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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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low indicators, and even in the 22nd year , 137 children from the temporarily occupied territory of crimea enrolled, in the 23rd year, only 86 children enrolled in ukraine, well, she will not be favorably accepted there... a cat with a ukrainian diploma, which was obtained during a full-scale war, this is my assumption, this is my personal opinion, but we all understand that a ukrainian diploma is a prestigious diploma, because russian diplomas, for example, and diplomas issued in the territory of temporarily occupied crimea, they just don't get married, but nowhere, this is exactly what i wanted to continue, but...
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when we did this survey of students and there was a question, what is your motivation, why are you entering ukrainian universities, and there you can say that you can define, well, three such yes, the motivations that have more than 70% of the answers that were given, and you know, it was very nice that in... in the majority, the motivation is a sense of civic identity, that's 71% of the answers, in second place is perspective, well, employment, life perspective, yes life path, opportunity to enter higher education institutions abroad, and this is still 71%, and therefore ee... well, that is why
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they choose ukrainian education, and this is true, because for students from temporarily occupied territories, and in particular from crimea, and now it works - very many international study abroad programs in very famous ee universities from abroad. support, and we collected such information at the request of those with whom we communicate from the crimea, we transferred this information in order for them to spread it among crimeans, and also, why, in my opinion , is it necessary to choose to study in ukrainian higher education institutions, this is because you see that now we have a very strong... there will be a shortage
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of personnel reserves after the deoccupation, very much, and valentina potapova, the head of the national advocacy department of the almena center for civic enlightenment, let me remind you, for our viewers, that we we continue to communicate, but i would like to ask all viewers who are currently watching this broadcast to subscribe to espresso youtube channels, ater youtube channel and comment on this video, that's how youtube works, what if you do this. if you don't, then us no one will see, and this important information about admission to ukrainian universities will also be seen by fewer people than they could, also you can copy the link to this video and send it to your friends in crimea, only use safe messengers, we do not recommend telegram, we do not recommend viber , some other messengers, well you know better which ones are safe ms. valentina, are you still with us, yes with us, yes i am with you, great, uh, let's... let's move on to another topic, i understand
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about numbers, which you mentioned that the number of people, schoolchildren, who choose is decreasing ukrainian universities, for objective reasons, because it is more difficult to leave, but there is another reason, this is a huge machine of russian propaganda that is unfolding in crimea, and here we have a video of how in artek, the occupiers forced 3,500 children to go through the so-called to the immortal regiment for this week, and... these children, this procession was led by veterans of artek, participants in the war against ukraine of the occupying ukraine, representatives of the investigative committee of russia, teams of schools from different regions, cadets of the black sea higher naval school named after nakhimov, well, we remember let's go in fact, how the people of nakhimiv sang the national anthem of ukraine when the russians invaded crimea in 2014 and then these guys continued their naval service... well, that is, ms.
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valentina, we see that this is simply the militarization of the children's consciousness, so what do we to do with it and what will we... do with it further, when the deoccupation of the peninsula will already happen? you know, unlike you, i'm a person who, being the same age as the ones we just saw in the video, ah, was in the soviet union, yes, we also had a lot of events when. ..... we were being taken out somewhere, they tried to throw something into our heads, ah, but, in fact, children perceive it as such, you know, a very strong coercion, and when they are
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teenagers, the reaction can be quite the opposite, huh, but one cannot help but underestimate the propaganda car which is now aimed at children in crimea and other occupied territories, what to do with it in order to somehow overcome it, already today we need to develop programs, well, let's call them rehabilitation programs, programs for restoring civic identity, but before that.. . to prepare it is necessary today, and certain steps must be taken by the state so that we already have ready teachers who will understand that
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the children who were in the temporarily occupied territory are actually victims of the occupation, and that what they can tell the teacher about , that ukraine is a nazi state, and... something that it's just, well, you know, a manifestation of a certain infection, i don't know how to say, because i really don't want to say the word disease, well, it could be a juvenile protest , we know that in fact children are at such a pubescent age they can say very unpleasant things to parents and teachers, and this is not necessarily related to the war, and on the occasion. everything is understandable here, but i am actually inspired by the fact that you said that in the soviet union, the children who wore these red handkerchiefs and who were taught that marxism, leninism, did not really believe in it, i hope that in
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the century of free of the internet, crimean children also have critical thinking and understand what is really happening and... another thing is that sometimes they cannot say about it publicly, simply due to the fact that there will be problems both at school and with parents, and in the future there may be problems with the career, we understand all this, if you know, we communicate, well , it so happened that we communicated with students, who were in the temporarily occupied territory for almost how many years, and you know what? knows that these students, who are now in ukraine, we had a meeting in lviv, what, well, they are very intelligent people, they are very responsible for their mission, they understand that they need to return home, what do they need to change
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and they say that in reality everything is not as bad as it is portrayed, but we need from the state... to take certain actions at the international level in order to stop russia, well, you saw the decision regarding the ban on teaching ukrainian language, unfortunately, unfortunately, the decision regarding the crimean-tatar language was not so, well, unambiguous, and it seems to me that we need to return to this. question, because actually we see that if the occupiers show certain figures regarding access to the native crimean tatar language, they have not changed much, in fact we understand that this is such a big potemkin
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village, i don't know, this is a very important topic that deserves a separate broadcast, and i hope that in our other broadcasts of tv atp and espresso we will discuss this topic in more detail, the topic of the crimean tatar language and the ukrainian language, the suppression of these languages ​​on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula. thank you very much. on the air with us was the head of the national advocacy department of the almenda civic education center, we talked about education in crimea, more precisely about ukrainian education for residents of crimea, it is still available, still possible, and we believe that the best crimean schoolchildren actually come to ukrainian universities and study, if only the ukrainian state would help this. stay with us, see you soon. next week in korushkendzha, goodbye, the main event of world boxing
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only on the next day, the undefeated usyk and fury will determine the first absolute world champion in super heavyweight since 2000, cheer for the ukrainian on may 18. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may on eurofast softcaps 20% in in the pharmacies of travel bams and oschat big broadcast of vasyl zima this is a big broadcast my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of airtime two hours of your time many important topics today we will discuss with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war , serhiy zgurets is with us, and what is the world, now about what
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has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time for that to speak about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postakhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, lina chechenii, for the information about cultural news, presenters who have become familiar to many, natalka didenko. is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast winters, a project for smart and caring people, at dinner at espresso. where did you get the strength, mom, tell me, to do everything, to hide in it, to stay awake teaching, to sing... to me, as young as you were, every day, despite work,
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affairs, school, to find time for our friendship , i will never forget it, now i know it’s love, you don’t call, and i’m already scared, you are the closest in the world, mom, and i’m terribly grateful for everything, congratulations friends, saturday’s talk show is on the air on the espressa tv channel, dmytro dzidorov and vitaly portnikov, today we are analyzing the most important events of this past week, of course we talk to our guests, and our first guest today is vasyl bodan, veteran of the foreign intelligence service, lieutenant general, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, congratulations, mr. vasyl, so let's start with this offensive in the direction of kharkiv, it is generally an offensive, a diversionary operation, an attempt to seize... some area in the immediate border vicinity of russia, how do you assess what is happening? well, first of all,
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you should note the following in your book the art of war, the famous strategist of ancient china, sunzi, said that the conduct of war is based on tricks and on the rational calculation of commanders, based on reliable and objective data. and you and i have been watching over the past few months the reports of the intelligence agencies and the command of the ground forces and the commander-in-chief that it is not excluded that the enemy may launch an attack on kharkiv as well and try again, a second time to step towards our capital. the country, the city of the hero of kyiv, and what happened
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yesterday, it demonstrated, in my opinion, first of all, that the intelligence of the ukrainian special services is working, they have relevant information, both tactical and strategic, and this is what the supreme high command uses in its activities, what the enemy failed to do... that the breakthrough of the defense of the ukrainian armed forces on this part of the front proves that the ukrainian side used appropriate measures. measures to prevent such a tragic, strategic breakthrough of the russian armed forces, and appropriate measures and defensive structures and all this other well, of course, now the situation, as we observe, has improved, we managed to
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stabilize the situation there and localize it directly in the gray zone. although the fighting continues, the appropriate reserves have been drawn up there, and the course of events, both according to the data of the general staff and the data of the regional military-civilian administration, indicates that there is neither a direct nor an indirect threat to the occupation of the city of kharkiv, that is, that contingent of the ukrainian troops that are there, he... masterfully conducts relevant combat operations, hits the enemy and its armored vehicles and personnel and creates conditions so that the temporary occupation contingent of the russian federation on this part of the front does not have the opportunity to advance
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deep into the territory controlled by ukraine. of course, there are still some problems, and the enemy had the goal of clearly stretching the forces of the ukrainian armed forces across the entire large front, first of all trying to pull them away from the eastern direction, that is donetsk and luhansk regions, but there too, because the enemy is there also loses, fails, obviously will not succeed seize the same yar times, so strategic. a settlement that leads to the agglomeration of sloviansk and kramatorsk, and these attempts to act in different areas and with different forces prove that, despite the fact that the enemy is trying to change tactics, a certain strategy, he does not manage to do it. the reasons are,
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in my opinion, and not only that there are problems in russia with... armored vehicles, there are certain problems with the corresponding weapons, first of all with its quality, it is outdated since the soviet era, and despite the superiority in the number of personnel, this personnel is not sufficiently motivated, not sufficiently combat-ready, and we know the facts of desertions and various other handouts. disciplines directly at the front and on the front line. mr. vasyl, what is the current intensity of the fighting in kharkiv oblast, and we, as you have already noted, president zelenskyi said that they have sent reserve defense forces there, what can we expect from the fact that the russians made this offensive, will they succeed in seizing the territories? i
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have already spoken about this briefly, but i will emphasize again that... this counterattack or attempt breakthrough in a large part of the defense of ukraine, it failed, and the plans to capture a large part of the kharkiv region and occupy the city of kharkiv, they also failed, what our military commanders are using now, it brings its results, the battles that are fought in the gray zone. around those four or five settlements where the enemy seems to have partially or completely taken possession of them, and there is reason to say that these settlements will later be liberated from the enemy, and that the enemy there is suffering very serious losses in manpower and
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armored vehicles and confirms that... the plans and intentions in this regard of putin and his military commanders will not be implemented, and what you emphasized in the president's statement also gives us certain grounds for optimism, and given that , that finally ammunition, armored vehicles, other military equipment, including air defense equipment, and missiles, and other... a tranche of 400 million us dollars, 500 million pounds sterling in great britain, a whole number of countries, and same as france, germany, northern countries. europe is actively involved in provision of appropriate weapons, military equipment and ammunition to ukraine, although of course we have questions and problems regarding the speed and
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quantity of these weapons, but the fact that the flow has already gone, and some of these weapons and ammunition are already in ukraine, this gives good grounds for optimism, and for us to look to the future. more clearly, transparently, and with the confidence that our armed forces will withstand all these blows in different directions of the front, and later stabilize the front and proceed to counteroffensive actions, and the fact that 10 additional brigades are being formed, as reported by the commander of the ground forces, general pavlyuk, is also a powerful support, and also draws attention to his words that we do not have a problem with people now, there are problems with weapons, with military equipment and ammunition, and if we get all this, then
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the nation must be sure that the armed forces of ukraine will fulfill their duty to the country. and tell me, mr. vasyl, we can outline with you the tactical goals of the russian army for the coming months, what in fact does putin want? putin, given the way the situation is going in ukraine, in the geopolitical dimension, and with the aim of still inclining ukraine to some kind of peace talks, by freezing the conflict, in which xizhiping, the chinese leader, is trying to help him, he wants now will seal behind the occupied areas that have already been occupied by the temporary occupation russian contingent and finally free luhansk and
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donetsk regions to the administrative borders, as well as create conditions to prevent ukraine from moving in the direction of crimea, liberating all temporarily occupied territories and crimea. this strategy is clear, as i understand it, it is seen by... the military leaders, and of course, of course, appropriate measures are taken. putin is very, very frightened, in my opinion, by the diplomatic steps that ukraine is taking now in the international space, and the peace forum, the global peace forum, which will be held soon in switzerland, and where the leaders intend to come. leading countries of the world, and despite the fact that there will not be final decisions yet, but the fact itself that the world accepts
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president zelenskyi's peace formula, that all these positions are in line with the un charter and international law, and this is the step that, in the end, i think, will force our partners. act decisively and , most importantly, act in the direction of forcing putin to make peace by liberating all temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. mr. vasyl, i would like to move to other areas of the front from the kherson region, but the head of the strategic communications center of the defense forces of the south, dmytro pletenchuk, says that there is such a threat, but hostilities continue around nestryg island in... the sun, what can the russians do there, what do they want by seizing this island, does it not pose a threat to kherson
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now? well, you know that the bridgehead that the armed forces of ukraine created on the left bank of the dnieper, and that which recently brought this nestryga island back under their control, is mr. putin's rolling pin in one place, because the command of the russians... the armed forces is great realizes that what ukraine manages to do on this part of the front, it creates prerequisites for building up the ukrainian contingent, moreover, we already know that it was possible to cross and deliver the appropriate armored vehicles and small artillery to the left bank, and this strengthens it. the strength of our contingent's position, it is certain that putin would like to cross the dnipro river again and reoccupy kherson, and this... himself
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would raise the stakes in future negotiations and in future peace negotiations, which he hopes will take place in his favor. therefore, of course, there are certain risks, but what we have been observing for literally three to four months, that the armed the forces of ukraine manage not only to hold on there near krymok, krynyk and nearby, but also to increase their presence there, to expand... the bridgehead, to win back part of the strategic, strategic territory, like the same blade, not to cut down on the capabilities of the armed forces of the russian federation federation for maneuver, and most importantly, to do everything in order to stop the terrorist shelling of russian troops in the city of kherson. how much do you
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think in principle. about the current military situation, are you optimistic about the coming months, or are there certain concerns? well, from the review to what general pavlyuk spoke about, and what the president of ukraine spoke about, and syrskyi reported that the situation, the activity of the russian federation has actually worsened along the entire front line, and with regard to the understanding of our partners and first for the global partner of the united states of america, that in the event, god forbid, of the defeat of ukraine, or the active operation of russian troops on the territory of ukraine towards the western borders, this will cause serious problems, first of all for europe, for nato, for of the european union, and...
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of this global democracy, that's why these are all, now both statements and assessments, they boil down to one thing, which i said above, that it is necessary to provide ukraine with the necessary means of impression as soon as possible so that the ukrainian armed forces can withstand these counteroffensive operations, stabilize the front and moved soon... to an active counteroffensive, the goal of which is the gradual or rapid liberation of all temporarily occupied territories. of course, this is not easy, of course it is difficult, it is necessary to carry out many measures in the direction and strengthening of combat readiness, and strengthening of personnel and corresponding
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rotations on individual. in the most difficult directions to give people an answer, but the main thing is , of course, weapons and military equipment, ukraine, which is three or four times smaller in terms of population than the russian federation, there are 140 million, in our country i don't know how many 30, 35, 30-30, yes, yes, somewhere yes, then of course, we cannot with human, only human resources with... this insolent enemy, thank you, thank you, with the help, with the help of modern technological weapons, this a very important clarification, vasyl bohdan, a veteran of the foreign intelligence service, a lieutenant general, we were on the phone, we will be interrupted in just a few minutes, but stay with us and we will continue shortly, there are discounts, they represent the coco discounts
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