of azerbaijan, then there were also quite powerful performances there, but not all of them dictated, and this is what won the election, so let's see to what extent what is happening will be real now, because... the same issue is that armenia and azerbaijan are going to sign a peace treaty that will clearly fix the borders , that is, in principle, pashenyan is doing what should have been done in iran a long time ago, fixing the borders and signing treaties with turkey and azerbaijan, so that no one would have any territorial claims, that is, what should have been done a long time ago to do, so i... do not rule out that this too will end in nothing, although in reality the russians would also like to destabilize pashinyan,
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because he leads a frankly anti-russian position from their understanding, although i consider a greater pro-armenian position, because armenia could not continue the confrontation at such a pace, continue this confrontation and establish relations after all same with western countries. and whether it will work now, well, let's see, i doubt it, if they couldn't do it at that moment of crisis, then now there are doubts that something, something will work out for them. thank you very much, taras a foreigner, political technologist, managing partner , partner of the national anti-crisis group was with us. you know, this is how i looked at our program today - it is everywhere, even the international part of it, it is the influence of russia. these are the influences of russia and now we will talk with nataliya ishchenko, the head of
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the balkan columnist project, well then the balkan columnist, it will somehow be more correct, more feminine, more modern. good health ms. natalie, thank you for joining us on our broadcast on sunday. good evening, good health. well, look, well, we certainly don't we can do without serbia and... and without xi jinping, the chinese leader's visit to serbia, well , who needs it more, because i asked the question like this, serbia needs it more, or china needs it more? well, here this very situation is, you know, mutually, so to speak, needed by both sides, and beijing is interested in the european country of serbia, and serbia is interested in powerful china, which is a member of the un security council, and this
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interest of belgrade in beijing and beijing to... the city is based on a few of these, you know, pillars: first, it's definitely geopolitics, and mutual support for territorial integrity, that serbia supports that taiwan is part of china, china supports that kosovo is part of serbia, secondly, this, secondly, this, economic cooperation with serbia. china needs to promote its belt and road project to europe, in fact, serbia is a key ally of china in the implementation of this project and a gateway for chinese goods and services on the european continent. and thirdly, why does serbia need it?
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because loans, access to quick and supposedly easy chinese money. it is the attraction of chinese investments, and these are chinese goods that are cheaper than, so to speak, similar goods from developed countries, with which serbia can saturate its market. and the third is military cooperation. ah, serbia is afraid to purchase russian weapons on a large scale, well, that is , it continues to purchase, but in limited such quantities. but from china, it... began to purchase large batches of weapons, including air defense systems, and serbia is the only country in europe that has such systems in service. serbia needs to strengthen, as it considers its defense, china needs to sell its weapons, and here too there is mutually beneficial cooperation. oh, and we can
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agree with the version that was widely circulated in the last week, just under. during and after the visit, that for serbia, if, arithmetically, minus russia, plus china, that is , the serbs if, not that they were disappointed, but they understand that the pressure on them will be stronger if they continue to cooperate with russia, then they distanced russia a little, and they hugged china a little, it is here the logic in this, in these thoughts, yes, it happened exactly like that. but still, it cannot be said that serbia has turned its back on russia, it has, you know, turned so half-heartedly towards moscow, and is trying to somehow cooperate with china, but still look at moscow too, and china too, with such a sideways glance, like you you know, it is also not the kind of state that
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literally openly opposes russia, no, they have common interests and cooperate with china, serbia does not... allegedly does not conduct an anti-russian policy, but what serbia conducts is clearly an anti-western policy , ago that not only is cooperation with russia continuing, but strategic cooperation with china has also been added, literally serbia is the leader of cooperation with china in europe, and this has absolutely nothing to do with its european integration efforts. this phrase of chinese leader xi jinping: china will never forget how nato bombed the embassy in belgrade. and whatever that means, don't forget that it's good that a good memory perfectly characterizes asidzinpin. you know,
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a whole detective story came out with this topic. the fact is that russian propaganda, it pushed that literally xijinpin... specially coming on the day of the anniversary of this nato bombing of the chinese embassy, ​​but xijinpin, he came very late at night, and that day he didn't go to the place where the chinese embassy was, the next day neither did he , and not the teacher, did not mention the events of 25 years ago... that is, despite the fact that russian propaganda literally bet on this topic, that both the teacher and sydzenpin will be together... something anti-western, anti-nato is being announced there , neither chinese nor serbian the leader did not go for it and did not mention it at all, just imagine, no one
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from the chinese, nor from the chinese, nor from the serbs, government officials, members of the government delegation said anything about it during the visit, the day before yes, but during the visit, and not a word, ms. natalya, but the embassy, ​​i would have forgotten... after all, the balkan magazine, maybe you remember better, it is the embassy of the people's republic of china, it is a mistake, i even think that the americans have recognized whether they were on purpose admitted that we really wanted to get somewhere, we didn't they aimed at the embassy, ​​it's a coincidence, excuse me, something like that remained in my head from that bombing, because it was definitely not the goal of the americans on the territory of serbia to hit china. embassy, ​​do you have anything to say about this? yes, absolutely it was, the only thing that china made clear is that it does not accept apologies, and now periodically
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mentions this story, well, it is really unpleasant, but nevertheless, this is demonstratively, absolutely, when the chinese leader was just in belgrade, he ignored this topic even on the day of the anniversary, it is actually a signal of the sunset. what neither china nor serbia wants to actively proclaim any anti-western, anti-nato theses, theses in order not to quarrel with either brussels or washington, finally, yes, well, the russians didn’t listen again, well, poor russians are just some, now we're in a very strange country, i'm not convinced that anyone in ukraine has even heard of it, there is this... north macedonia, and the ruling party there, and it seems to be pro-european, conceded defeat during the elections, they just happened, but
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the right won and she will become the president silyanovska davkova or davkova, i don’t know, this last name doesn’t mean anything to anyone, but how important is this country, or is it some sign that now the right is not... completely pro-european forces can also win in the neighboring balkan countries, not only in north macedonia elections, what would this mean for the balkans in general, the balkan territory, shall we say? well, first of all, north macedonia is a member of nato. and if there is some instability inside, some, you know, unclear politics, that will definitely affect an alliance like nato, and you you know there , after all, many decisions must be made with the consent of all countries, and here we will get such an unstable country, this
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is, firstly, secondly, the fact that european integration stops in macedonia, unequivocally, because the ruling, future ruling party has unequivocally stated, that it will not make concessions to bulgaria, and bulgaria is currently blocking the european integration of north macedonia. demands that, well, it demands a lot in terms of, so to speak, the humanitarian aspects of the history of the macedonian nation and the macedonian state, there will be no concessions, and therefore european integration as well it won't be, this is the second, accordingly, the third will be the aggravation of relations between north macedonia and bulgaria, this is regional instability, and besides, there will be instability associated with the fact that relations are aggravating. north macedonia and greece, because you know that north macedonia, it was renamed, the blockade by greece was lifted, and the country,
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north macedonia joined nato. well, literally today, at the inauguration of president novaya, she called the country simply macedonia, and this already caused a démarche from the greek ambassador, well that is the instability is connected with the relations of the balkan countries, let's not... kill, besides, they are all members of nato, well, that is, we in the nato countries, in nato, we get, we get such an internal conflict. mrs. natalya, you and i talked about it, i think, but it is worth repeating, because, well, new, fresh information, it must be renewed in the minds of the audience. bulgarians will understand a north macedonian, and a north macedonian will understand a bulgarian, if they meet on... the street and one asks the other how to get, i don't know, to the opera house theater? well, you know, we are now entering on such a shaky foundation. in general, the question of language
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and the question of national identity, which concerns the balkans, it is probably absolutely taboo for experts, if they are not politicians and do not occupy, do not take any one side, but for us it is simply necessary to say that north macedonia is a recognized country, macedonians, this is a nation recognized by the world community, and therefore... the bulgarians have to come to terms with it somehow, well, these are the realities, okay, we will not enter the territory of the shaky, but let's move on to bulgaria, as far as bulgaria is concerned now, well, always, yes, a chicken, bulgaria is not a foreign country, i think that it is still heard somewhere in russian, in russian spaces, but tell me, please, how much now after all these stories about a huge number
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of spies... russian on the territory of bulgaria after a huge the number of diplomatic steps, as far as sociologists themselves say, bulgarians really love russia and still wait for russian tourists, i was once in bulgaria maybe eight or 10 years ago, in sazopol in such a way, there were quite a lot of russians and russians there quite a lot, and then such rumors began that it seems that the russians... are quietly starting to leave there, how different is the relationship with the russians there now and with the russians compared to 20 or 50 years ago? well, the main thing is to say that bulgaria, as a member of the european union , supported absolutely all anti-russian sanctions, without exception, and therefore it is very uncomfortable for russians to be there, well, you
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know there... restrictions on cards and visas, and of course, russians it decreased there, but as far as it is concerned, well, in terms of such a state politics, which concerns, you know, such a household sphere, the bulgarians, they started to like russian and russians a little less, but still they distinguish russia. the russian government, putin, ordinary russians, because of this, they are not anti-russian, in general, but they are more, so to speak, anti-putin, that’s it, there is, so to speak, well, such a specific moment that must be understood, that is, not the always pro-russian bulgarian supports putin's current policy
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towards ukraine. ah, and he may be oppositional, but still, this is love, you know, to everything russian, it still remains, well, at the high level of bulgaria. look, there is another wider issue, the balkan issue. so, i correctly understand that the sick relations are north macedonia, bulgaria, serbia, kosovo, and somewhere else there are some acute ones in between. interstate, international problems are such that can worsen, i simply imagine a sick person europe, which they said about during the first world war, it was called bulgaria then, now it is probably russia, but where are these diseases located, that is my question, that is, i i understand, this is a disease of serbia-kosovo, there are problems there, we just talked about north macedonia, bulgaria, are there any other such serious frictions? north macedonia, greece.
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inside bosnia, inside which is breaking up, so to speak, into national enclaves, and montenegro-serbia in terms of the fact that the montenegrin position is categorically against the pro-serbian policy of the authorities, but when the authorities conduct some kind of pro-western policy, then the montenegrin serbs start to protest, well that is montenegrin-serbian relations are also worsening within montenegro itself, quite tense. the situation between croatia and serbia will be, because a new government is coming in croatia, which for the first time will not include the serbian minority in its ranks, i think that serbia will not like it very much, and there may be some complications. perhaps the last question, or maybe a group of questions, you mentioned bosnia and herzegovina, which was created in just ten...


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