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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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six hundred warheads become the main instrument of russia's foreign policy, because they exploit this nuclear rhetoric all the time, constantly threatening, conducting training in the western district, involving lukashenka in this, this is the main threat to the west, but it is also an ideological threat. we will get our way, using the nuclear theme, to what extent they are ready to use nuclear weapons, the question is open for now, because it is a lonely road. to intimidate, primarily the west, there is no point in intimidating ukrainians, they are not afraid, but summoned the british and french ambassadors, because of their statement that the means supplied to ukraine, in particular missiles, can be used for any purpose for shelling the territory of russia or not, it is up to ukraine to decide. it is not decided by france
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or great britain, they absolve themselves of responsibility, they supply the weapons, and now the weapons are ukrainian, not french and not british, because this is stupidity, it would remain so if the french themselves carried out the strikes with scalp or storm shadow and the british, but not this one happening, it is done by ukraine, what difference does it make, what do they use? moscow uses iranian shaheds, so what? therefore, the meaning is that this is essentially an attempt to influence. on the position of these countries , taking into account what france constantly says, in the person of president macron, starting from february 26, that the french military contingent can be sent to the territory of ukraine on the condition that there is a front breakthrough, or if zelenskyi asks for it, the zelenskyi government kyiv will make a request, invite these contingents, maybe it will be french foreign legion or something else, i don't know exactly how this is decided in the respective jurisdictions, in the respective... european
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countries, they can appear on the territory of ukraine, which is at war, so this is an attempt with the help of nuclear threats, blackmail, to do so , so that both france and london abandon these plans. so far, this does not show a determination to use these nuclear weapons, but zakharova's statement that the response will be blows if great britain does not refuse the supply of weapons and does not cancel the position on lifting restrictions on the use of these missiles, in particular about strikes on the territory. of course, this cannot be connected with statements about nuclear exercises that moscow is going to conduct and about the possibility of using nuclear weapons. of course, this is an attempt at blackmail, an attempt to take a punt. so far it is. what will this lead to? we'll see, but i definitely know the recipe for how to react. if you show weakness, if you show measures on your part. another offensive on
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europe, increasing and increasing the demands, but if they say, and we will also conduct nuclear exercises, we will consider the issue of placing nuclear, tactical, other weapons on the territory of romania, poland, which, by the way, poland is asking for and romania is asking for, this is where moscow will hit the brakes and win back. back will say: well, we are not in this sense, we are not going to go to a nuclear war, regarding the domestic war and the quasi -patriotic rhetoric that the kremlin can use to prolong the situation with the war, which has already been going on for 2.5 years, it is necessary and to somehow explain to the people why we are fighting, we are fighting, there is no end in sight, and now after ukraine received aid approved by the us congress, 61 billion, it's not much, but it's something. and not nothing, it
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obviously affects the continuation of the war, at least until november, and how will the american elections end, they may end in a way that will not give ukraine the opportunity to receive additional aid, new aid, etc.? and that is why the rhetoric of the national war and the like, we know how it was exploited by stalin, brothers and sisters, he actually created the russian orthodox church anew, with sergiy stargorodsky, this is a well-known story, the stalinist church, which is still functioning, precisely... stalinist , he created it by his grace. moreover, he had plans to go to constantinople after the war, to liberate it, this is a well-known story. such plans were made in the headquarters. yes, they will develop some kind of concept, because putin said in his inaugural speech: to achieve all goals. and still no one knows what your goals are. we know these goals: to destroy ukraine, end its sovereignty and turn it into its constituent part. and we do not see any other goals,
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they are clear, but he cannot express it in this form. why, mark, well, he could it's simple to say, we... will fight to destruction, so to speak, how they started aggression against ukraine in general, well, we are talking about a full-scale invasion, you understand, denazification and so on, well, in putin's version, we know all this, well, that's it stalin's versions, and you know, of course, he may come to the point where he will say: the territory is completely the territory of russia, we occupy it because it is historical justice, he also says so periodically, but then, if you enter from such... to language he will drive into a dead end the west, but i want it so, these are my lands, if the west accepts this, the entire international security system will collapse, it will cease to exist even nominally, it is barely holding on anyway, but if someone can say, i claim, because these are our historical
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territory, and this is after the recognition of the borders of ukraine and everything else in 1991, how come you also recognized them as the bialowieza agreements, then... there was the almaty declaration, now it was remembered in time, the almaty declaration was caught up, when the cis was created, and all countries and russia too, recognized it ukraine within its borders, it was the agreement that was signed that yes, we recognize ukraine within its borders, with crimea and the rest, then why do we need an international security system, who needs all these agreements, the un and the like, if putin decides that the right of force above right international, then west. either joins the war and defends not just ukraine, but the values ​​of international security, its principles, norms of international law, or swallows it, and russia immediately has claims on the baltic countries, it will also say russian territories, it will also say on poland that these are historical lands of the crown of the russian empire,
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we are restoring them and so on, because if this principle is implemented once, then it will always work, that's all. look, we didn't mention an extremely important point. more precisely , the absence of one extremely important character, well, sijin ping, he worked very technically, that is, he drew for himself an extremely important in his opinion, and i think not only in his opinion, a visit to the european continent, and he did not come to putin or to the inauguration , no to the may 9 parade, but xijin ping chatted with macron, that is, this is a kind of démarche, i think that he made it clear to putin that, so to speak, all the signals that beijing could actually send to moscow, so to speak, were not heard in moscow. i think china's position, although imperceptibly, although not quickly, is being adjusted a little. i will not say that it changes. moscow remains an ally, but it is changing in the sense that pykin seeks to remove
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responsibility for what moscow does, to remove it as much as possible, because when you are its ally, you see the difference between iran and beijing, they are both in a certain sense of the word. . moreover, it is not the same thing that supplies london and paris, because moscow is embargoed as an aggressor country, sorry, there are no restrictions on the supply of weapons to ukraine yet, none, because it is a victim country that defends itself according to international law. beijing actually makes a choice. international law and recognition of the internationally
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recognized sovereignty and borders of ukraine. so there, the first point was compliance . it seems to me that this is how the process of beijing's rapprochement with europe began. first a visit to beijing by macron, and now a return visit ping's paris visit, a mutual interest, fear of trump's arrival. trump is fiercely anti-chinese. if he wins the elections in november, then in europe, which also expects eccentric actions from trump, in relation to nato, in relation to us obligations, in relation to europe, they are trying to find alternative allies, to play on the balance. all of europe is represented by france, because france is the foreign policy department of everything. of the european union, it is responsible for politics, and germany for the economy in the eu. it has always been so traditionally, especially when great britain left the eu, then this role in the eu is played by paris, today, of course, they are trying to agree on strategies, economic, investment, geopolitical with beijing, but
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an important language on the part of europe, france, in particular, in relation to beijing, is to influence moscow, europe in the eastern part, which is stolen by war, is unacceptable. the situation for the economy, for cooperation, for the interaction between beijing and paris and brussels is absolutely unacceptable. the war must be stopped absolutely if we want to get rid of the four-way policy. beijing after blinken's visit, despite the fact that the visit in general was cool, and the state department publicly stated that it was necessary to adhere to the sanctions against moscow, to join the sanctions against beijing, both legally and factually, in fact, something had already begun to be implemented. for example, russian companies, which felt free, made transactions. through china's financial institutions, these opportunities are now deprived, or very seriously limited, and these
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are gray schemes for the supply of military and dual-use products, that is, beijing is slowly, perhaps reluctantly, losing financially, but agrees to limit moscow in its the use, economic and otherwise, of beijing to wage war, and we see that beijing all the time seeks to be an observer, like the swiss conference on the peace formula, with the initiative. including zelenskyi is going to come as an observer, and in the war he wants to be an observer, not a representative of moscow in this matter, these are different qualities, we represent moscow, well, we will negotiate through us with moscow, no, we are observers, and not responsible for moscow, we will try to influence some issues, we will convince, but please do not make us representatives of moscow, and suddenly moscow will really take steps for which it will have to be responsible. for example, will use tactical nuclear weapons, why would beijing want to do this, so that later moscow would have to deal with the consequences of this? and
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in this sense, beijing is clearly increasing the distance in relation to moscow's plans for ukraine and europe and the western world, because of economic interest, because of the threat of the arrival of trump, who will curtail the investment and technological interaction that is already taking place between beijing and washington, what then, where to get technological and other resources? beijing is diversifying the situation and is focusing on europe, and, in particular, at the time of macron's visit to beijing , agreements were reached that arbs will be built in china, in particular, beijing is forced to choose priorities, either europe and, to a certain extent , america, or moscow. but the merchandise is not comparable. trade with russia is 200-210 billion dollars a year, and with europe it is almost 800, 750, 770, what is more important, and with america somewhere... that is, it shows that the potential
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is incomparable, and moscow will continue to lose, and beijing will increase its distance from moscow and at the same time move closer to europe in these issues. i completely agree with you, mark, and i would just like to give such an allegory, perhaps somewhat unpretentious, that is, you understand, a mad angry bull terrier that starts jumping, biting passers-by, and everyone understands who its plus or minus owner is, yes well here... the key story is who will give first to this, let's say bull terrier with a shovel in the face, you see, and the owner, so to speak , tries to pretend that this is not his bull terrier, but when they tell him, listen, we, we, specifically, dear peking comrades, will issue a specific fine for your bull terrier if you do not take it away, and putin also feels this matter, and what is he doing, he is now trying to go to beijing to check his watches, and turn off history did not believe what comrade all would tell him, and what putin would tell him, but beijing has a strong argument in
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the conversation with putin, who will soon pay a visit to beijing. the war has been going on for more than two years, and you planned much less, counting on blitzkrieg, on accelerated ending the war, settling the conflict. it doesn't matter, on capitulation terms, on negotiations, this does not happen. now the war is becoming a burden for everyone, and for beijing as well. who definitely does not want to be a representative of moscow in any case, as i said, because what dividend will you get, on the contrary, beijing is interested in moscow coming out of the war as weakened as possible, so that it does not disappear, let putin stay, but so that it is weakened as much as possible so that it was easier to increase this dependence on beijing if the way was west will be closed to moscow. and it, most likely, will be closed for ten years, taking into account the consequences of the war, which... say, did not take place and no matter how they ended, and moscow's victory is not beneficial to beijing. moscow
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is already too proud when it begins to improve its situation, front-line or international. in particular, until these five, almost six months , the us congress did not allocate aid to ukraine, it was clear how moscow was inspired by the possibility of a future victory. there were almost plans for an offensive against kharkiv, but when this is not the case, a new situation arises aid, with a different balance of ammunition, with the means that ukraine is rebuilding with the aid that has already left the usa, the political situation immediately changes, they noticed how easily it changes, they are immediately inspired and encouraged. and china should not lag behind, it should put forward conditions. moscow must decide how long it is going to fight, to wage a full-scale war. i think such a question will be raised in beijing. how long are you going to fight for 10 years? this is unacceptable for us. this is definitely unacceptable for beijing. moreover, beijing is very afraid
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nuclear rhetoric. and all the exercises, and the deployment of nuclear missiles on the territory of belarus. why? because i totally assume so. such a variant of the development of the situation is also being discussed with beijing, under which , in addition to china and north korea , other players in southeast asia will have nuclear weapons, japan, it can very easily get nuclear weapons, they have their own nuclear materials, laboratory tests , not to mention technologies , taiwan can get nuclear weapons, why not, north korea can, taiwan can't, in south korea may get nuclear weapons, why beijing, it's like... it will help in its plans to integrate taiwan into mainland china, it will hurt a lot. therefore, in beijing , this issue causes a terrible pain in relation to moscow. most likely, these two issues will be discussed. the first is to stop the nuclear rhetoric. moscow must be a responsible partner. a member of the un security council with the right of veto cannot behave like this, because he is
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the guarantor of international security, the non-use of nuclear weapons, the non-violation of conventions that oblige, for example, not to conduct nuclear tests, not to transfer weapons to third countries, the convention on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which is, however, happening in relation to belarus, etc. and the second question - the terms of the end of the war. we will decide on the term, how much higher you want to fight. if you cannot conquer ukraine and advance beyond 20% of the occupied territories, increase them to 30, 40, 50, 100%, then it is necessary to end the war and accept in... conditions on which the west is ready to somehow influence kyiv and go to some a peace plan acceptable to all parties, not just moscow. if beijing's vegs tilt toward the west, then moscow may have practically no significant allies left on this issue, and then something may move . thank you very much, mark, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation,
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i want to remind our viewers that mark fegen, a figure of the russian opposition in emigration, a former deputy, was currently working on espress. thoughts, well, a well-known video blogger. thanks mark. thank you, anton, thank you to all viewers. time our program has run out. stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. see this week in the collaborators program. millions of hryvnias in income. state, which of the traitors has already said goodbye to his property? i think that the russian lands should go to russia, and how did the war reduce the number of kremi sellers? these people became much less. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is the collaborator program, about those scoundrels who are for at the call of soul and wallet, they began to serve
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the occupiers. all the traitors of our state should remember: if you want to help russia, be ready not only to receive... suspicion, but also to say goodbye to your property. recently, the ministry of justice of ukraine published a list of movable and immovable property, which was confiscated from individual collaborators in a court of law, in violation of the decision of the national security council. more on that in today's issue. for the third year now , ukraine is fighting the external aggressor russia every second. cleansing from enemies, henchmen, occupiers continues on the battlefield, and in the deep rear. according to the president, although the war became a real tragedy for... ukraine, it helped to reduce the number of traitors, a lot of people, so according to the current legislation, these people became much less, well, the war itself, honestly, the war is a great tragedy, but the war definitely helps reduce traitors in ukraine, where
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this is a fact. traitors are discovered almost every day, some are arrested, others receive suspicions and sentences. in absentia, our partisans ambush some of them, and then liquidation is inevitable. in parallel with this, rada the ministry of national security and defense is constantly working on the list of sanctioned persons who have been indicted for collaborative activities. the property of these sellers is charged to the state income. volodymyr saldo, gauleiter of the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region, is the most famous among the collaborators, whose property the ministry of justice of ukraine has already confiscated, acquired through hard work of treachery. the fake governor is known not only in ukraine, but also in the swamps. due to his own stupidity , he became famous throughout the world in the summer of 2023, when, after the russians blew up kakhovskaya gez, the audience saw. a comic video where saldo stands against the background of a flooded new tile, but says that there is no flooding in the city. people are calmly moving through the streets, i just drove through the streets, people
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are calmly working gas stations, shops are working. saldo acquired three plots of land, three apartments, non-residential premises, parking spaces, a separate residential building and a granite quarry in zhytomyr region in ukraine. all this was confiscated by the ukrainian ministry of justice for the benefit of the state. the collaborator did not pay for the betrayal not only by reputation and property, but also by one's own health. in the summer of 2022, his poison. for a long time, saldo was in the intensive care unit of the toxicology department of one of the hospitals in crimea. explosives were also repeatedly detonated under the traitor's car. an improvised explosive device filled with nuts and bolts was detonated, and it was detonated just as the patrol car was leaving. in november 2023, the malinovsky district court of odesa announced the sentence to this collaborator and sentenced him in absentia to 15 years of imprisonment
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will, whether he will put them behind bars depends only on the one who first takes down the traitor, whether it's law enforcement officers, special services or partisans, the probability of not getting to prison alive is very high. and this is another collaborator from the kherson region, although of a lower rank, the leader is occupied. volodymyr leontiev of the new kokhovka, here he is giving an interview to russian propagandists in march 2022 . all authorities are working, the city is intact, the city is clean, we need to save everything, we need to work, this is the main task, and everyone is working on it. leontsiv voluntarily went over to the side of the enemy in the first days of the war, despite the fact that in ukraine he lived in abundance and had a lot of property. for treason against ukraine, the ministry of justice confiscated his apartment in kyiv on podol, near a house in nova kakhovka, three avkivkas, a motor vessel, a trailer, an apartment in the luhansk region and 50% of the ukrtrans-nadra company. at the end of march of this year, leontiv was
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sentenced in absentia to 12 years of imprisonment. hello russia. the collaborators of donetsk region and luhansk region also said goodbye to their property. in particular, the ministry of justice confiscated this traitor apartments in donetsk and kharkiv regions. a car, a plot of land, three residential private houses, seven non-residential buildings and corporate rights in seven enterprises. meet kateryna martyanova, a deputy of the so-called people's council of the terrorist dpr. they came to the conclusion that what is happening here is not an anti-terrorist operation, as ukraine claims, but a real civil war. kateryna martyayanova has been promoting anti-ukrainian theses for 10 years since the first invasion of the russian federation into ukraine. the traitor actively appeared on the air. propagandistic ones are not dozmi in the temporarily occupied territories on the channels novorossiya tv, oplod tv, narodne tv donbas, until the occupiers closed them down due to lack of funding. in the donetsk
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people's republic , 68 deputies from the public movement - donetsk republic were elected to the people's council. martyayanova has awards from pushilin and zakharchenko. since 2014, he has been actively involved in the creation of the occupation authorities in donetsk. in 2022. she actively helped organize and hold illegal referendums, so now all her property in donetsk, makiivka and kharkiv region according to the court decision belongs to the state. and this is the so-called colleague of martyanova from the neighboring luhansk region, this is svitlana gizai, a deputy of the fake people's council of the lpr. we talked with the women's club about the life of the luhansk people's republic. and what does the club do? the ukrainian ministry of justice confiscated an apartment in luhansk and a plot of land in the kharkiv region from deputy kyzai, and she was left not only without land and housing, but also without her husband, historian and
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teacher oleksandr gizai. he died back in 2014, during an explosion in the building luhansk administration, when it was already captured by the separatists, the so-called appalachians arranged for him a luxurious funeral. no one thought that they would bury him today. those who will definitely continue and finish their work, in particular in the occupied luhansk region, are ukrainian patriots, sooner or later all traitors will end up either in prison or in the ground, both there and there, they will no longer need the property confiscated by ukraine. among the traitors who got rid of real estate according to the verdict of the ukrainian court, there are also those who built before 2000 a brilliant scientific career in crimea free from invaders, and then supported the annexation of the peninsula by russia. this is andrii falaleev, doctor of technical sciences and head of the department. in
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2000, the occupiers appointed him rector of a local pseudo-university. the evening before , the prime minister of russia mykhailo mishustin signed an order on the appointment of andriy falaleev to the post of rector of the crimean federal university. here falaleev is giving a tour of the university as a propagandist zmi, a portrait of putin hanging on the wall above his chair. here he is, you see. i to you here is such a sign, if you take it off, i will give it to you, seriously. thank you very much. but the portrait of putin did not help falolei. to sit in the rector's chair for a long time, only 3 years. in 2023, the occupation authorities themselves forced him to resign. everything is in the old russian tradition. the russians do not abandon theirs. in addition, before that , the ukrainian ministry of justice also confiscated falaleev's apartment. but don't be sad, andrii, the doors of the ukrainian prison are always open for you. surrender to our law enforcement officers, and you
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will definitely have a place to live for the next 15 years. i believe that schools must order textbooks because they have training, it is not a policy. and this scientist of the occupiers is known to the general public. dmytro tabachnyk was the minister of education of ukraine under yanukovych, now he is in the temporarily occupied territories, taking an active part in the logistics and functioning of the occupation administrations. here he is in august of last year speaking on the broadcast of the krym-24 propaganda channel. dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of ukraine's independence. i think russian lands should go to russia. and let the experts criticize me. as a historian, i believe that galicia is not ukrainian land. and the population there is far from ukrainian. therefore, if ukraine is divided along historical borders, hungarians will remain well-fed.
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the poles and certainly the romanians will remain satisfied. according to the results of the lawsuit to the ministry of justice, vaks collected the following property of the traitorous tobacconist from the state income: half of an apartment, five plots of land, a residential building near kyiv with an area of ​​673 m2, cash in the amount of 144 thousand us dollars and rights to claim cash for the amount of about uah 41 million. for working for... the enemy, the ex-minister of education was also sentenced in absentia to 15 years of imprisonment. in general, the fresh list of the ministry of justice includes 13 traitors and collaborators, from gauleiter to low-ranking officials in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. these scoundrels have already said goodbye to their apartments, houses, cars, land and money. i am sure that soon each of them will say goodbye to freedom, and some,
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perhaps, to life. fate. those who support the enemy by their actions is not predictable, but always a disaster. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the krem zaprovodyn people, write to us at this e-mail address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on valeriana bulgarian tablets 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live
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