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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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dacha will be carried out at the expense of one operator, not 12 pilots, and here we are talking about the fact that there is already the possibility of working resistant to means of radio-electronic warfare, there are no other factors that can interfere, and this is worked out automatically, moreover, we can talk about what can take off, for example, a large drone that will patrol a certain area of ​​the territory and will send, for example, to or one scout, and then, well, in principle, here it looks like some kind of fiction, but come on let's go back to those videos that we see when the ground drones that provide logistics there are knocked out, for example, by air drones, that is, we are already in this war war, this is the beginning of that war, so who was watching the terminator when it starts there, yes this , that's it, you see, because actually there is a need for counteraction and counteraction. this
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will continue to be such a push for high technology, and unlike our western partners, who are very cautious about artificial intelligence and are afraid if russia starts using artificial intelligence to nuclear missiles, then this will terrify them, but unlike them, we went deeper into it and we started working on it, because this will significantly help us fight the enemy, well, this is a good question, by the way, because we really say that we ... we are talking about the regulation of artificial intelligence there and the use of drones at the level of domestic legislation, but how to limit it at the level of international relations, when countries like russia and china can simply not recognize general principles and calmly use anything, well they don't use them, they are also developing a nuclear power program there, the same korea, you see, that is, here again, i think that this is another side that needs to be talked about, because we see...
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the unification of countries like russia, iran, korea, that is, it is the creation of such a terrorist hub, which has become much larger than it was even in soviet times, because if we said in soviet times, it was mostly such a military there consultants in yemen, somewhere in egypt there is something else during soviet times, now this open war is going against the west. and on the territory of ukraine, well, still, when we talk about their level of weaponry, it is not very high-tech, neither iran nor north korea look like such centers of high technology, they have classic weapons, but they are somehow not very new, classic weapons that were received from soviet times, during soviet times, and iran also received weapons from the americans during soviet times, also a lot, well, iran, yes, it still has f4s still flying there and quite such beautiful planes, in fact, but if you say russian...
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weapons, well, i keep saying, and there are simply a lot of them, they are not as technological, they are not as great as they seem in reality, because the su-35 is a modernization of the su-27, if we say about the strategic aviation of the russian federation, the russian federation cannot build strategic aircraft, this is all a military-industrial complex, marshal ustinov, so to speak, in fact, recently komsomolsk on amuria showed a factory for the production of dry air. su-35 and su-57 and a question arises, in the 18th year a large article output from the head of shop 45 of the same factory, regarding the fact that they finally established production, conveyor production of su-35 aircraft, there is a question: su-35, a deep modernization of the su-27 aircraft, it was produced since soviet times, and what did you have , that was lost, that you... again had to
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rebuild this line, if the plant is still in place, everything is in place, in fact, if we are talking about a certain time there before 2008, russia was then actively declining with the production of some aviation equipment, after 2008 until the 14th year, they made great progress, in fact, again due to western components, they were able to fill and produce a certain number of aircraft, and in principle, this is the jump they have now . in the 18th year, they could build 10 aircraft of each type there, now we are talking about the fact that they are able to release either 5/35 su-34 and 1/2 su-57, why? because some high-tech components they can't get, engines with engines they have they have a big problem with engines for each plane, because let's go... before the soviet
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times, the soviet union received 40 of the first jet engines from great britain, and the history of the creation of jet engines started from there. and... there was a fire during the presentation of the indian delegation, the second su-57 crashed due to the fact that the control system was incorrect, which led to the inclusion of some controls, led to the fall of this plane, what, that is, we are talking about the fact that there are technological problems, what they are they can't decide, they can't decide, for example, increasing the service life of some engines for strategic aviation for... tactical aviation, well, what is an engine that can only fly for 1000 hours, it's nothing, and strategic aviation is 160 years old, high-tech, for the 80s, and the engine can only fly for 300 hours, that’s not enough , that is, and it has to be thrown out and zeroed in
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, and they can’t make them, and that’s why cannibalism begins, and then it’s even deeper, and the tu series -160s was released from some aircraft yes... just like on the tu-22m3, the auxiliary power plant, which is responsible for providing electrical power to start the engines, not every plane approaches another plane, that is, we are not talking about serial production, that is, there are certain batches that were suitable among themselves, certain parties do not fit, and we say that aviation cabonism will already be more difficult over time, what they are trying to do now, what they did with the 460, which they showed there they modernized, put liquid crystal screens, and think that for the account of this... was updated, that is you push this button on the display and they start the 80s mechanisms, they have pilot radios, rescue radios that are from 57, just repackaged in a new plastic case, so really, i mean, they just
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have a lot of it, they attack us with people, they can afford to bomb their belgorod with their own bombs and the east is a constant east of missiles, this is also a problem with the aviation catapults that they have. such, which are also old, they were developed in the 80s-70s, and they did not change, they put these catapults on modern planes, su-34, su-35. and by the way , if we talk about components, how do you explain the fact that recently american and european politicians began to reproach china, that its dual-purpose products go precisely to the restoration of the russian military technical complex, that china can supply such a critical for russian military equipment, most of the a... means that were produced in china at one time were copied well by the chinese, and there is a large nomenclature base of high-tech elements that china still produces due to copying in the west or from the soviet union in the west, in the west, a large
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number, well, we know, there the same iphone is produced in china, you think, they did not copy a certain element, that's why there is actually a large number. which china copied at one time and are making copies, well, of course, there are representatives of chinese industry who make good things, and there are those who do, which do not work very long, as a result of which we see, for example, when the same korean missiles were wedged significantly off course, fell somewhere in in another place, but they didn't work, well , we see the same way when the same hasto1 missiles that fly out of the plane are there, they just don't release their wings, they don't release them. engine and bombs are already falling on the territory of the russian federation, that is exactly why we see, remember the first mass shelling, most of the planes were fired from the caspian sea, now that we have engelsk, vologadonsk, even voronezh, tu-22m3
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are flying in from the side crimea, well, it is clear from the tu-23, because they release the x22 missile, which is the x-22 or x32, which has a shorter range than x101 rockets, but... x55, x101 increased the explosive part, added the second part, why didn’t you develop something more substantial, resistant, to the point, for example, more interesting navigation aids, they will make there is more explosion and one rocket, that is we can see that before 14, 15, 16 flights of the 1995s flew out, now two are flying out of zaleni, five are flying out of engels, because they have greater explosive potential. because they understand that they still have to fight with nato, he has to protect these planes that can launch missiles at 400 km, you know, that is, what the point was to use it, it is like using strategic ballistic nuclear
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missiles against ukraine, which can fly across the atlantic, but they would use them over ukraine, but they also use these x101, x55 missiles, in principle they can fly from the caspian caspian sea to the london dreamed of by medvedev or paris, well , if the west managed to... influence china, would it really reduce the capabilities of the russian military-industrial complex or not, from a practical point of view, and would they do without chinese components or not will do they will not do without chinese components, they will try to look for an opportunity again, well, they are doing it now, they are still through bypassing companies, the same chinese companies buy oil in large quantities from european, american companies that deliver gray imports, gray imports. well , let's remember the soviet times, when a bunch of different japanese tape recorders and
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other things were imported there, but bypassing any possibilities, that is, farcists, they worked and will work, and they have a very good good opportunities, good experience, so actually what was in small numbers and just started in soviet times, these tools are now very common, even in information warfare, let's be... frankly, the russians now have a lot more tools than they did before times of the soviet union, well, because a completely different technology has appeared, it is not good for you to speak out and publish a newspaper, well, yes, so if, as they say, if goebbels had all these technologies, i, by the way, i joke that goebbels must have worked for some time somewhere in the kremlin bunkers after the war, so that goebbels had all the technology, we wouldn't even know yesterday that he lost the war, and we were sure that everything was won a long time ago, but in any case, listen, information war, information war, we war will be won on the battlefield, and not on newspaper pages, that is clear, but not always, not always,
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because in fact, the information component is very important, and the information component we can say that it can lead to certain economic difficulties in any state with the correct setting, informational there the influence of messages and everything else, so in fact we see, for example, what happened in the united states before the elections, we see what is happening... in europe now, that is, there is still everything, come on, well, russia is actively influencing the information the space of europe, the united states and a large number of countries. well , the question here is to what extent this can be resisted given that we are dealing with an authoritarian country where people generally mostly trust the official media versus democratic countries where people seek different points of view. well, i mean, for example, some of the articles in the same new york times have surprised me lately, you know, because when the new york times writes that our pilots... who are training for the f16 are learning english, well, yes, they study
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aviation english, there is such an aviation english language, which includes a set of terminology that pilots use to communicate with each other, communicate with ground services, communicate in short phrases, for that the first thing that civil aviation pilots do, who fly on international flights, a military pilots do not really need it, as i understand it correctly, aviation english is military, aviation english is necessary because we are transitioning to a new type of aircraft and there is a certain. i mean, it was not needed before, well, so, for example, when they ask me, what about the feet, the imperial system, i say, well, listen, i already flew in 2003, according to the photos, when i was flying, already then, when we flew abroad, we already flew on these, that is, we had no questions about these lists, well, i did not fly for the military, i was on i flew to the military transport company, and it would have been all right when we flew there to ramsteim, when we flew to natsivsk, and i have an aviation english certificate. that is , i have this certificate, i understand that there are certain ones, and therefore it is different for civil
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aviation and military, or is it the same certificate? no, it is different, because there are certain terminologies that require something a little different for the military, well, if we are talking about yekau, it is generally for civil aviation, but, but you are not surprised that, in principle, our military pilots did not pass this aviation english, when they studied at the corresponding higher education institutions in kropyvnytskyi, and the kharkiv aviation school. well, come on, i graduated in 2001, we studied english, and we studied, well, according to my profile, i think that in principle, taking into account the majority of pilots , quite, well, that’s right, let’s be honest, it’s an airplane, if a person somewhere there, you may not know english, you can go and work as an engineer for an enterprise, we understand that perfectly, yes, but it’s a plane, if you are, it will fall, i’m sorry, but he will fall if you don't know something. well, if you don't know something, you click on that's why i'm trying, it's not a joke, i just want
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to understand the level of qualification, so i agree that yes, when we read such texts in the new york times, it also surprises me, no , well, she talked with the romanians there, and let’s face it, it was an article about the romanian airbase, which was only recently opened for pilots to learn there, and about this airbase, this airfield... negotiations, or it is necessary, will ukrainians study there, because in fact the pilot training program for 16 is designed for two years, there are from combat officers... management of technical staff, pilots who have combat experience, pilots without experience, cadets who have only they graduated there, for example, and are flying on light-engine aircraft, so actually it is a big program, and of course, when they tell us, well, in a year we will get there, in two years we will get, well, yes, well, certainly, that is, we have a certain batch of pilots will be there in two years, someone can already
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to fly, well, someone there has already heard something, they are already flying there, you understand, that is, in fact , the issue here is that some... the information is quite sensitive, and here it is necessary to keep informational silence in these matters, i constantly say that as soon as will appear in the 16th, you are guaranteed to see it on the battlefield, and by the way, there is another story with foreign specialists, how important it is, we heard that, say, ukraine cannot get taur, because it requires foreign management , it's true taurus is the bearer of taurus and... swedish saab, gripcon, ugh, that's why, or we need to change our dry, which will carry them, and the f16 can't, because the f16 is jasons, we need another plane, which is the gripon,
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sweden once promised that when they join nato, they will give there are these planes, and i have... in principle, i, well , i mean, the problem is also in the carrier, well carriers really, because here we still need to get carriers that will be able to perform these tasks, because it is not enough to get weapons, it is necessary carriers, well, what would happen, what would happen to atakams missiles, if we did not have launchers established, here we are talking about the fact that, in fact, well, the taurus is actually a very good missile, it is modular, it can perform various functions, well, again, let's get to... to what configuration these missiles will be delivered to us, for what to destroy with an electromagnetic pulse a certain radio control of the enemy, or is it something more substantial, which will knock out equipment or some kind of armor? thank you for these detailed explanations, they explained a lot about what we didn't know, what i didn't want to understand anatoliy
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khrapchynskyi, deputy general the director of the aviation expert company, we are not done with ours yet. that please stay with us, because in 3 minutes there will be the most important information that came last hour, thank you, thank you, there are discounts, represent coco discounts of may on relief, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and save. allergies, the sword of the lion will overcome cetrilev, citrerev neo, protects against the most common allergens. in the latest issue of krania magazine. bill 5655. reform or corruption trap. country investigation. when and how will crimea return to ukraine. interview with the head majlis ryfat chubarov. how did the defense of kyiv actually take place. colonel oleksandr vdovichenko of the zsu. memories of the brilliant ukrainian translator mykola lukash and
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many other stories and analytics. with the country in the center of the main. ask for country magazine at points of sale. where did you get the strength, mom, tell me, to do everything, to hide in it, to stay awake, to teach, to sympathize with me, such a small one, as you managed day after day, despite work, affairs, school, to find time for our friendship, i i'll never forget it, now i know it's love, no you call, and i'm already scared, you are the closest in the world, mom, and i am for everything... terribly grateful verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with
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the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. take the wounded from the battlefield in time, that means to save his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yarik. in the direction of chasiv yat, we continue our broadcast and talk. about these changes in the russian political leadership, which happened right during our broadcast, these are really serious changes, i would say, which
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primarily concern the fact that putin got rid of largely due to the minister of defense of the russian federation, sergei shoigu, the same minister who led the armed forces of ukraine, russia all the time after ... its attack on ukraine, who demonstrated, i would say, his entire managerial inability to manage the russian army, fortunately for us by and large, well , prigozhin told me about this, so let's not quote him now, because what might happen in this story, firstly, the resignation of the minister of defense, who himself became the secretary of the security council of the russian federation. secretary of the council security of the russian federation mykola patroshev left this position. we know that it was one
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of the most serious favorites of vladimir putin. he headed russia's federal security service when putin became president of the russian federation. patrushevo is associated with explosions of buildings in moscow and other russian cities. so they significantly increased putin's rating. recently, he is the secretary of the security council and the main ideologist of the regime. and here is the question of what position will he be appointed to? patrushov was able to move his son now dmytro to the post of vice-prime minister of the russian government. now many people are talking about what mykola patroshev will do. maybe he will become the head of some direction in the president's administration. of russia may become a member of the federation council of the federal assembly of the russian federation, it is not yet known exactly what will happen, and another
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very important point is what kind of person will head the ministry of defense, this is the vice prime minister, now former andriy bilausov, this technocrat. this person is quite influential in the government, but it is, as we understand, far from of all real military clans, a person, and this is largely putin's attempt to modernize the russian military department. bilousov will work with the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation, general valery gerasimov, there will be no changes here, but what is important. that, by and large, putin realized that a fairly serious renewal of the ministry of defense was needed, something similar had already
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happened during his reign before shoigu, when the technocrat anatoly was also appointed as the minister of defense of russia serdyukov, and this minister carried out a major modernization of the ministry of defense of the russian federation and the armed forces of russia . serhiy shuigu used precisely the legacy of serdyukov, who was removed, accused of corruption, well , by and large, the reason for his downfall was the divorce with the daughter of one of the main favorites of vladimir putin, the former prime minister of russia viktor zubkov, who now heads the board of directors of gazprom, but all these family and clan images, they played clearly in our favor, because it became absolutely it is obvious that a person with such a corrupt... streak as serhiy shuigu can use other people's property, but he is definitely not capable of building effective relations, well, think for yourself, why do you and i have an effective ministry of defense
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of russia, so, as you understand, i am a big i will not wish andrii bilous success, i think that with his appointment conflicts between civilians and military in the ministry of defense will increase, the role of the security council of the russian federation may weaken... mykola patrushev transformed this institution in fact, the second administration of the president of russia, so that the head of the administration of the president, anton vaino, was actually in the shadows, and the security council headed by patroshev turned into such a peculiar politburo of the soviet times, and the permanent members of the security council were exactly the people who spoke, if not the ones who makes decisions in the kremlin. the decision is made by one person, this is the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, and those who at least give advice to the president on matters of principle, it is absolutely no coincidence that
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putin assembled a council. security of russia on the eve of the federation's decision to adopt such a large-scale attack on ukraine and demanded that each member of the council agree with the idea of ​​an attack on ukraine, there, as you know, there were also certain such incomprehensible moments, when mykola patroshov, let's say, advised putin to talk first with the united states, and serhiy naryshkin advised volodymyr. putin to talk about the accession of donbass to russia, and not about the restoration of the so-called territorial integrity of the so- called people's republics, and putin still said, there is no need to rush ahead, and by the way, we still do not know the point of view on this matter of another permanent member of the security council of the russian federation, general sergey ivanov, who was once considered one of the real heirs of vladimir putin, who remains in this security council, well here
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's one more important moment... the moment in this whole story is the appointment of a new head of the accounting chamber of russia, he became boris kovalchuk, why is it important, boris kovalchuk, the son of yuriy kovalchuk, the former chairman of the board of directors of the bank of russia, is one of the closest friends of vladimir putin, together with his friend, his brother. this person is mykhailo kovalchuk, the former president of the academy of sciences, russia, these two kovalchuks, they were among those who were even in putin's bunker during the coronavirus, and it is believed that it was with the kovalchuks that putin discussed the idea of ​​​​a major attack on ukraine and the restoration of the russian federation in the borders of the soviet union in 1991.
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next to mykola patrish, it is the kovalchuks who are the main, one might say, supporters of this idea, russia's war against ukraine, and so the fact that yuriy kovalchuk is now the head of the accounting chamber of russia, he is connected not only with putin, he is also very closely connected with dmitry medvedev, medveev was one of his teachers at st. petersburg university, this is just such a cohort of people gang, who... gang, this is just a gang, and this gang has now strengthened its position in the new personnel decisions of the president of russia, well , i have not seen anything else so sensational, they thought that he might resign, there is sergey lavrov, minister of foreign affairs russian federation, remains in office, as he remains in his position, the director of the federal security service oleksandr bortnikov about a serious illness, which many
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already have. time is said, but it did not lead to any personnel changes. we will see how the situation will change, of course it will be necessary to monitor what position mykola patrushev will or will not take in the future, but the fact that putin went to the meeting of prigozhin's corpse and decided to eliminate at least the shoigu says that russia continues to be ruled from the other world , which is not surprising in principle for such a strange infernal substance, thank you friends, stay tuned to this channel, watch espresso tv programs, watch our political club that airs on saturday and sunday, and i wish you all the best, victory, good luck.
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this spring, on the third year of russia's war against ukraine , a video appeared in open sources for the first time, on which you can view the destroyed american haimers missile defense system. in addition , other footage of strikes on military facilities of the armed forces in the rear became publicly available. russian reconnaissance drones can now identify targets and adjust fire on them dozens of kilometers from the front line. why this became possible and how to resist it, let's talk today in donbas-reality.


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