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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EEST

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news time on espressu tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the situation in kharkiv oblast remains complex and dynamically changing. the enemy has a tactical success, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports this. enemy assaults and battles continue in several directions in the border villages. the russians used up to five battalions for the offensive on vovchansk. occupiers do not count with losses. instead , ukrainian fighters hold the defense, inflict fire damage on the enemy, use no... systems for reconnaissance and for point
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blows on the enemy. the plan of the russians in the kharkiv region is to stretch the ukrainian defense forces. president volodymyr zelenskyi said this in his address. in particular, he emphasized that the maximum efficiency should be the joint actions of security, security and defense forces, as well as local authorities. our task is obvious: we must attack the occupier. as the biggest losses, in particular on the outskirts of the city of vovchansk, the situation is extremely difficult, the city is under constant russian fire, and the counterattack actions of our military in the city continue, local residents help, and it is very important that everyone who is directly there in kharkiv region, in the military... in the security forces, in the local
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authorities, in the communities, shows maximum efficiency now. the northern border of kharkiv oblast is currently the most difficult direction. this was announced by the kharkiv regional military administration. they noted that almost 6,000 residents were evacuated from the frontline areas. vova urged ukrainians not to neglect safety and to facilitate evacuation. the enemy is shelling our positions, respectively, ours. border settlements are our soldiers accordingly, they hold their positions with difficulty, but we continue to work. at night , explosions rang out again in the belgorod region of russia. the local authorities talk about the work of the air defense forces on the outskirts of belgorod. the destruction of infrastructure and damage to several cars in the villages of cheremoshne and ustinka are probably due to the unsuccessful work of the russian anti-aircraft forces. allegedly, there are also...
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suffering persons, i would like to note that on may 12 in belgorod, an explosion was reported in an apartment building, the entrance there collapsed, as of now, 15 people are known to have died, the destruction allegedly occurred due to according to another version, it could have been a planned operation by russian special services to discredit the ukrainian army. russian dictator vladimir putin proposed to appoint him as the minister of defense. former first vice prime minister andrii bilousov. he will replace sergei shuigu, whom putin has already appointed secretary of the russian security council, instead of mykola patrushev. this was reported in the kremlin. bilousov's candidacy still needs to be formally approved by the upper chamber of the parliament, the federation council. putin also made proposals regarding other posts in cabinet of ministers. they should vote for the new government in the near future. the situation at
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the protests in tbilisi escalated, the special forces began to forcefully disperse the demonstrators who oppose the adoption of the law on foreign agents in general. security forces pushed back part of the protesters to the entrance to the georgian parliament in order to unblock the work of deputies from the ruling georgian dream party, who are supposed to consider the document in the third reading. protesters gathered the night before on rustavel avenue. spent the whole night there. at 5 in the morning representatives of the ministry of internal affairs announced that they were giving the demonstrators 5 minutes to vacate the territory. meanwhile, about 60,000 ukrainian families got a chance to rebuild their own. all thanks to the national compensation program there is a recovery. the initiative was launched a year ago, whether the innovation managed to live up to expectations and what goals are set for the future, we will tell in the story later. irpin is
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a city that was 70% destroyed by the russians, but now life is raging here, because irpin has become a leader in reconstruction according to the program. there is a recovery, the amount of compensation here has reached 2 billion hryvnias in the irpin territorial community , 6,514 applications were reviewed during the year, and in the end, almost 400 applicants received funds for the reconstruction of their housing. 92% of everything has already been processed by various programs, 82% has been processed by certificate programs. of course. there is, because people return and are usually added, because every day one, two, three appeals are added to us, there is a restoration, as a separate service in action started in may 2023, it all started with a service for receiving financial assistance for repairs of damaged housing,
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first of all urgent costs up to uah 200,000. the next step was compensation for destroyed homes, it is about housing certificates that can be exchanged for a new home in any corner of ukraine. over time , payments for capital repairs became possible, and soon compensations will also come to those who did not wait and completed the work at their own expense. appropriate checklists have already been developed, there is a possibility of a technical one developed by the ministry of digital transformation, i hope that it will happen, sources of funding will be found, and the start of this component, which is currently the maximum prepared for its implementation. recorded the most appeals. from residents of kharkiv, donetsk, mykolaiv and kyiv regions. kharkiv oblast and kyiv oblast became the leaders among requests for restoration. at the very beginning, we began to actively use it, we created commissions in each community that reviewed, that helped people
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to implement this program, to receive funds, to review their destroyed, damaged property, and why we created it in each community, because, unfortunately, the enemy continues shelling already. the developers promise to add more soon several functions in order to support as many ukrainians as possible in the difficult process of rebuilding their own homes. now the team is working on a compensation program for rebuilding on their own land and compensation for those who lost their homes in the temporarily occupied territories, here we show the city of melitopol for a reason, a pilot project took place, it was successful, that is, we are absolutely sure that this experience can now be extended to other cities. which are located in the temporarily occupied territories, programs similar to the restoration currently does not exist in the world, during the year the amount of compensation paid exceeded uah 11 billion for the repair or purchase of new housing instead of the one destroyed as a result of hostilities. and in
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lviv, at the youth stadium, the second round of the championship of ukraine in rugby-7 among women's teams of the super league took place. she won the victory. the odesa national team, however, in general, after the first and second rounds, the lviv team of the lionesses is in the lead. there are two more rounds of the championship in ivano-frankivsk and kyiv. the expectation was that at home our lionesses would show class and repeat their success, which was two weeks ago in odesa and will take first place in the tour. but, unfortunately, today we lost at home to odessa, but we were very nervous and lost. we will still confirm our title of champions and we will win, although we have very serious competitors this year, in the form of the metal player 19825 and somewhere there and traditionally odessans, well, of course we expected more to get all the victories, unfortunately, it did not
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work out, but we will work on the mistakes, there is still enough time before the third round and the fourth and also before the cup of ukraine. which will be on independence day of ukraine. we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers and day and night. therefore, for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular, tanks, bpmp, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed, which is enough. will throw mobile repair teams and equipment into the combat zone, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for operative repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000. with your help, we have already collected over uah 15,500. so don't delay,
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your help is essential. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because it's there. live broadcasts of all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment your important thoughts to us, stay close. to learn more interesting and up-to-date information, stay tuned for updates on our website, as well as on our social networks, meet my colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakalyuk in a moment. we will see each other in less than an hour.
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well, we are starting our new week, the 810th day of the russian large-scale invasion, today we are already counting it and we will talk about what is happening at the front, what is happening in the world, what is happening in ukraine, we have quite unexpected news from russia, from with changed yesterday and there in fact, it can already be said that there has been a change, there will be a new minister of defense, and shoigu was sent to be the secretary of the security council. meanwhile, you know what i see, i see that our main discussion is not how to name that boy who won at eurovision, they, he or she, and how to cancel it all, for example, in the plural and different forms. and how to properly name russian, russian
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politicians, because i read, for example, on ukrainian pravda news that mykola patrushov is no longer the secretary of the national security council, but at the same time their minister of defense serhiy shoigo, that is, shoigo is serhii for some reason, he has a ukrainian name, and patrusha is already nikolai, and he has a russian name, but we somehow agree with that. so far we are very confused, i think that we just belatedly finally thought about why we call russians ukrainian, ukrainianize their names, which we do not say then, for example, joseph biden, joseph biden, well, because he is joseph, and accordingly joseph , here, but somehow this does not occur to us, it is obvious that, you probably know, another tradition is the one we have from our soviet and post-soviet documents, passports, i went where there was a duplication of these pages, but i don't know. that, for example, mr. serhii lyshenko is pleased to be serhii, if serhii is also shoigu, no,
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after all, shoigo, serhii, let’s call it that, serhii shoigo, but serhii lysenko, mr. serhii, congratulations, good morning , how are things in zaporizhzhia? well, the night passed quietly, in principle, the situation more or less stabilized after the last shelling, and problems with the power supply. it was possible to solve more or less only for large consumers of industrial applied restrictions, i.e citizens, in principle , no longer feel the problem for themselves, and that is good. uh, you know, now all the talk is only about kharkiv, we don't know what the russians are trying to demonstrate with this offensive, but at least they definitely managed to attract attention, and what is happening now on the zaporozhye front, which one? well , the situation on the zapolis front is basically
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stable, not critical, but not good, but the enemy continues to press, conducts active shelling, which has recently increased several times, and compared to last year or the year before last, and even compared to the previous months, they have also increased significantly, and there are no statistics for... the last day, but according to preliminary information, it will also be again for 400 shelling along the demarcation line and on populated areas outside it, such a traditional tactic erasing from the ground everything that the defenders can gain a foothold there or in this or that mile, and the further from the front line, the less accurate these attacks are, the more the local population suffers without any threats or military need there again in this case, a capta just flies into
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the village of the military and there are no soldiers nearby, they are outside the settlement, but it destroys several houses there. and the head of the zaporizhzhia regional council, olena zhuk, in an interview with the tv channel on the tv channel, stated that the russians had made an anti-record here. in shelling in the region, since the number of attacks reached more than 500, 542, 550, that's what she said yesterday, that is, she named. this is an anti-record, er, well, yes, this is basically what i'm talking about, if in 22nd-23rd year it was 100, 120, 90, the maximum there is 180 shellings, now it is 500, even a month ago it was 350, 400, well, the numbers are appropriate
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and well, and the consequences, despite even these shellings in zaporizhzhia. the spring sowing campaign continues despite the actual shelling, and how is it all happening now, where exactly are those agricultural works being carried out, is it possible, for example, to attract loans to farmers now, or do banks give for it? well, loans to farmers in the zaporizhia region are not very good, but banks , in principle, there are permanent consumer loans, consumer lines, credit lines there are used, long-term loans are not issued, and the banks are now actively suing those who remained, whose property remained under occupation, from whom it was extorted, and insurance companies are not involved in the process, well, this is a tragedy for many farmers of the zaporizhia region, who left, you
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managed to take some of your property there, but the equipment and machinery remained in the occupied territory now. banks come and file lawsuits in court, and the courts issue decisions accordingly, levy charges, despite force majeure circumstances, because banks already it is more necessary, if we talk about the occupied territories, what news can be heard from melitopol, what can be heard from berdyansk, well, in recent days there has been no such big global news, everyone is waiting for possible... their actions related to the summer season , with the summer russian offensive in the occupied territories, there are faint rumors that there is a task during the summer to break through the line of defense in the zaporizhia region and reach the border of zaporizhia, then it is possible to buy zaporizhzhia, and rogov there and others are talking about the fact that by
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the end of the year the zaporizhzhia region will be liberated, as they call it, but we've heard it before, so nobody cares. does not pay attention, especially since, again, as you said, the offensive in the kharkiv region, the fighting in donetsk, they say that, well, at the moment, definitely not in zaporizhzhia, which is generally a humanitarian situation now, the public reports that in the zaporizhzhia region, more than 10,000 people in the front-line territories now live in difficult conditions, they may not even have light. well, if we take front-line villages, then of course there are much fewer people there. if we we are talking about the front-line territory there at a distance of 10-15 km from the demarcation line, and up to 20 km, then yes, there may be a certain number of people living there, in such settlements as kameshevakha, where it reaches, or in
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similar villages, then a total of up to 10,000 people throughout the region. but for understanding, if more than 10,000 people used to live in one nut, now everyone is in the field, and now it’s only along the entire line of reproduction, well, it’s actually no more than 10% of the population that lived in this area, because it is necessary to understand that zaporizhzhya in principle, three-quarters of the region is occupied, so it is quite a significant territory, well, thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy lyshenko was with us, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, thank you for this conversation, we talked about what is happening now in zaporizhia, most of the region remains under russian occupation, temporary, in the meantime, i will tell you that we will now communicate with kharkiv, we will find out what the situation is there, whether
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the approach of russian troops, which launched this not... expected enough offensive, is felt, the main thing intelligence management called this offensive sufficiently predicted or planned, even if the russians really have more than tactical successes, when they managed to fix themselves already in the gray zone in the villages, and as now, what the mood is in kharkiv, we will talk, literally in a minute we will have bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council. stay with us. fm. galicia listen to yours. cratal contains
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yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, and rolls kilometers of roads. fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who covers the enemy with heavy fire and returns meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. good morning, dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichu, in this studio we are working for you today until 12 o'clock, we will continue our roll call and now we will be in touch with kharkiv and kharkiv region, bohdan tkachuk, deputy of kharkiv city ​​council. joins us, mr. bohdan, good morning, good morning, eh, there were explosions again at night, what kind of explosions please tell me in more detail about this, well
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, kharkiv was not fired upon, they were fired upon near the city territory, they are informed that it was an anti-aircraft missile, maybe it flew over, or kaby, this is a settlement north of kharkiv, so they were fired upon, well, exactly where where. the russian assault troops are conducting combat operations, as for kharkiv, so the alarms sound quite often, but at least yesterday and today, ammunition did not arrive, let's say , ammunition to the city center, well, in general, to the city of kharkiv, well, it's obvious that now probably only talk is in kharkiv about how are the russians advancing or not advancing from the border towards kharkiv, what about... what are the people of kharkiv talking about? well, they are talking about this and what else can be talked about, because it is such a painful topic, and you know, there are such
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disappointments. people usually have such a small degree, maybe a degree, but it is there, because everyone assured us, and you know it very well, on all the airwaves, the president, our head of administration is there, at all levels have come, the border is closed there, we have everything around us there and mines and trenches, and dugouts, and troops, but in fact it turned out that it is somewhere a little further away, as i understand it, and we have already lost a dozen settlements, even small ones, but this is all ukrainian territory, these are all our villages, there are usually fierce battles, so there is disappointment, there are questions , and why so, why, where the structures were built, today, it seems, he submitted information in the morning, because he is somewhere on the front line and says that the conclusion can be drawn that
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these structures were built and managed. not the military, but , let's say, officials who built them not where, where they are needed, at the wrong heights, which are supposed to protect some directions there, well, i will not go into these fortifications, but such criticism exists, and the conclusions, apparently, were not drawn either from ardiivka or from other directions, that is why this is the situation when the corrupt take up building something, that's how it turns out, by the way, there is one... of the commanders of the unit of the armed forces of ukraine, yaroslavskyi denys, wrote on facebook yesterday, yesterday, and, it seems, yesterday, and wrote that vovchansk is difficult, yesterday they were stopped they, the promotion of storm z russian, and actually broke it, but street fighting city
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surrounded and... he says that there was no first line of fortification and mines on this part of the front, and he writes about it emotionally, of course, a military man writes about the fact that in two years concrete fortifications were supposed to stand on the ukrainian border in minus three floors, and there were not even mines, we come to the opinion that this is either a rampant theft or deliberate sabotage, this is what the military who are currently defending vovchansk write, the question really is, there is here... also such information as if fortifications were not ready even for 30%, but the officials demanded from the military signatures that everything has already been built, whether it is true, we will find out, you know, we all thoroughly investigated ilovaisk, so far the case is not closed, here, but everything is classified with us, so that, god forbid, the enemy does not find out where we are still swindled money with fortifications, suddenly they will find out where else
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they swindled, that... they will begin to advance, maybe there is a point in this, really, let's close all the information even more, well, that's right, you know, there is actually a request for the truth, because i just yesterday she met her classmate who lives in kharkiv came for a few days, took her daughter to a sports competition, and had a moment to talk with her, and she is not afraid to even admit out loud the possibility that she will have to leave kharkov, as she had to do. at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, but she has documents ready, she has some things that are important to her, to her family, to take in case of what, but she says, i don't know who to believe, i don't know where to get information to accept some solutions, mr. bohdan, that is you are getting information, we have to get it for the last two days, let's say...
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military yaroslavsky, the same butusa is there now, he is writing posts, well , you can already read the details there, whoever wants to read it, they demand, they don't demand, they don't ask enough, that's not enough, the 57th brigade, which is fighting there, is motorized infantry, they lack a lot of things, but regarding information, well, you know, i've been reading very few posts for the last two days from our head of administration sinigubov, well , they remind me of posts of belgorod. the governor, when he is there simply as a statistician listing something that fell, something that was bombed, and it is somehow impossible to draw any conclusions, no warnings, no opinions from this, yes, that is, it is about information, let’s say such a vacuum, not a vacuum, let’s say, but they don’t know, what to say, well , they don't know, they were bragging there about...


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