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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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and no matter what, and now they need to be used more effectively, and therefore i think that the changes were related to this, plus, well , in the end, and the fact that there were a lot of complaints about the shayga from the russian military, as it were was not with all the russian censorship, but they quite actively got into the network, and this is also a fact in reality, which of course led to the fact that putin transferred him to another position, by the way, removed, moved from the position of patrushev. therefore, in this way it can be said that shaigu has a good position anyway i still kept it for myself, but as for what is this global strategic goal, well, you say that resources are becoming fewer, but the analysts of the institute for the study of war say that the economist in the position of the minister of defense of russia testifies that putin putin is taking significant steps in the direction of mobilizing the russian economy and defense-industrial base to support the protracted war in ukraine and possibly even to... prepare for the future
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confrontation with nato, do you agree with that? look, one doesn't exclude the other, because what's the point? the matter is because you saw the news given by the south korean media that 6,700 containers of artillery shells and weapons could be transferred by north korea to russia. what does it mean? this means that their resources are not infinite, and russia has had a catastrophic lack of time to... build up weapons and there are problems, that is, they have faced the fact that the resources that they have have been used extremely inefficiently, extremely inefficiently in the war against ukraine, and in order for these resources to decrease now, they did not end, they decreased, but for to use them more effectively and, say, to improve the work of the military-industrial complex, including in order to support the capabilities of the russian troops in the war. in the longer
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term, of course, that this replacement took place, here i agree with this conclusion of the institute for the study of war. and oleksandr, does such preparation for such a long protracted war mean an endless war, or what can it mean after all, well, you say that there were inefficiently used, there were not enough resources, but nevertheless what was well, there are some such critical situations with military aid there, as in ukraine, for example, well, we do not observe such from the russian side. over the years, the defense industry seems to be gaining momentum in them, the missiles have not run out, and we see this, unfortunately, when there are attacks on ukrainian infrastructure, including that, can they really set themselves up for such a long-term process and which ones this is a term, a decade, until they reach their goal, what can they plan there, well, the question is , the question is that they help received faster, it is a matter of what their partners passed faster. decision, unfortunately, and
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provided them with this help to hold on, and here comes the most interesting thing, it is still a race for resources now, that is, a war of attrition, of course, there is a great pity, unfortunately, but i have to admit it, the fact that says pisku, shows that russia has begun to understand a lot in terms of approaches to war, and they will make certain adjustments, make certain amendments, from what he is now saying about the innovativeness of solutions, it is appropriate. so further, well, a lot of this was stolen from us, it is clear that they did not think of it themselves, but at the same time, which means that they are laying a certain base, a certain foundation in order to really be able to fight for recognition, as much as will have to, but it is not infinite, there can be no infinity here, and here we are simply entering that period, about which we have been warned many times, about which i said that now we are entering a race of war of attrition, whose rear will work more effectively?
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us with our partners, or russian with hers partners, north korea, iran, china and other states that are ready to help. i think that in the long run our chances are better here, that is, from the point of view that the west will support us so that there are no delays in supply, but russia is counting on the fact that they will still do, maybe even something simpler , something, say, faster. but in greater quantity, that is, they still emphasize quantity, not quality, well, actually speaking, we are entering this, let's say, this period of the war of attrition, here already everything depends on the rear support, well, in the long term, i don't see the possibility of russia and its allies there to challenge, let's say, that's what piskov is talking about, innovation, technology, they really don't have any innovation. .. technological capabilities,
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what they introduced is what they were able to introduce to circumvent sanctions, and the west has technological capabilities and innovativeness, so i think that it is very important to ensure this combination. and our certain technological capabilities and developments and western ones, and then in principle ours the style looks stronger if we talk about the long-term perspective, so that political moments do not change the essential conjuncture. oleksandr, i want to ask you about the explosion in a residential building in belgorod, which version do you prefer, something exploded from inside there, a russian anti-aircraft missile or a missile allegedly launched by ukrainians. i think so, at least from what i've seen and know. or how many there have been at least 10 cases of so -called accidental damage of ammunition in the belgorod region in the past period, it was a russian air defense missile, a failed operation of russian air defense, they, moreover , most likely did not shoot down anything, but simply hit, before that, by the way, there was a strike the day before and two
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air defense missiles hit russian belgorod literally the day before, in the end, the russian ministry of defense indirectly confirmed this version that it worked pppo, however, talked about a ukrainian-style rocket, but i think that there was no rocket there. and if we talk about the offensive in kharkiv oblast, which is happening now, we started the program with this, and we talked about fortifications, you know, many journalists, they say about the fact that after communicating with the military, and the military mr. yaroslavsky wrote about it publicly, that the problems with the fortifications were not built enough, in general, can you clarify the question, to what extent this criticism really has certain... facts and where should these fortifications be built right on the border with russia or further away, closer to big cities, for example? they were being built as far as i know, but don't forget that unfortunately they couldn't be held because the enemy has total air superiority, for any the fortifications are destroyed by kababs, but in
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principle, that is why, unfortunately, it was not possible to secure them there without being covered by the air defense system, and therefore the decision that was made at this point is to create defensive lines a little deeper so that they are unreachable at least as much as possible there artillery fire so that they could be built, they are today. i would sharpen the problematic issue by the fact that, nevertheless, what happened, obviously, is not just a lack of fortification, it is a lack of air defense systems, which showed itself and gave the enemy an advantage in the air, and a lack of our side in a certain way of ammunition, which led to exhaustion in... and that is why the enemy managed to advance there in a day or two, get some success, tactical gains, and now they are already being stopped, there are some other problems here in addition to fortification, but in relation to that , where they
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should have been, by the way, how they should have been, well, i think that this question is still something that will be discussed for sure. i thank you, oleksandr, for joining, of course, these conversations with facts and... explanations will still be heard, it is important to hear different opinions here. oleksandr musienko, head of the military legal center research, was a guest on saturday morning, thank you. in the comments, you can generally write your opinion about what you heard, if you are from the kharkiv region, write what your situation is, what the local authorities are telling you and what you are aiming for. well, then let's talk about eurovision, this year's victory at eurovision was won by switzerland, singer nemo with the song the couchch. switzerland received 591 points from the audience and the jury, this is the country's third eurovision win of all time. ukrainian singers elona lona and jerry hale with the song teresa maria took third place. they scored a total of 453 points. after the winners were announced, nemo, who identifies as a non-binary person, went wild
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on stage, even breaking the crystal award and injuring his finger, as revealed on instagram. but after a few minutes , nemo received a new, identical statue. a poetess in their songs, the eurovision winner sings about the problems of gender identity and self-acceptance. oleksiy bondarenko, editor-in-chief of the new media, joins our broadcast ukrainian culture. lirum. i congratulate you. thank you for joining. good morning. in general, what are your impressions of the competition, of the winner? ukraine supported as much as possible, just nemo from switzerland, it should be noted, and the level of scandals, there were scandals, also in... in general, and the show itself, were there really many such worthy high-level artists at the competition? well, it seems to me that this year there were fewer scandals than usual, because you already associate eurovision with scandals, in principle, if you think about it that way, except for the netherlands, israel and some you won't
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remember anything in particular about minimal stories, so this year i think everything went quite smoothly, compared to previous years, the performances were as usual, some good, some bad, eurovision - it 's not that the competition is very popular. this is a contest about contexts and about the show, so in principle everything is ok, but even every time i am periodically asked, like in eurovision, i don't even know what to add, because there is nothing like that. nothing special happened, everything that happened was normal. the fact that ukraine took third place, and that's it it was the votes from the audience that helped, it should be noted, because the jury gave such low marks, and this is again the political aspect of the fact that many refugees in europe are ukrainians, they supported it, honestly or dishonestly, because as far as i saw in the stories in jeri hale, then she thinks that the jury seems to have specially given a low score to ukraine, what can you say? they always try to blame the jury for this and that, but to be honest i think everything
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was fine, again, a lot of points from the audience, is it true, did the refugees play a role in this, we will not know for sure, but i think yes, because after all, we must take into account that millions, well, this is not an exaggeration, millions of ukrainians are now abroad , plus even many ukrainians who are now in ukraine have sim cards, sim cards of some other european countries, france, poland and so on, so it is in any case... in which case did the jury play a role there was some engagement, i think not, i think that everyone voted as they felt, and to understand our number to the europeans, i think it is not so simple, we understand, and i got the impression that jerry hale and alyona alyona performed primarily for the ukrainians, and the ukrainians felt it very much, i can see it from the comments on social networks, i can see it from talking to my friends, from colleagues, that everyone was affected, and that's good, but whether an average french or german can understand our number, i'm not sure, so i... it seems that they fulfilled their function for ukraine, not the fact that they were understood in europe, but and it won't be possible to win every year either, so
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it seems to me that the result is more than worthy, but it should be noted that many such reviews from youtube reviewers who do not know the ukrainian language were nevertheless really moved, that is, there are also positive reviews, let's say from foreigners on this song, if we talk about, you know, such a global moment , when ukraine chooses its candidate as a contestant... for eurovision, well, it is always just a storm of emotions, in social networks everywhere, always dissatisfied with the choice, they always say that it is unworthy, a shame for ukraine, such comments, well, of course, it is not the majority, no there not sociology, but there is a lot of this in social networks, when a participant performs well and also takes some place of honor, these comments, they seem to change, this happens in general in all countries, is this a ukrainian tradition, in general, the attitude towards eurovision in ukraine it is special, for us it is a national sport, and sometimes it seems that eurovision is more important to us than the world cup in football, it surprises me, and
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every year ukraine sends the best of the best, and other countries, not all, but many that send, well, just someone , that's why a feature unique to us, but here we must also take into account that ukraine loves to win, well, it's true, it's also a kind of national history, we love to win wherever we can take part and win, we throw ourselves into it to the max, eurovision is one of of the few international competitions where we manage to do this regularly, we have several cases, and they are more or less successful in principle, even when we do not win, it is remembered for a very, very long time, as was the case of serdyuchko, who did not win , but no one will remember who won that year, as was the case with goa, which did not win, but became very popular in europe, so yes, in ukraine a little bit, it seems to me that the attitude towards eurovision is even too serious, but oh well, again it works, everyone likes it , and yes, jerry hale and alyon alyon were all criticized at the stage of the national selection, and they performed beautifully, as i think, but here we must also take into account tanya minyu's production. who performed this number and they looked much better at the eurovision song contest in malmö, i think, than at the national selection, because the number is still
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added a lot to this song. but the resource, of course, which is invested in the national selection for eurovision is completely different, there is huge, obviously the team worked on it, in the end, after all, the assessment of the country, it should be as support to other countries or not, because for example, also they complained that estonia was not supported enough, and those in the background, it seems that estonia had ukrainian flags, right? but supported ukraine, and ukraine did not put anything, ukrainian juries, they should have taken into account these political aspects, who supports them, who supports ukraine, therefore do you score high or not? i don't think there is any guideline, well i had to be a member of the jury, i didn't go through the voting in action, i got, i think i watched yesterday, seventh place, but i would have voted the same, in estonia frankly, well that's it horror, well, this is a bad number, i understand that they were doing anti-music, and that 's also funny, but if you do anti-music, then... you expect to get good marks, considering the political situation it is definitely necessary, but i think that we
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do it subconsciously, we understand that conditionally, the baltic countries support us, and there are lithuania, latvia, estonia, they are for us, and we will vote for them one way or another, if they have at least something cool and faint, but if it is a frankly weak number, then you will not to vote for it, and when i saw that the ukrainian jury members gave switzerland 12, i thought, well, i would do the same, thanks oleksiy. it was interesting to hear your opinion. oleksiy bondarenko, editor-in-chief of the media about the new ukrainian culture. lirum was a guest of freedom morning and we they talked about eurovision. in the comment. you can write about your plans for the day and whether you read the news, if you do, what resources do you use and we will be grateful for your preferences, for subscribing to the radio liberty channel, this is important for supporting ukrainian youtube, my name is kateryna nekrecha, i and good morning to the entire team, we wish you a peaceful day and see you tomorrow.
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its shape, call now and order the camel orthopedic mattress, instead of the full price of the mattress, pay only half, dear friends, we are with you again, and this means that the marathon on espresso continues, leysya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we welcome you all, join in watching our broadcast on youtube as well, subscribe, put your favorites, it helps the channel to be visible, well, it also helps. spread the truth to us, and also helps to collect better, because more people then see our announcements, and therefore our military will be able to get atvs faster to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, for this morning you and i have already collected 27 00, some 64 00 of us separated from marks 400 thousand, and 400 thousand is
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a tenth of the required 4 million. and while we are talking with volodymyr yatrovych, you will scan this qr code, i hope so, i am not indicating this, but simply suggesting, or writing it down for yourself this is the number of the card and you can already transfer money to it, and with volodymyr yatrovych, historian, publicist, people's deputy of ukraine, we will talk about politics and not only, mr. volodymyr, we welcome you, good morning, good morning, we have a question about the work of the verkhovna rada and about are possible god, i wish i would have remembered may 9 later, i just didn't have the opportunity to talk to you on may 9, i want to ask you as a person who did a lot to change the attitude of ukrainians regarding the soviet day, about may 9 may, according to your feelings, for example, my stepdaughter said
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that the refugees from ukraine on may 9... congratulated her with a holiday, and she was stunned, at first she did not understand with whom, and then she realized that they congratulated her precisely from may 9 exactly with the day of victory, according to your feelings, or already the setting in the heads of ukrainians regarding this day has changed, is there still a long and long road until it reaches them that this is not their holiday, and it is not a holiday, it was a long road, it was a road that probably took decades, but. .. most of this road, unfortunately, we were trampling in place, we continued to celebrate together with russia this soviet heritage, in fact, if we talk about some path that we began to overcome, to move, it is probably from 2004, the 13th year, when for the first time, we talked about the alternative on may 9 at the state level, as may 8 as a day of remembrance and reconciliation, in 2015
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a corresponding law was passed, then there was a certain transitional period, when they talked about may 8 and may 9 at the same time, because even in 2015, somewhere around 60% ukrainians considered may 9 an important holiday for themselves, and the situation finally turned after the start of the full-scale invasion, when... the absolute majority of ukrainians expressed their readiness to abandon the tradition of may 9, as of now, if i am not mistaken, some golden polls said that 9 may remains important for about 11% of ukrainians, that is, we can say that we have already overcome this path to a large extent, and thank god, i hope that very soon for all ukrainians, may 9 will still be another holiday, europe day, all that for who is important to remember about the second world war, we will do it on may 8 with ... i want to hope that to this 11%, it will come much faster than, than it took, this road
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lasted. now let's return a little to our present time, and to what is happening in the verkhovna rada, journalists will be admitted, what do you think of these changes, or can this really be considered an admission of journalists? who will be there in some separate room, will not be able to monitor what is happening in the session hall, will not be able to somehow conduct filming, take photos, and we know that very often from this journalistic balcony, journalists could see a lot, for example, on phone screens, gadgets of deputies, what they do there during voting, or noticed some watches that did not quite correspond to the salary of the people's deputies or something. clothes and so on that allegedly a personal matter, but when it comes to a person who works for public funds, and even more so in
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wartime, well, it is not quite a personal matter, well, the matter is not only that journalists had the opportunity to record something that does not correspond to income, or some kind of activity that is quite far from parliamentary activity during the parliamentary session, unfortunately, and that was the case, the fact is that journalists , being in the sidelines, had the opportunity... to get some kind of immediate reaction to certain decisions made, and this it was also important for society, it was important for deputies to be in good shape to understand what is happening in the hall in order to be ready to comment, unfortunately, this has not been the case for several years, so in this context, what happened last week, when journalists finally the rest was launched into the verkhovna rada, admitted to the verkhovna rada, this is of course a step forward, but it is only a half-step, because as of now it is really a separate hall on the third floor, where... well, excuse me, it has turned into a kind of journalistic ghetto, where there are journalists, but politicians may appear there, or they may not appear, that is, they themselves, the journalists
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, can get out of there and freely move around the parliament in order to find the policy they need to comment on, they cannot, that is, only if they wait for one of the politicians to agree to go up to them in this separate room on the third floor in order to comment, so again it's usually a step up from being completely closed. for journalists of the parliament, but this is far from the wrong format, which should return the normal, natural and correct transparency of the parliament's work, i hope that following this step there will be further steps, at least we will talk about it, we will continue to demand it until the broadcast, the meeting of the verkhovna rada, because this is also not an extremely important element of democracy in the country. that is, for now it is too early for us to wait for the broadcast, do you have any other information? so far, so far this is only mentioned in our demands as the opposition, but the leadership of the parliament is not ready for this, the leadership of the parliament continues to talk about the danger of staying
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journalists, about the danger of broadcasting, well , it seems to me that they are somewhat abusing this issue of danger, actually limiting the possibility of access to information of many citizens, which, for example, refers to the danger of journalists staying in the premises of the parliament, well, strange. in fact , the wording, taking into account the fact that journalists are quite consciously prepared, accredited and participate in their work literally on the front line, where it is obviously much more dangerous than under the dome of the verkhovna rada. oleksandr kubrakov resigned last week, minister of infrastructure of ukraine, he said after the fact that he was faced with the fact that he would be ready to answer for his work. and so on, how would you comment on how much the parliament actually influences the processes that take place in the government, with the government, in general, with
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what is there. does not affect at all, does not affect at all, i am sure of this, and these two recent resignations have become just such a concentration, an emphasis on how non-subjective the parliament is, i mean the resignation of kubrakov, who, like many of his predecessors in other positions of the entire cabinet of ministers did not consider it necessary to come, that is, he was not in the hall, we fired a person without understanding what he was being fired for, that is, no report. the situation was different with the minister of agriculture, our minister, mr. solsky, on the contrary, in principle, there was a minister with an interesting report that could be discussed, the deputies who thanked him for his work, escorted him to applause and at the same time dismissed him, that is, it is here again it seems to me, even with such and such behavior towards the minister, who was dismissed, the deputies once again emphasize their, well, just not subjectivity, that is, if you think that this person deserves applause, if you
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think that this person does so much... and works well, then why are we dismissing this man, this is absolutely incomprehensible. in addition, well, the situation remains completely uncertain, if i am not mistaken, now five ministerial positions are vacant in this government, that is , there are fewer and fewer ministers, there are still enough votes in this parliament to dismiss ministers, i have the impression that in order to appoint new ministers, there are no longer any opportunities to unite the halls, so it is obvious and... clear to me that the decision is not made on hrushevsky street, the decision is made on bankova street, and each , every subsequent resignation of the minister only emphasizes such desubjectivization of this parliament. well, unfortunately, we are forced to talk about rumors, due to the fact that we do not have any clear information policy, we only see some manifestations, recently such a manifestation became the transfer of hilarion pavlyuk, and as i
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understand it, a quiet resignation. it has not yet been confirmed, it is still the sources of ukrainian truth journalists, rumors that pavlyuk and larion, for example, will be dismissed, who was responsible for information policy, the ministry of defense currently responds that omerov himself can be dismissed, who recently just appointed to the position of minister of defense, we are dealing with such rumors, how to react to it, well, you absolutely rightly noted that we have such an information policy, which is not makes it possible... to take this or that information seriously, on the contrary, it seems to me that the government is using such a critically incorrect information infrastructure that we have, which allows it to test one or another of its steps through rumors, that is, it is quite possible that these rumors have a basis, it is possible that these rumors that are started are just a test of how the society will react and obviously the preparation of the ground for
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a decision, we have all seen it. as at the level of rumors there was talk of the resignation of the employee, then as on levels of one of our colleagues, a deputy, tried to sway this topic, at first there was a separation of the majority from this spokeswoman, that this was her personal opinion, but then it was obviously transformed into a relevant political decision, it seems to me that the authorities liked this technology and they will continue to use it continue to use it, in my opinion, it is an absolutely unhealthy information policy, which, well, in the end, is the end. this will harm the state and this government, i am sure that its ecosystem, which, the information ecosystem, which consists of of two components, a telethon and a telegram, well, it is disastrous for the state. mr. volodymyr, thank you for the conversation, volodymyr petrovych, historian, publicist, people's deputy of ukraine, was in touch with us, we talked a little about what is happening in the verkhovna rada, as well as what is happening in the cabinet of ministers, dear friends, well, now we are approaching
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10 o'clock in the morning, which means that... we will hear a fresh selection of news, what happened there in ukraine and the world, our kateryna shirokopois knows, and is ready to tell you, katya, congratulations, to you word. congratulations to olesya, congratulations to andria, promptly about the most important events in a moment, wait. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. russian occupiers attacked the city of selidove in donetsk region with s-300 missiles at night. this is reported in the city military administration. the enemy damaged residential high-rises and an educational institution, but there were no casualties. in the morning , the russian army attacked the village of inzhenerne in
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the kherson region. this was reported by the regional military administrator.


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