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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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part of the front did not have the opportunity to advance deep into the territory controlled by ukraine. of course, there are still problems, and the enemy clearly aimed to stretch the forces of the ukrainian armed forces across the entire large front, first of all to try to pull them away from the eastern direction, that is donetsk and luhansk regions, but... and there, because there the enemy will also lose, it will not be possible, obviously, it will not be possible to capture yar, such a strategic settlement that leads to the agglomeration of sloviansk and kramatorsk, and these attempts to act in different areas and by different forces testify that despite the fact that the enemy is trying to change... tactics, a certain
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strategy, he is unable to implement it. the reasons are, in my opinion, and not only that there are problems in russia with armored vehicles, there are certain problems with the corresponding weapons, first of all with its quality, it is outdated since the soviet era, and despite the superiority in the number of personnel , this personnel is not... not sufficiently motivated, not sufficiently combat-ready, and we know the facts of desertions and various other orders military discipline directly at the front and on the front lines. mr. vasyl, what is the current intensity of fighting in kharkiv oblast, and we, as you have already noted, president zelenskyi said that reserve defense forces were sent there, what can we expect from the fact that the russians launched this offensive, or is it a coincidence? is it for them
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to seize territories? i have already said this briefly, but i will emphasize once again that this counteroffensive or attempt to break through a large part of the defense of ukraine failed, and the plans to capture a large part of the kharkiv region and occupy the city of kharkiv, they too... have failed, what our military commanders are using now, it brings its results, those battles that are being fought in the gray zone, around those four or five settlements, where it seems that the enemy has partially or completely mastered them, and there are reasons to say that and these settlements will be liberated later. from
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the enemy, and the fact that the enemy there is suffering very serious losses of both manpower and armored vehicles, and proves that the plans and intentions in this regard of putin and his military commanders will not be implemented, and what you emphasized in the statement the president, it gives we also have certain reasons for optimism, and given the fact that ammunition, armored vehicles, other military equipment, including air defense equipment, and missiles, and another tranche of 400 million us dollars and 500 million pounds have finally begun to arrive sterling in great britain, a number of countries, including france, germany, and the countries of northern europe, are actively involved in providing ukraine with appropriate military equipment. equipment and
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ammunition, although of course we have questions and problems regarding the speed and quantity of this weaponry, but the fact that the flow has already gone, and part of this weaponry and ammunition is already in ukraine, this gives good grounds for optimism and for us to look into the future more clearly, transparently and with confidence that our armed forces... hold all these blows in different directions of the front and will later stabilize the front and move to counteroffensive actions, and the fact that 10 brigades are additionally being formed, as reported by the commander of the ground forces, general pavlyuk, this is also powerful support and also draws attention to his words about what is wrong with our people there is no problem now, there is problems with with military equipment and
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ammunition, and if we get all this, then the nation must be sure that the armed forces of ukraine will fulfill their purpose. duty to the country, but tell me, mr. vasyl, we can outline the tactical goals of the russian army for the coming months, what does putin really want? putin, given the way the situation is developing in ukraine, in the geopolitical dimension, and with the aim of all the same to incline ukraine to some kind of peace negotiations by freezing the conflict, in what... is shiji trying to help him ping, the chinese leader, he now wants to secure behind him the occupied territories that have already been occupied by the temporary occupation russian contingent, and to finally free
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luhansk and donetsk regions to the administrative borders, as well as to create conditions in order to prevent ukraine from moving in... . in the direction of crimea, liberating all temporarily occupied territories and crimea. this strategy is clear, as i understand it, our military commanders see it, and of course, of course, they take appropriate measures. putin is scared, very, very scared, in my opinion, by those diplomatic steps that ukraine is taking now in the international space and the peace forum. the global peace forum, which will be held soon in switzerland, and where the leaders of the leading countries of the world intend to come, and despite the fact that it will not be there, the final decisions have not yet been made, but from the very fact
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that the world accepts the peace formula of president zelensky, that all these positions correspond to the statute. the un and international law, and this is the step that, in the end, it seems to me, will force our partners to act decisively and the main thing is to act in the direction of forcing putin to make peace by liberating all temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. mr. vasyl, i would like to transfer to other areas of the front, from the kherson region, here is the leader. dmytro pletenchuk of the strategic communications center of the south's force defense says that there is, well, such a threat, and the fighting continues around the island of nestryga in the kherson region, what can the russians do there, what do they want by seizing this
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island, does it not pose a threat to kherson now? well, you know that bridgehead, which created the armed forces of ukraine on the left bank of the dnieper, and the fact that they recently ... brought back under their control this island of nestryga, is a rolling pin in one place of mr. putin, because the command of the russian armed forces is well aware that uh, what is possible for ukraine to do on this part of the front, it creates the prerequisites for the increase of the ukrainian contingent, moreover, we already know that the appropriate armored vehicles and small artillery have already been ferried and delivered to the left bank of... and this strengthens the position of our contingent of course, putin would like to re-cross
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the dnipro river and re-occupy kherson and thereby raise the stakes in future negotiations and future peace negotiations, which he hopes will be in his favor, so of course there are certain risks there, but what we have been observing for literally three to four months that the armed forces of ukraine manage not only to hold their ground near krymok, krynyk and nearby, but also to increase their presence there, to expand n bridgeheads, to win back part of the strategic, of the strategic territory, as well as... the same sharp dissonance with the aim of reducing the capabilities of the armed forces of the russian federation for maneuver, and most importantly, to do everything in order to stop the terrorist shelling of the russian troops in the city of kherson. in principle, how do you
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think about the situation, now this military situation, are you optimistic about the next months, are there certain... fears, er, well, given what general pavlyuk and the president of ukraine spoke about and reported syrsky about the fact that, in fact , the entire front line has now escalated the situation, the activity of the russian federation, and in view of the understanding of our partners and, above all, the global partner of the united states of america, that in the event, god forbid, of the defeat of ukraine, or the active advance of russian troops on the territory of ukraine. towards the western borders, this will cause serious problems, first of all for
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europe, for nato, for the european union, and for the entire global democracy, so here are all the statements and assessments, they boil down to one thing, which i talked about above, what is needed as soon as possible, to provide ukraine with the necessary means of impression in order ... for the ukrainian armed forces to withstand these counteroffensive operations, stabilize the front and soon switch to an active counteroffensive, the goal of which is the gradual or rapid liberation of all temporarily occupied territories. of course, it is not easy, of course it is difficult, it is necessary to implement many measures in the direction of... and strengthening combat readiness, and strengthening the personnel, and the corresponding
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rotations in separate directions, the most difficult to make people respond, but the main thing is of course, weapons and military equipment. ukraine, which is three or four times smaller in terms of population than the russian federation, there are 140 million, in our country i don’t know how many 30. 30-30 yes yes somewhere like that, then of course we cannot hold back with human resources alone this enemy, insolent, thank you, thank you, mr. vasyl, with the help, with the help of modern technological weapons, this is a very important clarification, vasyl bohdan, a veteran of the foreign intelligence service, the lieutenant general was in touch with us, we will interrupt now in just a few minutes, but stay tuned and we'll continue shortly.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. the project is both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate it a detached view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time.
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two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. we continue the saturday political club on the tv channel espressa dmytro didora and vitaly portnikov are already in touch with us. our next guest is volodymyr gryzko, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009, head of the russian research center. mr. volodymyr, good evening. glory to ukraine. well, you know, all the colleagues... with whom i spoke in the last days after the inauguration of vladimir putin, they keep asking how putin can
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be different after this, this putin from the previous one, this term from the previous one, but it seems to me that the political periodization of russia is not depends on the election, agree, well mr. vitaly, first of all, i think that calling it an inauguration is a creative exaggeration, i call it for myself, he... to the kingdom, well , the next one, well, itself, itself, the very re-coronation, well , if you can go that far , because in fact, well, they are inaugurating those. who wins and becomes a legitimate leader, well , you can’t even approach this from any side here, lonely, unhappy, frankly, abandoned by everyone, frankly speaking, when i
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looked at the ceremony here and there , i was obsessed with victory, to be honest... or even somehow a pity to some extent, well, how much it was possible to live an interesting political life and remain in history and how much it was possible to really get stuck in this history and remain an outcast even among one's own, look, even his boyars and those who are fenced off from him, they cannot approach him, but look what happened at this prayer service, when one karibist ee... asannu, the second kagibist, is very sad, regarding your question, mr. vitaly, will something change, well, you know, in order for something to change, some factors are needed that would affect the possibility of these changes, and we we don’t actually see that, inside everything is preserved, there are no movements there yet
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that would demand changes, outside too... unfortunately, well, it’s like that, you know, tyani talkai, that is, on the one hand , support, on the other hand, so that russia does not lose, that is why there is such a delicate balance, and it seems to me that under such circumstances putin has no need to change in principle, well , for now, everything that is around, well, does not require any extremely serious hands from him. whether in one direction or the other. mr. volodymyr, can we have a new term? putin to predict what will happen to his relations with the west, how they can change, were there any messages to the west in his inauguration? well, the only thing that
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would be possible to hear such, well, relatively new, is during. from this speech of st. pobidobesius, he somehow evoked such an idea that he said, well, we also remember ours, well, not ours, but the allies of the ussr in the anti-hitler coalition, we were together, although the truth is that he did not name any country, so we would of course be glad if, well, everything , they say, turned back, but at the same time and here already... he talks about the fact that we are in favor of cooperation and negotiations, but we will not allow ourselves to be intimidated and the like, and here he already starts talking about strategic nuclear weapons, that is, this kind of, you know, feeling that he is not sure and does not know, in fact, what to bet on, whether to continue this, as
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they once said, naked course against... the west or an attempt to somehow find ways for reconciliation, but i will tell you frankly my opinion, and not only mine, he doesn't have much time really, not in terms of physically surviving there, his there, i think, this whole audience, which around can still keep afloat for a certain period of time, no, no, i mean the possibilities of the russian... economy, which even according to the estimates of some economists of russia itself, not to mention those who fled from there a long time ago, says that that in the current situation, and if the sanctions are
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strengthened even a little bit, then the margin of safety is actually very little, two or two years. and then it will be time for putin to make a choice, or the country will go to hell, and not only the economy, but also politics will change accordingly, or he will prove will have to make a very difficult and very unpopular decision about whether to leave. from this adventure, how it will happen, of course, we cannot predict now, but the trend in this context, it seems to me, is clear for putin, clearly not positive. tell me, mr. volodymyr, do you understand why the president of france decided, decided that the ambassador of his country in moscow should also be present at this inauguration, because i see
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a certain surprise even in the french press, and such questions, well, let's do everything let's decide either we send signals that we can send troops to ukraine, by the way, emmanuel macron talked about this even today with internet users, or we send an envoy to the inauguration, it is impossible to do all this at the same time. well, you know, it was also a certain paradox for me, i thought, well, again, for this you have to sit in the position of the one who does it, i thought, well , what for me now, as for the president of france, well, the most this is important for the image of france, for my own image, and i came to the banal idea that i as the french president now, it would be very nice if the olympic games, which are scheduled for the month of july, took place without a hitch and a hitch, that is, so that, well, there,
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at least on the russian side, there was either no mischief at all, or there was as little of it as possible, and well, i think that, well, let me go to this pseudo-inaugural er... festival of yours, i will send my ambassador, let him stand there in the 25th row, well, but everyone will note it, and you will think that i still not as aggressive as i really am, and what macron's position is has not changed, you are absolutely right, mr. vitaly, when you say that he actually repeated the same position today, that he does not want to fight, but, well, we know that everything that... is said before but does not make any sense , the second part of this phrase is read, so i think that there are purely technological,
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tactical things here, which in fact, well, can only be a kind of, well, a bargaining chip, if you will, so that at this moment, until the end of the olympic games, russian. .. special services, preserved agents, agents of influence and so on, sat quietly and did not spoil, well, it's an olympic holiday. mr. volodymyr, in addition to france, there were also hungary, slovakia, greece, malta and cyprus, why do the states of the european union still want to be present at such an inauguration, is it possible to keep everything under control, is it possible that they want to keep communication channels with ... the kremlin, well, regarding the first two, hungary and slovakia, i think we have no doubts here as to why this is happening, i think we have already
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discussed it several times and understand the political, so to speak, underpinning of this, this, this position, in relation to the three-hemnoorsk countries, i think that everyone has their own reasons. but the reasons are mainly economic, for greece, this is a merchant fleet that continues to make money by transporting russian cargo, and this is no secret to anyone, neither in the eu nor outside the eu, for malta with its golden visas also, most of which they sell to the russians, by the way, it's also not, a big secret, although the trend there now is to stop this gold business, but at least until this moment on this visa case of malta
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earned a lot. regarding cyprus, it also seems to me that there are mainly economic, on the one hand, and political aspects on the other, because... look, i don't know if you 've been to cyprus and seen what 's happening there, sometimes it seems to me , what is there, once upon a time in the ussr they said that there was such a thing, don't use politically correct proverbs, no, no, i'm referring to - it's not a bird, and bulgaria is not a foreign country, i told you, i'm talking about the soviet union, mr. vitaly, so it is us, it is we who are returning, and here is the feeling
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that at some... moment there are more russians than local residents, that is, unfortunately, there are a lot of russian influences there, both political and , unfortunately, also economic, because russia entered there quite intensively, so every government in such a situation tries to find that middle ground somewhere, all the more hiding it , that each european country can make a sovereign decision in this regard, there is no need to unite and look brussels in the mouth, so i think that these things are not pleasant, but not strategic. vladimir putin will go to beijing already this month, and it is interesting that on the eve of that visit, the people's republic of china published another such peace plan, which is actually a plan to freeze russia's war with ukraine, maybe it's even a joint initiative, how ukrainian diplomacy
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can counter this, because we... we can imagine that during the negotiations with sidzimpin and putin, both will try to present themselves as peacemakers. you know, i think you're right that this is far from a chinese plan. well, let's think aloud. you and i are ideological allies. admittedly, i 'm in a very bad situation where, uh, well, i'm taxed from all sides, i'm in isolation, but, well,... you want to help me, what do i do in such a situation, i'm just asking you, mr. vitaly, please, on my behalf, on my behalf name, but please start my plan, well, you can add a couple more flowers there for the sake of beauty, but let's push it, but because of you, you are great, you are beautiful, you can influence the neighbors and
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so so on and so forth, i am very much indebted to yours. compliment, but what do i get as a result, if i present your plan, yes, and we receive mutual support and help, because we, we are clearly weaker without each other than we are together, and this, by the way, seems to me to be beijing's deep interest in russia did not lose, and we need any kind of russia, but it is half-alive, half-dead, sorry, dead, and completely focused on china. economy, which he is doing very, very well, because he is starting to dictate his conditions, and putin has nowhere to go, because the only, the only source of income of the yuan is china, well, how, as a foreign currency, which, which is still going, and that's all, that is, so it's a mutual, interest in keeping this axis of evil, and the main... the line is
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right between beijing and moscow, so i think that during the visit to beijing, it will be made public, or rather it will be said that russia very much supports this plan, well, if it supports its plans, and that we are interested in starting peace negotiations to achieve that no one suffers anymore. well, all these conversations, which we have known and heard about for a long time, and why it is beneficial, eh china, well, it is removed from the agenda the key issue of security, in the same thing that was made public, there is not a single word about territorial integrity, about international law, about the fact that it cannot be violated and
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so on and so on, that is... in fact, it is to introduce the matter into a completely different direction, and pretending to be peacekeepers, i think that we need, we really need to keep a common line with our strategic partners, because this is the most important moment, well, now many people are starting to say that, well, we need to drop everything now and go to the countries of the south. and to convince them, well, we will convince them, they will vote on another resolution at the next session of the general assembly, which, unfortunately, is not binding. i think that we should not spend time and effort on this now, keep a common front with our western partners, get as many weapons and financial assistance as possible, and only in this
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way, shape the agenda,


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