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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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logic and how ukrainians are changing during the full-scale invasion, now they want a more democratic system than a strong leader. why this is so and why these moods are changing, there will be a conversation with sociologist andriy ereplenka about all this, in a few moments, stay with us. respect traditions and be proud of yours. culture together with unpack tv. we present a collection of modern embroidery. unique ukrainian embroidery combined with the comfort of your favorite t-shirts at an incredibly pleasant price. only from uah 299. male and female options, current trendy colors and double sizes from 44 to 62. embroidered shirts are always fashionable and always presentable. every day, in any situation, you will look amazing and feel incredible.
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10:33 am
every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect ours tomorrow, see every saturday at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. dictation with serhii rudenko every
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weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk. let me remind you, they work in this studio for you, we work until 12 o'clock, we have many more interesting guests and interesting topics for you, we will now talk about the mood of ukrainians. we will also talk about how ukrainians respond to... more about the european vision, well, and we will also talk about how ukrainians respond to mobilization, in the meantime you can stop by, let me remind you that we are gathering on atvs in order to help evacuate our soldiers from the wounded from the battlefield, or deliver these atvs to the battlefield, deliver ammunition, and it is necessary 4 million for us to collect, while we went on a break, a few thousand hryvnias were added to our account, dear friends, for this morning.
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we have already collected 43 thousand with you, i hope that we will move at the same pace, and in principle we do not have much left. so that we have 400,000, and 400,000 is a tenth of the necessary amount of 4 million, and for this we need to collect some 48,000 more, so join in, please, and in the meantime we will join our andriy yaremenko on the air, we will to talk with him about the results of sociological polls, which, which conducted by the kyiv international institute of sociology, mr. andriy, congratulations, good day, actually... these results show that ukrainians, compared to previous years, have changed their opinion, and are already saying that a democratic system is more important to ukraine than a strong leader, this is in principle pleasing, although only 58% still believe that
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the democratic system is more important, of course, i would like more of those ukrainians to become, what do you think, that influenced... changes in the mood of ukrainians, and these are our usual swing, because if you conduct some qualitative research, well, for example, the same focus groups, and then, after you hear the answer that yes, we need a strong leader, then clarify, and tell me, what exactly and what is he should do, and then the person tells some of his vision, what exactly he wants this strong leader to do, and therefore this desire of a strong leader should be continued. "i want a strong leader who would do what i want with the country with a strong hand, and he would somehow force those people who want differently to do the way i want. this is the answer in man, when there is a strong leader who
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begins to do something so that he does not begin to do, it turns out that for the majority, what he does is not what i want, and accordingly." then begins about , that there is a usurpation of power in our country, these complaints are starting, we are starting to want democracy again, that is, this is what we have now, we have it now because of martial law, because again, because of martial law, power is concentrated in our hands a leader who is very strong, well strong in the political sense, because he has there is a lot of leverage, we even have a lot of military civil administration, and because martial law, where... he does something, and no matter what he does, we see people who, who don't like it, and then they say, how is it, but where is democracy, we want things to be done in a different way, that's why it's a normal swing, when
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martial law ends again, when we remember that we still have a parliamentary- presidential republic , when the usual parliamentary battles will begin in our country, when... we will again see three in the parliament, four, five different competing factions, we will look at how the parliamentary complex discussions are taking place, and they are taking place quite messy, and say what a horror we want someone to lead here and bring some order, that's why it, it's up to us absolutely cyclical happens, nothing new, you see, ukrainians certainly show such political wisdom in general, most of them, as far as i understand, are against holding on... for example, elections during the war, probably, which is quite correct, having doubts that these the elections will be held democratically with compliance with all electoral legislation, which we have a completely progressive european one, but at the same time, according to soci polls from the sociological service, 48%
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of ukrainians consider the activities of the ukrainian president to be ineffective, this is talking about the leader who has concentrated the maximum amount now on... respects on himself and his office, and vice versa, only 41% think, that is , it seems to me that this is the first time, at least since the 22nd year, that the majority of ukrainians believe that this government is ineffective in the president, because that this is happening, and whether it will also affect the effectiveness of this government, well, the effectiveness of government and public opinion about government are different. things, but the same thing happens, the government does something and people who are dissatisfied with it accumulate, some are dissatisfied with the hetman state, some are dissatisfied with the conditions of entry and exit of men abroad, well , it is banal, how many people cannot see
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their family, although we are all called evaders simply because we were not called up by the military, because of that they are not allowed abroad, but who cares? on the contrary no i am satisfied with the fact that they are not working well, the mobilization is not going well, it was necessary to take more people, because we really need rotation, this is also not satisfied, that is, it is from the other side, someone is not satisfied. and you can continue, and since all power in our country is actually concentrated in the hands of one, well, not a person, one force, because again , the president is not a person, it is an institution, accordingly, in our country, these claims go as distrust of this institute, that is, it is not specifically zelensky, it is an institute, but the same thing, by the way, you can say the opposite, because people who see, who like everything that is happening, then they give positive evaluations accordingly. but again, the further we go, the more fatigue sets in, the louder
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the voices of those who are not satisfied sound, and accordingly, we see the drop in support for the president, by the way, we saw the exact same picture with yushchenko, we saw the exact same picture with poroshenko, you remember, well, poroshenko won in one round, and then how many are there in the parliament, 8 or 9% of the deputies in the parliament, plus or minus the same thing happens. absolutely a normal drop in support for any president, especially a president who is a little detached from reality, that is, we can remember what rating yushchenko left with, for example, that is why it continues and the trend that we always have, that is, it turns out that ukrainian society is immature, or at least do you still grow up, no, in ukrainian, well, if not more mature, you can look at the face of the president. who were, that is, we can say, bandit yanukovych and a businessman,
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an oligarch and so on, you don't name it, but poroshenko, that is, well, a step forward, well huge, then we see that when poroshenko became disliked, people simply left, he was replaced in a civilized democratic way, now some regret that they were replaced, some say that it is right, but it is different, so... society just does normal rotation of power, therefore and more than that, each successive government, it is, well, at least not worse, that is, the people, our people wanted the renewal of the government, okay, they received the renewal, now we are looking at this renewal, we live, we consume the results, we can already see it on surveys wish that the update would not be so radical, and let's continue without such bright updates as there was, we also see it in the polls, but again, we are developing more. moreover, ukrainian society, in fact, it is responsible, because the elections that ukrainian
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society made, electing yanukovych, electing his team, electing poroshenko and his team, electing zelenskyi and the team that came with him, led to the fact that around it's happening around us, or it's not happening around us, it's war, and it's direct, very a clear, very unambiguous responsibility that we bear, including paying for it, if only life. and their loved ones, friends, relatives, and many of their own, that is why ukrainian society is responsible, it is growing up and it is developing, plus , we have very actively developing social ties, again, how many, what percentage deputies, someone counted what percentage of deputies went to fight, and if the percentage was not small, more than all, it seems that libertarians came, then from eurosolidarity, and from hearsay the most... number, but a very not insignificant percentage, well, that is, people from different parties
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went to fight in the literal sense, including deputies who, in principle, had the opportunity not to go, if you put your hand on your heart, but they did it, so i would not say that society is not more mature, our society is becoming more mature and even more responsible, and regardless of which president one likes, well, presidential candidate or which political force, three minutes remain, too... socis poll recorded that probably the first time the number of people who believe that ukraine needs to freeze this conflict on those, on the front line that exists now, this is a better option than trying to continue military operations until the complete deoccupation of the captured territories, 36% against 31%, this will also obviously put pressure on ukraine the government's plan for... zelensky's plan to be exact, which includes the complete de-occupation of the territories by the 91st year of the borders, how do you comment on that?
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well, in ukraine, there is democracy in ukraine, because there is democracy in ukraine, public opinion puts pressure on the government, this is a normal story of any democracy, and therefore, yes, will press, but there is another story, stopping the conflict, ending the war, it's... if history goes both ways, and if we stop the war, it doesn't mean that the enemy will stop it, well, we already had an attempt to just stop shooting, well if it ended in a way that we don't like. therefore, it depends not only on us, but here it is heard technically that the enemy should stop shooting, he must be defeated, not because we want it, in general no one wanted this war, our society voted and continues to vote for the development of roads, for normal kindergartens, for education, for the continuation
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of economic reforms, for jobs, we want it, this is russia. wants to fight, it's in russia, we see crazy support, or at least no opposition to the current government, the current government there, so it's not to fight and stop the war, unfortunately, it's not our choice, and therefore yes, our society will somehow pressure, but well , technically we will not be able to stop the war if it is on the demarcation line, not on the line, if the enemy shoots, so this question, it is well... it is interesting from the point of view of how it changes public opinion, but unfortunately, it depends not so much on us as it does on us, it also depends on the enemy, who must not just stop shooting, but feel that it will never happen again, again, to us the slogan after world war ii, never again, they can repeat the slogan, that's what they
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can't repeat, and only then the war will end, and that's the question. not our public opinion, unfortunately, this is a question of the technical possibility of ending the war. mr. andriy, thank you, andriy yaremenko, a sociologist, we talked with him about mood of ukrainians, which is changing in relation to what is more important, a democratic country or a strong leader and in relation to how they see the end of the war. now let's talk a little, actually you will see about the next rotations in the cabinet of ministers on may 9. the verkhovna rada dismissed two officials, the minister of agrarian policy mykola solsky, about whom everything was clear, as early as april 23, when they announced that he was suspected in the case of flooding with state land, but here is another minister, the minister of community development, territories and infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov from by him the situation is a little different, there were many accusations of corruption against him, but
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the reason for his removal from office is formally called the possible division of the ministry he headed. but the experts directly say that the head of the president's office, andriy yermak, is behind kubrakov's resignation, about how the vice-prime minister from the president's favorite became an exile, further in our story. personnel carousel. this week, the verkhovna rada dismissed minister of agrarian policy mykola solsky and deputy prime minister for reconstruction oleksandr kubrakov. in general, it is clear that nabu is suspicious him in the organization of fraudulent land acquisition schemes. no one explained why kubrakov was fired, neither to the deputies nor to society. we see simply a release without any vision of what will happen next. it's all frivolous, it's all an absolute mockery of managing the country and
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an absolutely frivolous approach that is impossible in peacetime, and certainly not the one that the country needs in wartime. neither the prime minister nor kubrakov were present during the personnel voting in the parliament. he did not report on his work, limiting himself to commenting on facebook the leadership of the faction and the head of the government, denys shmyhal, did not discuss this decision with me. he was not invited to the faction and profile committee meetings. everyone makes decisions according to their beliefs and is responsible for it. oleksandr kubrakov has worked in zelenskyi's team since his first days in power. at first. headed by ukraavtodor and took care of the so -called big construction. he met the full-scale invasion as the minister of infrastructure. in the conditions of a complete blockade of the ports, the department managed to reorient trade flows of ukraine. the grain agreement, which played an important role in stabilizing the ukrainian economy, can also be considered kubrakov's achievement. in december 2022
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, kubrakov was promoted to deputy prime minister. his sphere is responsible. the urban planning law, in which they saw serious corruption risks, but the reason for his resignation was probably not that, as the media, in particular, the publication of nv, wrote, kubrakov lost the trust of the bank, where in fact the decision to dismiss the vice-prime minister was made, they say, he failed the direction. rakova became a serious personnel victory the head of zelenskyi's office, says the editor-in-chief of centornet yury butusov. zelensky's dependence on yarmak has
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already taken the form of a psychological illness. the president literally fulfills all the whims of his almighty head of office and gets rid of everyone who has independent access to the president to bypass the fair. after kubrakov's removal, yarmak will start intrigues to remove fedorov from the post of deputy prime minister. and head of the sbu malyuk. how true is such a categorical statement? andriy yermak, a personal friend of the president, met him 10 years before zelenskyy entered politics. after the victory of volodymyr zelenskyi in the presidential elections, yarmak became his assistant, carried out special assignments, in particular, led negotiations on the large-scale exchange of detainees between ukraine and the russian federation, which took place in... in february 2020, zelenskyy appointed yermak as the head of his office. since then, its influence has only increased. it was
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yermak who conducted negotiations with dmitry kozak, putin's deputy in the administration. within the framework of the norman format. currently during full-scale invasion, yermak's role in foreign policy is significantly greater than that of the ministry of foreign affairs. he represents ukraine at many international... platforms instead of the minister of kuleba. yermak's influence is evidenced by the fact that he is the only ukrainian who was included in the rating of the most influential world leaders according to the version of the american magazine. president zelensky himself did not make it to the rating. here is what former nato secretary general anders fogh rasmussen wrote about yermak for the publication. after a full-scale invasion, he delivered a message zelenskyi to the whole world, creating a powerful network for cargoes of ukraine, from the west to the global south, uniting them around issues, from sanctions to the environment. at a great moment for ukraine and democracy, andriy yermak
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not only became a decisive leader, but also proved that he is one. public activists also have complaints against the personnel of the office, in particular, against yermak's deputies, for example, oleg tatarov, who worked in the mia system during the events of the revolution of dignity, and then... was involved in the anti-corruption investigation bureau, another deputy, rostyslav shurma , was involved in a scandal surrounding payments for electricity received by his brother's solar power plants located in the occupied territories. volodymyr zelenskyi has been asked more than once about yermak and his deputies, the president defends his team. as for my team, if i get rid of my team, i have a small one, 5-6 managers. then we are becoming weaker with you, there will be less air defense, there will be less aid, with all due respect to your rhetoric, i cannot simply cannot afford it. problem
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yermak - a gray cardinal under the president is not new in ukrainian politics. under president kuchma , dmytro tabachnyk and viktor medvedchuk were considered the all-powerful heads of the administration. under president yushchenko , the head of the secretariat viktor balok concentrated great powers in his hands. but for the first time in the history of ukraine, such a situation arose during a full-scale invasion and an existential threat to the ukrainian state. limiting access to the president, lack of access to various sources of information, create prerequisites for serious political and military mistakes of the head of state, the cost of which may be prohibitive for ukraine. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. kors garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv, order now at
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11:00 am
news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. ukrainian spies learned the names of the russians pilots who bombard the territory of ukraine with cruise missiles from strategic aircraft . this was reported on the official page of the main intelligence department. operative. and analysts identified the personnel of units involved in missile strikes on the civilian infrastructure of ukraine. in the message, emphasize that these pilots are responsible for numerous victims due to the criminal missile terror that they carry out from the territory of the russian federation. the russian occupiers attacked the city of selidove in donetsk region with s-300 missiles at night. this is reported in city


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