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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EEST

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communication, dear friends, and now another kateryna will appear on your screens, already our broadband, and she will tell the news of what has happened there in ukraine and the world in the last hour. katya, you have a word. greetings lesya, greetings andria, in a moment we will talk about the explosions at the electric substation in the lipitka region of the russian federation and the situation in the kharkiv region. news time on spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the situation in kharkiv oblast remains complex and dynamically changing, the enemy has achieved tactical success, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports this. enemy assaults and battles continue in several directions in the border villages. the russians used up to five battalions for the offensive on vovchansk.
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the occupiers do not count on losses, instead , ukrainian fighters hold the defense, inflict fire damage on the enemy, use unmanned systems for reconnaissance and for pinpoint strikes on the enemy. the northern border of kharkiv region is currently the most difficult direction, the kharkiv regional military administration announced. they noted that almost 6,000 residents were evacuated from the frontline areas. vova calls. residents oblast not to neglect safety and help evacuation. the enemy is shelling our respective positions, our border settlements. our soldiers hold their positions accordingly, it is difficult, but we continue to work. during the day, the occupiers struck 399 times in the zaporizhzhia region. this was reported by ivanfe, the head of the zaporizhzhia regional military administration. according
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to him, the enemy fired at nine settlements. the russians destroyed two residential buildings. fortunately, people were not injured. and at night, drones attacked an electrical substation in the lipetsk region of russia. traditionally, the local authorities said that all targets were shot down by air defense over the stanovlyan district, but the debris fell on the substation and a strong fire broke out. there are apparently no injured. i will note that the substation is located. at least 250 km from the ukrainian border. also at night there were explosions in the belgorod region of russia. the local authorities talk about the work of the air defense forces on the outskirts of belgorod. probably, due to the unsuccessful work of the russian anti-aircraft forces, there is the destruction of the infrastructure and the damage to several cars in the villages of cheremoshne and ustinka, allegedly there are also victims i would like to note that on may 12 in belgorod, the demolition of the rubble at the site of the explosion was completed. in an apartment building,
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the entrance collapsed there, it is known about 15 dead people, the destruction allegedly occurred due to the unsuccessful work of the air defense system. according to another version, it could have been a planned operation by russian special services to discredit the ukrainian army. russian dictator vladimir putin proposed to appoint former first vice prime minister andrii bilousov as minister of defense. he is a replacement. in this position, sergei shuigu, whom putin has already appointed secretary of the security council of russia, instead of mykola patrushev. this was reported in the kremlin. bilousov's candidacy still needs to be formally approved by the federation council's upper house of parliament. putin also made proposals for other positions in the cabinet. they should vote for the new government in the near future. since september 2023 , north korea has sent. russia has about
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6,700 containers with shells, yonhan writes about this with reference to the ministry of defense of south korea, where it is noted that north korean weapons manufactured in the 1970s are probably being transferred to russia. the pope, francis called for the exchange of prisoners between ukraine and russia and assured of his readiness to support any efforts in this direction. writes vatican news. the new statement of the pontiff was made not only about the war in ukraine, but also about the gas sector. the pontiff emphasizes that achieving peace is better than endless war. despite the fact that he was dismissed from the army, he returned to the front in the 22nd, and when he completely lost his health, he found himself in a peaceful life. nowadays serhii fabrika teaches civilians to fight, and also sews stretchers for the wounded. and veterinarians from kirovohrad oblast, our journalists
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will tell further. serhiy is an electrician by profession, the war for him began in 2014, but in... already within a year, the wounded fighter was disabled and after a full-scale invasion went to the front and miraculously avoided death again. mine explosive injury is multi-fragmented. at that moment , i joked that my head and heart remained intact. and this time it's a bit of a joke, there is no shelf. a little joke. have changed, because this time only my heart and tongue remained intact. after returning home, the veteran became interested in airsoft, now with help games teaches civilians the techniques of fighting, a million hryvnias, invested in weapons and ammunition,
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turned the land he received as a participant in hostilities into a training ground. to date , we have 70 drives, different, different systems, different regions. well, the most common systems in our country, in principle, i also have a number of machine guns, samples of both the post-soviet army and now nato weapons, machine guns, and also to be useful to the army, serhiy sews nights for the wounded, for his comrades in his native battalion , he has already sewn two hundred knives, they sew a lot of knives who is mine and what is mine. differs from others, first of all, i don't fold them into a tablet, why, because what is folded into a tablet, it lies in bags, and so it can stay there, in this form you attach it to the armor. serhii
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fabrika is confident that the task of his generation is to win this war. for this, everyone should join the fight. it's not, not high. it really is necessary to live somewhere, other landlords will come here, and they will come, if we do not fight, we, we will return in the 33rd-32nd year, they drew conclusions from all that, they already such a mistake will not be allowed, they will knock us all out already, already in ukraine, this is the last chance, there will be no more, from kropyvnytskyi. for espresso tv channel. we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solidarsky and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone. out in the open, in any weather
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, day or night. therefore, for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed, which will deliver to the combat zone. mobile repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. in general, our goal is uah 630,000. thanks to you, we have already managed to collect 155 hryvnias, so let's not delay, your help is very important, you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. and in lviv , the second round of the women's rugby 7 championship of ukraine took place at the youth stadium. super league teams. the victory was won by the odesa national team, but in general after the first and second the rounds are led by the lviv lioness team. there are two more rounds of the championship in ivano-frankivsk and kyiv. expectations were that at home our lionesses would show class and repeat
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their success, the one that happened two weeks ago in odesa and take first place in the tour. but, unfortunately, today we lost a long time ago to odessa. we will win the championship, although this year we have very serious competitors, in the form of the metal player 19825, and once and traditionally from odessa. well, we expected more, of course, to get all the victories, unfortunately, it didn't work out, but we will work on it mistakes, there is still plenty of time before the third round and the fourth as well. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on a hot topic in the shorts section, subscribe, comment
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your important thoughts to us, be there every day. to find out more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website, as well as: on our social networks, in a moment meet my colleagues, andrii saichuk and lesya vakalyuk, we will see you at 10 o'clock. well, dear friends, we are back on the air, we are continuing our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working in this studio for you today until 12 o'clock and throughout this week, until sunday inclusive, you will be in our company, we hope you enjoy it , i see that there is a fierce tradition, a tradition, my god, what am i talking about, a fierce discussion about language, its importance. under our youtube broadcast , since we spoke with bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council
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about how the teacher addressed the children at the prom rehearsal in russian, dear friends, listen, if there is such a fierce discussion, and there is someone who believes that language is important, someone who is not really important, that now it is more important to survive, i think we will come together with... you are on the same page, it is important to support our army, so now the attention is on the screen and there will be all the necessary props to do this, please join us, we are raising, we have to raise a huge amount, as much as 4 million hryvnias, eh, it looks scary you know, uh, it looks scary, but if you take, scan the qr code or write down the card number and transfer some amount of the game. then it is not so scary, and this amount will be little by little, little by little, and we will catch up
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with it, in order for us to have a tenth of this amount, we need to raise some 90,000 more, dear friends, because just now we have there are 310,518 uah, and there will be 90,000 plus, then we will already have 4,000 uah, but 4,000 uah is no longer the case. and it's not enough, it's the 10th part of 4 million. so please get involved more actively, the more your donations, the sooner we will catch up to the 4000 mark and then go beyond it, also watch for the appearance of qr codes on the screen, that qr code appears here, and there is also a card number, if anyone does not know that to use the qr code, how to scan it, then simply write down the card number and transfer it either... with the help of a phone, or with the help of an application, or go to the post office, or
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go to an ibox somewhere, or go to our youtube broadcast, there is also a description and a link, well, we are in the meantime, while you are donate and listen to us, we will talk about sumy oblast, and volodymyr bitsak, deputy chairman of the sumy district council is already with us, mr. volodymyr, good morning, how did sumy oblast survive this night, i greet you, the northeastern outpost of the defense of our state. well, as always, let's say this, it's not sad, unfortunately, if we take the dynamics of shelling over the last week, then on may 9 there were about 300 of them, then it decreased to 57-68, yesterday at 9 pm there were already 160 explosions on in sumy, there were such terrible cases, as happened to the woman the day before yesterday was killed by a rocket in the suburbs of sum, who was riding a bicycle. let's say so, i didn't touch anyone, uh, yesterday in the bilopolsk, oh, excuse me,
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krasnopil community, a man died, an elderly man and his two, he was in his yard, two members of his family were injured, last week such prohibited types were used weapons, such as phosphorus, it was in the jonakov community that the phosphorus tsrzv was launched and in the khotyn community they were also beaten with phosphorus, people are starting to make such... earthen ramparts near the houses, because phosphorus, if we know how to extinguish it it is impossible, if there is oxygen, then it burns until it burns out, therefore, even with some minimal actions, there are earthen mounds of houses, well, they pile up near the houses so that the houses do not burn, unfortunately, such events in our country, let's put it this way, are not very funny sumy has a two-iron border with the russian federation, and in the neighboring region we have now seen that it turns out like this... a breach of the border is possible, and now we are watching
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what is happening near kharkiv, but from sumy to the regional center of the sob region to the russian border as well completely not much, i don't know how many kilometers there are 50, so how in sumy are they now watching what is happening in kharkiv, what are the considerations regarding the situation in sumy, this group is also stationed there, as well as russian troops. well , look, about the panicky or not panicky mood there, there really is such a little tension, er, because let's say so, look, info, info for... talked with the people of karkov, nothing like that, but the battles are fierce, that's why i think , that you should trust only official sources of information, do not be led by all this propaganda of theirs, about
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sumy region, but a temporary evacuation has been announced for bilopol' and fortune-telling. for a month, the mayor of the city of bilopillia reported, they provide buses, the snowball charity fund, and also the big pisorovka, which was also announced at that time to be evacuated, and evacuation transport is also provided. designated hostels where they will temporarily live. we know, we saw a very interesting video from bilopol, in fact, which you mention, and where the evacuation is currently underway, this the video was shared on facebook by the mayor of bilopil, yury zarko, or zarko, i don't know how to emphasize correctly, there
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an icon stopped the debris from the hail, if we can now show this video to our viewers, and we can show it to you, mr. volodya. let's comment, the icon was really leaning against the wall, ugh, and this fragment flew in, and in fact the icon held back that fragment, because there is such a hole in the wall, and there are small, small damages on the icon, andriy and i conducted such a small investigation here, yes so what, we can show it video, we can, yes, yes, now we will show it, we just started looking at this icon. here, here is this video, you see, there is a hole in the wall from the hail, and then they turn the icon over and somewhere it got stuck in it. what is interesting about this icon, it is beautiful, embroidered, so beautifully and well embroidered, but we started to look closely, and it says, her saint,
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blessed one, or some prince yuriy, yuriy, that is, if you read it in ukrainian. i don't know, it's probably in russian above, and we started to find out what kind of st. yuri it is, what kind of person, what kind of person our viewers say, they say, i found information on the website of the uoc of the ukrainian orthodox church, and we know that there is an ocu, but for the uoc this means that the mp will be in brackets, they do not write that, and there is already more information there. well, it was there that i found this information about this prince, because it was somehow difficult, and this is the prince who, it turns out, founded nizhny novgorod and went to defend moscow and ryazan, which were attacked by the tatars. yes, there are such decorations in our history, by the way, the city of bilopol' is currently
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suffering from fire strikes as much as possible, in the past it was a week. if i'm not mistaken, 12 cabs flew by them around the city almost to the center, today there is information that at night this city was also shelled with hail, so, so to speak, maybe the icon and it there reflect some things, but i believe that the lord god on on our side, this is evidenced by the fact that may 9 was triumphantly spent in moscow, how the snow fell, so it shows a lot. things that should be going on in russia, but unfortunately, last week there was a court session, consideration of the first session regarding inciting inter-religious enmity, the abbot of sumy divlogia, aka guchenko in the world, unfortunately, it was closed due to the fact that
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documents were submitted to the court on behalf of the accuser, on behalf of the parties of the accusation, and it was... closed, well, these are decorations, let's say so, well, in the third year of the war , we have, unfortunately, very unfortunately, and this leads to very, shall we say, bad words, which cannot be voiced on the air, i say so, well, it is interesting that in ukrainians it all comes together somehow , incongruous, the saint was difficult for the moscow patriarchate, even in the 13th century, everything was scary, so confused, this same yuri, that... all volodovych, he was like, he went to chernihiv with the army, then to kyiv, then he fought with those polovtsians, then he went to mordovia. his daughter was actually the wife of the prince vasylka, maybe he tried to rehabilitate himself in this way now, they are protecting against the russian cities, it was terribly chaotic at the time
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, but what do we need to understand that these were in fact russian princes, although he himself, by the way, yuriyke, he often wrote as a moron and as a khan than as a prince, well, it can be seen that such was the specificity the eastern one the direction of this movement, but, but despite all that they show us what an example, that in fact, when the mongols rushed to the tatar-mongolian, it was all moved by the army and baty, then he was called this yuri vselodych the greatest such destroyer of russia, because the fact that he most of all quarreled with all of them and most disturbed those of all kinds, i apologize for the non-historical expression of the term those. you all know the warriors between them, those feudal ones, then, accordingly, everyone was very weakened, they could not unite and stop
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the actual tatar-mongol troops, the army is united, and it is good, good, in the end, it is a good illustration of what unity is and that without it, the slavs will actually lose, the slavs will lose, and now we are again seeing a non-slavic war of non-words by the russians, because they are mostly russians. these are not slavs, they are the ones who stole this slavic culture, slavic, they are stealing, yes, yes, they are stealing everything, and now they are trying to free us from our history, our language, our, our lands, they wanted to steal that one, but didn't chamoshni, as in fact, as with the fortifications, mr. volodymyr, because we can see what i did not hear, did not feel, as with the fortifications on the border, because what... what the military will say today, that they did not build there, not on heights, they built anywhere, they built only at 30% readiness, they wrote that everything is ready, and now we have the consequences of vovchan, well, i would
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say that in my personal opinion, there are a lot of fortifications, both capital and concrete buildings, and wooden dugouts, overlaps and blocked gaps, all this is almost 90 percent done, i think. it is difficult for me to appreciate that in the direction of vovchan, in our direction, i believe that the fortification is really well done, and in case of any attempt to break through there, there will be somewhere, there will be someone to give a decent rebuff, well, thank you very much , mr. volodymyr, volodymyr bitsak, deputy chairman of the sumy district council was with us, they talked about what is happening in the sumy region, well, a little bit. you know, after all, the official announcement, you know that this, last week , information appeared from the prosecutor general's office that, in
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principle, they announced to a well-known businessman, ah the suspicion that he could involve members of a gang that specialized in committing serious and particularly serious crimes, physical violence against competitors. a businessman, they attacked the director of one of the legal companies and stabbed him , so that this businessman, so to speak, so to speak, they brought these charges against him, they did not say who he was, but they published his picture, so please look into the face of this person, maybe you have seen him somewhere recently, right? saying, he has already been searched, well, that's it none the less, i think it's important information, lesya, you can't recognize who it could be, i don't know, for the first time, it's not a pixelman, no, a pixelman,
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it's hard to see the real one behind the pixels, but the pixel is clearly not zsu, not zsu, this pixel is not ours, not ukrainian, less so, gentlemen, let’s take a short break now, next will be serhii tsyhotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakoi handziuk, we will learn what is going on at the front from the mouth of a military man, leave it . with us, what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery - it is not the absence of fear. bahmud is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. our dnibro. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are boys who
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never cry. lemberg, mommy, don't cry, a book by the writer olena cherninka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine, and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. fm galicia. listen to yours. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. kratal contains natural components that carefully care
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in the center of the main. request a magazine. ukraine at points of sale. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is a shipping district. kherson is included live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who
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became many. in relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. well, we come back sometimes, listen, it's very interesting about bilhorod, recently i saw a video for the first time, how a ukrainian drone flies there in broad daylight, the local tacos are filming it all. they comment on the guy, he is so small, he flies like that, he flies, they are like that, oh, a drone is flying, oh, and there are all kinds of military vehicles driving there, and here on one big military vehicle, the drone falls, there is such an explosion, the car is on fire, everyone shouts, shouts, like that, but you know me it's funny that that entrance collapsed there, but not from our drone, well, not from our drone, then from their cab, from their cab, but the same mosquitoes, that's why they're not afraid of our
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drones, because they're more scary their office we know that it was from their caboose, which broke off from the pylons of their own plane, the muscovites have their version that it is, at first the first version , artillery shells flew to belgorod, you know, if we had such artillery shells, they would have already flown i would like to go to the kremlin, unfortunately not, for now temporarily, but later right away, they understand that the version of the artillery projectile is not suitable, there are no such projectiles, that’s fine, okay, it’s not a projectile, it’s a point v, almost a point. there is such a dot dot dot, dear friends, serhiy tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov hondzyuk, is already with us, mr. serhiy, good morning, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory, mr. serhiy, if you can say, where you are, tell me what your situation is.


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