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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 p.m. to 22 for espresso. great broadcast, vasyl. winter is the big ether, my name is vasyl zimai and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please and sports news, review of sports events by yevhen postakhov. two hours in the company of favorite
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presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day of the guests, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast winters a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. where did you get your strength? mom, tell me to do everything, to hide fatigue, to stay awake, to teach, to sympathize with me, as young as you were, every day, despite work, affairs, school, to find time for our friendship, i will never forget it, now i know it's love, you don't call, and i'm already scared, you're the closest in the world, mom, and i'm terribly grateful for everything.
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we continue the politics program on espresso tv channel 219 day of war in the middle east and our guest aryeh zaidan. so we are literally with you are on the brink of a possible battle for rafah, the last city in the gaza strip still under the control of the terrorist organization hamas. prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu speaks about the need to continue this operation, the united states is trying to prevent israel from conducting this operation, but a few hours ago it became known that the united states is even ready to provide israel. information on the location of key leaders of the terrorist group hamas, unless there is an assault on rafah, what do you think will happen occur? eh, when the americans talk about storming rafah, they mean what we will do with tza, will do with zrapaho, the same thing
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that he did with gaza, and benjamin netanyahu and other representatives of the government do not talk to them about this, that it won't happen, so there's some... there's not supposed to be a misunderstanding between the two leaders, where one doesn't want there to be some big tragedy before his election, joe biden, that he should stop, and the other leader who doesn't want to, for there to be elections in his country, netanyahu wants to show everyone his the electorate that he is so ready to go to the same takumash after all. an operation that is needed and that is needed from him by his colleagues, other ministers on whom he depends in today's government, which will most likely
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in reality be a limited operation, as it looks now, and there will be limited actions every time in another district, when the public will come out of every... which district, and only there will be an operation, how effective it will be, the big question is whether the fighting is going on, the fighting will be going on, there will be, it is clear that militants will be destroyed, but whether all these battalions and their commanders will really be destroyed is not a fact at all, and therefore yes, we continue to exist, these are not quite clear, well, the efforts are clear efforts of both. well , the question arises, to what extent these efforts will generally contribute to the destruction of hamas, as this force that continues, well, by and large , to control the gas, we will not hide it, yes, yes, at today's stage, and you even know this, it is probably even
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the question is not a military one, but rather a political one, the military power of hamas is destroyed if we we are talking about the war between the armies, there are four battalions left, this is exactly the military force that was at the beginning of the war, it is clear that the underground fortresses, even those that remained, do not have the same influence today as they did before, but this only in the a-a military layer, when we move to politics and administration, it is clear that the moment the zaan is not present and there is no other administrative, other administrative institution to replace hamas, hamas will return completely to management, even if, ah he, he
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doesn't know, won't call himself that, it won't be other hamas people, although i don't see any reason why hamas didn't say that it was him. and thus will emphasize that he did not win in this and that round of the war and will continue to try to defeat israel, and at the end of everything will come to a situation when this blue invader in quotation marks will be destroyed, yes in that plan, no no no military no will solve it, won't solve it, it's simply impossible, it's a political, administrative issue, and you can see that on this at this stage, benjamin netanyahu is not quite ready. to the solution to the solution of this problem the way the rest of the world is offering it, which is to recognize that the palestinian state will exist, but i understand that there are more and more voices in israel who say that we should simply distance ourselves from them, to provide security for themselves, let them live their lives there, but
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there is another question, they can live their lives, but together with this meaning of their lives will be the destruction of israel, yes, by and large because russia lives its own life, only the meaning of existence. the russian state is expanding its territory, ukraine does not interfere with russia's life, it's just that russia is sure that sooner or later there will be no ukraine, it's absolutely the same situation can happen again, it's absolutely the same situation and it's not even new. they existed for 17 years and the meaning was the destruction of israel, the zionist enigma, as they call it, and so on, the entire culture, the entire education was built everywhere, it was built to prepare new ideological, a new generation, yes, but ideologically, i completely agree with the fact that israel is the enemy, just as we see today in the russian federation, yes, ukraine. nazis, it is necessary to destroy and so on and so on and so on, in that sense, yes, every terrorist
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organization, not being a state, or whether it is, let's say this, every every society, which is governed by a leader, who chooses terrorist activity, and not , the development of its economy and the development of its state, whether it will be a state recognized by the un, whether the russian federation is recognized by the un, or not, not at all. what there is no difference, and again we are at a dead end at this stage, there is no solution for today, so it is clear that there are even more people who say in israeli society that the issue needs to be resolved, but at the same time, in the political plan, the government today is in a situation where it does not have to listen to what
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its people say in them for at least three more years, a little less than three years, and 64 eu mandates out of 120, and a serious coalition, well organized, and none of the players on that, in that playground the coalition does not have any sense and desire to leave or. destroy this coalition, and it doesn't matter what rhetoric i use. do you think that there will be no elections if the hostilities end? unfortunately, no, in order for there to be elections, it is necessary that more than 5 or 8% of the entire population turn out on the street, that is, there must, must, must be a consensus and not only of people, citizens who come out, but also as it was. once, if you remember, about a year ago, when this
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reform was legal, and one day in the morning, and trade unions, and business, and other organizations together at a general press conference said that they are suspending all economic activity in israel until benjamin netanyahu, then it was... on the background of the dismissal of the minister, the minister of defense, we all demanded, we all demanded that he be returned, and it was so, but if it happens again and there is a demand that there be an election now, then yes, but in my opinion it will not happen, unfortunately 403 minutes ago in the day of commemoration of those who died in wars has begun in israel. the first such day since october 7, i wanted
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in general, i would like to ask you to tell our tv viewers how this day of remembrance of the dead is celebrated in israel, because ukraine will obviously also have to create such a tradition during the hostilities, if they drag on for years to come, and after the war. considering how many people have already died at the front, how many people may still die in the coming years of the conflict, and what is the difference between this day of remembrance and those days that took place in relatively peaceful times, uh, yes , it is, of course, different, because it was simply added 700 new families who buried their relatives and loved ones in the last six months is a very large number for israel. and something similar happened only 20 years ago, when
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terrorists killed about 400 theorists in one year, but there were also public and military people, here we are 700 , we were talking only about the military, because today there are also people who died by hand borogs, so it is much more difficult, it is more difficult for me as well... even before, i did not have enough time to visit those families who whom i knew, commanded, or was under command, and them and... children, sons, today i don't even want to count how much time it takes, and that's why yes, it's hard, you have to choose every time you who do you go to and who do you support, and this is firstly, uh, secondly, uh, here it must be said that ah, the center of everything, of this whole day is
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the family itself, that is, a tragedy, and... a tragedy , people's personal tragedy, it's never some talk about, look how much we've done for the country, everything for the country, yes, it doesn't matter, what is the price here, no, on the contrary, this day tells us, does not remind us, and focuses on the fact that what price we pay in order to be independent, and at the same time on after this day, after the day of remembrance . independence day starts right away, ah, and today this year, independence day will be very difficult, because celebrating on independence day, as it was before, when 133 hostages are still held by hamas and there is no final victory, does not seem possible, eh- er, we don't call it
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a celebration, we call it, sort of we celebrate this day. but there won't be any such entertaining events, and people are also not in the mood to have fun like that, that's why it should be like this, that's why the difference this year between what was before today, october 7, what do we feel, please tell me, mr. arria , and how in general do you consider this, i would say, massive anti-semitic campaign, which we are currently observing in the united states and in europe, by and large, we can say that we unexpectedly moved to the 30s of the 20th century, when people noticed one thing, but stubbornly did not want to to notice the other, and it was absolutely obvious that they are not doing it by chance, but because it corresponds to their political views, this reluctance to notice some tragedies, the desire
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to notice others, so here is the struggle of narratives, which is... there is at least 50 years of beginning mutely in quotation marks of the circumstances of the liberation of the palestinian liberation movement, which immediately chose the path of terrorism, war, and not peace, this has its reasons, but it does not matter, one way or another, they always chose the destructive path. and continue it to choose, and in that sense from the side of israel, and we will lose the information war, ah, we do not explain well enough to the world what the matter looks like in reality,
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ah, we make a lot of mistakes, and that is why we play like this . on the hand of those people who, uh, uh, base and expand the narrative about the occupiers and so on, the communists, so - in my opinion, there is, uh, logical in that, this is the logical development of events, and definitely logical developments with the inefficient government that is in place now. but he is not the only one to blame for the fact that we cannot oppose, but what can be done in this situation, you see some movements that could change the situation, well, of course, but first of all, the israeli society itself
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must decide where to pass it. the border and that will be the first and foremost, ah, the main sign that we are ending this era, ah, not a solution to the conflict between the palestinians and us, and i'm not talking about what should be given or not given and yes then, first of all, we must say that we are ready to solve it, and the problem is that we, no one, no government was ready to solve it, everyone... besides, that it is somehow by itself, ah, well, we will figure it out and we will, and for the last 20 years and almost more than 25 years, we are basically like this. the vector of development and the pattern was conflict management, no one said that the conflict should be resolved, everyone agreed that
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the conflict can be managed, and this is for us, and this, and this is good for us, because all our enemies will fight among themselves, and for the time being, we will make money on high technologies, as if here, too, since october 7 has completely proven that such and such a pattern does not work, it is ineffective. whether another was prepared patren, there is none, or we need to decide now as a society, which one we decide, and this is quite a problematic and painful process, i understand that the idea of ​​conflict management was and is the main political idea of ​​the prime minister minister benjamin netanyahu, he believed that he would be able to manage this conflict, not even between israel and the palestinian authority, but between the gaza strip and the west bank of the jordan river, between the fatah group. hamas, that israel will be the conductor here, and it turned out that someone else is holding this baton? indeed yes, and yes, the same relations were also with syria, that we can
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support jubat and musr there and not support the others, that we can accept them and the wounded and thus allegedly influence the fact that there is someone there in the syrian society, who is almost not left, after 11 million citizens became. but simply left her side, both in lebanon and now in europe. yes, this pattern was not only his , but if it was his, then others, leaders and heads, security guards also had this, they accepted this, this, they accepted this, this point of view, because it is... not bad, in this way , if you confident that you can manage the conflict, you can make the army smaller,
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you can spend less on security, not much, but still less, in general, you can no longer fight, you can talk about the fact that we will have a small intelligent army and so on and on, but only now it is clear that the army must. it is not only intelligence, but also experience, that it is possible to fight on several fronts. and by the way, is it possible that the war is on other fronts, do you allow this? view, no, the only real, serious front that we have is the northern one, lebanese, not syrian, then for sure, there, if there are any intentions, an offensive, it is difficult to call it, they will try to carry out some. operations, but by khitbala, are we ready to meet? the army is ready, the army is ready to meet, but for that it needs now
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all its capabilities and all its resources, today almost the air force can concentrate on the southern livan and in general on the prices of balls and they do it, but in the land attack, that's all for now, it's really not possible, and it's no secret, we're busy with the issues of rafahu and another, but when it ends there, then we will surely see that all the ground forces are redeployed to the northern border, and then, for sure, an ultimatum will be sent that they have, i don't know, 48 hours or 22 hours for them to implemented this un resolution, and in my opinion... they will implement it and the decision will be diplomatic and so far it looks like this, it looks like this, when it will be, well
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, probably somewhere at the beginning, maybe at the beginning of this, why, i am based on that , that our government representatives said that they want to start it on september 1 midnight study. a year and everyone will already be living in their allowances, so convince hesbaldo by military means by land in the month that will remain after that, if we say for you that today, in order to destroy the four battalions in rafah, it is at least a month and a half or two, this is really the beginning of the earth, let's talk about the beginning of august, not at this time... yes, that is, will we see military actions in the north in september, eh, or after all, on our government eh eh ot...
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will get his plan, at this stage, and considering the historical possibilities and the personality of benyaminagu and others, a diplomatic solution with very aggressive rhetoric seems to be a vector of development. thank you, mr. aria. aria zayden, reserve lieutenant colonel of the israel defense forces, a political scientist, was in touch with us. now let's return to ukraine. let's talk about these topics with alexii haran, professor of political science at the kyiv academy, scientific director of the ilko kuchayev foundation for democratic initiatives. congratulations, mr. oleksia. i congratulate you. well, military sociology is always important to watch as it changes the mood of society, how societies are changing, social trends, what do you now see as the most important thing in these changes? you understand, we are talking about changes, yes, but
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at the same time some numbers. are sufficiently, sufficiently stable, yes, well, for example, the belief of ukrainians in victory, yes, or our sense of general national unity, which has increased, that is, these numbers are stable, by the way, but with regard to mobilization, the number of those who are ready to mobilize, it approximately corresponds to the number of those who were ready to mobilize before the start of the great war, well, i think we'll talk about... we'll talk about it, and by the way, the number of people who support democracy has increased, it's more than before the war, and democracy against authoritarianism, but at the same time, i think , if we talk now about these changes that are taking place, then we definitely had a period
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of euphoria, which was... it was at the beginning of 2023, and we hoped for the quick liberation of the occupied territories, this did not happen on land, because at sea in we had a successful counteroffensive, and this should be emphasized, and there was a gradual development and confidence in of the president, to the institution of the president, which is still high, by the way, 58%. that's according to the march poll, the march poll, but it 's gone down, and the peak, again, the peak was in march of '23, and there's been a shift in people who think the country is moving in the right direction, that is, if before the beginning there was only 20% of such infestations, and 60 believed that... what,
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ah, what is going in the wrong direction, then again, in march of the 23rd year, it changed in a mirror, 60 said that, ah , which is moving in the right direction, and then this one the number started to gradually-gradually decrease, and the end of march, it's about 40x40, well, there's 39-38, let's... so 40 by 40, that is, 40% think that it's in the right direction and 40% think that it's in the wrong direction, but note , that this number is still twice as much as it was before the start of the war, so these trends are quite contradictory, by the way, among those ukrainians who believe in victory, the number here is quite stable, it is now shown by 83%, in principle different surveys
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during this... time they showed 80% plus, but among them we now record 6% of ukrainians who believe in pere from those who believe in negotiations, which will be considered a victory even, how to say it, probably even a freeze of the conflict, and when russia will have something left of the occupied or something crimea, or donbass, or even other regions, that is, for this part of ukrainians, it will still be a victory, so this is a change in public attitudes, you can say that this is a change, please, you can say that this is a change, yes, i i think so, yes, that is, the numbers used to be smaller.


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