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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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there was a fire during the presentation of the indian delegation, the second su-57 crashed due to the fact that the control system was incorrect, which led to the inclusion of some controls, led to the fall of this aircraft from the insurvazishtor, that is, we are saying that there are technological problems that they can't decide, they can't decide, for example, extending the life of some engines for strategic aviation for... tactical aviation, well, what is an engine that can only fly for 1000 hours, it's nothing, but strategic aviation litoct 160, high-tech, in the 80s, the engine can only fly for 3 00 hours, it is not enough, that is, and it has to be thrown out and new ones inserted, and they cannot make them, and therefore cannibalism begins, and then even deeper, and the tu-160 series was released from some aircraft as well... just as on the tu-22m3, the auxiliary
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power plant, which is responsible for providing electrical power for starting the engines, not from each aircraft approaches to another aircraft, that is, we are not talking about serial production, that is, there are certain batches which fit among themselves, certain parties do not fit, and we say that aviation cabanism will already be more difficult over time, what they are trying to do now, what they did with the 460, which they showed there they modernized, put liquid crystal screens, and think that at the expense of this... they updated, that is , you press this button on the display, they start the mechanisms of the 80s, they have radio stations of pilots, rescue radio stations, which are from the year 57, just repackaged a new plastic case, so actually, i i say, they just have a lot of it, they throw us people, they can afford to bomb their belgorod with their own bombs and the east is a constant east of missiles, this is also a problem with the aviation catapults they have. yes, they
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are also old, they were developed in the 80s and 70s, and they have not changed, they put these catapults on modern aircraft, su-34, su-35. and by the way, if we talk about components, how do you explain the fact that recently american and european politicians have begun to reproach china that its dual- use products go precisely to the restoration of the russian military technical complex, that china can supply something that is critical for the russian military industry, most of the a... means that were produced at one time in china were copied well by the chinese, and there is a large nominal base of high-tech elements that china still produces, due to copying, western or in the soviet union in the west, in the west, a large number, well, we know, there the same iphone is produced in china, you think, they did not copy a certain element, that's why there is actually a large number of elements. which china at one time copied and
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they make copies, well, of course, there are representatives of the chinese industry who make good things, and there are those who do, who do not work very long, as a result of which we see, for example, when the same korean missiles deviated significantly from the course, fell somewhere in another place, but they didn't work, well , we see the same way when there are the same hasto1 missiles that fly out of the plane, they just don't release their wings, they don't release them. engine and bombs are falling in full force on the territory of the russian federation, that's why we are we see, remember the first massive shelling, most of the planes fired from the caspian sea area, now that we have engelsk, vologadonsk, even voronezh, tu-22m3s are flying in from the crimea, well, of course , tu-23s, because they release kh22 missiles, which kh- 22 or x32, which have a shorter range than the x101 missiles, but... x55, x101 increased
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the explosive part, added a second part, why did they develop something more substantial, resistant, to the point, for example, more interesting means of navigation, they will make it so that there is more explosion and one rocket, that is, us we can see, now earlier, how 14, 15, 16 flights, which were in the 95s, flew out, now two fly out from elin, five fly out from engels, because they have greater explosive capabilities. because they understand that they still have to fight with nato, and he has to protect these planes that can launch missiles at 400 km, you know, that is, what was the point of using, it's like using strategic ballistic nuclear missiles against ukraine that can fly across the atlantic, they would use them in ukraine, but they also use these x101, x55 missiles, which in principle can
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fly from the caspian caspian sea to the london or paris dreamed of by medvedev, and if the attack were to go to... china, it would really reduce the capabilities of the russian military-industrial complex or not, but from a practical point of view, and will they do without chinese components or not? they will not do without chinese components, they will try to look for an opportunity again, well, they are doing it now, after all, they are through bypassing companies, the same chinese companies are buying a large the number of european and american companies, which are such gray imports, gray imports, yes. let's remember the soviet times, when a bunch of different japanese tape recorders and other things were imported there, but bypassing any possibilities, that is, the pranksters, they worked and will work, and they have very good good opportunities, the experience is good, so
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actually what was in small numbers and only started in soviet times, these tools are now quite common, even in information warfare, let's be... in russians now have many more tools than there were during the times of the soviet union, well , because completely different technologies have appeared, it is not for you to speak on the radio and publish a newspaper, well, yes, so if, as they say, if goebbels had all these technologies, i have them , by the way, i joke that goebbels must have worked for some time somewhere in the kremlin bunkers after the war, if goebbels had these technologies, we would not even have known how he lost the war yesterday, but we were sure that everything was won a long time ago, but in any case, listen, information war, information war, we are war. are won on the battlefield, and not on newspaper pages, that is clear, but not always, not always, because in fact, the informational component is very important, and the informational component, we can say that it can lead to certain economic difficulties in any which state, with the right
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setting, information about the influence of messages and everything else, so in fact we see, for example, what happened in the united states before the elections, we see what is happening... in europe now, that is, everything after all, come on, russia actively influences the information space of europe, the united states and a large number of countries. well , the question here is how much it can be resisted, given that we are dealing with an authoritarian country where people generally mostly trust the official media versus democratic countries where people are looking for different points of view. well, i mean, for example, some of the articles in the same new york times, i've been surprised lately, you know, because when the new york times says that our pilots... who are training for the f-16, they learn english, well, they learn aviation english, there is such an aviation english, which involves a set of terminology that pilots communicate with each other, communicate with ground services, communicate in short phrases for that, civil aviation pilots, the first thing they
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do is who fly on international flights, and military pilots do not really need it, i understand correctly, aviation english military aviation english it is necessary because we are transitioning to a new type of aircraft and there is a certain. yes i mean before no need, well, yes, that's why, for example, when they ask me, what about the feet, the imperial system, i say, well, listen, in 2003, we were already flying in feet, when i was flying, we already then when we flew abroad, we already flew on these, that is, we did not have any questions about these lists, well, i did not fly on a military plane, i flew on a military transport plane, where it already was, well, when we flew there to ramsteim, when we flew to nakivsk , i have certificates in english kao. that is, i have this certificate, i understand that there are certain ones, and that's why is it different for civil aviation and military, or is it the same certificate? no, it is different, because there are certain terminologies that require something a little different for the military, well, if we are talking about the yakov, it is generally for civil aviation, but, but you are not surprised that, in principle, our
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military pilots did not pass this aviation test english, when we studied at the relevant higher education institutions in kropyvnytskyi, and well, the kharkiv aviation school... come on, i graduated in 2001, we studied english, and we studied, well, according to our profile, i think that in principle, taking into account the majority of pilots , it’s quite, let’s be honest, it’s the same plane, if a person there may not know english somewhere, he can go and work as an engineer at the company, we understand that perfectly, yes, but it’s the same plane, if you you will, he will fall, i apologize, well , he will fall if you do not know something. well, if you don't know something, well, you click on that's why i'm trying, it's not a joke, i just want to understand the level of qualification, so i agree that yes, when we read such texts in the new york times, that's me too surprising, no, well, she talked to the romanians there, and let's be honest, it was an article about the romanian
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air base, which was only recently opened for the training of pilots there, and what about this air base, about this air base, right? there were long negotiations about whether it is necessary or whether ukrainians will study there, because in fact the pilot retraining program for the 16th year is designed for two years, there are officers from the combat... management of the technical staff, pilots who have combat experience, pilots without experience , cadets, who have just graduated, for example , they fly there on light-engine aircraft, so actually it is a big program, and of course, when they tell us, well, in a year we will receive it, in two years we will receive it, well, yes, well, certainly, that is, there is a certain batch we will have pilots there in two years, eh, someone can already fly, well, someone there has already heard something, they are already flying there, you understand, that is, in fact , the issue here is that some... the information is quite sensitive, and informational silence must be kept here in these matters, i constantly
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say that as soon as you appear in the 16th you are guaranteed to see it on the battlefield, but by the way, about another story with foreign specialists, how important it is, we heard that taurus, let's say, ukraine cannot get, because it needs foreign control, it's true, taurus, the bearer of taurus is a-a. swedish saab, gripcon, ugh, that's why, or we have to redesign, our dry, which will carry them, and the f16 can't, because the f16 is jasams, we need another plane, which is the gripon, sweden once promised when they will enter donato , then they will give these planes there, and i have... in principle, i have mine that is, the problem is also in the carrier, well
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, the carrier really, because here we still need to get carriers that will be able to perform the tasks, because it is not enough to get weapons, we need carriers, well, what would happen, and what would happen with rocket attacks , if we didn't have launchers, here we're talking about the fact that , well, the taurus is actually a very good missile, it's modular, it can perform different functions, well, again , let's get to the... what configuration will these missiles be sold to us, and for what? for destruction by an electromagnetic pulse a certain radio control of the enemy, or something more substantial, which will knock out equipment or some kind of armor there? thank you for these detailed explanations, you explained a lot about what we didn't know, what i didn't want to understand anatoliy khrapchynskyi, deputy general director of the company engaged in aviation expertise.
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congratulations, this is the beraber program, together with the crimean-tatar language, it is hosted by gulsum khalilova, my colleague from the crimean tatar tv channel atr, and i, andriy yanitsky from the espresso tv channel, we are here together today, because this is a joint project about... the main news from crimea, yes, this is a joint project of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr silyamalikum and the tv channel, we are happy to welcome all the viewers of our tv channels, silyamalikum once again, and while we are currently connecting our guest to our broadcast, with whom we will talk about what happened this week in the temporarily occupied crimea and not only, i want to... say that for the sake of the deoccupation of the crimean peninsula, our guys
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are now in the south and are doing everything to defeat the russian occupier, to defeat the enemy is the crimean tatar battalion named after nooman chilibikhan, 48th oshb, so you can support our guys by the qr code that you will see on your screens now, they now need drones on the fpf. and announced this fundraiser, so everyone who can support, please support our guys who are on the southern front by the qr code that you see now, and we are during this hour with military experts and other experts who will connect to our broadcast, we will talk about crimea and talk about the latest events that happened during this week on the territory of the temporarily... occupied peninsula, and even now we are ready to introduce our guest, and this is mr.
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oleksandry kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, congratulations, good day , mr. oleksandr, how did you remember this week, how did the occupiers remember this week on the temporarily occupied peninsula, what operational news do we already have? well, in principle, of course, this is the destruction of a ship of the fourth rank, a speed ship, which took place this week, quite successfully. of another combat unit, which reminds the russians that there is no peaceful place for them, that is, it is a dangerous place for them. in addition to everything else, it should be noted that the russians, they are trying to pay more attention to strengthening the defense of the kerch bridge in order
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to create such conditions for its protection, as they say. along the sea lines, but they do not succeed, and therefore every time we see either the effective action of our naval drones or the air component and full full inaction, the ineffectiveness of their air defense, this is exactly what we can pay attention to, i think, in the following weeks, we will see the appropriate training of the objects of the corresponding functionality. mr. oleksandr, i think i read that this time... innovations were applied by our defense forces, and as if a missile was installed on the drone that can shoot down air targets, or is it just that, well, a scarecrow so far for the occupiers and in fact there was no such thing , has something like this been observed? i don't think it's just a scarecrow because this is an experimental element, some time ago we
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saw how it was also installed on our marine drones. bumblebee flamethrower systems and on the one hand at long distances they are not effective, they have a low point quite low such accuracy, but if we are talking about practice during the landing, before the landing on the coast, this can be the effect of such intimidation, such fire impact , if we're talking about getting close to a large object like... an amphibious ship or a frigate or a corvette these systems can also be effective at a distance of less than 500 m, and therefore, in principle, the meaning of this was, if we are talking about the use of an appropriate means of destruction, a missile means of destruction, namely the destruction of air targets - this can also
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be effective in the long run, if the algorithm is worked out, it is you who is very important here... testing, i.e. the fact that it can be used in such a complex, yes, theoretically quite, but there should be tests in order to emphasize all the pluses, all the minuses, ah, see what the coefficient of utility is actions, and after that indeed, each such sea drone, if it is an effective concept, can use not only these means of destruction. in order to make some strikes there, no, no, not so much striking, but for defense, because it is the air component that is like the mi-28 helicopter strike as an option, and the mi-8, k-52, is the main one element used by the russians to intercept our naval drones, they are trying to intercept them precisely with helicopters,
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attack helicopters, attack helicopter destruction, after being destroyed shock... there is also the destruction of some surface object, there, for example, the same corvette or missile boat, well, it’s actually a bonus, full house, let’s call it that, so i think, yes, that our defense forces will be able to implement this experiment and it will no longer be an experiment, but an ordinary practice of application, how to ask a question, i just have a lot of questions for you, oh... i read in the news that the kerch bridge seems to be no longer used by the occupiers to transport military equipment, that they , well, they seriously already believe that he is very vulnerable, did they start using the land route that they were building, but what happens now, there is no point in hitting the kerch
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bridge, does it still remain our desired target, well, i... i say yes, well, let's get someone on the godfather tomorrow will build a house, here on khreshchatyk, right on the road section, to block the traffic, some kind of high-rise building with 16 floors, well, it will be a legal building, an illegal building is an illegal building, indeed, so is the kerch bridge, it is illegal building and one way or another it must be destroyed, this is the first point, the very fact, legality, and its absence, it is absent, the second point is very important, i don't know where all these housing groups come from. they drew conclusions from the fact that the kerch bridge is not used for the transportation of military cargo, equipment, ammunition, and everything else. there is such a concept
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as material and technical support. what is material and technical support? it is a complex of material means used to provide visas, it can be starting with a mechanized one components, tanks, bbm, artillery, ammunition. of course, starting with a 152-caliber projectile and a powder charge and ending with a banal cartridge for small arms of various calibers - elementary vodka and stew, if they are already being transported, then it is already the same way that we perceive vodka as civilian cargo, this does not mean that it is civilian cargo, just as if we see a passenger car arriving there and so on, this does not mean that there are civilians there, and not personnel for rotation and so on. fuel and lubricants that are transported across the kerch bridge in large quantities
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by tankers, it is not for the purpose of delivering milk to consumers throughout the crimea next month, yes, on trucks, no, it is not for milk, it is fuel and lubricants in order to refuel the russian tank. and armored combat vehicles, that is why the kerch bridge, it remained an important logistical artery, and it remains, and another very interesting point, for some reason all these autumn groups, they use both to prove their vision of the situation, satellite images from long distances are not detailed, but for some reason they do not address the crimean monitoring groups that operate specifically in crimea. and which constantly record how to kerch, or directly through the kerch bridge itself , they transport not only there, but also fuel and bridging materials, namely equipment,
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howitzers, towed howitzers, equipment, bmp, armored fighting vehicles, t-62 tanks, for example, and so on, for some reason they do not record this, and in their reports they do not show such an impression that they are allegedly trying to somehow distort reality, which happens. now with the supply of material and technical support to the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, which, as it was, and remains the main logistical and transit hub for the provision of the russian southern occupation group of troops. well , you know, mr. oleksandr, it looks more like a propagandistic throw-in, and if we talk about other ways, logistical ways of the russian occupiers, as far as i know. and they still haven't diversified this artery through rostov-nadana, mariupol, berdyansk and so on, yes, it is still fully
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does not work, it's true, there is no full possibility of ensuring those volumes of supply, which they would try to fully compensate in case the kerch bridge is non-functional, and therefore, yes, the kerch bridge, he continues. to remain the main logistical artery through which the main cargoes of material and technical support of the russian occupying forces go, everything else is already on the mainland, it is like an addition, as a kind of plus, which can more or less satisfy the needs of this large number of forces and means. i will remind that the russians have almost 200,000 personnel in the south alone. 200,000 russian occupation troops in the kherson, zaporizhzhia, and partly donetsk regions, as well as the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, and all this mass, as well as all the iron that
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has come to them, must be provided with something 24x7, and what are we waiting for then, for what conditions are the armed forces of ukraine waiting for today to strike the kerch bridge, unfortunately, temporarily. the occupied crimean peninsula in terms of air defense, anti-aircraft component, it is second only to the capabilities moscow region. in addition to everything else, the kerpchen bridge itself is protected not only from the territory of crimea in the air component, but also from the territory of the mainland of the russian federation, therefore it has a double coverage of manned air defense. in order to have an effective impact with the air. it is necessary not to command this component, and with regard to sea borders, patrols are constantly taking place there, by the way, these are precisely these ships
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of the fourth rank, that is, high-speed patrol ships. of cathar, which was recently destroyed, and they are constantly patrolling the kerch bridge, in order to counter any threats of sea drones, they created boom barriers, they sank several barges to complicate the very process of sailing, the very reaching of the kerch bridge by our surface drones, and also that if it was not pouring strangely, but they also side of the sea of ​​azov. it is from this part that they also conduct patrols, i.e. the kerch bridge, it is quite seriously guarded now, and it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions so that the strike is as effective as possible, because the strike must be one, and this strike must to completely destroy the kerch bridge so that it could not be restored, both the road and railway parts, not just there
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for a week or a month. year, and it will affect, catastrophically affect the capabilities of the russian occupation group in the south. this week, one cannot help but remember this pobedobesiya festival, which took place in russia, and of course, they also tried to bring their own slightly sectarian style to this in the occupied territory, we know that there were no such large-scale military parades. but there were various motor races with with flags, free porridge, portraits of the immortal regiment, and various other such campaign actions, which the russians are trying to use to replace common sense in the inhabitants of the occupied territories, why people do not perceive all this propaganda critically, why they still do so even after 14-... years and after
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the year of the 22nd, they do not understand that in fact russia is what fascist nazi germany was in the same year of the 41st, but perceive it as a continuation of, i don't know, the forces of good, yes, and not the forces of evil? well, let's put it this way, in any region, in any region, in any city there is... a category of people who, in the third year of a full-scale invasion of ukraine, believe that russia has nothing to do with it, that everything was provoked by the west, that's all, that's nato, that's all biden did, but putin, he's some kind of angel who tries to somehow correct this situation and save ukrainians from being swallowed up by europe. they are, indeed they
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are, people who have a completely different worldview, a worldview that is destructive, i would even say so, degrading, the degradation of a person's worldview, and it does not evolve, it degrades, and they are everywhere, especially in those regions where there was quite a serious impact for years and even decades. the influence of pro-russian political forces, narratives, etc. , etc., unfortunately, we can record this not only on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, it is constantly recorded even on the territory of ukraine, even in those regions that seem to be maximally pro-ukrainian , this is also western ukraine, this is central ukraine, there are quite a lot of people who continue, well, in kyiv we also saw
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provocations that were different. precisely on may 9 with by the local crazies, but they are not just local crazies, they are people who know what they are doing, they get paid for it, why haven't they been arrested, even though they are in their 70s, even though they don't have any relation to the second world war, they wear exactly this uniform of that time and somehow try to play the role of such a liberator. and that veteran, no, we don’t know, maybe they worked in the nkvd, the kgb in general, maybe just like that, maybe they and their parents in the nkvd later if we talk about crimea, then we know that from 2014 to the present day, russia has brought colonizers to the territory of crimea, and it is more than a million.


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