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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2024 11:00am-11:29am EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. ukrainian intelligence officers have learned the names of russian pilots who are shelling the territory of ukraine with cruise missiles from strategic aircraft. this was reported on the official page. the main intelligence department. operatives and analysts identified the personnel of units involved in missile attacks on the civilian infrastructure of ukraine. in the message , emphasize that these pilots are responsible for numerous victims due to the criminal missile the terror they carry out from the territory of the russian federation. the russian occupiers attacked the city of selidove in donetsk region with s-300 missiles at night. this is reported to the city. the military
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administration, the enemy damaged residential high-rises and an educational institution, however, there were no casualties. and during the day, the enemy shelled 30 settlements in the kharkiv region with artillery and mortars. the local regional military administration reports that there is damage to residential buildings and an educational institution. eight people were injured. from the frontline areas continue to evacuate the population. already transported more than 5700 people. in the morning, the russian army attacked an engineering village in the kherson region. this is reported by the regional military administration. an elderly man was hit by an enemy attack. he received a shrapnel injury to his leg. he is currently in the hospital. and emergency workers rescued an elderly woman in bilopilla in sumy oblast. an enemy shell hit her house and destroyed the wall. this is reported in the civil service. from emergency situations.
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a local resident born in 1939 was sleeping in her room at the time of the attack. after explosion, she was under the rubble. the rescuers managed to free the woman quickly. fortunately, she did not need medical attention. the russian invaders lost strategic fuel reserves in the temporarily captured part of the luhansk region. this is reported by the regional military administration on facebook. there they note that the situation with fuel for terrorists from the so-called guys from the luhansk border detachment also told that about the assaults, that if they send you to the assaults, you refuse, then you are taken away and beaten to half-death and they send them anyway, a lot of people from luhansk, donetsk, mariupol were told that you can't escape from this and they send them, to be honest, purely for meat. but not perceiving him as a person, as he
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said, he is a stranger through and through. on the border with hungary, the body of another drowned man was recovered from the tisza river. according to the information of the state border service, the military saw how the dead man in a wetsuit was being carried away by the current. the drowned man was a 42-year-old resident of the city of khust. in general, this is already the 29th death in the tisza river on the border section with hungary and - the state border service noted. it exploded and burned to the ground. on the temporarily occupied territory of donetsk region, the car of the occupier, astrakhan deputy denys kharitonov, was blown up. this is reported by the russian media. at the time of the explosion, the enemy was allegedly in the car, but unfortunately, he was not injured. the car burned to the ground. there is no information on where exactly the event took place.
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the legal committee of the parliament of georgia supported the scandalous draft law on foreign agents, which is being prepared for voting in the third reading. deputies did it with record speed, it only took one minute to review. local publications write about it. meanwhile , a protest against the adoption of the law continues in front of the parliament, the demonstrators call the document dictatorial and see in it a russian trace. the police pushed the protesters back to the service. entrances of the parliament so that pro-government deputies could get there. footage of protesters being beaten by security forces appeared online. after the committee's vote, the tension subsided, the police withdrew the special forces, while a group of protesters remained on the spot. in early may, the special representative of the chinese government for eurasian affairs lihui held the third round of negotiations on the political settlement of the war in ukraine. this
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was reported by the ministry of foreign affairs of china. from may 3 to 9, the official visited turkey, egypt, saudi arabia and the united arab emirates. later, he also spoke by phone with representatives of the governments of brazil, south africa, indonesia, and kazakhstan. china's defense ministry insists that negotiations are the only possible way to resolve the war. therefore, the parties to the conflict must create conditions for the restoration of direct dialogue and promote de-escalation and the achievement of a ceasefire. on the eve of the dinner in israel , the memory of those who died in the wars was commemorated. a memorial siren sounded. the second memorial siren can be heard at this moment, the day of remembrance of the fallen every year precedes the celebration of israel's independence day, and this year, due to the war, which began with a brutal attack by hamas on october 7, almost all events in ukraine and the military parade have been canceled. and how in such
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conditions the memory of the fallen is honored, he will tell our correspondent ulyana dryuchkova. ulyan, congratulations, tell me. good morning. a friend just passed by. menal siren at 11:00 this wave of sirens swept across israel, so in memory of all those who died in wars, it is not only military personnel, yes, it is also civilians, there are quite a lot of them, and especially in the last year their number increased significantly, because these days, these commemorative days that precede israel's independence day, the celebration of independence day, they are especially poignant this year for israelis, and considering for the war that continues in... october 7. let me remind you that on that morning, under the cover of massive rocket fire , thousands of hamas terrorists from the gaza strip invaded the territory of israel, and on that day, on that morning, a thousand died, 1,200 israelis were killed, raped, tortured, and more than 130 of them
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are still in the gaza strip gaza, they are hostages, the fate of 30, more than 30 of them is unknown, because there are various reports that they... have already, unfortunately, died. actually, these sacrificial days, these commemorative days today, are especially difficult for the israelites, and for all of them, throughout in the territory of israel, these memorial meetings, memorial ceremonies are now taking place, even in schools children are given such special recipes with the names and some biographical information about the various victims, including civilians, and the children prepare these recipes, remember, learn something about... people in order these were not statistics numbers, but that they were real real people. actually, the independence day itself, it starts tonight already, and the celebrations will still be, you see, behind me, here is a small stage, it will still be, but it will be much more modest, this
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celebration, it will be with tears, because after all, the country continues to be at war and continues to be in these terrible shellings, because the shelling. currently, they are still ongoing, hamas still retains the ability to shell the territory of israel from the south, and in the north, let me remind you, the situation is also quite difficult, because many settlements still remain without people, people have been displaced and evacuated, and shelling continues there. thank you, ulyana, let me remind you, it was our ulyana dryuchkova, she shared how in israelis honored the memory of the fallen. and i am asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions , the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air, in any weather, day and
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night. therefore, for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular, tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobiles to the combat zone. repair groups and equipment, a also pneumo-hydraulic jacks for quick repair of foreign equipment. in general, our goal is uah 630,000. thanks to you , we have already managed to collect more than uah 155. so let's not delay, your help is very important, and you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow updates on our spresso website. tv, as well as on our social networks, meet my colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakalyuk in a moment. we will see each other in less than an hour.
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dear friends, we are coming back, this is our final hour for today, ours with andriy seichuk, with lesia vakolyuk. we say good day to everyone. good morning to all those who have been watching us since 7:10 and to all those who have just joined us. thank you for joining us with your favorites on our youtube broadcast. thank you for joining yours. comments on the discussion of the topics that we raise on our air, now we will talk about mobilization, and i will also ask you to mobilize, our dear viewers, in order for you to join with your donations to our collection, and we are collecting, let me remind you, for our military, for our defenders who defend us, for the separate mechanized 93rd brigade of the cold ravine, we are collecting for them atvs, these atvs. will help evacuate wounded soldiers from the battlefield, and
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they will also deliver, help deliver ammunition to the battlefield, the card number is here, the qr code is here, those who want to just follow the link can go to our youtube broadcast, there is a description and all details are indicated in the description, we are from today you, dear friends, collected a little 46 00 for this morning. there are already about 400 and there will be 50, i hope this is how we will complete our part of ether, well, in order for there to be 400 thousand, and this will be a tenth of the required amount of 4 million, we need another 45 00, so join , your hryvnias, your donations, are exactly what move that collection towards our great goal, and it is great both in the literal and figurative sense of the word, 4 million - it's all the same. not much, but we have already gotten a little closer to it. well, now
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mykola golomsha, an honored lawyer, will be with us of ukraine, deputy prosecutor general of ukraine in 2003, 2005 and 2014-2019. mr. mykola, we are glad to see you. i congratulate you. mr. mykola, literally 5 days remain until may 18 , when the law on mobilization, signed in april, will come into effect. by president zelensky was approved by the verkhovna rada, and i can even say from a private conversation that a realtor acquaintance recently told me that, for example, in kyiv, absolutely all business activity, real estate sales, everyone is waiting for may 18, i really don't quite understand, when why is there a market on may 18? real estate, but i understand that in general the whole business and the whole country are in such a nervous eye.' from may 18, which is actually may 18 - a saturday, by the way, will change for
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ukraine, what will interestingly change for citizens, i would like to note that within 60 days conscripts, conscripts and reservists are obliged to clarify and renew their accounting data, register, who... has no appropriate training to undergo recruitment, there are already as many as six recruiting centers, and must be registered if citizens will not be registered, this increases the responsibility of an administrative nature, in particular article 210 provides that in a special period, we will not talk about peacetime, fines from 17 00 to 25500 will be imposed for
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evading registration or for hiding from registration, further in a repeated period of time also provides for liability up to 25,500 for citizens and from 25,500 to 50.1 thousand for officials, these are such serious changes that occur in connection with the entry into force of this law concerning real estate, well there for if necessary, in exceptional cases , motor vehicles for the front may be involved, but this will be a rather responsible procedure, it will be individual. for every citizen, and the state undertakes the appropriate guarantees, after it
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attracts, what will be, what will be the compensatory means or methods after that, how will it be taken away, such special moments are no longer provided there, the responsibility is only criminal for those who who have already decided on the record and has deserted or evades service in the army, and in general it is administrative responsibility. i saw how our colleagues... from one tv channel made such an announcement that they are organizing courses for women who want to work as tv operators, as a rule, on tv channels, this profession has always been for men, because it involves carrying equipment, of course, cameras, for example, since i started working as a correspondent on television,
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the reduction in size is not so severe, but nevertheless, these measures are actually related to... the fact that more and more male cameramen are mobilized, and those who are still working , can also be mobilized, that's why they teach women. another story on another tv channel, a colleague told me how he came, just came to work, a man actually got a job as a tv cameraman, but very soon, in a few weeks , he quit, because in order to actually avoid... about television, but i suspect that this is the case in various enterprises, this is what happens, and i do not know, just with such, with such hiring and layoffs, whether our economy will be able to pull such
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a mobilization, well, in my opinion, in general now we have to... talk about trust in the authorities, and we have to talk about what a reasonable mobilization should be, yes, there are a lot of people in ukraine, i won't name the numbers there, because i'm not ready, but i believe that this more than 100,000 young people, still relatively young between the ages of 35 and 55, are military personnel, ex-servicemen, special servicemen, specialists, law enforcement officers who know what...weapons are, they know how to handle them, and they are much more competent than, excuse me, guards or any civilian who has no imagination at all military affairs, but these people, of course, will not sell their capabilities simply as it happens with the corresponding scarecrows,
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and also with psorossian ones, this person needs appropriate attention and trust. from the state and , accordingly, wages, in my opinion, it is necessary to radically and urgently move to the payment of real, fair wages to military personnel. this payment should be, it is what i call small, but it should be, it is 150,000 to each soldier and 300,00 to the one who serves from the beginning war i am convinced that this will immediately remove half of the tension. this is, firstly, secondly, what is the trust of the authorities, it should be logistics, it should be ensuring that families do not organize, equip a serviceman and do not hand over certain means to him as needed, well, let's say, control over the use budgetary and state funds for the military services for the armed forces,
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well, let me give an example, it already sounded more... 33 billion, the prime minister said, had been allocated for birds previously, now the second tranche of allocation, we calculated that this was enough would be for 15 million drones, but the question is, where are these drones, when every day people stand and beg, give them to us, because they are eyes, they are life, so i believe that it is necessary to strengthen, radically strengthen the activities of state bodies and the fight against corruption. this is a ripe question, i believe that here, although we have a war, the president is obliged to hold a coordination meeting, should form an anti-corruption strike force, where up to eight different bodies will be involved, including supervisors, who will deal with each a penny of the help and expenses provided to us
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zsu, there will be no other way, because you see the truth now. i have not heard such an official statement, only from one of the ministers of germany, they have doubts about the decency in the handling of funds, that is why i am convinced that the verkhovna rada should form investigative commissions, and the cabinet of ministers its own commissions for verification, and unfortunately , because people are not selected at all, sometimes they are not ready for public service, because they recruited ... up to the age of 40 only those who have no experience, this was highly encouraged, so i believe that state control should be strengthened, and regarding people, you need to talk to people objectively. in ukraine , the patronage was never used when they were driven somewhere by force, especially when there is mistrust, when there is distribution and pso, when people report to
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military personnel that they threw us there, they don't give us that, that's why there must be trust, there must be communication the president with society on irrelevant issues, politics should be forgotten, and even if there are not enough funds, then you should speak, people will understand it, but what... such funds, let's judge, nak-naftogaz, a thousand working people, i don't know, now i remember, here's what i last read, 2.2 billion wage fund, secondly, when the conductor there receives 8 thousand, well, there is information on social networks that the head of the railway receives 9 million per month, or take all the supervisory boards or take officials who receive a salary of more than 100,000, but they ca n’t... or not there is an urgent need to cut those salaries, of course there are, they are not on the front lines, well, among other things, various construction work, it is necessary to optimize, because
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today we are not concerned with roads, not with construction, today we need to protect the state first of all, and the president is obliged to ask the prime minister every day, what have you not added for the army, why is there not why the constructions, why the fields were not mined, when for six... months this struggle with providing us assistance lasted, that it is not clear that the enemy can and will use this window, will attack, of course we will fight back, but with what forces and what losses, here i am in this i'm talking about trust, there must be trust and there must be a clear, unequivocal relationship to a serviceman, every commander must and is obliged to bear responsibility, as it is in israel, every loss... of a person, every dead person is a total, serious check, why died, whether the officials are not to blame and so on. of course, war is very cruel, and
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today our enemy uses artillery, cabs and covers in those places, where you can even sometimes not predict. well, but still there should be a very responsible attitude to everything mr. mykola, here our viewer asks in the comments. under our youtube broadcast, if i updated the data in august 2023, and nothing has changed since then, should i update again from may 18 or not? no, no, it's just, it's about those people who didn't renew, who didn't become, who are out of account, such people, unfortunately, who won't become, won't renew, waiting for an announcement, there is such a search procedure, it doesn't mean , that this is a criminal case, but at any... any block of post, in any place, when such a person is stopped by the national police from the tsk, in they have taxes in their tablets, and such a person
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is immediately detained and taken to the tsk in order to renew his registration, of course with a corresponding fine, according to the corresponding amounts that i mentioned. i just want to be clear here that we need to get more troops into the ranks now. yes, we have experience in the principle of large mobilization companies, great warriors of the past, from the vietnam war, which is not far from us in democratic countries, to, for example, the first world war, and this is some experience that already exists here no need to invent some bicycles for sure, and on the other hand, the second problem that is faced now, primarily business, the market is that business activity, in fact, it the reason is that in fact whole companies lose, for example, key employees, and as a rule, there are not very young people there, they are people who are experienced, who are good specialists,
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who can be kicked out only because somewhere they are there or seen, or found, or mobilized, again, and there must be this balance, or this mobilization law, it answers the first question, how to attract strong and healthy young men to... and b) how to calm down, relatively speaking, business, industry, taxpayers, so that they do not hide, on the contrary, freely pay taxes and freely work and develop business, this is also critical to winning the war. well, of course, i completely agree with you, strategically, i will say that we are obliged, the president is obliged to submit the national strategy for the approval of the verkhovna rada. security, which should include both challenges and measures to be unambiguity in the actions of all authorities and local self-government. as for the thesis that you voiced, it is very correct and apt.
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because i have already emphasized that if these people who know and know how to hold weapons are invited to join the army now, it will weaken any, any need to go and catch people, this is firstly, secondly , it is necessary to urgently and systematically reduce the pressure on business as much as possible, this should be the corresponding situation that existed at the beginning of the war, i... i simply do not understand how it happened that at the beginning of the war they did everything right, and then i have the impression that the war has already ended for someone, and these various corruption schemes have started again, attacks on business and so on, well, you have to have a mind in your head, this is firstly, secondly, that relates to that topic in general, if we now go for a reasonable mobilization of those people and give them wages, then there will be no need to close
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the borders, there will be no need... to look for young people abroad, and not so young people, to ease the pressure on business and they will return themselves, they will start working, and it must be understood that today they are corrupt government officials who are in power should not expect any income from the left for themselves, they should expect income to the budget, this is what the guarantor says about it, the verkhovna rada says about it, but it is necessary to move from words to deeds, and most likely already... these measures, and mr. hetmantsev should not focus on the peacetime imf and understand that we are at war, and be able to open his mouth, say something in opposition, and not act clearly under the heel and introduce certain measures, i think that we will understand, as well, if to turn to partners for help for military personnel, then i am convinced that
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such help... will be provided, because every state understands that the army must be provided both in monetary terms and in material terms, that is, there must be equipment and everything else, so i think that only reasonable logistics, but all this fits into this national security strategy, i do not understand why it is not adopted, because there is no war in the united states of america, but the president, but the president submits to his congress for approval ... and the appropriate senate a strategy that provides protection, not only military protection, but protection of the economy, defense, protection of culture, education, science, everything, that is , all risks are foreseen here, and then from top to bottom everyone understands what to do, in some cases we have there is such a battle, it happens very often, that is, let's say that it is necessary
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to strengthen. therefore, you need to build fortifications not when something has already pecked somewhere from the side, but in advance, it should be a triad of provisions, analysis, forecast, anticipation, so it should be hammered into this national security strategy, thank you very much, mr. mykola, mykola golomsha, an honored lawyer of ukraine, deputy prosecutor general of ukraine was with us in the third, fifth and 14th-19th years, but now we will go for a short trip... .pause, before that i want to say that in order to find more interesting and relevant information, please subscribe and go to espresso tv, there our social networks on youtube and others, and also search for espresso, be sure to subscribe to to our youtube channel, after all there are live teru broadcasts, there are special projects, there are all programs, recordings of programs that you can only see on our youtube, and of course,


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