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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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at 9:45 we will continue our marathon, and let me remind you that at 9:00 we will honor the memory of those ukrainians who died because russia wants to occupy us, so let's take a minute to remember them. we will observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war. that it was unleashed by russia.
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the fighting for vovchansk continues, people are being evacuated from the area under constant shelling, the authorities are again accused of not building ... rubble in the destroyed entrance of the house, so what exploded there? this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting. and let's start with the situation on the battlefield: in kharkiv oblast, the russian army has a tactical success, battles are being fought for the city of vovchansk, this is announced in the ukrainian general staff, and according to the ukrainian side, the military. used significant
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forces to launch an attack on the city in the composition of up to five battalions, that the russian army continues to advance to vovchansk and tries to gain a foothold on the outskirts for further entry into the city, the analysts of the deep state project also report. in the meantime, the russian ministry of defense writes that the russian military advanced deep into the ukrainian defense and captured the settlements of gatishche, krasne, morokhovets and oliinikovo, and here are the analysts. this information is confirmed by the villages marked in red on the map, that is, they are occupied. the ukrainian general staff is talking only about assaults in this direction. in the meantime , oleksandr yakuvets, the head of the administration of the state special service of transport, said on the air of the telethon that fortification equipment of defense structures in the kharkiv region is carried out in several directions. he says that the most prepared fortification lines are those located at a certain distance from. border and front line.
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information about the possibility of equipping three-story concrete structures under the influence of enemy fire. to put it mildly, this is absurd. this devalues ​​the efforts made today by military personnel of engineering units and civilian personnel. and first of all, those losses are devalued civilian personnel and personnel of units that equip defensive lines, and carry out under constant fire of the enemy, risking their lives. this is a statement. of the state special transport service appeared against the background of the authorities' accusations of the lack of fortifications in this direction, for example, military officer denys yaroslavskyi wrote on facebook, quote: the first line of fortification was simply not there, and there were simply no mines, the enemy freely entered the gray zone along the entire border line, which in principle should not be gray. end quotes the deputy head of the kharkiv regional military administration, roman semenukha
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, called on the networks not to spread disinformation, noted that the ukrainian defense forces are currently occupying fortifications built by the forces of the regional administration. meanwhile , evacuation is taking place from vovchansk and okolitsi due to increased fighting and shelling. only yesterday, 1,600 people were taken from the vovchan direction, so they say in ova, and over the last three days, more than 5,500 people were taken from there. it still remains in vavchansk itself.
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hope you will come back, of course, what are they doing here, everyone hopes. yes, they are climbing to rob us, oh, i ask the waterman, why did you come, well, everything goes for money, even a student said for money, nothing, nothing, let’s sit down, yes, oh-oh-oh, yes, hold me sew, hold, she's on her feet, i'm holding, i 'm holding, don't be afraid, sit down, sit down, sit down, don't be afraid, oh, oh, thank you,
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turn around, phone, documents, and... are you staying? yes, what? and why don't you go? and who will i go to? my dear i have no one, my legs don't want to walk alone i have see how i flash this is such a son. nowhere to go, no one. that's how they help everyone in kharkiv. and everyone, everyone, let them help, let god help them all, let them help. yes, it's not scary to stay, here already. my friends are by my side, well, let them go, so as not to kill them, son, even if they kill there, even if they kill here, then i will know what i think, and that's it, there is no one, everyone scattered, they left
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me alone like an orphan, and they did it, side with them, christ with them, god forbid, forbid. these shots were shot by maryankushnir, a correspondent of radio svoboda. maryan, i congratulate you, thank you joined our broadcast. congratulations. maryan, tell me where you've been, what you've seen, what the situation is like and how many people really want to leave vovchansk now, and is it possible to evacuate everyone who wants to? well, first of all vovchansk very much. a tense situation, because when we were there, the russian army was already storming the outskirts of the settlement, we came to one of the houses where there was a man or a woman who had to be evacuated, we simply could not get to this house, because right next to this house there was already
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shells burst, and the russian army tried to attack the infantry of the armed forces of ukraine, they fired back there, and we had to leave there, and there are a lot of such areas there, because... the russian army has already reached the city of vovchansk, you could even hear a shooting battle in the middle of the city, but in the end, what is the situation there? it was not possible to see, because it was very dangerous, the russian army uses such a kind of barrage of fire there, and therefore it exposes to danger, in particular, the police and volunteers who are engaged in the evacuation of civilians, civilians, so many people want to leave, because all of them have already... been in the occupation in 2022, and understand perfectly well what can be expected of them, and this is such a picture, when the majority wants to leave, of course there are people who do not want to leave, and these are mostly elderly people , who explain that these are their homes, they don't know where they should go next, well
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, what will happen, such a minority, in the majority , people leave with children, take their pets with them, and when we left, we even took them with us pet... poultry in the car, i.e. they all leave and understand, that if they do not take it with them, then it will be destroyed, and it will be destroyed because the russian army does not choose a target in vovchansk, but destroys the city completely, that is, when we were there, we saw, i just saw how the shells fell randomly in any - what a house, where there are not even soldiers there, there are no living people there at all, and they are destroying everything, everything, everything in a row. that's why people want to leave there, but it's extremely risky now, because the offensive is intensifying, and the use of artillery, including fpv drones, is very active there. maryan, but about that those people who remained and in general before
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the evacuation, whether it has been happening for a long time, whether it was possible to somehow get more people out the day before, that the people themselves tell why they waited until this moment, it seems in the material or on the public, or where i saw it there.. that's what they said, we used to come to you, we asked you to leave, but now people have to be taken out under shelling, you mentioned that a lot of people's resources are really involved in helping civilians. to leave, what people say, we hoped until the last that there would not be such a thing heavy fighting in their city, well , that's right, they didn't expect that the russian army would go and occupy the city, and until the end they expected that it was them, but when the shelling increased more and more, and according to preliminary data, as a local woman told , this happened for 10 days, the shelling increased and people realized that... it was time to get out, i had a picture when a woman came up to us and said: guys,
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maybe i can stay here for a day or two, i'm here chickens, and i tell her that it is so dangerous that it is not a fact that you are two days away will you be able to stay here, i asked her to get into the car, and she then quickly took the documents and left for the evacuation, in your material, we just showed it, i will remind the audience that i will say in general that a larger version of the material from the vovchan evacuation can be found on... the youtube channel of radio liberty ukraine, there was a woman there who did not want to go, because she says that she has nowhere to go, and therefore she stays, literally alone in the city, in general, where people are taken, and whether they are met or not they won't stay, you know, there in the open, and do they report it people, do they understand this, why she decided to stay after all, well , it is extremely difficult to convey anything to people under fire, you will understand, when you... arrive, you have very few minutes to take people, and they still they take their personal belongings with them, at
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the same time the artillery reminds them that they need to sew their legs, and no one will do this kind of explanatory conversation in vovchansk, but they are told to leave, and there they are waiting for buses, the emergency services, the police , doctors, after which they are sent to kharkiv, where there are distribution points where people come. and kharkiv itself is now such an island of safety for the majority, then, as a traditional evacuation scheme, people are sent to various settlements of ukraine, of course this is not explained to anyone here and now on the spot, and there it is not a moment of conversation, it is a moment of survival, and it is necessary to make a decision immediately and leave, if people stay, well, they stay, it is their choice, however... to this woman, personally, even i, who is in my video, said that she would be settled in
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she will have the opportunity to live further, but from my experience in many settlements where people remain despite hostilities, people believe until the last that their home is me and that they will stay in their home, in their native place, it is difficult for people to leave their native walls maryan, tell me what the military says, if... you had the opportunity to talk, and in general about the situation, you know, you cover some kind of war, you have to tell the viewers who don't know, well, since 2014 , that is, not the last ones there two years of full scale invasion, you are one of the the most experienced military journalists in ukraine, and if we talk about the expected, unexpected offensive there, well , there was a lot of information about the fact that the russian forces are going to attack like that, and about fortification, for example, you can see it now , i think in social networks and the military. they write about the fact that the fortifications were not sufficiently prepared, the authorities say that they were preparing, can you explain here,
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tell what the situation is, for example, with these defensive fortifications? i can only talk about what i am visually i saw, there are fortification structures in kharkiv region, they are prepared, but the question is at which boundaries, if closer to kharkiv, then there are really prepared boundaries, and those boundaries have been prepared for a long time. time, as far as vovchansk, there are no such lines there, this allowed the russian army to advance, why not, this question should be asked of the responsible persons who were engaged in the line of defense along the border of ukraine, and i did not have the opportunity to communicate with the military, since at this stage for press this direction closed because the defensive phase is active . maryana, and i also understand that i am addressing you as... people with experience who can discuss about it, as far as there is, well, we see, you just said about these fortifications,
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other journalists there say about it, for example, there, yuriy botusov remarks about this, how sensitive such information is in general, during active hostilities, during the time when russian troops are breaking through there in the kharkiv region, how appropriate or inappropriate it is to talk about it, to mention it on the air, in social networks, because you know, there are also many discussions about this, how should it be? within the limits and freedom of speech, important information, so as not to harm the army. well, let's face it, silence can also harm the army, the fact is that... everyone understands very well that from vovchansk to the border there are only a few kilometers, and the russian occupation army is abroad, which has already come to vovchansk once before and took this settlement , already sought to seize kharkiv, so the question is only rhetorical, and why is there nothing concreted there, for example,
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why are there no high-quality fortifications there, why are the soldiers forced to... stand knee-deep in trenches and defend the territory, well, this is not appropriate, and these questions should be asked, and well , i think that this is appropriate, because today it is vovchanskyi direction, tomorrow it is the donetsk direction, the day after tomorrow it is the zaporozhye direction, and then it may be the kyiv direction or maybe some others, so, well, if there is information, then the question... is logical and for the majority of both military and civilians, and why then yes, why the russian army managed to reach to the outskirts of vovchansk, without receiving , in fact, resistance there due to minefields there, or due to some obstacles, and only they met the battle of the armed forces of ukraine, well, again
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, these are people, and they too, well, they cannot do everything when. ..... they have 50, 100, 200 men there, they have to be able to defend themselves somehow, they are doing their best, as far as i have seen, as far as i know, but again it would make it easier for them if they had proper fortifications, why are there none in that particular direction closer to the border, for now, the question is open, i thank you, thank you for your work, i would like to remind you once again that the article by maryan koshnyar about the evacuation is a bit bombarded. residents of vovchansk is on the youtube channel of radio liberty ukraine. take a look. thank you, maryana, for joining our broadcast. in kharkivska ova, meanwhile, they note that the district authorities are working on the ground, have not gone anywhere, and the reports about their alleged escape are fakes. and
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the next guest tamas hambarshvili, the head of the vovchan city military administration, is now joining our broadcast. welcome to ours ether thank you. what's up, good morning, tell me, are you directly in vovchansk right now? yes, of course, we are directly in ovchansk, we are now engaged in evacuating the population, helping residents to leave the city itself, everyone is working, the military administration is in place, the national police is in place, the emergency services, all services are working and fulfilling their duties. tell me, as of this morning, what is the situation in the city? yesterday, may 12 , you stated that there are no russian soldiers in the city? the situation is also going on today variable, there are battles along the border and along the city of vovchansk, you understand that the city
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of vovchansk is 4 km from the border, so all efforts are made to hide behind the border. there is almost a possibility of a border crossing from the city itself, so heavy battles are being waged, heavy artillery shelling of rszzo, control of air bombs, the situation is difficult to control. regarding the evacuation, now i understand that there are 500 people in the city, how many want to leave, is it possible to evacuate all the people who want to leave the city? so on this issue we are now together with volunteers, together with the humanitarian coordination center, together with the police, as of yesterday evening, at 10 o'clock in the evening, there were 250 applications, received by our hotline, who wish to leave, but it was only for the evening, for the morning, the number is now being clarified,
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the first brigades have already gone around the city to evacuate people. i think that within a day we will be able to evacuate the entire population. radio svoboda correspondent maryan kushnir just joined our broadcast, he filmed the evacuation of vavchansk and says that there are already such points that it is simply impossible to get there because of the shelling and in general there are only a few minutes for this evacuation, is the situation really so critical that there are people who should be evacuated, taken out, but there is no way to get to them because of the shelling, that is the situation. i will repeat once again, the country is difficult, because there is heavy shelling and that is why, thanks to the national police, they are risking their lives and evacuating people, it is so difficult, the shelling is going on. and heavy shelling, i repeat once again, that is why we are making maximum efforts to get people out and evacuate them from the city. many
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journalists write about that and say about that, well on the topic of fortifications and fortifications, can you tell us what the situation is with your fortifications around the city, whether enough of them were built, whether they were built there the day before, or whether the ukrainian side was preparing in this way for the russian offensive. yes, of course, the fortifications of the building were built and are currently being built and strengthened, but the situation was and is extremely difficult, i will repeat once again that the city itself is very close to the border, and it is very difficult to conduct any construction work right on the border right now, because to builders and all who worked, were able to do what they were able to do, because it is extremely difficult, because... that working under shelling is very dangerous, now it sounds logical indeed, that it is extremely difficult, was everything that was necessary built the day before, so to speak, or was it enough was in your
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opinion, according to your information, they were prepared, i repeat once again that everything was built, but maybe not so densely, because vovchansk, after a year and a half of decolonization , is under constant fire from both mortars and artillery, so i will repeat once again, what... from vovchansk to the border was 4 km it is very difficult to build fortifications, but i emphasize once again, i thank all the builders and soldiers who were based on these objects, they did their best to build fortifications. i am still clarifying with you about the evacuation, where people are being evacuated, where they are being placed, whether they will be left in the open, because some are worried that there is nowhere to go, no one to go to, and because of this... we are evacuating to the city of kharkiv , here we work with the humanitarian
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coordination center, we coordinate everyone, they register people, resettle them, dormitories have also worked with the department, there are places to resettle, but as practice shows, 80% of evacuated people leave later on their own. to their relatives or to acquaintances or to their own housing, which is located in another territory of the community, not the community, but the region, which is why somewhere around 20 percent stay in dormitories, but not a single one is left on the street. i thank you for participating and telling me about the situation in the city. thomas hambrashvili, head of the vovchan city military administration, was a guest morning freedom thank you. and the russians have telegram. channels report on drone attacks on the territory of the russian federation, in particular in the lipetsk region, as a result of the attack, an electrical substation caught fire in the stanoslavyansk, stanovlyansky
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district, i apologize, the governor of the region, ihor aratamanov, reported this in his telegram, and according to him, there were no victims, rescuers are working at the scene of the fire, and the drones themselves, as he writes, were allegedly discovered and planted with the help of rep. in general, the ministry of defense of the russian federation reports about... the destruction of 24 drones in the belgorod, kursk and lipetsk regions. and in russian belgorod today at 6 o'clock in the morning, the search and rescue operation ended at the site of the destruction of the entrance of a high-rise building. this was reported by the ministry of emergencies of russia. 15 people died, more than 30 people were injured. such figures are given by official russian sources. the day before , a powerful explosion rang out in the city, after which... the entire entrance of a ten-story building collapsed, when the rubble was already being sorted out on the spot and people were being searched for, the roof of the house also collapsed. according to the official
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reports of the russian ministry of defense, the building collapsed due to the alleged fall of a fragment of a ukrainian u-point missile shot down by the russian air defense system, and six such missiles were allegedly shot down. russian telegram channels. in particular , shot wrote that the target was, as it were , belgorod tetsluch, and some telegram channels discussed the version of the deliberate detonation of the entrance to the house. analysts of the ukrainian portal defense express write that even if a missile was hit, it came from the north-eastern side, they say from russian territory. the moment of the explosion, which was caught on surveillance cameras, was published by the russian telegram channel radar belgrade. the video shows what happened before the building collapsed. explosion in the area of ​​the first floors of this building. the ukrainian center for countering disinformation at the national security council claims that the building was blown up from the inside. and on the same
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day of the explosion in belgorod, russian president putin decided to appoint a government to re-appoint the country's government, but one of the key replacements was the replacement of the country's defense minister. sergei shoigu putin transferred to the post of secretary of the security council. mykola patrushev, who is called one of the security forces closest to putin, has held this seat since 2008. before that, he headed the russian fsb for almost 10 years, and some russian political scientists generally call him the most likely successor to putin if he dies. it is still unknown to what position putin transferred patrushev, since 2022, patrushev has been under personal and repeated us sanctions. and what about the minister of defense? instead of shoigu , putin unexpectedly appointed him in his place first deputy prime minister andrii bilousov, who is not related to the power bloc. biluusov is an economist. he was
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putin's assistant. economic issues, and, as the russian bbc writes, an economist who primarily protects the interests of the state, not business, and the bell newspaper wrote about him as, i quote, a statesman who believes in a circle of enemies around russia. the kremlin spokesman, dmytro piskov, commented on this appointment with the rapid growth of russia's defense budget, saying that on the battlefield the one who wins economically competitive and capable. it is very important to include the economy. power bloc in the country's economy, to enter it so that it corresponds to the dynamics of the present time. today, the winner on the battlefield is the one who is more open to innovation, more open to the most rapid implementation. therefore, at the current stage , the president decided that the ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian. almost all other representatives of the power bloc in the russian government, except for shuigu, kept their seats after the reassignment. all the details that
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it may mean we will discuss. then oleksandr mosienko, head of the center for military legal research, joined our broadcast. greetings, thanks for joining. i congratulate you. what do you think these changes in the russian ministry of defense indicate? well, i think that shows that they really want to hire a more systematic person, because of the increasing number of expenses. and you know what a colossal trail of corruption stretches behind the shaykh's entourage, well, after all, his deputy, at least officially he is the one being indicted stealing. actually, therefore , taking into account the fact that now huge amounts of money are allocated, and the fact that the money is not immediately extrapolated directly from aa into weapons, into manufactured ammunition, projectiles, which i have spoken about more than once, this is a fact, and now for in order to increase, i think, and speed up control over the implementation of these decisions, production is armed, not only, but
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now in... such decisions are being made that, well, in fact, it is necessary to strengthen precisely such a person, who has a relationship more with the economy, and for which there is no such thing corruption trail, well, at least it is not traced to him, well, to the new minister, so we will see, plus i think that now the concentration of the minister of defense will no longer be on the battlefield, and i want to remind you that in russia there is a different system of commanding the troops, than we have for example, according to nato standards, which we have adopted, after all, there is a minister of defense, he also manages and can manage military operations, but i think that this will be transferred to gerasimov's general staff, and the minister will deal with to provide and to control the resources that are available, including, it seems to me, that we are talking about the effectiveness of resource control, which means that they are becoming less in russia, no matter what, and now they need
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to be used. more effective, and that's why i think the changes were related to this, plus, well , in the end, there were a lot of complaints about the shayga from the russian military, no matter what , with all the russian censorship, but they were quite actively getting into the network , and this is also a fact in fact, which naturally led to the fact that putin transferred him to another position, by the way, removing patrushev from his post, so in this way we can say that... he still kept our good position for himself, but what is the global strategic goal of this , well, you say that resources are becoming less, but the analysts of the institute for the study of war say that the economist in the position of the minister of defense of russia testifies that putin putin is taking significant steps precisely in the direction of mobilizing the russian economy and defense-industrial base for supporting the protracted war in ukraine and possibly even up to...


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