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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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well, not from our drone, then from their kabu, from their kabu, but the same moska, that is why they are not afraid of our drones, because with them their kabu are scarier, but then they know that it is from their kabu, which broke from the pylons of their own plane, the muscovites have their version that this is the first version that artillery shells flew to belgorod, you know, if we had such artillery shells, they would have already flown to the kremlin, unfortunately, there is nothing here temporarily, and then immediately like, well , they understand that it's like an artillery version the projectile well... it doesn’t fit at all, well, there are no such projectiles, so, well, okay, it’s not a projectile, it’s what then, dot y, almost immediately dot y, there is such a dot, dot, dot, dot, dear friends, already with us is serhii tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, mr. serhii, good morning, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory, mr. serhii, if you can tell me where you are, tell me what your situation is. well, traditionally,
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let's say, the brigade's area of ​​responsibility is primarily a hot spot, today this is the pokrovsky direction, pokrovsky and kurakhivskyi, two directions that split today, which means that there were more than 40 attacks on the pokrovsky direction of the enemy's assault actions, but these are primarily settlements such as umyansk. yasnobrodivka and netelov, but in netelov this morning three units of bmp-2 enemy vehicles were engaged, two of which were knocked out, the third turned around and fled, but in the kurakhiv direction, this is primarily the settlement of krasnohorivka, also assaults, the enemy there four times he tried for the oak tree to break through the defense, but withdrew, while losing. in a t-72 tank, this is how it is, briefly,
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the enemy continues to fire at civilian objects in the rear, ours in the rear, today the settlement of selidove was fired at by s-300 missiles, and private buildings were destroyed there, an educational institution and so on another, that is , the enemy has almost doubled the number of shellings, dropped drones twice over the last few days, and at the same time is also suffering colossal losses, if on average we previously counted, somewhere there were a thousand occupiers, over the past day, 1,700 have already been liquidated, and the number of their killed has almost doubled, where are the russians in a hurry, why are they trying to act actively now,
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we unequivocally believe that... to capture the territories, before we already have, let's say, enough of the ammunition that we all expect, enough, they are already starting to arrive, but in any case, it takes time, that's why their tasks are being watched very carefully, and also need to understand that the enemy is constantly amassing forces, constantly renewing its, let's say, industry, which was standing there somewhere, and they have no other goal than to destroy their neighbors, to destroy everything, everything good, democratic, that's what is going on in their a section of their, i don’t know what to call them, occupation plans, er, if we talk now about the kharkiv direction, then what the soldiers who are now... there
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near vovchansk complain about is that the fortifications were not good enough, at least in the opinion of those who are there now, and there are, for example, now simply now yuriy butusov, the same journalist, is in the military, there are others who are also commenting on it somehow in social networks, who hoped that there would be better fortifications, mr. serhiy, how about yours, your section of the front? well, let's say, the work is being done, it's been going on for a long time, and let's say, it's us, we, we directly in the brigade carried out these works even before the enemy's offensive on avdiivka, but i think that in this situation, you know, that that are constantly published, it is necessary to distinguish a little, here and pso russian, firstly, and secondly, if these are the facts that have been discovered. that somewhere
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someone did not do something, these people or organizations should be held responsible, and where organizations have leaders, they should be held accountable, and it doesn't matter if they are military or civilian. are there officials of any level who would be involved in this, who would be responsible for this area, because you understand, if in the armed forces of ukraine, let's say, a commander of a certain level does not fulfill the assigned task, then he will be punished in any way in another way, and will not occupy that position, if it led to some, let's say, large losses and there damage, destruction. and everything else is his fault, and how can it be that something is not done somewhere, and it is simply fixed, as it is simply not done, it does not happen, they must answer, and that is the point, there can be no compromises here, moreover, when there is a war in the country, and it brings with it
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a lot of destruction, it brings with it the loss of life and health of our people, citizens, mr. serhiy, for you and for ours... i will say that we are gathering for the military, which is hosted by the espresso tv channel, today uah 10,000 have already been collected, and i will say to our viewers now that the military are all our defenders, but it is those who from the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk also collect a considerable amount, we want to collect 4 million, and they want to collect 3 million. are collecting requirements for the position of bomber pilots, mr. serhiy, tell us a little about this collection and you also say that the russians are trying to advance and bite off as much ukrainian territory as possible, while the ukrainians are waiting, the ukrainian army is waiting for help from the west, actually, how are you doing
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without this western help, and what saves you, what helps, how is your collection progressing in the end, well, the collection is progressing weakly, but... thank you to everyone who joins, it is very necessary, it allows us, after all, you said correctly, to oppose the enemy, to approach, let's say, the main types of weapons, there are ammunition, which we even expect, that's why this collection is precisely for our pilots, unmanned systems, complexes of various modifications, which allows today, let's say, actively to destroy the enemy, in that among them, i will say, today our pilots... shot down, destroyed a t-72 tank, and this is a weapon that is powerful, that will bring a very great danger, so, well, plus a large number of infantry and so on, but how do we escape, how uh, the team of the brigade is united, the units
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interact very closely with each other, and so, you know how to feel, today everyone has a good understanding of what it is like to be an infantryman, let's say at... at zero, oh, and this is what inspires, this is when he knows that he has artillery behind him, that above, above him, our drones are flying, our, oh, and, and it inspires and ensures, including the life and health of ours, first of all infantrymen, this must be understood, that's why, thank you, join in, if only someone can, let's say, instead of this one cup of coffee that you won't drink , say, for or drink one less than. it will be of great help to us, mr. sergey, besides the fact that we are now showing a qr code to our viewers, and they can actually donate to the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade from this qr code, where else can they find information if suddenly did not have time scan this qr code, on our
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facebook and instagram pages there is this qr code, there is a card number, so please, if there is an opportunity, please join us. well, viewers of espresso, you know, such people who do not need to be specially invited, like the viewers of some other entertaining, humorous shows, these are people who respond very quickly and try to support the army by all possible means, who how much has, but they are transferring it, so i hope that something will happen for your collection as well, thank you for the conversation, serhiy tsehotskyi, officer of the 59th. of the separate motor-infantry brigade named after yakov handyuk was with us, i don't know how much was achieved during this time, while we were talking with him about donating to the 59th separate motor-infantry brigade named after yakov handyuk. in the meantime, i will say that for our collection, which
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is held by the espresso tv channel, for the 93rd separate motorized infantry brigade, for which we are collecting atvs that will help evacuate soldiers from the battlefield. who will help deliver ammunition to the battlefield, we are for today 11,000 have already been collected in the morning, and some 80,000 separate us from having it in our country. 4,000 hryvnias, and 4,000 hryvnias will already be the 10th part of the required amount of 4 million hryvnias. dear friends, we are going to take a break, and before that i will literally, you know, briefly say that my beloved laurence friedman, a military historian, a military expert from the royal university, british, london, published it, by the way, a translation into hb, here i also advertise colleagues and columns. wrote a very interesting analysis of what goes into it is happening now at the front, he says, is
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a turning point really coming, do you remember this aristovych, three this week will be decisive and so on and so on, so this is the same turning point putin spoke about the turning point in our country this time, and this is exactly what laurence friedman begins his review with a bit of sarcasm, he says that the ninth is fighting for the third time, this third time is celebrating the great day of may 9... putin's victories shone in moscow, but each time each next may 9, he will be sadder and sadder, for example, in the 22nd year, on may 9 , there were still a few 100 or so vehicles in the parade, and last year there were only 30 or so vehicles in the parade, and this time there was only one t-34, a tank that had already 70 years, here... all the equipment is on parade, because all the equipment is now needed at the front to carry out offensives in ukraine,
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this is also such a certain evidence of what is happening, and it says that, probably, at the end of the past, at at the beginning of this year, to sum it up so briefly, friedmand says that putin had, perhaps, the hope that that he is winning this war, because the us congress has messed something up there, it is not clear what, here, but now, no matter how he shows, time is not working for russia. russia is slowly being exhausted in this war and the economy, in particular, and he says that one way or another, the situation will only worsen for russia by the end of the year. the pendulum has not yet swung the other way, but russia's great onslaught has not led to decisive results. her situation may worsen by the end of the year. here is the summary. to talk about what
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is happening at the front, well, and also about these reshuffles in the russian defense departments, changed the bath attendant to the accountant to the minister of defense position, about this after a short pause, stay with us. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmer recors unpack tv, order in time at a special price. only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult- to-reach places near fences along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, cut bushes and even branches. simple and easy. by. big, heavy mowers are a thing of the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. light and
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what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alochol with care and respect for the liver and bile. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, it would be even better we will have a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see the saturday politics club
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every saturday on espresso. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life, bc lift, boys' suspension, quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to join nato in gathering from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade cold bright in the direction of times. well, dear friends, we are back, we will continue our marathon, now is the time to talk to the military an expert on what is happening at the front. serhiy zurets, military expert, director of defense-express company joins us. in the meantime, i will say that 19 have already been collected this morning. and it literally increased twice in the last
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couple of minutes, and while there was a pause, in fact, our viewers threw in donations, and you can still throw in donations. uh, join in, please, we need 81 thousand to have 400 thousand, and this is a tenth of the required amount for quad bikes. mr. serhiu, good morning, good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers, let's go, probably from the kharkiv front, if, if you can say so, what is happening there, or those, well, actually, now what i hear the most, so to speak, of records just in conversations with people, including from kharkiv, they say, well, we... were assured that everything is fine, and, by the way, our guest from kharkiv also said this today, and, that is , also bohdan kachuk, the deputy of the local district, he says: we were told that we have everything here reliably, and suddenly, then they said that it was all ipso, then they said that it was all drg, and now we see that it is quite the same, this kind of offensive, mr. sergiu, well, really, when we talk about
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the situation north of kharkiv , here we have gone through different stages of perception of this... situation, now we see that russia is carrying out such raid-offensive actions in two directions, one direction is towards vovchansk, the second direction is in the direction of lypka, it is just that and the area where within 3x-4 km of the enemy entered our territory, and now in fact... we understand that the enemy is trying to pursue a number of goals there, this is, in particular, really, these are precisely attempts to stretch our reserve forces, which are already in principle being transferred to these areas, when we are talking about both the povchansky and the zone lypians, to create prerequisites for shelling kharkiv, if they manage to secure such a certain buffer
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sanitary zone, which they talked about, and create conditions for... offensive actions that primarily threaten the kupyansk zone. all these, these three three components are now theoretical are present in russian actions, but on the other hand , we must also take into account the actions of the armed forces. we are talking about the fact that at least three brigades are now redeployed to the areas that i mentioned, they are preparing to hold and hold the front line, which... on the one hand , is directly along the border, and when we talk about fortifications, then they are somewhat distant from the lines of evidence that we are talking about now, and there have been several videos that suggest that fortifications exist, as well as overseas intelligence assessments indeed, there are satellites in the winter, which say that the lines of fortification, they
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are located at a distance of more than 5 km from there and further along this line are present, but in any case, now we really see that the enemy is watching his actions subdivisions, he hopes to strengthen them by defining what is possible there more or less. areas in our defense, and then this is superimposed on the essential information support of this operation. now we seem to be falling into a trap when we begin to perceive it precisely as a significant threat, although from the point of view of from the point of view of the enemy's forces and means, we are saying that the enemy does not have enough forces for offensive actions on kharkiv, but for conventionally speaking, stretching the front line and withdrawing our reserves, first of all from donbas, this story with... russian actions actually proves it, in in any case, we cannot ignore these actions of the enemy, we are forced to redeploy certain brigades, which i
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have already mentioned, there are also the 57th, 42nd, 92nd, 92nd brigades, which have already moved to this area, and now the general staff must clearly define that fine balance between overturning forces in this direction and the maintenance of forces in donbas, because... conditionally speaking , this is a double trap created by the russian federation, if we do not shift enough forces, then they begin to intensify actions in the donbas direction, if conditionally speaking, we will get the old sections of the front without strengthening the kharkiv direction, that is, threats are created for the advance of russian forces, first of all in the vovchanchansk-kupyansk zone, i think that this section... of the front is important for the enemy, because it is possible to advance there along the river siverskyi donets, this can be seen from the geography of these
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approaches of the enemy and then try, relatively speaking, between these areas of siverskyi donetsk and kupyansk, which is also near the oskil river, this zone between the two bodies of water, try to push through now. the account of rapprochement with the russian federation and the transfer of additional forces there. the situation in principle, the general staff usually says, is difficult, but controlled, and i repeat, now the informational component still prevails over the real military threat that exists in this area. residents of kharkiv, residents of sumy, they ask whether it is necessary to pack things already, whether it is necessary to prepare to be ready at any moment so that you... go to leave the city, mr. serhiy, what, what can you tell them, because people say that now they don't know where to look for information, they don't know who to believe, well , in fact, the state authorities reported
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about the areas where evacuation is needed, when we talk about vovchansk, it only started there a few days ago, it seems that 600 people remained there, a large part of them left vavchansk when we if we are talking about kharkiv, then we... understand that the enemy has used cabs, artillery, and rockets there to attack kharkiv, now, of course, he will try, if the enemy's idea of ​​advancing deep into our territory succeeds, then then , in fact, certain areas of kharkiv are under threat from artillery fire, this is, of course, one of the enemy's tasks to create pressure on the population of kharkiv. to leave the city in view of the threat of increased shelling of this important settlement, so that in any case such a threat certainly exists, and
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then, conditionally speaking, the issue of evacuation from kharkiv is, conditionally speaking, well, clear coordination with the authorities, but i repeat, the enemy's offensive forces are not enough to cover or enter kharkiv there, but they are enough for shelling this city. and could something similar happen, for example, on the sumy border, or are we in sumy oblast, are we ready for it? in fact, when we talk about these regions, bryansk, kursk and belgogorod, relatively speaking, there are 50,000 personnel, 35 are directed to kharkiv, and the rest, in principle, i do not rule out that just areas of sumy and even there and the kurdish direction, they can also be used as a basis. of the russian strategy of the current stage of expanding the front line and forcing the armed forces to use their power of means on a wider section of the front, so to speak,
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the situation and... in the kurdish direction and in terms of sums, it also remains rather alarming considering the fact that that the enemy can really resort to actions in these directions with his small forces, and one way or another, no matter how small the blows were, all the same this will force us to use our reserves, here are these changes in russia, in their defense sector, what does this mean, the shaygu will now be on another. in the position of secretary of the security council, they say that, by the way, they say that alexander ii, the russian tsar, has a catchphrase attributed to him that russia has only two allies, the army and the navy, we have always had only two allies shoigo and gerasimo, only one remained, because they, thanks to their stupidity and corruption, seem to have helped a lot all those two years, what will happen now? well, really, for us it would be better if shoigo remained the minister of defense in russia, that's for sure, but now we
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see. andrii bilousova, the first such reshuffle in the russian military leadership, will now be appointed to this position, he seems to be 65 years old there, he is more focused on economic changes, on the use of his own defense and industrial complex, probably, let's say so, well, self-sufficiency in the creation of weapons samples, that is, in fact, this economic component in the activities of the ministry of defense of the russian federation will now, as i see it, dominate where they will try to find a balance with a bet on more production of weapons, with a reliance on import substitution and the creation , including an increase in the number of drones, because the same bilousov has recently
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been responsible for this direction. to shoigu, then he is now going to the position of the head of the national security and defense council there, will be responsible for the issue of military-technical cooperation, remaining, relatively speaking, putin's left or right hand there, but the most interesting thing is what will happen to patrushev, because everyone they said that patrushev is such a gray cardinal, on whom all the special services close, and from time to time those who wanted to... deal with the russian federation, there they contacted through patrushev, by the way, this also applied to the americans there, when the heads of the cia met with patrushev in complex periods there, which must have required clarification of relations, and now we will see what will happen to patrushev, whether putin distances him from himself, or in fact some position will be invented for patrushev there, which preserves patryshev's influence on this block
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of special services. and what remains is also important gerasimov, in fact this means that the russian federation's strategy of action will not change, we know that after all this hybrid strategy of gerasimov, it works, we are talking from ipso to hostilities and to strikes on critical infrastructure, because if we look there about this analysis of gerasimov's hybrid strategy, one way or another it is now implemented in many. components of the confrontation with ukraine as well, when the enemy , first of all, is now starting to activate ibso and military actions, and in particular strikes on infrastructure, so in any case i do not i see, i don't expect any changes on the front line from her opponent. mr. serhiy, thank you, serhiy zurets, a military expert from the defense express company, was with us. dear friends, next on our airwaves will be the project of radio liberty morning freedom, from our colleagues, andriy and i will return at 9:45, we will continue
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our marathon. i would like to remind you that at 9:00 a.m. across the country we commemorate those ukrainians who died because russia wants to occupy us, so let's take a minute to remember them. we will honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and civilians with a moment of silence of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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