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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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conservative rightists and centrists, who now simply, well, let's say banal , follow macron in almost everything, because they have such a political consensus, but neither on the left side, nor on the more radical right, there is no consensus at all on sending troops, although it is necessary will watch now what is happening in kharkiv oblast, so right here it will surely be a test just for emmanuel macron, because he has already spoken about a certain outbreak. or a breakthrough of some lines, if this happens, it will be worth following up by his reaction, to what extent, in principle , can we now talk about the fact that france really captures such a leadership in europe, when we talk about the support of ukraine, do you see signs of this? you know, these signs are probably in the words, because it is, after all, macron - he is one of those leaders who talks about ukraine almost... in almost every speech, it is
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very, it is very symbolic, after all, because france, french presidents, usually when they address their people, that is , if you trace it that way, and sarkozy, hollande and so on, these addresses very rarely contain any information that appeared historically, about international politics, of course, here the context has completely changed, there is a war on european soil, and macron cannot ignore it. but the issue of ukraine is present in such a way in france, as if it is a purely french matter, to settle this situation, to resolve this war, to resolve it, somehow to bring ukraine to victory, this is still relevant, there is no question of an armistice, although with regard to the olympics, of course it is, er, and after all, it is about victory, and in this regard france follows the same line in terms of words, if we talk about some... specific,
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specific support and so on, according to the numbers, so far germany is ahead, but according to at least the data of kyiv university, it is germany in terms of money, more is invested in military aid, here, of course, you can count what is more important there, a large amount of ammunition or there is one caesar howitzer, and what is more strategic for this, it is important at the front, but according to the numbers, germany seemed to take the lead, at least there according to the estimates of the last year, maybe it will somehow change this year, because france is still... after all, it is reaching new scales, it is scaling its military industry at a very slow pace, unfortunately, but it is still happening. at that time, of course, other countries do not have even approximately the same potential as france, so yes, this leadership takes place, since great britain is no longer part of the eu, then of course france and germany remain, because if anyone else, and by the way , regarding the olympics, there is an important point here, after all hope that macron. he will play on this and
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manage to organize some kind of olympic pause, because it will be his first small diplomatic victory, if it is really possible, because all eyes will be on france at that moment, it will be a moment of sports, peace and so on, but again however, by what methods he will achieve this is absolutely unclear. mrs. maria, i want to go back to sending french troops to the territory of ukraine, the kremlin has already had time. i don't know, to drop the threat, maria zakharova said that she will become the targets of the russian federation about the french who will be sent to ukraine, how will he react, or is it possible, how has the french president already reacted to this? well, since they denied the presence of french troops in ukraine, by the way, all this started, well, with banal fake news, it's just a former american official who was still working, it seems, since... during
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the reagan era, that is, the person who is there on pensions, steven breen, steven bryan, it seems, yes, he said that already on the territory of ukraine there are these, there are those french troops, 100 of them, there will be 1500, he even named a well-known russian propagandist, he works with russian resources, absolutely, he works with the washington times, which is pro-trump type in contrast to the washington post, he borrowed his information from sputnik's tweet and then. in a conversation with french journalists who were able to reach him, journalism carried out such a check, check news investigation, and he told them, and that his source was a satellite, a very reliable excellent source, he found this information on twitter, quoted a specific infantry regiment french, the third, which is generally in french guiana now, that is, it is not clear to what extent this information is there, where he got it, well, if it was clear where he got it, but there everything even reached the point of absurdity, because he quoted... the satellite,
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it seems, on the third day, and then a few days later the satellite already quoted him, that is, this circle of, you know, toxic information online, which, of course, immediately approached. the russian propaganda machine reacts immediately, i.e. it fabricated some information itself, responds to it with threats, and to take it seriously, well, it would be completely illogical on the part of france, and they are not do, that is, there was no reaction, i will tell you this, because i really even looked for whether there would be any reaction, there was none, everything was refuted and ignored, in fact, but tell me, mr. mariyu, in such a situation, we know what to do. .. foreign legion there was a lot of talk that ukrainians from the foreign legion, i think, even at the beginning of the war, really returned to ukraine to fight on the side of the defense forces of ukraine, there were comments from the command of the foreign legion, maybe
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all this is also used now, absolutely it is used, and ukrainians are indeed there, and individually there may have been those who terminated their contract or deserted, went to ukraine, it is like a military secret, they, well, it will not be disclosed, but it is not about any mass phenomenon there , that all the ukrainians there have freed themselves, gone to ukraine and the legion needs to react somehow, they say about the operations in estonia, about the operations in romania, i.e. the entire eastern flank of france, and that they could be involved in these territories, but specifically intervention on there is no ukrainian territory, and it is also inflated, you are absolutely right, it is inflated. because every, every small hint that somehow it is possible to undermine trust, say, in the official statements of french presidents, ministries and so on, it is all used, why, because these are two completely different paradigms,
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european diplomacy, european statements are responsible politicians who check their words 3 million times before saying them, most of them, of course, there are cases of corruption, and there too manipulation and so on and a completely different paradigm is the fabrication of reality, when some fact is simply released into the air, which suddenly becomes the truth and to which someone must react, these are different dogmas, different worlds, and they somehow coexist now, and well, it's quite difficult actually fight against faken, but there are methods and tools for this, and french journalists are at least actively engaged in this, as well as ukrainian ones, but if we ask the rube question, so in the elections to the european... parliament, macron's party will lose to the party of marine le pen, and of course he will lose, of course, even if there are no options, i think the trends are absolutely steadfast now, although today when macron addressed the voters on twitter, he would
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have prepared such a european speech, but i don’t very optimistic, maybe there will be a surprise, but still, it seems to me that the extreme right, they are breaking forward very actively. i think the general majority in the european parliament, and this has been confirmed to us more than once, all specialists, everything will remain still centrist, but the breakthrough of extreme far-right forces this time, this year, will be simply phenomenal, and on the example of the specific country of france, here, well, it may remain for how long, there is still a month, a lot can still change, however, on the example of france and, it's still the extreme right that is leading for now, but i think, let's explain to our viewers that marine le pen always had excellent results especially in the elections to the european parliament, and then when it came to the elections to the national assembly in france , this everything looked completely different, because completely different electoral systems, so completely different electoral systems, it is ironic,
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by the way, that a eurosceptic party is leading in the elections to the european parliament, it still speaks somewhere about the eurosceptic sentiments of the europeans themselves, in france so , a completely different... system, a different level of calculations, but lupin also got ahead, they have 80, it seems, deputies, although in the previous elections there were somewhere around nine or 12, that is, in fact, her record in the last parliamentary elections, he phenomenal, too, and if all the news were talking about it, it did not become the largest opposition party, it still remained melanchon with the extreme left, because they organized alliances and so on, but it is, well, the second largest... er, opposition party in france , and this cannot be ignored, in particular in the perspective of 2027 and the presidential elections that await france, which will, i think, be a very important moment for the whole of europe, in fact. let's put an end to this,
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thank you, mrs. maria oleksa, was in ours broadcaster, journalist, graduate editor on french television, mr. vitaly, i suggest now to move on to the topics i want to talk about. with you and this week there were new personnel reshuffles in the government, the minister of agrarian policy solsky was fired, well, that is understandable, and also... vice prime minister kubrakov, although he was an obscure figure for me to be fired , why did kubrakov's dismissal happen in your opinion, maybe what, or who is behind it? you know, i don't think about it at all, not even 30 seconds out of one idle reasons: the personality of the prime minister, vice prime minister, minister, head of the power bloc is important, when they have their own political, i... said figure, when there is, say, a coalition, when the ministers are
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representatives of various coalition parties forces, when they enter the government in order to perform not just their official duties, but to represent certain positions of the parties that nominate them, and then we will be able to talk a lot about it, so yes, one party nominated you remember such a group of ministers, and others in the coalition after 2014 we were surprised that the people's front proposed its own representatives for the positions of ministers, petro poroshenko's bloc proposed specialists in technocracy, they went the other way, and we discussed this for a long time and vigorously, what are the different approaches to the formation of the government, here the deputies will learn about the surnames of the ministers then, when they approve the government, they just bring a list, and we find out about the names of the ministers when these ministers are sent to the ... stake, or they are charged with naboo, and we start talking, and why were they charged nabu accusations, and who are they? if
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we do this, we will be just like our conditional colleagues, whether from russian official publications, these are conditional colleagues, there are people from russian liberal publications, they discuss mishustin’s government, but here such ministers left there, and such ministers left there, well , even in russia it might be more interesting, i think there are some clans there, there is the patrushev clan, patrushev has a son, he promoted him to the position of vice prime minister, and chemmizov has his nominee there, manturov, who became the first vice prime minister, this is all classy, clan struggle, we don’t even have that, fortunately, there is no clan struggle, we have all power practically concentrated in one hand, in the hands of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, there are several managers who, by his own admission, are from the president’s office, who help him perform. however , the decision of the president himself is not affected in any way. we never know what the president is guided by,
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personnel decisions, any emotions, any motives related to his relations with allies, or the fact that someone was the first or last to reach his cabinet, i i don't even want to do it, i don't want to live in volodymyr zelenskyi's head, because it is his absolute prerogative to live in his own head, such a configuration was not created by the president himself. it was created by the ukrainian people in the 19th year, and i am absolutely unable to discuss the resignations or appointments of people whose names i learn exactly when i learn that the parliament learned by some resignation, until this moment, and about the existence of mr. kubrakov, i to be honest, i didn't know, now i 'm reading there, you know, he could be the heir of the prime minister, 90% of people do not know the name of the prime minister here, well, he would be the heir of the prime minister, who... also by his capabilities is anonymous and remembered perhaps by that he
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was the first of the ukrainian officials to remove this fringe from the mautzadunov conditionally and now walks around in a suit like a classic official, well, it’s interesting, again for a secular chronicle, if i were the editor of the magazine there, i would certainly have a portrait there for one page volodymyr zelenskyi to this handsome frenchman, does he wear embroidered clothes? there are holidays, i would do it on another page. and if we talk about famous names, about, for example, the former head of the commissar zaluzhnyi, who was appointed as the ambassador of britain, and i personally wonder what we can expect from valery zaluzhnyi in his position, in this diplomatic position? i think that nothing, because again now classic diplomacy does not look like it... it was before, well, again, the president and the prime minister of great britain
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communicate directly, the fathers say, valery zaluzhny has such authority , as in person, he can convince the british parliamentarians of something like this, what they need to be convinced of, there is a complete consensus on supporting ukraine, there are certain things in diplomacy, professional, not related to any beliefs there, not to speeches in parliaments, but to such daily hard work. which is connected with thousands of details, completely technical, i don't even want to talk about them for a long time now. eh, because any embassy is, by and large , an enterprise, you see, the ambassador is busy to the whole world, from money for the elevator, which must go there in the embassy, ​​to protocol meetings there with other ambassadors, i would always believe, since soviet times, when members of the politburo of the cpsu were appointed ambassadors, that the ambassador should be a professional diplomat, this
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and the military service itself, the ambassador has the rank of... ambassador plenipotentiary, not everyone, as you know, even the extraordinary plenipotentiary has such a rank, there is the rank of ambassador of the first class, ambassador of the second class, when, when people are appointed to these positions , who are not professional diplomats, this as a rule, either exile or sinicur, in the case of, say, some former associates of volodymyr zelenskyi, this is exile, in fact, and in the case of volodymyr zelenskyi, valery zaluzhny, it is also essentially political exile, somebody. received a seniority certificate, we know some people there who, unexpectedly, having never been involved in it, received ambassadorial positions, this once again speaks of the attitude towards the diplomatic service, you see, if we, as an ambassador to some country in great britain or germany, would appoint deputy the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine or the chief of the general staff, everyone would
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think that this is complete madness, well, as a person who did not make a career in the armed forces, no to no no to... there are no military ranks, the last military rank is lieutenant , suddenly turns into a person who gets a position that should be a colonel general, and the people who hold these positions, they don't just hold them, they serve for years, they go through the barracks, you know, in order to become a wife a general, so to speak, is needed to marry a lieutenant, a well-known saying, and then suddenly a person becomes a deputy holocommander, well, when a person who... is engaged in professional diplomatic work, becomes an extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador, any person, it looks exactly like this, so that we do not have , there were no doubts, so of course i want to wish mr. valery a good stay in this position, i understand that he is a military man, he is not one of those people who can choose his place of work, obviously it was an offer that he could not refuse refuse against the background of this
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the situation we observed in the last months of his stay and... to wish him a happy return to ukraine after the end of hostilities, and perhaps he will be needed during the continuation of hostilities, we do not know how the situation will change freely, perhaps it will be renewed again in the armed forces, we are only at the first stage of the war, i always remind our dear viewers that nothing has happened yet, the main events are still ahead, the 20th, 30th years of the war are still ahead and there will be many different changes, and maybe there will be in these changes too valery zaluzhnyi is needed by the president and... the citizens of ukraine, let's see, it's hard to predict now. yes, you are right, now they said about the beginning of the war, 20-30 years, and i understand that we cannot 20-30 years, i said 20-30 years, sorry, 20-30s, and i understand that we cannot do without the support of our allies, well, of course we cannot, we are already, as general bohdan absolutely said at the beginning of our conversation, we are a country of 30 million
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after against 140 million, and this will always be the rule of this war and... effective defense war is these two trump cards that give us the opportunity to hold back in these decades, the wall street journal reported that trump has changed his rhetoric regarding aid to ukraine and it is unlikely that he will refuse it, why, can we think, predict, in the event that , if trump becomes a presidential candidate, the president, will he help us or not. won't he refuse to supply weapons, provide financial aid to ukraine? i can tell you one simple thing: no one knows what donald trump will do as the president of ukraine a journalist from the wall street journal, and you and i don't know, because by and large , only donald trump knows what donald trump will do as president of the united states, and he
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knows one thing today, and another tomorrow, he is a man with chaotic political thinking, which is dictated by circumstances and society. and it is also absolutely obvious to me that trump will not go to congress and say: you know, we have to refuse aid to ukraine from today, for one simple reason: if he wants to have some kind of dialogue with vladimir putin regarding the end of the war, he is definitely not the kind of person who wants to conduct a dialogue with a weak position, if we... will help ukraine, let it go to hell, why should we talk to him, you can see what a dialogue partner he is, well, it means that i am quietly occupying ukraine, i am getting there. you to uzhgorod, why should i talk to you, about what? well, these are absolutely obvious things, so of course, if he has the idea of ​​a dialogue with putin and an agreement on some points,
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not even a vocal dialogue, he will continue this process. will want to continue this process, it is not known to what extent he will succeed, but we have to remember again a simple thing: the president of the united states alone... does not decide anything, there is a congress, and everyone forgets about it for some reason, until the congressional elections, there will be a republican or democratic majority in the various houses of parliament, imagine a democratic administration and republicans who have a majority in the house of representatives and the senate, this is one america, imagine a republican administration with a democratic majority or with in the republican majority, no one knows this, at one time i want to remind you in the 70s. century, when the republic of vietnam, south vietnam, practically disappeared from the political map of the world, the united states absolutely
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did not want this, and the president of the united states, gerald, gerald ford, and the secretary of state of the united states at the time, henry kissinger, they very much wanted to help in vietnam, they prepared all the documents the next time, well, the senate did not vote, it was not to their request, and what, and the troops of the vietnamese communists. then saigon the americans had to organize an evacuation on one day, something like 80 helicopters, they were not even going, because they were sure that the senate would vote, and the president told them, wait, where are you in a hurry, everything is under consideration by the senate, well there was no review, that is, the review took place when there was nothing to review, so again, when we talk about all these processes, we must remember that they are complicated, that we just have to sit and wait for help. the united states is not worth it, what makes us different from south vietnam? firstly, the fact that we did not have foreign troops that could be withdrawn from us, we are fighting alone and will be fighting alone for the next
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few years, and secondly, this is the fact that we are helped not only by america, which is the position of the european countries, we just talked about the fact that the military-industrial complex of the european countries is strengthening there, which means that it will be produced more from. more weapons, there will be more strikes on russian territory, there will be more russian strikes on ukraine, this is escalation, only you see it, it is building up, there will be more strikes, there will be more opportunities to help us, because we understand that if there is more destruction there, european public opinion will be different, if the war subsides, it ceases to be interested in it, if the fire breaks out, it will burn, then, then there will be more help from the allies. when i heard this thesis from the wall street journal, for some reason i immediately thought about the voters, that trump wants to flirt with the voters in this way, because
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there is a lot of support for ukraine in american society, and the recall assistance or blocking it may, well, he may lose trust, i think in that vector, is it not as obvious among the republicans as it is among the democrats, among the republicans such... support for ukraine, which was in the first period, can be seen war, is not observed sociologically, but support for israel is observed, it is absolute, and trump is playing different games here, he is not absolutely, let's say, concrete here, so he is not really afraid of voters, he basically says that what does he think? the american voter of the republicans, who supports israel, is a voter who focuses on the right-wing parties of israel, these parties that are currently there. in the government coalition, but trump speaks completely calmly about his complicated relationship with the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, criticizes him completely calmly, and it is not visible that he pays much
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attention to sociology there, he simply understands the obvious thing, that the people who will vote for him, they will vote for him not to speak. trump is a man who once said that she can kill someone in manhattan and his electorate will not notice it, it is true, how important it is to him in addition... to get a voter, it is important, he will not win the election without it, but this is definitely not the voter who thinks about ukraine or israel, this is the voter who can be one way or another, about economic problems, seriously worried, it is also important to him, this is also an important thing, not so much to find his voter, but to scare the voters away from joseph biden, so that these people do not go to vote, that's why let's say biden is interested in the fact that in the middle east now ... trump, because it continued, because the continuation of the war, of course, it attracts these republican voters to trump, and some of the democratic voters turn away from
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biden and biden ... it is very difficult , he 's actually on a tightrope because he has to be on the one hand for this audience that says help israel, and on the other hand he has to be for this audience that says palestinian civilians are suffering, and i don't think that it might be worth it to him presidency, but such a probability exists, this is a serious mistake, and he is in a worse situation than trump, because trump's voter is unequivocal, he does not go to pro-palestinian demonstrations, information has appeared regarding the elections. that biden can withdraw his candidacy in favor of michelle obama, i immediately thought that, well, in my opinion, this is not a very good move, because since it is not possible, if there are voters who are now ready to vote for biden, then for example for michelle obama, they will not vote, and what can you say about it, nothing, it's fake information, it doesn't even need to be discussed, once at the beginning of the campaign they said something like that, but they immediately realized that in
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principle there is no... electoral advantage, so i don't understand where it came from, i.e. why spiegel started talking about it at all, but it seems to me that it's just that our german colleagues wanted more clicks on their page and more sales of the magazine, it has nothing, it has nothing to do with politics, it has to do with how the stud sold out in newsstands federal republic of germany, you see , i also bought into it, although i usually like to check information, but still, whether it is possible to replace biden, or whether biden will not be, is not yet possible. will be until the end, there will be biden and there will be trump, it is clear what will happen, who will win, we do not know, but it will be the candidates for the position of president of the united states. today we already talked about the visit of the head of china to different countries, he was in serbia and france, and he stopped by orban to see what china wants with these visits, and how here, which, what here ukraine was in talks with orban, with makro.
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i think that ukraine was not of great importance to sydzenpin in these visits, because ukraine was dealt with by lee hoei, who, at the very time when orban and vučić and macron welcomed sydzenpin, traveled to the capitals of the countries of the global south and talked with diplomats of these countries about this new chinese peace plan, which may destabilize the summit in switzerland, it generally seems to me that they have acted in the best traditions of communist diplomacy. tzizempin was simply covering up luhoi's visit. by no one watched him, especially, he was kept a deep secret. we learned about all the details of this visit when liei returned to beijing. and at this time, everyone was watching sijinfin's hands. this is the usual political bullshit, very well thought out. but they didn't send him there when i was there. here and
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all the soffits will be directed at me, but imagine that sidzimpin was not in europe, and lihue suddenly starts a visit to arab countries, in turkish, everyone would only talk about this, but no one even noticed, they noticed already then, when it became clear that happened as for sydzenpin, sydzenpin has two tracks in europe. the first track is related to economic relations with france, germany and the main ones. it must be understood that china, like russia, does not take the european project very seriously, and we saw that even when emmanuel macron and ursula fondain were in beijing, the attitude towards them was different, even on protocol, and now, when ursula fondaline arrived in paris to meet sidzempin, after all, the main character there was macron for sidzempin, ortsula condeline, one of the interlocutors during.
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visit, so china is trying to establish economic relations with france and germany, uses macron's words about strategic autonomy, but there is another thing, this is serbia hungary, why? because there are countries that can and are lobbyists for chinese political interests in europe. hungary is generally a great example, because the president, he can hope. to orban, as a person who represents chinese interests in nato and the european union, it is generally paradoxical that orbán manages to make such maneuvers, and with serbia it is a historical thing, it is simply an emphasis of how it is possible, because serbia is a historical ally of the people's republic of china, when the soviet union and the people's republic of china were in acute conflict, they actually had no no...


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